Alright motherfuckers. I was too late for the weekend and got this one at exactly 11:57 last night.But the weekend don't gotta end, let's continue this shit on!
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 21 Oct 2013 18:00:03 No. 14971358 Report Box 19 of Froakies, still no shiny. I don't want to be one of those lunlucky bastards who reach box 36. Please help me.
>>14971358 Stick with it bro, it'll happen when you least fucking expect it
Just caught a Shiny Floette, Naive, Luxury Ball, Mischievous. Probably has 31 SpAtk IVs, since I caught it in the Friend Safari. It's up for trade.
>>14971690 What would you want for it?
Toast 1633-4233-6456 Dark - (Sandile, Nuzleaf, Liepard)
Toast 1633-4233-6456 Dark - (Sandile, Nuzleaf, Liepard) Mon 21 Oct 2013 18:12:15 No. 14971741 Report Quoted By:
>>14971358 I got mine in box 10...with Torrent.
Still going at it.
Quoted By:
>>14971718 Another Shiny. I hate the Flabebe line for some reason, so almost any Shiny would do. Almost.
>>14971199 Get some Charizardite X and see what's it's X Mega looks like.
>Started MM yesterday evening, done about 3 boxes >now I just sit there and think if it's worth spending time like that fuck it, let's do this
>>14971750 I will, but first I gotta get me a shiny froakie.
Quoted By:
>>14971750 it's dark water-green
Quoted By:
>>14971755 i've been at it for three days, you can do it anon
>>14971358 >tfw I'm at box 36 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>14971800 >>14971299 >>14971199 Damn, Killin' it with the dubs there.
Quoted By:
>No! You reeled it in too slow! FUUUUCK YOOOOUUUUU
Caught this guy last night. So happy. Anybody want to trade another shiny Kalos Pokemon for it? IGN @insanityinacan 1118-0221-2377 P.R.
>MM Beldums >366 hatches, no luck yet >try out the fish chain >mfw this shit works
Quoted By:
>>14971862 >something something PS4.jpg Dresden - 0602 6381 8471 (Mawille, Dedenne, Floette)
Dresden - 0602 6381 8471 (Mawille, Dedenne, Floette) Mon 21 Oct 2013 18:16:43 No. 14971937 Report Quoted By:
My only shiny. It's been a Lucario for a few days now.
>>14971905 now what about charizard y?
>>14971927 Fish chain? Care to explain?
Quoted By:
>>14971905 goddamn that's honedgey
Outi 1048-8246-6368
I caught two shinies on the Friend Safari today, Eevee and Mawile. Anyone interested in the Mawile? It's Mild though :c but it has perfect IVs in attack and speed.
Brad 3050-8123-5721
Quoted By:
>>14971199 >Power goes out at my office >Get to leave 4 hours early >At home hatching Ralts eggs while I watch my email. I'd get so much more shiny hunting done if I could do this in my down time at work.
Outi 1048-8246-6368
>>14971690 Shiny Mawile? I love Florges so much
Naskr - 5086-1943-8676 (Y)
>tfw just traded my Shiny Alomola for a Xerneas on the GTS Aw yes. Take advantage of the Chain Fishing technique now whilst it's still unknown. And I just caught a shiny Dragalge too. Get on this, Shiny hunters.
>>14971985 Shit son, care to trade me a pokemon with suction cups? Just any one will do. I think I'll have something great in return.
Noah 0920-0060-6836
>>14972000 Me! I'll trade anything!
Quoted By:
>>14971899 I don't have a Kalos, but would you take a shiny floatzel or durant?
>>14972036 Both Inkay and Octillery are found in the wild and have suction cups.
Quoted By:
>>14971954 What this guy
>>14971985 said
Best works with Sticky Hold/Suction Cup in the first slot.
I used a fainted Inkay in my first slot, in my second my Catch-Slave Hawlucha.
Quoted By:
>>14972033 Oh sweet, thanks! I heard about a shiny gallery but every time I asked for a link it'd go ignored.
Quoted By:
>>14972035 Where is the super rod?
>>14971954 Fish near rocks,make sure you dont reel in too slow/fast or have dead casts. You can run from encounters and keep the chain. Pic related,caught her within 20 minutes of hearing about this shit. Outstanding IVs too
>>14971199 Hold up, shiny charmander is just bright orange now? I thought it was yellow. Or is the camera quality just shit?
Please don't tell me I passed over it thinking it was just a regular Charmander. 800~ eggs in, too.
Quoted By:
>>14971199 The whole point of it being on the weekend was to avoid creating another one of these Daily Generals, just saying. We all agreed it would be for the best.
Congrats on the shiny though, Shiny Charizard & its Mega's are Top Tier shinies.
Quoted By:
So far the shinies I have are>Wartortle >Bunnelby >Relicanth >Skrelp
Outi 1048-8246-6368
Quoted By:
>>14972037 Throw me some offers son!
Quoted By:
>>14971199 I found my first shiny
A modest magmar in the friend safari
It has perfect sp atk and speed ivs too
Noah 0920-0060-6836
>>14972094 >Or is the camera quality just shit? It is.
>Please don't tell me I passed over it thinking it was just a regular Charmander. 800~ eggs in, too. You didn't.
Mark 4210-4370-6960 (Pansear,Slugma,Braixen)
Mark 4210-4370-6960 (Pansear,Slugma,Braixen) Mon 21 Oct 2013 18:23:54 No. 14972153 Report Quoted By:
>>14971985 >Gamefaqs All you gotta do is get a good/super rod and keep running from Pokemon while fishing in the same area until a shiny pops up in which case if you catch it the chain breaks and you start a new for another shiny.
Quoted By:
>>14972057 Oh cool, nevermind sorry!
JHawk:3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost - Phantump, Lampent, ??? !tr.t4dJfuU
JHawk:3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost - Phantump, Lampent, ??? !tr.t4dJfuU Mon 21 Oct 2013 18:24:36 No. 14972173 Report Found this guy last night while EV training for Sp Atk, caught him too!
>>14972031 Already have a Shiny Mawile, sorry. It appeared in the same area, along with a Shiny Kirlia that Teleported away...
capcha: captured iageted
Now at 36 boxes I don't think I can take it anymore Fuck I just want a blood sword. Fuck everything
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Quoted By:
todays been a good day. one hatched shiny litwick. shiny sligoo from safari. 2 shiny relicanths and 2 shiny skrelps thanks to fish chaining.
Quoted By:
>got 2 perfect timid profroaks, one of each gender >trying to get a perfect JPN profroak, probably already have one or two by now It's happening.
Brad 3050-8123-5721
>>14972178 MM breaks spirits. I'm on 10 boxes of Ralts. I want to get off of this ride.
Don't let Matsuda win.
Quoted By:
>>14972144 Ok, so it is legitimately bright yellow vs orange for shiny/normal? 3D didn't change it like it did to other pokemon?
I almost died.
