So let me get IV breeding straight. If you wanted 5 IVs perfect you need say: A Ditto with 2-3 Perfect IVs and breed it with a female pokemon with the right nature and ability with everstone. Give the ditto the speed power item, the baby will have the right nature/ability/ and have 31 speed guaranteed and then be female then do it again, the ditto passes down sp atk. keep breeding until you get a female with 31 speed/ sp atk/ perfect nature, ability then do it again, with HP power item and female as above, until you get a female baby with 31 speed/spatk/perfect nature then do it with another ditto with def/ sp def with destiny knot until you get 5 perfects? can someone draw a diagram?
ivs are stupid and for autists
>>15072156 You probably say the same thing about EV's, right?
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>>15072232 they're not as time consuming so it's not that bad
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire]
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire] Wed 23 Oct 2013 16:32:13 No. 15072268 Report >>15071828 No, because between each of those breeding sessions the pokemon will have a pretty drastic chance of loosing the previous IV you bred into it.
For instance, you use the speed item to pass down the speed IV, and then on the next breed you use the Sp. Atk. to ensure it gets passed down, but now there is nothing ensuring the SPD IV get's passed down, and there's only a 1/6 chance it will.
What you need are safari dittos for starters, do you have access to these?
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire]
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire] Wed 23 Oct 2013 16:33:49 No. 15072323 Report >>15072156 You, friend code, let's see it. Battle me now.
Dude what the you are breeding? If the gender ratio is 50:50 you can just forget the ditto and keep breeding the superior children together. With ditto it will be difficult to breed pokemon with more than 4 perfect IV. All you need is the destiny knot to ensure the good IV get passed down.
>>15072268 Yeah so with each step I keep hatching until it has 31 sp atk and 31 speed?
3 are guaranteed right?
how would you do it?
I have a Ditto with 31SP Atk/ Speed/ HP from the safari, and a few dittos with 2 of each (like def/sp. def) and some female protean froakies
>>15072361 Froakie which are ~15%. Plus Protean which is hard to get from males (females were basically guaranteed)
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>>15072412 >>15072382 Forgot to mention my froakie/ frogadiers are modest and so is my sp atk/ speed/ hp ditto
>>15072323 Play me in showdown then you autistic pussy.
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire]
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire] Wed 23 Oct 2013 16:39:45 No. 15072520 Report >>15072382 What you'll do is you'll take a Ditto with 31 Sp. Atk (And any other stats you can find on it, if they happen to get passed down, great.) and you'll breed it with you Froakie. The Froakie should have preferred nature already. You give Froakie Everstone and Ditto Destiny Knot, with a bit of luck, eventually you'll get your Protean Froakie with 31 Sp. Atk. You then take that 31 sp.atk froakie, give IT the everstone and take out your 31 atk/spd/hp ditto and give it Destiny knot. Breed them enough and eventually you'll get lucky enough to have a Protean Froakie with 31 Sp. Atk/Spd/HP.
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire]
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire] Wed 23 Oct 2013 16:40:55 No. 15072559 Report >>15072488 >wants to use perfect pokemon >doesn't want to actually train those pokemon GTFO Pleb.
>>15072488 >IVs are for autists >play me in showdown where i can have perfect Evs and IVs without the work Anonymous
>>15072559 Sorry not autistic enough to grind in a kids game just to be better than people who have normal hard working lives.
>>15072520 does the gender of the froakie matter?
probably does
i think it's faster if you give the ditto a power item so the sp atk is guaranteed then use destiny knot?
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>>15072584 >normal hardworking lives >talking about playing a kids game competitively >on 4chan Sure buddy.
>>15072570 If you're good at the game you'd play on a equal playing field.
Oh but you autists want to feel good about beating someone who doesn't waste as much time as you because you can't beat them on an even playing field.
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Is breeding a normal Pokemon with a hacked Ditto from a fake GTS okay or frowned upon?
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire]
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire] Wed 23 Oct 2013 16:44:42 No. 15072671 Report >>15072584 I do have a normal hard working life.
As a matter of fact, I bet I bust ass way harder at my job than yours. Which is why when I come home, I train the FUCK out of some Pokemon and very much enjoy the fruits of my gameing labor when I finally get that 5IV Scyther I hatched 50 eggs to get. It's even better when I unleash said Scizor on a bunch of lazy plebs like yourself.
>>15072671 I have school and a job that's hard than yours.
When I come home I go to my girlfriend's or help out my parent's are chill with friends.
Literally only have time for pokemon between classes.
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire]
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire] Wed 23 Oct 2013 16:46:44 No. 15072744 Report Quoted By:
>>15072658 Because you should have a right to.
Would you want to work harder than your co-workers in ever single facet, yet still be paid as much as them? No, you wouldn't, and if you would, you're either a liar or a fucking idiot.
Harder work = bigger payout. I work 40 hours a week and have a 13 month old son, if I can hatch eggs in my spare time, so can you.
