I have a serious dilemma, /vp/. So, my gf was using my Y Version to go to her own Friend Safari to farm Dittos for breeding and she fucking came across a shiny Ditto. She caught it and said, "Hand me my DS so I can trade it over to my game." NOW WAIT JUST A GODDAMN MINUTE. The shiny was found on MY game, so I believe I am entitled to it. That's how it should work, right? When I said this to her, she said that because she found it and caught it, it rightfully belongs to her. But I just can't agree with that. Sure, she encountered it, but it was my game's RNG that made it. She got that shiny Ditto on my luck, not hers. Am I wrong in my logic? Who does the shiny Ditto belong to? I know it's just a differently colored piece of data, but I really want it. I've never found a shiny in my 14+ years of playing. I NEED this Ditto.
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Yes, you're fucking wrong. She found it, you're just being a sore loser because you want a shiny and are trying to look for any excuse to say you deserve it,.
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she caught it, it's hers have fun with that inevitable breakup over a blue jelly thing by the way
Why don't you both sit down and think about what's more important: your partner, or your pokemon.
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would you really feel good about having it after taking it from your missus?
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>>14975307 Had she not been playing it you would not have gotten the ditto, as you would not have moved/done exactly what she did. It's hers, not yours. Unless you want to be a massive cunt about it.
>>14975307 Battle her for it.
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>>14975307 She's the one who caught it. Her encounter, her catch, her luck.
Her Ditto.
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Flip a coin. If heads, it belongs to her and she gets to keep it. If tails, it belongs to her, and you need to quit being such a cry-baby and find one on your own. The shiny goes to the finder, and even if it didn't you shouldn't want it if you didn't find it yourself. Easy come, easy go. Go out and earn it yourself.Now, give me a minute to get off this soap box.
choc: 0061-0632-2482
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jesus dude, she found it it's hers..
Tell her that if she really loved you she'd let you keep it.
Eat her out and if she doesn't come within 10 minutes, it's hers
3308-4672-6647 - Lucas
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Her Ditto sorry bro
You're wrong. Not even kidding. It's like this situation:>Could you lend me a dollar? >Okay >Here's you dollar back, I won the lottery anyway >HURR THE DOLLAR WAS MINE GIB ME MONY
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I'd say it is hers.
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>>14975307 Sounds like you NEED a girlfriend more. Don't be a faggot, let her have it.
Boups 4828-4962-7551
>>14975307 Kill her. The chances of getting another girlfriend are way higher than the chances of seeing another shiny ditto.
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>>14975445 *cum
sorry had no sleep tonight
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>>14975405 fuck the bitch, it's your ditto man, or at least tell her to give you something nice for the shiny
Even if you were a girl and she was a guy, the one who found it should still keep it. But you've already shown her how petty you are for even suggesting to her you deserve it, so whatever.
(Y) Seb: 0662 - 3101 - 4839
Give it up. It's not even satisfying receving a shiny. The fun is in the hunt and finding your own.
>>14975460 I was using 'you' in the plural. Stupid language.
But seriously, neither one of them should be fighting over something this stupid. Or be dating each other, probably.
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>>14975476 This, unless you're ugly as fuck
Just give it to her you baby
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>>14975508 This. When people offer me shinies I refuse them. I'd rather get them myself.
>>14975307 >She got that shiny Ditto on my luck, not hers. You are quite possibly the biggest retard and child on the planet. You know why contests say no purchase necessary? That's to stop cunts like you from claiming they own the boat that the pepsi contest gave to their friend who they gave a can.
So you take the ditto OP Would you feel good about that ditto to shove in your trophy cabinet? I was about to call you an austist but then I remember that guys actually act this way.
She found it, it was her playtime that made it possible to see it and catch it. I would give it to her. Your justifications sound like someone who should know better and would were it not for the conflict of interest. If you really insist, lay on the guilt a bit about how you were so excited to finally have a shiny. Best case scenario she gives it to you and you have it without having been a cunt. Worst case scenario she takes it still but you have her sympathy and she'll probably do nice things for you.
