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>>15019975 >>15019975 Friend your fellow trainers for more safari choices.
Submit suggestions/corrections
>Extended FAQ https://docs.google.com/document/d/13MvLYLFQq4YcOyMC49DWcOgqij1thEC_sDUKJ4I2Mk4/pub FAQs
People and Places:
>How do I get into the boutique/Hair styles? http://i.imgur.com/P0Wpe5x.jpg >How do I get passed the punk in the Lost Hotel? You need to talk to and learn the skating tricks from the skaters in Lumiose city.
>Where do you spend Pokemiles? Lumiose Pokecenter, South Boulevard
>Where are the Move Relearner/Deleter? Dendemille Town
>I can't find _____ in Lumiose city! http://i.imgur.com/IzecHL3.png Items:
>Where do I find a Dusk stone? Complete the Super Training Secret Mode with the Aegislash Baloon, (Requires a fully EVd mon), talk to the Team Flare member (Post Game) or Terminus Cave
>..Shiny stone? Route 12 ride the Skiddo around.
>Where do I find the Mega stone for ______? http://serebii.net/xy/megaevolutions.shtml (You can only find Mega Stones between 8pm to 9pm game time after finishing one battle at the Maison and defeating your rival. You must then examine the giant sundial in Anistar and talk to Sycamore)
>Where do I find TM __? http://serebii.net/xy/tmhm.shtml >Movesets http://www.smogon.com/forums/forums/research.251/ Pokemon:
>Where do I find Eevee? Route 10
>How do I evolve it into Sylveon? Get two hearts on the affection meter in Amie and teach it a fairy type move (It learns charm as it levels up)
>Where do I find Ditto? Pokemon Village, South of Route 20
>Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres keep running and I can't catch them, wat do? Keep chasing them till they stop at the Sea Spirit's Den, you can catch them there.
>How do I evolve Inkay/Skrelp/Clauncher Turn the 3DS upside-down after you hear the *ding* of it leveling up(Level 30)
Level 48 (No Camoflage has nothing to do with it)
Level 37
>Does tipping increase shiny chance? That is only a rumor, no confirmation on that.
When you delete someone's FC, you keep their friend safari. But can you have more than 100 friend safaris?
>Prefer special attacker pokemon >Every single one I've caught so far on my playthrough is seemingly terrible Except for my Vivillon and newly caught Sigilyph, but they're both fucking flying and of little help to me currently. How does Espurr evolve?
Is either of the fossil Pokemon in XY the objectively superior one? Are they both shit?
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is there a guide to chain fishing?
>>15025922 Aerodactyl, you even get his Mega Stone right in the fossil building.
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Why can't I stop laughing at OP's image?
How do I get a certain pokemon using pokeradar?
>>15025972 I was talking about Aurorus and Tyrantrum.
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>>15026021 Tyrantum is superior. Both are still meh.
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>>15026021 >rock/ice >rock/dragon GEE, I WONDER WHICH IS BETTER
i have a modest male clawitxer with dark pulse, dragon pulse, aura sphere and water sphere. how do i into breeding so that the babby has these moves?
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I just traded up and got an Accelgor. This little fucker is super fast, has a scarf and seems neat. What are good moves to drop on this fucker? I got U-turn Giga Drain Sludge Bomb Bug Buzz U turn seems cool since he's a fast fucker and can swap out for someone more effective if I need to, or just pinch the hits. The others are what it came with or what TMs I had. I'm at the move relearner and Final Gambit sounds kinda awesome. I'm not at elite four yet but I think I'll bring him with me.
>>15025871 >25 Fuck.
Maybe I should fish more and hope for something that isn't a fucking luvdisc.
Why can't I get the green streetpass dot to go away from the game tile? Really, it's driving me nuts.
junks 0619-3844-7766 (Noibat, Fraxture, Druddigon)
junks 0619-3844-7766 (Noibat, Fraxture, Druddigon) Tue 22 Oct 2013 18:32:39 No. 15026206 Report can the ability capsule be traded?
>>15026136 Use a Good Rod in Cyllage City. You can get a Skrelp or Clauncher.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
Did you check if you spot passed anyone?
Is it just me, or did Quick Balls get a HUGE buff this gen? I'm catching Pumpkaboos like they're going out of style and I haven't had a single escapee.
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>>15026082 >water sphere hue
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15026235 Meant for
>>15026147 >>15026206 Yes
>>15026261 I thought that too... Until the Dittos started escaping without a single shake.... Fuckin things.
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Has anyone made a comic of graveler "falling from above". Seems like mc would get crushed one of those times.
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What's the best nature for a protean Froakie- timid or modest? Some other nature?Personal preference?
