[107 / 2 / ?]
Hello all, some of you might recognize my trip tag as that one crazy girl that spends way too much time breeding to give rareish pokes away practically for free I have a question about what poke to give away tomorrow. I have dratini eggs, but they don't have their rare ability, I also have a bagon with sheer force, and a tyrunt with fang moves. Which pokemon would you rather me breed up enough pokes to give away? and it just wouldn't be a thread of mine if I wasn't giving away anything, so I still have drought vulpix's, infiltrator noibats (timid and modest) and about 20 profroaks, and GW adamant fletchlings I want to be off by midnight though so first come first serve :)
Byn 0533 5302 9076
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
>>14996973 add me and give me your ign. Also, no answer for poor breeder anon?
Byn 0533 5302 9076
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>>14997041 Tyrunts. And added
0533 5302 9076
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
>>14996973 alright I added you, be ready to trade
dragonedge 1048 8184 3318
>>14997041 yo alice, i have a tyrunt with DD want me to breed one for ya?
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
>>14997237 oh hey dragon, I was trying to trade earlier, I wanted to give you a vulpix with drought
what's DD? its dream world ability?
Crab 1349-5795-3314
>>14996778 I think more people would be interested in getting Tyrunts with fang moves out of those three choices.
I also added you in hopes of getting a Noibat, please.
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
>>14997310 sure np, just tell me your ign
dragonedge 1048 8184 3318
Byn 0533 5302 9076
Crab 1349-5795-3314
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
>>14997400 ahhh, yeah that would be cool, did you want the drought vulpix? your probably already have one, what pokes are you looking for I might have one you need
Jay 2509-1685-8453
by chance would anyone have a Slakoth/Slaking? Need some help
dragonedge 1048 8184 3318
>>14997457 nah i dont have one.
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
>>14997483 sorry brah, I don't, and to make it worse my friend safari kinda sucks
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
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>>14997526 well it would be awesome of you if you feel like breeding me one. How's pokemon going for you? Liking the new gen?
Xylose 0361-7391-0516
Just starting anything really to help with IV's and initial party. Thank you for hosting this!
Jon 3153-4573-2922
Any chance I could grab one of those dratini? If not I'd be cool with a vulpix. As for what to pick for your giveaway, I'd say the tyraunt don't have one myself but most seem to want that guy.
Crab 1349-5795-3314
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Thanks a lot, Alice. I really appreciate all the work you do.
Byn 0533 5302 9076
>>14997537 Tried out your safari and caught my first shiny ever. Masquerain
I almost ran away
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
>>14997791 really? Just now? I'm so glad :) has anyone figured out what my third safari poke is?
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
>>14997686 They're just eggs right now, is that alright?
>>14997625 what would you like? I have so many pokes, you'll have to tell me what you're looking for
Byn 0533 5302 9076
>>14997847 You only have 2 pokes.
jonny-4356-0522-9787 (dunsparce&loudred)
>>14996778 would really appreciate fletchling/froakie/vulpix
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
>>14997905 really? I thought they came in threes? Maybe its because I haven't beat the game yet?
>>14997917 could you maybe pick 1?
Jon 3153-4573-2922
>>14997904 That's fine by me. I'd prefer it. Thanks
Xylose 0361-7391-0516
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>>14997904 Haven't played since Gen 3, a little lost. surprise me :)
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
>>14997973 alright i'll add you now then
jonny-4356-0522-9787 (dunsparce&loudred)
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
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>>14997917 I only ask you limit yourself to at most two, due to the amount of people that ask for them
Jay 2509-1685-8453
how do I know what is in my safari? I only got my third badge taking my time breeding/gts to build my team and thanks Alice
Jon 3153-4573-2922
>>14998006 Sweet. Ready when you are.
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
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>>14998077 no problem, only other people that have beat the game and have access to the friend safari can see whats in your safari, and you can't catch the pokemon in your own. I have an insect safari because someone a few days ago told me.
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
>>14998153 what's your ign? And send the request whenever you're ready
Jon 3153-4573-2922
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>>14998220 Already did. :P thanks a bunch. Enjoy that little guy I sent ya.
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
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Jay 2509-1685-8453
hmm cool so if someone added my friend code they could tell me?
Byn 0533 5302 9076
Feel free to take my shiny bug op. I caught it in your safari and otherwise it would just sit in my box
>>14996778 Id love a GW fletchling
4441 9460 1021
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
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>>14998314 if they've beaten the elite, yes they can
>>14998332 are you sure? You could probably use it to get a good trade :)
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
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>>14998357 trainer name please
Jewwy - 1993-7017-8017
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Hey Alice, I'd like either a profroak or a timid noibat please. Surprise me. Also, you should do something like Togepi or Solosis.
