Quoted By:
thank you 2277 6694 0125 Will add other repliers
Kevin 0516-7288-1815
Got a pretty good Hustle NidoranM in a trade, 31 in everything but Def/SpA. He needs a NidoranF to breed with. Adamant GW Fletchling or Protean Froakie?
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15142208 Already have both, so anything is fine
sweet! I love nidorans, how does timid/hustle help? 2723 9660 7347
Jojo 3136-6608-0246
May I have one of each? I'll try to get you a Gooey Goomy.
Kevin 0516-7288-1815
>>15142301 Huh, already have your code. You're probably the one who gave me the male.
Kevin 0516-7288-1815
Quoted By:
>>15142405 Wait, must have had a typo. I'll just give you a derp with pokerus instead.
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15142304 When you evolve them into Nidoking/Queen they get Sheer Force.
Timid is great if you are building them as SpA rather than Att.
Kevin 0516-7288-1815
Quoted By:
>>15142493 They both got a boost in Atk, so physical might actually be better than special now.
Depends how many physical moves they have for Sheer Force though.
>>15142493 oh lawds, well id like a couple, male and female if possible plz do you need my name to add me, im new to 3ds < u> Psycho is the name btw
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15142688 I'll need your 3DS friend code, which you get when you go to the home screen, press the smiley face up the top. You have to add me as well.
3394-4557-5113 (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
3394-4557-5113 (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Fri 25 Oct 2013 01:45:12 No. 15142982 Report I would forever be your fan for a Male I can use in a Mix set.
>>15142833 yeah i added you, this is mine
2723 9660 7347
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Quoted By:
>>15142208 Your female is ready.
laine 1736 1206 9478
>>15142073 Fucking NEED
I would love a male, if you can spare one.
I can trade you for a hidden ability Chlorophyll Bulbasaur.
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey)
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey) Fri 25 Oct 2013 01:51:49 No. 15143318 Report Hey OP, do you want Adamant Maril with Aqua Jet and Belly Drum?
Quoted By:
>>15142073 hey op, I have a batch of protean froakies if ya want one for either.
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Hey OP, are Nidoran from the Safari or can you get them in hordes?
Joel 1289-9621-8168
>>15142073 I'd enjoy both! or at least a female one.
popescu 3582-9521-9946 (paras, beautifly, vivillon)
popescu 3582-9521-9946 (paras, beautifly, vivillon) Fri 25 Oct 2013 01:58:29 No. 15143651 Report >>15142073 oh i'd like to get a male one if it isn't too much trouble, do you want a rotom?
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey)
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey) Fri 25 Oct 2013 01:58:31 No. 15143656 Report >>15143485 added! I'll be runing around the daycare while waiting for your invite
Kevin 0516-7288-1815
>>15143318 I would actually really love one of those too.
Do you want a ProFroakie or a GW Fletchling?
That's about all I have right now.
Quoted By:
>>15142073 Can I have your absolute shittiest ones for the sake of dex completion?
Jon 3153-4573-2922
Quoted By:
Got any spare female nidorans left OP? Can you name her Nina for me? Got a good poke to give ya in return.
Tom Honk (2165-5898-0055) [Togepi, Spritzee, Floette]
Tom Honk (2165-5898-0055) [Togepi, Spritzee, Floette] Fri 25 Oct 2013 01:59:48 No. 15143723 Report Just wondering, don't attack me - why timid? Isn't Nidoking better as a physical attacker? Is it just to throw people off?
Jarrod 2277-8012-0007
I'd love a Nidoran Male, OP. I have 4IV Fletchlings, Phantumps, Froakies and a bunch of other stuff.
xy laphone 0645-6276-7227 Dark: Mightyena, Sneasel, Absol
xy laphone 0645-6276-7227 Dark: Mightyena, Sneasel, Absol Fri 25 Oct 2013 02:01:27 No. 15143806 Report I have two boxes of Hidden mons. Including a Fletchinder, Eevee, Delphox, Breloom and Frogadier. If there's anything in specific you want just say and I'll check.
Tom Honk (2165-5898-0055) [Togepi, Spritzee, Floette]
Tom Honk (2165-5898-0055) [Togepi, Spritzee, Floette] Fri 25 Oct 2013 02:02:35 No. 15143859 Report Quoted By:
>>15143723 By the way, I wouldn't mind a Male one if you don't mind.
