Old Thread
>>14940953 >>14940953 Friend your fellow trainers for more safari choices.
Submit suggestions/corrections
>Extended FAQ https://docs.google.com/document/d/13MvLYLFQq4YcOyMC49DWcOgqij1thEC_sDUKJ4I2Mk4/pub FAQs
People and Places:
>How do I get into the boutique/Hair styles? http://i.imgur.com/P0Wpe5x.jpg >How do I get passed the punk in the Lost Hotel? You need to talk to and learn the skating tricks from the skaters in Lumiose city.
>Where do you spend Pokemiles? Lumiose Pokecenter, South Boulevard
>Where are the Move Relearner/Deleter? Dendemille Town
>I can't find _____ in Lumiose city! http://i.imgur.com/IzecHL3.png Items:
>Where do I find a Dusk stone? Complete the Super Training Secret Mode with the Aegislash Baloon, (Requires a fully EVd mon), talk to the Team Flare member (Post Game) or Terminus Cave
>...Shiny stone? Route 12 ride the Skiddo around.
>Where do I find the Mega stone for ______? http://serebii.net/xy/megaevolutions.shtml (You can only find Mega Stones between 8pm to 9pm game time after finishing one battle at the Maison and defeating your rival. You must then examine the giant sundial in Anistar and talk to Sycamore)
>Where do I find TM __? http://serebii.net/xy/tmhm.shtml >Movesets http://www.smogon.com/forums/forums/research.251/ Pokemon:
>Where do I find Eevee? Route 10
>How do I evolve it into Sylveon? Get two hearts on the affection meter in Amie and teach it a fairy type move (It learns charm as it levels up)
>Where do I find Ditto? Pokemon Village, South of Route 20
>Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres keep running and I can't catch them, wat do? Keep chasing them till they stop at the Sea Spirit's Den, you can catch them there.
>How do I evolve Inkay/Skrelp/Clauncher Turn the 3DS upside-down after you hear the *ding* of it leveling up(Level 30)
Level 48 (No Camoflage has nothing to do with it)
Level 37
>Does tipping increase shiny chance? That is only a rumor, no confirmation on that.
Since you can breed hidden abilities from males, Is it possible currently to have a blaziken with speed boost and baton pass through breeding?
Can I get all 252 evs through one level up?
Rude 2922-0467-7636
Where is scyther? If anyone has an Adamant scyther I'd trade a good ditto or something.
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>>14947161 Cyllage with a good rod. Really rare.
Does anyone know where the TM for Psychic is?
Can someone give me a simple explanation for Friend Safaris? How do they work, what are the benefits, and when can you use them?
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Is there any stat calculator that works for gen VI? Or one where I can manually input the base stats?
Why did they make Batman into a pokemon in this game?
>>14947243 Pokemon Village. Requires Waterfall, and Eighth Badge.
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Has anyone seen Emboar's X/Y model yet?
is there a way to influence a ditto's IVs at all? or even any pokemon? how does one get a perfect IV? is there any way to influence an IVs outcome? i hate being such a newb in this area
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lol, just walked into a pokemon center and it's now officially my birthday. their little congratulations was funny and yet also heartwarming
>>14947301 Unless you know their IVs it's hard to know. Wait until you get the Friend safari, and find either ditto or a bug type pokemon, and breed better Trapinch. Look up the Breeding threads for some guides on how to do this.
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does anyone know what the little blue pentagon next to the markings and "shiny" indicator is for? just... super curious
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Are you able to rename traded pokemon or is that still no?
>>14947449 I don't want to do that minmaxing shit right now. I am still not finished with the game. I just want to know which one would be preferable
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>>14947279 Friend safaris are X&Y's Safari Zone basically.
After you beat the game, you gain access to Kiloude(sp?) town, which houses the Friend Safari. Basically, when you start the game, you're assigned a type, and 2 random pokemon of that type (a third appears after you've defeated the Elite 4). Friends who enter the Safari can enter your safari, and will encounter those 2/3 particular pokemon. All safari pokemon are level 30, and they have 2 random IV's maxed.
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
where growlithe want growlithe pls
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207 Mon 21 Oct 2013 04:14:52 No. 14947620 Report Does anyone know where to get freaking TYPE GEMS are? Like holey shit how can I Hawlucha without a flying gem
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>>14947337 ...he dose become a Frog Ninja in his final evolution...
X Cordell 0688-5323-6271
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>>14947588 I owe you guys so I'll just give you one, add me and Ill trade
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207 Mon 21 Oct 2013 04:18:37 No. 14947781 Report >>14947191 EV's dont work that way anymore. They haven't since BW. EV's apply dynamically.
>>14947525 Here, I just did this for you. Top and bottom are the same as in the post you made, what they would look like at lvl 100. Without knowing EVs and HP it's not exact, but should give you some idea.
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>>14947675 Time to break the game then.
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>Persian isnt lying down like a persian 0/10 Pre-order cancelled
Why do Pokemon seem to always being ohko online? It's like every single move will one hit everyone
Regarding the Aegislash training: I did it, got the best time, but I was only given a Soda Pop. I completed it three times. All Soda Pop. Does it eventually drop, or do I have to do something else to get it to drop?
