Zayne 4227-1634-5534 !!oZQGp44YIKU
I have Shiny Squirtle, make me an offer.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>15075114 >C-Gear u wut m8
Izzmo 4914 3899 5735 | Aipom, Eevee, Audino
Izzmo 4914 3899 5735 | Aipom, Eevee, Audino Wed 23 Oct 2013 17:55:18 No. 15075167 Report Quoted By:
can anyone trade me a poke that's infected with pokerus also got a Shiny Drifblim if anyone is interested.
3840 5661 3560 [Shuppet/Phantump/???]
Wi-Fi, if you guys ignore me then I don't know what to do. I'm looking for someone to do a round trade for Pumpkaboo. Going to evolve it. Halp?
Ash/Ashe 3695-0875-8529 [Tyrouge,Mankey, Sawk]
Ash/Ashe 3695-0875-8529 [Tyrouge,Mankey, Sawk] Wed 23 Oct 2013 17:56:42 No. 15075232 Report Quoted By:
would a kind anon help me trade evo my scyther.
Varia 4871-4007-8179
Have on hand: - Jolly Tyrunts with Ice/Fire/Thunder/Poison Fang - Modest Anticipation Eevee w/ Charm & Wish in a Luxury Ball (ONE Female) - Modest Joltiks w/ Compound Eyes - Adamant Technician Scyther - Adamant Aron - Shiny Jolly Delibird - Shiny Naive Trapinch - Shiny Careful Thick Fat Spoink - Shiny Docile Dedenne Can Breed: - Modest Protean Froakie in Luxury Balls - Modest Lilligant in Luxury Balls - Adamant Beldum - Timid Rotoms - Calm Gooey Goomy - Modest/Timid Drought Ninetails - Modest/Timid Zorua - Adamant Intimidate Mawile Would like: - Female Brave Intimidate Mawile w/ Fire Fang (Bonus if it's in a non-standard ball) - Any shinies - Power Weights and Power Bands - Ability Capsule, Assault Vests, Life Orbs, and Choice Bands Would love you forever: - Shiny Vulpix/Ninetails - Shiny Furfrou
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
M \n
>>15075162 You haven't got your C-Gear yet?
>>15075180 Well you could always ask someone directly to help you, most people are only concerned with their own posts.
Don't ask me, I don't feel like deleting anymore friends right now.
Ash/Ashe 3695-0875-8529 [Tyrouge,Mankey, Sawk]
Ash/Ashe 3695-0875-8529 [Tyrouge,Mankey, Sawk] Wed 23 Oct 2013 17:57:56 No. 15075286 Report >>15075180 looks like we need the same thing, adding
I have no idea what to breed. How did you decide on what you'd breed for your first gen 6 breeding session? Also want leftovers
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 17:58:08 No. 15075290 Report >>15075235 >Scyther Trade for a Modest Fennekin? I have both Blaze and Magician ones, and some females scattered throughout the litter.
No idea if I have any Magician females left though.
3840 5661 3560 [Shuppet/Phantump/???]
Quoted By:
>>15075268 Right!
>>15075250 Ramse, are you up for this?
Got a shiny Dragalge and a shiny Dugtrio is anyone's interested. I'm most interested in a shiny Trevenant/Phantump, or a shiny Mawile, but please offer anything!
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 [Y] !monhun1uP6
>>15075268 theres is a limit on 3ds codes?
Varia 4871-4007-8179
>>15075290 A Female Magician would be great.
Zayne 4227-1634-5534 !!oZQGp44YIKU
>>15075250 Impish, no perfect IVs, got it in Wonder Trade.
Have: Shiny Pachirisu Shiny Mr.Mime Want: Your love
Anyone knows how egg moves work? I'm trying to breed a gible with outrage, do I need to capture a dugdrigon or whatever its called? Does the father or the mother pass the moves? Or both?
3840 5661 3560 [Shuppet/Phantump/???]
Quoted By:
>>15075286 Great! That's just awesome! Though I'm going to need my Pumpkaboo back as I'm trying to use it to finish the game.
Missy 3711 7753 0026
Quoted By:
Anyone up for some 6VS6? W/e rules you want if any
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388 Wed 23 Oct 2013 17:59:37 No. 15075360 Report >>15075308 What's the limit?
BDNA (3437-3175-3003)
LF: Shiny Claucher/Clawitzer Shiny Offers 4+ IV Good Nature, Good Ability Offers FT: (All Shiny) Lickitung, Teddiursa, Ditto, Skrelp, Dragalge
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>15075325 So what you're telling me is you can't nickname it.
>>>/out/ M \n
>>15075308 100, I feel bad deleting my old friends though.
>>15075332 Will love you gently for them.
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta)
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta) Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:00:03 No. 15075375 Report >>15075308 100 sadly
Nintendo:"get out there! be social and active! but dont meet more than 100 people."
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:00:07 No. 15075377 Report >>15075323 Can you nickname one of the scythers then? I tend to nickname the pokemon I use.
Quoted By:
I'm tempted to just use this 31/xx/31/31/31/xx Mareep, what the hell is Megampharos going to outspeed anyway
3840 5661 3560 [Shuppet/Phantump/???]
Quoted By:
>>15075360 100 people? If I'm not mistaken.
Zayne 4227-1634-5534 !!oZQGp44YIKU
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
Quoted By:
>>15075375 >tfw you don't know who to delete because 3DS names don't match in game names Varia 4871-4007-8179
>>15075377 Sure! What do you want it named?
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 [Y] !monhun1uP6
Quoted By:
>>15075370 New/10
>>15075360 100 people max.
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
>>15075289 Just think of a pokemon you have or want to use and breed those. Like my first breeding was ralts because I wanted a gardevoir and I had no ditto yet but had two ralts.
Also does anyone have interest in hidden ability poliwags, I'm breeding some right now. Modest is good for those I think, yeah?
Izzmo 4914 3899 5735 | Aipom, Eevee, Audino
Izzmo 4914 3899 5735 | Aipom, Eevee, Audino Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:01:45 No. 15075430 Report >>15075366 >>15075301 Shiny drifblim for shiny dragalge/skrelp?
also still looking for pokerus
Still trying to trade away my shiny Ledyba.. Does nobody want this fucker?
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 [Y] !monhun1uP6
3840 5661 3560 [Shuppet/Phantump/???]
>>15075415 Hi there! Can you help me with evo trading my Pumpkaboo?
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:03:19 No. 15075483 Report >>15075410 Viridis.