Kevin 0516-7288-1815
>>15143723 Last gen their Atk and SpA weren't much different, but their special movepool had many more moves that benefited from Sheer Force.
But with their boost in Attack this gen, physical may be a little better now.
Jojo 3136-6608-0246
>>15143664 I would actually like a GW Fletchling
Sadly all the DW abilities I have are nothing special just gooey Goomy and adaptability Eevee
Tom Honk (2165-5898-0055) [Togepi, Spritzee, Floette]
Tom Honk (2165-5898-0055) [Togepi, Spritzee, Floette] Fri 25 Oct 2013 02:04:08 No. 15143940 Report Quoted By:
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey)
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey) Fri 25 Oct 2013 02:04:30 No. 15143962 Report >>15143664 I already have both, although I wouldn't mind another fletchling
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15142369 Your Nidorans are ready
Patch 1676-4163-8644
Quoted By:
I'd love a female if you have spare OP, thanks
Desudro 3480-2564-4719 (beartic, snover)
Quoted By:
sweet someone else is keen on nidoking ive breed a perfect one but i havnt decided on final moveset yet what do you plan on using op? earth power and sludge wave is a must i think
3394-4557-5113 (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
3394-4557-5113 (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Fri 25 Oct 2013 02:06:55 No. 15144105 Report I can offer a Water Absorb Palpitoad for a male and be eternally grateful!
Jojo 3136-6608-0246
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199
Quoted By:
>>15142073 I'd love a male one.
I doubt I can offer you anything you don't already have.
If I can get you anything (maybe X exclusives?) that you'd like let me know!
Xevaus - 1461-6220-8127
>>15142073 added op, if you have males left i wouldnt mind one, i have a 4/6 31 IV adamang kangaskhan with scrappy if youd like that?
Cody 4227-1322-6517
Quoted By:
Would enjoy the male. Nidoking is one of my faves.
Kevin 0516-7288-1815
>>15143910 Adaptability or Anticipation? Made the mistake of thinking I caught one with its hidden ability myself.
Gooey Goomy sounds good.
>>15143962 Cool, I'll give you one with decent IVs and pokerus.
Jojo 3136-6608-0246
>>15144211 Oh is Adaptability not special? I'm not that good at this and I'll add you thanks
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey)
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey) Fri 25 Oct 2013 02:14:50 No. 15144543 Report Quoted By:
>>15144211 I already have pokerus too, so it really doesn't matter.
Zazami 2964-8583-3308
>>15142073 I'm so glad you showed up OP I was just about to go for one of these myself. I don't think I have anything to exciting but I do have a spare modest Ditto.
>>15143723 Last Gen Nidoking was a Special Attacker competitively because of Sheer Force and his ridiculous movepool. His Attack got buffed this gen, but special sets will probably still be common by virtue of his diverse movepool
Kevin 0516-7288-1815
>>15144444 Nope, Anticipation is the HA. Eevee's weird because it has 2 regular abilities but all its evolutions only have 1.
Zazami 2964-8583-3308
Jojo 3136-6608-0246
>>15144575 Oh I see I got your Goomy it might not be a good nature I'm not sure what to make Goodra so I dont even have a nature set yet
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey)
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey) Fri 25 Oct 2013 02:21:27 No. 15144873 Report >>15144564 This. He do not really learn physical move that can go along with Sheerforce (Elemental Punch base damage are so low that even with boost it won't do that much damage over special set)
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Hey guys, having some trouble with females. Still breeding though.
3394-4557-5113 (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
3394-4557-5113 (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Fri 25 Oct 2013 02:22:20 No. 15144921 Report Quoted By:
>>15144105 Also friend! If theres any way you could name it Oberon Id be estatic
Jon 3153-4573-2922
Quoted By:
>>15144879 No worries. I'm patient. Sure most of us are.
Kevin 0516-7288-1815
>>15144676 Having trouble getting online for some reason.
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Quoted By:
>>15142688 I have your two.
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey)
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey) Fri 25 Oct 2013 02:23:48 No. 15144984 Report >>15144879 I'm fine with either. Could use ditto if I need the other one.
Jon 3153-4573-2922
>>15144984 Would you mind if I added you for your safari? You could check mine. Think its water but pokemon I don't know.
