Rather than having a million "anyone have this", or "I'm working on this" threads, I was hoping we could condense them into a single breeding thread to help prevent overlap. Example. You're trying to make a perfect Adamant Beldum. I'm sure there are tons of people out there that would like to get an Adamant Beldum. I'm not saying this is strictly a give-away thread, but just post what you're working on and if you're willing to give away extras. If we get enough people in here, then we can trade good natured/egg moved pokemon and specialize in breeding rather than try to do them all ourselves. I'm currently working on Thick Fat Adamant Mamoswines (with Avalanche) and Jolly Electivires (with Ice Punch). Once I have some ready and in extra, I'd be glad to give them away Anyone else specializing in one or two pokemon for breeding?
Guy 3153-3999-2973
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im working on perfect eevee's but the chance to get females is awful, is there anything that can influence the gender?
Iorith 1075 0733 7954
Working on DW Gligar at the moment, although I don't know if I'm going full insane mode on them. Really don't have the patience for it. REALLY hating this 20% egg rate.
>>14978583 I've done a noibat and larvesta project, although only noibats are ev trained. Currently hatching shiny honedge and they almost always have max hp/att/def/spd
>>14978912 How about you trade it to someone else's game, they breed you a baby and you keep going from there with that babby?
Varia 4871-4007-8179
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>>14978583 I've got Tyrunts with Ice/Fire/Thunder/Poison Fang. Currently trying to get a shiny Absol via MM and an Anticipation Eevee
Iorith 1075 0733 7954
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>>14979093 Because once I get the 3 good IVs from my ditto, I'll need to move on to getting the other 2-3 I want.
Been trying to get another ditto to replace mine, but no one is willing to trade ditto for ditto.
Bun 3668-8137-6040 [Panpour/Quagsire/Frogadier]
Bun 3668-8137-6040 [Panpour/Quagsire/Frogadier] Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:06:27 No. 14979172 Report >>14978980 What nature Honedges are you doing? I'm about to get working on Timid Magic Guard Abras.
Mike: 1590-4771-2815 (Swadloon/Sunkern/Quilladin)
Mike: 1590-4771-2815 (Swadloon/Sunkern/Quilladin) Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:08:44 No. 14979304 Report Quoted By:
I have some Brave Honedges and Adamant Charmanders at the moment if anyone's interested. I don't know what their IVs are sorry, I started breeding them before knowing about Destiny Knot
Nate 1435-4545-1114
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I have a ton of Brave Abomasnow's that have 2-4 perfect IV's. However they don't have leech seed, but i'll be breeding some with leech seed soon since I now have access to Ivysaur.
3007-8430-8818 Modo (X) (Snover, Beartic, ???)
sure asseldra 3007-8430-8818 Modo (X) (Snover, Beartic, ???) Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:09:14 No. 14979320 Report Working on a 5-perfect IV goomy. I'm currently following a guide I saw on gamefaqs, so I'm currently breeding a goomy with 3 perfect IVs holding an everstone and a Ditto with two different perfect IVs holding a destiny knot. According to the guide, I should end up with a goomy with 4 perfect IVs. Nothing yet, though. Am I doing something wrong? ; _ ; When I get that 5-perfect-IV goomy, I'll be doing a modest gooey-goomy give-away, look forward to it.
Nate 1435-4545-1114
>>14979320 I try to just catch dittos 3 perfect IV's.
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>>14979418 I don't know anyone with a Ditto safari ;-;
Steeve 0087-2407-0837 [Ghost- Golurk, Shupett, Phantump]
Steeve 0087-2407-0837 [Ghost- Golurk, Shupett, Phantump] Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:12:57 No. 14979497 Report >>14979320 gooey goomy? of so can you spare me one?
Iorith 1075 0733 7954
>>14979320 It's still a bit randomized. You're wanting 5 IVs out of 12, it's going to be a lot of eggs to burn through.
The best thing to do would be To breed until you get a goomy with the Ditto's IVs, then replace the ditto with that goomy.
Then keep switching out Goomys for better ones until you have, say, 4x31 and 4x31. That gives you 3 that would be nearly 100% to pass on.
Hope my explination makes sense
3007-8430-8818 Modo (X) (Snover, Beartic, ???)
3007-8430-8818 Modo (X) (Snover, Beartic, ???) Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:14:45 No. 14979577 Report Quoted By:
>>14979320 I tried that, with a HP/Def/Speed Ditto and a SP.Def/SP.Atk gooey goomy, the ditto holding destiny knot and the goomy holding everstone for modest nature. After two boxes, I ended up with tons of goomies, all with 2 or 3 perfect ivs, I couldn't reach 4. Not sure if just bad luck or if I was missing something, though, so I just went for the guide.
Nate 1435-4545-1114
>>14979505 I honestly just stop at 4 perfect IV's with outstanding potential. I could go further, but meh is it really worth it. Especially if the last 2 stats aren't that important.
Chris 4596-9758-5278
Quoted By:
I'm looking for someone with a Ditto safari I'll actually be using one in combat . My safari type is poison though I'm not sure what's in there. I also wouldn't mind a Clauncher, either through safari or trade. Hell, you could just pass me an egg and I would be happy. I don't have much to trade but I am Canadian so I can get one of those pretty blue winged Vivillons.
3007-8430-8818 Modo (X) (Snover, Beartic, ???)
3007-8430-8818 Modo (X) (Snover, Beartic, ???) Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:17:07 No. 14979707 Report >>14979505 There is the female factor as well, though ; _ ; out of about 60 goomies, only 5 or 6 of them are modest females.
But I did understand, I'll try that. I appreciate the tips.
>>14979497 Yep. I can, but I'd prefer to do it later, as I'm a little bit busy with those eggs now ; _ ; but if you give me half an hour and add me, I'll definitely give you one.
Iorith 1075 0733 7954
>>14979628 Depends on the pokemon imo. For example, I want a great gligar. Def/Sdef/Hp/Spd would be fine, but I want the Atk as well.
Nate 1435-4545-1114
>>14979730 Still with outstanding potential the Atk IV is high up there. I'm not sure on what you are losing having a lets say 25 IV instead of 31. Does anyone have any info on this?
Steeve 0087-2407-0837 [Ghost- Golurk, Shupett, Phantump]
Steeve 0087-2407-0837 [Ghost- Golurk, Shupett, Phantump] Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:19:31 No. 14979840 Report Iorith 1075 0733 7954
>>14979826 Since it's hard to tell median IV's if you have any at 31, I just go all out. 25 would be okay, but 15 wouldn't. And since I can't tell, I just go for 31 so I know.
Sam 4355-9608-7369
>>14978912 If you manage to get one, I'd love you if you could trade me one, don't care about IV's/nature cause I'd breed it myself :P I have starters and stuff in return if you're interested :)
Don't ask me why but I'm also working on a shiny cryogonal....
Trevor 4313-0528-5701
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Anybody have a Feebas or a Milotic that they want to give to me? I might have something that you want.
Nate 1435-4545-1114
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>>14979995 I believe outstanding means all IV's are above 20. I've had several relatively superior mons with 4 perfect IV's, so obviously the others were low, but not low enough to warn me about how bad it is. I kinda wish pokecheck just supported X and Y.
raise your hand if youre working on shiny honedge
Iorith 1075 0733 7954
>>14980063 Sure, I'll toss you a DW spare. Just toss me a derp. Better than releasing them I guess
3007-8430-8818 Modo (X) (Snover, Beartic, ???)
3007-8430-8818 Modo (X) (Snover, Beartic, ???) Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:26:16 No. 14980196 Report Quoted By:
>>14980153 not right now, but I will eventually, those are badass as hell.
>>14978583 Welp, wish I hadn't posted a thread earlier. Here's where I'm at:
I've got a few decent Froakies with Protean and Noibats with Infiltrator for trade (except for one Noibat with Frisk, but perfect IVs in Speed and Sp. Atk). All of them are Timid. Anyone interested?
Right now, I'm looking for an adamant Honedge with IVs in Attack and HP, a Tyrunt with fang moves, a Skrelp with whatever its hidden ability is, a Furfrou with good IVs and a good nature, a Modest Flabebe with Symbiosis and perfect IVs in Special Attack and Special Defense....And if anyone has a Goomy they think is cool, that'd be neat too. None of these requests are hard and fast, and I'm open to all sorts of suggestions also, I just want some fun, possibly competitive new pokemon to raise an EV train.
Sam 4355-9608-7369
>>14980189 you're a boss! anything in particular you want? I don't have many special nature / ability pokemon yet, but I can find / breed most things for you, I feel bad tossing you a bunny or something lol
Iorith 1075 0733 7954
>>14980252 I'd take a Protean Froakie, stats and such don't matter, would be breeding stock for later. Want a DW gligar?