Adding you now.
BDNA (3437-3175-3003)
>>15075430 Yes sir! I'll throw in a Pokerus poke for a derp :)
Adding you now, reply with which one you want.
Skrelp | Bashful | Poison Touch
Dragalge | Quiet | Poison Point
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
>>15075482 Hiya. I'd love to help but my friendlist is full at 100. I can always delete but try asking someone else for now. If you can't find help in like 15 minutes, I'll help ya.
Brosola !jOmJtzfKYA
>>15075162 In case you didn't see: no luck yet with the Ditto.
Ash/Ashe 3695-0875-8529 [Tyrouge,Mankey, Sawk]
Ash/Ashe 3695-0875-8529 [Tyrouge,Mankey, Sawk] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:04:48 No. 15075538 Report >>15075482 whats your in game name. send a trade invite
Quoted By:
>>15075430 Think I'll pass, tempting though
3840 5661 3560 [Shuppet/Phantump/???]
Quoted By:
>>15075512 Good guy Zenchi! Thanks. But I'll most probably try to ask Wi-Fi General members.
Anyone with not-so-full friend list care to help an anon here?
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>15075515 That's okay, man. Take a break from it I don't want you to put hat much effort in it, I already have your Dedenne initiate when ready I'll take a derp
>>15075475 Why would you rename them?
Shu [3DS]2063-0570-7333 (IGN:Mai, Safari: Gyarados, Panpour and Frogadier) !Shu.Fwg.iQ
Shu [3DS]2063-0570-7333 (IGN:Mai, Safari: Gyarados, Panpour and Frogadier) !Shu.Fwg.iQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:06:07 No. 15075596 Report Looking for monster egg group Jolly leftovers
>>15075475 Can I snatch Beeyoo?
3840 5661 3560 [Shuppet/Phantump/???]
Quoted By:
>>15075538 Lel, I'm playing as a girl in X. The name's Alice. You're the Little Girl... girl?
J - 0748 2749 5863
Still breeding honedges like a bitch J - 0748 2749 5863 Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:06:24 No. 15075605 Report > brave honedge Any wanters?
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 [Y] !monhun1uP6
>>15075572 I'm not sure what you mean.
>>15075596 sure thing, adding now
Izzmo 4914 3899 5735 | Aipom, Eevee, Audino
Izzmo 4914 3899 5735 | Aipom, Eevee, Audino Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:07:09 No. 15075636 Report Quoted By:
>>15075510 I'll take the Quiet one, adding you
Barry 4768 7651 9952 !coffs5c1E.
KG (USA) 2191-7842-3281
Quoted By:
looking to trade a 31/x/31/31/31/31 male charmander with dragon pulse for a similiar 5IV charmander or pokemon from the same egg groups from a non-USA region trying to make an IV shiny
Mason 1907-8293-2046 [Seviper Swalot Toxicroak]
Mason 1907-8293-2046 [Seviper Swalot Toxicroak] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:07:29 No. 15075649 Report Quoted By:
I must've stupidly thrown out my 0 speed IV slowpoke. Back to quickballing dittos, I suppose.
Varia 4871-4007-8179
>>15075483 It's Modest too, nice. Enjoy that Scyther!
>>15075475 Could I pick up Tati? And what do you want in return?
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>15075605 Still no luck man? Sorry to hear.
4398-9949-2317 (Fighting) Machoke/Pancham/???
4398-9949-2317 (Fighting) Machoke/Pancham/??? Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:08:26 No. 15075683 Report Quoted By:
Want to trade a ditto with HP and speed IVs for another one with HP and attack. It's also modest.
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:08:33 No. 15075688 Report Quoted By:
>>15075659 Yup, the whole batch is Modest. I think she was the last female Magician too.
Quoted By:
Still looking for a random EV Dragon* with marvel/multiscale. Nature doesn't really matter but adamant would be nice. Please no togepis ;_;
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:09:07 No. 15075704 Report >>15075674 Hey Ramsey, if you could have any shiny, what would it be?
3840 5661 3560 [Shuppet/Phantump/???]
Quoted By:
>>15075538 Awesome stuff, Ashe!
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 [Y] !monhun1uP6
>>15075642 k
>>15075673 everstones, if you don't have that anything is fine
>not posting your FC suck my dick
J - 0748 2749 5863
Quoted By:
>>15075674 I have a perfect couple, Just need ONE fucker to evolve & play with
I could use one of the two fuckers but the thought disgusts me, they are breeding stuff, not warriors Anonymous
Quoted By:
One of three shiny Jigglypuff for whatever shiny Ralts or Kirlia. Two of them have Cute Charm.
Zaim 3840 5661 3560 [Shuppet/Phantump/???]
Zaim 3840 5661 3560 [Shuppet/Phantump/???] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:10:14 No. 15075752 Report Yo, Ashe, your Bitey wants to learn Feint. Wat do?
Brosola !jOmJtzfKYA
Quoted By:
>>15075567 I'm having a hard time connecting to the internet. :( I'll keep trying.
Shu [3DS]2063-0570-7333 (IGN:Mai, Safari: Gyarados, Panpour and Frogadier) !Shu.Fwg.iQ
Shu [3DS]2063-0570-7333 (IGN:Mai, Safari: Gyarados, Panpour and Frogadier) !Shu.Fwg.iQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:11:02 No. 15075783 Report >>15075635 Great, thanks
Ima go online now
Ash/Ashe 3695-0875-8529 [Tyrouge,Mankey, Sawk]
Ash/Ashe 3695-0875-8529 [Tyrouge,Mankey, Sawk] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:11:26 No. 15075795 Report Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
Quoted By:
>>15075704 That's a tough question. I still haven't seen all the Gen 6 Shinies. It would probably be Milotic.
Polichap X 0774 5585 3124 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol)
Polichap X 0774 5585 3124 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:12:08 No. 15075824 Report Quoted By:
>>15075740 Sorry, crossposting on boards. Trade with me when you're ready!
Meed~ !Meed.ErvYo
Quoted By:
Is that new bug move "powder" any good?
Missy 3711 7753 0026
Quoted By:
Anyone up for battles? 6vs6 come on start using your Pokeman already
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
Quoted By:
Would anyone have any kind of goomy-line leftovers? Ability doesn't matter much, but I'd actually want one of those Hydration ones. I traded my only one away and now I want to make a doubles raindance team. Go figure. I got adamant gale wings hatchlings to trade and drizzle politoeds (if you evolve it) and so on.
