Alright /vp/, so I've got a box full of 4-5 perfect IV Brave natured Honedge. Almost all of them have 0 speed, and yes I'm counting that as a perfect IV . Now, I've got about 4 other ones that have 31 in everything but speed, perfect for breeding speed into once Autotomize Aegislash becomes the standard . Important to note is that THIS IS NOT A GIVEAWAY. I've got so many of these fuckers that I'll do that tomorrow. But for right now though, I'm just looking for even trades with other 4-5IV Pokemon, to get a head start on my next breeding days. In particular, I'm looking for: Adamant Technician Scyther and Modest/Timid Protean Froakies. If I have time I may trade some extras for derps, but I'm really just looking to trade for anyone else's breeding leftovers. Any takers?
Justin 1736-0722-3853 !OJ5OHW7t1.
i can give you a 5 iv timid protean froakie for one
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 07:55:47 No. 15155767 Report Quoted By:
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 07:57:37 No. 15155794 Report >>15155766 Hot damn that was fast. Which one do you want? One of the 0 speed ones?
Marvin 4141-3101-6162
I have an adamant technician scyther for one of those perfect IVs except speed. :) adding you now.
Justin 1736-0722-3853 !OJ5OHW7t1.
>>15155794 yeah that would be great
Why exactly is Brave the ideal nature for Aegislash? Wouldn't the increase in ATK just be DEF when made Blade Forme? Why isn't an increased DEF or SPDEF nature prefered? Is it just for the -SPD nature?
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:00:36 No. 15155854 Report >>15155807 Sweet, I'll get to you right after Justin. What IVs are on that guy?
>>15155812 Cool, I'll add you now!
Marvin 4141-3101-6162
>>15155854 Decent ones. 4-5 mostly. Added you btw. Let's do this! I got dibs on one of those perfect 5 IVs except speed right? :)
I can give you a 4 IV timid hidden ability eevee for one, OP.
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:04:46 No. 15155915 Report >>15155849 Nothing is set in stone yet, but Brave, for right now, is ideal because the increase in ATK and DEF doesn't work that way when switching. It's like having two different Pokemon. In Blade Forme you've got 150 offenses with your EV/IV/Nature boosts, but in Shield Forme the stats come off the 150 defenses, but don't take into account your nature boost, because right now that's being given to your currently pathetic 60 ATK (or whatever it is)
That being said, an increase in defenses would give it more staying power and is fine as well, and the -SPE nature and 0IV is simply about being slower than as many things as possible. I don't know if there's been calcs done that mean it is slower than anything relevant, but it is useful to have bred for now.
Plus, it's nice to breed ahead of time if that standard changes for now, since you've go a bunch of perfect IV Pokemon.
Strych 2191 8951 1173
>>15155756 Have a 5 iv (hp, atk, Def, spatk, spe) hasty Froakie if you want to the option of a physical Froakie as well as special.
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:08:11 No. 15155970 Report >>15155884 Absolutely, any 5IV would be fantastic. I can pop it in the day care with a ditto and start breeding it with it's own offspring to create genetic monstrosities as soon as tomorrow1
>>15155812 Sorry about the delay, I'm on now. I'll give you a 5IV (including 0 speed) for that 5IV Proakie!
Marvin 4141-3101-6162
>>15155854 What's your IGN?
Quoted By:
>>15155915 Ah okay. I thought that Stance Change simply swapped its current ATK/SPATK and DEF/SPDEF stats, meaning training everything in DEF/SPDEF is ideal.
So, going by this, it's ideal to EV train them in ATK rather than DEF stats?
Does it have any good SPATK viability, or is it all ATK?
Justin 1736-0722-3853 !OJ5OHW7t1.
>>15155970 no worries man, trade me when you are ready
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:10:43 No. 15156014 Report >>15155962 You bet your ass I want that. I've already bred a perfect honedge as well as special and physical based 0 speed Honedges. I love having options! I'll get to you after Marvin and Justin!
Magcarbro 3695-0579-1062
Quoted By:
>>15155756 Still need any of those trades you asked for? I have Timid Protean froakies. If not thanks for the offer.
Strych 2191 8951 1173
>>15156014 Cool man I'll go ahead and add you.
Twine 4699-5775-2297
OP I can give you a 4IV (really 5IV but fuck attack) Gastly for a 4 IV honedge
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:17:35 No. 15156128 Report Guys, between captcha eating my posts, getting wi-fi on 3DS to not be a bitch, and communicating with you guys, this whole trading thing is hard. I have so much more respect for people who spend all day here giving things away.
>>15155980 Fuck, my internet crapped out. Get that Honedge okay?
>>15156008 You're right up next, sorry again!
Zerroes, 0662-3831-1079 (Dragonair, Sliggo, Gabite)
Zerroes, 0662-3831-1079 (Dragonair, Sliggo, Gabite) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:18:38 No. 15156145 Report Quoted By:
I have an Adamant 4 IV Hawlucha's. You'll need to ability changer them to Unburden though, but other then that he's an absolute beast with acrobatics/ HJK assuming you're lucky enough to get a flying gem from Terminus cave. I can nickname it for you too if ya want, I'll want a nickname if you decide on trading with me.
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:19:25 No. 15156158 Report >>15156124 Sure!, I'll let you know when I'm ready!
>>15156087 You're up next bro.
>>15155911 Sure, I love me some Jolteon. Just add me and I'll get to you!
Justin 1736-0722-3853 !OJ5OHW7t1.
>>15156128 thanks for the honedge
>>15156158 already added, take your time man. I know what it's like having shitty internet.