Mad Moai 3566-1544-9382 [Helioptile, Parichisu, Manectric]
Mad Moai 3566-1544-9382 [Helioptile, Parichisu, Manectric] Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:31:47 No. 14980486 Report Okay so I'm fairly new to breeding. A nice fellow just gave me 3 dittos with all 6 IVs at 31 between them. So if I am breeding for a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Jynx and the first smoochum has 31 for HP and Spd, where do I go from there? I use that smoochum with another one of the dittos for SpA and Def? Do I then need another destiny knot for the smoochum to hold?
Iorith 1075 0733 7954
>>14980436 Mostly just looking for someone to get me a HP/Def/Sdef ditto from safari since I hate the low egg rate from my own. Really, just surprise me.
>>14980445 Ah, sorry, I've actually already got one that I'm really happy with. Got anything else?
Trevor 4313-0528-5701
Quoted By:
Will trade protean or a gale wing for chansey
3007-8430-8818 Modo (X) (Snover, Beartic, ???)
3007-8430-8818 Modo (X) (Snover, Beartic, ???) Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:33:33 No. 14980582 Report Quoted By:
>>14979840 hey, I just hatched a batch of eggs. None of them were the goomies I wanted. ; _ ;
but I just got one with 3 perfect IVs, on HP, Defense and Sp. Def, with outstanding potential overall, modest with gooey. I think that's good enough? Will add you now, see you in trade.
Just give me anything for it, though if you find anything interesting (like a couple y exclusives) it would be nice.
Quoted By:
Could anybody help me out by adding and battling me? I just bred a Kangeskhan with perfect IVs in every stat except defense and I want to check the defense IV.
Iorith 1075 0733 7954
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>>14980547 Not really. Really just figured I'd ask since I'm releasing my spares lol
Nate 1435-4545-1114
>>14980486 Breed the 2 IV smoochum with another ditto that has different IV's you want. Wait till you get a Smoochum with 3 or 4 IV's and then use that one to breed.
Sam 4355-9608-7369
>>14980512 Thanks man I really appreciate it, I hope you needed a bulbasaur lol
Iorith 1075 0733 7954
>>14980792 Eh, Dex spot. The breeding power will be great.
Mad Moai 3566-1544-9382 [Helioptile, Parichisu, Manectric]
Mad Moai 3566-1544-9382 [Helioptile, Parichisu, Manectric] Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:39:09 No. 14980871 Report >>14980689 Who is better to give the destiny knot to?
Dio Brando (Shelgon, Gabite, Sliggoo) 4313-0227-1727
Dio Brando (Shelgon, Gabite, Sliggoo) 4313-0227-1727 Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:39:40 No. 14980901 Report You read my mind OP I'm working on breeding Adamant Beldums with perfect IVs, and I want the final product to be a shiny So what I'm looking for specifically is an Adamant non-American Ditto to Masuda with, if any Eurobros or some such would like to help out that would be great, I'm currently catching Dittos in the safari so I have something to offer in return
Sam 4355-9608-7369
>>14980843 I'll transfer a couple of them everytime I remember, I need to level mine up anyway, If I ever get any cool shit I'll be sure to pop up to you on there for derps
Nate 1435-4545-1114
Quoted By:
>>14980871 It doesn't matter. It takes into account both parents IV's. It selects 5 of the potential 12 IV's.
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:40:48 No. 14980961 Report I'm looking for a Brave Honedge, a Jolly Kangaskhan and a Contrary Adamant Malmar. I can give Protean Modest Froakie, Modest Ralts or any pokemon Y only. And, my safari have Ditto (and Audino, for exp farm), if you're interested
Iorith 1075 0733 7954
Quoted By:
>>14980924 I'll be on here all week probably.
After this guy, working on a Gardevoir
Quoted By:
>>14980445 >>14980547 Sorry, accidentally responded without FC.
Iorith 1075 0733 7954
>>14980871 Whichever one DOESN'T have the nature you want.
I personally aim for having one with my goal nature with a stone, and the other having the string.
>>14978583 I really need a Hitmonchan so I can start breeding Lucarios with Bullet Punch. Anyone have one?
Sam 4355-9608-7369
>>14980901 from experience the last couple of days, it would probably be easier for you to trade for level 30 jap dittos of any nature, then randomly breed beldums until you get an adamant one, then replace it as the parent with an everstone, then use destiny knot / power items to pass on ivs while switching the parent each time.... wish I had a ditto farm though :( so far I got a jap ditto with 31 atk / spa... good luck to you
Sam 1907 8626 9559
>>14980961 wow can i add you for safari
i have adamant honedges but no brave
Namboto 2595-0950-5429 (Pansear, Volcarona, Fletchinder)
Namboto 2595-0950-5429 (Pansear, Volcarona, Fletchinder) Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:43:50 No. 14981106 Report Quoted By:
currently breeding an adament pawniard, though I'm gonna give up and go with a neutral nature if these three eggs don't turn out
Quickish question. After a couple days of breeding I managed to get a Jolly Gible with perfect IV's. The only problem is it has Sand Veil instead of Rough Skin. (So do all of it's siblings) What's the most painless way to get Rough Skin? I don't have to start from scratch with Rough Skin Gibles do I?
Nate 1435-4545-1114
Quoted By:
>>14981067 I have tyrogue in my safari.
Sam 4355-9608-7369
>>14980961 Is it cool if I add you, I desperately need dittos lol, I can try breed you a brave honedge :)
Quoted By:
>>14981141 Yup. Destiny knot that one you have when you get one.
Dio Brando (Shelgon, Gabite, Sliggoo) 4313-0227-1727
Dio Brando (Shelgon, Gabite, Sliggoo) 4313-0227-1727 Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:45:46 No. 14981207 Report >>14981068 What I was thinking was once I have a Beldum with perfect IVs, I'd give it the Destiny Knot to make it transfer its IVs and then have a foreign Adamant Ditto holding an Everstone to transfer the nature and enable Masuda
Although I guess once I have a bunch of dittos I can pawn them off over GTS and hope for a foreign Adamant to show up eventually
Sam 1907 8626 9559
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>>14981141 destiny knot, or the capsule you get from battle mansion
Nate 1435-4545-1114
>>14981141 Can't you get the 200 BP item and change it?
Sam 4355-9608-7369
>>14981141 you could try that 200bp ability changer thing the battle maison has... that would work.. it would just be long to get it but you'd get to keep your gible
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:46:36 No. 14981255 Report >>14981078 Yeah !
Adamant is fine too ! What do you want in exchange ?
EV training atk on route 19 swearing over how it always fucking rains there Just as i'm about to make a "funny" collage of some person standing in the rain, a hunnyjar crossed over and a sign that says "route 19" it stops raining and I can complete the training in the time it takes to write this
Sam 1907 8626 9559
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>>14981255 i dont need anything in exchange, i have 7 boxes of them
all have at least superior stats
Socks 2380-3708-6825 (Nosepass, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Socks 2380-3708-6825 (Nosepass, Magcargo, Shuckle) Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:47:55 No. 14981312 Report Quoted By:
Currently working on jolly sneasles with perfect speed and attack IVs going through the first batch of 12 now.
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>>14981239 >>14981229 the ability capsule doesn't work with hidden abilities
Kenpatchi 1676 - 3806 - 9926
So i just bred a bunch of Modest Fennekins, both Blaze and Magician abilities, and might as well whore them off, not sure if they're in high demand though so heres what i got:>29 Magician >22 male >7 female >24 Blaze >21 male >3 female Now, im not really bothered what i get in return just as long as they arent beginning of the game derps, but X version exclusives would be nice a japanese ditto would also be nice but thats wishful thinking just tell me what ability/gender you want.
Iorith 1075 0733 7954
Quoted By:
>>14981289 Oh god do I hate route 19 now. I killed about 200 Gligar before getting a DW one.
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:48:51 No. 14981355 Report Quoted By:
>>14981166 Sorry I don't see your message before ! I added you to my friend list.
