Im giving away some extra bred eggs, about 4-5 of each. If you want a specific gender request, but if i throw up wrong gender in the offer window it means i dont have what you want left. Dratini: Adamant, Marvel Scale Togepi: Timid, Serene Grace (all males, took forever to get female to breed nasty plot onto) Shellder: Adamant, Skill Link (rock blast) Scyther: Adamant, Technician I have the ability to get Wish Eevees right now, but that would require a real trade for something I need since they are not already bred. I will also soon have timid, nasty plot togepis (fuck dusk stones and honchcrow lol) I plan to come back tomorrow to giveaway a couple wish eevees and nasty plot togepis, but i prob wont have too many unless people request now.
Nate 1435-4545-1114
I'll take a togepi if you don't mind.
Moamin 5215-0061-1928
Can I have a Dratini please?
Alex 1220 - 7305 - 1173
Could I have an Adamant Dratini w/ Marvel Scale and Adamant Technician Scyther?
2680-9742-5303 If you got some syther and toge eggs left
Erio - 1005 9533 6776
2148-8255-3214 PhanpyDugtrioDiggersby
Ill do trades in order of posting, give me 5 mins to get the friend codes added.
>>15091861 >>15091920 >>15091921 >>15092019 Anonymous
Quoted By:
Any chance you could toss a scyther and/or nasty plot togepi at me? Also, I am a tard. For Friend Codes, do you use your DS's name or your trainer's name?
3883-5572-3569 Gregory Togepi Please...
Jess: 2552-1642-9491 (Klang, Excadrill, Magneton)
Jess: 2552-1642-9491 (Klang, Excadrill, Magneton) Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:20:25 No. 15092191 Report I would love a Togepi and Dratini. I have Fennekin's with Magician and Blaze (Timid) with 5/6 perf IVs.
3050-7669-0872 (Fire-Ponyta,Braxien,Slugma)
3050-7669-0872 (Fire-Ponyta,Braxien,Slugma) Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:21:17 No. 15092235 Report Quoted By:
Could I get a marvel scale Dratini?
Tom 3196-3643-9542
Quoted By:
shellder please
Joe 0103-9779-1341 [Ghost - Litwick, Phantump, Golurk]
Joe 0103-9779-1341 [Ghost - Litwick, Phantump, Golurk] Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:22:05 No. 15092280 Report I would love a Shellder, Dratini or Scyther.
would like first choice Togepi if there are any left or Dratini or Shellder.
>>15091773 Only currently breeding scyther
in game name ryan
Quoted By:
>Adamant Dratini Eeh
Justin 0387-9752-5341
Ryan [5386-8472-9786] [Pachirisu Helioptile Galvantula]
Ryan [5386-8472-9786] [Pachirisu Helioptile Galvantula] Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:24:19 No. 15092409 Report Quoted By:
sorry forgot name
>>15092319 Anonymous
Quoted By:
i would love a togepi please :) i dont have much in the way of trade worth sadly but if you have a request i'll see what i can do, thanks! 5300-9145-7627
Martin 0919 - 9764 - 3720 (Mightyena, Sandile, and Sableeye)
Martin 0919 - 9764 - 3720 (Mightyena, Sandile, and Sableeye) Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:24:56 No. 15092443 Report Quoted By:
>>15091773 I'd love sum Scyther and Shellder, since I'm planning to breed both of 'em just like you're doing.
I'm breeding some Whirlind Snorlax right now, if you want one...
W 1822-0233-9254 (Poliwhirl,Floatzel,Octillery)
W 1822-0233-9254 (Poliwhirl,Floatzel,Octillery) Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:25:06 No. 15092454 Report Quoted By:
I'll take a togepi please
2148-8255-3214 PhanpyDugtrioDiggersby
>>15092035 >>15092186 >>15092191 Adding you guys. sorry its going slow i got more responses than i thought
Moamin 5215-0061-1928
Suinzi: 2251-4535-4831 (Paras, Volbeat, Venomoth)
Suinzi: 2251-4535-4831 (Paras, Volbeat, Venomoth) Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:26:29 No. 15092522 Report Would like a Togepi and Scyther if they're still available.
Trilby 2680-9742-5303
Moamin 5215-0061-1928
Jess: 2552-1642-9491 (Klang, Excadrill, Magneton)
Jess: 2552-1642-9491 (Klang, Excadrill, Magneton) Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:28:00 No. 15092596 Report Quoted By:
>>15092490 No problem, thank you.
Quoted By:
>>15091773 I'm up for anything
I'm out of luck with my team as 4 of them need old TMs or move breeding and I already supertrained my dudes before realizing it. I do have a scizor but his speed is lacking cause of the damn nature.