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>>14947806 so I guess I'll go for the second one. Thanks.
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>>14947620 Does Flying Gem work on Flying Press?
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>>14947885 Cause other wise wobbuffet would be the destroyer of worlds.
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>>14947907 You need to clear it really quickly. When I needed the stone, I only did the training once in about 10-15 sec and got it.
>>14947781 Thank you! Does anyone know the minimum amount of levels it takes to fully ev train?
gon 5026-4515-1707
I was gonna ask professor but don't know where he went. Could anyone trade some pokemon with me so I can reset my game and get them back? Please add me as a friend and I'll give you my pokemon. I also have: Leaf, water, thunder, moon, sun, shiny, stone mind, zap, toxic, insect, meadow, pixie plate silver powder hard stone aerodactylite abomasite rocky helmet whipped dream sharp beak soft sand sooth bell eviolite metronome black sludge smooth, king's, damp, icy rock metal coat master ball twisted spoon macho brace pretty wing prism scale rare bone dragon fang shell bell So select a few and I can send them to you.
Regulus 3007-8083-1564 ICE [Spheal-Piloswine-Sneasel]
Regulus 3007-8083-1564 ICE [Spheal-Piloswine-Sneasel] Mon 21 Oct 2013 04:23:49 No. 14948026 Report Quoted By:
>>14947907 Beat the recommended time. And even then it's like a 1/10 chance or so. Took me a bit.
So basically, if the IV rater mentions 3 stats, followed by "Outstanding it can be beat" Those stats are 31IV right?
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>>14947907 I once read that you need to do it between 2:10 and 2:20
What's the best place to EXP grind for newborn mons? Elite 4 takes too long and doesn't give good EXP.
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>>14948057 Anon, pls. It's a good Pokemon. Just move on.
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard]
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard] Mon 21 Oct 2013 04:26:01 No. 14948155 Report >>14948021 Not a problem, I'll add you.
4914 3542 0069 (X, Water, ?, ?, ?, Tentaquil, Pikablu)
4914 3542 0069 (X, Water, ?, ?, ?, Tentaquil, Pikablu) Mon 21 Oct 2013 04:26:18 No. 14948176 Report Quoted By:
So Meowth isn't in any normal type safaris?
>>14947907 You need to clear it with exactly 2:10-2:20 remaining. I tested this and you will get a dusk stone nearly 100% of the time.
Same for all of the other trainings that have stone rewards.
Does anyone know if you can use a destiny knot in conjunction with a power item to ensure perfect ivs? I'm trying to breed perfect iv dittos so they can pass their perfect ivs to pokemon I want to use for battling
>>14948271 >breeding dittos what wizardry is this?
How to delete PSS friends?
gon 5026-4515-1707
>>14948155 Cool do you want any item? I also have rare candies.
>battling a trainer >he Ko's everything of mine except Furfurou >he's got 4 Pokemon left >Furfurou takes out all 4 >I win This dog confirmed for godtier. It just needs better moves.
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>>14948178 Not him, but I just tested this and I got 2:19.5 as my time. Boom, Dusk Stone.
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard]
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard] Mon 21 Oct 2013 04:30:42 No. 14948411 Report >>14948347 The master ball looks enticing, the shiny stone as well, and if you have any mega stones you don't want to keep then those too. IGN is Brooke btw
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>>14948349 >4 Pokemon I meant 5.
He had Charizard, Blastoise, the panda, the sword and Chestnaught
>>14947781 Thank you! Does anyone know the minimum amount of levels it takes to fully ev train?
Just got a level 1 heracross from Wonder trade. The thing is, he's in an Ultra Ball...how did this happen?
How do I teach Giga Drain to Abomasnow? There is no TM for it that I have found The Battle Maison does not sell it None of the Move Tutors seem to offer it unless I'm missing one Is it not possible to give Giga Drain to Abomasnow in this game or am I missing something really obvious?
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard]
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard] Mon 21 Oct 2013 04:32:58 No. 14948533 Report Quoted By:
>>14948497 babies take the ball the parent was captured in.
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>>14948497 If you catch a female in any ball, the baby will be born in that ball
Should I ever evolve my Duoblade? It using Eviolite is pretty damn strong, but I'd love to try out Aegislash.
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So, if only fully-EV'd Pokemon can do the Secret Regimens, is the only point of doing them to get the prizes?
gon 5026-4515-1707
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>>14948411 I'm tarta, accept my trade.
so are markings the universal signal for which stats are maxed? Because I literally thought of that for myself and am finding that a lot of Japanese players are doing it
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so can we only find one of each mega stone per game?
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard]
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard] Mon 21 Oct 2013 04:35:52 No. 14948673 Report Quoted By:
>>14948609 yea I saw that once in the trade thread, it's actually pretty handy and I have started doing it myself.
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>>14948057 Outstanding = it has a high IV total.
Can't be beat = 31 IVs in that stat.
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Where the fuck is the discount coupon?
How do I tell my pumpkin is super sized?
>>14948609 Heh, I've been doing that since I started with the whole breeding thing. It makes it so much easier to remember which pokemon have perfect IVs.
