Colton 4613-7472-1005 (Growlithe, Fletchinder, Charmeleon)
Colton 4613-7472-1005 (Growlithe, Fletchinder, Charmeleon) Wed 23 Oct 2013 06:19:52 No. 15057572 Report Quoted By:
I know that feel all too well. I constantly READ about breeding and ideas for my team and who I want to breed next, but I do all of that so much that I'm not actually getting anything done. Help.
I'm working on a salamence to go with my mega mawile, but now I'm having second thoughts and kind of want to go dragonite now...
Does daycare eat up your Pokemon's moves if leveled too much? I'm afraid of breeding egg moves because of this shit.
I just got into the whole breeding scene and have been breeding my team with the perfect IVs I want. I'm actually finding it somewhat entertaining for the time being, but that feeling will probably fade and I'll hate the entire process. I've just got to get all of the power items from the Maison. Probably gonna take a while to get them + the few items I want for online.
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>>15057877 regular singles (not super singles) gives you 48 bp total for a 20 win streak and it's not very hard
you can probably do it with your e4 mons, i did.
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Yesterday I was breeding for Mawile and Reuniclus They aren't perfect (Mawile's HP is 25~ and has sheer force instead of intimidate and my reuniclus def/spD are in the 20s too) but I was surprised I could make 2 decent mons for competitive play in a few hours, thought it would take forever
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>finally decided on breeding a good regenerator slowpoke >look for slowpoke hordes everywhere >scour friend safari threads in search of a slowpoke safari >mfw no regenerator slowpoke in x/y
I've never been into perfect breeding, but I really want to try and get a nice Noivern. Its kind of daunting how much work there is though and I'm afraid I'll fuck up and nnot get it.
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I really want to breed a perfect IV lickitung but I have never really done much breeding aside from getting baby pokemon
>>15058100 It's actually quite easy. On my first day of IV breeding, I had bred a Honedge to my satisfaction. And the day after, I bred a Deino and Staryu to perfection.
The key is to catch a shit-load of Friend Safari Ditto.
>>15058100 It's really easy with friend safari pokemon. There's a few roundabout ways to get their IVs into non-safari chains as well.
>>15058211 the best I've managed to do is breen a 3 stat fennikin and a 2 or 3 stat vulpix with drought
>>15058211 >Ditto Muh pokeballs. It's also easier being able to swap out both parents when the good IVs start popping up.
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>>15058279 Are you using a Destiny Knot?
Do you have any Ditto with 3 perfect IVs?
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>>15058211 >>15058245 I'm going to try and breed for one in an hour or so, might as well try.
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I decided to start of with breeding everything on my ingame team.
>>15058341 Why? Why not just keep using Safari Ditto? I caught, like, 30 so whatever.
Are you seriously complaining about wasting Poke Balls?
>>15058446 I mean all your offspring will be in stock pokeballs. That's so pre-6th gen.
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I've been having fun with the whole process. I've been breeding Eevee and turning some of the extra ones into Sylveon to trade for more level 30 Ditto.
>>15058507 Oh, my bad. I interpreted it wrong.
The balls don't really concern me.
Alsooo, to anyone, I can easily attain 4 31 IVs on a Pokemon, but getting 5 seems to be a bit more trouble. Is it really worth the extra trouble?
>>15058630 5 is easy if you don't use ditto. They're a crutch.
>>15058668 Oh, I've been using Ditto + Pokemon until I have 4 perf IVs. What should I be doing instead?
What's the point of breeding a pokemon with Perfect IVs in gen 6 considering there's a minigame dedicated to it? You can just manually do it yourself.
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>>15058831 that's evs and are completely different
ivs are sety at birth and cannot be changed
>>15058800 By rotating parents, you'll end up with parents that have 31s in the 5 stats you want. Then it's just a matter of hoping destiny knot lands you on those and also gives a high value on the 6th. You can do this with dittos, but the odds are much less in your favor obviously.
Can you breed a bunch of Ditto into a Ditto with perfect IVs and work off of that? Or is there some obvious problem I'm missing like Ditto being unable to breed or Destiny Knot just not working that way?
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>>15059033 Ditto can't breed with another ditto
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>>15059033 Ditto can't breed more of themselves. Anyone with a perfect 31 ditto either hacked it or RNG'd it.
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>Breeding for Mawile >Have a female Adamant Mawile >Get a Japanese male Lucario >Decide to evaluate in Kiloude >Fucking perfect IVs in everything except HP So now I can do the Masuda Method and breed for IVs at the same time. This is great.