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
well I have a solosis, but it doesn't have a dw ability, i'm not sure what people on here are looking for
Xylose 0361-7391-0516
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
>>14998598 oh wait that was you? Billy your ign? I'll give you a gen 6 poke too, but I didn't know who you were.
dragonedge 1048 8184 3318
>>14998549 alice can i give u an egg? im sorta busy but this one should have DD with adamant nature
Snow 1590-4691-2818 (Sunkern, Ivysaur, ???)
Snow 1590-4691-2818 (Sunkern, Ivysaur, ???) Tue 22 Oct 2013 03:26:13 No. 14998724 Report Quoted By:
>>14996778 Added OP
Would like a vulpix/fletchling please. Any gender/nature is fine.
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
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>>14998697 sure that no problem at all
Xylose 0361-7391-0516
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>>14998654 Yes Billy is my IGN, sorry for the confusion
Thank you again :)
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
Well this is going to be a slow thread lol, maybe I shouldn't have asked a question after all.
Alni - 4382-3200-2231
would appreciate a fletchling
Xylose 0361-7391-0516
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>>14998654 Neat looking, thank you again made my night!
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
Jewwy - 1993-7017-8017
>>14998977 Thanks so much!
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
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>>14999133 you're welcome :)
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>>14996778 Any chance I could get a Vulpix and protean Froakie?
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
Alni - 4382-3200-2231
dragonedge 1048 8184 3318
>>14998977 sorry distractions everywhere
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
>>14999367 its alright I thought you didn't want it lol
jonny-4356-0522-9787 (dunsparce&loudred)
>>14999409 thank you very much for the vulpix!
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
Varia 4871-4007-8179
If you still have a GW Fletchling, I'll give you a Joltik to add to your collection of breeding material.
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
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>>14999647 sure, I have a few, but I wouldn't mind more.
Alni - 4382-3200-2231
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>>14999588 thank you very much
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
PANIC, SNOW you two need to send requests
>>14999784 I thought I already did? Do you mind a Gabite and Shellgon for a Vulpix and Froakie?
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>>14999854 This is Panic by the way...
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
>>14999854 those are both fine, whatever you feel like trading. I do these breed give aways because I want to help
Snow 1590-4691-2818 (Sunkern, Ivysaur, ???)
Snow 1590-4691-2818 (Sunkern, Ivysaur, ???) Tue 22 Oct 2013 03:48:39 No. 14999953 Report Quoted By:
>>14999784 Sending request now. Only thing I got are modest protean frijoles which I think you already have
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>>14999943 Ready when you are!
Snow 1590-4691-2818 (Sunkern, Ivysaur, ???)
Snow 1590-4691-2818 (Sunkern, Ivysaur, ???) Tue 22 Oct 2013 03:52:11 No. 15000141 Report Thanks a ton!
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
jara 3067 5370 1450 poison
>>14996778 asking for profroak
have roughskin garchomp egg adament
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
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Rob 4785-5030-2114
I would really like a fletchling op
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
>>15000227 sure, add me
>>15000275 alright, you got it
You're the best, Alice. Thank you so much.
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
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>>15000346 no problem enjoy
Jesse 0301-9795-5246
could I have an profroak or a noibat? ;-;
jara 3067 5370 1450 poison
>>15000319 maybe also a fletchling :3
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
>>15000461 yes add me and tell me your in game name
>>15000474 yeah np
Brendan: 4468-0976-7831
>>15000319 I would like a Gale Wings Fletchling please
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
Girox 3093-8079-8406
>>14996778 Any Vulpix left? Adding.
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
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ROB it says you're offline
Jesse 0301-9795-5246
>>15000504 my ingame is Jesse.
Is it okay to trade anything? I'm not that far yet :/
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
>>15000604 sorry out, would you like something different?
>>15000607 yes its fine, whatever you feel like sending
Girox 3093-8079-8406
>>15000681 Thanks anyways.
I could still use a Noibat though, if you'd be so kind.
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
>>15000787 sure, add me, ah wait, I found one, you want it still?
Girox 3093-8079-8406
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>>15000831 yepp, if you have either vulpix or noibat left, ill take it.
Brendan: 4468-0976-7831
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
Jesse 0301-9795-5246
>>15000681 Thanks OP , you are the best!
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
Girox 3093-8079-8406
>>15000831 Yay.
Thought I would never get a drought ninetales, thanks a ton buddy.
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
>>15001261 you're welcome, and I actually am a real girl lol
LAST CALL BEFORE OP GOES TO BED t.t I hate work and college
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>>15001315 You still got GW flethclings?
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
I do, trainer ign and add me
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>>15001571 I already did, Ausa; I didnt get around to getting one :<
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
oh, whoops, send the request to trade then
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
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also it says you're unavailable
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
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a female for your patience a female
Alice- 4184-1461-2541
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Alright, OP is going to bed, i'll be back in a day or so to trade some more. Sorry if I missed you, also feel free to continue trading in this thread
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>>15001673 Thanks a bunch. Best of luck with school. I had a mid term today that was moved up a week with almost no notice. I hope you're luckier then I.