>>15026235 Well I definitely have, do I just delete the notifications and the dot will go away?
>>15026234 I only have the old rod currently.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15026351 It goes away once you check, are you /sure/ you're checking?
>>15026388 That sucks. I personally like Oddish a lot and the Poison typing is really helpful since you get Toxic and Venoshock later on.
>>15026452 They're where you catch Espurr, if I'm not mistaken. What gym are you at?
how many fucking times do i have to run into moltres to get that fucker in the cave
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15026532 I read at least a dozen times or so. Have fun with that.
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so tentacool cant be found in a horde, nor in friend safari. is there some other way to get hidden abilities in this game? or does this mean that rain dish tentacruel impossible to get in x and y?
Jabberwock 1091 8167 2700 (Dark)
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where the fuck do i find someone with a misdreavus safari? ive been in like 10 safari threads and nobody has it.
Can Tyrunt learn Outrage via breeding?
What is a good EV spread for Mawile? I'm sure of 252 attack but should I dump the other 252 into HP or a defense?
>>15026452 >>15026501 I have an oddish, but I have no idea how good it would be for the second gym.
I also apparently ditched poison powder for some dumb reason. Anonymous
>>15026389 Yep, just checking it won't make it go away. (as in going to notifications)
What's a good level to evolve Helioptile at?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15026830 No, you need to check IN pokemon. The holocaster thing.
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>>15026767 Seriously, help me.
>>15026795 HP>Defense when it comes to bulk.
>>15026885 Around 25, when it learns parabolic charge.
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How long does it take to get black writ of challenge in the battle chateau? I've been at it for two days.
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>>15026885 Not using helioptile is the best way to use one.
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whats the best stats to train Gardevoir in super training? obviously sp.attack but i was either thinking sp.def, speed or HP
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Guys, how the fuck do you remove friends from the PSS? Mine is cluttered as shit
Where do I get the Breeding O-Power? I maxed my style.
Can I just change the tme on my 3DS to get the megastones?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
How does my Froslass with 110 base speed, maxed speed IVs AND maxed speed EVs get outsped by a Plusle with 95 base speed without the use of an item? That should be impossible.
>>15027134 cafe introversion
>>15027198 which one is it? i'm not english
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
what does the little pink face icon mean? sorry bout awful camera quality
What are the best places for Attack EV yielding hordes? I'm in connecting cave trying to farm Axew, but they have a stupidly low encounter rate compared to whismur and zubat hordes.
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>>15027259 So what, Thunder Wave has priority now?
>>15027282 It had PokeRus.
>>15027170 Either because of a priority move or you got fucked over by the AI at one of the battle facilities
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Again, can Tyrunt learn Outrage via breeding?
>>15027311 >or you got fucked over by the AI at one of the battle facilities It was an online battle.
Is it true that having friends online and using their friend safari makes the pokemon have 3 perfect IVs? What's the best way to grind for money? What's the best way to grind for levels (leveling up mons for dex entries) Anyone wanting to trade some Y exclusives and Amaura?
>>15027170 A wild Plusle? Could be that it had max Speed IVs and a Speed boosting nature.
When you spam Premier Balls for style, do you have to buy them one at a time for it to tick up style or can you buy in bulk?
Holy crap is there ANY good time to try Game Syncing? It seems like a crapshoot at any time of day whether or not it'll work or you'll get the server busy message. I just want muh items.
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Is Jolly nature the best for Mewtwo X?
>>15027293 I use Weepinbell/Arbok Horde @ Route 19
However you can't Sweet Scent if it's raining there.
>>15027355 I forgot to mention that my Froslass is also Timid.
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>>15027380 Thanks a bunch.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15027354 1) No.
2) I love the 3star restaurant.
3) I do the 3star restaurant.
>>15027358 One at a time.
>>15027345 What was the move?
>>15027310 had meaning no more.
is there any benefit to it having HAD it and no longer has it?
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>>15027424 No. Clock based events are then locked for three days.
can mewtwo learn enough physical attacks to make an adamant mewtwo x worthwhile?
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>>15027392 I have no idea. I am thinking maybe a Speed tie that the Plusle won or it used a priority move.
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>>15027417 >3star restaurant Wheres/whats that?
someone gimme a nickname for a female shuckle
>>15026821 Grass is SE against Rock. I beat Grant with my Amaura (it leanrs Ancient Power at level 26 and has Aurora Beam at the beginning).
Are there any GOOD move tutors? I need to teach my luxray superpower
My Friend Safari is shit. I get that it doesn't really matter for me, but I want to have a lovely one that many people yearn to add. How do I reset my friend code so I can keep trying again? Is the only way to format my 3DS? If I do that, will I lose my save file and any eShop games I have?
