Old Thread
>>14925449 >>14925449 Friend your fellow trainers for more safari choices.
Submit suggestions/corrections
>Extended FAQ https://docs.google.com/document/d/13MvLYLFQq4YcOyMC49DWcOgqij1thEC_sDUKJ4I2Mk4/pub FAQs
People and Places:
>How do I get into the boutique/Hair styles? http://i.imgur.com/P0Wpe5x.jpg >How do I get passed the punk in the Lost Hotel? You need to talk to and learn the skating tricks from the skaters in Lumiose city.
>Where do you spend Pokemiles? Lumiose Pokecenter, South Boulevard
>Where are the Move Relearner/Deleter? Dendemille Town
>I can't find _____ in Lumiose city! http://i.imgur.com/IzecHL3.png Items:
>Where do I find a Dusk stone? Complete the Super Training Secret Mode with the Aegislash Baloon, (Requires a fully EVd mon), talk to the Team Flare member (Post Game) or Terminus Cave
>...Shiny stone? Route 12 ride the Skiddo around.
>Where do I find the Mega stone for ______? http://serebii.net/xy/megaevolutions.shtml (You can only find Mega Stones between 8pm to 9pm game time after finishing one battle at the Maison and defeating your rival. You must then examine the giant sundial in Anistar and talk to Sycamore)
>Where do I find TM __? http://serebii.net/xy/tmhm.shtml >Movesets http://www.smogon.com/forums/forums/research.251/ Pokemon:
>Where do I find Eevee? Route 10
>Where do I find Ditto? Pokemon Village, South of Route 20
>How do I evolve it into Sylveon? Get two hearts on the affection meter in Amie and teach it a fairy type move (It learns charm as it levels up)
>Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres keep running and I can't catch them, wat do? Keep chasing them till they stop at the Sea Spirit's Den, you can catch them there.
>How do I evolve Inkay/Skrelp/Clauncher Turn the 3DS upside-down after you hear the *ding* of it leveling up(Level 30)
Level 48 (No Camoflage has nothing to do with it)
Level 37
>Does tipping increase shiny chance? That is only a rumor, no confirmation on that.
Ask any question you want, ignore the assholes ;)!
>>14930492 st for porygon is shit
I'm trying to make a competetive team, so far I'm thinking about using -Klefki -Trevenant -Goodra (more oriented towards special attack) -Toxicroak -Kangaskhan I need a sixth pokemon. I think I need a special attacker but I don't know what to use other than maybe alakazam, any other suggestions? Should I change any of them? Also no ubers or legendaries please.
Denton 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Denton 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Sun 20 Oct 2013 23:16:15 No. 14930628 Report Oh fuck I love Porygon, is it a safari Pokemon?
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>>14930556 >;) suck my dick? Anonymous
I just tipped someone about 500k and got a shiny on my first random encounter. I really do think it helps guys.
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Where do I find scyther on route 21? I can't locate this little bastard. Same for arbok and geodude on route 19, they just weren't able to be horded at all. Also, how do you tell what size your gourgeist is aside from guessing?
Where do you get rock smash? Where do you get cut? How do you break through the stone walls?
Does Pidgeot really have 101 speed now?
Zach: 2208 5570 0613
Wanting to use this sexy beast: Banette@Banettite Brave, 252 HP, 252 Atk, 6 Def Cursed Body -Shadow Sneak -Destiny Bond -Will-O-Wisp -Substitute But I also want to use Trevenant, BUT planning on doing online battles often and 2 ghost types might not be the best idea. Any suggestions on what else to add to my team?
>>14930693 Scyther's hard to find.
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Can someone draw a picture that explains how to solve the Ice gym puzzle? It's baffling me
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>>14930655 pics or it didnt happen
> X and Y praised to have a almost all pokemon available > Decide to check > http://www.serebii.net/xy/unobtainable.shtml > Massive amount missing What a load of shit.
Florges or Blissey for best special wall?
Ok seriously now, can someone explain what IV and EV are? I get that the faq tells you how to get and train them but what in the shit ARE they? Preferably without all the hate, but as long as it gets answered I'll take the abuse.
>>14930730 Really? Shit, I wish serebii had percentages up.
How do you reach berry on a tree?
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>>14930746 >a few legendaries and starters >massive Anonymous
>>14930731 What thread should I ask in then
>>14930828 You don't. You get one berry that is on the ground, then plant it in your garden.
How do I teach Garchomp Outrage?
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>>14930746 There are people with over 600 pokemon once you get the national dex, even without pokemon bank
450 in the regional dex is unprecedented, BW2 were fucking huge with 300 and even if you discount the new 'mons in X and Y there's still more than that
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
X/Y Questions Thread 54 Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895 Sun 20 Oct 2013 23:20:59 No. 14930920 Report Quoted By:
>>14930655 >Tipped 500K That's not even an option bro.
>>14930693 They are rare. I don't feel like getting the picture from the guide.
>>14930792 >>14930832 >X/Y Questions Thread Correct thread. Eat a pig's dick.
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>>14930757 Blissey would probably be better
>>14930792 Go to bulbapedia. Look up breeding to learn about IVs
Can I obtain a Slowpoke with regenerator before december?
What does the team flare punching bag do?
>>14930492 Wait, do you have a Porygon? I thought it was unobtainable in X/Y?
>>14930938 There's a difference between questions and trying to have a thread cater to your needs. If you want help with IV/EVs then find a thread based on that. Like the 20+ competition threads up, or the 5+ breeding threads.
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>>14930980 Makes them happy.
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>>14930865 then what's the point of being able to be examined?
