So I am obsessing over Mega Pinsir. Swords dance doubles Attack, right? So that means after a swords dance mega Pinsir reaches a whopping 898 Attack. Holy fuckin shit. Also why the fuck not, who wants a fucking Close Combat and Quick attack Adamant Pinsir? With Good Attack and Speed IV's of course. I'm currently breeding for them. Stuff I'm looking for: Dittos and Any pokemon that would fit into these kinds of teams be it in your friend garden or already bred (decent IV's please) Make your offer and I'll add you. Team one: Mega mawile, Gyarados, Goodra Team Two: Mega Pinsir, Azumarill, Goodra
Man, I just want to second the hype for Mega Pinsir. I'm on box 23 trying to breed a shiny, although mine are jolly. Seems like it would make a great Mega Blaziken counter. What would you have as your 4th move? Flying Thrash? Or Earthquake for coverage?
Butts 5429-7406-2002
>>14918673 I would LOVE one OP, but I won't be able to trade for another three hours.
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:36:39 No. 14919098 Report >>14918906 I love flying thrash but I'm not sure right now. I bred Close combat on him just in case. I might be replacing it with Earthquake though.would you mind trading me a jolly one? I'd like to try that too.
What are your IVs like?
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard]
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard] Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:36:50 No. 14919108 Report I am looking for a Pinsir like the one you are talking about. I just need to make sure it has Hyper Cutter ability, I feel this one will be more usefull so you can't get Intimidated before you mega-evolve.
3rd here for Pinsir Hype.
Managed to get one with max Atk, Def, Sp.Def, Spd but with dismal HP so i'm breeding it with a ditto.
I'm running 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP.
quick attack
>>14918906 Unfortunately Mega Blaziken will still OHKO mega pinsir with flare blitz. Pinsir will guarantee 2HKO with quick attack and guarantee OHKO with EQ. With a SD you can OHKO with a quick attack.
So the trick is here to run it in the rain (i'm using pelipper for this) and EQ it or beat it at the start and SD on the protect and OHKO next turn with STAB quick attack.
>>14918673 I can trade you a marill with aqua jet and 31 ivs in hp,attack,spD, and spe.
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:39:03 No. 14919222 Report Quoted By:
>>14919041 Well butts, just write down my FC and I'll add you and we'll do this later.
>>14919108 very true... Didn't think about that. Fortunately I'm breeding with a Ditto and a male Pinsir so we'll see some Hyper Cutter ones.
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:41:01 No. 14919326 Report 4613 7075 6596
>>14918673 I have both an adamant and modest imposter ditto with three perfect IVs each. Want to trade?
>>14919326 What are your best iv'd ones?
Adam 3737-9640-4175 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion)
Adam 3737-9640-4175 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:45:11 No. 14919545 Report What sort of Dittos are you looking for? I'm stocked on plenty with 2 perfect IV's, and have one or two with 3. I wouldn't mind trying out a Pinsir.
obse 4768-7438-8792
Quoted By:
I could offer you a timid joltik wit ivs in SP attack and speed
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:48:50 No. 14919767 Report >>14919472 Sure, let me just get you a Hyper Cutter one first. I hadn't considered being intimidated. I'd like a modest one.
>>14919516 They don't exist yet, but they will all mostly have ATK and Speed.
>>14919545 Someone else is trading me modest ones, maybe you could give me a defensive or specially defensive one?
4613 7075 6596
>>14919767 Cool, send me a trade when you're ready. In-game name is lyra.
>>14919767 Let's see. It looks like the best one I have that fits that description is a Calm Ditto with 31 in Sp. Attack and Def. I can dig around through my other ones that have non-defense Natures if that one doesn't interest you.
Joe 2535-3651-3054 (Wooper-Palpitoad-Marowak)
Joe 2535-3651-3054 (Wooper-Palpitoad-Marowak) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:57:29 No. 14920232 Report >>14919098 I can send you my second best, it's got perfect Attack, Speed, and Special Defense. Female, although I can probably find a decent male if you want one as well.
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:57:46 No. 14920250 Report >>14920047 Calm ditto is good. Would work for Sylveon if I decide to make one.
I have added
Let me know if I missed you.
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 19:59:29 No. 14920338 Report >>14920232 That's good, does it have Hyper Cutter?
Adam 3737-9640-4175 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion)
Adam 3737-9640-4175 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:00:25 No. 14920384 Report >>14920250 Alright, I'll get him for you. Do you want me to name him anything? He's currently named "Spatk Def" for organization purposes.