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>>15027073 speed if you're looking to be competitive
PG 4210 3992 7704 (Magmar, Braixen, Larvesta)
PG 4210 3992 7704 (Magmar, Braixen, Larvesta) Tue 22 Oct 2013 19:09:40 No. 15027616 Report suggestions for a Trick Room team? I'm thinking Reuniclus, Mega Mawile, Clawitzer, Pangoro, and Tyranitar, but I'm not sure if I should fill my last slot with either another Trick Room user, or maybe a fast lead? Or maybe drop one of my slow attackers for a lead and fill the sixth slot with a trick room? I'm not used to building teams around specific strategies beyond "go fast and hit hard".
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15027597 Just say you have a Chimchar.
>>15027472 No, mewtwo's key ability is psystrike, atk stat is a waste on it...
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>>15027530 >expecting tutors in the first game of a generation Come on now, you should know better than that.
>>15027667 Can't one of his megas use it a little better?
>>15027528 Yeah I know, it's just the whole typing thing throws me through a loop sometimes.
Like in gen 5, electric gym with fucking emolga.
My Amaura does no damage ;_; Anonymous
I want to get into competitive, but have absolutely no idea where to start, as the only competitive pokemon I have played is casually on shoddy during gen 4, anyone have any tip or suggestions of team comps, resources to use other than smogon tier list, etc.?
>>15027663 That would be
lying Anonymous
>>15027616 You need several dedicated, bulky setters for trick room. Reuniclus alone isn't going to cut it.
junks 0619-3844-7766 (Noibat, Fraxture, Druddigon)
junks 0619-3844-7766 (Noibat, Fraxture, Druddigon) Tue 22 Oct 2013 19:13:26 No. 15027785 Report Quoted By:
can someone give me an ability capsule i can give you pokerus
So finding the postgame megastones. What do they look like? Looking around the castle now and I can't find the Mawile stone anywhere
>>15027805 They sparkle. You can only find them from 8-9 PM, so reset your clock to that time.
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>>15027718 Oh yeah actually, shit...
Mewtwo X can be a physical attacker
From smogon:
-Bulk Up
-Drain Punch
-Zen Headbutt
Ability: Pressure -> Steadfast
Nature: Adamant
I think A sp.atk Y will still mop teams up better, but it can work.
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>>15027730 Elesa was fun. I had a Dwebble with Sturdy and Stealth Rock. Set them up, and then waited it out. I made short work of her Zebstrika with my Sandile.
Well, perhaps you should get a Riolu. Lucario has a decent special move pool but you seem to be needing a Fighting type. What starter did you pick?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15027805 Purple and obvious
>>15027827 Lol what a douche. >>15027775 Nice guys finish last.
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>>15027827 Got it. thanks. the Mawilte was really faint
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How do I try to track Articuno? (yes, I know I have to track it a couple of time first before actually catching it, but how?) He keeps moving in unpredictable ways
PG 4210 3992 7704 (Magmar, Braixen, Larvesta)
PG 4210 3992 7704 (Magmar, Braixen, Larvesta) Tue 22 Oct 2013 19:17:25 No. 15027945 Report >>15027777 suggestions for TR Users? I was thinking maybe Gourgeist.
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Good movesets for gogoat? pls
CCCP 0946 2280 0718 !!ipZuknBtqz1
Dynamod 1306 - 5915 - 2706
Of the Mega-Pokes, which one is the best to switch in on Heavy Physical Attacks?
Do I encounter Mewtwo before or after the E4? I want to be ready for it and I just got to the pokemon village
What Pokemon is advisable to save the ball for? The Birds, Zygarde or Mewtwo?
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>>15027945 Malamar and slowbro would be a pretty good trick room core.
The very best trick room setter is porygon2, but I have yet to see it available.
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>>15028139 Presumably Mega Aggron. Filter is useful.
>>15028183 mewtwo, reset a few times for IVs
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
Here is a question of my own, because I'm kind of baffled by it. Why does EVERYONE want a Scizor?
>>15028234 >mewtwo, reset a few times for IVs Can you please elaborate? I confess I am not too familiar with the IV, EV and super training kind of stuff, being this the first Pokemon I've played since the original gold.
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>>15028183 Speaking of the birds - when is the nature/stats determined?
Because if they're determined the first time you encounter it then you're fucked.
CCCP 0946 2280 0718 !!ipZuknBtqz1
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>>15028255 because it's OP?
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>>15023879 Sorry for the long delay for a reply. I'm not mocking him, I'm just questioning what he likes about Meowth.
