Hey /vp/ was breeding for a gligar to use and as a result have a ton left over, they are ALL impish. (Immunity turns to poison heal on evolution to Gliscor) I have: Most Huge grabbag. Various IV/ability/gender combinations ranging from 1-3 31 IVs, majority have Immunity, though. If you ask for a specific 3 IV gligar I can maybe find one. 4IVs F xx 31 31 xx 31 31 sand veil F 31 31 31 xx 31 xx sand veil M 31 31 31 xx xx 31 Immunity M xx 31 31 31 xx 31 Immunity F 31 31 31 31 xx xx hyper cutter F 31 31 31 xx xx 31 sand veil M 31 31 31 xx xx 31 immunity M 31 xx xx 31 31 31 Immunity M 31 31 31 xx 31 xx Immunity M xx 31 31 xx 31 31 hyper cutter F xx 31 31 31 xx 31 Immunity F 31 xx 31 xx 31 31 Immunity M xx 31 31 31 31 xx hyper cutter F 31 31 31 xx 31 xx Immunity F 31 31 31 xx 31 xx Immunity F 31 31 31 xx 31 xx sand veil 5 IVs F 31 31 xx 31 31 31 sand veil F 31 31 31 31 31 xx immunity I'm looking for 3 or more 31 IV Dittos, 4 or more 31 IV timid gastly, 4 or more 31 IV adamant beldum, 4 or more 31 IV modest deino or any other good IV/nature pokemon, really.
Jesse (4554-0985-9510) Snover, Cloyster, Bergmite
Jesse (4554-0985-9510) Snover, Cloyster, Bergmite Tue 22 Oct 2013 22:21:00 No. 15035431 Report Hi, I have a Protean Froakie (Timid) with 4 IVs I could offer for your female Immunity Gligar with 31 xx 31 xx 31 31.
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
Domi 2106-0048-2278
>>15034812 Got 31IV Dittos with HP/Def/Speed and HP/Atk/SpDef
Domi 2106-0048-2278
Quoted By:
>>15035524 little error, first one has HP/SpDef/Speed
I have some 5IV Modest Eevees if you're into them.
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
>>15035524 Sure, id like the HP/spdef/speed one
>>15035616 Definitely, do you have a male one?
Xeno (Zo) 4527-8342-1974
I have nothing good to give you, but if you wanna give one of those Gligars away, I'll gladly take him off your hands ~Some faggot
Domi 2106-0048-2278
>>15035702 alright, for a F 31 31 31 xx 31 xx Immunity ?
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
I can give you a 3 31 IV ditto for an impish immunity gligar, prefferably the female with 31/31/31/xx/xx/31
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
Quoted By:
>>15035786 Yea sure, I added you.
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
>>15035798 What are the 31s on the ditto?
>>15035786 My bad I had to find the right one.
>>15035616 Yeah, they're all pretty much the same except for their abilities. What would you prefer, Run Away or Adaptability?
Either 5IV Gliscor would be fine in return.
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
>>15035979 Adaptability one works. Whats your FC?
Nikotchi 0989-1882-7698
Keep leaving my FC out, damn.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>15035948 Atk/Def/SpAtk and HP/Atk/Def
Nikotchi 0989-1882-7698
Quoted By:
>>15035979 See
>>15036064 I'll add you right away.
I have 3 IV Modest Larvestas if you would like to trade.
Drache 0087-2439-6312 (Toxicroak, Gloom)
I have 4 IV timid/infiltrator Noibats if you want one for a 4 IV gligar
Nikotchi 0989-1882-7698
Quoted By:
>>15036040 Adding you right now.
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
>>15036073 I dont really need either of those but sure. ill take the atk/def/spatk one.
>>15036153 No thanks.
>>15036155 Sure ill take one.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
Drache 0087-2439-6312 (Toxicroak, Gloom)
>>15036301 Can it be one with immunity?
Nikotchi 0989-1882-7698
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
>>15036371 >>15036328 Yea sure, adding you both.
>>15036393 You too!