JHawk:3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost - Phantump, Lampent, ??? !tr.t4dJfuU
JHawk:3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost - Phantump, Lampent, ??? !tr.t4dJfuU Mon 21 Oct 2013 04:38:16 No. 14948784 Report There was a wonderful EV Training picture made in a thread a few days ago and I never got to save it. It mentioned how the fastest way to EV train in X and Y was to get Pokerus, use the Power Items, and use Sweet Scent and Honey for horde battles, since those yielded the highest amount of EV's per battle. Does anyone have this picture? I would like it.
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>>14948729 it has a different cry from the other sizes
>>14948729 It'll literally be giant as fuck. You can't breed a super sized one unless you already have one and are using it as the parent, though.
>Go through glittering cave to find that fossil guy >Get two old ambers >Guy who asked you to find the scientist gives me Aerodactylite >Unable to make use of it yet When can I actually mega this beast?
>>14948812 After you beat the third gym.
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>>14948763 that's why I was doing it, too.
It's just weird to see so many
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard]
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard] Mon 21 Oct 2013 04:39:32 No. 14948842 Report Quoted By:
gon 5026-4515-1707
>>14948411 Don't judge me, the panda was wondertraded, I didn't give him that name.
>>14948520 So if i max out all my evs at level one, it'll just naturally apply through each level up?
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard]
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard] Mon 21 Oct 2013 04:42:08 No. 14948978 Report >>14948875 Better than King Fu Panda. Tell me if you wanted to keep any of these items, you probably want to keep that Charazardite X.
ok, i just watched shofu's video on IV training
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot0mNjNFRqM do dittos usually have a perfect IV or two? and if i have a ditto with perfect IVs in all stats and i give it destiny knot, will there still be a chance it's eggs won't have perfect IVs either?
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Can shiny patches appear in grass with the flowers on them?
gon 5026-4515-1707
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>>14948978 Nope take em all.
ALso the bug shit has pokerus so give it to your pokemon or whatever (Or cure it if you want to be a dick)
I'm reset and catch pokemon and get back to you real quick. Thanks.
When's the best time to evolve my Doublade into Aegislash? He already knows Sacred Sword and he's at lvl. 52
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>>14948833 Well, at least I hear going from the second to the third gym isn't nearly as long as going from the first to the second.
I also wish this rock head one had the speed the pressure one did, but at least he has better attack and is naughty JHawk:3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost - Phantump, Lampent, ??? !tr.t4dJfuU
JHawk:3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost - Phantump, Lampent, ??? !tr.t4dJfuU Mon 21 Oct 2013 04:46:13 No. 14949151 Report Quoted By:
>>14948925 Yes. Thank you based anon
I'm looking for a Mawile, Serebii says glittering cave, but been I've been here for over an hour and seen nothing. Has anyone here got one from there? If so, it is also possible hes under a rock so I can potentially find fossils too while I look?
gon 5026-4515-1707
Shit how do you reset in this game? I don't see the option for new game.
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What's the point of that ghost girl in the city? Can I do anything with her or what?
>>14949173 Yep, Mawiles are there. Just keep looking.
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard]
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard] Mon 21 Oct 2013 04:48:27 No. 14949252 Report Quoted By:
>>14949180 hold up+B+x at the title screen
I put a Ditto and another Pokemon in the daycare but the man says they prefer to play with other Pokemon. Why? From what I've learnt that means there's a 0% chance of an egg.
>>14949258 what's the other pokemon
>>14948109 Please, any answers for this?
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>>14946964 >>14946964 Should I use Pangoro or Hawlucha for my Fighting tyep?
>>14949258 genderless pokemon can't have babbies
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Anyone heard anything about that guy doing the five million dollar Team Flare thing?
>>14949287 Female Azurill from Wonder Trade if the OT is doing something.
X 5413-0281-6890
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Did they change pokeradar so you can only get 1 shiny per chain? I got my first shiny of the chain but I've spent like 100 repels going for the second one. I know it could just be bad luck, but I'm starting to get suspicious. Subsequent shinies never took this long in gen 4.
>>14949173 I heard they're very rare. Keep looking mang.
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So I bred a Calm Eevee because I want a Sylveon and the IVs came out 18/5/31/31/31/31. Is the HP IV too bad to use or will the high defense and sp. defense make up for it?
do dittos usually have a perfect IV or two? and if i have a ditto with perfect IVs in all stats and i give it destiny knot, will there still be a chance it's eggs won't have perfect IVs either?
>>14949062 Safari Pokemon have 2 perfect IVS guaranteed, and sometimes even 3
That's where those Dittos come from
Also wild Baby Pokemon have 3 perfect IVS guaranteed
>>14949373 baby pokémon can't breed
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>>14949350 False, you can certainly breed things like Magnemites and Beldums, neither of which have genders.
>>14949309 Rotation Battles on Lumiose or Horde encounters on victory road.
>>14949350 They can if breed with a Ditto.
>>14949373 Baby Pokemon can't breed.
>>14949400 but wild ditto usually don't have perfect IVs?
To obtain the oval stone, do I need to see or catch every pokemon in the Kalos dex?
