>>1509441210/10 would be main team
>>15096000me2/10 blaze it faggot
>>150966369/10 should have been what happened, fuck all three 'zards
>>1509707610/10 for Jesus-tier Normal/Dragon Dunsparce Mega-evo
>>1509725918/10 Mega-Weavile for permanent OU king
>>15099328Mega Kecleon
>>15100150As a shiny Octillery owner I support this
>>15101553>>151016598/10 for Ground/Ghost Parental Bond Mega Marowak
>>151043557/10 those abilities are a tad too drastic, take bite moves away from Neurotoxin and Normal away from Super Slice and that's a 9/10
>>151049159/10 Noctowl knows best
The rest of you have HORRIBLE ideas and should be burned at the stake
>Mega Aerodactyl Z>Rock/Dragon>Sand Stream>Cranks Attack and Defence>Actually looks coolalso
>Mega Typhlosion>Fire/Ground>Multiscale>Cranks Attack and Special Defence, boost to HPyou're all welcome