Noah 0920-0060-6836
>>14972177 Where are you chaining mawile?
Quoted By:
Sorry, OP here. Here's a better pic. My phone has the astounding ability of taking both crisp, clean, stunning pictures and blurry shitpoop
>>14972269 I didn't chain, I went into a Friend Safari looking for a Shiny Kirlia.
>>14972125 Oh god I wish
Would farm them so hard
Pogo 5086-1982-8351
Quoted By:
>>14972178 Oh god...currently on 17 of Pumpkaboo. I...I hope we both make it out of this.
>>14972217 MM is complete bullshit im convinced right now.
This is getting stupid.
Noah 0920-0060-6836
Quoted By:
>>14972293 Milotic is bro tier
Brad 3050-8123-5721
>>14972292 So does the friend safari really have higher rates for shinies?
>>14972367 The bastards that get it on their 3rd egg are the fucking worst.
Quoted By:
I've finally done it. 6 generations in and I finally found a shiny. A shiny aipom, not my first choice but it still pretty great. Not sure if it counts though since I caught it in a friend's safari.
Quoted By:
>>14972415 I never found a shiny and I found one in a friend safari
I think it has
>>14972178 7 Boxes of Honedge here
pls gib shiny
Rafs 2423 - 2427 - 0046
I got a Shiny Furfrou and a Shiny Garchomp (with Garchompite) up for trade. Any offers?
Quoted By:
>that feel when trying to MM a gooey goomy >14 boxes and nothing I'm dumping all the non-outstandings into the WT.
>>14972453 What are you looking for?
Alex 3368-2024-4962
>>14972178 YOU CAN DO IT
Quoted By:
>>14972445 You've got a long road ahead, son.
Get comfy.
Rafs 2423 - 2427 - 0046
>>14972481 Other Shinies mostly. If anyone offers an Eevee, it would make my day.
Quoted By:
>>14972511 Too bad I only have a magmar
If I found something else I'll tell
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
i got my second one at the end of my 27th box. the first one in the beginning of the 4th box. guys don't give up.
>>14972304 Started a new chain and got a red Clauncher in like 10.
The question is do I catch it in a dive ball or a red pokeball?
Quoted By:
>>14972415 >So does the friend safari really have higher rates for shinies? In the last two days, I ran into 3 shines. I'd say so.
John (Psychic - Grumpig, Siglyph, Duosion) 2621-2699-4632
John (Psychic - Grumpig, Siglyph, Duosion) 2621-2699-4632 Mon 21 Oct 2013 18:34:30 No. 14972573 Report Quoted By:
Box 11 of Froakies. Anyone need a protean Froakie? Mainly modest, I'll take pretty much anything
Quoted By:
>>14972487 >Japanese Honedge Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>14972551 >two shinies in 27 boxes Fuck you
>>14971199 So are you going to evolve that so we can see what Charizard X looks like as a shiny or not?
Got him in my first box ever.
Quoted By:
>>14972561 Luxury Ball is the only answer!
Pepe [Swadloon,Sunkern,Quilladin][2707-1612-0147]
Pepe [Swadloon,Sunkern,Quilladin][2707-1612-0147] Mon 21 Oct 2013 18:36:03 No. 14972634 Report >>14971927 >mfw first encounter at a new safari was a shiny metang Anonymous
Quoted By:
Currently on 11th box of Charmanders, almost onto box 12. This is going to be a while even with MM.
Quoted By:
>>14972620 Fuck you I'm 17 boxes in and still nothing.
>buddy is breeding protean froakies >trade him a timid eevee for one >breed it with japanese timid ditto to get timid froakie >hatch the first two eggs >notice the two baby froakies look different from each other >>14972415 I'm sorry! It was an accident, I swear!
Trainer Nat - 4613 7087 9360
>>14971405 >when you least fucking expect it So true
I was talking to my Mon and distracted completely as I hatched an egg two nights ago and when I looked down at my 3DS and went to Summaries...their he was, my shiny Solosis
133 eggs, so almost four and a half boxes
Trying for a shiny Woobat now, 94 eggs hatched (just over 3 boxes)
I expect this one will take much longer since even getting one in under 10 boxes is rare
Is a fishing chain still going if I find a shiny and catch it?
Brad 3050-8123-5721
Quoted By:
>>14972680 I am so ridiculously jelly. You have no idea.
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Quoted By:
>>14972713 the chain is reset. its pretty easy to do so just keep fishing
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Anyone offers for a shiny floatzel or durant?
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 21 Oct 2013 18:39:16 No. 14972766 Report Quoted By:
>>14972680 YOU FUCKING FUCK!
Enjoy your shiny ;_; Timothy (MOOP) | 1633-4284-2614 | Fire : Charmeleon : Growlithe : Fletchinder
Timothy (MOOP) | 1633-4284-2614 | Fire : Charmeleon : Growlithe : Fletchinder Mon 21 Oct 2013 18:39:18 No. 14972770 Report You can do it, just reach a little bit more!!
Quoted By:
Caught this in Terminus cave. Would anyone like it? Just tell me what shiny you'd like to offer. I'll take just about anything.
zamarion 1091-8111-9950
>>14972289 what does it look like in mega Y form :o
also caught this stupid shit, who wants to trade
Trainer Nat - 4613 7087 9360
Quoted By:
>>14972688 I meant *my Mom
Although I talk to my 'mons too WHO'S A CUTE BRAXIEN? YOU ARE, YES YOU ARE~ Anonymous
>>14972770 That's so cute.
A shame gorbiss and huntail are ugly and lame.
>>14972826 I have X but I saw screenshots and its black and red just like normal charizard.
Rorix 5026-4456-8938 (Bug)
>>14972770 where did you get a clamperl in the first place?
zamarion 1091-8111-9950
Quoted By:
>>14972866 thats awesome, i want one now
Quoted By:
Is the guy shiny espurr from the other thread still here? It got purged before I heard what you wanted for it.
Patrick 0989-2847-0770 (Spearow/Tranquill/Unknown)
Ditto Hunting Patrick 0989-2847-0770 (Spearow/Tranquill/Unknown) Mon 21 Oct 2013 18:43:26 No. 14972934 Report Quoted By:
Hey /vp/ I am looking for someone with ditto in their friend safari. I am getting desperate. Thanks in advance.
>Never had a shiny >Ever Feels bad. Really bad.
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Quoted By:
anyone have a shiny clauncher that wants to trade it for a shiny skrelp?
Caught a shiny mawile today in someone's friend safari. I think his might have an increased chance because someone else claimed they saw a shiny but accidentally ran away.
Quoted By:
>>14972035 I don't think it will ever become well known enough to stop foreigners on the gts from trading their legendaries for a shiny. that said, I'm doing the same exact thing lol. just caught a clauncher and seadra within 20 minutes
Quoted By:
>>14972960 >no red Gyarados Underage and B&
Timothy (MOOP) | 1633-4284-2614 | Fire : Charmeleon : Growlithe : Fletchinder
Timothy (MOOP) | 1633-4284-2614 | Fire : Charmeleon : Growlithe : Fletchinder Mon 21 Oct 2013 18:45:30 No. 14973035 Report Quoted By:
>>14972865 Not gonna evolve it, This guy is to be cute and lovable only.
