[65 / 3 / ?]
I just lucked out hard and got my first shiny, a Beldum, on my 23rd egg and I figured I'd celebrate by doing a giveaway. If you want one, please post your friendcode and in game name. If you see me, feel free to initiate the trade. They're all adamant, no idea about IV's. My friendcode is 0189-9327-3018, ign is Lloyd
Gio 0473-7964-8775
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i'll take the shiny one
Sturgis 3136-7060-6520 Petilil, Sunkern, Maractus
Sturgis 3136-7060-6520 Petilil, Sunkern, Maractus Mon 21 Oct 2013 20:48:11 No. 14978279 Report pls I am based
Will 2019 - 9736 - 3945
Danny 3797-7090-5676
J: 2320-6132-1819
Fred 0447-6117-1748 [Normal: Teddiursa/Minccino/Smeargle]
Fred 0447-6117-1748 [Normal: Teddiursa/Minccino/Smeargle] Mon 21 Oct 2013 20:50:04 No. 14978358 Report May I have one too please?
Brandon 2664-2443-0934
Gio 0473-7964-8775
Char 1005-9358-2268
Brandon 2664-2443-0934
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>>14978391 In game name is Hero
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>>14978162 add me op! and thanks
Wizzik 5257-9517-3006
>>14978162 I'd love one! Adding you!
Char 1005-9358-2268
Jon 4639-9046-0154 {Spheal, Sneasle, Dewgong}
Jon 4639-9046-0154 {Spheal, Sneasle, Dewgong} Mon 21 Oct 2013 20:54:41 No. 14978575 Report >>14978162 adding for based beldums
Aiolos 3394-4166-7858
I would appreciate a beldum
Boups 4828-4962-7551
>>14978162 I'd take one if you have any left :D!
Gabe 3539-9171-7332
Add my OP, I'd love a beldum.
>>14978162 Op i added you, i would love one. Fav pokemon
J: 2320-6132-1819
Based OP, thanks for the trade
Jonathan 1950-8201-2687 (Charmeleon, Braixen, magmar)
Jonathan 1950-8201-2687 (Charmeleon, Braixen, magmar) Mon 21 Oct 2013 20:58:26 No. 14978755 Report yes please
Scar 4570-7966-1909
Omi 4399-0067-7952
Brandon 2664-2443-0934
Adam 0318 7425 4724
>>14978162 You are lucky as hell.
I'd like one.
ign: Adamella
do want: friend code: 2208-4934-0366
Fred 0447-6117-1748 [Normal: Teddiursa/Minccino/Smeargle]
Fred 0447-6117-1748 [Normal: Teddiursa/Minccino/Smeargle] Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:09:22 No. 14979326 Report Quoted By:
>>14978162 Thanks a lot man!
Danny 3797-7090-5676
>>14979245 I'm not seeing you OP
I would absolutely love one! Friendcode: 1349-5551-0490 IGN: Austin
Erick: 2079-7261-8404
>>14979245 Why dont you show up online?
If you have any left, I would love one OP. IGN: Ilya 4871-4429-6426
Dan 3582-9311-4963
I'd love one! I haven't finished the game yet so I don't know my friend safari, sorry!
nick_54g (ign SaGa54g) - 4425 1935 5939
>>14978162 hey man ill take one of those beldums off your hands
Ryan 4940 6280 0268
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Still got any left OP? I was planning on using Metagross post-game, would be awesome to start using one during.
>>14979445 >>14979339 I mistyped; was in the process of adding everyone I quoted except for the dupe I accidentally quoted.
I also disconnect every time I get back into game though, dunno why that happens. Should probably look into it soon
Aden 0576-4063-7988
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Any left, kind OP?
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>>14978162 Id love one op, added you
Boups 4828-4962-7551
Disconnected while trading with Gabe, 3ds fucked up I'll make sure I get to you but I'll take the time to give you guys an update. I have 11 left and here's who's left on my list of people I currently have added: Danny Wizzik Erick Jonathan Adam Gabe
Erick: 2079-7261-8404
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>>14979715 Thanks op, you are the man!
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>>14980293 Scratch that, Aiolos should be in place of Erick
Anyone on that list please trade me ASAP before I move on to the next batch
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Also if someone could tell me what my friend safari is that'd be pretty great. I didn't finish the game yet though so I think that means my third pokemon will be locked.
Danny 3797-7090-5676
>>14980293 Not sure if you've mistyped my FC 'cause I can't see you
marck 0404-6342-8954
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fc:040463428954 IGN:marck is there any left op?
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>>14980575 I'll try readding you with the next group. If I run into an issue I'll update the thread so please keep an eye.
Adam 0318 7425 4724
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>>14980293 Thanks much OP!
Alex 3394-3586-6295
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I'd like to have one OP. In exchange I can give you a Modest Larvesta.
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:38:12 No. 14980822 Report Quoted By:
>>14980293 Do you still have one, OP?
>>14978162 One for me please!
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>>14980977 I forgot my code
>>14979207 >>14979339 >>14979411 >>14979514 >>14979602 >>14979676 Added. Assuming everyone quoted trades me this means I'm all out. I'm really sorry to whoever didn't get in in time but I will definitely be back eventually with another giveaway soon!
Danny 3797-7090-5676
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>>14981253 gave you my modest fennekin, thanks for the beldum very much
Ilya 4871-4429-6426
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>>14981253 You're the best, OP. Thanks!
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Waiting on: 2208-4934-0366 Hyun 3582-9311-4963 Dan 4425 1935 5939 SaGa54g Please trade me within 5 minutes otherwise I'm gonna move down the list
nick_54g (ign SaGa54g) - 4425 1935 5939
fuck sorry was in a trainer battle can your re trade with me
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
I'll take one please! Looking for anything in particular?
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>>14982176 My 3DS shit itself again. Retrading
nick_54g (ign SaGa54g) - 4425 1935 5939
thanks, btw do you got a ditto you can share? maybe we can work out a trade for one
Gryph 2509-1672-9895
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>>14982310 FUCK. Sorry. Just realized you said you were out. Register me anyway for Friend Safari
>>14982406 Unfortunately not, this is the only one I have until I gain access to the friend safari
nick_54g (ign SaGa54g) - 4425 1935 5939
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>>14982813 aw alright thanks