>>15072671 >Which is why when I come home, I train the FUCK out of some Pokemon and very much enjoy the fruits of my gameing labor when I finally get that 5IV Scyther I hatched 50 eggs to get. You realize that you are a full grown man, right? Like you've went through puberty and you have body hair and your balls have dropped.
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire]
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire] Wed 23 Oct 2013 16:48:21 No. 15072801 Report >>15072706 >going to school >My part time job is harder than yours Bahahahaha.
Seriously man, free up some time for yourself, shit. That ain't my problem. I sleep 4 hours a night because I gotta get a few hours of Pokemon in late night when my wife and son are asleep.
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>>15072764 It's funny because pokegen takes like 5 seconds.
It's funnier because if he wasn't so autistic he'd lose to a child if natures/ ivs/ evs didnt exist
>>15072801 >part time >not going to college AND working full time one day your son will call you an autstic man playing pokemon
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire]
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire] Wed 23 Oct 2013 16:50:16 No. 15072872 Report >>15072764 Yep. I do indeed realize that.
I realize it quite well.
I love pokemon breeding, I love pokemon training. I enjoy it's use of my mental faculties, planning abilities, and I receive a finished product I can use to utterly destroy most opponents and compete aptly with those Japs always popping up in Battle Spot.
>>15072872 Too bad you couldn't destroy anyone without having a 186 IV advantage.
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire]
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire] Wed 23 Oct 2013 16:52:02 No. 15072939 Report Quoted By:
>>15072860 Nah, I imagine he'll most likely remember all the fun times on our scrapyard getting to operate any form of CAT he can imagine.
But okay, he'll probably remember the fun times playing pokemon with his father, too.
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire]
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire] Wed 23 Oct 2013 16:53:08 No. 15072973 Report >>15072917 Haters gonna hate. You'll never get to see how I fight an opponent in-game on equal terms, because you'll never be on equal terms with me, Pleb.
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>>15072973 that's why you won't even play on showdown would you pussy
because you know actually skillful people would fuck you up
Well i have been breeding Marills for the pass I don't even know anymore and I finally get one with all the right IV's and I get fuck over on the abillty I hate breeding so much right now.
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire]
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire] Wed 23 Oct 2013 16:55:21 No. 15073052 Report Quoted By:
>>15072623 Yeah you could but you'll still need to hit the sp. atk and protean and you might give up the potential benefit of having overlapping IVs, forinstance the Froakie being hp/sp.atk and the ditto being hp/atk/spd. Which makes it significantly easier.
>>15072872 >I receive a finished product I can use to utterly destroy most opponents. >destroy >unleash >etc. etc. I see the you throw aggressive words around a bit. So, basically it can be assumed from how you act and play, you are a bully. You like beating up 10 year old boys on wi-fi and casuals who play for nostalgia; but you will never show your face at VGC because you will literally stand out like a pedophile in a trenchcoat at a daycare.
This is the man who beat you on wi-fi with all those master race Pokemon. This is the guy who makes fun of you for using PokeGen but will go Autissimo Maximus RNG abusing. This is the guy.
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>>15073026 get a female one with the ability and breed it with the one with right IVs
hopefully it works out
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire]
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire] Wed 23 Oct 2013 16:56:27 No. 15073085 Report Quoted By:
>>15073026 Waiting for ability and IV to intersect can be a difficult thing, does either parent you are currently using have the ability? Also is it a hidden ability?
[Y] Aljam 5429-7574-4410 (Electabuzz, Emolga, Luxio)
[Y] Aljam 5429-7574-4410 (Electabuzz, Emolga, Luxio) Wed 23 Oct 2013 16:57:57 No. 15073137 Report >>15072973 Hate to bother you in your debate, but may I add your FC for dat frogadier? Wanna get a near perfect IV Protean.
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire]
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire] Wed 23 Oct 2013 16:59:10 No. 15073175 Report >>15073137 Yeah, if you'd like I could just send you one, it'll be timid protean with around 1-3 perfect IVs.
>>15073175 >timid why? modest + life orb + stab will sweep everything
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire]
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire] Wed 23 Oct 2013 17:00:12 No. 15073223 Report >>15073137 And there was never any real debate, I was getting trolled and was too tired to realize it.
>>15072623 From what I read female has a high chance of passing down the hidden ability.
So I guess you need a female froakie with protean as the original mother? I got a female eevee with its hidden ability, friend safari is pretty rigged so you should have a problem getting one. Unless some hidden abilities are more rare.
I am starting to doubt the use of ditto. It is only great because some pokemon has very small ratio of female, but with friend safari you can get a female parent right at the start.
I wonder if you can breed the perfect husbando for your female protein froakie using a pokemon with good male to female ratio.
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>>15073224 dittos are for the IVs/ Nature so you can breed pretty much every pokemon. so you dont need to catch the right nature/ iv regular pokemon each time
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire]
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire] Wed 23 Oct 2013 17:02:08 No. 15073286 Report >>15073224 >>15072623 Both males and females can now pass on abilities this generation, and the exact percentages of how they do so has yet to be calculated by someone nerdier than I.