>>14972872 Route 12 with a Good rod. You can also catch Huntail on X and Gorebyss on Y whit a super rod on occasion
Mark 4210-4370-6960 (Pansear,Slugma,Braixen)
Mark 4210-4370-6960 (Pansear,Slugma,Braixen) Mon 21 Oct 2013 18:45:31 No. 14973036 Report Quoted By:
>>14972872 Route 12 Good Rod
>>14972960 Seriously just chain fish by rocks
It will take maybe 3 hours max if you arent shit
Quoted By:
>>14973114 I've been looking for another Shiny Kirlia for 15 hours now...
Kurtz 4983 4945 8078
I got a shiny dwebble while hunting pupitars in a friend safari. It looks... almost exactly the same. I'm really upset about getting such a shitty shiny for my first one.
Quoted By:
>>14973114 I'm
>>14972178 Last thing I did was beat the 4th gym
That was like, 5 days ago.
I started.
Im not giving up.
I got a jap ditto from my friend. Its about where the pokemon was caught not where it was traded right? I wanna make sure i'm doing the mm right.
>>14973192 What nature is it?
Quoted By:
>>14973214 It's based on the language of the game that it came from. If it says JAP then you're fine.
Quoted By:
>>14973192 It's evolved form shiny is green. So, just evolve it.
Donovan 1048-9262-5570 (Dwebble, Corsola, Contrary Shuckle)
Donovan 1048-9262-5570 (Dwebble, Corsola, Contrary Shuckle) Mon 21 Oct 2013 18:51:35 No. 14973302 Report Quoted By:
anyone want a shiny dugtrio? ill trade it for another shiny
Can you check the fishing chain using the NPC without breaking the chain?
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 21 Oct 2013 18:51:51 No. 14973315 Report Anonymous
got a shiny adamant pichu and modest clefairy, any offers?
Joy . 0490 5457 1702
Quoted By:
>>14972680 I hate you, this was the only Torrent Froakie out of the last 40 eggs.
The only shiny, too.
Quoted By:
>>14972993 Yeah, Safaris definitely have a higher rate. I might evolve this and then mega evolve it to see how it looks like.
Quoted By:
I have an Absol Shiny. Trade ?
Pogo 5086-1982-8351
>>14973315 How is it that every time Im thinking of taking a break on these 18 boxes of Pumpkins, you pop into the thread and get me all excited about the next box.
Stop motivating me to finish what I started. JUST LET ME QUIT
Quoted By:
I got my fennekin so I'm throwing away 2 boxes of it. Does anyone want one? Random IV.
Quoted By:
Is there a list anywhere of everything you can fish for?
Quoted By:
>>14973326 Shiny female Floette, Naive nature for the Pichu?
Quoted By:
oh geez, after my chain of 29 for an dragalge, i just got an shiny red striped basculin (my absolute favorite striped buddy of those 2.. i love its colors) anyways. this is going freaking well, hopefully next is gonna be my browhirl, or maybe gonna do poliswagger.
Got Dragalge shiny from fish chaining method. Worth the 61 attempts it took!
Donovan 1048-9262-5570 (Dwebble, Corsola, Contrary Shuckle)
Donovan 1048-9262-5570 (Dwebble, Corsola, Contrary Shuckle) Mon 21 Oct 2013 18:56:25 No. 14973525 Report Quoted By:
>>14973479 how do u do the shiny fishing chaining method? i have no clue how to do it
Quoted By:
>>14973311 well fuck nevermind, just broke it at 94 and then realized he'll only ever tell you your best record.
walter 1590-4917-5279
got this baby after 2 boxes,i love the MM!
Quoted By:
Just caught this shiny Poliwhirl while looking for a Dratini. It'll make a dazzling Pilotoad
Quoted By:
in the middle of 15 boxes of eevees I-I'm gonna get my blue sylveon soon, r-right guys? right?;_;
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 21 Oct 2013 18:57:57 No. 14973587 Report Quoted By:
>>14973412 I'm here with you, bro.
We're all gonna make it
does the fishing chain have to be the same pokemon over and over, or just don't break it by fucking up?
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>14973555 what do you breed it with to learn the elemental fang moves?
Quoted By:
>>14973555 >Those egg moves Damn, you deserve that shiny. Well done.
Quoted By: >22 boxes >No shiny Charmander This is how I feel right now.
>>14973592 It can be any pokemon but the shiny might end up not being the one you want.
I can also confirm that you don't need to be Surfing or in-between rocks to make this work. Pic related, the exact spot I was fishing
Anyone interested in a shiny Dragalge?
what's that item that speeds hatching again?
Quoted By:
>>14973627 I'm fine with that, it's just the thrill of the hunt.
>>14973666 What's its nature and IVs?
>>14973675 There's an O-Power and the Flame Body / Magma Body abilities.
>>14973675 Flame Body ability, like on the fire bird.
Hatching O-Power helps a ton too.
Quoted By:
I'm trying to get a Shiny Electrike because I got a Japanese one while re-rolling on Wonder Trade. Right now, I have exactly 100 Electrike and 4 eggs. I've been going at this for about half a day. Wish me luck!
Quoted By:
>>14973634 I just tried there and it failed to get a bite the first time.
It might be that being successful once lowers the chance but I ain't gonna risk it.
Quoted By:
>>14973555 Im going on 9 boxes and still no shiny honedge...
I'm currently MMing a Magikarp. I'm happy these eggs doesn't take too much to hatch
>>14973710 >>14973727 where do I get this O-Power, I don't have it...
Zap 5284-1876-1918 (Panpour, Quagsire)
Quoted By:
>>14972173 anything you'd be willing to trade for that?
i've been trying to MM for a psyduck for a while now.
Quoted By:
Finished up box 8 of Honedge. Got Hatching Power by buying a stupid number of premiere balls. Speeded up my hatching quite a bit.
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette)
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette) Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:03:35 No. 14973780 Report >>14973752 b-but you can fish chain it so much easier
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:03:51 No. 14973796 Report Quoted By:
>>14973752 >MMing a Magikarp walter 1590-4917-5279
Quoted By:
Got this using the fish chaining method at chain 16, it works!
Quoted By:
>>14973697 Rash, and I don't know specifically, the judge guy said it had relatively superior stats, best was sp def and it had fantastic stats.
Hardly ideal, but I got it from fishing.
Outi 1048-8246-6368
Quoted By:
>>14973666 Shiny Mawile for it?
Quoted By:
>Ev training against a victreebell horde for Attack EVs. >Watching The Walking Dead with most of my focus >I instinctively use Bulldoze, killing them all >I gaze at the screen for a second to see one of them was a glorious green and blue shiny I just fucking annihilated my first ever shiny since a Whismur in Sapphire.
