Had a random guy challenge me while I was catching Ditto for breeding purposes. Agreed and went into the fight with Hawlucha (knowing only hi-jump kick, fly, false swipe and hone claws at the time), two ditto and a Magikarp. He must have seen my party and decided to only use a team of 3, which was Mewtwo, Blaziken and Xerneas. I sent Ditto out first, hoping one of them had imposter to copy one of his good Pokemon, but no luck. They were both dispatched. Unfortunately, he made the mistake of Mega Evolving Mewtwo, giving it a weakness to flying. Hawlucha went in and easily outsped it. I had forgotten Acrobatics to teach it False Swipe for catching purposes, so it was all I had. He switched in Xerneas, and it got wiped out in a lucky critical hit. (Is Xerneas that weak on defense?). After that, it was a fly-fest. He disconnected when his Blaziken was about to get spanked.
tl;dr: An unprepared Hawlucha mopped up some online fag's team of "ubers". Instant bro status achieved.