Corey 1907-8820-9917 Flying: pidgey, woobat, fletchinder
Corey 1907-8820-9917 Flying: pidgey, woobat, fletchinder Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:12:48 No. 15075847 Report Quoted By:
H: quiet 31 hp 31 SpA ditto with Pokerus W: Jap ditto with 2 IVs
Izzmo 4914 3899 5735 | Aipom, Eevee, Audino
Izzmo 4914 3899 5735 | Aipom, Eevee, Audino Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:12:57 No. 15075853 Report Quoted By:
>>15075510 Thanks for both of them, mate. That Heracross is 31 in HP, Atk and Sp.Def in case you're interested
Quoted By:
>>15075821 Saved for scientific purposes. Rosa 3282-3075-0161
Quoted By:
hey wfg still looking for: rock head tyrunt/tyrantrum, ditto with sp atk or hp perfect IVs, skill link minccino/cinccino, rough skin garchomp/gible/gabite
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20 Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:13:31 No. 15075876 Report >>15075821 Could you please delete that?
It's a SFW board.
We don't need more bans around here.
Quoted By:
Any body have a kabuto/kabutops to trade? I have Anorith, Lileep and Aerodactyl to offer.
This is a shot in the dark... but I'm looking for Tyranitarite. Got Y so I can trade you what you need. Also have a few gems on my black 2 cartridge.. japanese mew, Shiny Latias, victini, EV Arceus a few others.
Zaim 3840 5661 3560 [Shuppet/Phantump/???]
Zaim 3840 5661 3560 [Shuppet/Phantump/???] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:14:12 No. 15075900 Report Quoted By:
>>15075795 Thanks a bunch, Ashe!
Quoted By:
>>15075884 Also that shiny latias is EV trained.
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 [Y] !monhun1uP6
>>15075783 anything wrong on your end? I already traded a few so it shouldn't be anything on my end
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:15:47 No. 15075965 Report Quoted By:
>shiny fish chaining >I want another Poliwhirl >all I find is Basculin Fuck you, you little gits.
Zack - 4639-8950-0586
Could anyone help me out? I need two things: 1) Foreign Ditto. I figure I'll try MMing, never did before. So in this case, it'd be non-US Ditto. 2) My Friend Safari. I know nothing about it. Help would be appreciated.
Shu [3DS]2063-0570-7333 (IGN:Mai, Safari: Gyarados, Panpour and Frogadier) !Shu.Fwg.iQ
Shu [3DS]2063-0570-7333 (IGN:Mai, Safari: Gyarados, Panpour and Frogadier) !Shu.Fwg.iQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:16:28 No. 15075988 Report >>15075963 Ima move closer to the router, give me a minute
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 [Y] !monhun1uP6
Quoted By:
>>15075988 reconnecting to the internet works too, kinda like exiting and entering in gen 5
I might aswell release my shiny Ledyba, my first shiny and I've been playing since yellow and it's a shitmon ;_;
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388 Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:18:01 No. 15076050 Report Holy shit, going for the Ability Capsul is suffering... Has anyone powered through the Maison, what team did you use? I'm in singles with Galvantula, Talonflame, and Mawile.
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:18:38 No. 15076067 Report >>15076047 Would you take a Modest Fennekin for it?
I like Ledybas a lot.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
>>15076050 that item seems useless to me
4398-9949-2317 (Fighting) Machoke/Pancham/???
4398-9949-2317 (Fighting) Machoke/Pancham/??? Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:18:47 No. 15076073 Report >>15075986 add me, european ditto coming to you
leadz 0903-3178-9326
>>15075876 Hatched a 5 IV shuppet according to the NPC
Male, adamant, HP/Atk/Def/SDef/Spe
You were interested, right?
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>15076050 Just re breed whatever pokemon you need to change
Tito 5472-7405-2341
Quoted By:
I have a Shiny Spheal willing to trade for a Scyther with good IV
>>15076047 cry harder, some of us have still never caught a shiny
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 [Y] !monhun1uP6
>>15076050 I heard mega kangaskhan was really good for in game battles thanks to power up punch
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20 Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:20:15 No. 15076117 Report >>15076047 Just box it for now.
Someone might want it in a million years.
>>15076074 Yes, I am.
Sounds pretty kickass.
What could I get you for it?
I don't have a lot IV bred right now... Lizardus (1650 1235 8672)
Quoted By:
Anyone have a Bulletproof Chespin? also can anyone check my friend safari?
Rajaion: 4210-5397-6261 (petelil,tangela,???)
Rajaion: 4210-5397-6261 (petelil,tangela,???) Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:20:44 No. 15076133 Report Quoted By:
anyone who wants to trade his tyranitarite for either a houndoomite or a heracross with its megastone? the heracross is above average and is best at its int.
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388 Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:21:13 No. 15076144 Report >>15076070 I have a perfect IV Pumpkaboo I need to use it for.
Fuck Pick Up.
>>15076087 No, I'm done breeding for now.
>>15076104 Interesting, thanks for the info.
J - 0748 2749 5863
>>15075605 Bump before I release them
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 [Y] !monhun1uP6
>>15076047 eat shit and cry more, my first shiny was a fucking kricketune
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 [Combee,Masquerain,Pinsir]
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 [Combee,Masquerain,Pinsir] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:21:53 No. 15076172 Report Just finished training my perfect Helioptile.Very curious how he will do in Sun teams and how well he will do in weather teams in general.
Haust 2621-4018-6134
Quoted By:
Trade: Shiny Golurk Want: Shiny Vulpix/Ninetails (Prefered) Other shinys
Zack - 4639-8950-0586
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta)
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta) Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:22:32 No. 15076195 Report >>15076144 you have a perfect IV pumpkaboo? male or female? SS?
>>15076171 My first two shinies were Tentacool and Golbat
leadz 0903-3178-9326
Quoted By:
>>15076117 Surprise me in case you don't have a larvitar or skrelp with a few IVs
Adding you now
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:22:45 No. 15076206 Report Yay, ran into my second shiny Poliwhirl. And it's a lass! I hope the nature's good. I want a blue Politoed.
J - 0748 2749 5863
>>15076206 > not using a synchronizer Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>15076170 what are the IVs?
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 [Y] !monhun1uP6
Quoted By:
>>15076196 my shiny after that was a bidoof in platinum, then graveler on victory road in Y and than a female pyroar a few days later
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:24:08 No. 15076239 Report >>15076223 >using sticky cups to not break the chain Yeah yeah I'm a twat.