After the elite 4, is there any PC nearby I can change my Pokemon so I don't have to go all the way back through the forest? I don't take a flying Pokemon with me so it's a pain.
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>>14930980 Speeds up getting bags from punching the regular punching bag
Good for getting reset bags
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I can't get my pokemiles to show up in my global link profile on the website. I just synced, disconnected reconnected ect but they still wont show up. Any suggestions?
Why does the OP post continue to imply that you can evolve Ditto into Sylveon?
>>14931043 I dont want help with IV/EV I just want to know what the fuck they are. The op has incomplete information on them, so this IS the thread to post in.
>>14930938 http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/EV http://www.serebii.net/games/evs.shtml WOW SO HARD SO UNDERGROUND HOW DID I FIND THESE ARTICLES WITHOUT SEARCHING ON GOOGLE OR YOUTUBE
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>>14931043 Please take your shitposting back to the old thread please.
>>14930872 Get a male axew that knows outrage.
It learns by level up and let it fuck a female gible.
>>14931122 That is basic fucking information though. Are you going to start whining that no one is explaining different genders to you?
>>14930792 IV = individual values
invisible values that tell you if you're Pokemon is genetically superior to others or not. Gives off more stats - superior from the get go.
EV = effort values
fighting certain Pokemon raise effort values. Poochyena gives 1 attack ev. Four Poochyena equal 4 attack evs. Four attack evs equal 1 attack stat. Each stat can hold up to 255 evs individually, but each Pokemon can only hold around 510 evs, so you will have two useless evs left over.
You can make Mightyena have 252 attack evs, and 252 speed evs which will equal an amount of 504. You can then add 4 more evs in a random stat to equal 508. The last two evs don't matter.
EV's are a form of training which make your Pokemon stronger. IV's are genetics which have your Pokemon strong from the get go. So if you have both, you're amazing.
>>14931158 Can I breed that outrage gible further after that?
I'm new to the GTS, do I need to stay online for my 'mon to stay up? Do I need to be online when someone wants it? Do I have to agree to it or will I just hop onto the GTS one day and find what I wanted waiting for me?
>>14931125 Ok now summerize it for me so I don't have to click off of this site to find the info, like I asked.
>>14931183 Nope, just that everyone refuses to give out "basic" information to someone that has been asking (previously nicely) for it.
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>>14931122 It's fucking common knowledge about the series, not X and Y
read the fucking bulbapedia article that's been there for YEARS and it will explain it better than we would be able to
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>>14931183 Wait...whaat are genders?
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Is Hidden Power even worth using anymore?
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>>14931113 >He doesn't know Shiroh 0173-2346-3038
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I keep getting trade errors when trying to wonder trade or trade with a friend. No error code, just a simple "error has occured". What do? I'm connected to the net just fine in-game.
Not sure if this is known, but I just got into Lumiose Boutique by buying 50 Premier Balls 1 at a time in the Lumiose Pokeball shop.
What's this online chat shit you can enable?
>>14931268 >but i can't read mommy Now you're just a little cunt.
>>14931207 and there this faggot.
Fags like you make people think that /vp/ is the same tier as bulbapedia and sereebi.
There is a reason why spoonfeeding isn't allowed.
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>>14931268 Why does everyone need to drop what they're doing and serve you by typing out an essay on a topic that's been around longer than you've been alive?
>>14931312 Don't do it! People will be able to hear you talking in real life. Holy shit it made my social anxiety flare up I started sweating like a mother fucker
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Where is the best place for level grinding (post-game) Are Elite Four runs the most efficient or is there something better now?
>>14931207 Holy shit thank you for preventing my inevitable ulcer.
>>14931315 you made me this way
So are Feebas and Milotic in the Friend Safari? I´m getting mixed signals everywhere
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
X/Y Questions Thread 54 Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895 Sun 20 Oct 2013 23:28:17 No. 14931400 Report Quoted By:
>>14931252 Once it's there it's there until it's traded and you take it back.
>>14931250 Sure
>>14931312 Voice chat.
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>>14931268 >okay now summerize Okay, Mr. Spoonfed Simpleton, I'll SUMMARIZE it for you.
When you do one of several things in-game your Pokemon get EVs. EVs do things to your stats. IVs are kinda different from that but also affect stats.
THERE. Can you go away now?
>>14931344 The funny thing is if the information was just given out or put into the faq in the first fucking place literally everyone except you would be much happier for it.
>>14931375 It's fine. I never started doing IVs and EVs until 4th gen anyway. Play with it a while and you'll create Pokemon left and right. It may be hard at first, but after a while, you'll get used to it.
>>14931434 Google it fag! This thread isn't for questions anymore supposedly, it's for shitposting!
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>>14931389 If they're available no one is trading them.
>>14931375 No, you're just too dumb to find basic information on your own.
>>14931434 across the street from the pokemon center
>>14931369 Th-that sounds scary.
If I level up the EV's of a level 1 Pokémon to full through Super Training, is it still detrimental to use Rare Candies on it any time at all until it reaches lvl 100?
Mj. Spoilers
so the bad guy just activated the weapon in Geosenge Town where do I go now?
3093 8237 2113 Sanuhan
how to entei? how to porygon?
>>14931461 Funny thing is, we don't need to put common sense in the topic. WHAT ARE POKEMON and HOW DOES I WORK 3DS do not need to be put in the FAQ to make this thread work. It hasn't needed that up until now, which means that you're the problem here. You.
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>>14931524 you can level it however you want once you finish EV training
>>14931490 Dumb, maybe. Stubborn and reluctant to be swept under the elitist carpet, possibly more-so.
