So are the new pokemon of Gen VI the worst bunch, competitively speaking, thus far? I know we don't know full movepools yet and it takes a lot of time to really evaluate how everything has changed, but it seems like the pokes of Gen VI were made intentionally weak. -Almost all of the quickest new pokemon have lousy offenses -Almost all of the defensive new pokemon have many, many weaknesses -There appear to be no new sweepers or tanks for OU/BL -Almost none of the new pokemon have high offenses AND the ability to reasonably put them to use -A few mega evolutions already seem to be over-centralizing the metagame in a way that would make any Smogonfag shoot steam from his ears Thoughts?
>>15144137 Even with the smallest batch of new Pokemon to date the ratio of usable to shit is very high and probably higher than any other gen.
Yes, gen 6 is the worst yet.
Indeed, aside from the megas, no sixth-gen Pokemon seem likely to make much of an impact on the higher tiers. In particular, there isn't a single new Pokemon whose base Attack and Speed both exceed 100.
The starters aren't too bad. I can see greninja landing in OU or UU competitively. Not sure about the other two.
>>15144137 >>15144660 I would argue that gen vi was meant to be a check to the powercreep of gen v, but they introduced mega evolutions so I don't know what the fuck GF was thinking. 90% of the new pokemon are useless in any setting above RU.
Quick question Should I have Haxorus keep Dragon Dance or learn Swords Dance?
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>>15145037 Agreed. Gen 5 it felt like every 3rd pokemon had sweep potential, and this is the opposite.
>>15145029 Protean is a pretty amazing ability
The devil is ALWAYS in the details. One egg move or hidden ability can move a mon from total shit to the top of OU
Tyrone 3883-4902-3017 Water [Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier]
Tyrone 3883-4902-3017 Water [Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier] Fri 25 Oct 2013 02:27:52 No. 15145154 Report >>15144137 What about aegislash?
>>15145128 Give him both, and then trade him to tierno.
>>15145141 Name ONE TIME that's been the case.
>>15145154 What about him? OP didn't say every gen vi mon is shit. And Aegislash is overrated as fuck 'round these parts.
>>15144137 >liking stubby, down syndrome, shittily colored luchador bird Lmao.
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>>15145128 Dragon Dance. The speed boost is more important than an additional level of attack boost.
Even this gen's psuedo isn't very good. Wonder if Goodra will even hit OU.
Helel 2578 3912 3301
>>15145262 Scizor + Bullet Punch.
Ninetales + Drought
>>15145279 >not liking the best non-legendary Gen VI pokemon Anonymous
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>>15145029 Chesnaught can be an excellent Tank thanks to his key resistances against Rock, Ground and Water. Sucks his weakness x4 against flying and x2 against Fairy and the buffed Poison, but can take physical hits pretty well.
Also, his hidden Ability is Bulletproof, and it blocks things like Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast and such, maybe he will get some use in UU, or at least be a top RU.
>>15145373 Politoed and Ninetales were just vessels for their respective abilities. Unown would have made OU had it been given Drizzle.
>>15145373 I yield.
But still, we know the hidden abilities already. All that's yet to shake out is egg moves. Almost none of the pokemon that don't have much potential right now could possibly rocket to OU/BL with one good egg move.
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>>15145472 You have just proven his point.
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>>15145376 He said nothing about
Aegislash. Anonymous
Doublade, Aegislash, Xerneas, Talonflame, Goodra and maybe Zygarde are all competitively viable.
>>15145765 I forgot Greninja.
>>15145765 >>15145815 Sylveon and Klefki totally have some niche uses in the upper tiers
>>15146096 Isn't Florges pretty much a better Sylveon?
>>15146338 Different pokemon. One has access to Wish, the other hits harder and has Grass attacks.
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>>15145511 I thought a couple of hidden abilities were still unconfirmed. Dragalgae or whatever got adaptability but we can't access it due to friend safari shenanigens. Are there maybe some other gen VI pokes that don't show up in the safari?
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>>15146375 they both have wish you fucking retard
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>>15146375 But Florges learns Wish too.
>>15145313 >Even this gen's psuedo isn't very good >same Sp. Atk as latias >and higher Sp. Def than Gastrodon Yeah nah, go neck yourself. Goodra has huge potential.
>>15146096 Klefki is a really nice support for doubles.
Just keep up screens, and paralize shit while the other pokemon deals the damage.
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>>15146560 Goodra is fucking boss. taking draco meteors and blizzards not giving a fuck
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>>15145262 drizzle politoed
drought ninetails
technician+bullet punch scizor
speed boost blaziken
magic guard alakazam
shell smash cloyster
storm drain gastodon
chlorophyll venusaur
>this mother fucker >Water Pulse >Dragon Pulse >Aura Sphere >Sludge Bomb >Ability: Mega Launcher >not maximum rape
Hows this guy? His movepool is delicious at least. Is he going to suck that bad competitively?
>>15146713 Mega Blastoise is a better version of him through and through
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>>15146745 Amazing movepool but far too slow to make use of it.
Hawlucha or Lucario? Which is better overall?
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>>15146769 >wasting your Mega on Blastoise Anonymous
Lets talk megas. We know blaziken/gengar are going to obliterate shit left and right, but what about the less talked about ones like amphy, houndoom, hera etc. Who is just plain not worth using your mega ring on?
>>15146921 I dunno.
Hawlucha's movepool seems a shit
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>>15146921 Hawlucha is a one trick pony and not a good one at that. Fantastic flavor but incredibly limited by his movepool/stats.
>>15147077 HJK, Taunt, U-turn, SD, Bulk Up is pretty good but I guess his Attack is a bit too low yeah. If it learned Encore or Fake Out and even Brave Bird I think he would have had a guaranteed spot in OU.