>>14948505 Anyone at all? Is it just not possible to teach anything Giga Drain in XY?
Pretty shitty on GameFreak's part if I have to import a BW2 Pokemon just to get Giga Drain on something.
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard]
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard] Mon 21 Oct 2013 04:52:38 No. 14949465 Report Quoted By:
>>14949387 Well 2 things, Destiny Knot only chooses 5 stats, so one will be missing, also, the stats are chosen from both parents, so if the other pokemon had low IVs it is likely those ones will be chosen.
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If for breeding purposes I teach a jolteon agility and baton pass, can both moves carry over to a offspring through one generation, or can only on move come through at a time?
>>14949402 >>14949427 I thought it was a baby. The list I looked at didn't even have Azurill on it. Thanks.
geen 3883-5629-5546
>>14949173 I got two mawiles I can trade one from safrai and the other from a jap lv1
I'll trade for any starters or a shitmon
What currently are the most sought after pokemon for trading?
>>14949062 Friend Safari Dittos usually have 2 perfect IVs. There's no real way to guarantee more than that
As for Destiny Knot, 5 IVs are chosen from either parent. So if you get to the point that both parents have 31 IVs in multiple stats, Destiny Knot will definitely pass down.
Basically, what you'll want to do is:
1) Breed the pokemon you want with a Ditto with one of the parents holding a destiny knot, and the other holding either a power item to guarantee a certain stat being passed, or an everstone for nature.
Then of the babies, check who has the best stats. Breed that baby with another ditto using the same method
Basically, breed the best of each "new generation" of Pokemon with a Ditto until you get one that's perfect
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>>14949234 >>14949381 Found a Rhyhorn. He must be rare too because hes the only one I've seen in an hour.
Is Mossy Rock accessible prior to game clear?
>>14949509 Dittos from other languages with lots of good IVs.
Dream World Ability Pokemon, especially Protean Froakie due to the hype at the moment.
I just realized by Pangoro had a bashful nature, but I love Pangoro, so I don't mind too much. I'm a little confused when it comes to EVs, though. Just reset his stats and I'm about to boost his attack. What else should I put points into? I figured speed since it's only 98 at lvl 75, but I'm wondering if there's a better option for this guy. Stuck between both defenses and speed.
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard]
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard] Mon 21 Oct 2013 04:54:47 No. 14949573 Report >>14949449 Hoppips learn it at 43, and they are in the same egg group with Abomasnow, you you can transfer it as an egg move.
>>14949554 Why is it Dittos from different langauges? Is it because of the shiny rate?
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>>14949531 I think it's in the first forest somewhere.
>>14949477 Anything that's on the Undiscovered Egg Group will be unable to breed. This includes legendaries of course.
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Undiscovered_%28Egg_Group%29 Anonymous
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>>14949523 interesting, i think i'm starting to get it, but it all sounds incredibly tedious. i'll start doing this after the pokemon league
>>14949563 Pangoro's too slow to justify putting speed in. I'd go with HP or split between defenses
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>>14947208 i just caught one
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard]
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard] Mon 21 Oct 2013 04:56:10 No. 14949642 Report >>14949573 In fact, Roselia are even better, they learn it at only 25
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>>14949531 Just before the 8th gym.
TatorBug<3 3566-1863-1255
>>14949490 I have a Charmeleon if you want it. Add me.
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>>14949531 It's that big rock in the Winding Woods near 8th gym
so if i get a ditto from a friend safari from a person in a different country, it'd still be a foreign ditto, right?
Angel eyes 3110-4308-6710 (Kirlia, Swirlix, Floette)
Angel eyes 3110-4308-6710 (Kirlia, Swirlix, Floette) Mon 21 Oct 2013 04:57:58 No. 14949711 Report Quoted By:
>>14949642 Added, friend. =)
Austin (Pancham,Meditite,Tyrouge) 0748-2229-2642
Austin (Pancham,Meditite,Tyrouge) 0748-2229-2642 Mon 21 Oct 2013 04:58:04 No. 14949717 Report How does PokeBall inheritance work with Ditto?
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First box of Evees trying to get mah Shiny How many more until I maybe give up?
>>14949642 I bred my Abomasnow with a Roselia with Giga Drain and the child didn't know Giga Drain. Is there an element of randomization at work or something?
Should I replace Power Trick with King's Shield on my Aegislash?
>>14949614 I've always wondered why Nidorina and Nidoqueen could never breed, but NidoranF could.
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>>14949602 Masuda Method.
A Ditto from a different language is a good bartering chip. A Ditto with great IVs is even better. People might even give away shinies for both in one package.
>>14949671 I already got charmeleon just trade me any shitmon, which one do you want? If you're not gonna breed it I'll give you the american one unless your fine with the jap name
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>>14949737 Because they're infertile, which is made funnier because I think Nidoking can still be used to breed. It's no skitty on wailord, but still funny. Anonymous
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What if God was one of us?
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>>14949707 When you look at the pokemon in the corner it will tell you if it is a foriegn ditto(it determined by language )
It will say jpn, spn or what ever the language is
Why do my Greninja and Tyrantrum sway back and forth in the beginning of a battle?