>>14930492 I will give a fucking jap. ditto for a porygon for the love of god how do u get a porygon that is my legit favorite poke ever....
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is timid a good nature for sylveon
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>>14931524 It hasn't been detrimental to use rare candies for a while now.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>14931483 I understand that repetitive questions are annoying, but please take the pineapple out of your ass and at least try to help rather than shit up the thread further, thank you.
>>14931516 It's just during games and trades and stuff.
>>14931562 L2P Anonymous
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>>14931559 Geosenge Town. Remember that door of rocks from earlier?
>>14931587 You can only see them for now.
How do I cancel my choice after I press "Trade" in a Trade..?
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>>14931369 I did it once with a trade. It wasn't that bad, really. We just thanked each other for the trade and that was it.
>>14931564 Asking what are IVs and EVs is nothing like WUTR POKEZ AND HOW 3DS WORKS. Stop comparing them, shitposter.
>>14931536 Scrafty
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>>14931559 go to stop it dumb dumb
>>14931583 >elitist carpet >i'm too good to read linked articles Anonymous
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>>14931564 Funny thing is there wouldn't have been any issue whatsoever if you weren't an asshole.
>>14931464 I'll go find a more accepting thread now to assist in more detail, thank you.
Mj. Spoilers
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>14931655 Turn off the DS.
Or if just keep hitting B before the last confirm screen.
>>14931699 Complete the regional dex and catch mew, there is a minigame in the pokemon center similar to the show.
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I accidently caught Yveltal without saving before the cutscene. Can anyone sheck what are it's IV? Timid-alert to sounds HP 201 AT 135 DF 115 SA 151 SDF 118 SPD 130
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>>14931647 i am dissapoint now....
Has anyone's saving speed been rather slow? Mine takes at least 20 seconds to complete now
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>>14931666 EVs and IVs are something they reference inside of the game. I don't think you've even played Pokemon before.
3093 8237 2113 Sanuhan
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>>14931613 No. Casual is fun Anonymous
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I just tried voice chat when trading with someone a second ago. never fucking again.
Zach: 2208 5570 0613
>>14930726 bump this question
Which one of my Hydreigon's head should I feed?
>>14931779 Nope, mine's still just about instantaneous.
>>14931779 Occasional Game Sync is the only thing that slows it down and they make a note of telling you when that happens.
>>14931867 hmm I guess I have too many pokemon or something
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>>14931864 If you're talking about Amie, lower center is the only spot that'll work.
>>14931915 The penis head?
Does Eevee learn any good fairy type moves? Ive been breeding them all day for a good Jolteon, and I have 5 perfect IVs on a couple of them.. but because of that, I can't get Ice hidden power. Not sure what to use in its place.
who designed these fucking skates man
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>>14931921 Did you try getting offline? When I'm online, it does the whole game sync thing and it takes forever.
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>>14931906 I haven't used that though
>>14931921 How many do you have?
Is Shuckle da bes pokeyman?
So I've fallen into the same trap that I always fall into. I feel like I have no direction in the game (I've just gotten the fourth badge). Right now I have Greninja, Charizard, and Pikachu, with Bibarel and Ducklett for HM slaves. I feel like I'm progressing slowly, my Pokemon suck, and I don't think I'm playing efficiently. And then I see people on here with their full team of six that steamrolled the game and I don't get why I'm doing so poorly. Help. :(
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>>14931970 John Gamefreak.
>>14931958 I think it learns play rough, serebii has the move lists all updated.
>>14931990 2 boxes of honedge
3 boxes of ditto
4 boxes of larvesta
2 boxes of miscellaneous pokemon
Suggestions for a zygarde moveset? Mines been ev'ed as 252 hp/atk 4 speed with jolly nature. Thinking glare/eq/coil/outrage, but that leaves be walled by a bunch of pokes, especially togekiss.
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>>14932048 I'll take that as a yes.
so is mass-collecting different nature Dittos the best way to manipulate natures/abilities in pokemon you're trying to obtain?
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can mat block be used consecutively? or is it like protect
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>>14932120 or would it be better to get a pokemon with Synchronize (nature you're going for) and try to hunt it in the wild?
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>>14932092 Completely filled? Goddamn, maybe that does slow it down.
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>>14932086 Serebii hasn't updated for Eevee/Jolteon yet
If I wanna powerlevel a new pokemon off hordes, do I give the Lucky Egg to the pokemon in question, or to the one I'm using to sweep hordes?
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If someone does get the money can they really join Team Flare? Can't recall if the amount if over the maximum cash you're allowed to have
>>14932059 Just go back and start grinding to fill out your pokedex
Im at 4 badges and 110+ dex and my pokes are all overleveled
I really, really like this game and what GF has done with it, I just have one major gripe: It's just SO fucking easy. I don't go into Pokemon expecting difficulty before the postgame, but this game just lets you mash through absolutely everything, including Gym Leaders, without any semblance of resistance. I should also say that I just got the 3rd badge and Mega Evolutions (which are bound to make it EVEN EASIER). Does this game get any semblance of challenge at any time during the main game or in the post game?
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>>14932059 >Wonder trade until you get something cool Anonymous
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>>14932185 That's what I'm trying to do...
Trevor 4313-0528-5701
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>>14932267 I'm not even at the 2nd badge city and I have over 100 in the pokedex
ya pleb Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158 Sun 20 Oct 2013 23:44:01 No. 14932339 Report Where is a good place to find pokemon with Synchronize post elite 4?
>>14932255 the pokemon in question. also, use that exp boosting O-power
>>14932059 Do you fight every trainer you can find or avoid them at all costs?
