But Pinsir's Mega-evo completely blows MegaHeracross out of the water. MHeracross gets an ability that it can't utilize very well at all, and it gets slower. On Pinsir's side, it gets a strong ability and becomes much more of a Bug monster.
>>15095662 MHeracross gets Pin Missile, Rock Blast, Bullet Seed. Those first two, along with Close Combat, give him pretty good coverage.
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross) Thu 24 Oct 2013 01:40:26 No. 15096147 Report >>15095956 Yup. Also Megahera has 185 base attack and 110/100 defenses. All Pinsir gets from Bug/Flying is sneaky pebbles up the ass.
>>15096147 Pinsir takes 25% (or 20% if the nerf to 10% for pebbles was true) then goes Mega.
>Airealate Quick Attack on MegaHera after SD kek
Quoted By:
>>15095390 As the only guy I know/have ever seen online using Mega Pinsir, I can tell you it really is not that good. Its ability can honestly be considered worse than Moxie and Aerialate is meh when you compare it to the abilities most of the other megas get.
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross) Thu 24 Oct 2013 01:45:57 No. 15096470 Report >>15096293 Obviously, MegaHera will lose in a fight one-on-one with MegaPinsir, no one's questioning that. On the other hand, Hera will be more viable competitively.
Also, all the SR nerf stuff was fake. Bug/Flying still takes 50%.
>>15095390 As someone who has actually been using a mega pinsir online, it's actually really good.
Flying thrash is not to be understimated.
STAB flying quick attack is also crazy.
After a single SD there's not much that can stand up to you. Skarmory is the big thing to watch out for.
But mega blaziken? Aegislash? They get wrecked.
>>15096470 >On the other hand, Hera will be more viable competitively. Considering Mega Pinsir is one of the only two existing checks to Mega fucking Blaziken
I sincerely doubt Mega Heracross, who is weaker than Band/Gutscross and slower than Scarfcross (or even normal heracross), and isn't immune to status, is going to be more competitively viable. You're losing so many of Heracross's best assets. With Pinsir, it's a straight upgrade, and being a pure bug means when it switches in the first time, it has a 25% weakness to Rock. It can switch in twice easily. That's assuming no recovery options at all like Wish.
As far as it goes now
>Mega Pinsir >Heracross >Mega Heracross >Pinsir Anonymous
>>15096567 >Stab Flying Quick Attack Why not just use a Gale Force Talonflame, and get Priority Acrobatics?
>>15096567 Would you suggest I get rid of Quick Attack on mine for Thrash? I can't get Quick Attack back since its an egg move and I'm scared of deleting it.
Currently I'm running
-Quick Attack
-Storm Throw
-Stone Edge
>>15096686 Move Relearner in case you fuck up still works for eggmoves right?
>>15096656 Because Flying Gem isn't available yet and Mega Pinsir has more use than the niche of just having priority flying
>>15096686 You can re-learn egg moves. But why Storm Throw when this gen, Crits only do 1.5x damage?
You definitely want to keep Quick Attack though.
>>15096736 Do YOU want to take that risk for me?
Quoted By:
>>15096686 Should have bred Close Combat on it. I'm running
>X Scissor >Close Combat >Quick Attack >Swords Dance >252 Atk >252 Spd >4 HP Should I drop SD for Stone Edge?
>>15096747 Crits only do 1.5 damage? I thought it was 120 BP after being buffed to 60 power.
Hmm.. Maybe the 30 BP down from Close Combat could be worth it. I really want to use Storm Throw since its pretty exclusive and its hard enough to convince myself to make Pinsir a staple in my team.
On the positive side this will make Blizzard a lot better than Ice Breath on my aurorus once I get that stupid ability capsule for Snow Warning on it.
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>>15096754 I mean you can delete it, check if you can relearn it, and soft reset if you can't right?
>>15096747 Acrobatics is still 110 Base Power without a flying gem. I know Mega Pinsir has different uses, but as far as its ability goes, is easily outclassed by Galeforce in general. Not suggesting one or the other, but I'm saying maybe rely on Pinsir for different things, and not making it like Flying Type Quick attack is a determining factor.
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>>15096902 They nerf crits damge but higher crits chance for hax move like Nightslash.
Farfetch'd holding a sticking using high crit rate move will have 100% crit rate now Anonymous
>>15096686 Close combat is better than storm throw. X-Scissor isn't very useful, because even with STAB it's only as strong as CC. You really want EQ on there somewhere for Aegislash.