Strider 2621-4007-6112
Quoted By:
>>15034812 Please op, i beg you, gliscor is the broest of bros, i need one in my team, dont have much to offer besides growlithes and some synchronize ralts
added you already
any male with inmunity witll do
Gman 1435 4081 1417
I got a 4 IV Honedge for any 4 IV immunity gligar
Taro 3239 2954 0797
I can offer 4 IV adamant Intimidate elefang Mawiles for any 4 IV Immunity ones if you're interested.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>15036419 Hey the one you traded me was the xx/31/31/31/xx/31
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
>>15036656 Yea, sure. adding you.
>>15036642 Dont need any honedges.
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
>>15036817 One sec I gotta find it, my bad.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
Taro 3239 2954 0797
>>15036877 Okay, I'm online whenever you're ready.
Zombie 1478-3591-2335
Hey, I've got male Modest Squirtle with aura sphere, with perfect IVs in HP/Sp Atk/Defense/Speed female adamant tech Scyther with perfect IVs in Atk/Def/Sp Def/Speed I'd really like a 4 IV male with at least Hp/Atk/Speed.
>>15034812 Can i have your female gligar with immunity? i have 5 max ivs jolly gibles rough skin and 5 ivs adamant larvitars with DD and stealth rock
Xeno (Zo) 4527-8342-1974
Quoted By:
>>15035775 So I guess I'll take your silence as a "no", then? ._.
Peter 4055-3289-2709
Quoted By:
I"ve got 5 IV Timid noibat with infiltrator I would trade for 5 IV gligar. 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
>>15037077 Sure, gimme a sec.
>>15037120 Gladly take one of those scythers. Do you care if its immunity or not?
>>15037158 Sure I'll take one of those larivatars. Which female are you talking about.
Zombie 1478-3591-2335
>>15037256 Yeah I'd like an Immunity one.
Kurobi 4511 0646 1288
>>15037256 F 31 31 31 31 31 xx immunity
Ben 5429-7507-8942 Butterfree-Illumise-Pinsir
Ben 5429-7507-8942 Butterfree-Illumise-Pinsir Tue 22 Oct 2013 23:08:12 No. 15037398 Report Quoted By:
Do you still have the M 31 31 31 xx xx 31 immunity left? I would love to trade. I only really have attack and speed scythers :/
Taro 3239 2954 0797
Daniel 4871-4468-0593
hey, i'm interested in an immunity gligar. i have a bold 31/X/31/X/31/31 eevee with wish, timid Gastly - 31/6/31/31/26/31, and 31/31/31/X/31/X or X/31/31/X/31/31 Adamant Huge Power Marill with Belly Drum and Aqua jet
Quoted By:
>>15034812 I hope you werent the guy that just traded a Xerneas for the gligar i had up on gts lol
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
Ami 4613 7499 9447
Pravus / Ellet 5412-9899-9532
I've got some 5 IV Calm Eevees with Wish and a couple 3 IV Dittos. Would love one of the Hp / Atk / Def / Spd Immunity males. The dittos I have are Hp / Atk / Def Hp / Sp.Atk / Sp.Def Hp / Atk / Sp. Def
A Grown Man 1822-0216-8530
>>15034812 Been looking all over for poison heal gliscor. Can I get one of the 4 IV immunity ones with 31 31 31 XX XX 31 please? I have adamant aqua jet belly drum marills with good ivs as well as all kinds of dw and egg move ability pokes if that doesn't appeal to you
Zombie 1478-3591-2335
>>15037459 cant tell what your name is on there so send me a trade when you're ready
Zombie 1478-3591-2335
Quoted By:
>>15037493 nevermind i see you
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
Anyone that posted after
>>15037303 I'll get to in a sec gonna make an update of the OP and post it.
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
I'll give you a hp/def/spa/speed or hp/spa/spd/speed timid infiltrator noivern for M 31 31 31 xx 31 xx Immunity
Kurobi 4511 0646 1288
>>15037627 T-Thanks OP... but i think i just gave you a larvitar with 4 max ivs i-i'm sorry ;_;
Ami 4613 7499 9447
Actually, I will trade a shiny male nidoran for 1 male one.