>>15144873 Nidoking got his attack buffed up to 102. And with Fairies around, his Poison Jab will be in high demand.
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Quoted By:
>>15142982 I have your male.
Jojo 3136-6608-0246
Quoted By:
>>15144968 It's all good thank you Sir
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey)
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey) Fri 25 Oct 2013 02:29:43 No. 15145242 Report >>15145061 I checked the calculator, Special Attack will still do more than Physical attack (if the opponent defense and special defense are equal).
Sludge Bomb do more damage than Poison Jab too.
>>15145038 Sure, but please don't turn this into a safari thread.
Jon 3153-4573-2922
>>15145242 I won't. Trust me they bother me as much as everyone else, couldnt pass up those three pokes. Thanks a bunch.
Zazami 2964-8583-3308
Quoted By:
>>15144879 No rush, I'll be glad just to get one.
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15142982 What's your ingame?
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Quoted By:
>>15143218 Are you still here?
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey)
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey) Fri 25 Oct 2013 02:33:30 No. 15145409 Report >>15145242 Actually I forgot to use the neutral nature in calculation, might need to try again.
3394-4557-5113 (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
3394-4557-5113 (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Fri 25 Oct 2013 02:33:33 No. 15145412 Report Quoted By:
>>15145347 James. 3DS may register as Emily borrowing gf
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Quoted By:
>>15143288 Sounds good. Got a male for you if you are still around.
Desudro 3480-2564-4719 (beartic, snover)
Quoted By:
guise, you should be running special nidos
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15143656 Do you want both?
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15143604 You can get them in hordes
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey)
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey) Fri 25 Oct 2013 02:38:20 No. 15145642 Report >>15145242 >>15145409 Alright +Atk Poison Jab will do more damage than +S.atk Sludge Bomb.
Ice Beam and Flamethrower still triumph over their counterpart though.
>>15145276 You have Floatzel,Bibarel and Frogadier (hope people don't ask your FC in here for this)
>>15145571 Just one
Rez 0860-4475-7150
Quoted By:
>>15142073 Can I have one of dem nidorans(m)?
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey)
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey) Fri 25 Oct 2013 02:41:10 No. 15145778 Report Quoted By:
>>15145571 >>15145624 > Egg hatched > Long ass hatching animation > Empdee want to trade send another trade invite please
;_; Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15143621 Your female is ready
3394-4557-5113 (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb)
3394-4557-5113 (Phantump, Shuppet, Spiritomb) Fri 25 Oct 2013 02:43:00 No. 15145857 Report Quoted By:
Thank you sir. Guess you didnt get my nickname message in time but I am still very thankful!
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15143651 Sounds good. Ready when you are
Jon 3153-4573-2922
Quoted By:
>>15145642 Thanks for checking. I won't encourage safari requests.
If you're still going... I'd love to have a female. I don't have anything worth giving, though...Have yet to beat the game.
Galuf 4811-7432-2494
I'd love to get a Nidoran male, if you have any left. In return, I've got a Jolly Icicle Crash/Stealth Rock Thick Fat 4 IV female Swinub in a Luxury Ball. Hell, if you throw in a female Nidoran I can get you a matching male as well, covering that last IV and overlapping with 3 others. With those two it should be pretty easy to get some perfect ones of your own!
Joel 1289-9621-8168
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Quoted By:
Taking 10 for lunch. Will be back with more! Sorry for taking so long, first giveaway.
Jules 0903-2739-3224
Quoted By:
I'd love a female one. Only hidden ability thing I know I have is Shadow Tag Gothorita.
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15143318 Did you want both, or just one?
Chaos 3797 6762 8963
Quoted By:
>>15145975 Whoops, forgot friend code... here ya go.
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey)
Cleru 1676-4525-3590 (Riolu,Pancham,Mankey) Fri 25 Oct 2013 02:51:33 No. 15146238 Report Quoted By:
popescu 3582-9521-9946 (paras, beautifly, vivillon)
popescu 3582-9521-9946 (paras, beautifly, vivillon) Fri 25 Oct 2013 03:05:55 No. 15146900 Report >>15145878 sorry i had to handle something, just send me a trade request whenever you're ready
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15145975 I have a female for you.
