Old Thread
>>14930492 >>14930492 Friend your fellow trainers for more safari choices.
Submit suggestions/corrections
>Extended FAQ https://docs.google.com/document/d/13MvLYLFQq4YcOyMC49DWcOgqij1thEC_sDUKJ4I2Mk4/pub FAQs
People and Places:
>How do I get into the boutique/Hair styles? http://i.imgur.com/P0Wpe5x.jpg >How do I get passed the punk in the Lost Hotel? You need to talk to and learn the skating tricks from the skaters in Lumiose city.
>Where do you spend Pokemiles? Lumiose Pokecenter, South Boulevard
>Where are the Move Relearner/Deleter? Dendemille Town
>I can't find _____ in Lumiose city! http://i.imgur.com/IzecHL3.png Items:
>Where do I find a Dusk stone? Complete the Super Training Secret Mode with the Aegislash Baloon, (Requires a fully EVd mon), talk to the Team Flare member (Post Game) or Terminus Cave
>...Shiny stone? Route 12 ride the Skiddo around.
>Where do I find the Mega stone for ______? http://serebii.net/xy/megaevolutions.shtml (You can only find Mega Stones between 8pm to 9pm game time after finishing one battle at the Maison and defeating your rival. You must then examine the giant sundial in Anistar and talk to Sycamore)
>Where do I find TM __? http://serebii.net/xy/tmhm.shtml >Movesets http://www.smogon.com/forums/forums/research.251/ Pokemon:
>Where do I find Eevee? Route 10
>How do I evolve it into Sylveon? Get two hearts on the affection meter in Amie and teach it a fairy type move (It learns charm as it levels up)
>Where do I find Ditto? Pokemon Village, South of Route 20
>Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres keep running and I can't catch them, wat do? Keep chasing them till they stop at the Sea Spirit's Den, you can catch them there.
>How do I evolve Inkay/Skrelp/Clauncher Turn the 3DS upside-down after you hear the *ding* of it leveling up(Level 30)
Level 48 (No Camoflage has nothing to do with it)
Level 37
>Does tipping increase shiny chance? That is only a rumor, no confirmation on that.
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first for obama
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>>14934680 If I volt switch on to something that has speed boost, does it activate?
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Mon 21 Oct 2013 00:30:36 No. 14934793 Report How do I check a Pokemon's IVs?
SO I know how to train for EVs, but what exactly do they do in stats?
How long would it take me to teach my Tyruant Fire/Thunder and Poison fang via breeding?
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Anybody know what Fire and Horn related moves can be passed down to Tyrunt?
Does the Masuda method work with Ditto?
Does Super Training replace EV training?
Rod - Y [Meditite, Riolu, Pancham] 2406-5204-4433
Rod - Y [Meditite, Riolu, Pancham] 2406-5204-4433 Mon 21 Oct 2013 00:31:55 No. 14934867 Report Quoted By:
>>14934813 Every 4 EVs is a point in then respective stat.
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>>14934793 The guy in the Kiloude pokecenter. Post-E4.
Roxanne 2664-2900-7264 (Magneton, Forretress, Excadrill)
Roxanne 2664-2900-7264 (Magneton, Forretress, Excadrill) Mon 21 Oct 2013 00:32:20 No. 14934885 Report Is there any other hordes of Pokemon besides Yanma that give Speed EVs? I'm using the power EV method and the hordes on Route 10 are 95% fucking Nosepass.
>>14934793 Sorry for not answering your question, but are you per chance from /co/ I think I've seen you there
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How do the dual type moves work? Do they get double STAB?
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>>14934824 idk but it just feels so good to punch it
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>>14934857 You can still do it the old-fashioned way, if you want to. Horde battles work wonders for it
Even if you do it the regular way, you can check your progress with super training. Preddy useful
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>>14934885 route 8 or 12 for wingull hordes
Te-Jay (X) 4871 - 3566 - 2461
anyone know where to get the lansat or starf berries?
why is this bitch asking me if i want to rest my pokemon?
>>14934946 No, the diagram is just retarded. It means you don't require to be as stylish to get more haircuts than to get the other stuff.
In short, no, you do need to become more stylish
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I'm at the crystal in Anistar city, what do I do now? I already have the upgraded ring
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Do we know if there's more male hairstyles yet other than the medium perm?
Where do I find a Flying Gem? Rock Smashing?
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>>14934946 It's from "what you get from being less stylish" to "what you get from being more stylish".
Does it matter where I sell mushrooms?
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>>14935049 Ah okay. Thanks for clearing that up.
Where am I able to find the hm cut? Been looking everywhere for it. Thanks
>>14935077 Rock Smash is where the Aquarium is. There's a woman in the entrance (outside) and she gives it to you
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>>14935048 They need rest, anon.
Let them rest.
>>14935103 Get bargain o-power level 3
Sell at pokemon center
>>14935118 It's where the Furfrou that escaped is
Is it possible to watch a Battle Video you have saved from a multiplayer battle somewhere?
Someone had a tip about maximizing style by buying pokeballs at the ball emporium. Does anyone have that link? Thanks in advance
>>14935218 Your battles are on the vs. recorder.
>>14935232 Need a few movesets for XL Gourgeist
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>>14935232 It's in the OP.
Buy premier balls one at a time, fully exiting the menu as well.
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>>14935191 Got it thanks bro
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>>14935255 Yeah I remembered just as I wrote the damn question. Durr...
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>>14935273 Oh forgot to answer your question.
I tried it today, I bought around 70 balls, I always only bought one ball at once. The prize for mega stones fell from 70k to 10k, meaning my style was maxed out.
>>14935320 The bars in the game add information to your pokedex depending on how well you pay the.
what's a good moveset for xerneas? i've looked it up, but his atk and sp. atk stats are throwing me for a loop
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>>14935155 Does Bargain Power increase the money you get from selling goods?