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>>14975462 Arcerus damn it N he doesn't even have it
If you insist on being a whiny manchild and taking it, expect to not have a girlfriend much longer. But, at least you have your pixels, right?
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Think about how fucking pissed you would be if you were spending your time playing on her game and found a shiny and she thought she was "entitled" to it. You did zero work for it. She was the one playing. She gets it. Be a man, not a whiny baby. You want one? Get it yourself.
>>14975546 Not the reason.
The reason is that contest law is massively more restrictive and costly towards contests that do not offer a purchaseless means of entry, so they allow you to mail in a letter or whatever to enter because that functions as a loophole.
>>14975549 >guys actually act this way. Christ this whole thread is telling him he's dumb, there's no need to be sexist about this shit
Everyone in this thread is a fucking retard. Who's game was it? Would she have found it if she hadn't of been playing someone else's game? Who the fuck paid for it? "le but epik womin found it so she deserves it cause she a grill XD" fuck you guys go get fucked pokemon dickheads.
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>>14975307 You wouldn't say that the normal dittos were yours right?
That should answer your dilemma.
>>14975597 Oh? I didn't know.
It doesn't make him any less of a turbobaby
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>>14975471 Yeah, that's fair. If I lent someone money to enter the lottery and they won I'd expect they at least share a bit with me. They wouldn't have won it without my help.
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Give her the ditto but the next shiny she finds is yours
choc: 0061-0632-2482
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>>14975604 OP calm down you'll find a shiny one day
you won't deserve it though Anonymous
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>>14975556 >She found it, it was her playtime that made it possible to see it and catch it. I would give it to her. This.
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Dunno why your whining about shinies OP considering gen 6 practically gives them out now.
Django 3995-6815-5779 (DARK_ Sneasel, Mightyena, ???)
Django 3995-6815-5779 (DARK_ Sneasel, Mightyena, ???) Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:48:17 No. 14975687 Report Quoted By:
>>14975307 She's the one who caught it brah.
>>14975604 >"le but epik womin found it so she deserves it cause she a grill XD" Nice strawman dumbass.
>Who paid for it I dunno, maybe it was a gift from her. She clearly has her own. Either way it doesn't work like this.
>>14975505 >>14975524 haha what massive faggots. I am 100% sure if your friend found a shiny in your game you would demand its yours and keep it. Go fuck yourselves pigs.
>>14975603 I'm talking about dudebros chill.
Like the whole male macho thing where you beat up gay kids and joke about how shitty your wife is at the supermarket.
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>>14975307 You can have a shiny ditto or a shitty argument that leads to nopussy
choose wiseley anon
>>14975568 le epik veepee manchild no gf joke XDDD
>>14975690 >>14975690 go fuck yourself idiot you know nothing
Coffee 2965-0007-0587 (diggersby, phanpy, marowak)
Coffee 2965-0007-0587 (diggersby, phanpy, marowak) Mon 21 Oct 2013 19:49:42 No. 14975746 Report Quoted By:
I think you should give me your girlfriend's friendcode and add me. I need those dittos
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>>14975694 Well you're wrong nigger. For starters, I'm not petty about shit that doesn't matter. Secondly, it clearly belongs to the one who found it.
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>>14975307 Well, it will aways have your name under who it was caught by so it is technically yours.
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Are you retarded? I mean Jesus Christ she's your girlfriend, you two can share the damn thing
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>>14975508 Receiving a shiny is not satisfying at all. I have one someone traded over and I don't even want it.
>>14975471 That is how investments work, idiot.
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>>14975694 >I'm 100% sure that everybody on earth gets upset over retarded stuff Anonymous
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Don't lose your girl over a Pokemon game OP. There are more shinies, if it matters that much.
>>14975722 Really? Because you said "guys," asshole.
>>14975307 >Being this autistic about sparkly pixels How do you even have a girlfriend you tremendous faggot
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>>14975777 It was a loan, not an investment.
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>>14975796 Calm your dick down, sorry that you were born with those unfortunate testicles >B]
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>>14975777 Are you stupid or did you reply to the wrong post?