>>14932339 The Ralts you get from Diantha has Synchronize
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>>14932377 Okay. And the best place for hordes with lots of exp is... Victory Road? Terminus Cave (which I haven't really found yet)?
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158 Sun 20 Oct 2013 23:45:36 No. 14932438 Report Where can I find a plentiful area of pokemon who have Synchronize?
I know how to get style, but what is the best way to grind Style?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>14932269 Battle Masion
And I agree 100%.
I don't know if it's because I'm older... But this just seems so easy.
It is a big game though when compared to the others, so I really look forward to where pokemon goes from here.
>>14932105 >using legendaries Willhelm [0447 5901 0100][FS: Poison, ???/???/???]
Willhelm [0447 5901 0100][FS: Poison, ???/???/???] Sun 20 Oct 2013 23:46:38 No. 14932495 Report >>14932438 I've got a shitload of Synchro Ralts from MM, got anything interesting to trade?
How do you pass Pokerus to different Pokemon?
>>14932383 I fight everything. I don't run from wild Pokemon, either.
Maybe part of my problem has been that I try out a Pokemon, decide I don't want it, and then put it in the PC and now it's taken some exp that should've gone to my other Pokemon.
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Why do people want imposter dittos?
Whats the story difference between X / Y? Be sure to spoiler.
>>14932512 That's what the new exp share is for. It makes it so much easier to bring lower level guys up to where they should be.
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>>14932501 Have a pokemon with pokerus in your party and go do a couple battles, then it will spread to the rest
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Is there no way to battle without mega evolutions in a wifi battle? If not that's really disappointing. You have 3vs3 fights and one has to be one of the few pokemon capable of mega evolution if you want to have a fair chance.
Strider 2621-4007-6112
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does roserade learn leafstorm in pokemon Y by leveling or by tutor or do i need to breed one in order to get it
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158 Sun 20 Oct 2013 23:51:01 No. 14932735 Report >>14932406 I didn't know she gave a ralts after defeating her. I'll have to talk to her then. Where is she?
>>14932495 Timid Gastlys and Larvestas mostly.
>>14932523 Darn. Also sorry for the double post.
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>>14932596 It's my guess it's like it's always been.
Xernas is in a tree, but Yvetal is in a cocoon
I'm trying to debate what special sweeper to get for my team. Can I get some opinions? My team is a little tanky. Someone suggested to me Togekiss, but I have no way to get a Togepi right now. I have: Dragalge Blastoise Umbreon Scyther Aegislash Also, what is a good moveset for Dragalge?
>>14932735 The cafè where you met her first, to your left when you walk out of Prof Sycamore's Lab
>>14932644 I avoided using it because I don't want my HM slaves to take exp from my other Pokemon.
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Where is the best place for level grinding (post-game) Are Elite Four runs the most efficient or is there something better now?
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I wish there was something like the Challenge Key to make the game "hard mode" in these games. Or better, just simply give us the option to start on a "hard mode" from the start.
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Sun 20 Oct 2013 23:53:27 No. 14932860 Report I just caught Xerneas in a Luxury Ball. But I deliberately soft reset to try and get it as a shiny. Is it worth it?
Robert (3840-6151-0940) [Pinsir, Volbeat, Ledyba]
Robert (3840-6151-0940) [Pinsir, Volbeat, Ledyba] Sun 20 Oct 2013 23:53:41 No. 14932871 Report Quoted By:
Is completing the dex the legit way OP? Could we get another pic?
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>>14932827 >not having Bunnelby with pickup gain exp so you can get better items Anonymous
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When you're hunting the legendary birds, are you able to find all 3 but only catch one, or only see 1 and catch that one? Because I've only seen Zapdos so far.
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>>14932827 it gives the same amount to all pokemon in your party
Willhelm [0447 5901 0100][FS: Poison, ???/???/???]
Willhelm [0447 5901 0100][FS: Poison, ???/???/???] Sun 20 Oct 2013 23:55:01 No. 14932941 Report >>14932735 I'd be down for a Larvesta. I have a Max SPE and SPA Male Synchro ralts, or random meh IVs in female if you want a female. I've got no gender preference, but good IVs would be nice. Addin you.
>>14932827 EXP Share doesn't work that way anymore. Fighting pokemon get 100% of the exp, benched gets 50%. It doesn't take a single point of exp away from the one that fights now.
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>>14932827 doesn't work like that
main poke gets full exp
every other poke get's half of what they would have gotten. No one "loses" anything.
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>>14932459 Bumping, I really want the breeding power, and want to grind for it.
>>14932468 It's probably going to be ou.
Jero - 4055 3291 6893
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What level does eevee learn that fairy move? I put my male with it in the daycare and it deleted his move automatically or something. Kind of irritated about that.
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>>14932578 The world's cutest screamer?
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>>14932860 shiny locked so no
First set of timid noibat eggs hatched one with 4 perfect stats from two parents with two. Pretty lucky I think. It has perfect Def, SpA, SpD, and Spe. Still finding out HP but I think its around 20. Should I bother breeding perfect HP, or does it not matter? I imagine its going to be pretty fragile either way, and that 10 hp won't save him from an ice beam or whatever it was that got him. I think I'd rather move on to another team member but What do you guys think?
>>14932953 I'm not much acquainted with the ways of tourneyfaggotry, but aren't legendaries banned in most situations?
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I'm trying to breed an Adamant Inkay with Contrary. There are two in the daycare with Contrary but not the nature I want. I finally got an Adamant one with Suction Cups and now every single egg is coming up Suction Cups. Did I do something wrong?
