[32 / 3 / ?]
Okay /vp/, I'm desperate and I need help, but not anyone's help, but the help of a fellow /vp/oreon with Pokémon X. After the reveal of the Chain Fishing and the recent uprising of Shiny fish Pokémon, my hopes for a Modest Shiny Clauncher skyrocketed, but the only problem is that I can't catch him myself, since I got Pokémon Y. That's why I need help. Could someone with Pokémon X try to catch this beautiful bastard for me? I can contribute with a Modest Synchronize Abra, so you can get the Shiny on the right Nature, and will pay with a 5 IV Timid Protean Froakie or 5 IV Timid Gastly. Anyone caring to help a fellow? Please /vp/, I need you.
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Sure I'll do it, but I'll need you to buy me a copy of Pokemon x first
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>>15022005 I wish I could help, but I play Pokémon Y as well. Good luck anyway man.
>>15022005 I have X and I'd be more than happy to help! My FC is 2664-2115-0814
>>15022283 Thank you mister! My FC is 0774-4272-8190, will add you now, we can use this thread to communicate.
First, I'll pass you the Abra. What's your IGN? Mine is Nelo.
Wouldn't it be easier to just MM and everstone down modest? Or have I missed something.
PG 4210 3992 7704 (Magmar, Braixen, Larvesta)
PG 4210 3992 7704 (Magmar, Braixen, Larvesta) Tue 22 Oct 2013 16:49:21 No. 15022409 Report Quoted By:
>spend an hour chain fishing for shiny staryu >break the chain >start over >get a modest shiny clauncher on my 5th fish Time to build a trick room team, then
>>15022353 >mister IGN is Talia, I only have derps to trade at the moment for the abra, is that ok?
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>>15022358 The Chain Fishing is too much faster than MM it's insane.
In about half an hour you get a Shiny.
Also, I'm MMing for Shiny Gastly for five days straight and no results yet.
It hurt so much ;_; Anonymous
>>15022422 Oh God, I'm sorry for my indelicacy.
It's okay, no problem.
I wish I could help but the only shinies I've been getting (via fishing) are shiny skrelps. I've been looking for a Shiny Horsea yet I've only gotten skrelps so far. Good luck on getting an Xfriend to help you though.
>>15022479 No worries, everyone's a guy on the internet right?
Thanks for the Abra, I'll get to hunting now.
>>15022636 I found one, but thank you very much for the support!
>>15022702 Okay, good luck and I'll keep sending Capture Power lv 3 to help you.
>>15022807 Awesome, thanks!
At some point I do have to go get groceries but I'll let you know before I leave. And if for some reason this takes a while I can keep you updated on Swap Note if you'd like.
>>15023305 It's okay, I know these things take time. If this thread gets down, we can communicate via Swapnote, no problems.
I don't have words to phrase my gratitude. Really.
>>15023476 No problem! I needed a project anyway and I'm building good Karma.
Did you want a nickname when I find one?
>>15023566 Yes, call it TheRedLobster
Nelo !38pDkmuR9.
>>15023566 If male, call it "Chris", if female, "Scarlet".
I know, awful names, but I have a history with those two.
Please don't laugh at me. Also
>>15023667 It's not me. I'll be tripcoding now to avoid this.
>>15023716 Not a problem, Chris or Scarlet it is!
I'm leaving to get food in like 45min, just a heads up.
Someone explain this fishing method to me.
>>15023979 Get a poke with suction cups
Fish, don't move, run until shiny.
That's it.
Nelo !38pDkmuR9.
>>15023927 Okay, I have a article to write so I'll be here, just say a word and I'll respond in no time.
>>15023979 >Get Old/Good/Super Rod >Get pokemon with Suction Cups ability, Pokemon like Inkay or Octillery has it, this ENSURES a bite* >Go to area enclosed by rocks on one side or both, this ensures more pokemon to bite >Keep fishing and RUNNING until you find a shiny >Failing to reel in intime or too early will break your invisible "chain" *is optional, you can run a Synchronize as well to get a desired Nature as well.
Good luck fellow.
>>15024117 Where does one get Octillery and does it come with Suction Cups by default?
>>15024160 No, it can have Snipe also. Go for an Inkay it is more probably to have suction cups
>>15023993 >Get a poke with suction cups >Fish, don't move, run until shiny. >That's it. Then trade shitty shinies for free legendary. Pic related.
Nelo !38pDkmuR9.
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>>15024160 Super Rod on Route 12, is Suction Cups or Sniper. Inkay may have Suction Cups or Contrary, as said by
>>15024194 .
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>>15024220 That's what I'm trying to do ;___; but I don't have enough luck, only found 1 shiny after 4 hours of fishing.
>>15024220 I really need a Xerneas, but no one is trading my Shiny Relicanth for one, sadly.
Which Shiny are you using to trade legends?
>>15024438 I've traded 2 claunchers, 2 relicanths, a polywhirl and gyarados.
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>>15024500 >gyarados. holy shit you lucky duck
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>less than 15 chains >get shiny luvdisc >at 30+ chain already >no shinies yet wut