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Breeding Advice

No.15151331 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, /vp/, what's the fastest way to breed a perfect Pokemon?

Say I want a Bergmite with 31 IVs in everything, except for SpA AND 0 IVs Speed (for Gyroball)

Say my, Sturdy Bergmite already has 31 Atk and 31 Sdef:

would you immediately breed it with a 31 HP+Def Ditto that has 0 IV in Speed? (I actually do have one of these) for that minimal chance to get all desired stats passed down,


breed the 31 ATK / 31 SDef Bergmite with a 31 Atk/Def/SDef

then obtain a 31 Atk/Def/SDef Bergmite

breed that with a 31 HP/Def/SDef Ditto
hope that Atk+HP still gets passed down, and

obtain 31 HP/Atk/Def/SDef Bergmite

breed that with a 0 IV Ditto that has 31 HP/Def

obtain perfect Bergmite.

The advantage of this method is you always guarantee to pass at least 2 perfect stats down, while with method 1 you would only have a 50 % chance for EACH of the five stats to be passed down.

The downside is you need lots of 3-IVs dittos to make this work. For example, I still need one with 31 Def that DOESN'T have 31 IVs in Speed or SpA.

What do you think?