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Anyone have the list of specific EV training horde spots around? I keep forgetting to save it.
just caught a ditto with imposter and 4 perfect IV's, did I do good?
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Good egg moves for Goomy?
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So I bought a megastone off that guy in lumiose city, but he won't offer the other kanto starter stones when prompted again. Is that it with him?
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Is it possible to get Flying Gems? If so, where can you get them?
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Are the third Poke in the FS rare? I keep running into the same two even though the friend is online
>>15028386 cool, problem is im new to breeding. just checked his nature and its calm which kind of sucks
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>>15028436 That's a great nature if you want to breed a Special Wall.
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>>15028436 So use it to breed with males.
If you don't want it I can give you a perfect Ralts with Pokerus .
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>>15028255 Scizor absolutely destroys fairies.
>>15028275 Pokemon can have individual values that increase their stats by a certain amount.
In Gen VI legendaries automatically have 2 (maybe 3) IVs that are perfect (31) but the rest could be from 0-31
You could keep resetting until you get high in them all, or get all perfect. At the very least, if you want a competitive mewtwo, you'll want perfect speed and special attack. (which you will also boost in EV training, and only those stats)
Put a timid natured pokemon with synchronise at the front of your party to make timid mewtwo a 50% chance, since it is the best nature for him.
This is assuming you have Y, since mewtwo Y boosts spl attack, mewtwo X is now a phys attacker, which changes the game a bit. Unless you want to run a different mega and keep mewtwo a normal special attacker...
There are IV calculators online that allow you to type in stats and nature and it will tell you the IVs
>>15028255 It's an uber physical sweeper?
>>15028531 If it runs into a fire pokemon it's as good as dead.
>>15027877 >>15027867 Pinsirite, I looked all over the forest and no Purple obvious sparkles
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>>15028560 >What is U-turn Anonymous
>>15028531 Thanks for the explanation, I do have X.
Still I already have my timid Alakazam for all my psychic needs
>>15028531 >you want special attack on mewtwo not if you've got X
in that case, you want attack
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>>15028642 I said that later on.
>This is assuming you have Y, since mewtwo Y boosts spl attack, mewtwo X is now a phys attacker, which changes the game a bit. Unless you want to run a different mega and keep mewtwo a normal special attacker... >>15028632 Mewtwo craps on alakazam as a special attacker with psystrike...
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Does anyone know if Venomoth can learn powder as an egg move?
For breeding a SpA sweeper, would it matter if it has poor SpD IVs? I've been breeding Eevees for a few hours and have one with everything at 31, but SpD at around 16.
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>>15028741 As long as it's fast and can survive long enough to KO, then it should matter too much.
>>15028741 >I've been breeding Eevees for a few hours and have one with everything at 31, but SpD at around 16. Do neither of the parents have 31 SpD or something?
I recently got a 3ds with Y. I haven't played pokemon since gen 2 and one of my favorites back then was Lugia, but all sources I can find say that you can only get it by trading. How fucked am I? I have no other pokemon game.
>>15025673 COUPON
I know its confirmed by the guide that the guy in Lumiose City gives out the coupon in exchange for PokéMiles
But i have yet to see a Single person confirm actually Aquiring it. Seems its not ever actually listed there.
And to be honest, it wouldnt be the first time a guidebook has outright lied.
Does ANYONE know how to get the coupon?
Frog-Dad !!HfbH5ibch6E
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Is Pangoro worth the wait with Pancham? Because he seems really slow, despite capable of doling out serious pain.
>>15028830 Game will be flooded with previous gen pokemon once the online system comes out because of people hacking them. If you want one, you'll be able to get it.
>>15028842 where is the guy?
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Is this a Great online battle team? Or the Best team? >Implying I'm serious
My Nincada didn't turn into Shedinja even though I had a free spot in my party. Why?
>>15028803 Father has all but SpD and D maxed, mother has SpD and D maxed and is holding the Destiny Knot. About 3 of the offspring had maxed SpD, and were crap in every other way.
Are Jolteon's and Sylveon's Hidden Abilityes worth the time investment?
>>15028883 what is this online system? I can already go online and have added my friend.
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How do I get to the TM (yellow item on ground) in the forest near Snowbelle City? I tried everything, but I can't get there
>>15028910 Pokemon center in lumiose.
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Usually I like to be able to use what I have been provided with to the fullest - as in: with no importing, fresh start only. I've always wanted to create Gallade, but from what I hear he is terribad this gen and it is now commonplace to be advised against putting him on any team. I also don't want to use him as a pet catcher, as I always felt that this role was never meant for him and that he merely gets to be used that way just because of a decent alignment of some moves. Does anyone have even a hint of advice how to use an X/Y Gallade in playthroughs and beyond? I know he is shit, but I felt I need some sense of reality check before I continue spewing disheartening assumptions.