>>14973755 Collect all 16 of the other O-Powers, Max your Style at Lumiose City (easiest way = 150 Premier Balls, 1 at a time, Pokeball Emporium), then visit Cave Introversion and speak to Mr Bonding there.
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Quoted By:
>>14973780 luke, you get any claunchers yet? i'll trade you 2 skrelps for 2 claunchers
>>14973780 I don't really know how to chain stuff
IronMan 3926-5572- 7274 Spritzee,Togepi, Clefairy
IronMan 3926-5572- 7274 Spritzee,Togepi, Clefairy Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:05:11 No. 14973851 Report Quoted By:
>>14973555 Just got mine here it took like 4 boxes.
So far I have gotten my Honedge in 5 boxes and Froakie(Torrent) in 14.
Found this thing while searching for a Roselia. Nature is Naive.
>>14973830 > Max your Style at Lumiose City (easiest way = 150 Premier Balls, 1 at a time, Pokeball Emporium) y-you're joking, right?
That's all I had to do to max style?
God I am so fucking stupid. Thanks a ton though, wow
I just filled my 36th box Can't I just sell my soul to the devil to finally get it or something?
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:05:55 No. 14973889 Report How do you fish chain?
How does the fish chaining work? do you just need to be lucky? or is there some way to make sure you don't get "not even a nibble"
Quoted By:
>>14972680 Working at that shit now, hoping for the best.
Quoted By:
Just hatched a shiny archen! Wasn't even trying for a shiny, just wanted one with a good nature and it was the 12th one. Guess I got lucky.
Is there a fishing spot to catch slowpoke? This is very important.
Andrew 1075-1842-2982
Quoted By:
>>14973867 dunno why that's upside down but whatever
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette)
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette) Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:07:12 No. 14973949 Report >>14973889 >>14973892 I'm going to make an info pic once this chain ends because waaay too many people are asking
Quoted By:
>>14973880 It's pretty cheap, but yeah; that's the easiest way to get max style.
You're not stupid either; there's absolutely NO indication of how much style you have, nor is it said anywhere that you have to do consecutive shit or one time deals.
150 Premier Balls is pretty cheap, too. 200 a piece, so only 3k needed.
Quoted By:
>>14973940 You can only get them in grass.
Fuck you gamefreak.
>>14973882 36h box of ralts here, we'll make it man don't you worry.
>Fish chain >33 >34th appears faster than the others >I don't make it in time I want to end myself just because I failed the easiest way to get a shiny.
0344 9289 2354
Got this cutie last night before the weekend ended. Working on MMing for a shiny Litleo now, doesn't seem like too many people are trying for that, so here I go.
Haruka 2251-4892-1647
Quoted By:
>>14971199 What would you trade your beautiful creature for?
>>14974008 As soon as your Shiny Ralts hatches, it's gonna teleport away.
Okay listen up, i am only gonna do this once, so better listen up!>to chain you need an rod, whatever works. >go get an suction cup pokemon, octillery is on route 12 to be catched using super rod, so better go get that fella. (skrelp is the second one if i am correct?) >find any spot which is fine. >prep: level up dat octillery if using good rod +, i rare candied mine up to level 52, can escape most things.. ohh and pokerus. >now then shall we? alright. >get yourself the octopus up in front party, be the first badarse. >now begin chaining. >miss one chain resets chain. cool eh? >you dont need to fight, just run away c= >dont let your octopus die. >chain to 40, if lucky get it before 40, max chance. > go on, you can do it. >??? >Profit. > when shiny is found, chain goes back to 0 >find an new place ,or keep going on in same place. easy peasy lemon squezy. alright pepz, copy paste, save it, anywhere. just remember to let other people know. alright?>
Pogo 5086-1982-8351
Quoted By:
>>14974008 Man, Im approaching 18. How the fuck have you done TWICE what Ive done.
Just broke my fishing chain at 76. Not sure if I was doing it right, i might have been too far away from the rocks.
>>14974125 It would be better than another male I'll tell you that.
Quoted By:
>>14973949 Once the Japs find out shinies will DROP in price.
For now, get a few of these shinies, trade them for Xerneas/Yvetal, and try to go for non-water Kalos shinies.
Quoted By:
so I can just use old rod to get 5+ shiny magikarps in an hour? do i need a special item to chain? like a poke radar?
>>14974157 >chain to 40, if lucky get it before 40, max chance. The chance is like normal chaining?
Pogo 5086-1982-8351
>>14974091 You BASTARRRRD.
how do so many people get this fucking stupid plum pumpkin but I have put in THREE DAYS WORK AND HAVE NOTHING. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. WHY WAS I SELECTED?!?
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>>14973940 Nope, but they can be found in the easiest place to chain with the radar. In Azure Bay there's a huge open area with just grass and you can find slowpokes there.
Timothy (MOOP) | 1633-4284-2614 | Fire : Charmeleon : Growlithe : Fletchinder
Timothy (MOOP) | 1633-4284-2614 | Fire : Charmeleon : Growlithe : Fletchinder Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:13:55 No. 14974219 Report Quoted By:
Just got another and Evolved... the chain fishing makes it feel a little less rewarding
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>14974157 suction cup isn't needed. it helps but isn't needed.
>>14972087 explain fishing near rocks?
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette)
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette) Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:14:31 No. 14974243 Report Quoted By:
>>14974192 Doesn't matter as long as you didn't get a "not a nibble" message it's fine
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>>14971690 Noctowl or Floatzel?
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>>14974157 I kill octillery and have my lvl 90 aegislash with false swipe be in the second slot. Got to 76 just now, though I didn't find a shiny. But thats probably bad luck. Said you had to fish near some rocks anyone have a picture of where they were at the rocks?
>>14974220 If you don't have it, RNG will end your chain before you do. So yeah, you need it - Suction Cups removes the "Not a nibble" flag from appearing.
If you want to get a Synchro then go ahead but it raises the difficulty tenfold.
anyone want a shiny Ledyba
dawg 4184 2489 5214
I'm at my 11 box of gastly now.>feel the pain >fuck everything They are all timid and got perfect Speed and SpAtk IVs, some do even have 4 or more perfect IVs. If you want one, just reply and add me. >mfw I ftry to escape the masuda hell by trading my gastlys away
Kurtz 4983 4945 8078
>>14973247 impish. +sp atk - def. So it's even got a shitty nature.
Quoted By:
>>14974157 >>14974205 Nobody ever stated the actual chances yet
0087 3713 0545 Scarlet
>>14974326 What are you looking for?
Pogo 5086-1982-8351
Quoted By:
>>14974326 This post made me laugh way harder than it should have. Home sick with the flu and I gotta try and stifle this shit before it irritates my throat.
Yes, Ill trade you a Jumbo/Careful/Frisk Pumpkaboo for it.