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>>14975777 If the lending of the dollar was contingent on them sharing the lottery winnings if they won or sharing whatever they got with the dollar, then yes, that is an investment and you are compensated for that.
However, to offer the use of the 3DS and want what she found BECAUSE it had more value than anticipated is bullshit.
If they'd agreed on it beforehand ("If you find any shinies while you're playing, they're mine")
Op would be in the right.
As it stands he sounds a bit faggy.
>>14975800 i bet it wasnt even his girlfriend, but his little brother
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>>14975604 Not our reasoning. She found it on the RNG. Ditto would not have appeared if manchild was playing. Also stop asking why no one will date you because you're a 'nice guy'.
>>14975694 Do you even have friends? Because I sure as hell would never treat them like that.
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Let her have it because
>>14975508 Anonymous
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>>14975307 Dude, its a fucking pokemon.
And shiny dittos don't do shit now, they had a better chance of breeding shiny pokes, but that was in gen 2.
It makes me wonder how people this autistic find a girlfriend.
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>>14975694 If I hadn't already told my friend I'd be taking any shinies he found, I would let him take it.
It's one of those things where you should acquiesce unless you already discussed it beforehand.
dawg 4184 2489 5214
I have a shiny ditto spare. Give her yours, and I'll trade you mine. Stop being a bitch and give your girl her ditto.
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Nigga if you NEED a shiny go do that fishing x suction cups method thats been going around. Let her have the stupid ditto and move on, seriously it's not like either one of you worked for it. It's just rng like you said nothing more.
>>14975509 OP here.
We're not "fighting". It's pretty light-hearted. We're not on the verge of a breakup because of a shiny Ditto. I've been with her for three years and I don't think a Pokémon is going to drive us apart.
But, I just can't get behind what most of you are saying. Am I being petty? Definitely. But without my game, she never would have found that shiny Ditto. She has amazing shiny luck in her own games (just the other day, she got a shiny Staryu!), whereas I have none. It wouldn't hurt her to just let me have this one. Especially since Ditto is my all-time favorite Pokémon.
>>14975604 >Who the fuck paid for it? She... uh... she bought both of our games.
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>>14976015 He doesn't deserve it, but you're a good guy if you do it.
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>>14976015 >giving your ditto to an undeserving autistic person >>14976052 >She paid for it OP is the cancer killing 4chan.
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Just trade it to her for a good blow job. She found it, its rightfully hers. Might as well get something for it. At the very least you can share it.
choc: 0061-0632-2482
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>>14976052 >She bought it I gave up with you already but for fucks sake.
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>>14976052 >without my game, she never would have found that shiny Ditto Not relevant.
>She has amazing shiny luck in her own games Still not relevant
> It wouldn't hurt her to just let me have this one. Yes, but it would be as a gift. You're acting entitled to it.
>Especially since Ditto is my all-time favorite Pokémon. This is a reason why she should relent, however you've been a huge retard about it. I would've simply asked her to consider being kind and GIFTING me it. But you've acted like it's YOURS and that's ABSOLUTELY retarded
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OP, just share it. You found it together, without the other, neither of you would have it. It is kind of mean that she just demanded it. IMO, i don't need to have my shiny on my cart to feel good that i found it. It really just depends on how much you both care about having the shiny on your own cart.
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>>14976052 >She... uh... she bought both of our games. NIGGA THAT SHINY IS HERS BY ALL POSSIBLE ACCOUNTS EXCEPT YOU BEING A BABY
Give it up, live to fight another day.
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>>14975646 Yeah, it's neat. And I agree he's a baby.
But it's the reason that investments have such drawn up legal agreements. It's because if you don't make some kind of documented deal for these sorts of situations, the law won't back you up on "getting what you deserve"
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>>14976052 >She... uh... she bought both of our games. Son....give her the fucking ditto
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>>14976052 I know it is upsetting but son that Ditto is hers, same as it would have been if it wasn't shiny.
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>>14976052 I'll trade you a shiny Ditto for your girlfriend. I feel bad she has to put up with your autistic bullshit.
Devon 2938 6545 7147
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>>14976052 >without my game she would have never found that shiny ditto Without her fucking money you wouldn't have a game to begin with.