TatorBug<3 3566-1863-1255
>>14949759 Not breeding, I'll take american one please.
>>14948320 Wow I'm stupid, how do people even get perfect iv dittos anyways if you can't breed it?
Just plain luck?
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>>14949805 They are starting to like you. Have you been playing with them in Amie?
At higher levels, they will turn their heads to look at you.
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>>14949805 Pokemon-amie? My Snorlax looks behind its right shoulder because I've given it a ton of attention in it.
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>>14949729 Not having King's Shield is suicide.
>>14949836 OK then
so how do I get it, do I just need to level him up once or do I gotta Move Tutor this shit
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>>14949829 Friend Safari Pokemon have 2 perfect IVs. Dittos are Pokemon, and can be in the Friend Safari of certain lucky trainers.
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>>14949636 Ah, thanks. Splitting between defenses sounds good, he seems to be doing pretty well health-wise.
>>14949908 I honestly ditched Aegislash in favor of Xerneas, but it's your call.
>>14949814 whats your ingame name don't know who you are
Austin (Pancham,Meditite,Tyrouge) 0748-2229-2642
Austin (Pancham,Meditite,Tyrouge) 0748-2229-2642 Mon 21 Oct 2013 05:04:54 No. 14949968 Report Quoted By:
>>14949717 Bumping my question
>>14949933 I've got Y, so.
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anyone in here have a ditto in their friend safari?
So let me get this straight. I want to be 100% certain before I undergo this venture of pain. My Pokemon will do better in Battle Masion and Battle Institute if I have maxxed them out in Pokemon Amie?
TatorBug<3 3566-1863-1255
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>>14949973 Then ditch it for Yveltal.
Or give me your Yveltal.
Either way, the way to go seems to be:
>King's Shield >Iron Head >Sacred Sword >Swords Dance/Night Slash/Some other Move NTD-4640-0253-6359 poison:seviper/garbodor/---
NTD-4640-0253-6359 poison:seviper/garbodor/--- Mon 21 Oct 2013 05:06:29 No. 14950037 Report Quoted By:
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>>14949829 Safari Dittos right now (ask in GTS for level 21-30)
have 2 perfect IV guaranteed, sometimes 3, also Hidden ability sometimes
So yeah basically hoarding Dittos and hoarding foreign Dittos on that level is how we are getting foreign Dittos with Perfect IVS
And Japs also want foreign Dittos, so it's a win-win
Grabed a Timid Ditto with Hidden Hability and perfect HP and SP. Attack yesterday
Breeding right now with a Safari Evee I caught with perfect Speed and SP. attack
So with help of Power Item and Ever stone, if I get a shiny I have a Timid and Perfect Speed guaranteed
and high chances of perfect Sp. Attack, athat are perfect for Glaceon
Knuffle 1091 7444 6005
Can I not paralyze electric pokemon now? Will some one trade me the megastone for Gardevoir? Is Sylveon worth using?
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Asking again. Can shiny patches appear in grass with the flowers on them?
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>>14950004 Nope. All Amie effects are removed, IIRC.
Denton 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Denton 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 21 Oct 2013 05:07:33 No. 14950085 Report Quoted By:
How do you get Poke medals to unlock more stuff on the Game Sync shop?
Someone want to suggest a moveset for my Chestnaught? Right now he has Power up punch seed bomb rollout spiky shield.
>>14950014 Are you sure you typed my friend code right?
3883 5629 5546
>>14950045 Electric types are immune to paralysis now.
There's other changes too.
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>>14950004 Don't know about Institute but Amie effects don't work in Battle Maison
Jackben: 3797-6322-9925 (Espurr-Duosion-Grumpig)
Jackben: 3797-6322-9925 (Espurr-Duosion-Grumpig) Mon 21 Oct 2013 05:08:13 No. 14950113 Report Is Porygon a Safari Exclusive pokemon? If so can I had someone here if you have it?
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can someone post the vivillon chart for me, please
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>>14950045 No you can't
You get it postgame from Diantha.
Yes, if you know what it's good for.
Knuffle 1091 7444 6005
>>14950097 Like what? Do tell.
What does it mean if I put a Pokemon in the daycare with ditto, and they make 2 eggs and then suddenly decide they don't like each other? It's happened with several different mons, I think I have some prude Ditto or something.
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>>14950092 I threw out Rollout for Rock Tomb. Less strong in the long run, but more flexibility with accuracy and slowing the enemy down, which is Chestnaught's biggest problem.
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Best Nature and Skill for Metagross? I hear Adamant is good
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>>14950165 Chandelure got his hiax hidden ability changed
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anyone with a ditto in their friend safari?
>>14950230 Battle Chateau
Put out your highest level of Invitation Writ and do some circuits.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
So if I have a pokemon hold Destiny Knot, then 5 of THAT POKEMON's IVs will be passed down to it's children, correct?
TatorBug<3 3566-1863-1255
>>14950095 Holy shit what is going on with the internets. It wasnt adding you, then wasn't accepting trade request. Thanks bro.
Is there any consensus on what the best team to play through the game with is yet?
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>>14950298 no
5 total between the two parents will
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Can you do pokemon amie with ones you receive in trade? I just got a Braxien through a trade but only my starter is showing up in amie.