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388 Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:24:17 No. 15076244 Report >>15076195 Female 31/X/31/31/31/31 Jolly with Pick Up.
I think I have 3 like that, but I'll need to check, some are males of course.
>Technician Hitmontop >Adamant nature >252 Atk/252 HP/4 Def >Assault Vest >Fake Out/Rapid Spin/Mach Punch/Bullet Punch Is this a good idea?
Missy 3711 7753 0026
>>15076172 The sun boost is huge for him, but his movepool isn't quite up to snuff, particularly since it takes his surf away.
Rain teams however give him 100% accurate thunder, STAB'd Surf, a new immunity and perma-heal.
I think he's more suited for those.
Still looking for battlers.
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck]
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:25:08 No. 15076272 Report >>15076239 Look at the image, that's the IVs
>>15076239 Apparently you can just stick yourself in a corner. Route 16, on top of the waterfall, poliwhirls everywhere. Use a synch.
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388 Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:25:45 No. 15076289 Report >>15076244 31/31/31/X/31/31**
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 [Combee,Masquerain,Pinsir]
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 [Combee,Masquerain,Pinsir] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:25:51 No. 15076293 Report >>15076256 I'll battle give me about 5minutes to prepare.
Where the fuck is Dark Pulse? Serebii says Route 15 but I've been going over every inch of that shit hole for the last 10 minutes. Went up the wterfall, smashed walls, the whole deal.
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:26:31 No. 15076311 Report Quoted By:
>>15076272 I was actually trying initially for Dragonairs, but then I remembered that fuck yeah frogs.
Odds are, the male I caught earlier is going to be better anyways.
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta)
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta) Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:26:41 No. 15076315 Report >>15076244 >>15076289 oh 5x, thought you meant 6x
Ive got 5x coming out right now and theyre all frisk, might be able to breed you something isntead of suffering for the ability capsule
Missy 3711 7753 0026
>>15076246 I don't really like having Rapid Spin on a non-defensive mon.
The way I see it is to play the old Fake Out/Mach Punch/Close Combat/Bullet Punch Hitmontop if you want technician.
Otherwise, go 252 hp 252 defense Impish, with Intimidate he can tank pretty much anything.
Assault Vest could work.
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck]
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:27:24 No. 15076341 Report Rosa 3282-3075-0161
Quoted By:
>>15076272 ill take the last one on that list on the bottom right with the 0 speed IVs
4398-9949-2317 (Fighting) Machoke/Pancham/???
4398-9949-2317 (Fighting) Machoke/Pancham/??? Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:28:02 No. 15076361 Report >>15076180 Thanks for the dugrtio! Your safari is electric with Electrode, Helioptile and Zebstrika
Quoted By:
>>15075336 Male Druddigon with Outrage and Female Gible should bring a Gible with Outrage, from then on you can breed the offspring with anything else and it'll get Outrage.
Missy 3711 7753 0026
>>15076293 Aight man, added. Finally a playa
>>15076341 Well isn't that something.
Thank you.
Quoted By:
>>15076323 My team lacks a spinner though, but also lacks priority users, so I was thinking of killing two birds
Maybe I'l just go with your idea and take the classic Scizor along for priority, because that Hitmontop sounds amazingly bulky
>>15076067 Sorry, but it's my very first shiny so I at least want a shiny in return.
>>15076101 That's too bad, I know how that felt a couple of hours ago
>>15076117 That's what I'm praying for, yeah. Someone must have some kind of freaky Ledyba fetish
right? ;_; >>15076171 Well that's too bad, but it's not like a Ledyba is much better.
>>15076341 Hey, give you a beldum for one of those honedges?
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:30:27 No. 15076442 Report >>15076373 Anything cool I can get out of it?
>>15076373 Isn't google awesome.
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:30:44 No. 15076454 Report >>15076392 >hey guys i'm going to release my shiny >its my first shiny so I at least want a shiny in return >it's not like Ledyba is much better [than krikitot] So, it's a shit shiny that you're about to release, but you only want another shiny in return? I don't follow.
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 [Y] !monhun1uP6
I wish they would give out drought and drizzle to more pokemon now that it isn't as powerful as before. it would make a lot of shitmons useful
would give these guys a new lease on life, shell smash magcargo might be a problem though
>>15076392 at least ledyba is cute/evolves into something cute
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388 Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:30:53 No. 15076462 Report >>15076315 Can you?
Do you need anything in return?
Zack - 4639-8950-0586
Sal FC(1907-9186-5829) P:X OT Pascal
Anyone have a spare White Flabebbe with a decent nature? Going to raise one for casual play through. Don't have much to offer but a Gengarnite.
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 [Combee,Masquerain,Pinsir]
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 [Combee,Masquerain,Pinsir] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:31:23 No. 15076478 Report >>15076369 Let me know if you have any smogon rules or whatever.Also will this be 3v3 or 6v6.Also note all my pokemon are at lvl 50.
Arnold 3609 1548 3177 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede)
Arnold 3609 1548 3177 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede) Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:31:34 No. 15076486 Report Anyone got a Gligar with Immunity? Nature/gender/IVs don't matter. I'll make you an offer
Quoted By:
>>15076461 >Shell Smasher with huge base defense and STAB Fire Magcargo might end up in OU, that would be hilarious
Lucas 0963-0314-0183
>>15076442 You can't take a thank you?
Also, misquote?
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:32:43 No. 15076526 Report >>15076486 I'll probably take that as my project today, if you can around wait a bit
Missy 3711 7753 0026
Quoted By:
>>15076478 6vs6, lv50.
I don't really care. Naturally I think Double Team/Sleep abuse/OHKO moves are lame, but I don't really care if you use them, it's a free battle.
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20 Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:33:08 No. 15076548 Report Quoted By:
Thanks leadz!Smeargle's froma Friend Safari, by the way.
>>15076502 Yes, what are you offering?
Hat 2681 0233 4222
Looking for a Larvitar if anyone has one. Would prefer adamant or Brave, but any nature will do. I don't have much to offer, but perhaps I could draw something (mot lewd) in exchange?
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:33:46 No. 15076562 Report >>15076516 Probably misquote. Ok, I'll take a shitmon named thank you
I'm passive aggressive like that, today. Testicular pain does that to you Varia 4871-4007-8179
>>15076558 I've got a few you can have. Show me some art samples!
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
im battling a pumpkaboo and it just used some move and now my garchomp is ghost/dragon/ground?