>>14935132 No I mean, do I get the Flying Gem by using Rock Smash or something?
>>14935320 >>14935398 Those cafes where you have to pay to sit will show a random pokemon you don't have, even if it's not obtainable in X/Y
Sp. Atk + HP EVs for Clauncher or Sp.Atk + Def/Sp.Def split?
So is it possible to catch Porygon?
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Need a few movesets for XL Gourgeist
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Mon 21 Oct 2013 00:45:30 No. 14935576 Report Quoted By:
>>14934903 Yeah, that's me. The Redwood guy.
I know you guys say that IV's doesn't matter that much, but should I at least breed for higher Defenses I mean it's a fucking Ice/Ghost Pokemon i want to roll online I'm just getting into this IV bussiness since it's kinda easy now
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>>14935412 >>14935515 oh... well that's rather disappointing
Wondertrade question: So I haven't finished the main story yet, and I was wondering if it's actually really random or are there are any restrictions to what you receive in WT? Like: "only pokemon you have seen", or "only at this level range", etc. -shit like that
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>>14935284 >>14935669 I'm no on Sad Panda because of you, hold you questions until I gte back from from fapping
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>>14935577 >say that IVs doesn't matter much Who said that? Of course they matter.
It just depends on how much time you want to spend breeding your dudes.
>>14935696 No restrictions whatsoever. But send shitmon and these people will hunt you down and kill you.
Hey /vp/, just finished the 2nd gym, and I'm absolutely loving X. I just have a couple questions:>How do you guys organize your Pokemon? I have my boxes labeled for types, but if a Pokemon has 2 types, do you sort them by their first type? Is that considered their 'main' type?>How do I unlock more PC boxes?
I want to restart the game and play with a different team. This time around I played with cool mons only towards the end. But I don't want to part with the mons that I currently have cause they're all pretty chill. DILEMA...
>>14935696 no restrictions completely random. just depends who you get randomly matched with and what they decide to send.
>>14935696 There's none. You can literally start WT after you catch your first Pokemon and get any random Pokemon in your team.
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>>14935772 You get more boxes as you fill up your current boxes.
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Is there a way to check a gen 6 pokemon's IVs?
Te-Jay (X) 4871 - 3566 - 2461
>>14935577 Froslass usually die to the first hit so you'll be okay.
I really wish we can play evasive pokemon though and people just have moves to reset the stat boosts like haze or defog. It'll make pokemon like froslass, glaceon, and others so much more reliable
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>>14935772 you get more pc boxes by filling up the ones you currently have, so dont worry about space.
don't organize by type.
I would go alphabetically if you have the time or just by dex number
Can someone explain to me how Pokerus works? It doesn't run out when it's in the PC right? And it'll spread to ANY pokemon? Just don't want to not have it anymore.
>>14935829 Modest nature
Moon Blast
Focus Blast
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>>14935756 Will version exclusives suffice?
(Skrelp, Aromatisse, etc.)
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>>14934922 Yes.
>>14934824 Extended FAQ it.
>>14935540 Bothered to read the thread lately? Ctrl-F Porgyon.
>>14935077 >>14935509 Nobody's seen one. This question has been added to the FAQ because it's so fucking frequently asked.
>>14935669 Use an Arbok.
>>14935536 This is a /cpg/ question, but the first. Unless the HP stat is stupidly high, never invest in defenses before HP.
>>14935867 >>>/bulbapedia/ Anonymous
>>14934680 This is from a battle or something, right?
Unless there's actually a way to get my bro Porygon...
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Are buying the Thunder Stones and Water Stones exclusive to Pokemon X and Y?
>>14935943 It's from the pokedex. He saw a Porygon via those cafes you pay for.
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Mon 21 Oct 2013 00:54:30 No. 14936022 Report Quoted By:
>>14935788 restart and give away all your cool stuff.
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>>14935981 Fuck everything
>>14935857 I'm also Masudaing a Timid Evee making sure the Speed gets passed down
Should I be happy enough I get a Sp Attack/Speed perfect Evee in the end if i get my Shiny Glaceon?
Where is a good place to find HP Hordes? Looking to EV train for HP, ATK and DEF.
>>14935756 >>14935792 >>14935805 But I was at least expecting some higher level, extremely common pokes (Graveler, Gurdurr, etc.)
maybe you get something around the same level of what you traded...
Senpai 0731-4935-5063 Fire: Charmeleon/Magmar
Senpai 0731-4935-5063 Fire: Charmeleon/Magmar Mon 21 Oct 2013 00:56:23 No. 14936117 Report Does anybody know how to breed Tyrunt with DD and the elemental fangs?
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>>14935888 thank you
is there a move blastoise can somehow learn that raises it's sp. def?
Jolly Garchomp: Outrage Dragon Claw Outrage What should I put as the fourth? Planning on running it with a mega mawile and protean greninja
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>>14936202 You should consider Outrage
Alex - 4914 4015 6440 [ Aipom / Mincinno / Eevee ]
Alex - 4914 4015 6440 [ Aipom / Mincinno / Eevee ] Mon 21 Oct 2013 00:59:16 No. 14936275 Report Anyone know where to get TM90 (Substitute)? Serebii claims it's in Anistar City Pokemon Center, but that's not true.
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>>14936234 Lel I meant Dragon Claw as the third but I'm not sure about that one yet
How do i unlock the different hairstyles like the twintails from the hair salon? I can enter the boutique so i dont think its that... is there another hair salon or something?
>>14936275 It is. You go there at night.
DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU PLAY TWO SEPERATE GAMES ON THE SAME 3DS Will my friend Safari be the same in both X and Y version? And most importantly Can I make trades with myself over the GTS. Say if in my Y version I ask deposit a Fletchling and ask for a Froakie. Can I then go to my X version and trade a Froaki to my Y version on the same 3DS?
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>>14936299 Read the fucking FAQ.