And I don't say no to your Brave sword ;)
Sam 4355-9608-7369
>>14981207 I'm not too well up on breeding this gen but I think it would have the same effect tbh, the destiny knot chooses 5 Iv's from either parent I think so you'd still have to try a couple of times to get the right Iv's accross
I propose when we post our FCs we should also post what region we have, like USA, GER, or JAP so we can share our high IV pokemon with others to mix for MM IVs
Mad Moai 3566-1544-9382 [Helioptile, Parichisu, Manectric]
Mad Moai 3566-1544-9382 [Helioptile, Parichisu, Manectric] Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:49:45 No. 14981409 Report Quoted By:
Cherrel 3368-1321-6556
>>14981349 oh my god i would love a modest blaze female if you have one
if not, modest magician is nice too
Dio Brando (Shelgon, Gabite, Sliggoo) 4313-0227-1727
Dio Brando (Shelgon, Gabite, Sliggoo) 4313-0227-1727 Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:50:50 No. 14981458 Report >>14981358 So I could use any foreign Ditto and an Adamant Beldum and just give the Ditto the Destiny Knot and still get IVs from Beldum?
Iorith 1075 0733 7954
>>14981358 >couple Unless the other Ditto has a lot of nice IVs, you're looking at a lot.
>>14981407 Honestly I'd like this regardless of region for faster eggs thanks to different IDs.
Have a Spd/Sdef/Def Ditto, so if anyone else has one to trade, you'd be amazing.
Kenpatchi 1676 - 3806 - 9926
Quoted By:
>>14981438 coming right at'cha, ill add you now
Steeve 0087-2407-0837 [Ghost- Golurk, Shupett, Phantump]
Steeve 0087-2407-0837 [Ghost- Golurk, Shupett, Phantump] Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:51:38 No. 14981507 Report Quoted By:
Sam 1907 8626 9559 (USA; Trapinch, Diggersby, Nincada)
Sam 1907 8626 9559 (USA; Trapinch, Diggersby, Nincada) Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:51:52 No. 14981526 Report >>14981407 i think this is a good idea
Cherrel 3368-1321-6556
>>14981349 Oh, also I have a japanese ditto you can take
I was using it to breed with my male delphox for a shiny, but goddamn a female fennekin is all i need now
Archimedes 1993-8198-8214
Quoted By:
Currently breeding eevees to get a high IVs team with natures depending on what it will evolve to (mostly timid) Would love to trade them for some other IV bred pokes, but won't have good stock for trading until this weekend probably.
Kris - 4656-6950-6616 (Driftblim, Pumpkaboo, Lampent)
Kris - 4656-6950-6616 (Driftblim, Pumpkaboo, Lampent) Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:53:56 No. 14981640 Report >>14980961 Could you add me, Quentin?
I really would love having a Ditto Friend Safari and I happen to have a Jolly Kangaskhan free.
Kenpatchi 1676 - 3806 - 9926
>>14981559 thats perfect! thank you in advance
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Does a ralts have any egg moves worth learning? I didn't see anything worth grabbing
Mad Moai 3566-1544-9382 [Helioptile, Parichisu, Manectric]
Mad Moai 3566-1544-9382 [Helioptile, Parichisu, Manectric] Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:55:03 No. 14981710 Report Okay so I'm using the Serebii IV calculator, and it's doing a really good job when the characteristic shows up in the list, but several of my smoochums have had characteristics not on their list (Nods off a lot). What should I be doing here? is there a more manual way to determine the IVs?
Cherrel 3368-1321-6556
Quoted By:
>>14981656 No problem at all!
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:56:40 No. 14981799 Report >>14981640 Of course bro' :)
Iorith 1075 0733 7954
Quoted By:
>>14981710 Post-E4 town has a guy in the Pokecenter who will tell you Average IVs level, and your top IVs(As well as any stinker IVs.
Steeve 0087-2407-0837 [Ghost- Golurk, Shupett, Phantump]
Steeve 0087-2407-0837 [Ghost- Golurk, Shupett, Phantump] Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:58:23 No. 14981881 Report >>14981799 can i add you too?
mostly for dunsparce, but ditto is great too!
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:01:11 No. 14982020 Report >>14981640 Thx a lot for Kangaskhan !
>>14981881 Yes, you can ;)
Kris - 4656-6950-6616 (Driftblim, Pumpkaboo, Lampent)
Kris - 4656-6950-6616 (Driftblim, Pumpkaboo, Lampent) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:02:38 No. 14982095 Report Quoted By:
>>14981799 Just trade me whatever for the Kangaskhan.
I'll wait for you online!
David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle)
David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:03:12 No. 14982131 Report Quoted By:
I managed to make a perfect 5 IV Phanpy much faster then expected, and I guess I could trade away the remaining 7 members of his family. He has 6 Impish siblings with Ice Shard and 4-5 IVs, most are missing either ATK or SPE. The mother is Adamant and actually has 6 perfect IVs, but lacks Ice Shard. I still don't know how I pulled that off. All have Pickup. Please reply to this post if you want to trade. I would really like any Ditto with any 31s, but will take any metamon with decent stats.
Eon 2466-2069-7284 (Ivysaur Pansage
>>14981799 I love you so much, I added you.. h-hopefully my Ivysaur is worthy
Sam 4355-9608-7369
>>14981458 As Iorith said you'd need to breed a lot still... I understatemented a bit lol but from my understanding you should catch around 6 Dittos from safari that cover all of the stats, then put a destiny knot on them and keep swapping ditto and the parent so it increases the odds of passing them on... for example
start off with beldum with 0/0/0/0/0/0 just for example, and a ditto with 31/31/0/0/0 you'd put a destiny knot on one, and everstone on the one you want the nature of, then keep breeding till the destiny knot passes off both of the IV's onto a pokemon, then replace the parent beldum with the new 2 iv offspring, and swap the ditto for one that covers another 2 stats, and repeat the process until you get a perfect / near perfect mon.... that's my understanding of breeding this gen but I think thats pretty accurate
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:06:56 No. 14982315 Report >>14982168 I just want to make ppl happy with my Safari, I it could, so I'ts fine for me :)
Mad Moai 3566-1544-9382 [Helioptile, Parichisu, Manectric]
Mad Moai 3566-1544-9382 [Helioptile, Parichisu, Manectric] Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:08:03 No. 14982388 Report >>14982315 Mind if I add you, ditto-man? Unfortunately my safari a shit.
David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle)
David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:08:36 No. 14982422 Report >>14982315 I would also like to be your friend, if you dont mind.
Django 4828-4267-4208
Quoted By:
currently breeding careful natured snorlaxes with curse to have 31/31/31/x/31/x ivs
Kris - 4656-6950-6616 (Driftblim, Pumpkaboo, Lampent)
Kris - 4656-6950-6616 (Driftblim, Pumpkaboo, Lampent) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:09:35 No. 14982468 Report >>14982020 Thank you so much!
Have fun with that Kangaskhan!
Quoted By:
Does the Hatching O-Power stack? If I use it three times in rapid succession will it be three times as effective?please say yes
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Anyone know good egg moves I should breed onto a Mawile? I'm kind of winging it right now.
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/???) 0946-2330-6291
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/???) 0946-2330-6291 Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:11:18 No. 14982577 Report >>14982315 Adding, please add back
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:11:53 No. 14982606 Report Sam 1907 8626 9559 (USA; Trapinch, Diggersby, Nincada)
Sam 1907 8626 9559 (USA; Trapinch, Diggersby, Nincada) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:12:01 No. 14982610 Report >>14982290 thats a risky way of doing it, youre better off grinding battle mansion for the power items and sticking them on the dittos with the perfect IVs.
Lets say you have a ditto with 31 sp a. and atk. you would use whatever youre trying to breed with the nature you want, and give him an everstone. and then give your ditto a power bracelet or whatever. the offspring will guarenteed have perfect attack. you repeat the process with different power items and dittos until your mon is near perfect
once you get past having 3 perfect IVs on your other mon, you can start using destiny knot rather than the power items
destiny knot uses 5 IVs, and has a chance of overwriting good ivs with shit ones
Django 4828-4267-4208
Quoted By:
anybody know why i keep getting immunity snorlaxes vs thick fat?
1075 0837 9522 andrew[electric: stunfisk, manectric, dedenne]
1075 0837 9522 andrew[electric: stunfisk, manectric, dedenne] Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:13:15 No. 14982669 Report What pokemon does tyrunt have to fuck in order to get some good biting moves
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:14:31 No. 14982743 Report Anonymous
Hachiman 1821-9744-8710 [bug: Beautifly, Para, Venomoth]
Hachiman 1821-9744-8710 [bug: Beautifly, Para, Venomoth] Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:16:17 No. 14982833 Report >>14982606 Hey Quentin, can you add please? I need ditto to start breeding. If you don't mind of course.
Django 4828-4267-4208
Quoted By:
>>14982669 it is arbok i believe
March 1736 1016 7856 (Water) Krabby Quagsire
March 1736 1016 7856 (Water) Krabby Quagsire Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:16:45 No. 14982862 Report Anyone have a trade ralts, or any pokemon with trace? I just need one to help find hidden ability pokes in the safari...