>>14933005 That 10 hp can mean the difference between a victory or loss.
>>14933030 Determines how good they ar., Kyurem was pretty shit, phione, etc.
Kris 4399-0003-8886
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>>14930492 Omg added u have my favorite pkm ever add me u sexy monster u
Where do you get light ball for Pikachu? My bro needs a boost.
I'm having trouble getting EV training down. I'm training a Noibat. What I did was attach a Power Anklet to it and killed 5 Zubat hordes. That should be 250 Speed EVs, right? I did the same for Spinda hordes but with Power Lens attached so I should have 250 SpAtk EVs as well. Then I removed the Power item and fought a single Whismur, then one Whismur horde. That should be 6 HP EVs. However, after fighting the horde my EVs maxed out. Don't I still have 4 EVs left over? 250 + 250 + 6 = 506 while the max is 510.
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158 Sun 20 Oct 2013 23:58:41 No. 14933140 Report >>14932793 Much appreciated!
>>14932941 Alright I've got a couple of male Larvestas with max special attack and speed if you'd like for that male ralts.
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>>14932459 its in the fucking FAQ
The fast way to get your stylishness to max:
- Go to the Pokeball store on Autumnal Ave.
- Buy Premier Balls one at a time (i.e. completely exit the buying menu after each purchase).
- Check your stylishness progress by either going on the Pokemon Global Link (Profile > Medals > Ctrl+F “stylish”) or checking the price of the Mega Stone on sale at the Stone Emporium on Vernal Avenue.
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>>14933072 Either way, my point still stands that only fuccbois use legendaries.
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Best nature for a Honedge? I assume something with -Speed? Brave, or Relaxed maybe?
why are there 2 grass ghost lines in one generation
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Is ir possible to get more Metal Coats?
Willhelm [0447 5901 0100][FS: Poison, ???/???/???]
Willhelm [0447 5901 0100][FS: Poison, ???/???/???] Sun 20 Oct 2013 23:59:31 No. 14933189 Report Anonymous
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>>14932942 whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
That changes everything.
>>14933138 You don't EV train like that anymore, just do super training...
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>>14933030 Heatran, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Kyurem are all examples of legendaries who arn't relegated to ou. There's a lot more as well. More examples mew jirachi.
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>>14933170 Because there weren't any in the past 5
Couple questions on PSS. What does the Smiley Face mean? What does the ... mean?
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158 Mon 21 Oct 2013 00:02:03 No. 14933326 Report >>14933189 Thanks much! Double check that Larvesta just to be sure it's got perfect IVs just in case I messed up but I'm pretty darn sure that's one of the max special attack and speed ones.
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>>14933060 Yeah I guess if you put it that way.
It would probably end up being at least 5% of its total hp.
Can't be too tough to pass down 31 hp either.
has anyone seen misdreavus?
What's a good EV build for my Aegislash? I was thinking HP/Speed since there's really no reason to invest in any of the other stats. 150 base that I can switch on demand is more than enough. Tips?
>>14933339 It's on Safaris
Good IV calculator? The Serebii one is acting a little weird here.
>>14933378 hp/atk
Willhelm [0447 5901 0100][FS: Poison, ???/???/???]
Willhelm [0447 5901 0100][FS: Poison, ???/???/???] Mon 21 Oct 2013 00:04:35 No. 14933450 Report >>14933326 Yup, you got it. I find using the Box Marking feature helps me remember which are maxed.
Didn't see this in the thread or FAQ but if you breed a Pumkaboo of a certain size will the baby be the same?
Does anyone know when/how Azumarill learns Rough Play?
>>14933378 >Speed Nigger, Aegislash is supposed to attack slow
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158 Mon 21 Oct 2013 00:05:59 No. 14933529 Report Quoted By:
>>14933450 Oh that's a good idea, I'll have to do a little bit of that. Thanks again!
Joe 0275-7680-1195 (Y)
Where is someone I can tip? Have 16 boxes of non-shiny honedge and at this point I'm willing to start believing rumors.
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>>14933401 I heard so, but I haven't seen even one safari with her (at least as far as 4chan threads go). GTS also shows nothing
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>>14933415 Why do Attack?
He's got an Attack nature and his attack is more than high enough
>>14933378 >aegislash >investing in speed Anonymous
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>>14933220 It's way quicker than Super Training. I realized what was wrong though, I wasn't calculating PokeRus into the Whismurs.
Is it possible to get more than 15 boxes? Would I need more?
A question about the safaris and FCs, if someone erases my FC from their FC list what happens to my safari? does my access to their safari is gone or just stays the same? Because Friend lists have a limit and this question popped out, someone?
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>>14933220 Hordes with power items are faster than super training.
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If I run from Articuno at Sea Spirit's Den will it come back?
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How do I upgrade my Mega Ring?
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>>14933541 Battle Maison. You can tip the two persons in the entrance
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>>14933401 not that guy, but have you seen it yourself? serebii says its available, but i'm pretty sure thats bullshit since i've been looking for a week and it would be the only 'mon with no hidden ability in the safari
What are some good ways to farm money?
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Mon 21 Oct 2013 00:07:20 No. 14933622 Report Quoted By:
>>14933541 Cafe staff after a meal, Phil the picture taker after a photo shoot, receptionist inside battle chateau after asking for information.
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>>14933514 How do I even know what size of the pumkin ghost do I have in the game? hard to compare at all
Also, Are any of the new ghost good? besides Aegislash obviously
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>>14933138 It's 252 + 252 + 6, actually.