I'll spoonfeed you anyway. Buy something from the boutique, wear it, do a few haircuts, and it unlocks.
where to find berries that lower EVs?
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>>14936299 i think its you have to cut your hair about 13 times until you unlock them.
>Pokemon drops to 1/0 fullness >Play a game to get 6 puffs to feed him >Pokemon 2 drops to 1 fullness >Play a game to get 6 puffs to feed him >Pokemon 3 drops to 1 fullness >Play a game to get 6 puffs to feed him >Pokemon 4 drops to 1 fullness >Play a game to get 6 puffs to feed him >Pokemon 5 drops to 1 fullness >Play a game to get 6 puffs to feed him >Pokemon 6 drops to 1 fullness >Play a game to get 6 puffs to feed him >Pokemon 1 drops to 1 fullness How do I end this cycle, /vp/? I can't have unhappy pogeys.
Are there Love Balls in this game?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
X/Y Questions Thread 54 Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895 Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:05:40 No. 14936612 Report Quoted By:
>>14936496 You dont have to feed them. The fullness doesnt effect shit once they have a full 5 hearts
So just worry about maxing their affection then you never have to feed them again
>>14936380 Yeah, supposedly the Safari is generated by the Friend Code itself.
I tried doing the trade thing but someone got my Noibat before I did
;_; but it was possible.
My question is, what happens if yo sync both of them in the same PGL account?
At the start of battle my pokemon sometimes shake and say they are feeling uneasy, what's that mean?
>>14936618 I realize that. All of my pokemon have been at 5 hearts for a long time, but I can't stop feeding them.
Help me Anonymous
>>14936619 You probably did it the wrong way
You should have put up a shitty Pokemon and asked for a Noibat. Then went to the version with he Noibat and trade it for a shitty Pokemon from your other version
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I got Y, and I'm debating if I want to get X as well. I have 80 hours in Y, and I want to start from the beginning, but I've grown too attached to my file and PokeBank doesn't come out til December. The only other game that I want coming out soon is Sonic, but I heard it sucked, Senran Kagura, and Zelda. What do /vp/?
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is there a way to give blastoise a sp. def raising move?
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>>14936599 I see one in the display case the pokeball vendor but i'm not sure if you can get them
Is there any link that has all the obtainable clothes in x&y yet? I know im having high expectations but that would really fucking help.
>>14936701 Just dont think of Pokepuffs as their main source of nutrients.
Just think of them as a sweet delicious treat that they arent meant to eat all the time. Like cake or cady.
Anyone find a Dawn Stone yet? Checked all everywhere i can think of and nothing...thanks.
>>14936619 >tried doing the trade thing What?
>>14936701 If you don't know they are hungry, are they hungry?
>>14936819 Read the OP & FAQ.
>>14936747 Serebii does.
>>14936842 Well what the fuck else am I going to put my bottom screen on? I like watching my pokemon bounce around
and roll around when I'm skating , and I have no goddamn use for Super Training anymore. I'm long past that point
>>14936814 I try to think of it that way. I mean, those things look way, way beyond unhealthy.
But when they start thinking about it... I can't fight it ;_;
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>>14936112 Nope. I've sent out stuff like gravelers druddigon etc and get back bunnelbys and caterpies.
Senpai 0731-4935-5063 Fire: Charmeleon/Magmar
Senpai 0731-4935-5063 Fire: Charmeleon/Magmar Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:12:00 No. 14936982 Report >>14936117 help on this?
I just got the female
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>>14935857 >>14935577 >>14936033 Can I get Opinions about Espeon?
Should I get perfect everything but Attack?
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>>14936829 I sent my Noibat to the GTS with my Y game asking for the pokemon in the Sail Fossil. Then on my X game I went into the GTS and saw my Y icon, but someone had already made the trade.
I concluded that it is possible to trade the way you asked, but I didn't tried again. I just asked a friend to help me
How do i get a regrnerator into my Slowpoke/bro and amoongoos? Is it possible yet?
Alex - 4914 4015 6440 [ Aipom / Mincinno / Eevee ]
Alex - 4914 4015 6440 [ Aipom / Mincinno / Eevee ] Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:12:37 No. 14937016 Report >>14936333 How late is "night"?
It's dark in game, 9:12 PM, and they only have Blizzard, Thunder, Fire Blast, Focus Blast, and Hyper Beam.
>>14936894 do you think you could spare a link?
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>>14936708 You're right. I clearly wasn't thinking
>>14937071 The link to the FAQ is in the OP.
A link to Serebii is
serebii.net Are you serious?
is it wrong to want a gaurdevior as your waifu?
>>14937016 It's not the mart you're looking for, but the hex maniac.
>>14937155 Yes.
But it feels oh so right. Anonymous
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>>14937170 It's tied to Amie.
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>>14936921 Use PSS, look up who of your friends is online, send them O-Powers, get O-Powers back, activate O-Powers for yourself, challenge random strangers and don't mention your Pokémon jumping around, they move around in the fights you send them to when bashing a Japanese twat
>>14937151 wow no need to be rude. ive just been having troubles finding the page with all the obtainable clothes. i guess i'll search harder then.
cierra: 4081-6868-8595 [meditite / pancham / riolu] Anonymous Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:16:56 No. 14937240 Report Quoted By:
>>14937170 Usually when my pokemon shake, it means they're about to level up (gain another heart) in Pokemon Amie
I haven't found another meaning for it yet
Alex - 4914 4015 6440 [ Aipom / Mincinno / Eevee ]
Alex - 4914 4015 6440 [ Aipom / Mincinno / Eevee ] Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:16:59 No. 14937244 Report >>14937169 Is there a specific time? Like when the sundial is active?
The hex maniac just gives me some line about moondials.
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>>14937244 The hex maniac inside the pokecenter, bro.
Alex - 4914 4015 6440 [ Aipom / Mincinno / Eevee ]
Alex - 4914 4015 6440 [ Aipom / Mincinno / Eevee ] Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:18:04 No. 14937300 Report Quoted By:
>>14937244 Nevermind I was talking to the wrong Hex Maniac.