Sam 4355-9608-7369
Quoted By:
>>14982610 I completely forgot about those :), that would be more accurate
March 1736 1016 7856 (Water) Krabby Quagsire
March 1736 1016 7856 (Water) Krabby Quagsire Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:18:11 No. 14982949 Report Quoted By:
Anyone have a ralts with trace their willing to give away? or any pokemon with trace? I just need one to help find hidden ability pokes in the safari...
Sam 1907 8626 9559 (USA; Trapinch, Diggersby, Nincada)
Sam 1907 8626 9559 (USA; Trapinch, Diggersby, Nincada) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:18:16 No. 14982954 Report Quoted By:
>>14982743 oh, hey! youre foreign!! do you want one of these dittos im whoring off you? you can use them to MM
Gomun 1048-7928-0539
I don't even know what I have
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/???) 0946-2330-6291
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/???) 0946-2330-6291 Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:18:35 No. 14982972 Report >>14982743 I love you How do I find the third Pokemon you have in the wild? Tahiro 0662-3255-3154 (chansey, kecleon, dunsparce)
Tahiro 0662-3255-3154 (chansey, kecleon, dunsparce) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:19:31 No. 14983011 Report Quoted By:
if anyone has a modest female fennekin with magician that would be cool unfortunately i dont have much to offer in return
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:19:59 No. 14983034 Report >>14982833 I don't mind ;) I added you !
Will 4253-3892-5372
Can someone trade me a non-JPN female Froakie? I can give you a male protean Froakie for it.
Jax - 5429-7916-7303 - Dedenne, Stunfisk, ???
Jax - 5429-7916-7303 - Dedenne, Stunfisk, ??? Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:20:12 No. 14983054 Report David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle)
David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:20:36 No. 14983080 Report >>14982967 I'll add you m8.
Tahiro 0662-3255-3154 (chansey, kecleon, dunsparce)
Tahiro 0662-3255-3154 (chansey, kecleon, dunsparce) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:20:54 No. 14983100 Report >>14980961 i have a brave honedge, adding you
>>14983045 Why female froakie?
Quoted By:
I'm literally just looking for Pokerus. I have nothing to offer in exchange really at the minute, but if someone could spend a minute or two to send me over a Pidgey or something with it I'd appreciate it.
Gomun 1048-7928-0539
Overrice (IGN Peter) 4038-7456-1058
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/???) 0946-2330-6291
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/???) 0946-2330-6291 Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:22:56 No. 14983210 Report Quoted By:
Will 4253-3892-5372
Does anyone have a protean froakie they can trade me I will happily trade a safari ditto for it or two if you want Friend code let me know please 0232-8498-3361
Sam 1907 8626 9559 (USA; Trapinch, Diggersby, Nincada)
Sam 1907 8626 9559 (USA; Trapinch, Diggersby, Nincada) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:24:59 No. 14983311 Report Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:25:11 No. 14983317 Report David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle)
David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:25:37 No. 14983338 Report >>14983168 You have Ghost; Shuppet, Phantump, and Spiritomb.
Quoted By:
I'm trying to breed a Jolly DD Tyrunt with 31 Speed IVs. I've got 31 in Attack and Defense on one of them, and it sucks that I can't use it, but I'm afraid I need to help him out as best as I can with that dismal speed of his.
Sam 1907 8626 9559 (USA; Trapinch, Diggersby, Nincada)
Sam 1907 8626 9559 (USA; Trapinch, Diggersby, Nincada) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:26:16 No. 14983372 Report Quoted By:
>>14983286 i have a protein frogadier or whatever, will that do?
its from friend safari, dont know what IVs it has
Will 4253-3892-5372
>>14983311 Someone told me that it's more effective if it's the same pokemon.
Don't know if it's really true. But what harm could it do?
Tahiro 0662-3255-3154 (chansey, kecleon, dunsparce)
Tahiro 0662-3255-3154 (chansey, kecleon, dunsparce) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:27:08 No. 14983418 Report >>14983317 trade me im online
whats your name in game
1075 0837 9522 andrew[electric: stunfisk, manectric, dedenne]
1075 0837 9522 andrew[electric: stunfisk, manectric, dedenne] Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:27:16 No. 14983422 Report >>14983286 I believe I might have one stored in one of my boxes
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/???) 0946-2330-6291
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/???) 0946-2330-6291 Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:27:16 No. 14983423 Report >>14982743 Got a shiny Audino thanks to you. I love you even more.
Sam 1907 8626 9559 (USA; Trapinch, Diggersby, Nincada)
Sam 1907 8626 9559 (USA; Trapinch, Diggersby, Nincada) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:28:23 No. 14983491 Report Quoted By:
>>14983385 it doesnt make a difference, but it can't do any harm. you could just use the ditto for other pokemon too
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:28:38 No. 14983502 Report >>14983418 Tht's "Like"
What do you want in exchange ?
>>14983423 OH YEAH DUDE !
3007-8430-8818 Modo (X) (Snover, Beartic, ???)
3007-8430-8818 Modo (X) (Snover, Beartic, ???) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:28:42 No. 14983505 Report Quoted By:
By the way, random question. I'm from Brazil, would anyone mind telling me what kind of Vivillion I have? I plan on hunting for them all, just wondering if I can swap them easily with the ones from here.
Gomun 1048-7928-0539
>>14983338 Cool I guess. can I get a spiritomb from my safari? oh and a shuppet
I got an extra Adamant synchronizer and adamant DD charmander
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/???) 0946-2330-6291
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/???) 0946-2330-6291 Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:29:29 No. 14983542 Report >>14983502 Still can't find a dang Ditto Patrick 5043-2087-2958 [Electric | Dedeanne, Electabuzz, Luxio]
Patrick 5043-2087-2958 [Electric | Dedeanne, Electabuzz, Luxio] Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:29:59 No. 14983555 Report Quoted By:
>>14980961 I have a brave honedge but it;s IV's are shit if you're still looking
Tahiro 0662-3255-3154 (chansey, kecleon, dunsparce)
Tahiro 0662-3255-3154 (chansey, kecleon, dunsparce) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:30:02 No. 14983560 Report Quoted By:
>>14983502 if you have haunter that would be cool, otherwise dont really care cause you have dittos in your friend safari
Sam 1907 8626 9559 (USA; Trapinch, Diggersby, Nincada)
Sam 1907 8626 9559 (USA; Trapinch, Diggersby, Nincada) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:30:36 No. 14983588 Report >>14983542 are you online?
Quoted By:
>>14983422 Yeah sure add me then
Gomun 1048-7928-0539 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb)
Gomun 1048-7928-0539 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:30:53 No. 14983599 Report Quoted By:
first minccino I catch has skill link :3
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:31:04 No. 14983609 Report >>14983542 It's my 3rd pokemon, can you see the face of my caracter ? If yes, that's strange...
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/???) 0946-2330-6291
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/???) 0946-2330-6291 Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:31:11 No. 14983616 Report Quoted By:
>>14983080 can you add me friend? i love smeargle
Quoted By:
Trying to make Scyther viable (for online rated battles), but really tempted to go for shiny Scizor because of that amazing colour... What do?
I have tons of 4 Perfect IV Jolly Magikarps, Intimidate though because I had Mega Gyarados in mind for my 5 IV one. I have a bunch so I'll trade for any other mon with good IVs so I can skip some steps in the breeding process.
Mad Moai 3566-1544-9382 [Helioptile, Parichisu, Manectric]
Mad Moai 3566-1544-9382 [Helioptile, Parichisu, Manectric] Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:32:04 No. 14983663 Report Alright so I'm wondering if I'm doing this thing right with the calculator. I only need to rare-candy a pokemon up to 5 for a reliable reading on IVs right?
Sam 1907 8626 9559 (USA; Trapinch, Diggersby, Nincada)
Sam 1907 8626 9559 (USA; Trapinch, Diggersby, Nincada) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:33:43 No. 14983739 Report Quoted By:
>>14983663 if you're going off the smogon thing its outdated.
if youve beat the E4, there's a guy in the south town that starts with a K that tells you if the IVs are good or not
if he says "this stat is simply the best there is!" then its perfect
David (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) | 2552-1412-6526
David (Espurr, Grumpig, Xatu) | 2552-1412-6526 Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:35:34 No. 14983824 Report >>14983609 I've been looking for a Ditto, would you mind adding me?
Jake 3394-3875-4815
>>14983629 I can give you a 4 perfect IV Adamant/Intimidate Mawile for one.
David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle)
David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:36:40 No. 14983885 Report >>14983516 Just caught one of each in Premier Balls, trading you now.