My set:
Quick Attack
Swords Dance
If you don't want to set up, add CC. If you don't like thrash, use return. Sadly getting double edge isn't possible yet, and it'll be a hassle to get when it is.
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross) Thu 24 Oct 2013 01:57:34 No. 15097027 Report >>15096634 How is it weaker than Band Heracross? If anything the attack power should be about the same, and Mega Hera has the option to use Swords Dance or Bulk Up. The Mega form ALSO has the bulk to actually use those moves without getting OHKO'd (unlike regular Hera).
It doesn't matter if it's slower, it's supposed to be a bulky physical attacker now.
>>15096902 >Crits only do 1.5 damage? I thought it was 120 BP after being buffed to 60 power. 1.5x damage in Gen 6 now because they boosted crit rate.
Though, that boost is pretty scary. A Farfetch'd holding a stick using Slash, Leaf Blade, or any of those types of moves will crit 100% of the time.
>>15096902 Ability Capsule doesn't work for Hidden Abilities. Sorry.
>>15095390 >M-Heracross outclassing M-Pinsir Anonymous
>>15096977 This mega just sounds worse and worse overtime... Its main STAB attack isn't even useful. And I'm not just taking your word for it, I already know I almost never use X-Scissor on my own.
You can only get CC on it through breeding? That's going to be a huge pain in the ass, mines level 66, fully EV trained and everything. God dammit, do you have a good pinsir to trade me by any chance?
Quoted By:
>>15096977 What are the pros and cons of using CC over Thrash? I like the set though. Sucks that I have Pinsir in my own Safari, but all my buddies havn't beaten the game.
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>>15096634 Pretty much this. Mega Pinsir is an absolute beast. Stealth Rocks can be removed if your team is set up right since it hasent stopped Volcorona from being OU. I dont really know if Mega Pinsir will go OU, but he certainly got the better deal when it came to Mega Evolutions. It was about time Pinsir beat Heracross at something.
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross) Thu 24 Oct 2013 02:00:12 No. 15097160 Report >>15097029 >Farfetch'd >scary >>15096984 Oh look, it's inferior Scolipede
>>15097061 No way, really? Why the fuck would you ever grind 200 BP for one if it wont even get hidden abilities. Its quicker and easier to reraise the god damn pokemon with the proper ability at that point.
I have to find someone with an Aurorus safari?
Does anyone have a picture of mega-hera from the side. I am really hoping that the lower horn doesn't look like a stupid nose.
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross) Thu 24 Oct 2013 02:02:12 No. 15097257 Report >>15097064 I starting to believe you people just see that MPinsir beats MHera one-on-one, and assume it's the better pokemon.
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross) Thu 24 Oct 2013 02:03:24 No. 15097308 Report Quoted By:
>>15097223 Who gives a fuck how it looks. It's there to rip asses not win a beauty contest.
>>15097257 I did damage calcs. +2 Flying Quick Attack vs M-Hera is an almost guarenteed 1HKO. Guarenteed with SR.
>>15097027 >How is it weaker than Band Heracross? If anything the attack power should be about the same Guts.
Mega Heracross caps at 515. Regular Heracross caps at 574.5 because it's a modifier to the total stat rather than just the base. Then at that point it's immune to poison, burn, sleep, paralysis, and freeze if you're that unlucky.
>and Mega Hera has the option to use Swords Dance or Bulk Up. >The Mega form ALSO has the bulk to actually use those moves without getting OHKO'd (unlike regular Hera). >It doesn't matter if it's slower, it's supposed to be a bulky physical attacker now. Except that bulk is meaningless when it has all those weaknesses to Fairy, Fire, Psychic, 4x to Flying, etc.
You can get Heracross behind a sub and do the same as well, with leftovers recovery so it can actually be bulky.
The only thing Mega Heracross has going for it is breaking subs. At that point you're much better off with a Cloyster or even a Mega Kangaskhan.
>>15097324 >>15097257 I find it hilarious that you just proved this guys point exactly. I don't even understand why you read his post and thought he was arguing against the fact that Mega Pinsir would kill Mega Heracross.
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>>15097160 >inferior Scolipede I'll give you that, but I just like his design so much. I don't play competitively so he's good enough in my book.
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross) Thu 24 Oct 2013 02:08:09 No. 15097497 Report >>15097332 So which is more powerful?
>Max attack Mega Hera (skill link) Pin Missle >Max attack regular Hera (guts activated) Megahorn Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>15097497 >Mega Heracross caps at 515. Regular Heracross caps at 574.5 >Pin missile has 125 base power with all hits >Megahorn has 120 base power I sincerely doubt that 5 base power can account for that 60 higher attack.