>>15147040 Heracross is not worth it, Guts Hera(with choice band?) is stronger
Ampharos could work in a Trick Room
No idea about Houndoom
>>15147040 Alakazam due to losing Wonder Guard and it's Sash/Specs/Scarf
Manetric is okay but still a bad version of Raikou and Jolteon
Ampharos doesn't get any STAB usage out of his mega
>>15147197 Heracross gets Skill Link Rock Blast and Pin Missile. The latter outdamaging Megamiss.
Houndoom can work but Life Orb is usually the same effect.
Diego 2852-8142-8628 (Dragonair, Fraxure, ???)
Diego 2852-8142-8628 (Dragonair, Fraxure, ???) Fri 25 Oct 2013 03:17:47 No. 15147394 Report Is hawlucha really that bad? i really want to use one because FUCKING LUCHA LIBRE MAN!
>Chesnaught: Decent physical tank >Delphox: Average special attacker >Greninja: >Diggersby: lolshit >Talonflame: Check for certain threats like Blaziken due to Gale Wings, too weak to use anything besides Brave Bird >Vivillon: Mothim >Pyroar: Arcanine's Special cousin >Florges: Blissey with half the HP >Gogoat: Bulky Sawsbuck >Pangoro: Machamp-esque >Furfrou: Wall lacking in support moves >Meowstic: Outdone in every capacity by other Psychics >Aegislash: Frightening if played right >Aromatisse: Bulky... uhh... >Slurpuff: Garbage... and that would be if it had Prankster >Malamar: I don't even know >Barbaracle: Doomed to mediocrity alongside similarly-typed fossils >Dragalge: Interestingly-typed special wall/tank >Clawlitzer: Powerhouse for the one or two hits it'll get in >Heliolisk: Glass cannon to possibly be seen as an alternative to Galvantula or Light Ball Pikachu >Tyrantrum: Less caricaturized Ramparados >Aurorus: fug >Sylveon: Poor man's Vaporeon >Hawlucha: Deceptively underpowered, but maybe good for Mienshao-type antics >Dedenne: lolpachirisu >Carbink: Shuckle's restless spirit >Goodra: Contender for the least-used Psuedo, depending on how it squares off against Metagross >Klefki: In keeping with its designs, acts as nothing more than a minor nuisance >Trevenant: Unremarkable physical Ghost >Gourgeist: Data insufficient >Avalugg: Cryogonal's down-syndrome cousin, complete with retard strength >Noivern: Crobat on steroids, but still weaker than one would hope >Xerneas/Yveltal: Not very good by box-legendary standards >Zygarde: The Dunsparce of trio members
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>>15147398 Cant really argue with any of these
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
>>15146713 >>15146745 he lacks a good recovery move as much as I love him
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>>15145279 You clearly have no idea the amount of overlap between wrestling fans and pokemon fans.
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>>15147398 >Diggersby: lolshit You take that back right now bitch, huge Power Power Up Punch EQ quick attack right now let's go m8.
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>>15147394 It's not bad for clearing the game with but by no means is it going to be widely used in battles. Nor will it take you very far in the Battle Maison.
>>15147513 well when i was adding Dragon Pulse and Aura Sphere to mine there was a move called Healing Pulse in the move list, it's basically Roost but psychic type
didn't put in on my Clawitzer because I'm not sure if Mega Launcher affects it
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>>15147398 Crobat has more support options including Defog but Noivern is certainly a special attack version of him.
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
>>15147670 that's because it heals the opponent
>>15147670 That move only works on other Pokemon than the user.
>>15147670 You cast Heal Pulse on your partner in Doubles or Triples battles. Not yourself.
>no new tanks/ sweepers for ou >implying aegislash isn't both at the same time
Barbaracle is a solid physical sweeper that I can definitely see winding up in OU. Tyrunt could be seen in OU but UU seems to me like a better place for him. Greninja with Protean can definitely be in OU, STAB on everything is great and so is its speed.
Kurtz 4983 4945 8078 [Psychic: Abra, Girafarig, Espurr]
Kurtz 4983 4945 8078 [Psychic: Abra, Girafarig, Espurr] Fri 25 Oct 2013 03:27:17 No. 15147778 Report >>15147284 What? Ampharos gets Dragon Pulse now.
>>15147760 >implying Aegitrash isn't so fucking predictable that it gets countered every time. Anonymous
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>>15147707 >>15147721 >>15147732 I feel like a retard now, I think I should sleep
>>15147778 Oh shit say what now? What level?
>>15147846 It's Electric/Dragon as its mega on top of that so it gets STAB.
>>15146299 As much as I dislike defending gen 2
> Scizor, Heracross, T-Tar, Politoed Pretty much nothing else.
>>15147783 It may be predictable, but it can force swtches pretty easily because king's shield basically makes it invulnerable to all physical moves other than earthquake
You're underestimating the power of priority 2 stage stat drops
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>>15147874 >>15147889 Well thats really neato then. Give ampharos some trick room support and it can really put in some work
>>15147040 What about my nigga Megakazam?
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>>15145373 Wasn't Scizor's case a whole number of improvements that helped? Physical/Special split for Pursuit, having an ability better than Swarm, Technician, U-Turn and finally having STAB moves stronger than fucking Steel Wing. Seriously, it had as many moves as Flareon before gen 4.
Kurtz 4983 4945 8078 [Psychic: Abra, Girafarig, Espurr]
Kurtz 4983 4945 8078 [Psychic: Abra, Girafarig, Espurr] Fri 25 Oct 2013 03:33:44 No. 15148048 Report Quoted By:
>>15147846 I don't remember unfortunately, but I think it's somewhere in the 50s or 60s.