>>14983623 Sure mate, as soon as I'm done here. Feel free to add me.
Quoted By:
>>14983338 please add me i love smeargle
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:37:05 No. 14983898 Report Quoted By:
>>14983824 I will adding after my exchange/breedig ;)
>>14983848 You wouldn't happen to have an extra one of those you want to give away would you?
Quoted By:
anyone out there have Pokerus? I don't have much to offer but my Friend Safari has both Wartortle and Frogadier. I'm not looking for anything special, just a derp with it.
Gomun 1048-7928-0539 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb)
Gomun 1048-7928-0539 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:40:06 No. 14984041 Report Anonymous
>>14983317 added
Joel 1289-9621-8168; lampert, drifblim, and ???
Jake 3394-3875-4815
>>14984021 Sure man, spread the Mawile love.
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:42:56 No. 14984193 Report 5198-2643-4485
Im working on lucario and gible at the moment. I have around 10 gibles with 4 max IVs, all have max on int and atk and 2 random stats are maxed. My problem: my male lucario with 5 maxed ivs is in a shitty pokeball (yeah yeah, autism blahblah), so need a female lucario or a ditto with at least 4 maxed stats in a normal pokeball or even an luxury ball. I also have a gible with 5 maxed stats but with adamant nature. I would prefer jolly so i also need a good gible or ditto with jolly nature. Cant give much back except the gibles sadly, but it would be enough i could just borrow these pokemons, i just need a way to contact the person who would lend me a pokemon. I also could give the 5 maxed iv pokemons as soon as i have a "better" version of my current lucario or gible.
Rizzle/Mondo 4081-6688-3669 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula)
Rizzle/Mondo 4081-6688-3669 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:46:21 No. 14984360 Report >>14984150 I'd appreciate it. It'll save me a lot of time. I screwed up my own Mawiles. Do you want anything in return? I don't have much of value but I've got several safari Dittos.
>>14984193 Want to add me :D
Rick (Sneasel, Snorunt, Dewgong) 0705 2854 5445
Rick (Sneasel, Snorunt, Dewgong) 0705 2854 5445 Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:50:03 No. 14984540 Report Working on Jolly gible with outrage. Just hatched a couple of 31 HP/Atk/Def/Sp Def./Spe. At least thats what this IV guy is telling me
Iorith 1075 0733 7954
Quoted By:
Well, jumped ahead in my Gligar breeding, had a really lucky batch.
Roman 4253 4000 1932 Water (Gyarados Krabby Azumarill)
Roman 4253 4000 1932 Water (Gyarados Krabby Azumarill) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:51:00 No. 14984586 Report >>14984041 Hey can I add you? I really want a phantump with its HA
>38 boxes of brave honedges and no end in sight what am I even doing with my life
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:52:39 No. 14984668 Report >>14984484 Added back ;)
I'm looking for a Adamant Malamar (with Contrary) and a Bold Florge (with Flower-Veil) !
Need your help bro's !
>>14984540 Would you give or trade a female leftover? As i stated here
>>14984250 i dont have much to trade though, but i really could need a jolly female gible. ;_;
Gomun 1048-7928-0539 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb)
Gomun 1048-7928-0539 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:53:22 No. 14984706 Report >>14984586 im gona fuck shit up with one of those azumarill
Rinest 0130-3233-7878 [Steel Excadrill Metang Magneton]
Rinest 0130-3233-7878 [Steel Excadrill Metang Magneton] Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:55:05 No. 14984793 Report >>14984586 Hey Roman, I've been looking for a Moxie Gyrados! May I add you?
On box 5 of trying for shiny honedge. Starting to lose inspiration. Any ideas on what my next shiny project should be?
Ok, so I'm an idiot wanting to build a Sun Team. I've just bred this little fucker to have Chlorophyl und Hidden Power Fire. My best IV spread is probably HP: 18 Att: 28 Def: 31 SpA: 28 SpD: 31 Speed: 22 You guys think this is good enough or should I at least try to go for 31 Hp or something?
Jake 3394-3875-4815
>>14984360 Nah, don't worry about it.
>>14984540 Nice. Got a male one? If so, have interest in a well-IVed Mawile or Honedge?
Cameron 4639 - 9773 - 2150
Working on getting perfect Adamant Huge Power Marills with Belly Drum and Aqua Jet, but so far, I get nothing but 4 IV ones, even though I'm using parents with 5 lol. I'm interested in trading a my box full of them away. I'd like other 4-5 IV pokemon, and I'll suck your dick for a good Mawile/Absol/Houndour. I also need Pokerus.
Rick (Sneasel, Snorunt, Dewgong) 0705 2854 5445
Rick (Sneasel, Snorunt, Dewgong) 0705 2854 5445 Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:56:39 No. 14984873 Report >>14984669 Sure thing I only have a breeding pair of 5 IVs at the moment, would 4 be alright?
I have a Female with HP/Atk/Def/Sp. Def if you want it
Sam 1907 8626 9559 (USA; Trapinch, Diggersby, Nincada)
Sam 1907 8626 9559 (USA; Trapinch, Diggersby, Nincada) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:57:00 No. 14984888 Report >>14984845 im on box 7
hang in there buddy. we'll get there
its worth it
Roman 4253 4000 1932 Water (Gyarados Krabby Azumarill)
Roman 4253 4000 1932 Water (Gyarados Krabby Azumarill) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:57:28 No. 14984908 Report >>14984793 Yeah go right ahead!
>>14984706 Awesome, thanks
Quoted By:
>>14984845 Wow I was OP of this post, then I saw
>>14984653 I don't feel so bad anymore.
Quoted By:
>>14984856 whoops, forgot picture
3007-8430-8818 Modo (X) (Snover, Beartic, ???)
3007-8430-8818 Modo (X) (Snover, Beartic, ???) Mon 21 Oct 2013 22:58:52 No. 14984987 Report Quoted By:
>>14984793 mind if I add you? I need that metang. ; _ ;
also guise, random question. Been thinking of trying for a shiny goomy. I just got one with 4 perfect IVs, going for my fifth perfect IV now. After that, I planned on going for a shiny, but for that, masudaing would be the best choice. How would I proceed with it, considering the 5-IV goomy is gonna be from this region? Do I need to get a 5/6 perfect iv male foreign pokemon of a different species for that, so that all that breeding for ivs don't just go for nothing?
>>14984668 I could breed you an adamant inkay if you'd like
Quoted By:
>>14984873 Sure, 4 are more than enough as long as init and atk are max, i just need one to speed up things while breeding a jolly gible with my current male gible. Ill add you.
Jake 3394-3875-4815
>>14984871 Well buddy, I've got good Mawiles and would love one of those. Wanna trade a 4IV Mawile for a female one?
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:00:38 No. 14985081 Report >>14985002 It would be awsome !
What do you want ine exchange ?
Cameron 4639 - 9773 - 2150
Quoted By:
>>14985074 Yes wow yes please. Added!
Quoted By:
>>14984888 Are yours IV'd as well?
Rizzle/Mondo 4081-6688-3669 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula)
Rizzle/Mondo 4081-6688-3669 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula) Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:01:41 No. 14985127 Report Quoted By:
>>14984869 Thank you! Sorry I couldn't get you anything, I'll be sure to pay the generosity forward when I can.
Quoted By:
so is it easier to get good IV shinies now?
Carloz 0903-2783-6541
Quoted By:
God damn it destiny knot, it has one job: choosing 5 random IVs from each parent, and I always chooses the worst ones. Froakie without 31 speed? NO. And the closes one from perfection that I got had torrent as its ability. Why no Protean!!!
>>14985081 anythings good bruh, if you have any protean froakies i wouldn't mind, but if you give me a little ill have it for ya
Mad Moai 3566-1544-9382 [Helioptile, Parichisu, Manectric]
Mad Moai 3566-1544-9382 [Helioptile, Parichisu, Manectric] Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:03:46 No. 14985210 Report So does Smoochum count as a baby pokemon or something? She refuses to fuck this Ditto.
Is there any guaranteed way to pass down egg moves? And is it better to breed for IVs or Egg Moves first?
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:04:56 No. 14985269 Report >>14985193 Let me breed a protean froakie for you
Quoted By:
Looking for a decent IV modest/ hasty froakie. Can offer shiny poliwhirl modest nature. Or shiny bidoof for whatever fucking reason
Quoted By:
>>14985210 of course it counts
Finally got this. Time to get some breeding going on.