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>>14950298 No, just 5 between the 2 parents. Its like regular breeding, but with 5 stats being chosen from parents instead of 3.
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard]
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard] Mon 21 Oct 2013 05:13:43 No. 14950335 Report Is Gon back yet?
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If I put a pokemon with Pokerus in the Day Care center for a long period of time, then withdraw it, will it still have Pokerus or will it have worn off?
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>>14950308 The team forged from the strong bonds of trainer and Pokemon.
Until we get Pokegen for this gen up and running.
>>14950230 Battle Chateau for me right now. You can do Silver or Gold Invitations. Silver brings in a shitload of people to fight you, Gold brings in a moderate amount of people with more wads.
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>>14950300 I think it's because I said yes to gamechat and you had it off, still strange tho
>>14950298 No. 5 of the IV's between that Pokemon and the other Pokemon it is breeding with will pass down. The 5 is split between them randomly, though obviously two won't come for the same stat.
>>14949866 OK, I guess I gotta go to the Move Tutor
I'm confused, though, I'm looking at the move list for for Doublade and it doesn't seem to learn King's Shield at all, so is the Move Tutor the only way?
>>14950391 only Aegislash learns Kings Shield
>>14950391 Doublade won't learn it. Aegislash learns it at like 40-ish, and can be retaught it.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
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>>14950358 So what's my best bet to get good IVs onto a pokemon, given i'm going to be having the other hold an everstone?
Do I breed one of the pokemon until IT has good IVs, too?
>>14950391 >I'm looking at the move list for for Doublade and it doesn't seem to learn King's Shield at all Hmm I wonder why
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
>>14950350 Is the battle chateau fun?
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>>14950479 It's basically battling rich people for their money. It's as fun as regular battling is.
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>>14950473 >>14950432 >>14950424 I mistyped, the list on Serebii has every move as "--" for level-up moves.
gon 5026-4515-1707
>>14950335 Yes
Sorry catching the fucks took a little longer than expected
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>>14946964 where is meowth at or persian?
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard]
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard] Mon 21 Oct 2013 05:18:43 No. 14950553 Report >>14950531 You changed names correct, don't want to send these to the wrong guy.
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>>14950165 Can't remember them all, but I do recall that grass types are completely unaffected by stuff like sleep powder, spore, etc now.
do people IRL give you guys shit for playing female characters? no one said anything to me until one guy found out my friend safari type was fairy
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>>14949829 Perfect dittos are pretty much a result of rng abuse or hacking. The odds of getting a legitmate perfect ditto are 887,503,681 to 1. To look at it another way, you'd find 108,338 shiny dittos on average before finding a perfect one. Even with the friends safari bonus its still 923521 to 1 or 113 shinies. Once some one has that, good luck getting the to part with it. Masuda method be damned
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If you nickname a pokemon will they not appear on GTS?
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>>14950581 I don't play a female character, so no.
gon 5026-4515-1707
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>>14950553 Yea it's Erec now.
Does Goodra's Gooey ability only work when attacked? Or does it also work when you're the one attacking?
Hey, I dont really know much about scaing and stuff But how is my Gardevoir Level is 46
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Anyone knows where the O-Power guy is suppose to be after you have the style maxed out so he can give me the Hatching Power?
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>>14949728 Samefag here. I bred my Snover and Roselia (with Giga Drain learned) 6 times. Hatched 6 eggs and no Giga Drain on any of them.
Are you sure Giga Drain is an egg move for Abomasnow/Snover? Bulbapedia lists it as only being a TM/Move Tutor move. Granted, they could be wrong.
Should I just keep hatching Snovers and hope one eventually has Giga Drain? Or am I going about this all wrong? Is it just a low % chance to get the egg move?
I'd really just like an Abomasnow with Giga Drain and I have no idea how to make that happen aside from importing one from BW2.
How does the IV judge work in this game? Like, what are the key phrases and what do they mean? For instance, I checked a random pokemon of mine and he said: "This Pokemon's potential is above average overall. That's how I judge it, anyway. Incidentally, I would say that its greatest potential lies in its Attack stat. Hmm. And it's Defense stat is good, too. And, well, its Speed stat is good, too. Stats like those...They simply can't be beat! That's how I judge it." ?
>>14950628 It only works when being attacked by contact moves.
>Trying to breed me some Scythers with perfect IVs in everything but Sp.Attack >Have a male and female with perfect stats, breeding to try and get Adamant Scythers >Even with Desitiny Knot + Power item for Attack, can never get all the IVs to pass down >Currently have 3 full boxes and working on a 4th of nothing but Scythers >Only 5 females so far Doesn't help that my roommate had a 5 IV shiny Gastly on the 65th egg hatched What am I doing wrong here?
Leon - 3969-4803-6478 (Gloom - Garbodor)
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Can you help me with
>>14949356 please.
Is Noibat a swoop encounter in Reflecting Cave or am I just imagining that? capatcha: gone niger
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>>14950740 Aw man. That's really disappointing.