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Take her to small claims court.
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>>14976052 Hunt for your own shiny ditto if it's your favorite pokemon. It would have more meaning that way anyway.
>>14975405 This
>>14975462 Shut the fuck up
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>>14976052 So in the game she bought you, with the hours of farming she invested in her game that she decided to give to you as a gift, she found a rare version of a Pokemon she was farming for?
And somehow, you think you get it?
Please tell me you're just schizophrenic and that you're dating yourself. Because if that's not the case, you look very foolish.
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I would give my GF the shiny even if I found it myself. What the fuck kind of scumbag are you, OP?
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>>14976281 >not replying to >>14975405 >with the word "ditto" Anonymous
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>>14976052 >>14975307 out of all the stories that have never happened
this never happened the most
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>>14976052 Check the IVs. If shitty with only 2, give it to her.
Personally, I got all my significant other's shinies if they're the wrong nature after they threw up a shiny pinsir for a normal one in Gen IV because "it had a bad nature".
I care about natures too, but it'd just sit in the box. Anonymous
>all these people saying that she found it so it's hers What's the OT say? That's who owns it. (This is how the law works in real life. Unless you got the pink slip or the deed, it ain't yours)
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As a misoginist who loves shiny ditto, let's be grown up. Not like you put actual effort in making shiny dittos more common on your copy.
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>>14975738 >>Ribbit Seriously though OP, stop being a fucking sperglord.
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>>14976052 >Didn't even pay for the game >Generated based on another person's RNG You could probably be more of a faggot but I don't see how
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>>14976371 >This is how the law works in real life But she paid for the cartridge. Based on REAL LIFE she owns ALL of his pokemon
>>14976371 >Deed to a game She was holding the game when she found it,so it's hers right?
Bullshit nigga
>>14975307 It's your game, of course it belongs to you.
If you find a bill inside someone's house? Who does it belong to? TO THE HOUSE'S OWNER.
However even when if it were a 20 Shiny Mewtwos with 31 EVs and IVs, and favorabkle nature holding a master ball. I wouldn't hesitate to give a GODAMN POKEMON TO MY GIRL. ARE YOU SERIOUS OP? GETTING ANGRY OVER A GODDAMN POKEMON?.
Now I kinda understand why some oeople believed we are the most annoying fanbase.
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>>14975738 OP has proven to be the equivalent of chris chan.
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>>14976015 Don't reinforce his horrible autistic behavior please.
>>14976462 >black person breaks into your house >"finds" all your things >is now entitled to them Yeah no.
Even if you invite him in, he doesn't just get to take your things because he "found" them. No different than someone going into your game and finding your pokemon. She used his pokeballs which he paid for in game with his pokemon and she even was using his fucking character to catch them.
This is why you need a prenup for this kind of stuff.
>She paid for the games This is relevant if she explicitly did not GIFT him the game, but if she did, she's SOL.
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Finders keepers. Entitled manchildren don't change that
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>>14976623 Bull shit fucker, read the thread.
It could be a fat, ugly hairy dude and it'd still be his. He found it. The deal was that he was getting those dittos anyway, you can't just take it back because it's more valuable than you expected.
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>>14976052 >She... uh... she bought both of our games. SRSLY, SRSLY
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>>14976371 No.
Legal title is different to equitable title. Yes, he has the legal title, but she contributed to the entire purchase price of the game.
If you take care of your cart, that Ditto will last forever. You could even back it up digitally. You can't do that with a girlfriend. She might be cheating on you or leave you for unrelated (but probably related) reasons in the future anyways. The Ditto can never leave you. Take the Ditto.
>>14976371 >this is how law works in real life Too bad this is a video game so we get to make our own rules that fit our needs instead of succumbing to a shitty government
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Please be an elaborate troll. Please be an elaborate troll.
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>>14976641 You are retarded.
If you buy a warehouse
And you tell your friend "You can go inside and take anything you like" before looking in it
And he walks out with a box of gemstones
They're his. You can't just fucking do take-backsies because you didn't think ahead.
