I got about 20 of these in case anyone wants, rather share them here than sending them in WT, Modest nature with Infiltrator and 31 ivs on Sp. Atk Speed or Defense, some have 2 or 3 I'll take anything, just don't send me early game mons
Brianna 0516-7816-5358
>>14924933 Sign me up. I've got some shitmons with pokerus if you want.
Cheetoz 0232-8759-6546
>>14925085 Sure i'll add you in a sec
Aaron 2852-7462-0104
Can I get one of the ones with 31 SpA and Spe? I can give starters.
Ez 5257 9189 8705
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>>14924933 Could I grab one? Female preferably.
Cheetoz 0232-8759-6546
>>14925297 Let me find one, err I have starters already you got something else?
Zack 0791-1775-0194
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I'd like a female one pls
Blackberries 4699-5323-2761
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I'll take one, pref with Sp. Atk
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May I have one pleaseeee
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can i have one op
Aaron 2852-7462-0104
>>14925394 A few things here and there, let me see.
Ez 5257 9189 8705
Aaron 2852-7462-0104
>>14925785 I could breed you a Larvesta, Dratini, or Pawniard. I also have a Protean Froakie if you dont have one with Protean,
Zack 0791-1775-0194
>>14925883 What he said
>>14925934 Can I trade you an Insomnia Pumpkaboo for Froakie? Preferably female?
2595-0428-1204 (Pikachu, Dedenne, ???)
>>14924933 Me please! I can give you a charmander or a fennekin if you'd like (though the natures are terrible).
Aaron 2852-7462-0104
>>14926088 What size is he?
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, ???, ???) [Unsure]
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, ???, ???) [Unsure] Sun 20 Oct 2013 21:58:25 No. 14926261 Report >>14926163 They're all small I believe. I thought they grow bigger as they level, though?
Cheetoz 0232-8759-6546
>>14925934 Larvesta please
>>14926088 I dont have any Protean left tho, just Torrent, or a Bulletproof Chespin
>>14926132 Err I got starters already, anything else is fine
Ellie 1134-8276-0519
>>14924933 If you've still got any, I'd be interested! I'm trying to MM some Noibats right now. The rejects are mostly WT fodder, but I do have two with Naive natures (one has Infiltrator, the other has Frisk) and a Rash. Also an Eevee with Lonely nature.
May I have one OP? I'd prefer sp atk or speed, but i'll take any if they're left
Aaron 2852-7462-0104
>>14926261 Nope, it stays the same size.
>>14926308 Larvesta it is.
Ellie 1134-8276-0519
>>14924933 If you've still got any Sp. Atk ones, I'd be interested! I'm trying to MM some Noibats right now. The rejects are mostly WT fodder, but I do have two with Naive natures (one has Infiltrator, the other has Frisk) and a Rash. Also an Eevee with Lonely nature.
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, ???, ???) [Unsure]
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, ???, ???) [Unsure] Sun 20 Oct 2013 22:02:54 No. 14926511 Report >>14926308 I'll trade you a Pumpkaboo for a Chespin. Preferably female.
>>14926411 Do you still want one or no?
2595-0428-1204 (Pikachu, Dedenne, ???)
>>14926308 Uh, how do you feel about Infiltrator noibats? I have Timid and Modest ones.
Aaron 2852-7462-0104
>>14926511 Sure, let me add you and finish trading Cheetoz
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sun 20 Oct 2013 22:05:53 No. 14926671 Report Quoted By:
Cheetoz 0232-8759-6546
>>14926382 Noibat is fine, the Infiltrator one please
>>14926397 Ill look for one with 2 or 3
>>14926511 I think I have males only, but I can breed some later when I finish giving these away
>>14926576 Well I'm gonna get one from
>>14926473 , anything else please?
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sun 20 Oct 2013 22:07:53 No. 14926777 Report Quoted By:
>>14926710 Alright I can wait, just send a trade request when you have a female if you can
Cheetoz 0232-8759-6546
>>14927111 No problem
>>14926576 Send me a trade request when youre ready
>>14926397 Couldnt add you. incorrect FC
>>14927410 Really? Sorry, but could you try again? I'm reading the code right off my friend list
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Hi May I have one?
Cheetoz 0232-8759-6546
>>14927577 Weird now it worked, send me a request when youre ready
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>>14927736 thanks a lot dude!
2595-0428-1204 (Pikachu, Dedenne, ???)
>>14927410 Sorry, I've been trying to breed some DW abilities but no luck so far... Would it be alright if I just trade you something half decent then?
>>14924933 can I have a male please? 4742-6011-5789
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Thanks a lot OP much appreciated
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>>14927987 forgot to add, name's sou
Kyran 3754-7133-3145
>>14924933 So modest nature infiltrator 31 ive SP. Att?
I got some fenekins.
Cheetoz 0232-8759-6546
Quoted By:
>>14927943 Sure dont worry about it too much
>>14927987 I'll add your FC next
2595-0428-1204 (Pikachu, Dedenne, ???)
Cheetoz 0232-8759-6546
>>14928128 Something else please? I got so many starters already
I just love Espurr's look.
Kyran 3754-7133-3145
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>>14928386 Thanks for accepting the Trapinch.
Joseph | 4940-5614-4007
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>>14928392 Me too. It will be a shame to even evolve it.
The female evolved form is pretty cool though, I guess.
Cheetoz 0232-8759-6546
>>14928392 Ive been wanting a shiny one so bad, he became an unexpected bro to me
>>14928532 thanks anon, restarting game so you can have that shiny~
Kyran 3754-7133-3145
Cheetoz 0232-8759-6546
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>>14928663 I totally wasnt expecting that, thank you so much!