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
Gligars left 4IVs F xx 31 31 31 xx 31 Immunity F 31 31 31 xx 31 xx Sand Veil F 31 31 31 xx 31 xx Immunity F 31 xx 31 xx 31 31 Immunity M 31 31 31 xx 31 xx Immunity M xx 31 31 31 31 xx hyper cutter M xx 31 31 xx 31 31 hyper cutter F 31 31 31 xx xx 31 sand veil F xx 31 31 xx 31 31 sand veil F 31 31 31 xx 31 xx sand veil F 31 31 31 31 xx xx hyper cutter M xx 31 31 31 xx 31Immunity I no longer need an eevee or 3IV dittos. Will trade for 4IV dittos or other good 4IV pokemon I dont have.
Jesse (4554-0985-9510) Snover, Cloyster, Bergmite
Jesse (4554-0985-9510) Snover, Cloyster, Bergmite Tue 22 Oct 2013 23:26:06 No. 15038159 Report Sorry for disappearing, my mother needed her meds done. If you;re still up to trade, I'm ready :)
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
>>15037777 If you can find the 5iv one we can swap if not, whatever.
>>15037839 Sure.
>>15037698 No thanks
>>15037434 Very interested in a gastly, double check my updated list if theres one you want.
>>15037461 >>15037477 No thanks
>>15037490 Sure, check the updated list if theres one you want
>>15038159 Sorry, even though you were the first one I realized i didnt need a froakie, sorry :(. I can give you a 3iv one for it if you want.
Jesse (4554-0985-9510) Snover, Cloyster, Bergmite
Jesse (4554-0985-9510) Snover, Cloyster, Bergmite Tue 22 Oct 2013 23:30:05 No. 15038339 Report Quoted By:
Sure. As long s I can grab an immunity one for breeding.
Ami 1177 7850 7795
>>15038268 ok I added you. I'm sorry I had the wrong FC.
Daniel 4871-4468-0593
>>15038268 sure, could i get M 31 31 31 xx 31 xx Immunity? The gastly is a female if that's alright
>>15035431 Do you have a female timid protean? Don't care about IVs.
Jesse (4554-0985-9510) Snover, Cloyster, Bergmite
Jesse (4554-0985-9510) Snover, Cloyster, Bergmite Tue 22 Oct 2013 23:33:24 No. 15038505 Report >>15038444 I should do, If you send me your FC I can add you. Got anything interesting?
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
>>15038427 Thats fine, adding.
Quoted By:
>>15034812 Op would you take a shiny jigglypuff for an impish immunity gligar?
A Grown Man 1822-0216-8530
>>15038148 I REALLY would like the F 31 31 31 xx 31 xx Immunity. Like I mentioned earlier I have adamant aqua jet belly drum marills with at least 3 perfect ivs. I can offer something else if that is not to your taste. Please let me know
Andreas 0989 2659 5893
Quoted By:
>>15038148 I have at Jolly Shellder with skill link and four perfect IV's that I am willing to trade for any four perfect IV immunity Gligar.
IGN:Etoile 5215-0114-1690
>>15038148 I've got a 4 IV adamant Beldum if you'd like.
Would like a 31 def and HP Immunity one. Gender doesn't matter.
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
>>15038598 Sure, im fine with a marill as long as one of the perfect ivs isnt SpAtack. Does it have huge power?
Daniel 4871-4468-0593
>>15038505 Not really unless you want a supersize gentle pumpkin or an adamant pinsir.
Sorry, don't have much in general, trying to breed a decent Froakie but I've gotten literally 39 males in a row.
0576-4063-7988 in game is Aden
A Grown Man 1822-0216-8530
>>15038726 I have one left with huge power, yes, the other 2 are thick fat
Gman 1435 4081 1417
>>15038148 how about a 4 IV Adamant Guts F Heracross for one of the Immunity Gligar?
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
Jesse (4554-0985-9510) Snover, Cloyster, Bergmite
Jesse (4554-0985-9510) Snover, Cloyster, Bergmite Tue 22 Oct 2013 23:41:27 No. 15038881 Report >>15038789 I'd take the pumpkin :)
IGN:Etoile 5215-0114-1690
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
>>15038795 Sure, add me. pick one you want.
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
>>15038793 The marill you sent me only has 1 31 and its HP. If you have no 3 31Ivs left in huge power ill take a thick fat one.