Artix 3711 7753 0026
Honestly I think Return/Quick Attack/X-Scissor/CC@Scarf or Band is the best build, particularly if you want to counter Blaziken. [Adamant Quick Attack would kill I assume] As a general rule Thrash is awful and Double-Edge is so-so, Return is usually the best solution. It's like a flying type Earthquake really, why bother with Recoil or Trash Thrash? Not sure if SD could work, this guy really looks like some sort of new-gen Scizor to me, where the Swords Dance set ends up being the niche one.
Joe 2535-3651-3054 (Wooper-Palpitoad-Marowak)
Joe 2535-3651-3054 (Wooper-Palpitoad-Marowak) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:01:59 No. 14920452 Report >>14920338 Yep. And I did find a male with perfect HP, Attack, and Speed, also with Hyper Cutter, so you can have a pair if you want.
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:02:36 No. 14920483 Report >>14920384 nah that's cool. I'll come up with the pinsir soon.
>>14920435 >choice items on Megas. Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:05:59 No. 14920641 Report Quoted By:
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:09:27 No. 14920830 Report >>14919941 I don't have em yet, trying to get a Hyper cutter Pinsir to really get this going.
Adam 3737-9640-4175 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion)
Adam 3737-9640-4175 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:11:00 No. 14920904 Report Quoted By:
>>14920483 I should probably mention my in-game name is Ketara. So, go ahead and invite me to a trade whenever you're ready.
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:13:39 No. 14921056 Report sorry this is taking so long guys, I'm shooting for a female Hyper cutter pinsir so I could get started with trades. If you'd be fine with mold breaker let me know. I have a male Hyper cutter Pinsir so far.
Artix 3711 7753 0026
>>14920507 Shit son where's my brain at.
Go for SD then. Does max atk Adamant KO without a boost in one hit? [quickattack on blaziken that is]
4613 7075 6596
Quoted By:
>>14920830 Sorry about the connection. Seems like wondertrading and battling is fine but trading it acts like shit.
Artix 3711 7753 0026
Quoted By:
>>14921178 Pokemon's useless against Blaziken in other words.
Well I guess he could still be fun on a SD set in general
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:18:51 No. 14921356 Report Quoted By:
>>14921084 It should unless for some reason they're running a bulky Blaziken.
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:20:30 No. 14921449 Report Quoted By:
Okay guys, I've got a female Hyper cutter Pinsir, Breeding is about to start rolling real soon.
This is perhaps the most noobish question that I could possibly ask, but I will do so anyway. Moves like Tail Whip, Growl, Agility, Swords Dance, etc. alter stats by "one stage" or "two stages" or whatever. What does this actually mean? Can someone explain the mechanics of stat altering moves? Pic related, 'cause I'm retarded.
Artix 3711 7753 0026
Quoted By:
>>14921697 You could just google it or read on Bulbapedia.
One stage is 50% boost, two stage is 100%. Meaning Swords Dance doubles your attack.
Quoted By:
>>14921697 one stage is a 1.5x amplifier or 0.75x reduction
second stage is 2x or 0.5x reduction
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:28:25 No. 14921851 Report Quoted By:
>>14921697 well two stages is doubling. That should answer that question.
Nihlus 2320 7041 3494
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I'd like a good Pinsir, I've got some Naive Protean Froakies and some Modest ones too if you want one of those.
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:38:38 No. 14922366 Report I've got one hyper cutter with 31 in attack for whoever wants it. For some fucking reason his Speed isn't 31...
Adam 3737-9640-4175 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion)
Adam 3737-9640-4175 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:40:31 No. 14922456 Report Quoted By:
>>14922366 I'm fine with that. I have to get going here soon anyways, so I'll be more than happy to take that one.
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:41:36 No. 14922510 Report Quoted By:
31 in HP and Speed
Quoted By:
Feint and Quick Attack No megablazikens allowed.
>>14921056 >mol I wanna know why is hyper cutter better than mold breaker. im currently breeding adamant mold breakers
Adam 3737-9640-4175 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion)
Adam 3737-9640-4175 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:45:54 No. 14922717 Report Quoted By:
Thanks a bunch!
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:48:04 No. 14922808 Report Quoted By:
>>14922704 they don't get intimidated.
jurdin 3411 1174 6852 (ditto aipom loudred)
jurdin 3411 1174 6852 (ditto aipom loudred) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:48:21 No. 14922826 Report i have a jolly friend safari ditto with 31 spdef and def! If I could a guy that would be great!
Quoted By:
Say OP.. What does the mega pinsir look like?