>abomasnow is my favorite mega for aesthetics >tfw it is one of the worst megas
>>15147936 and all of these were saved by hidden abilities
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>>15147284 >Wonder Guard I know that you mean Magic Guard, but if he had Wonder Guard... Such rape
>>15147948 >Phantom Force. >Doesn't grant immunity to status effects. Anonymous
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>>15144137 >Megas over centralizing This.
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>>15148104 Politoed is the only one that was saved by a hidden ability. Scizor and tyranitar have shitty hidden abilities and heracross had guts, which is arguably equally as good as moxie
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>>15148104 Except they're not, with.
Scizor gets Technician normally.
Heracross gets Guts normally
Tyranitar gets Sand Stream normally.
The only saved by it's Hidden Ability was Politoad.
>>15147936 >Listing fucking Heracross before Blissey, Skarmory, Forretress, and Celebi Anonymous
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>>15148162 >phantom force >what is an entire turn of prediction >say hello to my normal type phantom force absorber Anonymous
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>>15148104 >T-tar >Saved by hidden >Not carrying Sand Stream Anonymous
>>15148162 >aegislash learning phantom force Anonymous
>>15148336 I didn't want to use legends and I forgot the others...
Barbaracle learns Shell Smash. I fought one online with an Avalugg and thought I totally had the advantage. Avalugg is pretty interesting though. Sky high physical defenses are fun to work with, and it naturally learns Recover and Curse.
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>>15148363 >Missing the point. Anonymous
>>15148477 Holy shit it gets recover?!
Greninja learns Toxic Spikes as an egg move, adding Poison to its defensive Protean tricks. This gen simply just wasn't about fast sweepers. There are enough of them already. This is a bulky, chest puffing generation. Stand there like a man and hit back like a boss. Aegislash, Chesnaught, Diggersby, Sylveon, etc, etc. Plus Megas.
>Chesnaught: Spiky Shield and physical tank. May find some use in higher tiers. >Delphox: Not the best movepool but interesting enough. >Greninja: dat protean with dat movepool >Diggersby: May find use in lower tiers with STAB EQ and Huge Power >Talonflame: Probably NU >Vivillon: Decent Stats but will still end up NU >Pyroar: Immunity to Ghost and Decent Movepool >Florges: Too early to tell >Gogoat: Bulky as fuck and Grass. Good combo for UU. >Pangoro: Bulky Scrafty >Furfrou: No real use besides walling >Meowstic: NU Alakazam >Aegislash: dat movepool, dat type, dat king's shield, dat ability >Aromatisse: Bulky low-tier Fairy >Slurpuff: Whimsicott of NU >Malamar: Decent typing with amazing ability and interesting sig move >Barbaracle: Giant Corsola with shit typing that'll probably be rekd >Dragalge: Not enough speed for a Dragon but may become a Fairy killer in UU >Clawitzer: Ultimate Glass Cannon >Heliolisk: Ehhhhh... not sure honestly >Tyrantrum: Maybe BL? Not sure yet but amazing typing is amazing >Aurorus: Painful typing painful stats painful everything >Sylveon: Everywhere in OU as the wall of Dragons >Hawlucha: Probably NU but will find use there with its great typing >Dedenne: kek >Carbink: Fairy Shuckle but with better overall stats >Goodra: based pure-dragon >Klefki: Poor man's Mawile >Trevenant: Ghost/Grass is good, and a decent movepool for a ghost >Gourgeist: Shitty Trevenant but Super-size can be terrifying >Avalugg: Interesting Ice-type, maybe it will find use it used right >Noivern: Unremarkable >Xerneas: Physical Wall of Uber >Yveltal: Buffed Honchkrow >Zygarde: Garchomp 2.0 Here's hoping Volcanion will be good.
>>15148477 >Doesn't learn Ice Shard >>15148406 What you use doesn't matter much and Legendary is a functionally meaningless label
>>15148418 Post Silver it's like the shittiest one because of "Does not work on bosses" syndrome.
>>15146769 Except Blastoise doesn't get Aura Sphere and takes up your Mega slot.
>>15148634 It gets Aura Sphere and Dragon Pulse via breeding it with Clawitzer faggot
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>>15148541 >>Barbaracle: Giant Corsola with shit typing that'll probably be rekd >not "Barbarcle: UU's cloyster" Anonymous
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>>15148625 ok
one of them does work on bosses, dealing damage instead of killing. Anonymous
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>>15148634 It does via breeding with Clawitzer.
>>15148648 Excuse me for not knowing shit that's not in any database yet, then.
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>>15148625 I use Hail with Avalugg, so it's usually Blizzard spam from me.
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>>15148538 Which world considers Diggersby bulky? It's about as bulky as Blaziken.
>>15148701 >hurr excuse for talking out of my ass Faggot
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>>15144137 They want to lessen the power creep from Gen V. That's why they lessen the power of 95/120 moves too.
Jack: 2208-5249-4924
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>>15148745 Who the fuck has time to follow every fucking discovery being made about these games?
It didn't get it before, not too much of a stretch to assume he wouldn't get it now.
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>>15148701 Look harder because you can literally google search "blastoise aura sphere" and get results
>>15148764 I feel like she would have been a great Pokemon but GF was just too stubborn on making her multibattles only. Symbiosis sounds neat but too gimmicky.
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>>15147773 Barbaracle is outclassed by Cloyster on pretty much every front. I don't see much of a reason to use barabarcle over cloyster.
But, this might actually be good for Barb, that awesome little barnacle, it could mean he'll wind up in UU and be a glorious rape machine there... though he might be 2Stronk and wind up in the eternal sorrow of BL
Jack: 2208-5249-4924
>>15148821 Can you ellaborate? What exactly do you mean by multibattles only?