Sunny 1435-4559-9297 Poison (Cascoon/Swalot/Drapion)
Sunny 1435-4559-9297 Poison (Cascoon/Swalot/Drapion) Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:29:11 No. 15092657 Report Quoted By:
Scyther and/or Dratini please
Brandon 3351-4055-8815
Quoted By:
If I could get a Marvel Scale Drat or a Togepi, that'd be great if you wouldn't mind.
Caleb (Dratini, Fraxure, Druddigon) 1461 - 6206 - 2826
Caleb (Dratini, Fraxure, Druddigon) 1461 - 6206 - 2826 Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:30:23 No. 15092716 Report I'd love a Togepi if you still have any ^-^
4785-5415-9770 Isai (Riolu, Sawk, Meditite)
4785-5415-9770 Isai (Riolu, Sawk, Meditite) Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:31:21 No. 15092772 Report Quoted By:
Scyther and Togepi please?
Erio - 1005 9533 6776
Quoted By:
>>15092094 What's your IGN?
Ash 4983 4932 4945 Electric (Electrode Electabuzz ???
99853598 2 Ash 4983 4932 4945 Electric (Electrode Electabuzz ??? Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:31:48 No. 15092790 Report Quoted By:
Can i have your timid togepi? Anything special you want for one?
Moo 2337-3424-7993
Quoted By:
Is it possible if I could get a Scyther if you still have them?
Quoted By:
>>15092366 If you run out of scythers, can I get a dratini?
Fetus 2535-5022-5696 [Cacturne, Vullaby, Absol]
Fetus 2535-5022-5696 [Cacturne, Vullaby, Absol] Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:34:30 No. 15092922 Report Quoted By:
Any Scythers left?
Quoted By:
>>15091773 Thank you so much. :')
Erio - 1005 9533 6776
Quoted By:
>>15091773 Ty OP, that Rotom has 4 perfect IVs.
I can't find a Dratini with DW anywhere op, you are my savior. Please? 1950 - 8708 - 2183 Ness
Jess: 2552-1642-9491 (Klang, Excadrill, Magneton)
Jess: 2552-1642-9491 (Klang, Excadrill, Magneton) Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:39:42 No. 15093177 Report I talked to the breeding guy right as you started the trade, OP. Sorry. D: What's your IGN?
2148-8255-3214 PhanpyDugtrioDiggersby
>>15092522 Togepi
>>15092716 Togepi
>>15092191 Togepi and dratini
Those would leave me with scythers and shellders. reply to this one if you want one of those 2. the whole logging out to log back in for friend codes thing is stupidly slow....
Sunny 1435-4559-9297 Poison (Cascoon/Swalot/Drapion)
Sunny 1435-4559-9297 Poison (Cascoon/Swalot/Drapion) Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:41:42 No. 15093283 Report Fetus 2535-5022-5696 [Cacturne, Vullaby, Absol]
Fetus 2535-5022-5696 [Cacturne, Vullaby, Absol] Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:42:07 No. 15093307 Report >>15093240 Hell yes Scyther
2148-8255-3214 PhanpyDugtrioDiggersby
>>15093125 actually i will give you the last dratini, since jess is getting togepi anyways
Justin 0387-9752-5341
Trilby 2680-9742-5303
Quoted By:
>>15093240 Is there any syther togepi left? I hope I didn't miss my thing logging back in >.<
Tom 3196-3643-9542
>>15093240 I would love a shellder
4897 6000 8197
Quoted By:
>>15093177 I know this is a wrong thread, but can you add me? Would really love a Klang
Fetus 2535-5022-5696 [Cacturne, Vullaby, Absol]
Fetus 2535-5022-5696 [Cacturne, Vullaby, Absol] Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:44:32 No. 15093428 Report Quoted By:
>>15093307 IGN is Hiryu btw
Moo 2337-3424-7993
Quoted By:
>>15093240 Scyther, please!
2148-8255-3214 PhanpyDugtrioDiggersby
Ryu 0576-4216-9230 (ground-camerupt,trapinch)
Ryu 0576-4216-9230 (ground-camerupt,trapinch) Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:45:18 No. 15093470 Report Quoted By:
>>15093324 Can you add me? That's ditto right? I've been looking for one
Jyggalag 2122-6281-9145 /grass tangela/sawsbuck/quiladin
Jyggalag 2122-6281-9145 /grass tangela/sawsbuck/quiladin Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:46:46 No. 15093560 Report Quoted By:
>>15093449 bro, you have any togepi or shellder eggs left? i'd really like both
4785-5415-9770 Isai (Riolu, Sawk, Meditite)
4785-5415-9770 Isai (Riolu, Sawk, Meditite) Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:46:47 No. 15093561 Report Quoted By:
>>15093240 Aww... No Togepi? I'll take a Scyther tough, please!
