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No.15125516 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Legendary birds
Protectors of the Dynamics of the Ocean

Representation of the flaws of Humanity
Also represents failed genetic manipulation

Representation of the innocence of Humanity
Also represents the progenitor of the common Pokémon

>Legendary trio of Gen II (so don't fucking discuss WHAT they are)
Represent protection of the common Pokémon

Represents the guardian of the Sky
Master of the Gen II trio

Represents the guardian of the Sea
Master of the legendary birds

Protector of time and forests

Keeper of Regigigas

Gender equality fighters

>Weather trio
Masters of the Sea, Land and Sky
Lugia & Ho-Oh are underneath these

Representation of alien life

Represenation of Wishes

>Dialga, Palkia, Giratina
Masters of Time & Space & Antimatter

>Pixie trio
Representation and Progenitors of Willpower, Emotion and Wisdom

>Lunar Duo
Representation of Dreams and Nightmares
Representations of the Full & Crescent moon

Masters of Volcanos

Former of Continents
Master of the regi's

Protector of the Sea
Is underneath Lugia

Assistant of Manaphy

Representation of Gratitude

PokéGod. Nuf" said.