Robert (3840-6151-0940) [Pinsir, Volbeat, Ledyba]
Robert (3840-6151-0940) [Pinsir, Volbeat, Ledyba] Mon 21 Oct 2013 00:08:21 No. 14933672 Report Quoted By:
That's some use strength on a truck shit OP Don't get my hopes up for porybro ;_;
>>14933551 >>14933523 Okay fine, then what should I be doing?
I appreciate that you aren't answering the question Anonymous
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>>14933499 Good to hear, thanks!
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>>14933620 Battle Maison+Amulet Coin+Prize Money O-Power
Which scientist has the elevator key Lysandre talked bout?
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>>14933569 If you breed like this fag
>>14933541 yes
If you don't really get into that, no
>>14933378 speed is the worst thing for aegislash
you actually want the lowest speed possible
Is the Pokemiles guy gone after connecting to gamesync? Been trying to get my items, but these servers are too busy for me to connect to.
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>>14933138 IVs max out at 252 because 4 EVs=1 stat point, giving you a total of 63
Do a level 1 training in speed and sp. atk and you're done
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>14933578 It will be the same.
Te-Jay (X) 4871 - 3566 - 2461
anyone know where to find the starf or lansat berries? How how to plant-breed them?
>>14933714 i know you don't need it to be high but why would you want it intentionally low?
>>14933673 There's random opinions
DEF/SP. Defense (since you will be taking hits)
Attack/SPF (Because lol King's Shield)
I would go for the last one since Sp. Attackers will be your weakness
>>14933755 So he doesn't change into attack from before the enemy can attack.
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>>14933742 Hmm, then if you for example needed to clean your list i am secure, thanks!
Let me make sure I understand this right. EV training affects how many stats a mon gains when leveling up, right? And traditional EV training necessitates that the mon in question gains XP? So, wouldn't that mean that super training would give you the most optimal stat gains since you would gain levels in the process of traditional training?
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>>14933787 Aegislash changes forms
You want to be hit in shield form, since in Blade form your defenses are low and attack is high
>>14930492 Oh my gosh, thank you! I've been waiting to see how it looks in XY Looks like it still does the cute foot wiggle thing from Stadium too!
It sucks that it's actually mentioned ingame having an important role but it's not even available.
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>>14933673 Making fun of stupid things before fixing them is just how we do things here
Max HP is a given, then invest in either attack for more damage, or defense/sp. def so you have an easier time boosting but less overall potential damage
Also be aware that king's shield isn't helpful against special attackers and doesn't protect from non-attacking moves
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>>14933128 You find them on Pikachus in the wild. Use Thief to wipe 'em out.
If I run from Articuno at Sea Spirit's Den will it come back?
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>>14933824 Every 4 EV's equal to +1 in that stat
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>>14930556 That is ill-advised.
how many hairstyles do men get?
>>14933800 Welp, thanks I guess.
>>14933811 Alright, makes sense to me.
>Depressed that I picked up an Absol with Pressure without realizing that Super Luck was an option >He has Psycho Cut, Night Slash, and Shadow Claw (all moves that crit easily), but no Super Luck >My face when finding out about Ability capsules Anonymous
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How do you start the quest with Looker?
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Is special training for EVs, or do you still have to battle other pokemon to get them?
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So whats the verdict on Chespin with Bulletproof? I've got two right now and am debating breeding again to try for "Perfect" but it is going slow. Both are Adamant One is HP/ATK/DEF @ 31 with Average Overall The other is HP/DEF/SPEED @ 31 with Outstanding overall What should I do now? EV them both, or attempt a HP/ATK/DEF/SPEED @31?
>>14933923 4. Short, medium, long, medium perm
I just got my Lucario from Korrina, it's nature is Hasty and I EV trained it like this: 4HP,252ATK,252SPD Then I used Marilland's stat calculator to check IVs and they are pic related Did I calculate them right, if yes are they good?
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Mon 21 Oct 2013 00:15:30 No. 14934035 Report What is the best nature for Xerneas? I got Impish and stats are 151/115/135/118/113
Danny 0189-9271-1680 Frogadier Quagsire Octillery
Danny 0189-9271-1680 Frogadier Quagsire Octillery Mon 21 Oct 2013 00:15:44 No. 14934050 Report Quoted By:
whats the fastest way to grind max style in lumiose city?
>>14933924 You could just like
Get a different absol
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>>14933704 >>14933866 Whichever one you battle last.
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Is Dragalge a special sweeper? What is a good moveset? Is it worth using?
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Anyone have a Jolly ditto they can shoot me? I can swap you a Modest one in return.
>>14934052 But I'm too attached to this one.
Plus then I'd have to get its affection up again, and do more Super Training.
I hate Super Training.
>>14934035 how long did that take you?
anyone knows where I can find Pineco? It's on GTS so he must be somewhere...
>>14934021 are there any screens of the medium perm?
So do you get more with the EXP share if the pokemon that fights has a lucky egg or if the benched pokemon has it? Also, is there by any chance a grinding spot better than E4?
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>>14934034 Korrina's Lucario's IVs and nature are fixed. And yes, it's fine for a playthrough.
Te-Jay (X) 4871 - 3566 - 2461
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>>14934166 The one that fights.
>>14934086 Just asking, but how far into the game are you and how long have you had the absol?
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>>14934035 Hot damn, shiny Xerneas is gorgeous.
<-- Do I have to catch it at night?
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Mon 21 Oct 2013 00:20:04 No. 14934264 Report >>14934098 Two tries to catch it if that's what you mean.
I have two Xerneas'. One named Genesis and one named it's actual name.