Gomun 1048-7928-0539 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb)
Gomun 1048-7928-0539 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb) Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:07:49 No. 14985412 Report Quoted By:
>>14984908 I still can't see you
azumarill is in the third slot
Quoted By:
Just finished breeding the perfect larvesta. Now i am looking to get the perfect gligar but i cant find one with immunity.
>>14985405 what's that? what's it do? Does it make getting shinies easier?
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207 Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:10:09 No. 14985539 Report Quoted By:
Looking for Regenerator Tangela. Doesn't have to be good, I just need one.
>>14985457 You get for seeing all 450 Kalos Pokémon. Increases the chances of a Pokémon producing an egg.
If you complete your National Dex you'll probably get the Shiny Charm, like in BW: Increases the chances of encountering Shiny Pokémon. The chance of encountering Shiny Pokémon in the wild is changed to 1/2730. The chance of an egg producing a Shiny Pokémon via the Masuda method is changed to 1/1024.
>>14985626 >If you complete your National Dex you'll probably get the Shiny Charm Oh, that's been confirmed? I though it would take until December because there is no way to complete the National dex right now.
>>14984873 On a second thought, maybe i should have give you a german gible, just send a trade request if you want one for a higher chance on a shiny gible.
Okay I have no clue how breeding works but I'm tired of sending garchomp on wifi battles, turning him mega, and getting wrekd by a single hit ko from another garchomp that didn't even went mega but was still faster because lol natures or ivs or some cryptic shit How do I into breeding? Where do I even begin? I don't suppose I just make him fuck a ditto and pop eggs till I find one with a good nature right? how do I even find what its IVs are? WHAT THE FUCK ARE IVS EVEN?
Nick: 2234-7912-4428
>>14985081 Hey can I add you for the friend safari please D:
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207
Turbo[Jacob] (Fire: Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) 0130-1815-5207 Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:14:53 No. 14985780 Report >>14985713 >probably >confirmed Do you need a dictionary?
Quoted By:
>>14985780 Oh, misread, sorry.
>>14985753 IVs are inherent stat boosts on top of base stats. A poke can have up to 31 additional IVs per stat. Breeding has a high chance to pass down IVs from parents (more so with Destiny Knot), so breeding consecutively eventually ends up in a poke with maxed IVs.
If you want a certain nature, have one of the parents with it and give it an Everstone.
Nick: 2234-7912-4428
Quoted By:
>>14985753 Even without IVs mega garchomp is slower than normal garchomp
Joseph: 0662 3799 9900
>>14985753 mega garchomp loses speed
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/???) 0946-2330-6291
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/???) 0946-2330-6291 Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:18:24 No. 14985964 Report >>14985081 Mind checking out my Safari for the last Pokemon in it?
>>14985753 Literally even Miltank is faster than Mega Garchomp.
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:19:07 No. 14985999 Report >>14985193 You're Froakie is ready
>>14985758 Yes you can ! I add you too !
Rick (Sneasel, Snorunt, Dewgong) 0705 2854 5445
Rick (Sneasel, Snorunt, Dewgong) 0705 2854 5445 Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:19:49 No. 14986038 Report >>14985752 Sure sounds good. Do you have one with 4+ 31 ivs?
>>14985269 So I've got your adamant Contrary inkay whenever you want it
>>14985753 Mega Garchomp loses speed shit knuckle.
Quoted By:
>no move tutor What the fuck, Gamefreak? Anyone manage to get a Scizor with Bug Bite yet?
Quoted By:
>get four perfect IVs on my Abra chain bred after like 10 generations and 2 boxes of eggs >success, oh god yes finally >timid >yesyesyesyes >ability >inner focus >only now realize it's in a regular Pokeball instead of a quick ball because I was retarded a few hours ago why can't things ever go right>perfect babby is female too, can't use it for breeding otherwise I lose out on ability chance
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:22:29 No. 14986163 Report >>14986073 Let's do this bro !
What's your friend-code ?
>>14985964 I'm checking
Working on a protean greninja. Modest I'll take my chances he'll be outsped, there's not too many things in the game that can outspeed him and perfect IVs in Defense, special attack, and speed. Any egg moves I should be considering while I do this?
Quoted By:
Willing to trade charizardite x for a 4 perfect iv ditto
>>14986134 Egg moves are guaranteed to pass down
Every single time, so long as one of the parents knows it.
It's impossible NOT to pass down egg moves unless your Pokemon straight up forgets them by leveling in the daycare and learning a move or something
Quoted By:
>>14986205 Thank you. I will breed in confidence.
>>14986163 I'm one of the guys you gave it to earlier :D
the 0619 4333 one!
what's your character's name?
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:25:04 No. 14986279 Report >>14985964 It's Drifblim (one of my favorit !)
>>14986187 >and perfect IVs in Defense, special attack, and speed. Why not all perfect? It's finally been casualized to point where Timmy the 12 year old can get a perfect IV'd pokemon.
Quoted By:
>>14985924 >>14985994 >>14986075 GAME FREAK LADIES AND GENTLEMAN
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto]
Quentin 2750-2378-5335 [Dunsparce, Audino, Ditto] Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:26:25 No. 14986336 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>14986163 Is your character's name like?
Nick: 2234-7912-4428
Quoted By:
>>14986308 I'm not done with the breeding yet, I'm working on that.
I was just saying, if you can think of any egg moves that are really great on him, please let me know.
I need help with breeding, I've got two Adamant Snubulls with 4 perfect IVs each (HP, attack, sp.df and speed), how can I know which one has the highest defense? I don't want to just pick one of them at random and pick the one with the shittiest defense.
>>14986425 Have a friend challenge you to a wifi battle and have both of them in your party auto-leveled to 50.
Or grind wonder trading, save, use rare candies on one, calculate IVs, reset, and use rare candies on the other, calculate IVs, reset, use which one works better.
Quoted By:
>>14986336 Thanks so much! :D
Quoted By:
If anyone cares, Phantump gets Leech Seed as an Egg Move and Furfrou does NOT get any of the Elemental Fangs, Hyper Voice, or Noble Roar. Haven't managed to find any other things Phantump gets, will report back when I learn more.
Yayoi - 2595-0027-2637
>>14982862 I have a few with decent IVs if you want. If you have anything with decent IVs that'd be great but really anything is fine...
Quoted By:
Is there anyone with a Jolly Mienshao/Mienfoo or Kadabra/Alakazam? Need those for breeding Meditite. Preferably with alright IVs Have: Brave Honedges Jolly Swinubs with Icicle Crash/Thick Fat Bold Squirtles with Torrent Adamant Fletchlings with Gale Wings All with 1-4 31 IVs
>>14986187 We don't know Gen VI Egg Moves yet.
Yayoi - 2595-0027-2637
Quoted By:
>>14982862 Me
>>14986683 again
realized you only need it for the ability... sure. But isn't synchro the one that has the 50% chance on ability?
Quoted By:
>>14986753 I figured people might have found a few good ones for him during the attempts to breed Nasty plot or swords dance onto him.
Quoted By:
After 2 painstaking days, and a lot of breeding errors, I got my Gale Wings Adamant Fletchling with max IVs in everything except SpA. I then EV trained it with super training which was a breeze. My recommendation, do attack first. Then I decided I'd do Amie with it for fun, but it turned out I played Amie with the wrong Fletchling so I've got to get 5 hearts all over again.
Quoted By:
>>14986511 ok thanks I'll do the first thing assuming it works with random wifi battles.
>>14986038 Plenty, ill send you a trade request.
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/Drifblim) 0946-2330-6291
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/Drifblim) 0946-2330-6291 Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:38:13 No. 14986880 Report Quoted By:
1075 0837 9522 andrew[electric: stunfisk, manectric, dedenne]
1075 0837 9522 andrew[electric: stunfisk, manectric, dedenne] Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:38:40 No. 14986903 Report Got three protean froakies in my box for the dude that can gift me a tyrunt with some good egg moves
>breeding jolly 31//31/31/xx/31/31 larvitars >every time I get one with 5 max EV's it's a female I just want a male one..
Alex/Moustaffa - 2251-4855-1697
I've got a bunch of 3-4 IV Modest Squirtles with Aura Sphere and Dragon Pulse, and I'm really looking for a skrelp with pokerus if possible. Also, quick question, is there any way to ensure a pokemon sends the right ability? It would suck to get a 5 IV Hyper Cutter Mawile :/
Yayoi - 2595-0027-2637
Quoted By:
Anyone have Lapras' with 4 max IV's? I can trade Ralts with 4 IV's maxed and a good nature...
>>14986903 >a tyrunt with some good egg moves Oh, you haven't heard the news.