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>>15148099 >mega abomasnow not being the light of trick room's eye >mega abomasnow not being a fucking horrifying Ent of death Anonymous
>>15148821 Fucking this ;_; I love Florges's design but her abilities are the fucking worst. Then I found out that Gen 6 Pokemon can have Hidden Abilities so I ran to Serebii to look it up.
>Symbiosis. FUCK
>>15148883 Doubles/Triples/Rotation
>6 weaknesses >too slow >barely any special defence >Only learns two moves that work with it's ability without breeding You had one job Gamefreak...
>>15148883 She's gimped because you're basically playing her without an ability in singles since it only works during doubles/triples/rotation and with grass types only.
Jack: 2208-5249-4924
>>15148920 >>15148926 >>15148977 But it's not exactly like a useless ability prevents you from using it competitively in single matchs.
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Damn GF for ruining this kitty, this little guy had so much potential, but instead was wasted on bulk that it does not need.
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>>15148936 It's still fantastic with Rock Polish and has access to a BETTER version of BoltBeam via Thunder Fang and Ice Fang
"unboosted Jolly Tyrantrum Head Smash has about 96% of the power of a CB Terrakion Stone Edge, which is pretty amazing. With a Life Orb, Tyrantrum's Head Smash is powerful enough to 2HKO physically defensive Skarmory nearly 100% of the time with no prior damage. Assuming a set of Rock Polish / Head Smash / Dragon Claw / Earthquake, Scarf Latios, Thundurus-I, Tornadus-I, Thundurus-T, Hydreigon, Haxorus, Salamence, Gengar, Landorus-I, and Genesect are all OHKO'd. Scarf Terrakion and Garchomp can be OHKO'd at least part of the time, and a little prior damage will clinch it. Keldeo survives all of these attacks pretty easily, and while it can still be 2HKOd by Dragon Claw, it threatens to OHKO back with Hydro Pump. Overall, though, Jolly Life Orb Tyrantrum has a really good shot against most of those Scarf users." Anonymous
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>>15148821 How does Symbiosis work anyway?
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>>15148099 he's gonna kick some ass in doubles
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>>15148099 >>tfw it is one of the worst megas >Implying implications True, it's shit in singles. But in VGC, oh my god. As someone who plays VGC a lot my dick got rock hard when I saw Mega Abomasnow stats.
>He hits harder >He gets bulkier >HE GETS SLOWER 10/10 Mega right there. That fucker is already a powerhouse in VGC and Mega Abomasnow just made it better in every aspect. Slap yourself a TR with Mega Abomasnow and you are set for life.
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>>15148936 Hes not too slow in general. Hes medium.
He's a decent throw away pokemon
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>>15148998 Well yeah, it has great stats so who knows if it might land itself in OU because of it and its typing. Just checked out Sylveon who can basically do the same thing as it but with more Wish recovery for less speed has pretty negligible abilities as well (Pixilate and Cute Charm) but at least it does something unlike Florges' Flower Veil. I guess Symbiosis can see some usage though since passing down Lefties to a Pokemon who used up a gem to blow away an immediate threat or used up a berry to tank a hit could be a neat strategy in the future. Either way, abilities play a huge role in determining a Pokemon's position in OU. I wouldn't be surprised if she was viable or powerful in the lower tiers though but am still skeptical about OU.
>>15145765 Aegislash can be dispatched so quickly and easily it will be UU. Talonflame doesn't have the offenses to take anything's place on a OU competitive team. Goodra is the pseudo so of course it will be used in OU. And even though the legendaries don't count Zygarde seems pretty mediocre.
>>15146096 They'll both be relegated to UU.
>>15146338 Yes. Sylveon is a another waste of an eeveelution.
>>15146560 It's the most useful new pokemon that isn't a legendary. It might even dominate OU if it gets a deep egg move pool.
>>15146713 Slow but not slow enough to properly utilize trick room. UU.
>>15147040 Most megas are pretty much useless.
>>15148625 I meant that I didn't use legendaries as an example of powerful gen 2 mons.
>There are people who think Talonflame will be anything lower than High-UU I'd even dare to say he will be OU. The damn thing is horrifyingly strong.
>>15149380 His points still stand. Being legendary doesn't mean shit. Leave that 6 years old kid "Baaaaw no legendaries cuz they are all broken" mentality behind.
>>15147155 It does learn Encore.
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>>15144137 Talonflame seems pretty legit
>>15147155 but hawlucha DOES learn encore
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>>15149362 >Aegislash >UU >Barney with a cum coat >Dominate OU You must be smoking some good shit.
>>15149468 >>15149495 Oh that's great then. Still, it's Attack needs more work as a sweeper but I think it's still OU viable since it has decent enough Speed and coverage.
>ITT a bunch of people who played against a bunch of AI saying their team will be OU because they beat the gym leader easily
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>>15149578 Can't wait for the sims to get all the movepools, stats right with all the glitches taken out.
>>15149562 I honestly think a flying gem set has huge potential
252 speed
252 attack
4 hp
Flying Gem
4th move
>>15149656 Yeah, and I hope Flying Gem becomes available in the game since no one has found a way to obtain it yet.
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>>15149656 With Unburdened of course.
>>15149693 I hear rock smash rocks have the gems as a super rare drop.
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>>15149693 I've been hearing they can be found with Rock Smash.
>>15149748 Come in on the expected banded or sashed quake?
>>15149790 If only it had a better Flying Stab you could run a life orb on it. Also does it get Steel Wing? I know it isn't in the bird egg group but you never know.
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>>15145279 Fuck you.
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>>15149438 That's not the mentality I have, sir. I simply meant to prove my point without using legendaries i.e. Lugia or Ho-oh that are guaranteed OU and rather use regular mons who aren't guaranteed to be strong (except t-tar. As a pseudo legend, he is guaranteed to be strong)
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>>15145262 Cloyster. Sort of breloom and volcarona.
