How should I build this guy? He's a timid protean. With 252 Sp.A, 252 Spe, 6 HP. I just need to know whats a good move set to fully take advantage of his ability haha
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
icebeam and extra sensory are pretty standard choice for coverage,
Tsuna 1607-2669-1420 (Hoothoot, Spearow, Rufflet)
Tsuna 1607-2669-1420 (Hoothoot, Spearow, Rufflet) Wed 23 Oct 2013 02:13:17 No. 15046552 Report >>15046415 What about the last two? I think surf would be good
Toast 1633-4233-6456 Dark - (Sandile, Nuzleaf, Liepard)
Toast 1633-4233-6456 Dark - (Sandile, Nuzleaf, Liepard) Wed 23 Oct 2013 02:14:18 No. 15046605 Report See what Hidden Power type he was. He'll turn into that type too, so see how helpful it would be for him.
Baps 4914 3035 8464
>>15046552 Dark Pulse and Ice Beam work well for me.
>>15046552 Surf or Scald.
Final move seems to waver around Dark Pulse, U-Turn, Grass Knot, or perhaps Hidden Power if it's a useful type.
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I'm Going: Scald U-Turn Icebeam Darkpulse
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
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surf is standard choice for reliable water typing core. As for your last move, dark pulse gives great flinching opportunities because of your speed, but it's matter of preference. Some argue to go ghost or spikes for more utility.
Baps 4914 3035 8464
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>>15046612 Woops, Ice Beam was already mentioned.
I heard U-Turn works well.
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>>15046354 I got lucky with a HP fire so I run HP, ice bemu, surf and dark pulse
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Would HP Poison be useful enough for taking out fairies to be considered good, or would the ground weakness be too much of a liability?
Tsuna 1607-2669-1420 (Hoothoot, Spearow, Rufflet)
Tsuna 1607-2669-1420 (Hoothoot, Spearow, Rufflet) Wed 23 Oct 2013 02:19:30 No. 15046861 Report Quoted By:
>>15046605 >>15046630 I have a dragon hidden power! Is that useful or is dark pulse better
ethereon 0387 8787 2586
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i plan on setting up my EV just liike that but i am gonna use surf, extrasensory, probably an HP if ghost or something..and i might use scald or dark pulse
Toast 1633-4233-6456 Dark - (Sandile, Nuzleaf, Liepard)
Toast 1633-4233-6456 Dark - (Sandile, Nuzleaf, Liepard) Wed 23 Oct 2013 02:25:19 No. 15047148 Report Quoted By:
I'm still breeding for a shiny one. I'm REALLY hoping he gets Poison-type HP(for fairy/grass/fighting coverage/resistance) but a couple other types could be useful too. I'll probably give him Scald and maybe Ice Beam
is HP Steel worth it over Extrasensory or U-Turn?
ethereon 0387 8787 2586
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>>15047180 i would think not..
Toast 1633-4233-6456 Dark - (Sandile, Nuzleaf, Liepard)
Toast 1633-4233-6456 Dark - (Sandile, Nuzleaf, Liepard) Wed 23 Oct 2013 02:28:07 No. 15047285 Report >>15047180 I dunno, Steel could be pretty useful with the influx of Fairies, especially since Fairy is super-effective against Dark.
Should have made him Hasty, Protean. You're gimping your U-Turn.
ethereon 0387 8787 2586
>>15047285 but he has protean...o wait. o wait..
Toast 1633-4233-6456 Dark - (Sandile, Nuzleaf, Liepard)
Toast 1633-4233-6456 Dark - (Sandile, Nuzleaf, Liepard) Wed 23 Oct 2013 02:31:24 No. 15047460 Report >>15047324 Yessss. Use HP(steel) he becomes that type. I don't think HP gives a STAB, but he won't be weak to Fairy-types afterwards.
>>15047322 Why Hasty in particular over Naive?
ethereon 0387 8787 2586
>>15047460 doesn't it? if he becomes a steal fairy will no longer be a weakness?
>>15047519 It doesn't matter either way, honesty. Greninja's defensive stats are abysmal. I just always prefer Hasty.
Ice Beam Extrasensory Surf/Hydro Pump (only if you're not going to use him for anything but battles) Dark Pulse You could probably change out that psychic type for a poison type move or steel (If he has access to one, of course).
ethereon 0387 8787 2586
Toast 1633-4233-6456 Dark - (Sandile, Nuzleaf, Liepard)
Toast 1633-4233-6456 Dark - (Sandile, Nuzleaf, Liepard) Wed 23 Oct 2013 02:35:39 No. 15047684 Report Quoted By:
>>15047534 He becomes a PURE type of the move he uses, and steel takes 1/2 damage from fairies, in addition to the HP being super-effective against them
>>15047647 I just said why, because it gimps your U-Turn.
ethereon 0387 8787 2586
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>>15047634 i would take out extrasensory for stell HP or ghost
>>15047647 U-TURN
It doesn't mean you can't allocate all your EVs to SP.Atk anyway, but you shouldn't be gimping your good ATK stat and gimp U-Turn.
ethereon 0387 8787 2586
>>15047693 i know sorry but..i don't know wouldn't it benefit from having higher Spatk being its mostly a sp.atker..
ethereon 0387 8787 2586
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>>15047713 relax friend, kindness
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>>15047768 There's no reason to lower its Attack.
If you can deal more damage for no real consequence, why wouldn't you?
>>15047768 He's a mixed attacker. His defenses are already so low that you're not using Protean for bulk.
And there's no need to share your EVs and have the typical mixed sweeper disadvantages. U-Turn's great enough with just the utility.
Tsuna 1607-2669-1420 (Hoothoot, Spearow, Rufflet)
Tsuna 1607-2669-1420 (Hoothoot, Spearow, Rufflet) Wed 23 Oct 2013 02:41:10 No. 15047984 Report Sooooooo is HP Dragon good or should I go with dark pulse haha
ethereon 0387 8787 2586
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>>15047948 okay i really do get it now.
but how about having my scizor with u-turn instead....two u-turners?
>>15047768 Timid gives a bonus to Speed, not SpAtk.
ethereon 0387 8787 2586
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>>15048386 sorry was thinking of modest.any opinions on which is best..a timid bug HP or naice ghost HP
David 3609-2229-7289 (mankey,Breloom,Throh)
David 3609-2229-7289 (mankey,Breloom,Throh) Wed 23 Oct 2013 02:53:12 No. 15048615 Report Quoted By:
>>15046354 can you add my friend code, i've been hunting for a rufflet