I'm sorry for your loss. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>14985910 Okay so what I have to do is go get a gible or whatever his second evolution is from friend safari is, and get a ditto from japan (for possible shiny) and then just start making eggs? How do I check IVs? How do I know when a poke has perfect IVs already?
>>14986853 Remember hes adamant, might still be worth it if you dont plan to mega evolve. If you want a female then just send a trade request or something. Thats why i was switchinga round between male and female. I miss these silly emoticons from black and white.
Iorith 1075 0733 7954
Anyone else really mad that you can't breed Dittos? Would make things so much simpler...
Quoted By:
>>14987057 I meant plan to mega evolve, dammit.
Rick (Sneasel, Snorunt, Dewgong) 0705 2854 5445
Rick (Sneasel, Snorunt, Dewgong) 0705 2854 5445 Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:43:23 No. 14987125 Report Quoted By:
>>14986853 Cool thanks! Let me know if you breed a spare 5 IV one, I can trade you a 5 in exchange
1075 0837 9522 andrew[electric: stunfisk, manectric, dedenne]
1075 0837 9522 andrew[electric: stunfisk, manectric, dedenne] Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:43:56 No. 14987150 Report >>14986993 So it can't learn any elemental fangs?
Quoted By:
>>14986921 What are some good egg moves for Larvitar? Making a sandstorm team.
Quoted By:
>>14987150 It learns all of them plus poison. I don't know what that fag is on.
>>14987072 It's already so much easier, if you could breed the dittos together a perfect ditto would be inconsequential to make.
David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle)
David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle) Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:46:38 No. 14987272 Report >>14986943 You could always use the capsules to switch abilities, if you mean Intimidate over SF.
I have most of a page of 3-4 maxed defensive IV Kelfkis if anyones interested. Most are Bold natured, with about a quarter having the Magician hidden ability.
Also looking for a male Protean Froakie, if anyone's got spares.
joenes 0662-2900-9736 (Machoke, Sawk, Breloom)
joenes 0662-2900-9736 (Machoke, Sawk, Breloom) Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:47:04 No. 14987291 Report Quoted By:
I'm gonna start trying to get solar power charmanders. what nature am i looking for? newbie breeder here.
Korwin 4468-1464-4760
Does anyone have a Cleffa, Clefairy, or Clefable to trade? I don't really care about natures I just need one.
Bryce 2509-2035-8104 [Electric, Dedenne, Stunfisk, Manetric]
Bryce 2509-2035-8104 [Electric, Dedenne, Stunfisk, Manetric] Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:48:43 No. 14987376 Report Quoted By:
>>14980901 Do you mind adding me? Id really like to try my hand at some sliggoo's, and I'm really interested in your adamant beldums
Bryce 2509-2035-8104 [Electric, Dedenne, Stunfisk, Manetric]
Bryce 2509-2035-8104 [Electric, Dedenne, Stunfisk, Manetric] Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:50:20 No. 14987443 Report Quoted By:
>>14980961 Add me please for the safari?
Lyndis 5198-3632-1146 (Kakuna, Drapion, Ariados)
Lyndis 5198-3632-1146 (Kakuna, Drapion, Ariados) Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:52:59 No. 14987566 Report Quoted By:
I'm currently breeding Honedge to get a shiny one, I have a few outstanding ones, they are all Brave so if you need one, I'll trade for whatever you are breeding
Korwin 4468-1464-4760
Quoted By:
>>14987326 I forgot to clarify that i wanted one with Friend Guard Cameron 4639 - 9773 - 2150
Quoted By:
>>14987272 Are you interested in a 4 IV bd/aj Marill? Huge power, adamant, etc?
I need to start breeding Pumpkaboo soon But everyone is only going for Super Size and I feel like that would just make it harder to get a trade for a starting point, because I needed a Large one rather than a super.
Kehan 4527-7605-7449 (Dusclops Lampent Phantump)
Kehan 4527-7605-7449 (Dusclops Lampent Phantump) Mon 21 Oct 2013 23:55:53 No. 14987698 Report any one got a squirtle with modest nature and aura sphere and dragon pulse. dont got much to trade except pokerus and some other guys
So I'm completely new to the breeding business and thus mostly clueless, but I was wondering if someone could help me in deciding how to make some of my favorite Pokemon into the best they can be. Right now, I've got Fennekin, Honedge, and Charmander in mind. For Fennekin, I think I want a modest Magician with 31s across the board aside from attack and EVs split down the middle between special attack and speed, yes? But what about a nature and ability for Honedge and Charmander? What IVs and EVs should I aim for with them?
Iorith 1075 0733 7954
Quoted By:
>>14987246 Yeah I know it's easier, I'm just getting frustrated getting this Gligar. 2nd batch now with none of them getting Immunity despite both parents having it.
Alex/Moustaffa - 2251-4855-1697
>>14987698 I got some 3-4 IV ones, could you infect a skrelp with pokerus for me?
Pogo 5086-1982-8351
Quoted By:
Sitting on a huge stock of Jumbo Size Careful Pumpkaboo with frisk. IVs are decent but nothing to get hype about. 19 boxes later and still no shiny, so I just started releasing anything with a poor stat spread and pickup. Let me know if you want one.
>>14987701 Honedge you always want Brave
He relies on hitting after his opponent, royal guarding, and then tanking another hit before dishing out his own.
Charizard it entirely depends on what you want to do. He has so many options. Especially now with two mega evolutions.
Quoted By:
I need a safari ditto with adamant, and from a region other then america for masuda method. Does anyone have what I seek?
Pogo 5086-1982-8351
>>14987661 Why large and not jumbo? Not keen on the speed drop?
Has anyone figured out any Egg Noves for Phantump yet? I want to breed a bunch for Halloween but I don't want to give crap out.
>>14987877 69 base speed is just exactly enough at max with Jolly and a choice scarf to outspeed base 130s.
Going down one tier to Super Sized means you can't even beat base 108.
Technically you could go faster too with smaller ones, but that speed is basically 100% perfect for what I need.
Pogo 5086-1982-8351
>>14988056 The hell would you SCARF though. Shadow sneak gets priority so I guess seed bomb or will o wisp? But then your locked into wisp so, I dont really get why.
Sarkan 3368-1341-1434 [Fighting] Sawk, Tyrogue, Unknown
Sarkan 3368-1341-1434 [Fighting] Sawk, Tyrogue, Unknown Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:04:54 No. 14988124 Report Quoted By:
Trying to get started breeding Mawile. I'm guessing Adamant is the best nature for it since it's speed is so bad Jolly wouldn't do shit for it, but for the life of me I can't seem to find one.
Quoted By:
>>14988036 >Gen VI Poke >egg moves Pick one.
>>14988122 Trick, Explosion
I was gonna put Rock Slide on mine. You OHKO Aerodactyl with Rock Slide after rocks.
>>14987818 Brave Honedge. Got it. Does it have a hidden ability, or just No Guard? And I actually don't want to worry about its speed? Crazy since people seem to love speed here. Regarding Charizard, I have Y, so I'm thinking of making it a special attacker because of the emphasis of its mega form. Any other advice with that in mind?
D'Marcus (Electrode, Helioptyle, Manectric) 1349 - 5014 - 6467
D'Marcus (Electrode, Helioptyle, Manectric) 1349 - 5014 - 6467 Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:07:48 No. 14988270 Report Quoted By:
I have a few max IV Rhyhorns with the wrong ability (Lightning Rod) if anyone is interested Also 4 IV ones with Rock Head
Pogo 5086-1982-8351
Quoted By:
>>14988242 Explosive Spin Blocking Pumpkin. I like it.
I just always like my mons bulky. Im used to my favorites going second, so Ive adjusted my battle style to compensate. Or at least try. Playing with your favorites can be hard sometimes.
Nana 3754-7158-5786 [Panpour, Quagsire, Frogadier]
Nana 3754-7158-5786 [Panpour, Quagsire, Frogadier] Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:10:43 No. 14988408 Report Quoted By:
Spent a good chunk of time getting a 5 IV Froakie and ended up with a bunch of 3-4 IVs Protean Timid Froakies. Now I'm trying to get 5/6 Adamant Scythers and working my way up that slope. As for the Froakies, I could trade some of them, but I'm unsure of which ones were left. Especially looking for a Timid Gastly with 3-4 IVs at least.