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>>15147398 Vivilion is actually decent. By far the best early bug and probably wont go lower than RU.
Half decent speed and spatk and STAB compoundeyes Hurricane is nothing to laugh at.
It won't see much use in OU, thats for sure, but it's not totally garbage like its cousins.
>>15149731 Kinda weird since they were so easy to get in dust clouds in BW2
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>>15149926 Yeah it's a pain. They were nice and not broken. I want them back or an equivalent.
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>>15146599 Klefki is the mvp of my doubles team. I couldn't take out gengar without him.
Bennett 1005 9339 9055 (Audino, Aipom, Ditto)
Bennett 1005 9339 9055 (Audino, Aipom, Ditto) Fri 25 Oct 2013 04:24:53 No. 15149965 Report >>15145154 Hello there. Don't know if you're still around, but would you mind adding me? I want some of dat Braixen
>>15149848 >>15149790 imo the unburden and flying gem acrobatics is pretty good already. only flaw is the fucking gems are so fucking rare fuck
Cody: 5429-7864-8294 (Krabby, Floatzel, Poliwhirl)
Cody: 5429-7864-8294 (Krabby, Floatzel, Poliwhirl) Fri 25 Oct 2013 04:28:16 No. 15150118 Report Quoted By:
>>15150045 Iirc the only things that resist both his stabs are Klefi and Aegislash
>>15145154 Also can I add you?
>>15147155 This Hawlucha is going to kinikku buster some ass.
Hawlucha @ Flying Gem
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Acrobatics
- Hi Jump Kick
- Baton Pass/Encore
Swords Danced Flying Gem Acrobatics will hit like a truck, and then Unburden kicks in wich makes this guy, who is pretty fucking fast, even faster.
Encore for the choice of either locking your oponent into an undesireable move to set up sword dance(s!), or Baton Pass to pass those boosts to something that would make very good use of it like Mega Charizard-X, or Garchomp, hell even Mega Grchomp might become a solid choice when relying on Hawlucha for boosts. But then you'd have to rely on Hawlucha as Mega Garchomp is worse than normal Garchomp. So I dunno.
Conkeldurr would also love to get handed a +2 to speed and attack for free.
anyway, built right, Hawlucha could very well DOMINATE UU and perhaps make a splash in OU
>>15147398 >Chesnaught gets bulletproof meaning lol gengar >Greninja switches immunities but otherwise not much >Diggersby agility and you start wrecking, or go choice band and just quick attack shit to death >Talonflame kills anything that lacks bulk with priority brave bird >Viviilion faster butterfree, aka accurate sleep poweder + quiver dance setup >Florges blissey with half the hp and twice the special attack and 6 times the physical defense >Meowstic either prankster statuses or "can never lower it's stats for fear of buffing it" >Aegislash voted most likely to succeed in its yearbook >Malamar with sticky web being the hip new thing it gets a buff from contrarian every switch in, and can either superpower its way to victory or status >Barbaracle cloyster does it better but sandstorm >Heliolosk immunity to water and ghost >Goodra I know its sort-of-secret but won't tell because I want as much advantage against clueless online opponents as I can Anything unlisted has too little info for me
>>15150135 Does Unburden boost pass off?
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>>15148936 I swept half of a team with a DD Tyrantrum. It was pretty fuckin' awesome. I love this guy.
>>15150135 >>15150215 Sadly Unburden boost does not get passed on, but a +2 SD passed on to something safely is still strong.
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>>15150192 i've been really loving swagger topsy turvy malamar.
It's risky, but fun as fuck
>>15150301 Makes sense. Honestly I think with a good rock set up and a single Sword Dance Hawlucha can kill just about anything.
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>talonflame >weak >not buttoning brave bird I'm a garbage player but skip to turn 25 and see the glory that is talonflame in action Anonymous
>>15150365 I think Aegislash is like the only Pokemon that won't get hit Neutral by the combo.
>>15150426 Klefki too but whatever.
>>15150478 Klefki is neutral to fighting you dolt
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>>15146560 Have you tried Goodra on Showdown instead of just theorymoning?
The thing that really hurts is the guy has no reliable recovery. Hydrarest could've been Uber tier good if Drizzle was permanent, but since the nerf it's basically a Gen IV hydrarest Vaporeon set
It's really underwhelming in practice, the SPDef is great but compared to Latias it can't take Close Combats & Earthquakes. Gooey sounds great on paper but the few physical moves it can actually takes are Flare Blitz (which almost never used in OU), etc
>>15150426 Is Zapdos really so forgettable?
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any chance this guy could be OU like KyuremB? It's not that broken of a pokemon, and I think will add a great threat and niche to the OU metagame
Nick 4055 3970 3750 Dark: sneasel, pawniard, inkay
Nick 4055 3970 3750 Dark: sneasel, pawniard, inkay Fri 25 Oct 2013 04:42:29 No. 15150746 Report >>15149362 Greninja is starmie 2.0
I think his place in OU is confirmed.
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>>15150470 >>15150478 Neutral to Fighting.
>>15150571 Right, him and Thundrus. Normal Rotom and Fan Rotom too I guess.
>>15150746 But will it spin?
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>>15150781 It can't spin no.
>>15150746 Wat?
He's at most Scrafty 2.0, he will be OU for a while but at the end people will drop him. He can't switch into anything, even resisted moves hurts a lot.
The only thing he's decent for is Spike Stacking.
Nick 4055 3970 3750 Dark: sneasel, pawniard, inkay
Nick 4055 3970 3750 Dark: sneasel, pawniard, inkay Fri 25 Oct 2013 04:46:03 No. 15150898 Report >>15150781 I heard people saying he got rapid through egg moves but I'm not sure.