Ill also just give you one because I have WAY TOO GODAMN MANY.
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette)
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette) Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:18:22 No. 14974390 Report Quoted By:
>>14974322 Not true, I got to a chain of 198 without suction cups, pic related
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>14974322 i have had no problems chaining at all. 2 relicanths, 3 skrelps in under 3 hours.
K.P. 3566-1536-5073
I've got a shiny Clawitzer and Relicanth I'm willing to trade for other shinies. Mainly looking for gen VI shinies, but I'll accept others.
Shane 4854-7547-4232
Just got a shiney Minccino. Wasnt even trying to get a shiney was breeding for perfect IVS and all of a sudden bam wtf shiney!!!!!!!!! and also it had perfect IVs it was fate. Unfortunately it has the wrong fucking ability! It has technician and not skill link. fuck my life! o well technician is potentailly better but its more luck based.
Quoted By:
>>14974353 What would you want for it?
Kurtz 4983 4945 8078
Quoted By:
>>14973247 super late, but impish.
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>14974407 give me your clawitzer. i will give you skrelp
Naskr - 5086-1943-8676 (Y)
>>14974407 I wouldn't mind the shiny Clawitzer for a shiny Dragalge. What do you say?
>>14974338 i would love one
1907 8626 9559
do you want a honedge in return
perfect attack and speed, adamant?
Pogo 5086-1982-8351
Quoted By:
>>14974408 Change its ability with a 200BP Capsule man. Make it a god amongst Miniccino
K.P. 3566-1536-5073
>>14974393 You willing to trade one of those shiny Skrelps for a shiny Clawitzer? What are their natures?
>>14974338 Are you offering these for free? I've been thinking about trying to MM a shiny gastly and a gastly with 31 sp atk and speed would be a great start.
K.P. 3566-1536-5073
>>14974449 >>14974440 Natures? I'm looking for one with an increased Sp.Attack and reduced Speed/Attack
Pogo 5086-1982-8351
>>14974338 Actually, could I get one of those? Ill use it to breed a nice little catch gallade through the resulting Haunter.
Take one of my Pumpkins and we can escape MM hell together.
Quoted By:
>Finally stop chaining to check my Shiny Dragalge's nature. >It's Modest. Good enough for me. Welcome to the team.
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>14974466 crap natures. dont remember off the top of my head though. i think i have lax calm and something else.
anybody willing to trade shiny clawitzer/claunchers for my shiny skrelps?
dont give a dam about natures
Shiny axew and quilladin today. shiny hawlucha a few days ago. might try for a shiny clauncher since i have a taste for it now.
0344 9289 2354
Quoted By:
>>14974212 If it helps, it took me 382 eggs to get it.
>>14974195 I'm actually looking for a Male one. I want a Shiny Gallade.
Naskr - 5086-1943-8676 (Y)
Quoted By:
>>14974504 Mine's Calm. Not what you want, but it's one of Dragalge's best natures.
What's your Clawitzer's nature?
Anyone want to trade a shiny skrelp for a shiny staryu? They should be easy to find with the rod chaining, I just can't catch one because I'm on Y version
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
>hatch shiny Beldum on Friday night >shit IV's >start new batch today >get another Shiny Beldum >also shit IVs why must you taunt me Masuda....
0087 3713 0545 Scarlet
Quoted By:
>>14974512 I'd love to have it but I'm kind of lost on what to offer
Jake 0404-5699-5121
>>14974527 FUCK YOU
I've been trying to get this for ages
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
dawg 4184 2489 5214
>>14974460 honedge with good IVs would be very nice.
>>14974496 they are free (dude I got 11 boxes full), I'll trade you one with 4 perfect IVs
>>14974522 Let's escape together anon.
>>14974338 Are you from a non-english speaking country by any chance?
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Quoted By:
>>14974582 me. whats your fc?
i can get you another skrelp if you want so you can evolve it and have both.
i'm trying to get all the x fishing shinys too
K.P. 3566-1536-5073
>>14974525 I'd be willing to do that for the calm one. Add me?
Quoted By:
>>14974504 I can offer you a rash dragalge for a clawitzer, +sp atk but the negative sp def is a little offputting.
Kami - 4141-3022-6446 (Fraxure, Shelgon, Sliggo)
Kami - 4141-3022-6446 (Fraxure, Shelgon, Sliggo) Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:25:27 No. 14974664 Report Quoted By:
Hatche this guy last night, alongside a Honedge. Also found a shiny Floette in the safari the other day.
Quoted By:
>>14974547 Luckily my shiny male is naughty nature so i can at lest make a Gallade, still want a timid female though.
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>14974655 whats the nature of your clawitzer?
Quoted By:
found this little fucker in the connecting zubats cave
Quoted By:
5 and a half boxes of Trapinch so far. I'm starting to feel like turning the 3DS off and playing games on PC. Nah, not today.
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
Someone please feel with me
Cophi - 0705 3355 8968
>>14974338 prease?
It would be super nice if it could have a cool nickname :)
Quoted By:
Made a shitty image for fish chaining. Feel free to use it instead of copy and paste for a wall of text.
K.P. 3566-1536-5073
>>14974695 Brave. It's not the best nature but you said you didn't really care.
Dresden - 0602 6381 8471 (Mawille, Dedenne, Floette)
Dresden - 0602 6381 8471 (Mawille, Dedenne, Floette) Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:27:24 No. 14974742 Report >>14974338 Can I grab one with 4 or 5 perfect IVs?
Can trade you a Timid Magic Guard Abra with 5 perfect IVs in exchange.
Zach - 4871-4362-7348
Quoted By:
>>14974527 I'll trade a shiny clauncher for another shiny
dawg 4184 2489 5214
>>14974645 Germany here
Obligatory I will name my shiny Gengar "white power".
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>14974738 let me finish my current chain and i will trade with you.
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
Please I am in a dark place right now
K.P. 3566-1536-5073
>>14974822 Alright, I added you. I'll definitely take the calm one.
I've still got a Shiny Relicanth too. Willing to trade that for any of the other fish shinies. Maybe Poliwhirl or something.
Quoted By:
>>14974640 i added you bro (im the honedge anon)
whenever youre ready
Pogo 5086-1982-8351
Quoted By:
>>14974640 I added you but I dont see you online so Ill just wait till you send me a request.
Were close bro, I can feel it.
dawg 4184 2489 5214
>>14974742 deal
>>14974711 Add me, gave it a cool name.
>>14974721 Axew. Little bastard's been my shiny bounty for a few years now
No one has a shiny staryu to trade don't even give a shit about its nature.
Quoted By:
>>14971899 >>14971927 that's disappointing, i'm on box 30 for clauncher and now i don't want to keep going
Cardinal 09363-0267-9039
>>14974768 Doing the fuhrer proud, also pls add could really use good iv timid gaslty. Want anything in particular?
After playing Pokemon since RBY I FINALLY got my very first shiny. Got it while looking through the friend safaris. 31 SpD and Spe.