>first time doing Inverse Battle against that NPC >"Well this shouldn't be too bad, either way my guys are all pretty high level." >Houndoom OHKO's Yvetal >bring out my level 70 starter >level 70 starter that I EV trained for SPEED and Special Attack >his level 55 Houndoom is faster >OHKO's every single solitary Pokemon in my party because lolspeed What the ever living christ fuck fuck FUCK.>can't even rematch him until tomorrow BITCH I'LL KILL YOU
Ok, I finally have max style since I just blew half of my money on Pokeballs. Where the fuck is this nigga with my hatching O-power?
>>14937214 is it wrong to want to come home after a long day of work, and see your beautiful, well trained gaurdevior in the kitchen cooking dinner for you and your little ralts? then later that night give her the loving she oh so deserves?
>>14937347 >Inverse battle What is this?
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>>14937239 It's on their main page like 5 times. You're really really dumb.
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>>14937350 cafe introversion
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So in super training, a few of my Pokemon shoot the balls rapid fire, and some just shoot one at a time, is there a way to get rid of the rapid fire?
Chuuuuung [in-game: Jessica] [X] 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [in-game: Jessica] [X] 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:20:27 No. 14937423 Report >>14936413 Gotta farm them, they appear as mutations. Check the FAQ.
>>14936668 FAQ, ctrl-F uneasy.
>>14936982 Axew for DD, Arbok for the fangs.
>>14937239 >go to serebii >type clothes into the search bar >second result How long have you been on the internet?
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>>14937239 >http://www.serebii.net/xy/customisation.shtml its here anon. but is it just me are are the females items not showing up?
Matthew 1805-2656-8528
General question about the IV Judge: What exactly does he say if you have all perfect IVs?
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>>14937350 Cafe Introversion, you need to have all of the other o-powers as well.
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>>14937005 Please, someone?
I need to begin the breeding of my bros.
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>>14937378 All rules are reversed match
Fire beats water, water beats grass, grass beats fire
Fairy is useless against Dragons
>>14937347 do you even pokemans?
does anyone know where a Electirizer is?
Neil 3539-9191-2372
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>>14937428 "They can't be beat"
roughly the same as before
Can anyone tell me where to find Medicham's Mega-Evolution stone? It says Laverre Town, but I don't know how I'm supposed to find it.
>>14937445 I don't understand how that level 55 Houndoom is fucking faster than a level 70 Delphox with speed EVs up the ass.
Motherfucker just spammed Fire Blast the entire time.
Espeon Magic Bounce or Synchronize?
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I have Japanese X set to English. Do I breed with a Japanese ditto or an American ditto?
Neil 3539-9191-2372
Was Psychic Froakie ever confirmed?
I couldn't get it to work after a few eggs last night
>>14937521 Magic Bounce by far
>>14937377 Yes.
But it feels so right. Anonymous
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Pikachu with a light ball or Raichu? Both would use physical builds.
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>>14937510 It's in front of the well in town. But only between 8 and 9 pm
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Anyone know how many times you have to use the level 2 Prize Money O-Power before you get to level 3? I've been sending it all day but I still haven't leveled up.
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:23:41 No. 14937601 Report Are 4 IVs a good amount of IVs? Or should I keep soft resetting until 5 IVs?
>>14937521 How do you get an anticipation eevee?
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>>14937512 Welcomes to GF special stuff bullshit
Where a Carhvhana outspeeds my Espeon and Critical hits him
Roxanne 2664-2900-7264 (Magneton, Forretress, Excadrill)
Roxanne 2664-2900-7264 (Magneton, Forretress, Excadrill) Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:24:03 No. 14937624 Report Quoted By:
What's the fastest way to get BP? I know the Battle Institute gives large amounts, but it's so tedious.
I seem to be misunderstanding what's going on with Destiny Knot. I have a male and a female Dwebble with 5 31 IVs except for Attack, one is holding an everstone and the other is holding a Destiny Knot. How come each of the babies don't have the same IVs as their parents sans Attack? I'm getting babies with 4 IVs and some with 3.
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:24:41 No. 14937653 Report >>14937601 I meant four 31 IVs
pic related.
Ariq [4356-0520-7838] [Charmeleon-Ponyta-Fletchinder]
Ariq [4356-0520-7838] [Charmeleon-Ponyta-Fletchinder] Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:24:40 No. 14937654 Report How do you get hidden abilities on non-friend safari sixth generation Pokemon, such as Amaura?
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How do you tell if you have max style?
>>14937581 >>14937377 You people are weird.
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>>14937636 It's 5 IVs from a pool of 12.
Senpai 0731-4935-5063 Fire: Charmeleon/Magmar
Senpai 0731-4935-5063 Fire: Charmeleon/Magmar Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:25:28 No. 14937693 Report >>14937423 >It can't do both? well damn Anonymous
>>14937566 >Magic Bounce by far How does that even work?
>Enemy uses Rock smash >Enemy gets his defense lowered Or just moves like Tail whipe and stuff?
>>14937619 Safari
Also should i care about Espeon IV's on defenses? Our just max Speed HP and Sp. Attack?
>>14937653 Shit nigga, that's pretty fucking good.
Andy 0645-6283-9350 Floatzel Panpour Poliwhirl
Andy 0645-6283-9350 Floatzel Panpour Poliwhirl Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:26:25 No. 14937740 Report Quoted By:
Does Hidden Power trigger Protean for any type, or is it just Normal like in the move description?
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>>14937683 do you not want this? you're weird
Have Y, should I get X? Y/N
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>>14937347 Wait till he starts using Normal Beaters and Shedinja.
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what hm do you need for victory road
>>14937636 Destiny Knot inherits 5 IVs from BOTH parents, not just the one holding it.
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:27:39 No. 14937799 Report >>14937733 It's my Xerneas' stats, is that OK for a legendary?