>>15143802 If you are still here, I'll take a Phantump
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15143806 I'll take a Breloom if you are still around
>>15144198 sounds good
Jon 3153-4573-2922
Quoted By:
Did you miss me OP?
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15146900 Whats your ingame?
Senpai 0731-4935-5063 Charmeleon/Magmar/Braixen
Senpai 0731-4935-5063 Charmeleon/Magmar/Braixen Fri 25 Oct 2013 03:15:56 No. 15147325 Report Quoted By:
I need to bro it up with Nidoking I have Timid Protean Froakies, kinda average IVs tho
Elbert Gunn 2423 2322 3016
Quoted By:
Hey, man. I'd like a Male one or a female if you still got any, in that order of preference. Thanks
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Is there anyone still waiting for me? A lot of people are offline. Again, sorry for taking so long.
Galuf 4811-7432-2494
>>15145991 It's been about 30 minutes, just didn't want to get lost in the shuffle. Both Swinub have been set aside, so I won't forget them!
Jon 3153-4573-2922
Jules 0903-2739-3224
>>15147369 I'd still like a female, if possible. I can offer a Shadow Tag Gothorita.
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15146900 Still trying to get a male. Females, females everywhere.
Lumi 3797 6762 8963
>>15147109 Shit, I keep thinking about my game name. Sorry, my FC name is "Lumi" not Chaos.
popescu 3582-9521-9946 (paras, beautifly, vivillon)
popescu 3582-9521-9946 (paras, beautifly, vivillon) Fri 25 Oct 2013 03:19:01 No. 15147439 Report Quoted By:
>>15147292 popescu is my ingame while m-proto is the one attached to my actual friend card if that clear things up
Quoted By:
>>15147369 I'm still waiting warmingly. I'll take a Male and a female. But the male is priority. I have a few things to trade with good IV's including Ditto/Nincada/ and a froakie or two.
Zazami 2964-8583-3308 [Ground]
>>15147369 >I'm still waiting warmingly. I'll take a Male and a female. But the male is priority. I have a few things to trade with good IV's including Ditto/Nincada/ and a froakie or two. Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15147396 What's your ingame?
Quoted By:
>>15147418 ready to trade when you are, im trying to hatch a charmander and a chespin for you m and f niorans if you can please
Jon 3153-4573-2922
Jon 3153-4573-2922
Quoted By:
>>15147511 Nickname it Nina for me if you'd please.
I could go for a male Nidoran. I've got a female Arcanine with Justified, if you'd like that.
Rob 2893-2040-9328
>>15147708 Ingame name is Rob!
jnt 4484-8952-8809
I really want a male nidoran
Galuf 4811-7432-2494
Quoted By:
>>15147511 Would just like to let you know that I've added you, and that the offer from
>>15145991 is still on.
I'd love one. Nidoran(m) is a bretty cool guy. 5515 2986 6311 I can give you the Y-exclusive fossil 'mons, or anything else.
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Can people give me hatching power? It would speed things up :)
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Still trying to get Males, guys.
Jon 3153-4573-2922
Quoted By:
>>15148232 Thanks for the nido. I'd spam hatching power if I had it for ya man. Enjoy the marvel scale tini
jnt 4484-8952-8809
Quoted By:
>>15148232 I can give you that power
Elbert Gunn 2423 2322 3016
>>15148280 I'm ok with a female Nidoran if you got time to spare
Rob 2893-2040-9328
>>15148232 There's a hatching O-Power?
jnt 4484-8952-8809
Quoted By:
>>15148366 yes, but only if you are a stylish mofo
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Quoted By:
>>15146900 finally got a male for you
What is hustle? Is that a new ability for Nidoran?
jnt 4484-8952-8809
>>15148440 Same hidden ability, turns into sheer force when Nidoking
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15147437 your female is ready
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15147414 I have a female for you
Magcarbro 3695-0579-1062
Any left bud? Would love to get my hands on one of each if i could. I have a few dream world pokes but not much. Kalos starters, fletchling, dratini to name a few
Jules 0903-2739-3224
>>15148491 Well shit, I just bred a load of Nidorans with poison point and egg moves.
Is the ability set in stone once they hatch?