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta)
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta) Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:34:23 No. 15076592 Report >>15076462 I might take that pumpkaboo in return for breeding or something, not sure, both my 5x are currently in breeding, so let me see what this batch turned up, one sec
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
>>15076502 I have a few with frisk and few with pressure.
Don't happen to have a hydration goodra do you?
>>15076587 What's your point?
M \n
>>15076562 >Testicular pain Seems more like menstrual pain to me. Rosa 3282-3075-0161
>>15076624 i didnt see the name of the move but what just happened and how does this move work?
Lucas 0963-0314-0183
Quoted By:
>>15076557 dunno, anything you need?
eevee, torchic, larvitar, solosis, trevenant?
Quoted By:
what was mystical fire's base BP? I was sure I saw it at 80 but serebii lists it at 65
Quoted By:
>>15076638 Two sides of the same groin
Missy 3711 7753 0026
>>15076606 I have one I could trade for a Poliwag [Bold if you can but don't really care] with its hidden ability, but my Goomers is Adamant.
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:36:35 No. 15076685 Report >>15076638 If this is how women feel with menstrual pain, then I pity them Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388 Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:36:53 No. 15076691 Report >>15076562 >Testicular pain Lolwut?
Have you seen a doctor about this?
Quoted By:
>>15076457 no, it has no effect on friendship
Hat 2681 0233 4222
>>15076582 Well, tell me what you want and I'll draw it up and see if it's to your liking. Then we can trade if it is!
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20 Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:36:59 No. 15076699 Report Quoted By:
>>15076656 Trick-o-treat.
It just adds Ghost type, until you swap I think.
Lucas 0963-0314-0183
>>15076606 actually yes I do zenchi
Quoted By:
>>15076562 I know the feeling, Anyway, I think
>>15076413 was who you want.
>>15076656 It adds ghost type. That's it.
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta)
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta) Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:37:40 No. 15076733 Report Quoted By:
>>15076587 >>15076656 trick or treat is the move, adds ghost to your type, have fun getting hit SE by priority shadow sneak, dont fuck with the pumpkin
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:37:45 No. 15076738 Report >>15076685 Depends. How bad is the pain you're feeling now? Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388 Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:37:55 No. 15076746 Report Quoted By:
>>15076592 Cool, just allow me some time in this Maison, then I'll add you and all.
Quoted By:
>>15076656 if it works like soak, it removes both types an changes you to the new type
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
>>15076684 No thanks. I don't have bold poliwags anyway. I think I'll go have fun with a synchronize pokemon and catch a modest goomy right off the bat. Sounds like a fun idea anyway, compared to the usual ditto-nature-breeding.
Varia 4871-4007-8179
>>15076697 Hmm...
How about pic-related w/ a Lilligant, both just being generally adorable?
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
>>15076708 Well that'd be dandy then. I'll add you and such. Which ability duskskull would you like? I have a few.
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:40:18 No. 15076816 Report >>15076774 I could breed you a Modest Goomy actually.
My own Goodra is Modest.
Fuck yeah Gummy!
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ
My balls J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:40:27 No. 15076822 Report >>15076691 Of course, it's Deferentitis > mfw when the doctor said 'Just wait, it will go away' >>15076738 It's dulling now, but I feel like
someone is pulling my ball away while trying to cut it off with a pricky knife Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:41:21 No. 15076855 Report >>15076822 SWEET CHRIST WHY DID I ASK. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. Anonymous
>>15076454 >hey guys I'm going to release my shine I said "I might aswell", why would you take a statement like that serious?
I think you misread.
Lucas 0963-0314-0183
>>15076810 don't really mind, imma breed it
goodra is female with hydration, so it should pass it's ability, but it's bold
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:41:54 No. 15076882 Report >>15076855 I had testicular torsion, that's WAY worse
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
Quoted By:
ah okay. so does anyone have an erufuun (i forget the english name) the cottonee evolution?
>>15076822 Yeah, I have that, sucks doesn't it?
So was that a no to the Beldum? Did you want something else? I just want a honedge man.
Sal FC(1907-9186-5829) P:X OT Pascal
>>15076474 Bump for desperateness
>>15076901 What flabebes are rare? i think i have a blue
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
>>15076816 Goomy is love. Goomy is life. Thanks, I'll use the hydration goomy the other guy trades me. Nature breeding is bit easier than abilities anyway.
>>15076879 That's fine, I'll just breed it a good nature. Initiate trade whenever you are ready.
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:43:36 No. 15076952 Report >>15076895 Yeah sure, I just get confused by anons, add me and leave your FC. What IVs did you want again?
Arnold 3609 1548 3177 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede)
Arnold 3609 1548 3177 (Cascoon, Swalot, Whirlipede) Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:44:40 No. 15076993 Report Quoted By:
>>15076526 good luck to you bro, been using toxic on hordes all day and nothing. Also fuck the rain.
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 [Y] !monhun1uP6
I'm thinking of breeding a bulky delphox will'o'wisp calm mind flamethrower psyshock only thing bugging me is the obvious toxic
Sal FC(1907-9186-5829) P:X OT Pascal
>>15076929 White is pretty rare. I have no clue on Blue thou. Gave up after 3 hours of fruitless search
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:45:06 No. 15077006 Report >>15076882 Ugh, I bet,
I'm sorta glad I never have to deal with that. Ever,
Aden 0576-4063-7988
>>15076952 Well, obviously as little speed as
possible.It 's a physical attacker right? So I guess attack and HP. Other than that, whatever you think is best or whatever is convenient for you.
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta)
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta) Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:46:06 No. 15077042 Report >>15076592 nothing but 4x in this batch sadly
out of curiosity would you want the exact same 31/31/31/X/31/31 iv spread?
Ive been breeding mine with spatk but have had trouble getting def. onto them, might be able to use your pick-upper in place of one of mine to work on a better litter.
>>15076822 >>15076882 jesus fucking christ please stop
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:46:08 No. 15077043 Report >>15076938 ...So is that a oui or a non?
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 [Y] !monhun1uP6
>>15077005 is the white flower inheritable or are they random when breeding?