K.P. 3566-1536-5073
Quoted By:
>>14974622 You know you can get a shiny haxorus in BW2 in the wild like Red Gyarados right?
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>14974878 already have 2 relicanths. i'm just looking to trade for x exclusive fishing shinys at the moment
Have we got a list yet of pokes we can get through fishing? Poliwhirl Skrelp Clauncher Relicanth Horsea Magikarp Luvdisc Basculin please add to the list, sure I'm missing many.
>>14974849 we'll get there together, friend
Quoted By:
>>14974952 >The Count Oh gods, I'm dying.
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
>>14974974 No you don't understand
Without filling up two boxes I got two shiny Beldum but they have bad IV's
This is worse than not getting one
>>14974952 >Been playing since RBY >1st shiny Anonymous
>>14974849 >>14974974 We're all gonna make it
Quoted By:
>>14974960 Shellder and Cloyster
Starmie and Staryu
K.P. 3566-1536-5073
Quoted By:
>>14974960 Wiscash. I got a shiny one on the route where you catch Goomy.
Also, near the tower of Mastery there are Octillery and Lanturn
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Quoted By:
>>14974960 goldeen, corphish, crawdaunt, gyarados, seaking
Jesse 1161-0056-0788
Quoted By:
>>14974228 This is where i went to fish. Right by Cyllage City.
Chained to 120 (went to ask the guy immediately after catching it), no misses/not even a nibble's, almost all running.
Caught a shiny Clawitzer.
Cardinal 09363-0267-9039
>>14975010 i have 250+ hours in every game and have never seen a shiny
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>>14974960 Corphish
Quoted By:
>>14974326 want a frokean? with pokerus on it?
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
Quoted By:
>>14975011 I just want one with good IVs man ;-;
this mongrels are taunting me
>>14974960 Staryu and Starmie for X and Shellder for Y.
Cinnamon 2251 - 4748 - 1462
>>14975009 well shit if you don't want them I'll take them
K.P. 3566-1536-5073
Quoted By:
>>14974957 That's fine man. Just add me when you're done.
Quoted By:
>>14975009 >>14975011 whoooaaa
livin on a prayer
take my hand
we'll make it i swear
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
Quoted By:
>>14975065 No they need to be their when their sibiling hatches that isn't a failure, so they can see what its like being loved, then I will give them away
>people getting excited over friend safari shinies it's to the point where you know you're going to get a shiny when you go into one. friend safari shinies should have an asterix by them.
>>14975052 Red Gyarados in G/S/C and HG/SS
Haxorous after completing dex in B2/W2
Shiny Dratini/Gible in B2/W2
I think there's another too.
John (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross) 2750 - 1747 - 6738
John (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross) 2750 - 1747 - 6738 Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:35:35 No. 14975133 Report 17 boxes and finally got it. Maximum IV's in Speed and Special Attack too!
Pogo 5086-1982-8351
>>14974640 Happy Halloween dawg, me and Nebulak are ghost bros now.
Youre boxes of purple gave me a chuckle. I release all the pumpkins that arent ideal for trading (poor IVs, natures, etc), so I only had a couple boxes of orange to show off.
Were all gonna make it brah
K.P. 3566-1536-5073
>>14975058 Where do you catch those? I've got X, but I'd love me a shiny Cloyster. I'm sure I could catch a Starmie and trade it for one.
Quoted By:
>>14974916 Just keep trying man. took me fucking ages
Quoted By:
5 boxes of carbinks last thing I did was beat the 4th gym but I can't breed anymore, my friends all beat the game a few days after release, I went and beat team flare, now I'm trying fish chaining, please god work
Does Octillery still get Suction Cups in X & Y? Also people under 10 boxes without hatching a Shiny crying please stfu? Im only at about 15 but just from the odds of an egg using Masuda it should take 45 boxes. And you are crying after 5? Kek
Quoted By:
>>14975128 all right but you get what i mean
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette)
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette) Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:36:20 No. 14975172 Report >>14975126 HAHAHAno they are nowhere near that common
Quoted By:
>>14975133 what did you get?
May Masuda curse the next post to get a shitty shiny.
Teidar - 2234 7141 6754
Japanese honedge.. local one with the nature I want. so many eggs, so many boxes, is there something I'm doing wrong and just haven't noticed?
>>14975128 >those >counting It's general consensus that those don't count, because they're scripted.
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>14975139 route 8 i think.
i can trade with you if you want. we can help each other.
John (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross) 2750 - 1747 - 6738
John (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross) 2750 - 1747 - 6738 Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:37:09 No. 14975206 Report >>14975133 Oops forgot pic
Quoted By:
>>14975188 I think that was his point.
Quoted By:
Need some advice here, guys. Should I try and hatch a shiny Clauncher or should I try chain for one?
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
>>14975158 No these feels are so much worse. TWO shinies after hatching TWO boxes but not one of them has acceptable IVs?
I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:37:33 No. 14975228 Report huehueuheuheuh Alright the novelty has passed and I can't use this piece of shit nature/IV combo (Docile with absolute ass attack.) Anyone want to trade something for a trophy vagina?
Quoted By:
>>14975188 Granted they're given, but to say he's never seen one is bullshit.
dawg 4184 2489 5214
>>14974936 Your Friendcode has one number to much.
K.P. 3566-1536-5073
Quoted By:
>>14975201 Sure. I'll start chaining for Staryu after we trade Clawitzer and Dragalge.
Cardinal 09363-0267-9039
Quoted By:
>>14975051 I didn't even finish my sentence jesus christ, i meant "A male one".
Quoted By:
>>14975186 no
just hang in there friend, its so worth it
we're in the same boar Anonymous
>>14975172 buuullshit. there are ~10+ people in every thread that brag about their shinies they've gotten from friend safaris. someone caught 4 shinies in 2 days via friend safari.
Quoted By:
>>14975228 >Petting a vagina Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:39:09 No. 14975290 Report Quoted By:
>>14975228 For reference, normal Cloyster
Pogo 5086-1982-8351
>>14975184 You bastard!
>>14975186 Your shiny is coming, Masuda has foretold of it. But it shant be the shiny bro you desire, but a mockery. You are cursed with a Modest Honedge, say sayeth No. 14975184.
May God have mercy on your soul.
Ugh fucking hatching for a shiny Noibat and then my friend goes into my friend safari AND CATCHES A FUCKING SHINY CHARMELEON. I'm kinda pissed.
Quoted By:
>>14975206 Congrats! Currently working on my 5th box of these things.
Cinnamon 2251 - 4748 - 1462
>>14975271 10 out of 100,000+ people a day brag about getting their shiny!!!!
Sir. Please.
Cardinal 0963-0267-9039
Kaiser (Fraxure, Noibat, Druddigon) - 1650 - 1821 - 3652
Kaiser (Fraxure, Noibat, Druddigon) - 1650 - 1821 - 3652 Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:40:04 No. 14975332 Report >>14975228 I have one in Black 2 nicknamed BluWafl. Of course, I RNG'd it.