Even without rapid spin he still is way better than starmie could ever be. All that stab with constantly holding onto 5 weaknesses.
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>>15150894 Spiking and revenge killing
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>>15150894 i dunno man. that rediculous speed, STAB everything and u-turn makes it pretty useful.
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>>15150898 Rapid spin on him was a hoax
>>15150898 No he's confirmed not being able to spin
Unlike Starmie, this guy can't boltbeam and doesn't resist Fighting, so he's got a long way to be able to match the tried and tested 15 years old OU Vet
Nick 4055 3970 3750 Dark: sneasel, pawniard, inkay
Nick 4055 3970 3750 Dark: sneasel, pawniard, inkay Fri 25 Oct 2013 04:48:17 No. 15150987 Report >>15150894 Startmies defenses are slightly higher I think 5 higher on each based stat. But starmie's HP is lower. Is the fact that starmie can rapid spin the only thing that keeps it in OU?
Charles 5000 2982 8736 (Machoke, Sawk, Tyrogue)
Charles 5000 2982 8736 (Machoke, Sawk, Tyrogue) Fri 25 Oct 2013 04:49:42 No. 15151052 Report >Showdown PokeBank OU >Blaziken is legal >Shaymin-S is legal >Genesect is legal >SOUL DEW is legal Abuse while you still can.
>>15150898 >grass >electric >fighting >bug >fairy Son, we need to have a talk.
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>>15150987 Nah Starmie spins AND hits hard.
>>15150987 Yeah mostly, but it is also helped by the fact Starmie has decent typing, Recover, and most importantly RAIN
Life Orb Analytic Rain boosted Hydro Pumps wreck almost as much havoc as Keldeo. Also 100% accurate Thunder.
>>15150987 It has a really high speed and resists Fighting and Water in a metagame where both types are frequently used.
>>15151054 Thankfully he's only Water/Dark for one turn only.
Nick 4055 3970 3750 Dark: sneasel, pawniard, inkay
Nick 4055 3970 3750 Dark: sneasel, pawniard, inkay Fri 25 Oct 2013 04:51:11 No. 15151112 Report >>15150983 >hidden power electric >stab boost on hp electric bring it to base power 90 >extra sensory before fucking concrete clown punches your face. >better speed >Less weaknesses because of type change >stab ice beam I say rapid spin the only real advantage starmie has. Otherwise, starmie falls flat on it's face in comparison.
>>15145262 >Name ONE TIME that's been the case. Depending on how the meta shapes up this may be the case for Galvantula because sticky web
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>>15151052 >Soul dew >Legal All aboard the rape train
Nick 4055 3970 3750 Dark: sneasel, pawniard, inkay
Nick 4055 3970 3750 Dark: sneasel, pawniard, inkay Fri 25 Oct 2013 04:52:18 No. 15151153 Report Anonymous
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>>15151132 That not everyone is going to bother with sticky web makes me want to use it more. There's no point if everyone is at -1.
>>15151153 Can he learn any fairy moves?
>>15151112 Conkeldurr has not been an issue since forever. I didn't think of HP electric, but it could be interesting.
Does Protean stays after switching out?
>>15151085 I fucking love Keldeo. He is so goddamn strong.
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>>15151153 >>15151098 I know. I know. I just wanted to be facetious.
>>15151194 >Does Protean stays after switching out? no
>>15151195 Try Scarf Keldeo with Nasty Plot Baton Pass Celebi.
The thing wrecks so much havoc in OU I'm surprised it survives playtesting considering how ban-happy Smogon were before (DeoD, TornadusT, Landy I were all sent to ubers)
So Diggersby vs Azumarril what is the verdict? Also keep in mind that Diggersby is a hard counter to Aegislash.
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>>15151112 Natural Cure is a thing too.
>>15151369 The verdict of what?
Azu will be bottom OU to check dragons and lategame sweep. Diggersby gonna be mid UU
>>15151190 Is there a fairy hidden power?
Or was GF lazy and didn't recode that.
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>>15151411 Seems about right.
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Actually, I think that trophy goes to Gen II. Holy shit there were so many wrong things with the vast majority of the Pokemon introduced in it.
>>15151421 yeah theres HP fairy.
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>>15151421 Pretty sure there is, reason why nobody knows the IV combos for Gen VI so far.
>>15151259 So Greninja
>Can't switch into fighting moves >Can't switch into status >Extremely frail, barely able to switch into resisted moves I get it is faster than starmie, but there's no relevant threat to outspeed in 115-120 base speed other than Alakazam
So unless your team is really weak to Alakazam, I don't see Greninja replacing Starmie anytime soon.
>>15151455 The problem being though that of course if you pick HP Fairy you can't have HP Electric. Fairy might be better in OU due to the defenses.
>>15151527 They do different things.
So ona Greninja is a Life Orb best or that belt that increases the power of SE hits that I don't remember the name of.
How do you think Rotom-W will fare this gen? Not a new pokemon, but I'm just curious.
>>15151595 expert belt, and most people never ever run EB. I do but only on one pokemon in Gen V because I hit all but 150 pokemon for at least x2
>>15151599 Slait by Gourgesit. Other than that he is likely fine.
>>15151553 Greninja's best set for now (current Showdown OU) is Spike Stacker.
Many noobs used the Specs/Life Orb special attacker sets and it's pretty underwhelming. I don't see it being viable in OU other than the Scrafty 2.0 effect since he's a starter
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>>15151322 I'll try it. Thanks
Nick 4055 3970 3750 Dark: sneasel, pawniard, inkay
Nick 4055 3970 3750 Dark: sneasel, pawniard, inkay Fri 25 Oct 2013 05:05:57 No. 15151662 Report >>15151527 >>15151553 the stab hidden power gives you a lot of options doesn't it?