>>14976641 >Black person owns your house >Discovers gold beneath the house >Is now entitled to it Sounds about right
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>>14975307 I.... don't see how you are in the right here anon, SHE caught it, you weren't even playing at the time, stop being a faget before you end a relationship over a fucking pokemon that doesn't even have good IVs
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>>14976052 Don't be a faggot, just let her have the Ditto. It's nothing but breeding fodder anyway.
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>>14975307 not letting she have it and telling her:
>you know i have anoter shiny ditto for you, this one is white and it's waiting down here for you to open your mouth like a pokeball srly Op you don't love that girl or you're a manchild
I hope you guys aren't taking this guy seriously, my lungs hurt from all this laughter.
>>14976730 this is true
the shiny was found by him on his game. the game doesn't know who's playing, it just knows that whoever catches it in the game gets it in the game
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>>14976707 this, fuck the bitch, your ditto. be a man nigga.
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>>14976814 It's obvious somebody who isn't OP is here stirring the pot. but the actual initial couple posts are real imo
>>14976468 >deyre mah bf/gf I must do everything for them and everyone else should too otherwise they're a horrible person lol If you want to give your gf a pokemon because you think it's right that's fine but don't think all of us (especially not OP) are just gonna start giving away our Pokemon to our significant other just because you say so
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>>14975307 >She got that shiny Ditto on my luck, not hers. her game and your game both have the same fucking odds, it's her shiny you idiot
and at the same time, it's HER friend safari so isn't it even moreso hers?
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>Arguing over who owns what in fucking pokemon >OP is obviously pretending he has a girlfriend >Actually getting into an argument with your relationship partner over a fucking pokemon Break up with her and make sure neither of you reproduce or get into another relationship again.
What a shitty girlfriend. Mine would've found a shiny in her own game and then given it to me if it was something I wanted.
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>>14976711 Actually, we don't get to make our own rules. If someone was actually autistic enough to sue someone over pokemon ownership, they would likely default to regular legal ownership rules depending on the place of origin.
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>>14976052 >She... uh... she bought both of our games. Anonymous
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>>14976015 I wish my dittos could wandler.
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If you went on some japanese fucker's friend safari who's code you got from 4chan, and you caught a shiny, it's yours. Since your gf caught it it's hers. Don't be an asshole and learn to chain like normal people
>>14976763 Except the house =/= the property, and it can't be "your" house if he owns it.
If the black man bought the house for you as a gift and gave it to you (such as the case of Pokemon for OP), then he is not entitled to jack shit.
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>>14976860 well duh, it's your hand, you control it
>implying anyone on /vp/ or 4chan in general has a gf Anonymous
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>>14976052 >She... uh... she bought both of our games. Treat your man better and give him the shiny.
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>>14975405 This is the only answer.
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>>14976052 Who gives a fuck about a video game, dude? Jesus fucking christ.
>>14976052 >She... uh... she bought both of our games. You don't fucking deserve her.
>>14976958 Except they had a prearranged agreement for the black man to take anything he found buried under the house
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>>14976821 You seriously think that if a girl posted this, our response would be "you go girl, sue him for child support while you're at it" ?
Again, where do you think you ARE?
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>>14975307 It's hers, let it go.
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>>14976844 >Not giving a pokemon to gf or friends. I thought people this autistic were only a myth and 4chan autism/fedora thing were just a silly joke.
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>>14975307 just let her have it you selfish nigger
it's just polygons
If this guy's logic was true then any asshat would be entitled to ALL the pokes found in their friend safari... and there wouldn't be any point to a friend safari.
That ditto is 1/8192. The question is; is your girlfriend 1/8192?
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>>14977106 Hey i'm pretty pissed that I don't get to have any of the dittos in my own friend safari while everyone else does.
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>>14977026 >So, my gf was using my Y Version to go to her own Friend Safari to farm Dittos for breeding and she fucking came across a shiny Ditto. She caught it and said, "Hand me my DS so I can trade it over to my game." I don't see anywhere in there that states he agreed to let her take anything she came across in his game.
Just that she was using his Y version. Doesn't even mention permission.
