What oh-so-important special attackers are present that he check so efficiently? What's so scary about his shitty low 200 sp.atk Moonblast?
Why would you ever use that over Blissey? Or even fucking Clefable?
It's a really stupid idea. Just picture this scenario.
Player A has Latios
He uses whatever, you switch in your Sylveon.
Then what?
Why do you even need such an investment in sp.def for that? What exactly do you DO beyond forcing him to switch? You can't set up shit, you can only hope at best to toxic the switch in which would kick your ass.
It doesn't work. And in a meta that's so based around physical attackers right now with all these mega evos running around it's plain retarded.
You need to play him to his strength, which is being a fairy type. Meaning you need to check fighting and dragon types. Which are predominantly physical based and would kick your ass.