>>15058920 Does destiny knot work with both parents, or just the one holding it?
Also, when you're passing down IV with power items, how do you make sure you don't lose the already passed IV when using another power item.
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>>15059244 Destiny knot takes 5 IVs from between both parents.
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>>15058920 So I should breed for 2 offspring, from the Ditto + 'mon, that have ~4 EVs maxed then breed those two?
Is there an item or ability that can be used to increase the chances of finding pokémon in the wild with some maxed stat, so they can be used as parents?
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>>15059856 Babies in the wild always have three 31s. Friend safari.
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????)
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????) Wed 23 Oct 2013 07:32:18 No. 15060077 Report Trying to breed a 5 IV ninjafrog with protean. So far I got a HP-ATK-DEF-SPATK-SPDEF and a HP-DEF-SPATK-SPDEF-SPEED but they both have torrent abilities. Hopefully this next batch should give me what I want ;_;
Luis 2809-8695-8148 [Kirlia, Spritzee, Floette]
Luis 2809-8695-8148 [Kirlia, Spritzee, Floette] Wed 23 Oct 2013 07:38:38 No. 15060244 Report so does friend safari guarantee only 2 IVs? did i just get lucky with my 31/29/31/31/31/22 ditto?
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>>15060244 The other stats are still random. I got a fraxure with 31 in sp.atk, sp.def and speed.
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????)
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????) Wed 23 Oct 2013 07:42:51 No. 15060377 Report >>15060077 and there we go. hp-def-spatk-spdef-speed IV with Protean
>>15060244 How do you check the IVs that accurately?
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literally me rn, OP decided to breed a perfect larvesta after that im gonna go with phantump i think
Luis 2809-8695-8148 [Kirlia, Spritzee, Floette]
Luis 2809-8695-8148 [Kirlia, Spritzee, Floette] Wed 23 Oct 2013 07:44:49 No. 15060425 Report Quoted By:
>>15057865 Yeah, but you can just Move Relearner them.
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>>15057313 That image has a bit that is wrong in it. You can use power items and a destiny knot together. It is actually the easiest way to get a pokemon with all 6 IVs being perfect, but you then get a random nature.
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158 Wed 23 Oct 2013 07:50:17 No. 15060557 Report So far I've managed to make about four 5 IV Larvestas, HP Def Sp Atk Sp Def and Speed all maxed and I'm looking to train one of them. I've never really used one but any tips on a moveset? I'm thinking something like Quiver Dance, Fire Blast or that fire dance thing, Psychic since I'm going to have a Gengar too and he's not using Psychic currently, and Bug Buzz.
>>15060446 Unless they're egg moves.
>>15060596 Move relearned works on eggmoves now anon.
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>>15060608 Oh. Well shit, that's nifty.
I have a Umbreon with Wish but no longer have the Skitty that bred it to it if I breed the Umbreon will the eevee it hatches have Wish?
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????)
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????) Wed 23 Oct 2013 08:02:02 No. 15060829 Report >>15060557 Would you be willing to trade one of your Larvesta for my HP Def Sp Atk Sp Def and Speed Hasty Froakie with Protean? Just got another one
Is breeding for 0 speed IVs on Honedge strictly necessary or is it there just for Trick Room?
>>15060873 Now that's a good question.
How do you manage to pass a 0 iv, and rather how do you find one?
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158 Wed 23 Oct 2013 08:06:10 No. 15060913 Report Quoted By:
>>15060829 I wish I could but I can't at the moment. Apartment I'm staying at right now lost wireless a while ago so everyone is just using landlines now. During the weekend I'm more available with a wireless connection though.
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????)
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????) Wed 23 Oct 2013 08:08:10 No. 15060956 Report Quoted By:
>>15060873 I guess it helps specially if you are going to get Gyro Ball. I have a 4 max IVs Honedge with 0 speed but i probably wont need it when i go Aegislash since i will be getting King's Shield, Shadow sneak, sword dance and sacred sword.
>>15060922 >>15060910 I got a Ditto who got 0 speed and i just transfered that using destiny knot. I dont know what my sp. atk is but I'm not interested since my Aegislash is mostly physical damage
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>>15060910 IV judge will point out low/zeros. Then you slap a power item for that stat. But you'll lose your everstone or destiny knot for a while.
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I get so tired of breeding and always want to move on to the next pokemon I wish I have a Ditto with all 31"s
>>15060873 its for the brave honedge build
i personally prefer the adamant build myself
>>15061017 How do the brave and adamant builds play out differently?
