>>15004745Evolve that Sneasel, mate. Beat Up was changed in Gen 5 and now does damage as a portion of your own base attack.
Beedrill can easily be replaced for a special wall/attacker, something you need desperately. Your team can do nothing but flounder against physical walls like Skarmory.
For a similar feel, try Dragalge, which also has Toxic Spikes and not good speed, haha. It also is Poison type and resists Fight, a major weakness of your team.
You need to breed Toxic Spikes onto it; if you don't want to, you can do this build:
Assault Vest, Modest
252 HP/SPA
Dragon Pulse/Sludge Bomb/Surf/Thunderbolt
Another Fight resist special tank is Sylveon with 252HP/Def. Calm Mind/Moon Blast/Shadow Ball with 110 base SpAttack means it's pretty offensive as well, which seems right up your alley.
>>15004778Make it a Mega Venusaur.
To support it, use Florges:
252 HP/ 252 Def Evs
Grass Terrain/Calm Mind/Moon Blast/(Shadow Ball/Energy Ball)
Choose one of the last two moves for coverage.
We can also use Rotom-Wash for a bulky Water type with status support.
Will-o-Wisp/Volt Switch/Hydro Pump/(Thunderbolt/Thunderwave)
With a bulky Grass and bulky Water, we can add a bulky Fire to get a FWG core. My recommendations: Delphox, Volcarona, or Chandelure. You can try Talonflame too.
I recommend Aegislash as your bulky physical attacker, since it can be both defensive and offensive and rounds out typing.
Brave, 252 HP/Attack
King's Shield/Sword Dance/Shadow Sneak/(Sacred Sword/Iron Head)
Pikachu in the final slot because you want it here.
>>15004927Rotom-Wash, Slowbro. Jellicent/Swampert/Milotic not yet released; Blastoise can be alright, more so if you don't have any other Megas. Clawitzer has power, if slow.
>>15004888Pretty slow team you've got there. I'd recommend switching up either Braviary for a fast attacker, like Talonflame (Gale Wings major plus) or Unburden Hawlucha.