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:46:58 No. 15077075 Report >>15077006 My doctor said that it's comparable to giving birth
except with more morphine >>15077026 Sure, I'll get the best one I can find
>>15077042 > Balls Lucia 4184 - 2595 - 9274
Quoted By:
Anyone got an Adamant Ghastly or Shuppett? I don't have much to give but I got some starters
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
Sal FC(1907-9186-5829) P:X OT Pascal
>>15077054 their breedable but not a single kind soul has given them out (not that I'm aware of anyways)
Azimech 1779-0490-0222 Steel [Ferroseed, Forretress and Bronzong]
Azimech 1779-0490-0222 Steel [Ferroseed, Forretress and Bronzong] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:47:37 No. 15077093 Report Anyone have a decent IV Eevee they could spare? Something in the 4-5 range, to speed up my painfully slow breeding process? I have very decent Togepis and Gibles to spare, most of which have near perfect IVs.
Missy 3711 7753 0026
>>15077003 It's not really gonna work and can be done by one million other mons better.
Also to whoever is battling me, jesus christ that was a sloppy 1st game.
You have freaking Mawile there to tank Draco Meteors.
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:48:26 No. 15077114 Report Quoted By:
>>15077075 Well I am SO glad I am adamant about adopting because nope nope nope nope.
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
Quoted By:
>>15077043 Non, mon cheri. I have received a goomy now from other sources.
I am now also looking for Dry Skin Heliosk incase anyone has leftovers. If not I'll just breed myself. Never hurts to ask I suppose.
What is the best way to grind exp? Just the E4?
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:49:00 No. 15077131 Report >>15077005 I read online that purple flowers in morning have better chance of yielding white flower flabebes. maybe give that a try?
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 [Y] !monhun1uP6
>>15077092 so the child of a white flower flabebe will always be white?
I could breed a few if that's the case
>>15077099 was he going for the stat drop on meteor? mawile would prevent that
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
Quoted By:
>>15077005 my first encounter was a white and i killed it
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:49:36 No. 15077156 Report >>15077119 Triple Battle at restaurant Le Wow
What a fucking name or sushi High Roller
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:49:40 No. 15077157 Report >>15077119 E4, your rival in Kiloude, and the 3-star restaurant.
Sal FC(1907-9186-5829) P:X OT Pascal
Quoted By:
>>15077131 not enought time because college and physics w/ calc, hence why I'm begging here.
How is that RNG abuse coming?
jinglejangle 0189-8765-7097 Poliwhirl, Octillery, Wartortle
jinglejangle 0189-8765-7097 Poliwhirl, Octillery, Wartortle Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:50:22 No. 15077177 Report Quoted By:
>>15077093 do you have a female togepi with 4-5 IVs and Serene Grace by any chance?
i have xerneas, yveltal, mewtwo, 5iv modest blaze/magician fennekins and 5iv adamant technicians scythers
Sal FC(1907-9186-5829) P:X OT Pascal
>>15077142 holy fuck anon your god among men if you can pull this off in 20 minutes
Quoted By:
>>15077156 >>15077157 Rival and restaurant sound way better, thank you. Uh...
Neither of you would have the map on hand would you? Anonymous
>>15077170 i never learned how to rng abuse how can i do it?
Emi 2208 - 5666 - 4507 (Ivysaur - Pansage - ???)
Emi 2208 - 5666 - 4507 (Ivysaur - Pansage - ???) Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:51:41 No. 15077221 Report Quoted By:
reply and add someone tell me my 3rd poke
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:51:49 No. 15077228 Report >>15077026 I added you, trade me whenever, just find a way to let me know it's you
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
>>15077156 I prefer Rotation battle as the other two pokemon are completely safe while I sweep the enemy with one high level pokemon, and the other two pokemon get delicious in-combat exp.
Does anybody have a noibat I can have? I just started the game so I don't have much to offer. But I have a shiny male combee if you would want that.
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388 Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:52:24 No. 15077241 Report >>15077042 Yeah the exact same stats are what I need.
I'll gladly hand over mine for a Frisk version, as long as it's still female.
Adding you now.
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 [Y] !monhun1uP6
>>15077203 >giving me a time limit probably not gonna happen then, I'm making my niece an egg at the moment
Brosola !jOmJtzfKYA
>>15076872 Because people do release their shinies. You misspoke. He read it fine.
Stryker 1864-8877-0469 [nuzleaf, sandile, ]
Stryker 1864-8877-0469 [nuzleaf, sandile, ] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:52:43 No. 15077252 Report Quoted By:
>>15077093 Would you take a timid Ghastly with 4 perfect IV's for one of the Gibles?
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:52:49 No. 15077256 Report Quoted By:
Lucario or Scythe/Scizor? I'm not interested in mega evolution for either since my designated m-evolver is an Absol. Scyther's an Adamant Technician from this topic, Lucario's a Timid Steadfast I caught at the beginning of the game.
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:52:56 No. 15077262 Report >>15077230 How many mushrooms does that get you? I got to 22 on my best triple run
Hat 2681 0233 4222
>>15076808 Bah can't draw the animes worth shit. Ah well.
>>15077228 You're still provisional for some reason.
Emi 2208 - 5666 - 4507 (Ivysaur - Pansage - ???)
Emi 2208 - 5666 - 4507 (Ivysaur - Pansage - ???) Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:53:53 No. 15077289 Report Quoted By:
add me reply
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
Quoted By:
>>15077262 I can't really remember, but definetly enough to pay my bills. I mostly go there for epx anyway. The place next to daycare is where I go for purely money.
Varia 4871-4007-8179
Quoted By:
>>15077268 Doesn't have to be the animes, just used it as a reference picture. Would a 40k request be better?
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:54:06 No. 15077301 Report >>15077240 Would you like a modest Noibat? I'll take a shitmon, I just want to make sure they get a good 'home'.
Sal FC(1907-9186-5829) P:X OT Pascal
>>15077245 damn sorry bro, gotta leave for college in 30 so that's cool. I could wait another 10 hours before I get back home, sorry for the rush/time limit.
Missy 3711 7753 0026
>>15077142 No idea really. Now he's losing his entire team to a Charizard X
after switching Charizard in on pebbles and losing 50%[/spoiler[ Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>15077213 We don't know for this gen, hence my asking.
>>15077246 Okay maybe people do, but I don't for sure.
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:55:11 No. 15077332 Report >>15077301 >modest >not timid i
agree with your taste, and also bred mine for modest. don't know why we're in the minority Mason 1907-8293-2046 [Seviper Swalot Toxicroak]
Mason 1907-8293-2046 [Seviper Swalot Toxicroak] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:55:16 No. 15077337 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone have a 0 Speed IV water or monster egg type or ditto, for some 2 or 3 IV ditto?