Martin 0919 - 9764 - 3720 (Mightyena, Sandile, and Sableeye)
Martin 0919 - 9764 - 3720 (Mightyena, Sandile, and Sableeye) Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:47:04 No. 15093577 Report Quoted By:
>>15093240 I want a shellder, and I responded to you a while back >:
Hey OP I'll take any of those Pokemon for any of these if you want. I mostly want Dratini and Eevee if possible. Thanks Gastly (Timid) Houndour (Timid: FlashFire & Early Bird) Espurr F (Modest: Infiltrator) Fennekin (Timid) Charmander with D.Pulse & D.Dance (Modest & Pokerus) Tyrunt with T.Fang,F.Fang,I.Fang& D.Dance (Jolly) Froakie (Modest: Protean) Zorua (Timid) Goomy (Bold: Gooey & Sap Sipper) Larvesta (Timi
2148-8255-3214 PhanpyDugtrioDiggersby
>>15093369 ill add you in about 5 mins. please stand by XD
Jyggalag 2122-6281-9145 /grass tangela/sawsbuck/quiladin
Jyggalag 2122-6281-9145 /grass tangela/sawsbuck/quiladin Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:48:37 No. 15093660 Report Quoted By:
>>15093617 saw you dont have togepis, but i'll so take a sheelder egg if you would give me one
Jess: 2552-1642-9491 (Klang, Excadrill, Magneton)
Jess: 2552-1642-9491 (Klang, Excadrill, Magneton) Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:48:48 No. 15093668 Report >>15093449 Thanks, man. That Fennekin has perfect IVs except for Attack. If you don't want him, he'd probably make great trade fodder. :)
Quoted By:
Would it be greedy to ask for one of each? They all seem so nice, specially the brogepi FC is: 4141-2155-8695
Martin 0919 - 9764 - 3720 (Mightyena, Sandile, and Sableeye)
Martin 0919 - 9764 - 3720 (Mightyena, Sandile, and Sableeye) Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:49:47 No. 15093722 Report Quoted By:
>>15093611 Not OP, but would you like to trade a timid gastly for a snorlax w/ whirlind (male, and whatever nature)
Sunny 1435-4559-9297 Poison (Cascoon/Swalot/Drapion)
Sunny 1435-4559-9297 Poison (Cascoon/Swalot/Drapion) Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:50:33 No. 15093769 Report Quoted By:
Thanks anon!
Quoted By:
>>15093177 Hey I was wondering if I could add you? I needed an Excadrill safari. Mine is Ninetails/pansear/slugma if you are interested.
Quoted By:
>>15093668 Hey I was wondering if I could add you? I needed an Excadrill safari. Mine is Ninetails/pansear/slugma if you are interested.
Faded4dayz: 4871-3568-9550
>>15093617 Can I get a shellder please?
2148-8255-3214 PhanpyDugtrioDiggersby
>>15093369 >>15092280 >>15092319 give me 5 mins then i will get you 3 a shellder each
1779-0294-5105 (Ninetales-Growlithe-Larvesta)
1779-0294-5105 (Ninetales-Growlithe-Larvesta) Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:57:28 No. 15094078 Report Quoted By:
I'd love either a Shellder or a Dratini.
Faded4dayz: 4871-3568-9550
Quoted By:
>>15094002 Oh, my IGN is James too.
Kusabi 4038-7372-4105 [Electric: Pachirisu, Stunfisk, Galvantula]
Kusabi 4038-7372-4105 [Electric: Pachirisu, Stunfisk, Galvantula] Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:59:23 No. 15094170 Report Quoted By:
>>15091773 Can I have a Togepi OP? I can offer you a 5-IV Espurr if you want
Martin 0919 - 9764 - 3720 (Mightyena, Sandile, and Sableeye)
Martin 0919 - 9764 - 3720 (Mightyena, Sandile, and Sableeye) Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:59:37 No. 15094180 Report Quoted By:
>>15094074 OP, how many shellders do you have left, do you want a snorlax w/ whirlind? I've been asking for a shellder for a while, I'm scared that there will be no shellders left >:
Fetus 2535-5022-5696 [Cacturne, Vullaby, Absol]
Fetus 2535-5022-5696 [Cacturne, Vullaby, Absol] Thu 24 Oct 2013 00:59:54 No. 15094194 Report Quoted By:
>>15094074 my IGN is Hiryu, in case you didn't see
Jyggalag 2122-6281-9145 /grass tangela/sawsbuck/quiladin
Jyggalag 2122-6281-9145 /grass tangela/sawsbuck/quiladin Thu 24 Oct 2013 01:01:40 No. 15094290 Report Quoted By:
>>15094074 i can offer sheer force bagon or timid larvesta for the shellder, btw.
Tom 3196-3643-9542