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>>14975405 this, just no mega BS or ubers
>>14976844 If she ask for a car or a house, I'm gonna say "get a job and save money", if she asks for me jumping off the bridge of course i won't do it ever.
But asking for a pokemon is like asking someone for a goddamn ice-cream. Don't you give candies or stuff to your friends?
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>>14977111 good point. get some brownie points by saying something cheesy like, "alright sure, this ditto is 1 in 8192, but you're 1 in a million, so i say i'm the lucky one in this situation"
>>14977195 >sharing any form of food Why
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>>14976052 "I got another blue ditto here in my pants"
WIN/WIN situation
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>>14977111 Considering how autismal OP is, I'd say she is more like 1/ 4,294,967,296.
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>>14976958 this whole "black man bought you your house as a gift" analogy is getting out of hand.
Verbal contracts apply in this situation, and the black man would loose in court if you had proof that he transferred ownership to you... also the judge would probably side with you anyway if he was being a dick.
But in the end whoever owns the copy of the game is irrelevant. If every autist was able to recall ALL of the mons caught in their friend safari, then there would be no point to a friend safari.
>>14977195 >only have a 1/8192 chance to find food >give it to people because they ask for it You should visit Africa.
>>14976052 Shiny Staryu is worth literally nothing. It is garbage. I have caught 4 of them today and traded them for legendaries, which are also worth nothing, but are at least limited to one a day.
Any pokemon you can fish is a junk shiny now,
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Don't be such an autistic little cunt, OP. She caught it fair and square. Of course, you could argue that it was found in your game but since she wants it, it's only natural that you let have it as her boyfriend, right? You're not that socially retarded, are you?
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>>14975307 >who gives a fuck, it's shiny ditto >shinys are about a dime a dozen in friend safari I hope your girlfriend realizes you're a stupid faggot and leaves you.
I run over and pick up my DS hoping that nothing has changed on screen, and quickly noticed that she broke it. My system and my shiny Ditto, gone forever. I start screaming every obscenity I know, and started flailing my arms around. I didn’t know she was behind me, and apparently I backhanded her in the face while I was being a dumbass and swinging my fists around. She yells out “FUCK YOU”, and runs out of my house in tears. What have I done? I’ve fucked up so badly, and I need to know how to approach her. I don’t want a game of Pokemon to be responsible for ruining my best relationship ever. Help me, /vp/
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>This thread I can't I just can't help I am in pain from laughing so much
>>14977368 He said she caught it a few days ago, probably before shiny fishing 'mon were completely devalued by the suction cups method.
God damn it OP, you're just going to put the fucking Ditto into a PC box and never look at it again. Just giver her the Ditto, quit being a manchild, and go MM a shiny actually worth using or something. I mean shit, I found a shiny Nosepass, Togepi, and Dunsparce all within a few hours yesterday. Now there's an easy way to get shinies from fishing. They're not special snowflakes anymore.
>>14977368 I'll gladly trade you some shitty legendaries or mega stones if you fish up a shiny Timid Staryu
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>>14975307 she found it and you missed the opportunity to agree and offer her this shiny ditto.
You did not miss th occasion to act like a child. GJ
>>14977267 Because it's common courtesy amongst friends and family.
>>14977330 >1/8192 chance of getting Ice cream Do you live in Africa, because I live in a 3rd world country and still get Ice cream, every 10-12 blocks.
And of course if food is my only survival option I won't share it (Except for family and maybe, slightly maybe ... friends). But a fucking Ditto is not needed to survive.
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>>14975438 please do that.
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>>14977556 I need Ditto to survive.
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>>14977500 I doubt it, I have terrible luck with natures. All of the ones I found had bad natures, I just caught them for fast trades and for the sake of novelty.
>>14977457 Feels bad that I'm trying to hatch a shiny skrelp right now and it'll be one of the most unimpressive shinies around. At least it'll have near perfect IVs.
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>>14977023 >>14977023 captcha: ublessme circumsize
Matt 0061-0289-1084 (Petilil, Pansage, Maractus)
Matt 0061-0289-1084 (Petilil, Pansage, Maractus) Mon 21 Oct 2013 20:33:25 No. 14977639 Report Quoted By:
So OP what's your FC? Gotta have them sweet Dittos.