>>14950689 not a great nature, and my gardevoir is 4 levels higher and has 54 more special attack
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard]
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard] Mon 21 Oct 2013 05:23:51 No. 14950792 Report >>14950736 Where did you get it? If it was from friend safari that means Atk, Def, and Speed are at 31
>>14950736 When he lists multiple stats as having 'the greatest potential" it means all three are your pokemon's highest IVs.
"They simply can't be beat" = 31
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Is there an Item List for Winding Woods so I can know when I'm done scrounging for shit?
>>14950743 turning off the 3ds completely will reset your chances, might help you might not.
>>14950775 you're probably thinking of swoobat
>>14950689 The one I'm training is at 48 and it has Timid nature with these stats.
65 attack
79 defense
170 Sp. Atk
130 Sp. Def
138 Speed
>>14950817 that's not how it works anon each instance isn't affected by the outcome of the other instances
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>>14950778 >>14950862 So mine is rather bad?
>>14950792 >>14950803 I didn't get it from the friend safari, it was the Yveltal I caught.
>>14950775 Noibat is a swoop encounter on victory road or terminus cave.
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>>14950900 no you idiot your chances are decided when you boot up it will always be 1/whatever but the game will still have a specific algorithm set up. soft resetting used to be enough but now you need to stop the game completely for a clean slate
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>>14950924 Enjoy your nicely IV'd Yveltal, then.
>>14950989 Best Nature for Noibat?
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>>14950963 >I can't into articulation Anonymous
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i kinda want to use Klefki on my in game team should i ?
gon 5026-4515-1707
>>14950553 Thank you very much Casius!
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207 Mon 21 Oct 2013 05:31:15 No. 14951112 Report Alright, easy Question. Somewhere in the Moutain Kalos region there is a guy who asks you to get 70 pokes in Moutain. Where is that guy?
so when you supertrain a pokemon and max 2 stats where should you generally put the last available points? I went for Attack and Speed. So go for HP, Sp. Def or Defense?
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard]
Cassius 4656-6974-4923 [Dark - Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard] Mon 21 Oct 2013 05:32:05 No. 14951141 Report Quoted By:
>>14951090 No worries, enjoy your new game.
>>14946964 when can we start pokebanking
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Which Hotel can I find the Maid that gives me the Destiny Knot?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
X/Y Questions Thread 54 Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895 Mon 21 Oct 2013 05:32:55 No. 14951175 Report Quoted By:
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>>14948795 Will the child also be super sized???
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what level to evolve Phantump?
Krea 4012-3939-4098
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>>14951135 It just means itl take longer for them to make another egg
theres a list on bulbapedia which shows the % of chances for an egg to be layed if it says they prefer to play with other pokemon instead you'l never get an egg from the two
Is there any way of getting a Mudkip this gen? (Friend Safari) Or do we need to wait for the Pokebank to transfer one?
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>>14951167 Just buy another X or Y
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>>14951167 You're fucked bro.
So I can use the Super training on newly caught pokemon and max their EV and then I don't have to worry about killing the wrong pokemon and such? Even if the pokemon is lvl 1?
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Has anyone figured out how to mutate the Kee berry and the other one? We know they exist but I can't find the combinations. I've been experimenting, but so far, fruitlessly, if you'll pardon the pun.
I have a couple of questions: 1. What happens to your global link profile if you delete your save file? 2. If I trade a post game mega stone to a pre e4 file, will it still work? 3. What is there to do after the Looker side quest besides legendaries?
Is there a way to reset EVs in this game?
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>>14951284 Berries and reset bags.
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>>14951255 >2. If I trade a post game mega stone to a pre e4 file, will it still work? no
you need to have the mega ring to use mega stones
and you need to have the mega ring upgraded to use some mega stones
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207 Mon 21 Oct 2013 05:35:39 No. 14951301 Report Quoted By:
>>14951255 1. No idea
2. Yes. I let my friend use the Absolite.
3. Metagame.
>>14950989 >>14950845 Right, Thanks, looking for a 4th member for my team, but I don't want to transfer it over because boosted exp. Damn. Any suggestions for a 6th Generation pokemon for my team? using Frogadier, Fletchinder, and Pancham
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>>14951115 Doesn't matter, those last few points are negligible.
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>>14951112 somewhere in or near laverre city?
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>>14951284 Three ways. The berries from the older games, combining two berries that we don't know how to get at the Juice Shoppe, and reset bags in Super Training. Hit the default bag for a while and wait for one to show up, it's all white.
Pretty sure in a previous thread someone mentioned there's a way to check how stylish you are on the global link. anyone remember where that is?
>>14951302 Furfrou and Vivillon are both pretty good.
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>>14951350 The medal list.
Where is the national dex?
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>>14947387 Not the individual Pokemon. The IVs a Pokemon gets are the ones you're stuck with. The only way you can get better ones is through breeding. Breed until you get a characteristic that means it has the highest stat it can, and then breed that Pokemon in the hopes of getting that stat passed on. To do this, have it hold a Power item in the category of the IV you want passed down. Hope this helps. If you don't know what characteristics mean a stat has the highest amount of IVs possible, search "pokemon iv guide" on Google and click the first result.
Kam 2337-3794-1239
What does Sp.ATK do for Aegislash? I'm wonder what sp.atk does for him.
