"Relatively superior overall" Mild shiny azumarill here, looking for a good home. Not looking for anything specific, but taking offers. preferably other shinies, of course. Also, general shiny thread.
Caeden 1177-7466-0108 ( snover, bergmite, ???)
Caeden 1177-7466-0108 ( snover, bergmite, ???) Wed 23 Oct 2013 02:31:17 No. 15047456 Report Nice op! Azumarills one of my favorites. Don't have any shinies to offer. Hope it finds a good home
Risen 3797 6855 9882 (Sneasel, Snorunt, Lapras)
Risen 3797 6855 9882 (Sneasel, Snorunt, Lapras) Wed 23 Oct 2013 02:33:46 No. 15047586 Report >>15047456 Me too. Feel like he could useful, and didn't get a terrible nature or ability haha. Just don't see myself using him at all.
Caeden 1177-7466-0108 ( snover, bergmite, ???)
Caeden 1177-7466-0108 ( snover, bergmite, ???) Wed 23 Oct 2013 02:35:49 No. 15047696 Report >>15047586 Best I can offer is a protean timid Froakie or some safari dittos if you need any of those
Risen 3797 6855 9882 (Sneasel, Snorunt, Lapras)
Risen 3797 6855 9882 (Sneasel, Snorunt, Lapras) Wed 23 Oct 2013 02:36:54 No. 15047750 Report >>15047696 I'll let ya know. Kinda hoping to net a shiny vulpix or growlithe, but I'm not too picky. So we'll have to see, I'll add your FC.
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I got jap dittos and an aura sphere dragon pulse squirtle
>>15047239 I have a shiny relaxed mawile in case you're interested in trading for it.Also have Docile Starmie,gentle Clauncher,and Bashful Mamoswine
Caeden 1177-7466-0108 ( snover, bergmite, ???)
Caeden 1177-7466-0108 ( snover, bergmite, ???) Wed 23 Oct 2013 02:39:25 No. 15047886 Report Quoted By:
>>15047750 Awesome. I'll stick around for awhile then. Adding you now
Risen 3797 6855 9882 (Sneasel, Snorunt, Lapras)
Risen 3797 6855 9882 (Sneasel, Snorunt, Lapras) Wed 23 Oct 2013 02:41:37 No. 15048003 Report Quoted By:
>>15047848 FC? That shiny mawile sounds pretty good.
>general shiny thread >Complete regional dex >whelp, nothing to do now except see what I can get in the national dex >Head to friend safari to check on unlocked 3rd pokes >this guy first encounter
Risen 3797 6855 9882 (Sneasel, Snorunt, Lapras)
Risen 3797 6855 9882 (Sneasel, Snorunt, Lapras) Wed 23 Oct 2013 02:43:58 No. 15048123 Report Quoted By:
>>15048061 Nice haha. Was the same deal with my azumarill, 3rd or 4th encounter in the safari, was a nice surprise.
Jacob 0962-9534-2816
i have a hasty shiny horsea if you want, m8
Risen 3797 6855 9882 (Sneasel, Snorunt, Lapras)
Risen 3797 6855 9882 (Sneasel, Snorunt, Lapras) Wed 23 Oct 2013 03:04:55 No. 15049203 Report >>15049083 still no response from the bro with mawile, so horsea works for me. always wanted a purple kingdra.
Adding ya now.
Snow 4742-5582-8900 [Nuzleaf, Liepard, Sneasel]
Snow 4742-5582-8900 [Nuzleaf, Liepard, Sneasel] Wed 23 Oct 2013 03:05:40 No. 15049239 Report On the topic of Shiny Pokemon, I'm trying to chain Ralts, but there aren't very god patches of grass/flowers/whatever on the Route they're found on. Should I just power through MMing one or find someone with Ralts in their Friend Safari instead?
Jacob 0962-9534-2816
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>>15049203 alright one sec turning on wifi and whatnot
Eve 2165-5116-3833
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I've got a shiny Gothorita and a male Ralts.
Risen 3797 6855 9882 (Sneasel, Snorunt, Lapras)
Risen 3797 6855 9882 (Sneasel, Snorunt, Lapras) Wed 23 Oct 2013 03:07:27 No. 15049342 Report >>15049239 Seems like the friend safari is a faster / less frustrating way to get them now, but I've never had any luck with MM. Might just be me.
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
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>>15049239 definitely the friend safari. At least there you have the chance for 2 max iv and the encounter rate is a lot better than in the route they're normally found in.
Justin 1907-8858-6709 [Dunsparce, Loudred, Ditto]
Justin 1907-8858-6709 [Dunsparce, Loudred, Ditto] Wed 23 Oct 2013 03:09:01 No. 15049437 Report This is the only shiny I have, wanna trade it for pretty much anything else.
Jacob 0962-9534-2816
got this 10 minutes ago breeded for it, unfortunately sassy but w/e kang is my favourite so i don't even care
Risen 3797 6855 9882 (Sneasel, Snorunt, Lapras)
Risen 3797 6855 9882 (Sneasel, Snorunt, Lapras) Wed 23 Oct 2013 03:10:41 No. 15049509 Report Quoted By:
>>15049461 No problem, and thanks to you aswell
Stupid question but how do I "Chain" a patch of grass? There should be a sticky
Durf 2277-8048-4950 [Boldore, Pupitar, ???]
Durf 2277-8048-4950 [Boldore, Pupitar, ???] Wed 23 Oct 2013 03:11:27 No. 15049547 Report Quoted By:
>>15049492 >not breeding for nature along with shiny if you're going to breed for shinys this gen you might as well set up a good chance at getting good IVs too.
Risen 3797 6855 9882 (Sneasel, Snorunt, Lapras)
Risen 3797 6855 9882 (Sneasel, Snorunt, Lapras) Wed 23 Oct 2013 03:12:53 No. 15049614 Report >>15049530 After you beat the elite 4, you can head over to sycamores lab and get the poke radar on the second floor. It's a bit tricky to use at first, but once you get the hang of it, you'll be chaining like a pro.
Michael 0688-5383-2919 Water
>>15049610 Not the guy that you replied to but can you link me to a guide on how to do this? This is my first time breeding and I'd like to go for a good nature/ivs/shiny. Thanks in advance if you can help me man.
Snow 4742-5582-8900 [Nuzleaf, Liepard, Sneasel]
Snow 4742-5582-8900 [Nuzleaf, Liepard, Sneasel] Wed 23 Oct 2013 03:15:35 No. 15049732 Report Quoted By:
Well there's something that I wish I knew sooner. Can't use PokeRadar in Friend Safari. Fuck.
Paris 5343-8752-6330
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Three fucking shiny skrelps and no Shiny Shellder with skill link yet fml.
Erk 3609-1438-9794 (Wobbuffet, Duosion, Munna)
Erk 3609-1438-9794 (Wobbuffet, Duosion, Munna) Wed 23 Oct 2013 03:24:34 No. 15050130 Report Quoted By:
>>15049437 would you take a xerneas or yveltal for it?
tom 1392 4943 2890
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>>15049614 I'd be willing to give you a shiny floette. Timid nature
Spiff 0834-0578-9006
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If its even one of these threads, I'm looking for a low level shiny pikachu. I have shiny male budew and a shiny male pansear to offer