Neil 3539-9191-2372
>>14937725 It reflects all Status Attacks
>Pebbles >Thunder Wave Anonymous
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>>14937653 Holy shit dude is that a Legendary? because that's fucking good
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>>14937693 Apparently now moms can pass down egg moves too. Try it.
>>14937759 For collection?
For beating again?
Only if you like to go with different teams
For Pokedex stuff?
Nah wait for XX/YY or Z or whatever
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>>14937799 No, it's shit. I'm sure I can trade you some worthless garbage for it if you really want though. Honestly, you should take my offer, you get much else off of it.
No, but seriously, those IVs are great, if it also has a decent Nature, you got one hell of a legendary. Anonymous
>>14937619 Get someone that has Eevee in their friend Safari. Then you can find an Anticipation Eevee. Not all Friend Safari Eevees have Anticipation. You just need to find one that does.
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>>14937805 >Status Attacks Oh right, read that wrong
Then yes going with that, Thanks
Tyler 2809-7509-3116
where can I get focus blast? my gardevoir doesn't have anything to counter steel types
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>>14937788 It still shouldn't matter though since they have identical IVs aside from Attack though right? No matter what they inherit as long as it isn't attack it should be perfect.
>>14937928 Aw, shit, what the hell? They don't?
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>>14937796 >>14937821 >>14937872 >>14937891 I am convinced, off to get X. Thanks gang!
>>14937725 Basically, any attack that "hits" Espeon but doesn't do damage. Thunder Wave, Defog, Heal Pulse, Spikes, and Whirlwind, for example.
What are hidden abilities?
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>>14937964 Pokemart somewhere. I forget exactly where, but later on. Check between the cities with gyms 6 and 8.
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>>14937799 >is it ok for a legendary? It's better than okay. I'm pretty jelly, all my Xerneas got was 31 in Sp.attack, Sp.Defense, and Speed and a Serious nature.
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>>14937964 Anistar pokemart for 70k. Use a bargain o-power.
>>14937928 >>14937975 >Not all Friend Safari Eevees have Anticipation The guy of said Safair need to be online while you catch stuff on his safari for Hidden Abilities to appear
Just bring a Sync for your desired nature and catch Evees
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>>14937998 What are search engines?
is there any way to game the gts to evolve trade-only pokemon
>>14937998 Rare abilities that your Pokemon has that can't really be found through regular means. Basically better ones.
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>>14937998 They're a third (although second, in some cases) ability most Pokemon have that can't be found in normal wild Pokemon. Originally they were Dream World exclusive in BW, but BW2 and XY added ways to get some of them in-game.
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>>14938064 Mutual evolution trades.
>>14937975 Nope. Sorry. You'll just have to be patient and look. The good news is that males can now pass down hidden abilities so you don't have to look for an Eevee that's a female (12.5% chance) AND has a hidden ability.
>>14938064 You could try the method where GTS first came out?
>put pokemon in gts and ask for legendary lvl 10 >trade someone something they want >take out your pokemon that you put in Anonymous
>>14938142 Wait, so those stupid male-only event Pokemon are useful now?
>>14938099 So you have to breed for them and cross your fingers to hope to get it?
What fairy type moves can Gardevoir learn?
>>14938193 does that still work?
i was just asking because i wasnt sure if they fixed that or not
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>>14938064 Set up a Kadabra and ask for a Kadabra
If you just want to fill the Pokedex
If you want to evolve your trained Pokemon, then get a friend you can trust and trade
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>>14938227 Naw. That only works if you breed WITH a Pokemon with a hidden ability. Hidden ability Pokes are achieved through other means, like the gts game for black/white/2 and such
>>14938269 You don't have any risk right now, just as for a Mew, it's impossible to get it right now until December
So you can test that out
Let me know if that works Anonymous
Quoted By:
Can you get duplicate items in Secret Super Training? Like, two of the same stones
>>14938233 You'll be dry for a while. You can pick up Dazzling Gleam from the TM that the 6th gym leader gives you
as a side note, I really want to rail her but apparently she also learns Moonblast by leveling.
I am basing this assumption purely on the fact that
the champion's Gardevoir has Moonblast, and it fucking hurt Anonymous
So, I know there's that there's that one Shiny Stone in Route 12, but is the only way to get more that fucking Roserade super training shit? It always gives me a Soda Pop, nothing else, even when finishing it with 2:22:0 left.
Is there a way to release an entire box, or do I really have to do it 1 at a time?
>>14938373 >mfw the Cahmpion raped my team with thst Pumpkin Ghost >mfe I bring him down and rapes me with Mega Gardevoir Anonymous
Zygarde Outanding, HP, Satk, Spd are perfect, Timid Nature Is this good?
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>>14938227 Have you ever heard of Bulbapedia or Serebii or Google or anything?
Josh - 4742.6044.6080 [Ghost, Shuppet, Drifblim, Pumpkaboo] [IGN: Annie]
Josh - 4742.6044.6080 [Ghost, Shuppet, Drifblim, Pumpkaboo] [IGN: Annie] Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:39:15 No. 14938464 Report How do I get this 50% off Lumiose Boutique?
>>14938412 why not wonder trade?
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:39:51 No. 14938484 Report Quoted By:
>>14938464 Become a member of Team Flare
I just forgot about the save bug and started a wonder trade in lumiose. Why didn't it fuck my game?
>you will never be able to gain 5 million dollars to join Team Flare
>>14938393 You just have shitty luck, I got one for my Frosslass in 2 tries
>>14938464 Coupon under the Truck near a boat
Quoted By:
>>14938477 Then my boxes are still full.
Neil 3539-9191-2372
>>14938496 It's only a couple specific streets.