The other one is Serious.
so, not having seriously played since the game boy era, a lot of shit is different now. what are some actions I could take that make building specific teams easier in the future? should I start massing a bunch of different-natured Dittos for breeding purposes? should I focus on different-natured pokemon with Synchronize?
How many fucking times do I have to run into this goddamn Zapdos? I've been sitting here for like 2 hours chasing it and i've seen it like 10 times. What the actual fuck, who thought this would be a fun gameplay mechanic? I want to kick them in the balls until they vomit.
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Mon 21 Oct 2013 00:21:02 No. 14934314 Report Quoted By:
>>14934219 I got the Absol on route 8, and many hours later I'm
about to fucking stop this dickhead Lysandre. Feels weird romping through two entire Team Flare bases, all alone, in my frilly pink clothes. I fucking love this game Anonymous
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>>14934299 you needed more than the name to tell?
How can I make better decisions when deciding what Pokemon to use on my team? I'm having trouble.
>>14934345 just play with your favourites and you'll always have a fun time
>>14934345 Use the ones you like. Have 'mons that learn Strength, Surf and Fly
How long would it take me to teach my Tyruant Fire/Electric and Poison fang via breeding?
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>>14934098 That pic is a fake and has been around for about a week.
So is this confirmed to be false or?
Trevor 4313-0528-5701
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>>14932772 >not having a Clawitzer nicknamed The ARK and reking shit with his mega launcher ability Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>14933865 Foot wiggle in tact
has anything been said about a shiny charm? I know nobody has a complete dex yet but maybe the strategy guide has something?
At the Pokeball factory, if I choose the Big Nugget, do I get the Master Ball at another point, or do I simply miss out on one of the possible MB you can get in the game?
Is Obama any decent? How do I into hail team?
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What should I EV train my Clauncher in besides Sp. Atk? I was thinking splitting the final 252 between Def and Sp.Def since Clawitzer has decent BST for those, or should I just put it all in HP?
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>>14934415 This.
I thought I was stuck without a Surfer. I was ready to re-do my entire team because of it.
Then I discovered that Rhydon can use surf.
A ground/rock using surf.
>My face when As a sidebar, is there ANY incentive to not Mega evolve certain pokemon?
I have X, so I don't mega evolve my Charizard if I want to keep my flying type, but that's just about the only reason.
But what about shit like Mega Absol? Literally zero reason to ever consider not mega evolving
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>>14934233 Did you guys catch yours at night or during the day?
For the love of god I asked this question like 40x and no one can answer it. The guy told me my Ditto is good in Special Defense so does that mean he only has 5IV's in it?
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Anyone got a drilbur they'd like to give away to me? The offers on the GTS are unreasonable, or mons I simply cant get. 2552 - 1607 - 8690
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>>14934308 Until you see its location as the Sea Spirit's den. It took me roughly 8 encounters to get Moltres there.
>>14934345 Don't. Just play with whatever comes up and takes your fancy, that's the best way to play if you aren't doing some rule run like Nuzlocke.
>>14934324 Then just use that absol to breed a competitively viable one later
EV training is unnecessary in any pokemon game's story mode, much less XY
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>>14934409 I was having fun for a while, but my Pikachu isn't so strong, and my Charizard and Freninja or whatever are the only two I have that are strong.
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does skiddo riding count as steps towards egg hatches?
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>>14934502 The strategy guide is a shit, if I remember correctly. Nothing we didn't already know and left us with something along the lines of "That's for you to discover!"
And no. We do get a breeder charm if we complete the Kalos dexes, though.
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>>14934447 They just mean that it has all the pokemon, not that you can catch them which is stupid because it should be obvious.
>>14934540 If he says it can't be beat, that means it has 31. He doesn't give specific values for anything else.
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>>14934565 if you pick nugget he gives you the masterball anyway. i only use pokeballs, so when i wound up getting both i was surprised.
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What Fire and Horn related moves can be passed down to Tyrunt?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
X/Y Questions General 60 [Waggle Edition] Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895 Mon 21 Oct 2013 00:29:11 No. 14934707 Report Quoted By:
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>>14934582 nice meme pic bro xD
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>>14933719 He's still there.
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>>14934515 The game gives you another choice like this, but it doesn't follow through with consequences.
There's always Gen 7
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
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Anyone know if a light clay can be found in game? If not, can pokemon in the friend safari be holding items? I have a safari with Golurk and he normally has a 5% chance of having a light clay.
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>>14934575 My autism means I can't level up a poke without maxing its EVs in super training
>>14934653 Alright so how do I know which IV's he has?
>>14934540 He'll make mention if a stat is bad.
>This Pokemon has relatively superior potential overall >Incidentally I would say it's greates potential lies in it's HP >Although it's Sp. Attack is Equally good >And well It0s Speed stat is good too >Stats like those....They simply can't be beat! >That's how i judge it So, do I have 3 perfect IV's in this female Moody Snorunt?
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can chespin learn ingrain from breeding?
>>14934808 yeah but he said special defense is good. What does that mean? How many IV's does it have>?
>>14934524 Abomasnow in gen 5 UU was pretty decent.
>Always had blizzard as opposed to ice beam, meaning his satk was effectively inflated >STAB priority with ice shard >LEech seed + snow warning+ protect + leftovers = maximum stall >could induce hail to support the rest of his team >wood hammer was beastly Weaknesses
>Trash defensive typing >not much on top of blizzard, ice shard, giga drain, woodhammer and EQ for offense >Slow Abomasnow made a solid leech seed staller or Swords dance user in hail, but wasn't that good. For building a hail team in gen 5 I would simply recommend that you build it like any balanced team, except try to abuse blizzard, and hail. Protect + ice body was great.