Wait guys I'm reading the faq and it talks about popups in the PSS Is that talking about the requests from passersby/acquaintances/friends? If so, go to options/settings from the menu and you can disable requests from them.
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>>14951443 Complete the game and Sina and Dexio will upgrade it.
>>14951511 I think it means the little hint popups from the game itself, like 'DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THE GTS/WONDER TRADES/O-POWERS?!?!?' etc etc, even if you've already done all of those things.
>>14951511 No, it's referring to the "HEY YOU KNOW GTS IS A THING?! CLICK YES TO DO THE GTS THING! DID WE MENTION IT'S A THING!" and other features with equiv messages, like battle spot and wonder trade
>>14951365 I might try Vivillon
>>14951414 I tried Swirlix, it kept dying on me, and I don't feel like dealing with when I should trade it to evolve it.
>>14951585 I got lucky and had a friend playing literally as I decided I wanted to evolve it. Really lucked out
Is Timid an ok nature for Klefki or should i toss him?
>>14951576 How do you turn that shit off?
How many tricks are there? ive learned a few, but the punk says im not stylish enough. Where are they all?
>>14951112 I was wrong, he's in the north half of Dendemille Town
sorry about that
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>>14951576 >>14951574 I have honestly never gotten that
and I do use them regularly
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207 Mon 21 Oct 2013 05:44:59 No. 14951697 Report Quoted By:
>>14951664 Stylish is different. That goes up by doing stuff. Going to Cafe's, battling in restaurants, etc
>>14951624 Is it a special attacker? I don't know much about the stats and everything, I think it looks cute, and all.
If I wanted to evolve it I could just go to my Y version and put up a bunnelby or something to trade.
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>>14951630 That's what everyone wants to know. Nobody knows.
>>14951562 Doesn't Sp.ATK and Sp.DEF switch?
question about the IV judge in Kiloude: what does the initial statement mean? e.g. "superior potential..." or "outstanding..." etc. if it means the total amount of IV values, then what are the approx. cutoffs?
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207 Mon 21 Oct 2013 05:46:21 No. 14951751 Report Quoted By:
>>14951679 I love you.
Shell Bell fucking sucks, though. Anonymous
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>>14949136 Go ahead and evolve him, he doesn't learn anything else.
>>14951699 Special, but it's pure fairy type, I don't think it would get a choice even if Attack was the higher base stat....
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>>14951626 Klefki won't ever outspeed other Pranksters so you don't really need timid. Modest if anything would be good.
Do a Modest Dual wall set or something.
Holding Leftovers
Light Screen
Draining Kiss/Dazzling Beam
Whatever Maybe Sub?
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>>14951743 Only when it switches from Blade forme to Shield forme. Same for Attack and Defense.
>>14951748 Maybe this'll help?
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207 Mon 21 Oct 2013 05:47:43 No. 14951804 Report >>14951743 Not EV's, just base stats switch. I.E. My agelislash has 252 attack, so his attack is much higher than his special attack even in shield form.
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207 Mon 21 Oct 2013 05:48:47 No. 14951850 Report Quoted By:
>>14951804 >252 Attack EV's May have been confusing, sorry.
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>>14951795 i love you a little bit. thanks
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>>14951761 True, I'll take out Pancham and use Swirlix and Vivillon. Since I used Pancham on my Y file.
>sky trainer using emolga I was not prepared
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PS to all: That song in the end credits with the lyrics in french and english, the french and english lyric aren't the same at all. In fact the whole meaning is completely different. Like I swear it's 2 different songs.
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Gooey Goomy or Infiltrator Noibat?
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207 Mon 21 Oct 2013 05:58:20 No. 14952255 Report Quoted By:
>>14952167 Fuck that bitch in the ass.
Lv51 Doublade with Aerial Ace/Shadow Sneak/Sacred Sword/Iron Head. Good time to use Dusk Stone?
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>>14952226 read the OP
>>14952167 >i went in all over confident with my only flying pokemon ad half hp >she sends out emolga >fuck Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207 Mon 21 Oct 2013 05:59:59 No. 14952314 Report >>14952277 It won't learn any more moves.
Every move it learns that matters is avliable at move relearner.
It would have been fine to evolve it immediately.
Are ditto in Pokemon Village worth anything or only friend safari?
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>>14952226 Glittering Cave
Shabboneu Castle (Post game)
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>>14952277 Dusk Stone
Then go to relearn Kings Shield
Teach it Swords Dance
congrats you are now among the masses using a cookie cutter Aegislash
>>14952314 Wasn't aware, someone mentioned a few times before that learning Sacred Sword would be a good time to evolve it, since the Move Tutor or whatever isn't available until post-6th gym or something?
What are the good EVs for it? I've got it at 252 Atk/252 Def/6 HP
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>14952322 Village Ditto have no chance for Impostor and don't have two guaranteed perfect IVs, but they can still be used for passing natures
>>14952367 >Def >before HP you dun goofed
>>14952401 I wasn't really sure on how his EVs would transfer when going between Forms. I figured I'd reset it once I got Aegislash whenever I figured what would be good.
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>>14952454 HP always invested before defenses.
When forms switch only the base stats switch EV bonuses stick with their stat.