Ami 1177 7850 7795
>>15038423 Could I get any immunity one for the shiny nidoran?
>>15038954 Im taking the fact youre ignoring me as a no to my shiny jigglypuff offer? D:
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
Quoted By:
>>15038881 You're not showing up online?
Quoted By:
>>15039013 Im the taking the fact you ignored me as a no to my shiny jigglypuff op? D:
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
>>15039126 Nah ill do that trade. add me
Gman 1435 4081 1417
Quoted By:
>>15038954 Any gligar with Immunity is fine. I've added you
IGN:Etoile 5215-0114-1690
Quoted By:
>>15039209 Thank you!
Also, that Beldum has perfect IVs in everything but SpA.
Quoted By:
>>15038881 You're offline?
>>15039209 Thank Op! Ill even give the Jigglypuff a moonstone!
FC: 1564-3159-5888
Quoted By:
>>15034812 OP you still here? I can give you a 3 IV ditto or a Proakie with 4 IVs.
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
>>15039373 >>15039061 Offer a trade to me, you guys arent showing up.
Jenny 5000-2719-6478
>>15039209 Do you still need a 4IV timid Glastly or 4IV timid Larvesta?
Quoted By:
>>15039572 Ill be 2 seconds...credits D:
Ami 1177 7850 7795
Quoted By:
>>15039572 It says you didnt add me. I put the wrong FC in my first post, so you may have input the wrong one cause I am retarded tonight.
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
>>15039640 Sure ill take one of those larvesta.
Quoted By:
>>15039696 You want any 3 IV dittos? It's all I have and really want a Gligar.
Jenny 5000-2719-6478
Quoted By:
>>15039696 F xx 31 31 31 xx 31 Immunity if possible. Any with either shit hp and def/Sp.D or with shit speed and Sp.A/Attack.
Ami 1177 7850 7795
Quoted By:
Thanks OP, sorry for being retarded.
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill Wed 23 Oct 2013 00:06:07 No. 15040090 Report 31/x/x/31/31/31 Timid Gastly reporting in, OP. There is some Gligar with Immunity left?
Spooky 3866-8488-5820
Quoted By:
I'd love a Gligar. I have some Protean Froakies, Pupitars, and Scizors to trade. Also Frogadier is in my friend safari, so there's that.
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
Gligars left 4IVs F 31 31 31 xx 31 xx Sand Veil M xx 31 31 31 31 xx hyper cutter M xx 31 31 xx 31 31 hyper cutter F 31 31 31 xx xx 31 sand veil F xx 31 31 xx 31 31 sand veil F 31 31 31 xx 31 xx sand veil F 31 31 31 31 xx xx hyper cutter M xx 31 31 31 xx 31Immunity I no longer need an eevee, 3IV dittos, gastly, larvesta, pupitars or froakies. Will trade for 4IV dittos or other good 4IV pokemon I dont have. While these are the only 4IVs left with most not having Immunity I still have a TON of 1-3IV immunity gligars left and I can give you a 4IV no immunity and 1-3IV immunity if you want.
Giovanni 4012-4066-0978
Quoted By:
>>15040254 How about a 4 IV Protean Froakie for a 3 IV immunity Gligar? Would really want the Gligar to be female.
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill Wed 23 Oct 2013 00:13:41 No. 15040496 Report >>15040254 What can you give me for
>>15040090 ?
I know you don't need Gastlys anymore, but mine has some good placed IVs. There's no way to get a Immunity?
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
Quoted By:
>>15040496 I can give you a random immunity one but I cant guarentee anything about it other than gender nature and ability and at least 1 31 IV
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
Quoted By:
>>15040618 already got one, sorry.
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
Quoted By:
>>15040496 You can just have a shitty immunity one for free, add me real quick. Gotta go soon.
Bajisci 2595-0715-1675
Quoted By:
Thanks all for the trades, except Gman 1435 4081 1417, who offered a 3IV marill but only gave a 1IV marill. Heading out now, if I make more immunity gligars i'll make a thread.
Spooky 3866-8488-5820
Quoted By:
>>15040254 I'll take any Gligar for a 3IV Ditto. Doesn't have to be any good at all, I'll breed my own with it.