I still have doubts with the destiny knot. Does the five IV's always come from one parents or the egg will have something like, attack and defense from the father and HP, sp defens and speed from the mother?
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>>15028952 I wouldn't say Jolteon's is, but Sylveon's seems pretty good.
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>>15028970 il check it out soon
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>>15028953 Pokemon Bank. As of now, you can't move games from previous gens to X and Y. When Bank comes out, you'll be able to bring Pokemon forward. (Which if you've kept up with the games, means there'll be some Pokemon from a far back as the original Ruby And Sapphire.)
Also, Bank's supposed to be able to get rid of hacked Pokemon.
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>>15028952 Sylveon's hidden ability is rather useless, since it gets moonblast, cute charm sylv is much better
>>15028931 Did you have a spare Pokeball?
>>15028931 You need a spare regular pokeball.
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I am new to somewhat competitive pokemon, and the idea of a stall team interests me, any suggestions on what pokemon I should try to run with, and a general basic layout of what type of pokes I should run with (x number of phys walls, x number of special walls, etc.) Thanks
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>>15028933 Are you iterating your strains and cycling out inferior pokemon?
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>>15029004 Its from both parents.
can you reset evs at level 100? how does that work?
Does anyone know if friends can see your pokemons nicknames online?
>>15028933 Start documenting your strains and cycle out any inferior parents until you get a pair creating perfect pokemon.
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Is there any TM or Move Tutor for Seed Bomb?
Tyler: 0516-7273-9039
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>>15029004 Not all from one parent. It's mixed. It's random so it's possible for them all to be from one parent but it's unlikely.
how the fuck do I start IV breeding
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15029315 Reset bag
>>15029335 Yes they can
>>15029449 It all starts in the safari
>>15029503 yeah reset bag but im at level 100 so will they apply immediately?
Tyler: 0516-7273-9039
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I'm raising a Goodra, but this is for any stall in general. I'm pretty new to EV training. If you don't know, Goodra has god-tier Sp.Def. Should I EV train SP.Def and HP or Def and Hp? Can't decide whether to maximize its strengths or cover its weaknesses. Again this is for any defensive type, not just Goodra. Thanks guys.
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if you don't evolve a pokemon you dont get a big stat boost right? well if you evolve him like 20 levels after hes meant to have evolve wikl you get the boost? aka will evolving later have the same stat growth?
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>>15029561 level doesnt matter
all EVs are removed when a reset bag is used
Alex 2836 0552 0348
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Will Destiny Knot carry all of my Ditto's IVs or do I need the power items? I'm having trouble IV breeding.
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>>15029449 Just give up anon. The only good way is to get a friend safari with Ditto, so that you can farm perfect Dittos left and right with all the good natures. But not many people actually have this safari.
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Guy from the previous thread here, asking again with little more context: Buying a used 3DS from an aquaintance. Will I still be able to use wondertrading, wifi, pokebank and all that good stuff? Never done this before.
Alex 2836 0552 0348
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Is there a /vp/ X and Y breeding guide? I have a Ditto safari but have no clue how to start my IV journey.
Tim 2766 8381 4091 (Octillery, Gyarados, Poliwhirl))
Tim 2766 8381 4091 (Octillery, Gyarados, Poliwhirl)) Tue 22 Oct 2013 20:13:50 No. 15030265 Report Quoted By:
I've been searching for a Thick Fat Piloswine in FS for a while now. I've caught about 10, and they've all been Oblivious or Snow Cloak, and the other guy has been online. What gives? Just shit luck?
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What's the best way to max out style, again? Just buy premier balls at the boutique over and over and over?
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>>15027361 I feel your pain. I bought rare candies because they're cheaper on the site, but now I can't get a delivery for them.
Tiny and Big Mushrooms, where are the collectors?
what's a good Evs spread for vivillon?
So whats this talk about the destiny knot?
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>>15030495 look in the mirror
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>>15030609 They bumped it up so that the pokemon bred gets 5 of the parents collective IVs rather than 4. Breeding for IVs became easier, supposedly.
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>>15025673 >>15028842 >Coupons It has something to do with the Medals on Serebii that involve Game Sync we just gotta wait
Something along the lines of Collect Medals unlock more stuff to trade in for Pokemiles
>>15030495 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjz1_FpxrE0 I think you just sell them
Zach: 2208 5570 0613
So how does the Destiny Knot breeding work? I have a Careful Ditto with 31 in Def and SpDef and a Natural Cure Phantump with 31 in Attack and Speed. Last 2 eggs I have not had more than 2 stats with 31 IVs. I put Everstone on Ditto and Destiny Knot on Phantump. Anyone who helps gets one of my many Careful Phantumps.