Beast - 2707 1704 1191
I'd like a male if you still have any.
jnt 4484-8952-8809
>>15148785 I think in this generation there is an item that lets you change a pokemon ability, but I haven't tried it out myself
Lumi 3797 6762 8963
Quoted By:
>>15148537 Hey, thanks bro. I had no idea what would be even somewhat valuable to you, so I went for broke and traded an Eevee. I hope she might be even vaguely helpful.
Thought that counts, right? Zazami 2964-8583-3308 [Ground]
>>15148871 doesn't work for getting hidden abilities, I heard.
Evan 4914-3223-7287 [Rock: Onix, Dwebble, ??]
Evan 4914-3223-7287 [Rock: Onix, Dwebble, ??] Fri 25 Oct 2013 03:59:38 No. 15149044 Report I have a breeding pair of 5-IV mawiles with the fire fang egg move if you can get me a hustle nidoran
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Evan 4914-3223-7287 [Rock: Onix, Dwebble, ??]
Evan 4914-3223-7287 [Rock: Onix, Dwebble, ??] Fri 25 Oct 2013 04:01:38 No. 15149128 Report >>15149092 I'll give you both, or whichever you want
Evan 4914-3223-7287 [Rock: Onix, Dwebble, ??]
Evan 4914-3223-7287 [Rock: Onix, Dwebble, ??] Fri 25 Oct 2013 04:03:01 No. 15149175 Report Quoted By:
>>15149092 >>15149128 lol i mean a male nidoran
would be nice
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15147750 says friend code is incorrect
Galuf 4811-7432-2494
Quoted By:
>>15149294 If you need the Hatching O-Power, I just got it so I can pass it to you as many times as I can
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Quoted By:
>>15148194 Says friendcode is invalid
Rob 2793-2040-9328
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15147377 Got you a male, finally.
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15147485 if you are still here, I'll take a Ditto. Still trying to get a male.
Zazami 2964-8583-3308 [Ground]
Quoted By:
>>15149683 Great, still hear.
Galuf 4811-7432-2494
Quoted By:
>>15149585 Could I get a female as well? That's what the other Swinub is for, it's also got 4 perfect IVs.
Zazami 2964-8583-3308 [Ground]
Quoted By:
>>15149683 Great, Still here.
jnt 4484-8952-8809
Quoted By:
>>15149585 I requested a male early on the thread, but if you have extra stock on females might I get one too?
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Think they might be getting a bit raw, haven't had an egg for 10 minutes.
jnt 4484-8952-8809
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15149997 I'm feeling sorry for the Nidoran (F). That's a Nidoking in there with her...
Galuf 4811-7432-2494
Quoted By:
>>15150164 Maybe a Nidoran M would make it go faster, if they count as the same species.
0963-0314-5351 Ray
Would you be interested in a male Nidoran with counter and sucker punch? I've never IV bred before now so they're probably not perfect. I'd like a female in return.
Zack 1306-5927-9511 (BUG: Apparently Beautifly and Paras. 3rd Unknown)
Zack 1306-5927-9511 (BUG: Apparently Beautifly and Paras. 3rd Unknown) Fri 25 Oct 2013 04:33:37 No. 15150354 Report Quoted By:
>>15142073 I can't offer much, but I would absolutely love a Nidoran M with Hustle. I've always wanted a Nidoking on my team and this seems like the gen to try out using my fave pokemon. Thank you in advance Empdee bro!
mancubus 3222 6305 8649 (Drowzee, Sigilyph, ???)
mancubus 3222 6305 8649 (Drowzee, Sigilyph, ???) Fri 25 Oct 2013 04:38:39 No. 15150574 Report Quoted By:
>>15142073 Still giving away thos bro? Need a male Nidoran, but don't have anything interesting to give. :(
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Quoted By:
Anyone got any O Power left for Egg?
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15148065 I have a male for you now
Lumi 3797 6762 8963
>>15148957 Th-there's an item this glorious?
Rob 2793-2040-9328
>>15150649 I'm still waiting as well.
If anyone doesn't already know, Venomoth with Quiver Dance, Sleep Powder, and Baton pass is a really good partner for Nidoking. I've had a lot of success with these two, even in OU.
Zazami 2964-8583-3308 [Ground]
>>15150663 Yes, you get at the Battle Maison.
jnt 4484-8952-8809
Quoted By:
>>15150649 will hit trade now then
Quoted By:
>>15150663 200 BP at the Battle Maison. Cant into hidden abilities, but you can swap between regular ones by using the capsule. Yes.