>>15061090 brave build is as slow as possible, uses kings shield, then attacks next turn, then kings shields the turn after
rinse and repeat
adamant turtles for one or two turns in shield form and uses automize, then switches to blade form and sweeps
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What about zubats/noibats for speed?
>>15061139 Thoughts on
Aegislash @ Lum Berry
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 ATK/252 HP/4 SDEF
Nature: Modest
- King's Shield
- Shadow Claw
- Sacred Sword
- Iron Head
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>>15057865 it does not stop your baby pokemon from learning the move until you actually remove the pokemon from the daycare
If you breed two Froakies and they both have torrent, will the babies only have torrent? Or can they still have Protean?
Paul: 1848-1675-4406 (aaras, Volbeat, and Pinsir)
Paul: 1848-1675-4406 (aaras, Volbeat, and Pinsir) Wed 23 Oct 2013 08:27:41 No. 15061313 Report >>15061243 Modest? But all those attacks are physical?
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>>15061313 sHIT, that was an error. Brave nature.
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>>15060763 >I have a Umbreon with Wish but no longer have the Skitty that bred it to it >if I breed the Umbreon will the eevee it hatches have Wish? Yes.
So how does one even get a fucking ditto when everybody wants shinies/legendaries just to have the privilege of being allowed on theirs friends' list?
>>15061395 Friend Safari threads here
>>15061412 I didn't check here, but everyone on r/pokemon with ditto safaris claims their friends list are full, and the only way to get in is to gift them or have am amazing safari yourself (think dragon, ghost, steel)
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????)
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????) Wed 23 Oct 2013 08:42:54 No. 15061646 Report >>15061243 You can replace Iron Head with Sword Dance or Gyro Ball.
Also Shadoow Sneak is very useful due to STAB + the +1 priority is pretty good as well since you are pretty slow
>>15061646 But won't Shadow Sneak leave me vulnerable in Sword mode if I don't faint the opponent?
I might include Sword Dance to raise the attack so the KO with Shadow Sneak is more likely so that the situation I mentioned won't occur as often.
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????)
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????) Wed 23 Oct 2013 08:48:08 No. 15061719 Report >>15061664 Yeah that's why Sword dance is usually taken since using it wont change your stance. I'm not sure but you could probably use a steel move instead of shadow sneak so they hit you first before you change forms. then use king's shield next turn with it's +4 priority to prevent any incoming damage.
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????)
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????) Wed 23 Oct 2013 08:51:08 No. 15061775 Report Quoted By:
>>15061664 >>15061719 but anyway as far as i know people usually go for sword dance,kings shield, shadow sneak, and get sacred sword to kill normal types since ghost type attacks wont hit them.
>>15057313 regarding this chart, I have a japanese fletchinder with a summery that says "Takes Plenty of Siestas", which...isnt in the list of summaries on that image. what does it mean
>>15061785 My Scyther has that, it's 31 in HP.
>>15061719 Yeah, I'd prefer to keep a Steel move for possible Fairies.
Iron Head or Gyro Ball? My Aegislash's speed at 100 is 125 and attack is 218.
- King's Shield
- Shadow Claw
- Sword Dance
- Iron Head/Gyro Ball
Better than before?
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>>15061785 >>15061799 so it probably means that the phrase for summaries might have changed from gen 5 to 6
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????)
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????) Wed 23 Oct 2013 08:57:41 No. 15061882 Report >>15061814 yeah looks more like it. Although someone told me that 2 sword dance and shadow sneak is enough to sweep the enemy team. Sacred sword will ignore enemy defences but steel moves would benefit from the STAB and the slow speed w/gyro ball. so its up to you if you would go for Steel move or Sacred Sword. Either way they both look ok.
>>15061882 >Although someone told me that 2 sword dance and shadow sneak is enough to sweep the enemy team Even with an untouched SPA stat? I didn't bother with 31 IVs for it. Kinda focused on ATK.
I think I can give up Sacred Sword since another 'mon has a Fighting attack.
Just tossing up between Sneak and Claw now, it seems.
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????)
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????) Wed 23 Oct 2013 09:03:20 No. 15061989 Report >>15061961 Shadow Sneak is physical and has STAB bonus.
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????)