Teidar - 2234 7141 6754
>>14975292 its been... nearing 25 boxes an d not one has been anything but Brave... I get the feeling not having the chance for a shitty natured honedge has made the shiny gods turn from me
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:41:41 No. 14975397 Report Quoted By:
>>14975299 >those Hoppip fucking RIP
>>14975271 I ran around a Safari for five hours last night and nothing showed up so they're still rare enough.
>>14975314 Not quite sure we're at 100k posters on this board
>>14975332 Top lad
K.P. 3566-1536-5073
Quoted By:
>>14975201 Thanks, man. I'll let you know if I find some shiny Staryus.
genuinely never expected the number 2 to be beside the shiny icon in the dex This is amazing,gonna toss this little guy on the GTS for an Yveltal
Zachary 1821-9410-5479
Quoted By:
Someone please tell me I'm not going crazy
Quoted By:
>>14975220 No that was (clearly i thought) aimed at people who have spent an hour or two hatching eggs and whinging they have no shiny. Most of the Deino's i have all have 6 in all stat except attack, theres the odd one with a shit speed or Sp. Att Iv, showing only 5. Then theres about 1% with both shit. I know when my Shiny appears in 50 boxes time i will feel half whar you feel.
dawg 4184 2489 5214
Quoted By:
>>14975137 Have fun with him. He has 4 perfect IVs, so he should kick some ass.
Thanks for that nice pumpkin too!
Captcha: leaked hoen
>Hoenn Remake confirmed. Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:43:14 No. 14975484 Report So how long do you think before word of this fishing chain REALLY gets around and you can't snag legendaries for fished out shinies?
>>14975484 It will take longer but I don't think the information will hit enough people to ever stop the trades from working.
Pogo 5086-1982-8351
>>14975379 I think you and I are in the same boat there. 18 boxes now of Pumpkaboo all Careful, and I have yet to see my shiny.
Spose we just have to put the time in.
Personally, Im gonna go catch a skiddo and start releasing them in a ritualistic sacrifice. The pumpking shall take note and bestow his purple powers upon his chosen child. And it shall be mine.
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:45:41 No. 14975582 Report Quoted By:
>>14975525 Well I'm putting this Cloyster in at 2:45
Let's see how long before a Mewtwo pops up in my box
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Quoted By:
>>14975484 1-3 days or so. it wont be too widespread since not everyone uses 4chan/reddit. japan, i'm guessing 2 days or so. someone will likely post that on 2chan and boom, wildfire
ugh an friend asks me for our collection of shiny pictures from pokemon x and y, some kind soul , please post that folder, so i can ease his needs.
K.P. 3566-1536-5073
Quoted By:
Just got a shiny Horsea. I'd been expecting it to be pink but it's just off blue. I wonder if I've run away from any because they weren't pink like I thought.
K.P. 3566-1536-5073
>mfw between these fishing shinies and the Skorupi, Pancham, and Phantump I chained over the last few days, I can build an entirely shiny team
Teidar - 2234 7141 6754
Quoted By:
>>14975561 been doing this since wednesday when a jap honedge fell through Wondertrade at me... Someday someday... someday...
Was pondering trying to trade for someones shiny but at this point that'd be cheating..
Quoted By:
just got an articuno for a shiny clauncher within 3 minutes of putting it up. I wish I didn't have class or I'd farm these shinies and cash in while it's hot. hopefully it will still work in a few hours
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:49:02 No. 14975721 Report >>14975609 >ease his needs :^)
>>14975663 Still debating whether I want to chain Pancham or Croagunk when I get bored posting fish on GTS, how's Pangoro look?
>>14975721 Has red mittens.
K.P. 3566-1536-5073
>>14975721 Haven't evolved it yet, but the screenshot I saw of shiny Pangoro is pretty neat. Everything that's black becomes brown and his fists are red.
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:50:40 No. 14975788 Report Quoted By:
>>14975754 >>14975766 Well I guess that's that
At what chain do you guys normally find a shiny fishing? Multiple times Ive gotten well over 40 before my chain breaks and no luck.
Dresden - 0602 6381 8471 (Mawille, Dedenne, Floette)
Dresden - 0602 6381 8471 (Mawille, Dedenne, Floette) Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:51:46 No. 14975839 Report Quoted By:
>>14974915 >deal The Ghastly you traded me for the 5 perfect IV Abra only has 2 maxed IVs and terrible HP... retrade?
Wait, so I've been hatching pokemon for a few days now with literally no luck at all, but I'm breeding it with an everstone to have a specific nature. How do I tell if the IV's are good on a pokemon? What exactly determines the IV's anyway? Im worried I'm inbound to hatch a useless but pretty pokemon.
>>14975810 I chained to 107 with nothing before I goofed it up. Then got one after about 15.
Just got one after about 50 I think, I don't count.
Cinnamon 2251 - 4748 - 1462
>>14975810 You have to understand that to these people 1000+ tries is getting lucky, so if they are getting one in 100-300 tries this is insanely fast to them.
Quoted By:
Gonna stop hatching for a bit so I can get a Slugma with magma armor because I just remembered it was a thing. I'm at 6 less than 4 full boxes currently
Quoted By:
>>14975868 I have a little ticker app i just hit when I find one, oh well no shiny magikarp today....
>>14975884 Most people I see getting the shinies have gotten them under 100.
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>14975884 really? i'm averaging on maybe every 30-40 casts.
2 relicanths,4 skrelps. some of which i traded.
Quoted By:
>>14975850 Talk to the judge in the pokecenter of the last city. He'll comment how the IVs are overall, and how good the best stats are. If you have the highest IV in a stat, he'll say that it can't be beat.
i know the market for any thing not Gen VI is sparse but anyone want to trade for an Arcanine?
Cinnamon 2251 - 4748 - 1462
Quoted By:
>>14975962 >>14975954 Just giving him so perspective on what "fast shiny" could mean. there are plenty who get it ever 40 or so, and plenty more who are hitting as high as 120 with nothing
If the rate in friend safaris is lower, should I keep MM breeding for Mawile or move onto friend safaris where I have a chance of getting a shit nature or the wrong pokemon?Not that I would mind a shiny Clefairy or Togepi.
K.P. 3566-1536-5073
Do we know if switching rod types breaks the chain?
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>14976141 no one has tested it yet. but i think it shouldn't matter since its so easy to chain.
Cophi - 0705 3355 8968
Quoted By:
>>14975206 Hey, any chance I could take one of her non-shiny brethren?
Congrats btw
K.P. 3566-1536-5073
>>14976175 Yeah I'm just wondering if I should be using a good rod if I'm looking for staryu/starmie. Starmie seems really uncommon with the super rod.
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Mon 21 Oct 2013 20:01:37 No. 14976263 Report >>14976079 Take Synchro Adamant something into FS.