NTD-4640-0253-6359 poison:seviper/garbodor/---
NTD-4640-0253-6359 poison:seviper/garbodor/--- Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:41:13 No. 14938571 Report >>14938498 yes you can 5,000,000 is easy
bakastache 3652-0871-2665
No clue what my safari is, lol Looking fo' haunters
>>14938373 Alright, I guess I don't need to many fairy moves/
>>14938448 I'm going to take down her pumpkin with either my own pumpkin or chandelure, and her gardevoir with a gengar probably. I'm really disappointed in who the champion is this time.
Quoted By:
So I know what some training bags are designed after Pokemon. Speed bags are the Zubat line, SpAtk bags are the Litwick line, etc. What the fuck are SpDef bags? Have we figured that one out yet?
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>>14938496 Save bug doesn't happen all the time, and it only involves trying to *resume* the game from the save.
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>>14938617 There's other 10 threads about that other than this one
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>>14938617 i can trade you a haunter for a ditto
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>>14938571 Yeah, but they never truly give you the option. They just say they'll let you in for the money, but never has the choice to say "Yes" or "No."
So let me get this straight>Timid Ditto+Everstone+Hidden Ability >Evee with 31 Speed IV+Power Anklet+ Hidden ABility Would this ensure the 31 IV to be passed down 100% of the time? As well as Nature and Hidden ability?
Magikarp Salesman
Hey everyone, Magikarp man here! If you need a Magikarp, will trade you anything for it as I got boxes full of them. But that is besides the point, Magikarp Man needs you help, as he has a Gold Magikarp named God that is part of a Magikarp sweep team. Magikarp Man needs someone to teach his Ninjask the move Substitute(TM90). In exchange, Magikarp Man will give that person a Magikarp of their choice (Male or female) That will be holding either a rare candy or a PP up. Friend code: 1934 - 1248 - 8329
>>14938660 >I'm really disappointed in who the champion is this time. I really liked the champion
Really crazy team that can throw you off, I like that
Still Cythia remains the hardest to beat for me. followed by Green and Iris and this one
>>14938755 Timid ditto has the Everstone so yes, it passes Timid to the children 100% of the time.
Eevee with Power Anklet will also pass its speed IV 100% of the time.
Hidden ability is passed "Some of the most of the time maybe"
If you're using a female Eevee, it'll pass it's pokeball down too.
>>14938552 It was one of the blue streets on that map
Ariq [4356-0520-7838] [Charmeleon-Ponyta-Fletchinder]
Ariq [4356-0520-7838] [Charmeleon-Ponyta-Fletchinder] Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:46:35 No. 14938881 Report Quoted By:
>>14937654 Does anyone know?
BasedGod 4871-3995-0901
which pokemon hold lucky eggs?
bakastache 3652-0871-2665
>>14938816 Yo, on it. PP up
Neil 3539-9191-2372
>>14938865 Maybe you got lucky?
Maybe it's only if you power down
Did they fix it yet?
>>14938853 That reminds me, is it at all possible to change what ball my Pokemon is in?
I had to catch them all with Pokeballs so they'd be even.
I also think Great Balls are hideous, but they have a wonderful catch rate for their price.
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>>14938850 The team is ok but just the person is pretty disappointing. I hate how it makes it seem like being champion is nothing. "oh it's just some actress who battles a bit". Most other champions at least had something going for them.
>>14938755 No, the Ditto doesn't pass down its ability.
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Can anyone give me an opinion on the names of my Aegislash team?>Polterslice >Hexcalibur >Zweihaunter >Reavenant >Ghouall It uses Protect, Toxic, Gyro Ball, and King's Shield, so I named it after a wall. >Clyde
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081 [Aipom Loudred Ditto]
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081 [Aipom Loudred Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:48:43 No. 14939023 Report If I have a Ditto with his hidden ability breed with a Froakie without his HA, will the baby Froakie get Protean?
Neil 3539-9191-2372
Quoted By:
>>14938882 You get one
but Chansey iirc
>>14938945 Nope. Can't change.
Magikarp Salesman
>>14938907 Friend code por favor?
Quoted By:
>>14938853 >If you're using a female Eevee, it'll pass it's pokeball down too. Well shit the female Evee is in a quickball, but they have low catch rate on the Safari so whatever, premium were out of the question
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Can wild pokemon in Friend Safaris have held items on them? I'm half tempted to mug Magmar and Electabuzz
>>14938522 You have to do it without being hit at all, right? Most of the time I can, but the fucking thing just twirls around and the target is impossible to hit and why can't I just buy the fucking stone already
bakastache 3652-0871-2665
>>14938945 Nope. But as stated you can control what ball your eggs have.
Females will pass pokeballs down. Males breeding with Ditto will get regular pokeballs.
This at least lets me do something like breed a bunch of starters in Luxury balls.
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081 [Aipom Loudred Ditto]
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081 [Aipom Loudred Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:50:36 No. 14939140 Report >>14939079 so why do people what HA Ditto?
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>>14938865 >>14938930 Bug doesn't occur all the time, and only will appear when trying to resume the game from a save. GF's working on a patch.
>>14939023 Since when has that ever worked?
>>14939032 >>14938816 >not just getting TM90 from the hex maniac inside the Anistar center at night. >>14939066 You do know L throws up a temporary shield, right?
Quoted By:
>>14938362 didn't work
Magikarp Salesman
>>14939088 stalin for 3DS
In-game is Rocky Balboa
Guys I just bought X so I have a lot of doubts of the new mechanics of this game specially EV training and such. Since there is not much information on Serebii is there any kind of tips someone should know before starting a new game to not screw up their own plans for their pokemon? For example I head when you defeat elite four you have have an other start with will be the starter that has weakness to your first one? and Super training you can max EVs easily all at once before even battling one pokemon?
but 2766-9170-6833
is the move relearner basically a move tutor? is that how i gotta get superpower on my scizor? pls respond
>>14937693 Axew to pass DD to T-tar, heart scale to get the fangs, breed with female tyrunt/tyrantrum
bakastache 3652-0871-2665
>>14939173 no i mean
on /vp/ right now my fc is in my name
you silly goose
Neil 3539-9191-2372
>>14939190 >Since there is not much information on Serebii is there any kind of tips someone should know before starting a new game to not screw up their own plans for their pokemon? Serebii practically has everything shy of Egg Moves
are feebas and milotic actually obtainable or was that just a rumor that they could show up in friend safaris? serebii even said they could, but it was changed recently so that feebas and milotic are on the unobtainable pokemon list
>>14939142 Hex maniac in... Laverre, I think it was?