Now with gen 6 we have mega abomasnow to play with, but its hail will never last more than 5 turns so it really can only help itself with hail, so running hail teams is pretty challenging. A standard Max HP / Max Satk with Blizzard / Giga Drain / Leech seed / Coverage is probably usable. Mega aboma has real good bulk, so giga drain + leech seed keeps you alive, and it hits hard too. Swords dance + ice shard is kinda strong, but its so slow anything not rekt by ice shard will outspeed and hurt you.
>>14930492 >http://i.imgur.com/P0Wpe5x.jpg Wait...so to unlock hairstyles you need to be LESS stylish?
>>14934835 Yes. Pokemon caught in friend Safaris always have at least two perfect IVs, and commonly have three.
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What's the new rules for the PokéRadar? 'Cause I am having a horrible time trying to chain Dittos. If it's not just one square that has something other than a Ditto, it's a bunch of squares and the one I usually pick is empty.
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>>14934908 No silly it just requires less style points
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>>14934929 >>14934916 Fucking awesome
You guys think it would be a good Frosslass for online?
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>>14934908 Just buy fucktons of premier balls (one at a time) at the pokeball boutique and you'll pretty much unlock everything style related.
>>14934907 Gigga Drain isnt available until PokeTransfer, its a tutor move
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Have any of you caught a Pumpkaboo during the day? Sorry for the spammage. It's about to be night anyway, so I guess it doesn't really matter.
>>14935070 are we sure tutor moves cant be passed down from breeding? Ive been training up a paras to get giga drain and pass it to a larvesta but im not done with that yet
>>14935070 No it is... Since when?
>>14930556 God no. Ctrl+F the extended FAQ first, then ask your question.
>>14930628 >>14930770 >>14931029 Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Porygon is available yet. The bars where you have to pay to sit down can show you mons you haven't seen, allowing you to get the initial incomplete dex entry.
>>14930696 All these people asking questions answered in the FAQ really rustle my jimmies.
>>14930793 Qualitative statements are the best we can do, we don't have a ROM dump to take percentages from because nobody's figured out how to do so yet.
>>14930845 Competitive general threads, aka /cpg/. Currently
>>14910658 , check the catalogs. Make one if the thread's died.
>>14930978 Friend Safari, Hordes, and events are the only way for now. Slowpoke or its evos aren't in any of them, so no.
>>14931064 >not having a flier in-game That's your own damn fault.
>>14931299 It is, but thanks for posting.
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>>14934875 If he doesn't say that that stat "can't be beat" then there's no way to tell, you can only get a general rating and nothing specific
As said before can't be beat means he has the max 31 value
>>14935177 i dunno. ask smogon?
>>14935185 http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-bw/460.shtml since always....unless GF fiddled with its level up moves
>>14935423 I was under the impression that Giga Drain was still TM19.
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>>14934788 You can use serebii's calculator. google it for fucks sake.
How do hidden natures work? How are they obtained? Can they only be bred into pokemon? If so, how?
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>>14935339 >not having a flier in-game >wasting a move on fly I bet you carry cut, strength, and rock smash with you too, moron.
My Talonflame does Acrobatics, not shitty Fly.
Bruce: 0559 - 6760 - 7705
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Can you chain Axew hordes in Connecting Cave?
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>>14935526 i dont think it has been since gen 3 or 4
either way, its not
http://www.serebii.net/xy/tmhm.shtml Anonymous
So the destiny knot transfers 5 IVs, and that means if you are trying to MM that the shiny has a good chance to not be perfect because 1 IV is likely going to get fucked over, correct?
>>14935706 You've got a better chance than before.
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>>14932772 Can someone take a look at this please? I'm really stuck.
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>>14935568 Sorry, hidden abilities
I want lvl up, do I Elite 4?
>>14935767 But what I said is correct right? The shiny has only a 16.666_% of getting the IVs transferred perfectly?
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>>14935907 First you'd have to get a pokemon with perfect IVs.
And you still have a much, much better chance than before of getting a perfect IV'd shiny.
What is the best means of catching legendary pokemon besides the masterball? Mewtwo is a huge pain in my ass right now.
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Wait, its the same Team Flare Grunt every time?
if i only have 1 3ds and 2 games, whats the best way to transfer pokes between them without PokeTransfer or friends?
>>14936075 Put to sleep.
Bring down to 1 HP. (false swipe ensures this)
Throw Dusk Balls.
>>14936193 Timer works too.
>>14936196 Quick Ball on turn 1 is like using an Ultra Ball while they're asleep and at red health.
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>>14936219 oh and use Capture Power level 3.
>>14936214 Desposit crap Poke in GTS seeking great Poke u want to transfer.
Switch games and trade it.
>>14936306 >Quick Ball on turn 1 is like using an Ultra Ball while they're asleep and at red health. Did not know it was that good
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>>14936386 Only on the first turn though, then it turns to shit.
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>>14935858 How do I into loads of lvl up?
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>>14936219 Is paralysis ok too?
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When does Joltik learn Sticky Web?
i'd have to repeat the same prerequisites each day between 8-9pm to find mega stones, or only once initially?
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can i use O-Powers in battle? if so how?
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are there other version exclusive mega stones?
>>14936306 >Quick Ball on turn 1 is like using an Ultra Ball while they're asleep and at red health. And yet Metang refuses to get inside every time
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Is anyone else getting>Game sync server is busy
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Where can i find stone edge?
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>>14937334 have you seen Metang's catch rate?
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>>14933030 Yeah but zygarde does have pretty mediocre stats and a near useless ability.