[Y] Aljam 5429-7574-4410 (Electabuzz, Emolga, Luxio)
[Y] Aljam 5429-7574-4410 (Electabuzz, Emolga, Luxio) Wed 23 Oct 2013 17:03:09 No. 15073321 Report >>15073223 It happens to everyone at some point.
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>>15072671 >Scizor >hatched 50 eggs did that take like 3 hours?
one team takes 18 hours?
imagine if you wanted to use more than one team, itd take hundreds of hours of grinding..
or i can go to showdown and just type what i want and beat people until i know my perfect teams for each division
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>>15073026 Assuming you want Huge Power (a non-hidden ability), you can always use an Ability Capsule
Zach (0473-8188-3693) Gloom/Swalot/Toxicroak
Zach (0473-8188-3693) Gloom/Swalot/Toxicroak Wed 23 Oct 2013 17:04:28 No. 15073363 Report >>15073060 Armchair Psychologist reporting in, this man knows his shit.
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire]
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire] Wed 23 Oct 2013 17:06:02 No. 15073411 Report >>15073321 Got you added though, in game name is also Keithin, pop me a trade if you want it or just check out my safari!
>>15073220 I prefer the speed boost over the sp. atk boost.
>>15073363 All psychologists are armchair psychologists.
Not a real science.
You know, I wanted to get back to pokemon buying a 3DS XL and Pokemon X (my last pokemon was crystal), but all this breeding, abilities, IV and EV shit is too much for me. I don't want to spend a lot of money and not have fun with it.
>>15073286 Is the stuff about female having a higher chance passing down the hidden ability true then?
[Y] Aljam 5429-7574-4410 (Electabuzz, Emolga, Luxio)
[Y] Aljam 5429-7574-4410 (Electabuzz, Emolga, Luxio) Wed 23 Oct 2013 17:07:28 No. 15073474 Report Quoted By:
>>15073411 >Got you added though, in game name is also Keithin, pop me a trade if you want it or just check out my safari! Ok doke.
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire]
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire] Wed 23 Oct 2013 17:09:45 No. 15073542 Report Quoted By:
>>15073472 It was true in Gen V, now that we're in Gen VI we have no way of knowing just yet if it's changed or not.
Having both a male and female Froakie with Protean only passed the ability down around 50% of the time, maybe even less, with my breeds. But I'm also relatively unlucky when it comes to hatching.
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>>15073363 Eh, my mom's a shrink, she teaches me this stuff. Just guessing though, he probably lost at Pokemon a lot as a kid and maybe had an abusive father. You do the math, it's easier than RNG abusing.
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>>15073472 If I had to post stats based on pure gut feel, I'd say its something like:
Male: 40% chance
Female 60% chance
>>15071828 Well, this shit rapidly went to crap. I'll try and help you out, OP. Did my first IV breeding yesterday and managed to start producing out 5IV Scythers.
Get some dittos with the Pokemon you want. The five split across multiple Dittos is fine. Overlaps are fine, just make sure you have all the IVs represented.
Get your hands on the Pokemon you want that has the ability you want. Either by breeding until you randomly get it, trading, or catching in the safari if you want a hidden ability. Females have better chances of passing down abilities but a male will do in a pinch.
Either the ditto or the other parent need to have the right nature. Either catch or breed with another ditto to get what you want. A parent holding an Everstone forces that nature to be passed on.
Once you've got a Pokemon with the right nature and a Ditto with a set of IVs you want. Use the Destiny Knot and breed them until you get a resulting child that has all the IVs of that ditto and the ability you wanted.
Take that child and breed it with the other Dittos you have. At some point you want to end up with two (male & female) of the Pokemon you want that represent all the IVs you want. Neither has to have all of them, but at least one of them should have each IV you want.
Start breeding those together. Say you're breeding with a 2IV male and a 3IV female. If you get a 3IV male, swap that in as a new parent. If you get a 4IV female, swap that in as a parent. Your eventual goal would be two 5IV parents. 1/5 children of that pair will be a 5IV Pokemon.
Discard any offspring that are undesirable. Wrong abilities, not enough IVs. You'll end up with lots of 4IV Pokemon towards the end when you're trying to get the breeding pair of 5s. If you want to be nice you can save those and give them away to other people.
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>>15073432 Psychologists do experiments and try to prove their theory and armchair psychologists don't.
Know the difference.
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I'll try to make a small guide on IVs and Super Training (which covers EVs) later tonight..
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>>15073459 Pssst, hey anon. All of this stuff is
Optional. Anonymous
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>>15073565 >Get some dittos with the Pokemon you want. Get some dittos with the IVs you want
God damn, need to proofread my posts.
>>15073565 >Discard any offspring that are undesirable That made me feel a bit better.
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire]
Keithin 3067-5015-2315 [Water Field - Octillery, Frogadier & Quagsire] Wed 23 Oct 2013 17:19:13 No. 15073879 Report Quoted By:
>>15073748 Undesirable offspring make great wonder trades, IMO. That's how I usually get rid of them, and hopefully pick up a new dex entry along the way.