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????) Wed 23 Oct 2013 09:07:10 No. 15062060 Report Quoted By:
>>15061961 >>15061989 Also sacred sword is mostly used for Enemies that are meant to be a Pysical Wall but with Sacred Sword it will bypass that defence which means they will have to rely on their high health but a 2x sword dance + sacred sword is very strong already. Also you can just use your Shadow Sneak against enemies that are resistant against fighting moves
>>15061989 Shit, it is too. My bad.
Thanks for the help, btw!
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Can I just settle for like 2 31s and the rest in the high 20s because I'm so fucking lazy
Nybb 1263-6758-8999 (Water: Wartortle, Panpour, Frogadier)
Nybb 1263-6758-8999 (Water: Wartortle, Panpour, Frogadier) Wed 23 Oct 2013 09:09:52 No. 15062113 Report Quoted By:
I've just undertaken my first ever breeding project, and finally my 168th Klefki has 5 perfect IVs in the important stats. That wasn't too bad, but I can't imagine going for all 6 values since the odds of hitting that last 31 is like 1/180 and the last stat literally doesn't matter anyway. Time to get some Pupitars from the Safari and go for a nice Tyrannitar.
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????)
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????) Wed 23 Oct 2013 09:10:40 No. 15062126 Report >>15062077 np I did make the same arguement before but seems like the guy who told me made a good point. anyway I'm going off now. spent 15 hours straight trying to make a 6 max IV ninja frog. Also please add me on your FC. I still need to find my last pokemon.
>>15061462 Thats why you lie, add them and get to catching Dittos as fast as possible.
>>15062128 You'll still have access to their Safari even if they delete you.
>>15062126 You'll have to be online for me to find out your 3rd. Want me to quickly check before you head off? You could also help me find out my 3rd too.
I'm 4511 - 0492 - 4781 (Greg)
Reply if you wanna go ahead.
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>>15062170 >You'll still have access to their Safari even if they delete you. Why are people having such huge problems catching Dittos then?
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????)
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,????) Wed 23 Oct 2013 09:15:38 No. 15062220 Report Quoted By:
>>15062170 yea ill add you later. shitty net provider only allows one device connected at a time so it's either I'm on muh DS or here. Just send me an invite and well check it next time
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>>15057313 Work on building the perfect Timid, Spd, SpA, HP Gengar.
What would be good for Clawitzer? Thinking Modest and HP/SpA
I have a problem where after hours upon hours of breeding for one pokemon, I get sick of the sight of it and end up going for something else. I'm tempted to just say fuck it and gor for good enough IVs instead of perfect.
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>>15062499 If it's getting shitty for you, just go with 4 perfect IVs.
>>15062373 Moveset?
FYI, Safari pokemon have two 31 IV's guaranteed. Dittos have 3 31 IV's from the Friend Safari.
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>>15057313 Are you me? I've literally had the same exact issue.
Guys, just tell me what to breed, I don't care. I'll fucking do it. ;_; Just give my life meaning.
Lucian 4184 - 2595 - 9274
I honestly dont understand why dittos are so sought after, why dont you just get a male/female counter part for your pokemon from your friend safari since they got the IVs too?
So baby pokemons have 3 31s and Safari mons have 2... What about babies in Safari? 3,2, or even 5?
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>>15057313 try alternating between wanting to make the perfect team and trying to masuda something
>>15062584 The Ditto can be then used for ANY Pokemon...
M-my pokemans have Pokerus now,w-what do I do?
>>15062663 EV TRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>15062606 I don't know, I think safari pokemon have only 2 perfect iv's, regardless of egg group. I don't know if it would stack, otherwise dittos would have 5 perfect IV's each time.
>>15062606 >So baby pokemons have 3 31s and Safari mons have 2... wait what?
>>15062663 >get pokerus >get power items >use sweet scent to fight horde pokemon 5 times >max out your EV's in like 2 mins Anonymous
>>15062698 I've caught multiple Safari Ditto with 3 perf IVs.
>>15062698 Wild Dittos don't have 3 31s, though. I think it's strictly not Ditto.
>>15062714 Anything you can't breed (baby pokes, Legendaries) bar Ditto in the wild seems to have 3 31s every time. Go on, try it with your wild Riolu/Azurill/whatever.
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>>15062750 that is pretty crazy
I need somebody with a Togepi on their sefari I suppose
>>15062719 >>15062763 That's just Safari pokemon having 2 31s on top of a randomly generated 31 making it three. So far all of my Dittos from the Safari only have two, and Dittos I caught from the Village have zero to one 31 so far.