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Quoted By:
>>14976256 staryu/starmies are "rarer" compared to the other ones.
like how when fishing you would rarely see a seadra.
>>14976263 Does getting a different pokemon while fish chaining break it?
Quoted By:
1/3 Got a Shiny Woobat in a cave.
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Mon 21 Oct 2013 20:03:42 No. 14976359 Report >>14976256 Yeah Good Rod for Staryu on Route 8
>tfw basculin, poliwhirl, and dragonair with a super rod >tfw i know which shiny i'm getting >tfw basculin >>14976323 Nope
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Quoted By:
>>14974338 you got any left for me?
Penuche 3668-8159-4862
Quoted By:
>>14976000 I totally will any more info on it? gender ans whatnot
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>>14976263 Oh, duh. Thanks!
Maybe I'll do the same with Espurr after I catch Mawile...
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2/3 Got a Shiny Foongus in Pokemon Village
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette)
Luke: 5215-0092-1270 (Fairy: Snubbul ,Swirlix ,Floette) Mon 21 Oct 2013 20:05:23 No. 14976443 Report Quoted By:
I'm in the middle of making an info pic for fish chaining. So far I only have 3 questions in the FAQ (does it continue if pokemon are different, does a shiny break the chain and what is the average for a shiny) Anyone think of anymore?
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3/3 Got a shiny Noibat in the friend safari. It's funny... I have shiny Zubat, Woobat, and Noibat
K.P. 3566-1536-5073
Just encountered a shiny Qwilfsih. It's a lot more Pink than I remember it looking in previous gens. Are Qwilfish good at anything?
chi 4012 - 4537 - 4128
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>>14976487 Intimidate Qwilfish is a beast in UU, but I think that's it's hidden ability.
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>>14976487 I had a team with qwilfish on it once. Pretty good in lower tier competitive battling.
So what breaks a fishing chain?
Danny 3883-5634-8352 (mankey, pancham, hairyama)
Danny 3883-5634-8352 (mankey, pancham, hairyama) Mon 21 Oct 2013 20:11:50 No. 14976726 Report Quoted By:
Shiny Florette - Modest - IV guy said superior overall and perfect SpA and high speed If anyone wants ill take shiny offers
Cardinal 0963-0267-9039
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>>14975236 Still up for that trade?
Cophi - 0705 3355 8968
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>>14974915 Badass as fuck
Thanks so much, man!
Kurtz 4983 4945 8078
>>14975228 finally, you can simulate something you've never been able to do in real life.
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Mon 21 Oct 2013 20:23:16 No. 14977208 Report Quoted By:
>>14977016 Tfw no shiny gf
>Shiny Basculin >False Swipe to 1 HP >Basculin used Double-Edge AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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>>14975417 Man, what nature is it? If it's decent I'll throw you an Yveltal for you.
I just want to confirm something, for a minute. Please tell me I'm not alone in being seemingly unable to catch any shinies at all? Masuda'd 20 boxes, the correct way, got nothing. Got a PokeRadar chain well over 50, several times, got nothing. Got a fishing chain well over 100, got nothing. I've done these multiple times. I know it's not like, "do this once, get shiny", but I do sort-of feel a bit... cursed. Tell me I'm not the only one.
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I've also got a shiny ditto from the friend safari if anyone is interested in trading something for it.
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>>14977250 >not just immediately throwing any kind of pokeballs you have Anonymous
>Finally start breeding perfect Ralts >Want to MM them >Realise I'd need a foreign Ditto or a male in the Amorphous egg group with 5x31 IVs in HP, Def, SpA, SpD and Spe I'm fucked
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>>14977271 MM has a chance of 1/1365, 20 boxes is still low
Radar has a chance of 1/200 at a chain of 40.
any tips on getting a shiny in heart gold? How do you do that chain thing again?
>>14977434 No chaining in heartgold, sorry mate.
Your best luck would be with Masuda Method.
Kurtz 4983 4945 8078
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>>14977271 after you get over 40 you're supposed to just repeatedly refresh the pokeradar until you get a shiny spot. The chances never go up after 40 so there's no point in continuing the chain.
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is it about time for a new thread yet?
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>>14977530 Yeah that's what I've been trying.One trade and 9 boxes of lucarios and I gave up
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Mon 21 Oct 2013 20:32:43 No. 14977618 Report Quoted By:
>>14977271 >Got a PokeRadar chain well over 50 Straight up doing it wrong
>Masuda'd 20 boxes I've seen people doing more
>fishing chain well over 100 I got nothing for ya. Keep going on that, it's definitely the easiest. I ran around safaris for hours and got nothing, but fishing shits shinies like no tomorrow.
I've got a shiny Clauncer, a shink Relicanth and a shiny Horsea, anyone want to trade?
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>>14977619 Shiny Alomola for the Horsea?
>>14976359 I just got a shiny basculin instead poliwhirl or dragonair at chain 88
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Mon 21 Oct 2013 20:35:30 No. 14977713 Report Quoted By:
Finally found a shiny fletchinder, someone help me name him. at the minute he's Pyrogrine II
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Trading shiny skrelp for shiny staryu X user pls respond
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>>14977712 Know that feel, mine killed itself though.
>>14977321 >Not having games in two languages you're fluent in Anonymous
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>>14977780 Pokemon is so simplistic you probably don't need to be fluent in more than one language.
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>>14977780 >two languages you're fluent in Oh you.
But I'd probably be able to blast through the game in a foreign language anyway.
I"ve never tried chaining before and I'm trying to fish chain now but do I have to knock out the pokemon that bite or can I just run and continue my chain?
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>>14977942 you can just run I think
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Mon 21 Oct 2013 20:44:25 No. 14978099 Report Anonymous
>>14978099 Gonna need pics on that.
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Mon 21 Oct 2013 20:47:34 No. 14978246 Report Quoted By:
>>14978222 Well don't ask me for them, ask him
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would it be alright to evolve my lv 1 pumpkaboo to gourgeist? or should i wait until a certain level
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Mon 21 Oct 2013 20:53:37 No. 14978527 Report Oh you actually have to log in to the GTS to get your trades Whoops Alright yeah people are still biting
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Mon 21 Oct 2013 20:54:42 No. 14978574 Report Quoted By:
>>14978527 >quiet mewtwo INTO THE FUCKING TRASH
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>>14977271 >>14974080 >>14973840 >>14973892 Don't give up my chaining brethren!
I have my success story to pull you through.
Spent about 10 hours over the weekend trying to chain a Roselia or a Croagunk (which is about a 5% encounter rate to begin with on route 7), highest chain reached 23 and then I got Flabebe'd. I got so high and so far with my chains but all in all, I just kept getting Flabebe'd. But today, after 10 long hours of getting fairy raped, this little dude shows up on a chain of 15. Heart nearly stopped. 1st gen 6 shiny, 7th shiny ever! Keep on trying fellas!