[33 / 2 / ?]
So I have a perfect IV Calm, Serene Grace Chansey here for a giveaway. Whoever gets a post ending in 57 can have it. Or best offer if no one does. I also have other Calm Chanseys with Serene Grace/Natural Cure with 3 - 5 31 IVs as well that are up for grabs. A couple things I'd like. Adamant/Impish/Jolly Synchronie Pokemon or Ditto. Any Pokemon with 4+ 31 IVs. X exclusives. Or anything else you think may be worth valuable.
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gibe cance pls
CHEEKY 1048-9259-6971
>>14942657 ill give you a shiny sneasel and/or shiny goomy for it.
BasedGod 4871-3995-0901
Wave 0533-5018-1725
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>>14942657 Also forgot to mention I have 2 Chansey eggs. IVs are good.
>>14942743 The shiny Goomy is very tempting. I like it. We'll wait to see if anyone gets 57 or someoen offers something better (which I doubt).
Wave 0533-5018-1725
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>>14942930 Looks like it is mine then, hehe.
I'll be kind and say it is up for grabs under the same conditions.
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Let's hope this works
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i have fenekins and chespins
Wave 0533-5018-1725
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pic for proof. Likes to Thrash About HP = Dark
Joe 1779-0383-0978
I have an Adamant Kirlia with Synch.
CHEEKY 1048-9259-6971
what do you say OP? i have also timid 3iv disable gastly , aquajet superpower marrill adamant
Wave 0533-5018-1725
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>>14944033 I say you have yourself a deal for the shiny Goomy.
Wave 0533-5018-1725
>>14944033 Ofer the trade when you're ready.
CHEEKY 1048-9259-6971
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>>14944221 ok add me first
Wave 0533-5018-1725
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>>14943769 If you want any Chanseys with 5 31 IVs I can dot hat for ya.
Wave 0533-5018-1725
If no one wants anymore I shall be wondertrading them away.
Dorman 2122-6183-5292[ign: JoJo]
>>14944691 you still have any chansey left?
Birdway 4296-3174-8286
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i have an impish mawile if you want to trade
Wave 0533-5018-1725
>>14945496 Yeah! I have two 5 31 Ivs left if you want one.
Dorman 2122-6183-5292[ign: JoJo]
>>14945840 I'm still at the 8th gym so I don't have anything amazing to give you so just give me any chansey you want
Wave 0533-5018-1725
>>14946081 Do you have Swirlix?
Birdway 4296-3174-8286
>>14945840 can i have one if you still have one please
Wave 0533-5018-1725
>>14946343 Sure, the last one is yours.
Dorman 2122-6183-5292[ign: JoJo]
>>14946244 yes I have one of those but I don't know it's IV since I still can't find the checker
Wave 0533-5018-1725
>>14946444 I don't care for its IVs. Just need the data,
Birdway 4296-3174-8286
>>14946409 ok adding, it seems that i have Noibat, Gabite, Druddigon in my safari so you can go if you want to
Dorman 2122-6183-5292[ign: JoJo]
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>>14946544 thanks for the chansey
Wave 0533-5018-1725
>>14946714 Gabite in safari?
Trade whatever you want, the friend safari is plenty.
Birdway 4296-3174-8286
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>>14946781 some anon told me that, i would be grateful if you can confirm
Wave 0533-5018-1725
1779-0367-5508 Dan
Birdway 4296-3174-8286