Varia 4871-4007-8179
>>15077312 By the way - I hate you for making me design an Absol SPECIFICALLY for that stupid Gengar of yours.
Missy 3711 7753 0026
>>15077343 Hhaahahahahah that's fucking rich, we gotta test this out later
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 [Y] !monhun1uP6
>>15077308 I won't be here tonight I'll leave some with another regular. ask around to see who i left them with when you get back
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388 Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:56:30 No. 15077385 Report >>15077042 >>15077241 Also can you name her Pumprincess?
>tfw beating down opponents with anything names Pumprincess. J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:56:38 No. 15077391 Report Quoted By:
>>15077280 I'm shitty, I somehow wrote the wrong FC
But it was valid, so whatever Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:56:42 No. 15077394 Report >>15077332 I
actually bred mine thinking its sp.atk was on par with its speed and thus both natures would be desirable. But it seems a few people liked the modest ones I've traded thus far. Varia 4871-4007-8179
Quoted By:
>>15077363 Whenever I'm done EV training it, sure
Sal FC(1907-9186-5829) P:X OT Pascal
Quoted By:
>>15077369 aight, thanks anon, I owe you a big one.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>15077385 >Pumprincess I like you.
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:58:25 No. 15077456 Report >>15077394 I get that modest gives less of a boost than speed, but i feel like it NEEDS the modest boost more since it's SPATK is borderline
>>15077385 You are my new name rater
Grand Duchess Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw
Grand Duchess Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:58:28 No. 15077461 Report Anonymous
>>15077301 Sure, I'll take any noibat, we'll become best bros. I'd feel kind of bad giving a shitmon though, not that a shiny male combee is any better. Here's my FC, 0705-3373-7928, thanks anon
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20 Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:58:40 No. 15077472 Report >>15077385 I've seen some good names in my time, but that's an incredible name.
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta)
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta) Wed 23 Oct 2013 18:58:58 No. 15077485 Report >>15077241 >>15077385 ok, problem being I dont currently that same stat spread, my current breeding pair are:
31/31/x/x/31/31 female careful frisk @Everstone
31/31/x/31/31/31 male careful frisk @ Destiny Knot
so my only 5x is the wrong stat spread putting a 5X in the female slot would help IV but wouldnt it fuck up the frisking?
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:00:20 No. 15077540 Report So, naming general?> honedge -> Slowpoker > Tyranitar -> ??? > Mawile -> ??? > Noibat -> ??? > Clawncher -> ??? > Gliscor -> ??? Go anon.
Stryker 1864-8877-0469 [nuzleaf, sandile, ]
Stryker 1864-8877-0469 [nuzleaf, sandile, ] Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:00:45 No. 15077558 Report Anyone have any Jolly Gibles with decent IV's? Im breeding my own right now but It would be nice to skip a few breeding cycles. Ive got some Timid Ghastlys with 4 31 IV's I can trade.
Den 1292 9773 0780 W2
So many unfamiliar faces So little familiar faces This thread is moving much faster than I expected it to be
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20 Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:01:16 No. 15077573 Report >>15077540 Clawtzier can be Master Baiter.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:01:42 No. 15077592 Report Quoted By:
>>15077466 Added. My name's the same ingame.
And honestly it's better than throwing them onto the WT.
>>15077461 >ok with it. Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:01:44 No. 15077593 Report >>15077558 I don't have any Jolly ones, but I have some Adamant leftovers if you're interested.
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388 Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:02:11 No. 15077622 Report >>15077440 >>15077456 >>15077472 It's not that amazing.
>>15077485 Not if you swap the items.
Give the female the destiny Knot and the male the Everstone.
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
>>15077562 Hey Den~
Mega-Waifu best mega. J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:02:17 No. 15077630 Report >>15077573 Too easy, bro, too easy.
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20 Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:02:19 No. 15077632 Report >>15077562 Welcome to gen 6, Den.
And hello.
Missy 3711 7753 0026
Quoted By:
Looking for battlers. Fun guaranteed. 4 flying types vs stealth rock guaranteed
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 [Combee,Masquerain,Pinsir]
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 [Combee,Masquerain,Pinsir] Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:02:22 No. 15077636 Report >>15077099 >sloppy 1st game. >You have freaking Mawile there to tank Draco Meteors. Yeah I know testing the waters, otherwise I won't learn base stats.Thanks for the games now I know what can outspeed me.Now for more free battles.I want to see what Heliosk can do!
M \n
>>15077562 People who got a large amount of hype from across the boards.
I know because I'm one of them.
No offense meant.
If it makes you feel any better I've been playing on and off since the first gen. Stryker 1864-8877-0469 [nuzleaf, sandile, ]
Stryker 1864-8877-0469 [nuzleaf, sandile, ] Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:02:40 No. 15077650 Report >>15077593 Sure. Im more interested in the IV's than the nature anyways.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Hello. I bring Faggotite for all who wants to mega-evolve
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 [Y] !monhun1uP6
>>15077562 you should has seen it a little earlier in the week, threads were moving faster than 1 per hour.
>>15077593 add me fegt
Sal FC(1907-9186-5829) P:X OT Pascal
>>15077540 > Clawncher -> Shrimpfest Not naming it this anon and having the chance
Quoted By:
>>15077562 I was here for at least 6 months during Gen V, but I doubt anyone here would remember me anyway Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>15077593 Dylan would you be okay with a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Helioptile?
It has Sand Veil ;_; Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20 Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:03:49 No. 15077700 Report >>15077653 Gib pls.
>>15077630 Still a good one, in my opinion.
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
>>15077653 But you can only megafaggot once in a wfg thread jvk!
Missy 3711 7753 0026
>>15077636 If you're like I have other mons, I can rotate my team around.
That said, Serebii has base stats up, check its Pokedex if you need halp.
Better show in the 2nd game though. Challenge me any time
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta)
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta) Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:04:35 No. 15077736 Report >>15077622 oh right that makes sense, well I can do that, but like I said I dont have your 5x stat spread to trade back to you, youd have to be willing to wait for me to breed it out for you but this pumpkin project is all Im working on at the moment, wanted to churn out a bunch of quality punkins for WFG
what would you like to do?
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388 Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:04:52 No. 15077751 Report >>15077540 >Mawile -> Lock Jaw Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>15077653 will gib
>>15077702 so choose your thread wisely!
>>15077757 hello
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:05:41 No. 15077785 Report >>15077650 Alright, I'll send one your way momentarily
>>15077656 No.
Alright fine, since you insist. >>15077687 That sounds pretty good to me.
