>>14992357Adding onto this
IV = V > III > VI > II > I
The first two are tied for real obvious reasons. They're beautifully composed pieces of music that has a lot more complexity to them than you think.
EX: Reversal mountain (right before the volcano as in the route..) has a 9/6 tempo.
I think one problem with both Gen IV and V have such a good number of great music that you won't recognize a lot of them because they're all too good and just confuse it for being "bland" and forgettable.
The next is R/S/E , FR/LG. R/S/E would be great if the "trumpets and horns" weren't in almost every route and overdone.
It has great pieces like
>Route 113>Route 111>Sootopolis City>Route 119 (TRUMPETS DONE RIGHT)>DiveAlso the problems in R/B/Y/G with the music being too "beepy" and "stale" are fixed in FR/LG.
They're really close to the original but sound terrific.
Gen VI (So far) has been hit or miss.
A lot of the music is pretty mediocre.
but some like
>Cyllage city>Route 15>Power plantare great pieces of music.
Here's hoping for more places to explore
Gen II has a handful of memorable tracks
>Champion theme>Lake of rage>Cianwood and Ecruteak city>Route 26The problem is that they didn't really age well and the songs I stated above are the only real memorable tracks here. Quality over quantity but when you have a little to work with, that's not a good thing.
Gen I IS what started it all. But it doesn't give it a free pass. The ONLY I mean ONLY song I EVER see people mention is the Champion theme and that's saying a lot.
It didn't age well and there's only a couple tracks that are somewhat memorable.
That being said, NO Pokemon game has only bad tracks. Every game has at least one memorable track. This is up to opinion though so if you don't agree with me, okay. Just backing up what I think.