But for the sake of things
>252+ Atk Guts Heracross Megahorn vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Garchomp: 328-387 (91.62 - 108.1%) -- 50% chance to OHKO >252+ Atk Skill Link Heracross Bullet Seed (5 hits) vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Garchomp: 305-365 (85.19 - 101.95%) -- 18.75% chance to OHKO For the sake of things, I made Bullet Seed Bug type, obviously.
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>>15095390 I solo'd almost all of gen 6 with nothing but a Shedinja.
Joe 2535-3651-3054 (Wooper-Palpitoad-Marowak)
Joe 2535-3651-3054 (Wooper-Palpitoad-Marowak) Thu 24 Oct 2013 02:21:08 No. 15098140 Report >>15097107 I'll send you a pair. Jolly with perfect attack IVs.
>>15098140 Isn't Jolly worse than Adamant?
Not being rude, this is the first gen I've ever attempted to be competitive with pokemon.
I'll post my friend code in a minute, I have to take a gigantic shit. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>15098198 Worse in Attack, but not all your attacks are Quick Attack and you have a fuckton of offense already anyway. You're also sort of weak to a lot of things and if you're using close combat or something, you don't want to die before you can even land it.
Joe 2535-3651-3054 (Wooper-Palpitoad-Marowak)
Joe 2535-3651-3054 (Wooper-Palpitoad-Marowak) Thu 24 Oct 2013 02:24:32 No. 15098306 Report >>15098198 I prefer Jolly because there aren't many things that the extra power helps with, but the extra speed beats some key threats.
I mean, a lot of people don't seem to realize that it's got 105 base speed, which is pretty good.
Uh. Take your time. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>15097257 It's not even that, it's that Mega Heracross is... too slow to sweep like its non-mega self. It's more of a wallbreaker (with GODLY attack, but that's lost because normal heracross gets guts/choice band). Mega Pinsir gets great speed, and has that flying quick attack going for it. It's more of a sweeper type, and is better than its non-mega self.
>>15098306 Could I have one too?
Joe 2535-3651-3054 (Wooper-Palpitoad-Marowak)
Joe 2535-3651-3054 (Wooper-Palpitoad-Marowak) Thu 24 Oct 2013 02:28:52 No. 15098507 Report >>15098435 Sure. I hatched around 840 looking for a shiny, so I have pinsirs to spare.
>>15098306 Alright back, I feel better now. 2766 8870 9285. Dakota.
Also, if anyone in this thread happens to have a Manectric stone they don't want I'll do anything for it.
>>15098306 Also, do they have CC and Quick Attack? And Moxie?
Quoted By:
>>15098539 >Moxie Why would that even matter if you're going to mega evolve and change to aerialate the first turn 90% of the time?
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross) Thu 24 Oct 2013 02:33:55 No. 15098769 Report >>15098515 I have one. Any stones you're trading?
>>15098507 Not that there's anything wrong with ir, but I kinda wanted a male to breed a shiny one.
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081 [Aipom Loudred Ditto]
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081 [Aipom Loudred Ditto] Thu 24 Oct 2013 02:35:57 No. 15098882 Report >>15096634 How the heck does Bug/Flying check Fire/Fighting
>>15098769 I'll get you anything you want from Y. Even if I really want it, I think I'll want Manectric more than anything else you could ask of me.
I have not bothered to get any of them yet though since I don't care about most of the megas, but i'll give you one of my main guys as collateral and get you what you want tommorow if thats ok?
Mega heracross is shit. totally out classed by moxie scarf heracross.
Joe 2535-3651-3054 (Wooper-Palpitoad-Marowak)
Joe 2535-3651-3054 (Wooper-Palpitoad-Marowak) Thu 24 Oct 2013 02:36:29 No. 15098903 Report >>15098806 Ah, you should have mentioned, I could have sent a pair. Just give me a sec to give the other guy a couple and I'll send you a male as well.
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross) Thu 24 Oct 2013 02:40:02 No. 15099092 Report >>15098882 +2 Quick Attack rapes it, apparently.
>>15098885 >opinions >>15098883 Would you do it for Aggronite? It's really easy to get, just set your 3DS to 8 pm or whatever, go to cyledge town and grab it out of the gym there. It'd probably take like <10 minutes.
>>15098903 Sorry I'm doing things so slowly, I'm trying to talk someone out of suicide while I do this.
>>15099092 I hate to do it man but you've got my arm twisted. I'll get on it now. Add me in the meantime.