What is an effective way to get a certain move on Sketch? We tried putting Ice Punch on my friends Smergle, but when we backed out of the battle, it erased the move, are there any repeatable double battles in X Y?
>>15030773 Check out the restaurants.
>>15028842 you need to unlock
all the medals Anonymous
Does Super Training mess up EVs or is it free stats on top of EVs?
>>15030768 It selects 5 IVs randomly from either parent. Once you get a Phantump with a 3rd 31 IV that isn't Atk and Spe swap it out and start iterating like
>>15029345 Ulysses 3754-7172-0358
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Does anyone know what egg moves fletchling can learn?
>>15030810 So Restaurants give double battles that are repeatable?
So i just caught a rotom and want to change it's form. Im supposed to be able to do that in sycamores lab in Lumiose but i have yet to find anything to interact with there. Is this post game only? Or am i missing something?
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How many trainers come from a silver writ? These fuckers are left and right
>>15030956 I think the one star one does.
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>>15030959 disregard this im dumb. I didnt expect it to be boxes.
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>>15030811 Great, dandy, How does one acomplish this?
>>15030597 please, I need to beat the E4
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Is the best place to raise Speed and Sp. Attack route 7 hordes?
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>>15030994 Ahh, okay, I found it. Thanks.
>>15031351 nigga the e4 is easy as shit
When does trading become available, because I started a game on my Y and i'd like to send some eggs over as soon as possible
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>>15031382 I can't use it if it doesn't have max evs
Zach: 2208 5570 0613
>>15030922 So, I got one with 31 in attack and defense, should I swap it out to breed with my Phantump or keep waiting until I get one with 3 31 IVs?
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I just got a Timid Eevee with perfect IV's. However it's Hidden Power's only Dark type. Will it make a shit Jolteon?
Zach: 2208 5570 0613
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>>15031482 Forgot to add I also have one with 31 in Def and SpDef now.
>>15031482 Isn't that just the same as the mother? Bench it until you get those 3 IVs.
>>15031474 rephrased, how soon after getting my starter do I get the PSS?
>>15031655 as soon as you get it
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>>15031730 oh, cool, thanks
Zach: 2208 5570 0613
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>>15031588 Alright, back to breeding until a child has 3 IVs.
Possible stupid question Esp. Share also cause everyone to get the same EVS right? So basically, my Tyantrum killing hordes of Hopip causes free my Glaceona nd Frosslass getting the same EV's right?
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Any way I can get music for this game to listen to on my PC while I do other stuff?>tfw soundtrack in November >tfw no gamerip
>>15031871 half the EVs but yes
you can EV train an entire party at once
>>15031871 >still doing EV training top lel
>>15031969 horde battles make it a lot faster than playing a soccer minigame
>>15032005 U mad?
Also 2x bags are your friend
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>>15031954 Half the EVs? REally? That's never been the case before.
>>15031954 >half So basically with Pokerus
It would be 25 EVS per battle instead of the 50 for a horde of Hopips?
>>15031969 It is faster in most cases, some hordes have mixed Pokemon and that's where it gets tedius killing one by one
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>Sylveon toughened it up for you! Oh man does this shit fly in online?
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I've just got a Ditto with Pokerus. Do I need it for anything else besides EV-Training? Planning to Level EV's via super training, so Pokerus is useless, right?
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>>15032056 I can get 100 EVs per hoard battle. It's faster.
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>>15031954 It's the full amount. Anon is a liar.
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I'll just leave this here.
>people still defend super training as better >shitty minigame being somehow faster than six 1 turn battles
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>>15032091 No its full, 50 EVs with pokerus
Anyone playing in a language other than English?
>>15032418 Would you mind helping me with something? Minimal work required on your part, just a little time.
Can you reset EV's of traded Pokemon and level 100's?
>>15032393 I'm doing the Y i'm about to start in german
>>15032393 non english people
>>15032381 I'm confused, as I'm new to EV training.
Would you not get the max benefit of fulling EV training a pokemon at level 1 instead of getting all that XP with EVs in horde fights?
Chill Lupa 4184 2372 0347 Frogadier, Quagsire, Krabby
Chill Lupa 4184 2372 0347 Frogadier, Quagsire, Krabby Tue 22 Oct 2013 21:10:06 No. 15032520 Report Quoted By:
Is it considered a win on Rated battles if your opponent forfeits?