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15150736 Zazami is next
>>15150732 Then Rob
>>15148850 If you are still here
>>15148682 If you are still here
>>15148318 If you are still here
Have I missed anyone?
Michiko (0146-9237-1094)
>>15142073 Could you send a female one? I have a Modest White Flower Flabebe I can part with.
jnt 4484-8952-8809
Quoted By:
>>15150910 thanks bro, will spam some hatch power while I search for safari fodder
raLf 4871-4427-8138
>>15142073 Hey op bless me with a male nidoran all I got to offer is a Froakie with 31 ivs in attack
Evan 4914-3223-7287 [Rock: Onix, Dwebble, ??]
Evan 4914-3223-7287 [Rock: Onix, Dwebble, ??] Fri 25 Oct 2013 04:48:48 No. 15151005 Report Quoted By:
>>15150910 I'm still waiting. I dont really care if its a female or male, as long as it has hustle
Zazami 2964-8583-3308 [Ground]
>>15150910 I'm ready when you are. Just tell me when.
0963-0314-5351 Ray
Quoted By:
>>15150910 Not sure if you saw my post
>>15150304 I've also got a load top percentage Sentrets if you want one of those for some odd reason.
Beast - 2707 1704 1191
Quoted By:
>>15150910 Yeah I'm still here. Thanks
Megumi 0791-1531-4420 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Krabby)
Megumi 0791-1531-4420 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Krabby) Fri 25 Oct 2013 04:52:06 No. 15151143 Report oh man I really would love one if you still have any left! male or female is cool by me either way, I don't have much to offer in return but if you have any left I will take it
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15151057 have a male. just waiting on female
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Ok guys, will not be accepting any new requests after this post (THIS ONE) unless its for an Adamant Murkrow with Prankster/Moxie, been at this for a few hours now, bleeding thumbs, carpal tunnel, yada yada.
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15150732 Rob. Your male is ready.
raLf 4871-4427-8138
>>15150999 This was my first post before the cut off op but mostly dem trips
>>15151227 Im so sorry I need a female not male op
Prism 5327-1055-0969
>>15142073 I'd rather have a Jolly one personally. How did you get hustle? Lucky in a horde or something?
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Quoted By:
>>15151514 That's Zazami, not you.
Rob 2793-2040-9328
Quoted By:
>>15151473 Alright, I'm online and I've added you.
Kaiser (Fraxure, Noibat, Druddigon) - 1650 - 1821 - 3652
Kaiser (Fraxure, Noibat, Druddigon) - 1650 - 1821 - 3652 Fri 25 Oct 2013 05:04:53 No. 15151625 Report Quoted By:
>>15142073 Anyone still around? I would LOVE to have one!
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15151545 I hunted hordes for it.
Kaiser (Fraxure, Noibat, Druddigon) - 1650 - 1821 - 3652
Kaiser (Fraxure, Noibat, Druddigon) - 1650 - 1821 - 3652 Fri 25 Oct 2013 05:06:32 No. 15151692 Report >>15142073 If you're still around, I wouldn't mind a Hustle Nidoran Male!
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15151692 >>15151317 Do you have that which I seek?
Kaiser (Fraxure, Noibat, Druddigon) - 1650 - 1821 - 3652
Kaiser (Fraxure, Noibat, Druddigon) - 1650 - 1821 - 3652 Fri 25 Oct 2013 05:08:53 No. 15151777 Report Quoted By:
>>15151746 Nope, didn't see the post. Alright, thanks anyway.
Prism 5327-1055-0969
>>15151643 Lucky bastard, I'm trying to find intimidate scraggy's in a horde but I always pick wrong and end up with Moxie
raLf 4871-4427-8138
Quoted By:
Op I need both male and female for breeding sorry to spaghetti like this on your boss thread
>>15151818 Why not just let them down your party head? Each one with moxie should give off an aura when that happens.
Prism 5327-1055-0969
Quoted By:
>>15151861 That makes to much sense
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15151057 It's go time. Got your two.
Zazami 2964-8583-3308 [Ground]
>>15151977 I'm ready, and I got you added.
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15152001 What name are you using?
Zazami 2964-8583-3308 [Ground]
>>15152028 Sasami, and you?