>>15062750 Pokemon without egg groups now get 3 perfect IV's as of Pokemon X/Y. Ditto technically doesn't have an egg groups, so they get three, both wild and in safari. I don't think the safari bonus stacks. Every pokemon that has an egg group that you catch from the friend safari now gets 2 perfect IV's
>>15062680 >>15062717 I don't know shit about EV training,I got to figure out which Pokemon and which hordes I should fight...
>>15062820 I'll help you right now Vitamins are pretty much worthless now, since killing 2 sets of horde pokemon gives you 100 evs.
>>15062820 see bottom of OP's pic
Nikki - 4038 - 7062 - 3181 (Psychic)
I guess here's as good a place as any to ask. Can I still breed a Pichu with volt tackle in X? If so, does anyone know where I can get the ball?
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>breeding with 20% chance of egg >egg takes 5.5k steps to hatch (with Flame Body) ugggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>15062881 You can't breed baby pokemon, evolve the pichu into a Pikachu, then you can breed it.
>>15062816 see
>>15062808 , I have Dittos without 2 31s (caught in the wild) and 3 31s (caught in the Safari)
Dittos have random IVs on the wild and only 2 31s on the Safari.
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>>15062848 >>15062849 Thanks,now I only need to figure out which Pokemon..
Nikki - 4038 - 7062 - 3181 (Psychic)
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>>15062895 Not what I meant lol, I mean can I still obtain a pichu with volt tackle in X. I finally found a friend with a ditto safari and it's finally time to start making my team.
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>>15062899 And by only 2 31s I mean at minimum, obviously.
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>>15062542 Dittos *can* have 3 31 IVs. It's not guaranteed. I went through about 45 catches yesterday and only found 5 or 6 with 4 31 IVs.
>Want Skiddo with good IVs >Have 31/31/31/x/31/x Honedge >Plan out a route of Honedge -> Dwebble -> Volbeat -> Pancham -> Skiddo This totally won't drive me insane right?
>>15062635 So it's just a crutch for lazy people who can't be fucked to catch three or four extra pokemon.
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>>15063165 It will. You were a good person, anon. We'll miss you.
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>>15063165 Don't give up. I was about to give up on my Larvesta and settle for 3 perfect IVs. Lucky I didn't.
Keep saying to yourself: just 1 more egg.
I've been trying to breed a good Torchic for 8 hours guys. I have a bunch of 4 IVs but I still have yet to grab the fabled 5 IV. Its been so long, have I fucked up somewhere or is this normal?
>>15066986 Both parents have at least one 31 in each IV between them, right? It comes down to luck at that point.
>>15067062 Yeah, I've got boxes and boxes full of failures, but I'm too deep to give up.
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>>15057763 1. switch in onto something that doesnt have an ice attack
2. set up with DD in their face because you have marvel scale
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>>15067083 If you get a pair of 5s, you might want to give it another party of eggs or two. I've been surprised with a six 31 mawile and bagon so far.
The bagon has dragon dance, too. Anonymous
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Bump cuz I wanna read this when I get out of the shower.
I've got a question about shiny breeding. I have a Gengar with six 31IV's and Timid nature. I also have a Jap. Ditto who's IV's aren't very good and a neutral nature. If I wanted to pass down at least 5 of Gengar's IV's(excluding atk) and his nature as well to a shiny Ghastly using the Masuda method, how would I go about doing that? What item's should I give them to hold and junk?I really want a competitive shiny mega-gengar ;_;
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>>15073818 You can't pass down both the IVs and nature unless the Ditto has the nature you want and everstone
Hank 0834 1360 9037 (Bergamite, Snorunt, Piloswine)
Hank 0834 1360 9037 (Bergamite, Snorunt, Piloswine) Wed 23 Oct 2013 17:54:29 No. 15075139 Report Quoted By:
>>15057313 Spent last Night breeding Growlithe for like 3 hours.
Now I've got a Ditto with perfect Defense, Sdef and Speed in there with a Growlithe with perfect HP, Attack, and SpAttack.
Ditto's got the DKnot. So now we wait for the one with perfect HP, Attack, Defense, Sdef, and Speed, right?
Hank 0834 1360 9037 (Bergamite, Snorunt, Piloswine)
Hank 0834 1360 9037 (Bergamite, Snorunt, Piloswine) Wed 23 Oct 2013 17:59:07 No. 15075335 Report Quoted By:
>>15060377 I have 4 dittos that popped out with 3 perfect IVs.
Yeah, those are lucky. You're guaranteed 2. The third ones are just "natural" 31s. So if you caught that ditto in the wild, that would have been a 31.