Aden 0576-4063-7988
>>15032464 >>15032467 >>15032470 Long story short, I want a shiny Greninja but I also want it to be viable.
I figure the way to do this, is to breed perfect IV Froakies from different regions. Now, assuming you don't want to do any breeding yourself, basically I get my shit together, send you a pair to breed, and you send me back one of the children since it will be in whatever language, that I can go MM until I have a shiny, that will also happen to have good stats.
Anise 3024-5735-6455 (Oddish, Petilil)
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>>15032491 You'd get the same benefit, but horde battles are a lot faster.
>>15032491 Normally EVs are calculated after a single level up. Not sure what happens when
>>15032463 happens.
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>>15032491 It doesn't matter. You can do EV training whenever, since it calculates them into your stats pretty much immediately.
OH FUCK I FUCKED UP Hopip doesn't give Speed EVSThank god i saved before doing this
Ruben 3754-7184-0375
Can someone lend me their Articuno? I need it to complete my seen pokédex.
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Alright guys i've got a that's probably stupid, but the paranoia is getting to me. For MM I'm using a jap noibat and a noibat that was hatched from the jap noibat and a noibat i caught in my own game (i used the hatched one because it has a better nature). This works, right? I'm at box 42 with no luck and this is really getting to me.
So what are good EVs for a Timid Gengar?
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>>15032601 No they aredynamic now since Gen v
Hey guys, can anyone tell me how to get aerodactyl?
>>15032574 I can breed you one, but what do I get in exchange?
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>>15032618 Always keep the pokemon you're EV training open on the super training screen to keep track of the EV progress. Helps prevent fuck ups.
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>>15032681 You take your 3DS, you close it.
Then you stick it in your asshole.
This also gets Haunter to evolve.
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>>15032666 spa, speed, hp(4)
Timid Glaceon Best EV Spread?It's Shiny
so what is carbos and protein increasing? its not EV or IV or anything right? Whats the max?
>>15032755 EH, I meant Moveset
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Got a shiny Corsola. Anyway to make her viable?It's so cute
>>15032681 I found an Old Amber in a smashable rock yesterday. I'd trade it to you but I lost in a WT.
>>15032704 You'll breed me an IV perfect Froakie, but don't want a different language one in exchange?
Let's see what I have...
Spiritomb, Adamant Pinsir, Kabuto, Beldum, Larvesta, Supersize ideal nature Pumpkins, Sableye, Forretress,...
Any of these seem good?
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>>15032815 ew really? fuck that.
Question about egg moves. From what I understand, egg moves are moves that can be learned by a Pokemon exclusively by being the offspring of a Pokemon of another species of that knows said move, correct? How does one find out which moves can be granted this way? Trial and error? Also, if you got a Pokemon with some egg moves and breeded that pokemon with a ditto or a pokemon of the same species, would the offpsring have the egg move or will it reset?
Ok guys, i'd like to know, is it possible to add someone from the GTS to your friends?
>>15032830 that's okay. I know you can get it from smashing rocks but I don't know if it's only in a certain place or not.
>>15032858 IV perfect seems a bit too much work for a pokemon I'll give away, but I can try to get one with one IV perfect.
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im around 1000 eggs hatched and no shiny please kill me
>>15032793 shitty moveset
Frost breath is essential
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So I'm in the way to the E4, and realized that I'll need my HM slave, which poke of my team should I leave in the box?>Gardevoir, Blaziken, Delphox, Lilligant, Sylveon, Tyrantrum
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>>15032937 If it helps, I got it from the cave where you meet team fire/flame/hot stuff for the first time.
Ruben 3754-7184-0375
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>>15032987 But my original offer was that I would breed up Froakies with multiple perfect IVs, and then will give a pair to someone to breed out of, thus you don't need to worry about anything other than sending me back a baby. Which I don't see the issue here, as I really am just asking for a small amount of your time and am giving you two Froakies with perfect IVs and Protean in this scenario. Will of course be willing to throw in another pokemon if need be, but I didn't think this was a lot to make a deal for.
So let me get this straight Psyduck Horde Each Psyduck gives you 1 Sp Attack EV So that's 5 per battle, plus Pokerus, is 10 per battle?
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 (Woobat, Farfetch'd, Rufflet)
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 (Woobat, Farfetch'd, Rufflet) Tue 22 Oct 2013 21:24:22 No. 15033125 Report Quoted By:
>>15032924 >How does one find out which moves can be granted this way? Trial and error? For older Pokémon, just check Veekun, Smogon, or any other online Pokédex. As for the new ones—yeah, trial and error.