Jinx 4356 0499 5483
Just finished up a full 31 Hasty Protean Froakie. Got a few rejects with 5 31s that I wouldn't mind getting rid of, but i'd like some decent stuff for them, ideally Mawile/Phantump/female Gooey Goomy with 3+ 31 IVs. Any Articunos would also be accepted if you'd be willing to part with one. I have (All Hasty with Protean unless specified, no egg moves on any); x/31/31/31/31/31 (x1) 31/x/31/31/31/31 (x1 female) (1x male w/ Torrent) 31/31/x/31/31/31 (1x female, 1x male) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (1x male) 31/31/31/31/x/31 (2x male, 1 protean, 1 torrent) 31/31/31/31/31/x (x1 female)
>>14988259 >And I actually don't want to worry about its speed? Crazy since people seem to love speed here. It's important on most Pokemon because frail sweepers make up most of the metagame. If you can kill before you die, you have no problems. But if you get outsped and killed before you can do anything, you lose 100% of the time.
In Honedge's case, you're trying to make sure you survive, so you have to stay in defense mode throughout your opponent's attack to tank it, rather than avoiding ever getting hit like most strategies.
>Regarding Charizard, I have Y, so I'm thinking of making it a special attacker because of the emphasis of its mega form. Any other advice with that in mind? Probably just Modest/Timid then. Maybe breed Dragon Pulse on it for coverage. Fire/Dragon is only resisted by Carbink, Azumarill, and Heatran.
And the former two don't like being out in the sun while the latter doesn't exist as of now.
Gomun 1048-7928-0539 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb)
Gomun 1048-7928-0539 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb) Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:17:05 No. 14988728 Report so.. Where is the stone for mega mawile? serebii says Shabboneau castle but this place is fucken empty recently beat E4 as well
Jeik 1693 - 1676 - 3552
>>14987795 I can get a pokerus skrelp or something else
I would like one of those squirtles even though I am not that guy
Alex/Moustaffa - 2251-4855-1697
>>14988783 Alright, which one would you like? I have I think all combinations of 4 IV's in HP/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe
joenes 0662-2900-9736 (Machoke, Sawk, Breloom)
joenes 0662-2900-9736 (Machoke, Sawk, Breloom) Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:20:25 No. 14988894 Report Quoted By:
>>14988728 has your mega ring been updated?
>>14988728 You have to beat your rival at Kiloude City again, then they'll tell you to see Sycamore at the Anistar sundial where you get your mega ring updated. Then you'll find it on the second floor of Shabboneau between 8pm and 9
Jeik 1693 - 1676 - 3552
>>14988886 any of them with good SpA is fine, I have to go fish for a skrelp so give me a minute
Nate 1435-4545-1114
>>14988454 I have a phantump if you wanna give me that 2nd female. 4 IV's Adamant
Gomun 1048-7928-0539 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb)
Gomun 1048-7928-0539 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb) Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:23:53 No. 14989060 Report >>14988982 thank's
>8-9pm this is a fucking bother. do you get any fuckups from fiddling with the clock?
Quoted By:
Planning on breeding Dragon Dance and Outrage onto Larvitar. Anything else I should add, or does it get the rest of what it needs by level up?
Gomun 1048-7928-0539 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb)
Gomun 1048-7928-0539 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb) Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:25:00 No. 14989116 Report Quoted By:
>>14989060 >thank's >'s jesus I should just off myself
Alex/Moustaffa - 2251-4855-1697
Quoted By:
>>14989060 According to this FAQ:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/13MvLYLFQq4YcOyMC49DWcOgqij1thEC_sDUKJ4I2Mk4/pub if you time travel, it takes ~2 days for time based events to occur again
David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle)
David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle) Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:25:22 No. 14989135 Report Not a single person in the Safari threads seems to have Cacnea, nor Pineco. Seem diffcult to breed spikes onto Ferro and Snorunt.Since Klefki naturally learns it, think it can breed it onto other Mineral types?
>>14989060 Dunno, haven't tried it. It's currently 8:25 where I am, conveniently enough.
>>14989039 Sure. The 31/31/x/31/31/31 female right? I'll add you now.
Quoted By:
I'm looking for a decent IV swinub with an adamant nature to start raising for my competitive mamoswine, If anyone has it let me know!
>>14989135 Some random person on my list has a foretress, was pleasantly surprised.
Gomun 1048-7928-0539 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb)
Gomun 1048-7928-0539 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb) Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:29:04 No. 14989341 Report Quoted By:
>>14989163 my life is out of control
it's fucken 2:30 am here David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle)
David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle) Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:29:39 No. 14989367 Report >>14989281 Well shit, m8.
Can you catch me a spare male one?
>>14989367 sure, give me a sec, and I'll be back with one and my code.
Also, I found a jap ditto with jolly in my crusade for a shiny competitive metagross, could a jolly metagross still be viable, or should I continue gunning for adamant?
Nate 1435-4545-1114
>>14989184 That ones fine, whats your ingame name?
David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle)
David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle) Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:33:31 No. 14989562 Report >>14989484 Thanks man.
Test breeding a klefki with spikes and a snorunt anyways, just for science.
Jeik 1693 - 1676 - 3552
>>14988987 I have the skrelp ready
Alex/Moustaffa - 2251-4855-1697
Jinx 4356 0499 5483
Quoted By:
>>14989548 Was in name field until 4chan decided to remove it from my last post fsr. Thanks for the trade.
Chris 3540 0067 5658 (Marowak, sandshrew, diggersby)
Chris 3540 0067 5658 (Marowak, sandshrew, diggersby) Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:37:07 No. 14989740 Report >>14989562 Good to go, you can give me literally anything, I'm not looking for anything in particular at the moment.
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:37:35 No. 14989762 Report >>14988454 Hey, want to trade a Protean Male for a 4 IVs Timid Gastly? 31/x/x/31/31/31
If I can choose, the male with x SpDef is alright to me.
Gomun 1048-7928-0539 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb)
Gomun 1048-7928-0539 (Shuppet, Phantump, Spiritomb) Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:38:56 No. 14989840 Report Quoted By:
does the mega ring change in some way, in the key items menu I mean I went to the lab in lumiose and he only wanted to talk about my pokedex
Jinx 4356 0499 5483
>>14989762 Sounds good. Will add you now.
Nana 3754-7158-5786 [Panpour, Quagsire, Frogadier]
Nana 3754-7158-5786 [Panpour, Quagsire, Frogadier] Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:40:42 No. 14989926 Report >>14989762 Hijack here, I'd be interested, but my Froakies are Timid. Got a 5 IV one, though. Just... not sure on which stats. Can check if you're interested, though.
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:40:51 No. 14989933 Report >>14989850 Any preference of male/female? I have both.
David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle)
David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle) Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:41:05 No. 14989943 Report >>14989740 Thanks mate, enjoy the 4/5 IV Phanpy with ice shard.
Chris 3540 0067 5658 (Marowak, sandshrew, diggersby)
Chris 3540 0067 5658 (Marowak, sandshrew, diggersby) Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:41:49 No. 14989990 Report Quoted By:
>>14989943 pleasantly surprised by a phanpy, thanks a bundle
Jinx 4356 0499 5483
I'm gonna try this breeding thing. I want a shiny ludicolo and by god I'll have it.
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:43:25 No. 14990072 Report >>14989926 Sure, more options of Froakies. I'll add you in instants.
Quoted By:
>>14988499 Awesome, thanks for the help. I'll get to work on those three. I imagine it'll take quite some time though. In addition, I'm not too concerned about it right now, but does anyone have an idea of what the ideal Aromatisse would be like? It's obviously a new Pokemon, so it might not be clear, but I actually like it and could use a Fairy on my team anyway.
Nana 3754-7158-5786 [Panpour, Quagsire, Frogadier]
Nana 3754-7158-5786 [Panpour, Quagsire, Frogadier] Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:47:01 No. 14990253 Report >>14990072 31/31/xx/31/31/31 are the stats. I'll add you too. If you've got the female, could I just be a pain and ask you to rename it to Reiko, before sending? Would be much appreciated. If you want a specific name I could do it too.
David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle)
David 1349-5807-0147 (Mincinno, Dunsparce, Smeargle) Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:49:57 No. 14990413 Report Quoted By:
Klefki confirmed for giving spikes as an egg move. Probably gonna see if I can get Stealth rock from Tyrunt onto Larvitar or Carbink onto any of the new minerals. Mite be cool if Klefki can get it.
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:50:53 No. 14990462 Report >>14990253 Sure, I'll name it right now. You don't need to name mine, though.
Already added you, btw.
Nana 3754-7158-5786 [Panpour, Quagsire, Frogadier]
Nana 3754-7158-5786 [Panpour, Quagsire, Frogadier] Tue 22 Oct 2013 00:53:00 No. 14990582 Report Quoted By:
>>14990462 Same. Not seeing you online though. And thanks!
Derek 0705-3343-0285
Quoted By:
>>14986943 I am but a beggar, but I would love a modest IV'd squirtle with the pulse moves