Brandon 3351-4055-8815
>>15142073 OP, could I take one timid of each? I have some Timid Charmanders with Dragon Pulse, MM'ing for a black, so I could give you one.
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Quoted By:
>>15152049 Empdee. I figured that was it, but wanted to make sure.
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15152049 Says you are offline. Let me know when you are back
Evan 4914-3223-7287 [Rock: Onix, Dwebble, ??]
Evan 4914-3223-7287 [Rock: Onix, Dwebble, ??] Fri 25 Oct 2013 05:20:28 No. 15152137 Report Zazami 2964-8583-3308 [Ground]
Quoted By:
>>15152121 Thank you very much. Take care and good night.
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Quoted By:
>>15152063 Actually I do want that Charmander.
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
Quoted By:
hey OP u got a nidoran still?
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Quoted By:
>>15148318 Your female is ready
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Quoted By:
>>15150982 your female is ready
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15152137 I have a female for you
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Quoted By:
>>15151143 I have a female for you as well
Evan 4914-3223-7287 [Rock: Onix, Dwebble, ??]
Evan 4914-3223-7287 [Rock: Onix, Dwebble, ??] Fri 25 Oct 2013 05:48:29 No. 15152927 Report >>15152884 ok, I've added you already
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15152927 What ingame name are you using?
Evan 4914-3223-7287 [Rock: Onix, Dwebble, ??]
Evan 4914-3223-7287 [Rock: Onix, Dwebble, ??] Fri 25 Oct 2013 05:50:18 No. 15152976 Report Quoted By:
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15148850 Beast, I have a male for you
Beast - 2707 1704 1191
Quoted By:
>>15152990 alright in game name is Joel Patrol
Evan 4914-3223-7287 [Rock: Onix, Dwebble, ??]
Evan 4914-3223-7287 [Rock: Onix, Dwebble, ??] Fri 25 Oct 2013 05:52:36 No. 15153029 Report Quoted By:
>>15152962 Thanks a bunch OP
Tyler 4141-3082-2140
>>15142073 Can I get a female?
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15153066 noone is answering me, so yes.
0963-0314-5351 Ray
>>15153202 I'm still around.
Magcarbro 3695-0579-1062
>>15150910 SorryI left cause the thread didnt seem like it was going anymore. Still any left or done for the night?
Megumi 0791-1531-4420 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Krabby)
Megumi 0791-1531-4420 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Krabby) Fri 25 Oct 2013 06:02:10 No. 15153296 Report >>15153202 I think I'm last on the list but I'm still around.
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15153254 I can't seem to find what you want. What were you after?
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15153296 initiate trade with me
0963-0314-5351 Ray
Quoted By:
>>15153304 Female Nidoran if it's not a bother.
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15153291 got a female, i think that was what you were after? initiate trade with me
Magcarbro 3695-0579-1062
Quoted By:
>>15153387 Cool, just give me a sec and I'll catch ya. I was after both before, Nidoking for my friend since its his favorite and I prefer Nidoqueen, but im all good with just one thank you.
Megumi 0791-1531-4420 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Krabby)
Megumi 0791-1531-4420 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Krabby) Fri 25 Oct 2013 06:09:16 No. 15153485 Report >>15153333 sorry but I've been adding people all night, what's your ingame?
Thom [Tyrogue/Pancham/Mienfoo] 2638-0636-2133
Thom [Tyrogue/Pancham/Mienfoo] 2638-0636-2133 Fri 25 Oct 2013 06:10:14 No. 15153516 Report Quoted By:
I would love one as well OP. Added.
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15153296 You are the last person. There won't be breeding anymore.
Quoted By:
Take good care of Brutus. Thanks for the trade and have a good night OP <3
Megumi 0791-1531-4420 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Krabby)
Megumi 0791-1531-4420 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Krabby) Fri 25 Oct 2013 06:17:49 No. 15153734 Report >>15153659 Finally got my POS connection to cooperate. Initiating trade now, thanks a bunch bro.
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
>>15153734 just hatching for you
Megumi 0791-1531-4420 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Krabby)
Megumi 0791-1531-4420 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Krabby) Fri 25 Oct 2013 06:27:46 No. 15154013 Report >>15153809 Sorry for those communication errors but thank you so much again!
Empdee - 4511 1066 2925
Quoted By:
>>15154013 np. thanks!
Thanks everyone for trading!