>Also, if you got a Pokemon with some egg moves and breeded that pokemon with a ditto or a pokemon of the same species, would the offpsring have the egg move or will it reset? It'll keep it. However, sometimes when the Pokémon levels up in the daycare, it'll learn a new move which will overwrite the egg move. When that happens, you need to take it out and bring it to the move relearner, or exchange it for one of its siblings or children.
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>>15032991 I think gen 6 reduced critical hit damage, can anyone confirm it?
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 (Woobat, Farfetch'd, Rufflet)
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 (Woobat, Farfetch'd, Rufflet) Tue 22 Oct 2013 21:25:57 No. 15033195 Report >>15033113 times four (=40) if you're holding an appropriate Power item, times two (=80) if your Pokémon also has PokéRus.
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>>15032601 drop them in the PC and pull them out and the stats update
>>15033210 No.
GTS is filled with weeaboos that only want JPN pokemon
Is XP Share supposed to be broken as hell? I like that it helps powerlevel low-level mons with good EVs gained through Wondertrades, but I keep having to use my HM Mule in battle because it's the only mon weak enough to let me catch anything.
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>>15033195 What if i'm holding a Power Anklet while killing Psyducks?, how much speed do i get?
>>15033113 1 each.
Power Item +4 each.
Pokerus x2 each/total.
(1+4)x5x2 = 50
If you aren't using both Power Item + Pokerus, its barely faster than Super Training at mid EV levels.
Got offered a Perfect 6 IV Japanese Ditto for my Xerneas. Considering taking it. Opinions?
>>15033195 That isn't how they work at all, they add four to the total every time you gain EVs, before multipliers.
With Pokerus, that's 50 per horde of stage-one Pokemon.
>>15033365 Can you see it's summary screen? If not it's probably a scam.
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>>15033365 I would trade Yv and a Mega Y Mewtwo for that.
So either take it or let me in on this shit.
>>15033308 >wanting JPN pokemon Why would want those? I retrade JPN pokemon right away when I get them from WT.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 (Woobat, Farfetch'd, Rufflet)
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 (Woobat, Farfetch'd, Rufflet) Tue 22 Oct 2013 21:32:31 No. 15033469 Report Quoted By:
>>15033367 Oh, I see,
Good enough.
Does super training tell you when you've maxed out the EV's for a stat?
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>>15033448 Shinies you retard.
>>15033393 It's on GTS, so I'll probably let it be then.
>>15033308 But if you manage to trade something with someone will he appear in your friends/acquaintance list?
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>>15033321 It's basically easy mode/easy post game grinding mode.
>>15033478 It'll say it won't increase anymore.
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>>15033525 Good idea. My friend did some GTS shenanigans and got 4 Yveltals. After 3 he finally got it sunk in his head that they were all scams.
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>>15033727 >If I only quote one half of the equation, it doesn't make sense! Anonymous
>pay 450.000 dollar for eating why?
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can anyone confirm this? when breeding egg moves, it doesn't matter if a pokemon no longer remembers the move from leveling up so much in daycare, the move will still be passed on because the move was available when the pokemon was first given to the daycare
kyle 3196 3772 8371
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Where do I sell the mushrooms? Anyone have a clue?
Is it quicker to use the bags and the balloon training for super training, or just the balloon games?>Jesus christ it feels like it takes so long I think regular EV training is quicker, unless I'm doing something wrong. But I'm pre E4 and don't have any power items yet.
What does 'hi. we gehts' mean?
>>15033839 Speaking of the sushi restaurant, does anyone know if you make your money back if you do well? Because the other restaurants are good.
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>>15034066 "hey, what's up?"
it's german
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>>15034066 its supposed to say
>hallo, wie gehts its like
>hey, whats up in german
Connor (5000-2972-9748)
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How does Umbreon learn Foul Play in Gen 6?
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>Kinda want to use a Gardevoir, Azumarill and Togekiss on my team >They all got changed to fairy
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Why does everyone and their mother ask for tips in this game? I never knew French people were so goddamn greedy.
>>15034066 Wie gehts is German for how are you.
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>>15033994 Super training in conjunction with the bags. For every minigame you beat you can get a bag of that stat. I think the better you do in the game the better bag you get. IE do the +12 HP game, get a +12 HP bag.
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>>15034071 Didn't beat sushi restaurant perfect, got 19 giant nuggets
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>>15033564 Yeah, but there are "scammers" on GTS
Fuckers mentioned pokerus but never got it or they forgot to change their message which i doubt
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Yep couple of wingull hordes and got my Glaceon and Frosslass speed maxed up Time to deal with Battle Maison hullshit for the Sp ATtack Power Item