[133 / 10 / ?] 97KiB, 504x589, fletchling_by_xous54-d64x2bk.png View SameGoogleImgOpsiqdbSauceNAO Thread Reply Original Report Media View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO Download Sage 5172 - 0037 - 9440 Y [Gloom, Gulpin / Muk] Mon 21 Oct 2013 08:00:25 No.14956328 View ViewReplyOriginalReport Quoted By: >>14956363 >>14956409 >>14956440 >>14956455 >>14956614 >>14956681 >>14956801 >>14956987 >>14957002 >>14957141 >>14957223 >>14957284 >>14957484 >>14957518 >>14957699 >>14957800 >>14958562 >>14958797 Giving out IV trained Fletchlings with hidden ability and near perfect IV's 29-31 in every stat but special attack, sometimes low speed, its a bit of a grab bag.All perfect natures as well.Thought i'd give back to the board that helped me start work on my Talonflame in the firstplace.I'll nickname it whatever you want, and first come first serve gets the one left in the egg.Accepting anything in return, but I am interested in either someone with a safari with nidorino or deino, or one with a hidden ability on it.