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross) Thu 24 Oct 2013 02:43:54 No. 15099309 Report Joe 2535-3651-3054 (Wooper-Palpitoad-Marowak)
Joe 2535-3651-3054 (Wooper-Palpitoad-Marowak) Thu 24 Oct 2013 02:44:00 No. 15099318 Report Quoted By:
>>15099093 Jeez man, you must really want that pinsir.
Still, good luck with that.
Anastatius(Lenneth) 3136-7730-8967
>>15098140 Do you mind if I get a pair as well? I hate to ask but I just started breeding pinsirs for a bug trio team and it would help a lot
>>15099309 I just remembered I gave away my aggronite to get the stupid Pinsirite... Is there anything else I can do for you?
Quoted By:
>>15099531 Pls respond, without you I'll likely not be able to find someone willing to give up their Manectric stone for months.
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross) Thu 24 Oct 2013 02:51:13 No. 15099732 Report >>15099531 Eh. I guess I'd take Charizardite Y for it?
>>15099732 God dammit I took blastoise. How about a Toxic Spike skrelp with a Mewtwonite Y? I have Adament Bulletproof Chespins. I have a japanese Ditto.
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross) Thu 24 Oct 2013 02:53:49 No. 15099887 Report >>15099732 Or Mewtwo Y, whichever you prefer.
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross) Thu 24 Oct 2013 02:54:54 No. 15099942 Report Quoted By:
>>15099876 Sure deal. There's no sense in hoarding it from someone who likes the pokemon.
>Pinsir is my all time favorite Pokemon, used it in every gen >not really that great, some pretty crushing disappointment in gen 2, but love conquers all. >finally gets an iota of attention paid to it Well... I mean, it isn't what I was hoping for, and this means it'll never get a regular evolution. But I guess I should be happy they remembered it existed. Also it looks cool.
Quoted By:
>>15099887 I've got a Toxic Spikes skrelp fully EV trained holding Mewtwonite Y waiting for you. My name is Dakota so get online and I'll send it over.
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross) Thu 24 Oct 2013 02:56:42 No. 15100030 Report >>15099964 K. Can you initiate the trade?
>>15100030 Whats your in game name? I don't know who is who because most of my friends are random people in /vp/ I never talk to.
Quoted By:
>>15097436 This had me laughing hard until I noticed someone was just pulling the cats tail.
>>15099507 Pls Joe
It'd save me an assload of time
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross) Thu 24 Oct 2013 03:00:59 No. 15100252 Report Quoted By:
>>15100118 Ah, I got ya. Thanks for the trade.
>>15097324 do you have brain damage, or is this just bait?
Quoted By:
>>15100030 Thanks, now I don't have to worry about how to maximize Pinsir's effectiveness because I can just use a better mega.
Now I must adjust my team. If I get rid of Pinsir for Manectric...
who gets the axe for Escavalier? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>15099949 Maybe next gen will be retyping gen. Pinsir could get Bug/Ground or Bug/Fighting as it's normal type. Stay strong fellow Pinsirbro. Hope they keep Megas forever.
>>15100254 How so? Swords Dance STAB flying Quick Attack is a OHKO vs M-Hera.
>>15100729 How are you this stupid?
OMG stupid people be stupid.
Quoted By:
>>15100818 >calls someone stupid >no reason why You're as bad as people who post ambigous posts on Facebook saying "you know who you are"
Look kid, you've obviously not read these posts. The reason is all there. Nuff said.
>>15100943 >>15101087 >not knowing how to respond to people >putting your trip/name on and off >>>/out/
>>15101299 Bro, you got it all wrong. I know how to respond to people. It's called being lazy.
>>15101715 >hurg a durg I'm retarded >gets called out >b-baka! I w-was only p-p-pretending to be retarded Mods why don't you ban these type of people? All they do is shitpost.
Quoted By:
>>15102465 Mods why don't you ban these TYPE of people? All they do is whine and complain.
Quoted By:
I'm sick of both of them. I want new beetle Pokemon already. We get new butterflies every fucking year, where's all the beetles? And Escavalier is a goddamn knight so don't go there.
Joe 2535-3651-3054 (Wooper-Palpitoad-Marowak)
Joe 2535-3651-3054 (Wooper-Palpitoad-Marowak) Thu 24 Oct 2013 03:57:17 No. 15102967 Report Quoted By:
>>15100246 If you're still around, I can send you a pair.
>>15097181 There is no Aurorus safari.
We only know it gets Snow Warning from the Battle Maison, where some NPC uses one.
Quoted By:
>>15104738 I was wondering if I was the only one who knew that.