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It was on your game right? It's yours. Its not petty, it will be if you two fight about it. Did everyone in VP get retarded overnight or something? If he had been playing her game, if would be her shiny, and vice-versa. It doesn't belong to who caught it, it belongs to the owner of the game. If my boyfriend had found a shiny while playing my game for a bit, he wouldn't ask to keep it, and if I had found one on his game, I wouldn't ask to keep it either. I sure as fuck wouldn't dump him over it because thats just stupid as fuck. Also if she breaks up with you over it she's a dumbass and it wouldn't have worked anyway.
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>>14976052 try to come back to reason man.
>But without my game, she never would have found that shiny Ditto. you are acting like a child dude
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>>14975307 Jesus christ OP, you're a gigantic faggot.
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> Not giving it to her You're selfish as hell, it's just a data. Hell, if you were giving it to her when she ask the first time. When she encounter more shiny in her game she could give one back to you.
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>>14976052 Fucking broke faggot idiot.
Ash boring
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who fucking cares you autistic retard would you actually risk an interpersonal relationship over a fucking stupid shiny ditto.
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>>14977483 >tfw still don't have a shiny >tfw haven't seen a shiny in years >tfw never use masterball Anonymous
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I doubt OP is even here anymore, but if he is: Look, just let her have the Ditto. It is rightfully hers. If she knows it is your favorite Pokémon, she'd probably be willing to let you have it if you stopped acting like a child about it. The only reason she's not just handing it over is because you're being an entitled dildo, trust me. She doesn't want the Ditto, especially since it's Bashful with bad IVs. >asking /vp/ for relationship advice
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>>14977594 only in the middle of the video, I hope he fails to catch it.
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>OPs GF bends down to suck his fat cock >Licks around the tip then after sucking for a few minutes pulls his slong out and says >"So yea, my last BF was a fucking FAGGOT! ROFL His small ass dick never could satisfy me, and we ended up breaking up over a fucking Ditto! I took his Ditto, his house, and his heart!" >The thug grunted and then pushed her back on his Great Rod
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>>14977594 >thank you so much God I owe you one >thanking any deity for RNG Anonymous
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>>14975307 Just like in my american Hanna-Barbera animations
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>>14977556 fuck that, its my food and they can get their own just as easy if they want it that bad
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>>14977594 His screaming fits with the music.
Top lel. Thanks.
Kurtz 4983 4945 8078
I wish my gf had ditto in her friend safari.I can't get anyone with ditto in theirs to add me.
>>14978228 I have them in mine
Ed 2.0 2294-3366-2887 (Ariados, Kakuna, Draion)
Ed 2.0 2294-3366-2887 (Ariados, Kakuna, Draion) Mon 21 Oct 2013 20:55:13 No. 14978601 Report >>14978541 Holy shit please add me
Justice 2208-5668-8729 (Farfetch'd and Swanna)
Justice 2208-5668-8729 (Farfetch'd and Swanna) Mon 21 Oct 2013 20:57:58 No. 14978730 Report Kurtz 4983 4945 8078
>>14978541 but will you add me?
Abe 2208 - 5415 - 2976
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You can't both own it? That would make too much sense?
>>14978760 >>14978601 done
>>14978730 alright but thats it, i'm not turning this into friend safari
Dio Brando 4313-0227-1727
>>14978541 I'd like some Ditto if possible
Kurtz 4983 4945 8078
Justice 2208-5668-8729 (Farfetch'd and Swanna)
Justice 2208-5668-8729 (Farfetch'd and Swanna) Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:02:16 No. 14978952 Report Quoted By:
>>14978863 Thanks a million anyway.
>>14978890 ......make it quick
>>14978541 Please add me as well, if you don't mind
Dio Brando 4313-0227-1727
>>14978971 I missed your cutoff, I'll just wait for someone in a safari thread
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She caught it. Also she's your girlfriend. Spouses before pokemon, man. I think that's a given.