>>14922704 >Hyper Cutter Protects you from intimidate before Mega
>Moldbreaker Suitable if you aren't going to mega and anything with levitate that might wall you eg bronzong?
>Moxie Get a sneaky revenge kill with quick attack (or outspeed nornally). Then Mega for boosted attack before mega.
jurdin 3411 1174 6852 (ditto aipom loudred)
jurdin 3411 1174 6852 (ditto aipom loudred) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:51:58 No. 14923012 Report Quoted By:
>>14918673 i have a jolly ditto with 31 spdef and def? If i could have a male w/ hyper cutter and 31 att/spd that would be great
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:52:57 No. 14923067 Report I'm getting pissed off here because fucking Destiny knot seems to be missing Attack sometimes when transfering and getting Speed and everything else without attack or attack and no speed. Fucking Shit. I'm going to use the power bracer to breed instead, make sure you guys get that attack and hope on speed. Fucking A.
>>14922826 That sounds amazing
jurdin 3411 1174 6852 (ditto aipom loudred)
jurdin 3411 1174 6852 (ditto aipom loudred) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:54:00 No. 14923134 Report Quoted By:
Dark - Bisharp, Crawduant, Inkay. Kenneth 2509-1645-5645
Dark - Bisharp, Crawduant, Inkay. Kenneth 2509-1645-5645 Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:54:26 No. 14923156 Report I've got a Magic Bounce, timid male Abra with perfect sp.atk and speed IVs if you're willing to trade it with a pinsir with some decent IVs.
>>14922927 >Moxie Hmm I am thinking of starting to breed a beast of a pinsir.. Would moxie be better for a sweeper or should it be a hyper cutter?
Funky 3540-0134-0943 (poison)
>>14922826 add me please! Really need that ditto
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:57:02 No. 14923293 Report Quoted By:
>>14923156 sure let me hatch a couple eggs
jurdin 3411 1174 6852 (ditto aipom loudred)
jurdin 3411 1174 6852 (ditto aipom loudred) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:58:13 No. 14923359 Report Quoted By:
>>14923232 sorry im just looking for that pinsir lol
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 20:58:56 No. 14923400 Report >>14923157 I think its a little risky but worth a shot.
>>14923400 Cool thanks for the reply.
Quick question though..
How do I get a pinsir with Moxie) I am a n00b at breeding Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 21:04:57 No. 14923706 Report Okay, I've got three. 2 HP and Attack and the other is HP and Speed
>>14923571 friend safari
Quoted By:
>>14923706 oh I see. Thanks again
jurdin 3411 1174 6852 (ditto aipom loudred)
jurdin 3411 1174 6852 (ditto aipom loudred) Sun 20 Oct 2013 21:07:09 No. 14923812 Report >>14923706 i'll take the hp and attack if that okay. what genders?
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 21:09:31 No. 14923931 Report jurdin 3411 1174 6852 (ditto aipom loudred)
jurdin 3411 1174 6852 (ditto aipom loudred) Sun 20 Oct 2013 21:10:42 No. 14923984 Report >>14923931 alright great, i've already added you
Maple 4356-0443-8568
>>14918673 >>14918673 I would LOVE one if possible, but I'm afraid that I still don't have much to offer since I'm only 2 badges in...
Dark - Bisharp, Crawduant, Inkay. Kenneth 2509-1645-5645
Dark - Bisharp, Crawduant, Inkay. Kenneth 2509-1645-5645 Sun 20 Oct 2013 21:11:22 No. 14924019 Report >>14923706 i can take the hp and speed one
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 21:14:24 No. 14924174 Report >>14923984 cool sending one your way
>>14924019 kay
>>14923997 I'll see what I can do
Maple 4356-0443-8568
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 21:20:54 No. 14924477 Report Whos Hystras?
Dark - Bisharp, Crawduant, Inkay. Kenneth 2509-1645-5645
Dark - Bisharp, Crawduant, Inkay. Kenneth 2509-1645-5645 Sun 20 Oct 2013 21:24:56 No. 14924669 Report Quoted By:
>>14924477 Me. Thanks a bunch!
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 21:26:17 No. 14924724 Report Anyone who hasn't gotten one yet let me know. Its been a little hard keeping up.
Maple 4356-0443-8568
>>14924351 The rarest Pokemon I have is my Hawlucha. Will that work?
>>14924724 I haven't yet it the offer's still on the table.
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu)
Abe (in game) Lost_Taco (3DS) FC: 3995-6541-2361(Mankey,Troh,Riolu) Sun 20 Oct 2013 21:30:36 No. 14924921 Report Quoted By: