>>14965370 Do we have a complete list of shitmons?
>>14965438 Not yet, but I guess we could make one.
Obvious ones are elemental monkeys, pikachu, fletchling, bidoof, zigzagoon and flabébé.
>playing x >caught all the y exclusives myself >get x exclusives from WT it's confusing times we live in
>>14965476 Where do you stand on outside region mons? If it is a pokemon I could catch myself but from another region I keep them so I can use them for MM later
Donovan 1048-9262-5570 (Dwebble, Corsola, Contrary Shuckle)
Donovan 1048-9262-5570 (Dwebble, Corsola, Contrary Shuckle) Mon 21 Oct 2013 14:58:02 No. 14965578 Report Sending out a bunch of beldums right now about 149 of em
>>14965476 Fucking Gulpin.
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>>14965560 no there are already a billion japanese shitmons in WT
Currently Wonder Trading off all my Gale Wing Fletchlings. Their IVs are mostly hit and miss though I suspect a lot of people will see the Fletchling and think I'm a shitter. I hope they appreciate the ability when they look at it though. No shit pokemon yet either, which is kind of nice. Mostly JPN. Got a Chimecho, a Slowpoke, Farfetch'd amongst a decent selection of pokes I don't have.
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>>14965710 Hope I get one.
If we're gonna make a list of shitmons, we might as well make a small list of goodmons. Basically some things people would like to get that aren't as "common" or more or less not so "early-game". Things like Goomys, Noibats, kanto starters (good way for people to get the ones they didnt pick), Kalos starters (same reason above), haunters, kadabras, gravelers. I think you see what I mean.
>>14965438 >>14965604 >>14965438 Ok so from what I've been trading today and received back I guess we can class these as shitmons(however if you've trained said poke or bred said poke to be good, then it's still good):
Farfetch'd (especially if it's named Quacklin')
MALE Combees
(And all shit like scatterbug, is on the 50% shit list because it could be the pattern you're looking for when you evolve it)
>>14965476 what if it's an orange or white flabebe?
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>>14965710 You can change your message on your PSS profile to mention the Gale Wing ability, it'll pop up and they might just realize it's not your normal shitmon
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>>14965766 Ah crap i meant Panpour/sear/sage, same shit.
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>>14965777 I don't mind getting flabébé as long as it's not the yellow one. Jesus fuck, it's worse than summer sawsbuck.
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>>14965777 They aren't difficult to come by, as far as I've noticed from walking around in different flowers, you get flabébés of different colours from different colour flower patches.
Ken 3797-6348-9767
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>>14965766 scatterbug isn't a shit mon, unless it is Elegant.
>>14965777 What is so great about them are they harder to come by or something
>>14965763 On this note, people should be encouraged to send out things with Pokerus.
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>go into friend safari >catch shit like slugma, growlithe, charmeleon, munna >dump into wonder trade am I doing it right?
>Shit tier Anything caught before Luminoise City>Meh tier Anything that you can catch regularly>Good tier Version exclusives Starters Hidden abilities Good IVs>Great tier 2 attributes from good tier Ones that evolve upon trading>God tier Legendaries Anyone want to add?
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>>14965879 Awright guys gimme a moment to work my MSPaint magic on these ideas.
Donovan 1048-9262-5570 (Dwebble, Corsola, Contrary Shuckle)
Donovan 1048-9262-5570 (Dwebble, Corsola, Contrary Shuckle) Mon 21 Oct 2013 15:10:04 No. 14965935 Report >>14965910 Add shinies to god tier IMO
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aww shit, just got a gurrdurr
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>>14965910 Pokerus to great tier
Ken 3797-6348-9767
>>14965910 add rare scatterbug/Vivillon like Icy Snow, Monsoon, Ocean, and Sandstorm
Side not I just got a Japanese Helioptile for a Seviper so the system isn't complete bunk.
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>>14965935 Add shinies to "Saint amongst Sinners" tier
Donovan 1048-9262-5570 (Dwebble, Corsola, Contrary Shuckle)
Donovan 1048-9262-5570 (Dwebble, Corsola, Contrary Shuckle) Mon 21 Oct 2013 15:13:49 No. 14966038 Report gahd dahng male combees, why are people so cruel
>>14965910 Where would foreign language mons go?
Lycanbelle 4356-0563-7835
>trading away Calm Ferrothorns >get a German Noibat (Jolly Infiltrator) named Ef-Em Certainly made my day.
>>14966001 >>14966059 Scatterbug and foriegn languages can be good, depending on the circumstances
Ken 3797-6348-9767
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>>14966059 they are gravy a foreign shit mon is still a shit mon ain't nobody got time to MM a shit mon.
>>14966038 >send an outstanding male combee with 3 31 IVs and good natures >the other guy will think it's a shitmon I've sent about a box of female ones with good IVs as well, though
Tony 4313-0237-8043 (Ghost - Dusclops, Pumkaboo, Shuppet)
Tony 4313-0237-8043 (Ghost - Dusclops, Pumkaboo, Shuppet) Mon 21 Oct 2013 15:16:48 No. 14966128 Report Just got a Bibarrel from Japan with pokerus. I feel good too because I sent him a Modest Goomy.
>>14966090 Any foreign language male is masuda fodder
Ken 3797-6348-9767
>>14966128 am I the only person that doesn't like getting/see the point in sending Goomy? They're not exactly rare or hard to get
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>>14966128 If there's anything I've learned WT'ing, always check the pokemon before either re-gifting it or releasing it.
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>>14965710 I got a gale wing fletching just like that. i thought it was shit, wanted to believe and was surprised. It doesn't have the best nature, but it doesn't hurt attack or speed so it's good enough for the story.
Thanks WT!
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>>14966111 Male combee is always shit.
>>14966189 It might not be rare but you gotta thing about it from a different point of view. I guarantee most people wonder trading are kids who just started the game (hence all the route 2 shit you find) and getting something like a Goomy so early and with a decent nature to boot is kind of a plus. Gives them a chance to make it a part of their team early before they naturally find them when their team is pretty much set in stone by that point.
I think Orange and White Flabebe are very rare aren't they? Since there's no orange or white patches of flowers where you can find them? I don't even know how one would get one.
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>get luvdisc >has a heart scale still on it thats sweet of them
I sent a modest klutz golett. Am I a terrible person? Got a grass monkey anyway.
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>>14966251 I find them in patches of flowers a lot
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>>14966270 You seemed to have gotten what you deserve. I sent out an Adamant Haunter earlier and in return I got a Fletchling. Karma will get you.
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I love getting scatterbugs. It's fun finding out what pattern they will turn into
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sending out a bunch of birds with galewing, best most who get it wont even look at the ability
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>Send out Haunter >Get Female Japanese Druddigon I think I'll keep her. First good get from Wonder Trade, guys.
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>send out one pokemon >continue to send out whatever pokemon i get for it >get a shiny >person makes a call out "i hate you"
Welp. I hope that guy from Britain isn't dissuaded from doing what he's doing because of me. I got a modest Charmander. He got a careful Goomy. I think I'm going to kill myself.
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Oooh, an Italian Snorlax Honestly, I'm having a pretty fun time getting all of these foreign pokemon. Let me just set up a foreignor box.
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>WTing off recent batch of failed MM'd Skiddos >at least 2 max IVs, adamant, all infected w/ pokerus >got a lv 1 timid ghastly w/ 31 speed >sent guy a "nice" because it's an okay trade off >guy immediately starts trade >traded ghastly for protean froakie. I don't know how to feel about this.
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I have over 9000 bunnelbys now. And one shiny scyther. Thank you, random japanese guy.
Stone X 4940-5825-4230
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>>14965578 Can I please just have one?
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>Just got a decent Adamant Graveler (Golem) around my level Not bad.
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>sending off 3 perfect IV 0 speed brave honedge I feel like a good guy.
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Best thing I've gotten so far is a jolly japanese ditto. Ha ha, time to make jolly male Raltses
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I've been sending out fletchlings with 31 hp at and speed iv's knowing most people will think their trashmons
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>>14966111 It can be a shiny male combee, it's still shit.
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>>14966448 Is it just me or a brits bro's on WT?
Well I always start my WT sessions with one of my bulbasaurs, and then throw any kind of shit I get right back into the pool until I get something useful. Is that good or bad?
Stone X 4940-5825-4230
Neer 1547-5497-6263 [Grass: Pansage, Swadloon, ???]
Neer 1547-5497-6263 [Grass: Pansage, Swadloon, ???] Mon 21 Oct 2013 15:36:06 No. 14966672 Report Quoted By:
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Sweet, those Fletchlings got me some pretty neat stuff, most of it just for my dex and only one shitter who traded me a Bunnelby. Onto the Elemental Fang Tyrunts!
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just got a mother fucking steelix
Donovan 1048-9262-5570 (Dwebble, Corsola, Contrary Shuckle)
Donovan 1048-9262-5570 (Dwebble, Corsola, Contrary Shuckle) Mon 21 Oct 2013 15:36:46 No. 14966694 Report Quoted By:
>>14966630 Ur evil himself
>>14966721 read the post they are replying to retard
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>>14966630 just do whatever you want. but you should keep them for the lottery.
you fuck Anonymous
>send a klefki out and wait without much hope >get a fletchling >typical.jpg >about to release it, squint and see it has gale wings >everythingwentbetterthanexpected i mostly put out goomies, claunchers, trevenants, and i love catching haunters and send them out into WT
Ken 3797-6348-9767
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man I feel like a dick I was just passing on a shit mon like normal when some Japanese dude send me a Frogadier, guess I will pass it on seeing how I already have a Female Korean one with Protean
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>>14966734 check their numbers again, bro.
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>get a german fletching >send it back in >get a japanese lampent
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>>14965370 >Pimp my Chesnaught >Send off baby Chespins on WT >Americans >Low level common Pokemon >Japanese >Barely any better >Get Japanese Flabebe, Hawlucha and Espurr, going to Masuda with them sometime God damn, either my luck s terrible or WT is completely overrun by morons. I'll continue to send off Chespins, Froakies and Tyrunts to WT though.
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>>14966630 wow didn't expect that...
I guess I'll just pump out more bulbas and release all those jap lvl 3 bidoofs then.
Miles 0018 1368 5885
>>14965910 I'm currently sending out squirtles who know aura sphere and dragon pulse with rain dish in a luxury ball.
although the IV's are probably shit because I haven't gotten around to that yet and I can't really into IVs What tier is that?
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>>14966739 >Send 6 Gengar I got from GTS while searching a Timid or Modest one >Get shit and an Adamant Honedge I-it's that good?
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>Finally Masuda a Shiny Shroomish >Have 500 Adamant 31 SPE Quick Feet Shroomish sitting in my PC >Decide to WT them >First box >Get two pokemon with Pokerus within eight trades of each other >Adamant Larvitar >Bulbasaur with Giga Drain, Petal Dance, and Grassy Terrain as Egg Moves >The rest are Flabebe, Furfrou, Pikachu, Fletchling, or Scatterbug >Second box >Tyrunt, Scyther, and Phantump >27 shitmons I stopped there,
>>14966244 >kids I thought we already established how many adults play this game? Honestly it's annoying as fuck how you all defend shitmons as 'little kids will like them' or act holier than thou like little kids cant tell the difference between SHIT and good.
>>14966739 What did you trade for the Fletchling?
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>>14966819 Wouldbehappywith/10
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>breed Squirtles for WT >get Beldum and Bulbasaur for two of them Cool.
Stone X 4940-5825-4230
>>14966819 I'd dig that. You could just be a good guy and send me one.
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>>14966833 You have a very valid point except when you deal with such a (for lack of better words) retarded mindset, you naturally just assume it's a child you're dealing with. I mean it's typical of a kid to just send out whatever the hell he/she just found in route 2/3 right after finding out about WT. No need to get all defensive now.
>>14966819 >starter Good
>egg moves Good
>hidden ability Good
>Luxury ball Good
10/10 not bad - IGN
Victoria 5000-2113-9992 (camerupt, phanpy, palpitoad)
Victoria 5000-2113-9992 (camerupt, phanpy, palpitoad) Mon 21 Oct 2013 15:43:48 No. 14966928 Report Quoted By:
About to send out a box of Cursed Body Shuppets, wish me luck
>>14966819 >squirtles who know aura sphere and dragon pulse with rain dish in a luxury ball I like you
>Breed 30 bunnelby's >call them all penis aids >wonder trade >get jap ditto >get xerneas >get adamant beldum >get noibat with perfect iv's Giving away good Pokemon does not affect the Pokemon you receive so why bother?
Sending boxes full of Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander, Chespin, Froakie and Fennekin into the world. All the Fennekins have their hidden ability. Am I an okay guy? ;_;
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just got sent a jolly haunter named weedleit didn't have an everstone
>>14966819 10/10, would train.
EVs/ IVs can be Super Trained anyway, for the min/max-ers.
my friend just go a fucking moltres today. what is this I dont even
>>14966841 i kept the fletchling, imma use it
initially i traded a klefki for it
>Restart game yesterday >Realize I hadn't used Wondertrade in a while >Wonder if it's still mostly shitmons >Decide to do one trade just for funsies, even though I don't have anything good yet >Receive lvl 1 adamant technician jap Scyther that knows Night Slash >Give the guy a "Nice" and hope he forgives me Goddammit, I swear I won't use this thing anymore until I get around to breeding some nice shit of my own.
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Germany step your game up.
>>14967021 There are plenty of people out there who don't give a flying fuck about legendaries or keeping them.
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>>14966982 >IV's can be super trained They can't
>>14966973 You're a good guy
>>14966904 Is there a way to trade with someone without adding them to your friends list? because I'm at the cap.
>>14966982 >>14966923 >>14966959 I also plan to put in some effort to get a modest nature on them.
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>>14967022 Damn, wasn't one of mine haha
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>>14967031 I've found that trading when Japan is asleep is best and now that people have had the game for a bit, bred Pokemon are a lot more common
>>14967073 Wouldn't a male Squirtle and female modest ditto with everstone pass on the moves and the nature?
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>tfw I got a level 1 nitwick, level 1 infiltrator noibat, and a level 1 japanese evee before the second gym due to wonder trade Still wondering how to train/use them in my team, though.
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I don't know if these stay, but I tag what IVs are perfect with the circle, star, square, triangle, diamond, other shape symbols.
>modest female ralts from Japan the waifu train has no brakes
>>14967118 yeah but you lose the luxury ball so I have to do this the hard way.
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>>14967056 still tho. some bros out there. we're currently farming ditto to send out
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>>14967147 looks like you finally got your japanese waifu, anon.
was about to bitch about japs on wondertrade but then one beautiful bastard just sent me ditto
>>14967148 Even if the ditto was caught in a Luxury ball?
I only trade 31 Sp. Atk/Speed Protean Froakies however, I name them stuff such as Turdlord or Bonersatan Is this good or bad?
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>>14967185 >implying Japs arent top tier wonder traders italy has been pretty good too, but I cringe whenever I see any american state.
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>>14967211 You'll be fine.
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>>14967185 Japs have been the best traders I've dealt with so far in my hundreds of wonder trades. Thanks to japs, I've gotten Pokerus, Eevee's, and basically a bunch of things that aren't on the "Shitmon" list.
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>send out EV trained Carbink >get freshly caught Honedge Dammit Pennsylvania.
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>sending mid-game dex-fillers (carbink, absol, nidos and solosis, mostly) >one guy sent a Manectric for an Absol >gave him a like >he boots trade instantly >have nothing better to send, show Manectric back >he sends mf'ing Shiny Rain Dish Calm Squirtle for it Thank you, based Rogério
>>14967147 What ball is she in?
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Does wonder trade count as a trade for evolving pokemon? Because I've been sending out a butt load of them pumpkins
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>>14967211 yep. breeding with ditto loses your ball, at least as far as I know when you are using the ditto as a female.
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>>14967213 >Is this good or bad? It's hilarious.
>Send out Lv 30 Goomy nicknamed "Goomy pls" >Get Lv 9 Furfrou
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>>14967254 *what balls are in her
>be me >trade a luvdisc named "luvvers" >trade with someone from japan >get another luvdisc from the trade FML
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>just got Quacklin Fuck. I guess it's not too bad, I sent a Noctowl I caught.
>>14967213 >Using pokémon that other people traded you >Not breeding your own from those Anonymous
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>>14967213 I would enjoy this
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>>14967326 I certainly do this.
>>14967315 Is this your first WT or something? Getting shitty returns is the common thing. Luvdics btw should also be put on the shitmon list while I think about it.
>About to go into the first gym >Decide to try Wonder Trade >Put up a Litleo >Get back a level 28 Pidgeotto >Check information >First met at level 3 on Route 2 >MFW some poor bastard put his bro up not knowing what Wonder Trade was and probably got a Caterpie in return
>>14967359 Nah, I've seen people trade them with Heart Scales attached. Not bad at all.
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Sent Boldore, got Graveler. That was a good trade.
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>trade with german kid >he gives me a Japanese Skorupi I love how much shinannigans wonder trade causes
>>14967359 What's the full list of shitmon?
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>>14967366 He got your litleo, dumbdumb
Leila 0860-3881-5269 Mienfoo, Sawk, Hariyama
Leila 0860-3881-5269 Mienfoo, Sawk, Hariyama Mon 21 Oct 2013 16:00:33 No. 14967458 Report Quoted By:
I send out shitmon sometimes. Only because I want to spread the Pokerus around and shitmon/egg rejects are the quickest way.
>>14967385 Getting a heart scale isn't anything great. You can just spam the Old Rod, get a Pokemon with Thief/Covet, and just farm heart scales as much as you want.
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>>14967366 I, for one, sent all my nuzlocke corpses into WT.
That included lv.50 Pidgeot named "HomingPigeon", whom I got a damn rabbit in return
>>14967416 Everything that's between route 6 and 1.
>>14967459 It's still not the worst thing you can get. Better than getting some other bullshit.
>>14967416 Everything that's useless to you..
Though their IDs might be kind of nice for the Loto
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>>14967490 Well you got me there. Fair enough.
Ever since I got a shiny Charmander from WT, I've been obsessed with sending out good pokemon. So far I've been unleashed Deinos, Dratinis, Skill Link Jolly Minccinos with 2 IVs and Jolly Quick Feet Shroomish with at least 2 IVs
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>>14967509 game theory a shit, bro.
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I never stop being amazed that I dont get exclusively shitters when WTin
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>>14967521 Goomy is useless to me and it's not a shitmon.
That criteria is stupid.
>>14967542 >Minccino Oh shit nigga gonna have to get me one of those
>there are people right now who aren't sending out starters(and Speed Boost Torchics)with perfect IVs
Ok I'm done fucking around making dinner and using MSPaint, here's something that needs revision. Gimme your thoughts.
>>14966001 Umm what Icy Snow vivillon is rare? I get icy snow from my game
cierra: 4081-6868-8595
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>>14967638 Move trade evo's down a tier in my opinion, a lot of people are doing them and they're not really rare or anything anymore
>>14967671 It depends on where you live. Only one of the Vivillon patterns is natural to your game.
>send Larvesta >get fucking Carnivine Goddamit.
>>14967638 It's good though I would make the list of shit tier mom up to that cave where you can catch Axews.
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Spent a couple hours yesterday WTing 4 boxes of breeding rejects. Mostly Timid MagicGuard Abras and Mild MarvelScale Dratinis (Mild for Mixnite). All had at least two perfect IVs. Only non-shitmon I got in return was an Adamant Intimidate Mawile (Japanese too)>feels bad man
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>>14967713 yeah i know that, just meant to ask if it's considered rare. Guess people don't play pokemon here lol
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>>14967714 I think shitmon should be pretty self explanitory though.
>traded a goomy for a haunter holding an everstone Wtf bro!?
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>>14967815 >trade out a shiny Haunter >get a fucking Haunter with an everstone Anonymous
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>>14967815 Just take the everstone and put the Haunter on GTS for another Haunter.
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>Send a brave Honedge with 4x31 IVs >Get modest ralts with 3x31 IVs in return Nice.
Quoted By:
>trade away Japanese Magician Fennekin >get furfag in return
Quoted By:
>>14967285 Oh god, can't stop laughing
>>14967638 I think for breeders of non shiny, non legendary pokemon this should be the metric.
Starters (or another rare or hard to breed poke like Eevee)
Hidden abilities
good IV's
Egg Moves
Beneficial Nature
-Great tier-
2 from good tier
-Autistic Santa Tier-
4 from good tier, In a special or signature ball
-God Tier-
all 5 from good tier in a signature ball with a nickname.
Quoted By:
>>14967940 make God tier Aceus tier and you have a tier list.
>>14967940 Hmm do you think ball is really a thing we need to add to pokemon that will be wondertraded?
Adan 4699-6423-1950
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just WT a modest poliwag with swift swim, got back japanese beldum. Fuck yeah
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If anyone here needs someone with a Ditto safari, this guy has one and he's adding people in the thread.
>>14966987 chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
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got either a timid or modest fennekin with magician with perfect ivs in speed,spec def and spec attack yesterday. i sent out a lvl litwick. not sure what iv's were as i just wanted to breed a shiny. the parent lampents were from the safari though.
Quoted By:
>trade lvl 1 luvdisc >Get lvl 75 Beartic
>>14967326 I traded some guy a Charmander named NIGGERZ and he had fully evolved it when he later challenged me to a battle.
>>14968049 Yes. It adds to the difficulty of the breeding project so it should be there, and also some balls like luxury ball can be beneficial.
And in the new 3d model the pokeball is much more visible so there is that too.
i've been WTing adamant/jolly torchics with at least 31 spd IVs has anyone gotten any? OT Hans
>>14968129 Yes I get that, but I mean in the fact that it's a pokemon you're essentially giving away for free.
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>>14967940 add "holding an Item" to the good list, I attach berries to mine now that they are so easy to farm
>>14966734 One or two posts saying bad would be understandable. That series of posts is basically spam.
>>14968180 >not having them have speed boost Anonymous
>>14968205 and its always better to get a pokemon in a good pokeball rather than the old red and white.
I love seeing what pokeball people use when they send stuff.
>>14968270 but they do
well, most of them Anonymous
>>14968229 >mfw I haven't gotten a single Bunnelby so far Anonymous
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>>14968285 I hope I get one.
>>14968121 You can't possibly know that. Don't traded Pokemon lose their nicknames when they evolves now, or is that only the language change?
>>14968293 How many WT's have you done? 2?
Am I a dick for mass wonder trading baby Honedges?
>>14968330 Enough to fill a box and a half.
I don't even have Bunnelby on my dex, I do have a lot of shit monkeys though.
I also got a Lv 49 Japanese ditto early in the game.
>>14968327 It's only foreign language Pokemon that haven't been nicknamed. I didn't even recognize who it was until he sent out that Charizard.
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>>14968334 no I do that with luvdiscs
Korozo 1864 9073 9210
>>14968327 If they're foreign but not nicknamed, they change back, but if it's a nickname, it doesn't change.
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>>14968229 >just got one called 'passmearound' I'll end the horror
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>mfw I have 4 boxes and a half of Pokemon to Wonder Trade Reserving all the ghosts and the Zoruas that I bred for Halloween, but everything else is being Wonder Traded tonight.
>>14968370 Oh wow that's impressive about the ditto.
Carl - 5000-2941-4459
can one of you guys help me evolve my haunter?
>"Welcome back, Volbeat!" >I traded it away a few hours ago Woah
Quoted By:
Are a bunch of level one larvesta and snorunt "good" wonder trade pokemon?
>>14968415 I know.
I'm not sure if it is a safari ditto or it just got such a high level for staying at the daycare.
Once I beat the game I'm going to go check with the IV guy.
>>14968456 Funny. I was wondering if anyone's gotten their own Pokemon back.
Inapants (Ivysaur, Pansage, ???, Profit)
Quoted By:
I can help you there, mate.
What determines what you get through wonder trade? Is it based on the level of the pokemon you send out? The number of badges you have?
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>>14968274 Ok so I'll add special or signature ball to good tier.
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>>14968487 Some guy said he once traded his charmander for itself in another thread.
Quoted By:
>Japs constantly sending english language pokemon Why.
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Sent out a box full of adamant Mawiles /w Elemental Fangs, now i have a box full of shitmons. At which time (european) are japs asleep?
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>>14968505 It's totally random.
Quoted By:
Sending out good IV female evees Am I doing it right?
Here's an updated Tier list, yell if you see something that needs updating or changing.
>send near perfect adamant mawile >get lvl 1 hasty mawile back >guy was probably breeding them >sends me an o-power enjoy the mawile bro
>>14968596 And I didn't even attach it, here it is.
Inapants (Ivysaur, Pansage, ???, Profit)
>>14968439 Woops, forgot link. I'll help you mate.
Quoted By:
I most recently sent out a well-bred Charmander. Got a female Combee in return, then we sent each other a 'nice'. Felt good. I love my queen bee.
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>>14966072 Believe it or not but "eF-eM" is its actual German name. Noivern's name is UHaFnir.
>>14968614 What about pokemon that can only be obtained through the friend safari?
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I got a level 1 foreign (German) modest female eevee in a luxury ball. Evolved her into a Sylveon, she is now broodmother to my own and many other WT anons' eevee army. My only regret is that I can't nickname her Matriarch or something similar. Will MM her when I don't have any more game things to attend to. As for my WT fodder, I usually breed a few Y version exclusives, eevees, starters, or vivillons before bed. I generally get shitmon, but it's nice to have a pool of foreign pokes if I ever want to try for a shiny.
>>14967633 >spreading speedy chickens willingly Inapants 4399-0074-1146 (Ivysaur, Pansage, ???, Profit)
Inapants 4399-0074-1146 (Ivysaur, Pansage, ???, Profit) Mon 21 Oct 2013 16:40:08 No. 14968713 Report >>14968616 Wow, I'm on fire today. Everyone do me a favour and pretend that this isn't happening.
>>14968684 Those would fall under pokemon with decent IV's I think?
pea 2981 6652 9682
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been sending out 6+ boxes of 4 and 5 stat mawiles. before that i sent out 4 boxes of noibats
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>>14968610 Isn't it great when you trade a good mon for a shit mon and the person starts sending you O-powers as an apology/thank you
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When I first got X I sent out such great stuff. If I got shit early game stuff I'd give it Pokerus then send it back out. Eventually I got so tired of receiving total shit that I just send shit now. I've yet to get anything good to change my mind. It's all your fucking fault Japan.
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>>14968698 It is the only way to bring balance to the Wonder Trade.
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>>14968718 Oh right forgot they had that.
I-I hope people out there are enjoying all the babby honedges I'm sending out. They're brave and the IVs get better as time goes on..
Sent 4957 - 3522 - 6061 [Phantump, shuppet, Spiritomb]
Sent 4957 - 3522 - 6061 [Phantump, shuppet, Spiritomb] Mon 21 Oct 2013 16:43:25 No. 14968807 Report Quoted By:
>>14968774 They better, because I'm going to be sending out baby honedges too soon
Saint [Cacturne Sableye Pawniard] 4527-7818-2249
Saint [Cacturne Sableye Pawniard] 4527-7818-2249 Mon 21 Oct 2013 16:45:34 No. 14968882 Report >>14968713 sure, if you let me come loot your friend safari for them sweet chlorophyll bulbasaurs.
Inapants 4399-0074-1146 (Ivysaur, Pansage, ???, Profit)
Inapants 4399-0074-1146 (Ivysaur, Pansage, ???, Profit) Mon 21 Oct 2013 16:45:46 No. 14968889 Report >Send out a lvl 1 Skorupi with decent IVs >Get a Gulpin >Shit >His name is Kim Jong-Un >The man I got it from is from France Oh France, you so silly
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I send out so much pokerus. if I feel like WTing ill go catch gibles or somethinf and give em pokerus. its pretty cool knowing Im probably helping someone out.
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>>14968889 French people always send me smeargle. Smug bastards.
Is Japan the worst country for trades? They're trying to be smartasses giving out at least uncommon Pokemon with the worst natures
>shiny breeding >wonder trade all the ones i dont need >receive a level twenty timid protean froakie >look at OT >It's me what the fuck just happened
Inapants 4399-0074-1146 (Ivysaur, Pansage, ???, Profit)
Inapants 4399-0074-1146 (Ivysaur, Pansage, ???, Profit) Mon 21 Oct 2013 16:47:25 No. 14968951 Report >>14968882 Only if I can pillage some Pawniard.
Saint [Cacturne Sableye Pawniard] 4527-7818-2249
Saint [Cacturne Sableye Pawniard] 4527-7818-2249 Mon 21 Oct 2013 16:48:03 No. 14968972 Report Quoted By:
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>>14968943 From my past few trades, they are always shitmons or just passing along what they just received.
>>14968945 I've sent out 8 boxes of Zoruas now and I'm yet to see a single Zorua back.
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>>14969023 I sent froakies out like three days ago. that's the part that freaked me out.
>>14966965 >Xerneas >wonder trade People are fucking idiots.
Still, maybe that means I'll get Yveltal for one of my Sentrets.
>>14967815 Some gravelers I have caught were holding an everstone. I wonder how people trade them without paying attention to the items.
>>14968485 That's the level you catch them in the wild. Safari dittos are caught at 30.
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>>14969232 Shame.
I'm going to get a new one later then, thanks for telling me.
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>>14969227 Yeah I've accidently sent out a graveler directly after catching it and only noticed on the trade screen that it was carrying an everstone.
Sent 4957 - 3522 - 6061 [Phantump, shuppet, Spiritomb]
Sent 4957 - 3522 - 6061 [Phantump, shuppet, Spiritomb] Mon 21 Oct 2013 16:58:26 No. 14969288 Report Quoted By:
>>14969198 >yfw seven year old kids around the world who don't even speak English are sending their legendaries over wonder trade because they don't even know what it is and they lose their legendary for one of your sentrets Anonymous
>>14969023 were you the guy last night who was about to give up on shiny zorua? if so didja get it?
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>>14969227 I almost sent a boldore out with an everstone on, that would have sucked
Inapants 4399-0074-1146 (Ivysaur, Pansage, ???, Profit)
Inapants 4399-0074-1146 (Ivysaur, Pansage, ???, Profit) Mon 21 Oct 2013 16:59:21 No. 14969312 Report Quoted By:
>Getting pissed at shit trades >Get a Bunnelby >I should kill him >Nah, fuck that he's someone else's problem >Get another modest Charmander I can't fucking handle it anymore. I just want an adamant Phantump..
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>>14969290 Yeah that's me I gave up after doing one more box, when everyone told me to continue, 810 eggs hatched, zero shinies.
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The nicest trade I got was a nicknamed Budew, "Rose'r'aid", holding a Super Potion. It made me smile. I think I sent over a Gurdurr or a Gothitelle.
I've been sending out a lot of goomys, haunters, claunchers, charmanders, and swirlx. I know goomys not great but I feel like its not a shitmon if you havent had a chance to catch one yet. Should I stop wonder trading goomys?
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>>14969501 Anything you get lategame is not shit.
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I send out a bunch of badly named Gible (from breeding) the other day and the biggest surprise I got was a Froakie.
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>>14969501 I'd say goomy is meh tier, but if they have decent IV's or if you give em items, that'd be decent.
How would you guys feel about getting my reject bred Phantumps with Grass Hammer? They evolve, but you could stop it I suppose.
>have 5 badges(team lv 30-40) >gave away a skorupi lv 30 >got a lv 45 gurdurr, which is now a conkeldurr good enough?
I just got a Magikarp called Schl0ng-o
>>14969893 and a Mienfoo named Rock Lee
>>14969893 I got a Happiny called Lick My Vag
>>14969893 Chespin named Bruce Willis.
Ok, I've got a bunch of Gurduur up for wonder trade, what do I call them?
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>>14969893 >>14970075 >>14970077 Guys, just nickname everything you trade Pikachu.
>>14970104 Torchic named HITLER
>>14970151 Call them Gurduur, people will be pissed when thier Gurdurr evolves into Conkeldurr and it's still Gurduur.
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I'm trading out baby Larvitars, and I got a Japanese Roggenrola. I'm okay with that, I'll try to get a shiny one. I love shiny Gigalith.
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>>14965370 Everytime I've got someone from France they've been route 3 shit.
Beware the French. Japs are bros tho, had a ton of good things from them.
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>getting tons of larvitars >trading every single one of them back I like using wonder trade to see what other people post up, I usually don't keep anything
Germany keeps sending shitmons. Stop being upset about Hitler.
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Well, time to send out some FS Dittos I won't be needing since their perfect IV's aren't things I need. Hopefully I get some good stuff in return.
>>14970196 you can't name a pokemon its default name
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>Send out a Charmander >Get a Deino named Hydreigon I laughed.
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>>14970599 remove the double letter then
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>>14970599 That's why you change one letter, Gurdurr is spelt with 2 r's at the end, just swap one r for a u.
>>14970599 Can't you put a space after it?
>halloween >sending out 2 full boxes of super-size adamant pumpkaboos is this awesome y/n?
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Sent out some Fennekin, some with Magician. First trade was with some French guy named TANGUY who traded over Gurdurr without Everstone. Last trade was some UK guy with the message "Sup son?" and got a Magikarp. Typical day on Wonder Trade.
>>14970640 I can't tell the difference in size. Is there some obvious way to tell?
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>>14970664 Super-size has a vastly different cry than the other three.
How do people send pokemon with HMs?
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>>14970694 Dunno. I tried to send a honedge with cut back when I had 1 badge and it said I couldn't but I tried again later on after maybe 3 badges and it worked fine.
Inapants 4399-0074-1146 (Ivysaur, Pansage, ???, Profit)
Inapants 4399-0074-1146 (Ivysaur, Pansage, ???, Profit) Mon 21 Oct 2013 17:43:54 No. 14970790 Report Quoted By:
>Sent out a Fennekin wiht Magician >Got a Fennekin in return >Firefox.exe Such is the life.
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>>14970694 You can send them as long as they're in the PC - if they allowed you to send them from your Party it would create the possibility for players to get stuck (sending out their Surfer/Waterfaller/etc.).
shit some jap just sent me a timid gastly with the attribute "alert to sounds" how do I find him again I want to thank him
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traded away a Haunter on WT (no stone)>male combee named HoHoHoHoHoHo why would they do this
>>14970855 he's in acquaintances
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>>14970877 >>14970919 thanks guys, just hope I nice'd the right jap
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Ok, which one of you is Kirk?
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I sent out Charlie the female shiny Charmander and pretty sure I got shit back. But I ain't even mad, wasn't going to use that mon anyway.
Are Noibats hard to come by or something? I always see people in WT trades being happy about receiving them.
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>>14972214 Threads, not trades.
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So I nicknamed a pidgey Poobird, and gave it a masterball. Hopefully he'll be passed off as just a shitmon, and maybe even retraded once or twice before someone finds the masterball.
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>>14966819 Pardon me for being stupid, but how did you get Squirtle in a luxury ball?