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>>14978863 Thank you so much
>>14978996 >>14979024 i've done it just add now so I can get back to pss
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Man, give your girlfriend the ditto. My girlfriend of two years recently cheated on me and left me for her ex. You already have something rarer than a shiny: love Just be nice and let her have it.
>>14979150 Thanks a tonne dude, really appreciate it.
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Well, it has YOUR GODDAM OT. It's yours.
Justice 2208-5668-8729 (Farfetch'd and Swanna)
Justice 2208-5668-8729 (Farfetch'd and Swanna) Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:07:40 No. 14979244 Report How do you get the 3rd spot?
>>14979223 no probs, sorry for the snappiness but with everyone piling on, it was a little irritating going back and forth.
>>14979317 Completely understandable, as soon as someone mentions the ditto (or insert another desirable piece of mon), things tend to go berserk.
>>14979244 the third pokemon? you have to be on for that, i'll check if ya want
>>14979401 yeah, i've noticed that and sometimes I regret saying anything with the piling on
Dio Brando 4313-0227-1727
>>14979244 The person who's safari it is has to have beaten the game for you to get their third mon
Justice 2208-5668-8729 (Farfetch'd and Swanna)
Justice 2208-5668-8729 (Farfetch'd and Swanna) Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:14:20 No. 14979557 Report >>14979513 I'm in game at the minute but is that not good enough, do we both have to be in game?
>>14979542 Ah is that how it works?
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If my girlfriend found a shiny, it's hers. I don't give a fuck if I've been breeding for days looking for one. She got one fair and square. She fucking CAUGHT it. Don't be a faggot OP.
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>>14975307 You know what you must do anon. Give her the D
Justice 2208-5668-8729 (Farfetch'd and Swanna)
Justice 2208-5668-8729 (Farfetch'd and Swanna) Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:17:44 No. 14979738 Report >>14979542 This doesn't seem right, I have someone I know has beaten the game and they safari only shows 2/3 with pokeballs in.
Does a shiny ditto transform into a shiny pokemon?
>>14979557 think so, turn pss on if it isn't already and we'll see
klk-5198-2884-4068 Rock Onyx Dwebble ???
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>>14975307 Tell her to give you a bj for it or at least sex OP.
Justice 2208-5668-8729 (Farfetch'd and Swanna)
Justice 2208-5668-8729 (Farfetch'd and Swanna) Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:19:04 No. 14979809 Report >>14979765 Yup someone in the other thread just mentioned this, going online.
Will the 3rd pokemon stay available after unlocked?
Dio Brando (Shelgon, Gabite, Sliggoo) 4313-0227-1727
Dio Brando (Shelgon, Gabite, Sliggoo) 4313-0227-1727 Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:19:07 No. 14979815 Report >>14979738 They also have to be online on the PSS after beating the game in order for it to update itself
>>14979317 Thanks for the Dittos
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>>14975307 stop being a stuck up bitch, it's just data
Justice 2208-5668-8729 (Farfetch'd and Swanna)
Justice 2208-5668-8729 (Farfetch'd and Swanna) Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:20:35 No. 14979894 Report Quoted By:
>>14979765 Awesome, it's working.
>>14979809 no, it only appears if you're online at the time as far as I know
>>14979815 not a problem
Justice 2208-5668-8729 (Farfetch'd and Swanna)
Justice 2208-5668-8729 (Farfetch'd and Swanna) Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:22:27 No. 14980002 Report >>14979974 Fair enough, that will have to do.
>>14979513 Even if it gets a bit crazy, know we appreciate it when someone offers up something awesome like Safari Ditto
>>14980002 Update, you have Rufflets as your third in your safari, congrats
>>14980029 I know man, its just when half people ask me to add them and other half say to go on pss, when the former I disconnect.
Justice 2208-5668-8729 (Farfetch'd, Swanna, Rufflets)
Justice 2208-5668-8729 (Farfetch'd, Swanna, Rufflets) Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:26:47 No. 14980225 Report Quoted By:
>>14980175 Awesome, thanks.
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Do you really want your first Shiny to not even be one you found? She found it playing your game, but it would never have been found if she didn't go to play it. It's like being buttmad that an egg you sent hatched a shiny. It just wasn't meant to be.