>>14939191 Shard tutors don't exist in this game. Deal with it.
Magikarp Salesman
>>14939219 sorry, newfag to /vp/ XD
Senpai 0731-4935-5063 Fire: Charmeleon/Magmar
Senpai 0731-4935-5063 Fire: Charmeleon/Magmar Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:53:43 No. 14939302 Report >>14939194 you are a beautiful person and I love you
Josh - 4742.6044.6080 [Ghost, Shuppet, Drifblim, Pumpkaboo] [IGN: Annie]
Josh - 4742.6044.6080 [Ghost, Shuppet, Drifblim, Pumpkaboo] [IGN: Annie] Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:54:07 No. 14939332 Report >>14938522 What truck by what boat in what city?
but 2766-9170-6833
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>>14939280 fuck man. thats balls.
Quoted By:
>>14935981 >>14935943 I got really excited too
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>>14939302 It's no problem, but keep in mind it's DD or Poison Fang. Ice/Thunder/Fire Fang can be obtained with either.
>>14938853 Thanks a lot
Time to Masuda
>>14938986 Uh really? I heard that a Hidden Ability Ditto did had a chance to breed a Hidden Ability Pokemon
If not then gonna breed my Evee for Espeon later down the line
Ever since 4th gen I wanted a Shiny Glaceon, gotta get that now
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081 [Aipom Loudred Ditto]
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081 [Aipom Loudred Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:55:43 No. 14939430 Report Quoted By:
Krea 4012-3939-4098
Quoted By:
>>14939332 They were joking, Coupons have only been confirmed by the official guide book, but doesn't say how to get them
Quoted By:
>>14939137 Or Evees on Luxury Balls for quick Espeon/Umbreon
>>14939239 But any tips that people have noticed and asks the questions to themselves: "Why I didn't know about this at the start of the game?" of course you had to figure out first but I hope you understand what I mean.
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>>14939280 Not lavarre
I'll check the other towns for Hex Maniacs though
Quoted By:
>>14939280 Close
It was Dendemille
Quoted By:
>If you guys think we'll let you join Team Flare after this, you've got another think coming! TYPO CONFIRMED SHIT GAME 0/10 WOULD NOT MEGA EVOLVE WAY TO GO NINTENDO DOES IT AGAIN
http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/696959-pokemon-x/67535721 Is this just gamefaqs being retarded? Does holding an everstone guarantee to pass on all of that Pokemon's IVs while the power item guarantees a ditto will transfer one perfect IV?
Can Hawlucha learn Fly? It seems decently typed to round off my team with, but if it can't learn fly then I'll ignore it.
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Mon 21 Oct 2013 01:58:57 No. 14939620 Report What is a "Good" Nature? Just a nature that effects stats? So Hardy wouldn't be a "Good" nature?
but 2766-9170-6833
>>14939596 it can, but i dont see why you would teach it that
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>>14939596 yeah, he's a real good hm slave
>>14939589 DESTINY KNOT transfers over the IV's
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>>14939596 It can't go into Sky Battles, so I doubt it
bakastache 3652-0871-2665
Quoted By:
>>14939298 yo, what move do I replace
Magikarp Salesman
Quoted By:
>>14939219 Just replace the false swipe with the substitute, thank you.
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Mon 21 Oct 2013 02:00:37 No. 14939727 Report Quoted By:
>>14939620 Also I did a soft reset and my Xerneas now has these stats (pic related).
It has a Hardy Nature and is "capable of taking hits"
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>>14939620 Neutral natures are usually not worth it later in high levels, since your Mon won't exceed on anything
Basically choose anything that doesn't shit on Defenses or Speed at least
>>14939642 Because I dont have anything else that will be able to on my team, obviously.
Not like I'm going to use it for anything other than getting through the game.
Quoted By:
>>14938057 I don't know why everyone believes this, it isn't true. Try it, I just caught a dozen imposter Ditto without even being connected.
So, is there any easy way to get into a double battle so I can have Smeargle Sketch Stealth Rock and Icicle Crash, for breeding onto a Mamoswine?
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Best place to grind exp post game? I need to level my zygarde to 93 for outrage.
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>>14939620 natures are simple
it's a 10% increase to one stat, and a 10% decrease to another.
so you want something that lowers a stat you dont need (like say, attack on alakazam) and increases a stat you want.
anything that lowers one of the defensive stats is total shit
>Xerneas used Geomancy! >Xerneas is charging up energy! Immediately shut my DS. What the FUCK is about to happen to me? Oh god I'm scared
>>14939824 +2 Sp. Atk/Sp. Def and Speed.
Neil 3539-9191-2372
Quoted By:
>>14939468 >but I hope you understand what I mean. I have no idea what you just said in that post
>>14939824 >not looking up what Geomancy does Anonymous
So with the passing on the poke ball from the mother, I couldn't help but notice if doesn't work with ditto. am I doing something wrong? or do I really have to choose between the ball or egg moves, because I may just be downtistic enough to go for the ball
Quoted By:
>>14939738 >Not using the pidgey family Disgusting.
Quoted By:
>>14937992 also intimidate n shit
Quoted By:
>>14939896 2/3rds of people on here don't look anything up
Quoted By:
>>14939824 YOU'RE FUCKED
Quoted By:
What's with the naming scheme for Japanese Ditto? I got one named 6V and there's one asking for 3V1U
Krea 4012-3939-4098
>>14939945 You can literally catch it with a pokeball that been broken in half and slept on by a snorlax, don't waste the masterball
Quoted By:
>>14939670 Yeah I know but is that poster correct about the everstone and such?