Does Sand Veil prevent sandstorm amage, I neer can remember
Emi 2208 - 5666 - 4507 (Ivysaur - Pansage - ???)
miral essumos\ Emi 2208 - 5666 - 4507 (Ivysaur - Pansage - ???) Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:05:54 No. 15077796 Report Quoted By:
add me guyz and reply
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [boxes of 4IVs Honedges, fuck] !q69aSU0kOQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:06:12 No. 15077810 Report >>15077751 > Lock Jaw -> Tetanus/Trismus ? >>15077676 My nigga
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>15077773 >quoting yourself jvk pls
It was meant for
>>15077700 Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>15077785 Yeah it does but you'll probably want to breed it to try and get Dry Skin
5343 8159 4415
Quoted By:
Trading Naive, Rash or Timid proteans for a hasty one
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388 Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:08:05 No. 15077877 Report >>15077736 I don't mind waiting.
Are they all small sized by any chance?
I'm going for babbu size.
If you switch your Fem for my tiny fem, you'll get Babbu sized kids, which could mess up your project.
Quoted By:
>didn't play 5th gen >try chain fishing >blue basculin >think its shiny >Red and blue Basculin usually do not get along, but sometimes members of one school mingle with the other's school. thank you pokedex for killing my hopes...
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 [Combee,Masquerain,Pinsir]
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 [Combee,Masquerain,Pinsir] Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:08:16 No. 15077886 Report >>15077708 Actually I don't have competitive 6v6 or
3v3.So far just breeding whatever interests
me.My team isn't ev trained properly except for 3 of them.Just felt like playing anyway.Always fun and educational though.Still need a water type too.
Cyrian Milez the 1LQve ƒrqg 0490 5810 4072 !hkYMJNK9Q.
Cyrian Milez the 1LQve ƒrqg 0490 5810 4072 !hkYMJNK9Q. Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:08:19 No. 15077892 Report >>15075470 What do you want for it?
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20 Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:08:22 No. 15077893 Report Quoted By:
>>15077814 I gib bidoof 4 it
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:08:59 No. 15077921 Report >>15077853 I might do that, yeah, but for now I'd love a Sand Veil one, since I normally run Sandstorm teams anyways
Brosola !jOmJtzfKYA
Quoted By:
>>15077323 You realize that, being Anonymous, you're as "people" as it gets?
Den 1292 9773 0780 W2
>>15077585 Hey Ramsey~
>>15077629 Hey Mooba~
I agree Can't wait to transfer my Gardevoir I have in White 2.
>>15077632 Thank you for having me. Even though I beat the E4 yesterday.
>>15077645 That's true.
>>15077656 I didn't want to comeback because I wanted to beat the game first. Which I did a couple hours ago.
Missy 3711 7753 0026
>>15077886 Go Protean Froakie and never look back
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388 Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:09:49 No. 15077953 Report >>15077810 Tetanus.
Heard a terrifying story from a friend who was getting a BJ and the chick suddenly got Lockjaw.
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
>>15077886 Water type eh? Why not try the awesome Clawitzer. It basically gets STAB 80 power attacks for fighting, dark, dragon and obviously water.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>15077921 In that case do you want it nicknamed if you're just going to use it right way?
>>15077942 gib 3ds Fc i repot u
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20 Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:11:28 No. 15078021 Report Quoted By:
>>15077942 Nice.
Good to see some more faces around.
Regulars are still around, just not right now.
Gotta get Ethan back his bug.
He lurking, perhaps? I'm about to finish it.
Quoted By:
Egg moves for Fennekin?
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari]
Kenny 4484 - 8984 - 2293 [Eevees in my Friend Safari] Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:11:47 No. 15078031 Report >>15077953 >getting a bj from a girl >she gets lockjaw Jesus fucking christ how horrifying.
So how'd it end?
Missy 3711 7753 0026
Quoted By:
>>15077966 Do we have stats on the new boosters?
Fang boosting ability, tough claws, pulse ability, etc?
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta)
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta) Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:12:28 No. 15078058 Report >>15077877 oh shit, yes they're all super size... well that kind of fucks up that idea
I guess what we could do, is take your small female, try to breed out another small frisker female for you, then Ill hold on to the small and go back to my super size project...
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:13:57 No. 15078114 Report Quoted By:
>>15077998 Yeah, if you don't mind. Might go with
Raiju , to fit the team I've been working on
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 [Combee,Masquerain,Pinsir]
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 [Combee,Masquerain,Pinsir] Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:14:17 No. 15078127 Report >>15077943 >>15077966 By any chance do you guys have these bred always looking for Leftovers for trade.
I have leftover
3-4 Ivs
Heliolisk Timid Solar power
Whirlpede Adamant Speed boost
Mawile Adamant Intimidate
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388 Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:14:56 No. 15078160 Report >>15078031 Painfully.
>>15078058 No no, that's fine.
I don't want you to have to put your project on hold for mine.
I'll get back to getting that Ability Changer, or maybe I'll trade something to someone for it.
Polichap X 0774 5585 3124 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol)
Polichap X 0774 5585 3124 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:15:49 No. 15078200 Report So, is Pumpkaboos size inherited when breeding? And is anyone trading supersized ones?
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta)
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta) Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:16:08 No. 15078216 Report >>15078160 alright, well dont get rid of pumprincess, I would like to have a 5x small on hand so that I can breed smalls if required, I may still want to trade you once Ive got something to trade you for her.
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta)
Spider: 5370 0478 7115 (Braixen, Magmar, Larvesta) Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:17:50 No. 15078298 Report Quoted By:
>>15078200 yes it is from the female, and I have supersizes are you just looking for size or specific IV/natures? what are you trading?
Quoted By:
>Barbaracle >Aegislash >Mega Ampharos >Hitmontop >Heliolisk >Talonflame Does this sound like a usable team?
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
Quoted By:
>>15078127 No clawitzers here sorry, that was one a gift so didn't breed any myself.
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388
Vespa [Y] (Quilladin, Tangela, Swadloon): 5386-8102-4388 Wed 23 Oct 2013 19:18:18 No. 15078318 Report Quoted By:
>>15078216 I'll hang on to her for ya.
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
Quoted By:
>>15077892 Just make me an offer of another shiny, I don't care much for it. I want a shiny I might actually put on my team. I'd make a request but I feel like the things I ask for are too much to ask for in comparison to ledyba.
2723-9152-8056 Britt<3
Quoted By:
>>15075470 I have shiny female corsola