You keep making the argument that greninja is frail but starmies bulk get canceled out by less hp so they're both equally as frail. More or less.
You could switch into the psyshock or something as well.
>>15151647 That's the one. Could be viable on Greninja no?
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>>15151647 I run Expert on my Keldeo.
Nick 4055 3970 3750 Dark: sneasel, pawniard, inkay
Nick 4055 3970 3750 Dark: sneasel, pawniard, inkay Fri 25 Oct 2013 05:07:28 No. 15151720 Report >>15151649 describe the spike stacker to me right now and convince me of its usefulness. I'm curious.
>>15151648 Gourgeist hates Will-O-Wisp
It's not that bad but I would be wary of switching mine into Rotom
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>>15151052 >Soul Dew legal Is that an oversight, or are we seriously starting OU with Soul Dew Latias and Latios?
>>15151098 >and resists Fighting and Water in a metagame where both types are frequently used. Greninja resists whatever you need it to resist.
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>>15151687 Like I said, I only ran it on Gallade with ice punch/shadow sneak/close combat/psycho cut because he hit literally 80% of pokemon for SE
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>>15151734 Which Gourgeist we talking about here? Small Sub Seeder or Super Sized Slayer?
>>15151662 By the way, doesn't Greninja's typing get changed to Normal for HP?
I really wish this wasn't true. I'm still hoping somebody finds a way for my favorites to be competitively viable. This is my favorite Gen, with some of my favorite designed Pokemon. Hawlucha was my bro instantly. First Pokemon I ever EV trained. Could sweep the shit out of lots of teams in game. Please find a way for my little buddy to be used competitively
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>>15151814 We already did that in this thread.
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>>15151687 Life Orb/E Belt + 4 attacks is great for ingame, but generally not that great in competitive metagame unless you're a dedicated wallbreaker like Salamence who hits most major wall with SE moves.
In competitive metagame every Pokemon is pigeonholed really badly into the thing and only thing they do best
With that SPAtk Greninja is not gonna wallbreak anytime soon with Life Orb/EBelt (at least it needs Protean Specs).
Nick 4055 3970 3750 Dark: sneasel, pawniard, inkay
Nick 4055 3970 3750 Dark: sneasel, pawniard, inkay Fri 25 Oct 2013 05:11:15 No. 15151858 Report >>15151810 No, why would it? Fuck, could someone check right now?
>>15151112 >extra sensory before fucking concrete clown punches your face. Not possible, because he usually punches faces with Mach Punch.
Protean Greninja will be pretty much just a late-game cleaner holding a Life Orb. Oh if only the Rapid Spin hoax was true ;_; Fuck you, whoever started it
Nick 4055 3970 3750 Dark: sneasel, pawniard, inkay
Nick 4055 3970 3750 Dark: sneasel, pawniard, inkay Fri 25 Oct 2013 05:14:55 No. 15151976 Report Quoted By:
>>15151879 >Protean Greninja will be pretty much just a late-game cleaner holding a Life Orb Sounds about right.
>>15151879 >>extra sensory before fucking concrete clown punches your face.Not possible, because he usually punches faces with Mach Punch. Shadow Sneak
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>no word on mega medicham I'm currently trying him in maison and the mega gives him some needed speed and pure power is nice so what's wrong? I'm not too competitive yet
Gatavis 2552-1088-1672 (Pancham Riolu Machoke)
Gatavis 2552-1088-1672 (Pancham Riolu Machoke) Fri 25 Oct 2013 05:16:49 No. 15152025 Report How do you think Togekiss will handle itself with it's new fairy typing?
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>>15151858 Because it's a Normal type move that does a certain type damage? I heard Normal type Pokemons got STAB from HP now but I'm skeptical that's true, I guess this should be put to test.
Nick 4055 3970 3750 Dark: sneasel, pawniard, inkay
Nick 4055 3970 3750 Dark: sneasel, pawniard, inkay Fri 25 Oct 2013 05:17:21 No. 15152043 Report Quoted By:
>>15151985 .....fuck why didn't I think of that
>physical oh that's why.
>>15151755 Greninja Protean @ Life Orb
Hasty 252 Speed, 252 SPatk
Spikes/Toxic Spikes
U Turn
Hydro Pump
Ice beam
Come in on resisted/psychic attack, Spikes/Hit with SE moves, U-Turn when situation gets gnarly.Don't get to greedy on the spikes.
A week ago, before the Defog mechanics were implemented, the Focus Sash lead spiker was also pretty good. Unfortunately now everyone and their mother runs defog to test the new mechanics
>>15152025 Very Well. More defenses are never bad.
Gatavis 2552-1088-1672 (Pancham Riolu Machoke)
Gatavis 2552-1088-1672 (Pancham Riolu Machoke) Fri 25 Oct 2013 05:18:24 No. 15152074 Report Anonymous
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>>15152074 Likely. Can check a lota dragons.
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>>15152025 Dazzling Gleam/Moonblast with 20% chance of activating. Fuck you GameFreak
It's obviously better than Normal/Flying, but don't expect it to shoot up to OU.