>>14938451 Please Respond.
Zygarde Timid
HP, SATK, and SPEED are 31
Should I keep this or reset?
Quoted By:
>>14939997 Yeah, I just caught him with a great ball on the turn that he would have finished off my beloved Chesnaught
I'm going to Box him and have him hold the master ball just to mock him
>>14939824 Oh man, just wait until you see a Aegislash using Sword Dance and you know you can't kill him before he hits you
>>14939905 Pls respond ;_;
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Mon 21 Oct 2013 02:06:58 No. 14940126 Report >>14940049 >tfw you've resetted nearly a dozen times trying to get a modest Xerneas Anonymous
>>14939787 Actually, would using one of the restaurants work for this? I know there's triples in one of them. Any other more convenient way to just get one triple battle rather than a series of them?
>>14939824 >Xerneas is using Geomancy! >Xerneas wastes 2 turns just to increase stats Anonymous
>>14939620 A good nature is a nature which increases a stat you want to be higher and decreases a useless stat.
For example, two of the best natures are Adamant and Modest. Adamant is +Atk, -SpA, while Modest is +Spa, -Atk. Since on most Pokemon you're only going to be using either phsyical or special moves, not both, you'd pick the nature that boosts the stat corresponding to what kind of attacker the Pokemon is.
A bad nature would be the opposite, a nature which lowers a stat you want and raises one you don't want raised.
Hopefully this helps, also take off your fucking trip please.
Quoted By:
>>14940049 Mine has hp def and spdef at 31. They always have 3 maxed stats tho.
>>14940126 I got Modest on Yvetal first time, two ball.
>>14940185 that is pretty retarded
>>14940060 Hmm, I wonder if a lagging tail fire type would be a good counter to him.
Krea 4012-3939-4098
>>14940068 Route 12, above the lapras dude in the grass, use a pokemon with sweet scent, their horde battles are quite common
>>14940070 Not sure what you mean, but females can pass down egg moves now as well if that's kind of what you mean?
>>14940314 But can ditto pass down the ball like a normal mother would?
Krea 4012-3939-4098
Quoted By:
>>14940126 tfw when it took 2 tries to get timid mewtwo, and it can be solo tanked by aegislash
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE
Inspector Redwood 5155-3074-6779 !Rcd8kmTONE Mon 21 Oct 2013 02:11:36 No. 14940409 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>14939278 SOMEONE
Krea 4012-3939-4098
>>14940400 Babies will now inherit the Pokeball type of the mother. Ditto always acts as the mother
That's whats in the FAQ so yeah
I accidentally picked the big nugget. Will I have another chance to get it?
>>14940283 Yeah. Technically it's not that bad because it's a +2 increase in 3 stats which would normally mean spending 3 turns.
Power Herb, though.
What shinys have you guys gotten so far?
Quoted By:
>>14940409 I also got a modest Yvetal. With fantastic IV's.
First try.
>>14940689 i guess that is pretty bomb. now here's a retarded question. how do you check IVs?
Magikarp Salesman
Quoted By:
>>14940701 Magikarp and a Flabebe
>>14940489 Ditto is the exception and breeding it with a male will result in a regular pokeball.
And on that note I'm curious if they made Nidoqueen breedable yet
Quoted By:
>>14940660 You got both. Check your inventory.
Quoted By:
Anyone got a list of the daily things you can do?
Chuuuuung [IGN: Jessica] [X] 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [IGN: Jessica] [X] 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Mon 21 Oct 2013 02:19:48 No. 14940888 Report >>14940172 If all you want is double battles, the first restaurant, Le Nah, is the place to go.
>>14940489 Upon further research, looks like Dittos can't pass balls. Updated the FAQ.
Quoted By:
>>14940247 >telling redwood to turn off his trip Fuck off, redwoods cool
>>14940778 The IV checker in the post-game town's pokemon center.
It'll list what stat has the 'greatest potential' (Which one is highest) and any that match it
If he says "They simply can't be beat", then they're 31
Quoted By:
>>14940778 and when i ask that, i mean is there a really quick way to check them other than flying all the way to a town so an npc can tell you?
Quoted By:
Is there a challenge mode in X/Y?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
X/Y Questions General 61 Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895 Mon 21 Oct 2013 02:22:29 No. 14941032 Report Quoted By:
Krea 4012-3939-4098
Quoted By:
>>14940795 No idea on Nidoqueen sorry, you'l most likely just have to try breeding it if you catch one.
>>14940888 You'd think they'd make the father pass its pokeball down in that scenario
Quoted By:
Is water shuriken even worth learning?
Is Sylveon the only Pokemon this happens with?
>>14940939 So, is there a way to check them before the post-game? I want to make sure my Yvetal has good IVs before saving.
>>14941094 It happens like any time you have strong affection and kill with SE attacks
Chuuuuung [IGN: Jessica] [X] 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [IGN: Jessica] [X] 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Mon 21 Oct 2013 02:25:32 No. 14941230 Report Quoted By:
>>14941094 I'm assuming that's the only mon you've Amie'd, then.
>>14941123 You can try calculators like
http://www.metalkid.info/Pokemon/Calculators/IV.aspx Bob 4484-8675-8675-2439
Quoted By:
>>14941169 Okay thank you, also do pokemon animations
change based on this too? Sylveon used to wiggle
when he got into battle but now he hops.
Quoted By:
>>14940313 A Sp. Attacker, really
Anyone using physical attacks will go down
Quoted By:
>>14939410 >>14938986 Just for the record, just Hatched 5 Evees in a row with their Hidden Ability
So Hidden Ability Ditto works to breed Hidden Abilities
Chris 2294-3965-8005
Quoted By:
Anybody know where all the rollerbladers are?