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>>15152074 I would say yes, at least in the first couple rounds. It's an amazing physical Dragon check because it forces Garchomp and Dnite the two premiere physical dragons to run Stone Miss. (Togekiss resists Dragon, EQ, Superpower, and their usual Fire coverage moves)
>>15151720 I replied to wrong post, see
>>15151755 Anonymous
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>>15152205 Godfucking damnit, I meant
>>15152048 Anonymous
Can I get thoughts on the following? Doesn't seem to be a /cpg/ right now. Hydreigon @ Expert Belt Ability: Levitate EVs: 4 HP/252 SPA/252 SPE Nature: Modest - Draco Meteor - Flamethrower - Earthquake - Roost Starmie @ Life Orb Ability: Natural Care EVs: 252 SPA/4 SPD/252 SPE Nature: Timid - Surf - Psyshock - Ice Beam - Rapid Spin Volcarona @ Leftovers Ability: Flame Body EVs: 252 HP/252 DEF/4 SPE Nature: Timid - Quiver Dance - Bug Buzz - Roost - Fiery Dance Aegislash @ Lum Berry Ability: Stance Change EVs: 252 HP/252 ATK/4 SPD Nature: Brave - King's Shield - Shadow Sneak - Sword Dance - Iron Head/Sacred Sword Mega Gengar @ Mega Stone Ability: Levitate EVs: 4 DEF/252 SPA/252 SPE Nature: Timid - Shadow Ball - Focus Blast - Substitute - Thunderbolt Ferrothorn @ Rocky Helmet Ability: Iron Barbs EVs: 252 HP/252 ATK/4 DEF Nature: Brave - Gyro Ball - Power Whip - Stealth Rock - Toxic(?) I'm new to all of this so sorry if there's some silly mistakes.
>>15152333 I was going to say that I am worried that Gastrodon walls your team but Ferrothorn saved it.
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Is there a trainner or pokemon that uses Icicle Spear? I want to see to if that rumor about bulletproof blocking it is actually true or not If it is then that would be a amusing counter/check for Cloyster
>>15152333 I always ran my volcarona @life orb with giga drain over leftovers/roost
>>15152333 What's this for? Pokebank Showdown? Gen VI showdown? Gen 6 Wifi?
Anyway Mega Blaziken rapes this team (who doesn't get raped by him anyway)
Other than that, you'll need a physical attacker, preferably a fighting type because things like Blissey and Quagsire also walls this team and Tyranitar could eat half of your team alive, including Mega Gengar if Focus Miss didn't connect.
That's my take but theorymon isn't worth a damn, a better way to make your team better is to playtest it online
>>15152333 Not a fan of the Mixedregion, and why the Lum Berry on Aegislash? Probably want Leech Seed on Ferrothorn over Toxic.
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>>15152629 Not him but Toxic keeps Gourgeist from fucking his Ferrothorn up with Fire Blast.
>>15152413 Ferrothorn was a late change to my plan. Lucky.
>>15152467 Well, I can't seem to get Giga Drain onto a Larvesta right now, so I kinda can't. How's my current Volcarona build?
>>15152539 Just gen 6 wifi.
Wouldn't Starmie be able to take down a Blaziken?
Could Aegislash be my physical attacker? Sword Dance + Sacred Sword would cover the fighting type you mentioned?
>>15152629 What moves would you suggest for my Hydreigon? Dunno about the Lum Berry, some guy suggested it for me.
>Probably want Leech Seed on Ferrothorn over Toxic. Uuugghhhhhhh, I spent all night getting a 31/31/31/x/31/0 Ferroseed with Stealth Rock. Is Leech Seed worth the trouble?
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>>15147846 It comes in late naturally, but you can get it earlier with the move relearner
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Competitively, yeah most of the new Pokemon are shit. I like a lot of their designs though, and considering that I mostly play UU/RU anyways, I think I'll be fine.
>>15152726 Offensive Starmie like the one you have got 2HKOd by Hi Jump Kick, 2HKOd by Flare Blitz depending on damage rolls
For now, just like everyone else run a Gale Wing Talonflame.
Benson 1247-0122-1521
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>>15144949 Greninja has 93/102/122 offenses, doesn't it?
>>15153000 Do I really have to have a Gale Wing Talonflame just to take out MegaBlaziken?
Including 1 specific Pokemon just to counter against another 1 specific Pokemon seems useless to me.
Well, all that aside, how's the rest of my team?
Josh 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix)
Josh 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix) Fri 25 Oct 2013 06:00:13 No. 15153246 Report >>15150192 >Chesnaught gets bulletproof meaning lol gengar what is dazzling gleam
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>>15153191 The correct answer to Megakin is a Gastrodon or a Jellicent or Tentacrul.
Benson 1247-0122-1521
>>15153246 A move that Gengar will never bother running
>>15153246 A move your Gengar doesn't neeed/shouldn't run?
>>15153270 >>15153280 I've seen more than one gengar with it already. Specially more so with chesnaught
Josh 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix)
Josh 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix) Fri 25 Oct 2013 06:04:05 No. 15153342 Report Quoted By:
>>15153270 >>15153280 If your gengar doesn't run it for destroying dark types that would otherwise kick his ass then you're doing something wrong
it's a good replacement for focus miss
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>>15153280 >>15153270 Except a lot of Gengar are running it already.
Regardless of that though, if Chesnaught ever became a problem for Gengar, then it would run something to fix that problem.
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>>15153329 Chestnaught countering Gengar is more of a fun Novelty.
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>>15153270 >>15153280 you forget that Dazzling Gleam gives Gengar alot more coverage now (Strong against Dark/Fighting/Dragon)
even if he doesn't run I don't see him causes issues
Now if Icicle Spear is actually blocked by Bulletproof then we actually got a cool counter for Cloyster
>>15153191 For the current Wifi, pretty much yeah. Every ten years old there is runs Mega Chicken with swords dance. Every jap players who gave us Pidgeys in wondertrade also runs Mega Chicken
Maybe not for the current Wifi metagame, but it is also recommendable to at least run one Scarfer with +100 base speed as dedicated revenge killer in case you let a Volcarona Quiver Dance on you
>>15153467 welp
Wouldn't King's Shield from Aegi put a dint in a MegaBlaziken's attack?
Would a Starmie really be swept by a MegaBlaziken?
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>>15153866 Why wouldn't starmie get destroyed by blaziken
You literally switch in just to die in the next turn.