0018 0253 7050 (Beautifly, Combee and Pinsir)
0018 0253 7050 (Beautifly, Combee and Pinsir) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:23:02 No. 15156209 Report I have a with Max Def SpA and Spe Modest Protean Froakie I EV trained 252 Spa 252 Spe for a male Honedge. What is the advantage of 0 speed? I've not been tracking Aegislash.
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:23:17 No. 15156217 Report >>15156163 no prob, bob.
>>15156087 Whats your IGN?
Gman 0018 1403 7196 bisharp crawdaunt sableye
Gman 0018 1403 7196 bisharp crawdaunt sableye Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:23:26 No. 15156224 Report Quoted By:
i can trade pinsir with close combat and quick attack as egg moves if you want.
0018 0253 7050 (Beautifly, Combee and Pinsir)
0018 0253 7050 (Beautifly, Combee and Pinsir) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:25:18 No. 15156248 Report >>15156217 >>15156209 I'd like an egg if you have one, because I'm a bit autistic when it comes to OT
Twine 4699-5775-2297
>>15156124 >>15156217 Forgot to mention my IGN is Lukey. Look for a camo cap
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:26:38 No. 15156266 Report >>15156209 I'm okay with the Proakies, sorry bro.
>>15156197 Are you Keith?
Brandon 1118-0389-1607
>>15155756 I've got a adamant technician scyther if you're still interested
JAM - 0576 - 4530 - 4964
Quoted By:
OP I can give you a Swift Swim Poliwag (becomes Drizzle) with 4 perfect IV's, Bold Nature and has Encore as an egg move for one of them (5 perfect IV's preferably, but am ok with 4).
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:30:52 No. 15156340 Report Quoted By:
>>15156248 Ahh, I changed my mind, I'll trade you an egg, no problem. Proakie is unnecessary for just that, but whatever you want is cool. I've got Twine and the Eevee dude ahead of you
Mysarie 1478-4228-6497 (Eevee, Aipom, Audino)
Mysarie 1478-4228-6497 (Eevee, Aipom, Audino) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:33:17 No. 15156373 Report I can trade you alot of things for one of those Honeedges if you need any of these. 5IV Jolly Gible with Outrage 5IV Timid Noibat 5IV Adamant Larvitar with DDance and Stealth Rocks 5IV Adamant, Huge Power Maril with Aqua Jet 5IV Adamant, Technician Scyther 5IV Modest Gooey Goomy
Strych 2191 8951 1173
>>15156158 Cheers man. Apologies for the delay, got interrupted by a telemarketer of all things.
Quoted By:
Would you like a 4 IV brave mawile?
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:35:05 No. 15156405 Report >>15156293 Possibly. Scyther is probably the next thing I'm going to breed. Due you have any
Anyone know if Scizor is gimped until December due to egg moves? I don't care that much since I just want good IV 'mons for breeding until everything is standardized, but I do want me a decent scizor.
>>15156258 you're next!
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:36:43 No. 15156434 Report >>15156405 Internet is going to be the death of me.
>>15156293 I meant do you have any 5IV males?
Adam (IGN: Ketara) 3737-9640-4175 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion)
Adam (IGN: Ketara) 3737-9640-4175 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:38:44 No. 15156462 Report I dont know if any of these have been offered to you, but I have a couple ice pokemon with 3-4 IVs on them. I have a Thick Fat Swinub with maxed hp/def/sp.def/speed, only downsides are it's level 19 due to being used for breeding and its bashful. Also have an hp/atk/sp.def adamant thick fat one with Icicle Crash bred onto it. I have some Leech Seed bred Snovers, but they don't have the best IVs and I fucked up their natures. Also have plenty of timid Snorunts of both genders, and quite a few with "Outstanding Potential", and a Skill Link Shellder with "outstanding potential" and bred with perfect hp/atk/def and Rock Blast. Also have a couple modest Eevees with 3-4 IVs. If any of those interest, I would love a nice Honedge.
Twine 4699-5775-2297
Hahaha OP. That name. Anyway, how did you find me via passerby? Thanks for the trade by the way
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:41:05 No. 15156499 Report Quoted By:
>>15156380 It's all good, I'm not exactly going at sanic speed either. Thanks though!
>>15156373 Jeez how much breeding have you done? I secretly want all of those, but gooey Goomy in particular. Tryna breed myself an infestation gooms. Want a 4IV with 0 speed (which I count as 5IV I guess)? or 5IV with random speed?
iMiDGiT 1907-9143-0972
>>15156373 I have perfect 31/31/31/x/31/31 Honedges too. Would it be possible to get a Goomy or Larvitar?
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:45:05 No. 15156553 Report >>15156489 Wait, I found you via passerby? I thought I added you and found you in friends? What if
we're neighbors . And thanks, it's just my name and also I love the Odyssey. I've given up on all forms of interney privacy because of how unique my name is, so now I just use it for everything.
>>15156462 A modest Eevee with 4 Ivs, female in particular, would be great to breed with the eevee I just received. I need it to have Sp.D maxed though since my current is missing that.
Mysarie 1478-4228-6497 (Eevee, Aipom, Audino)
Mysarie 1478-4228-6497 (Eevee, Aipom, Audino) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:45:36 No. 15156568 Report >>15156513 I can trade you a 31/31/31/x/31/31 Larvitar for that Honedge
Brandon 1118-0389-1607
>>15156434 I only have females for some reason at the moment. I could breed some more and try to get a male if you want
Twine 4699-5775-2297
Quoted By:
>>15156373 I'll trade you a 5IV gastly for a 5IV Scyther
iMiDGiT 1907-9143-0972
>>15156568 Alright, adding. Do you want a male or female? They are in regular pokeballs.
Also, can I get a female if it's in a pokeball, or male if it's in a different ball?
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:47:05 No. 15156591 Report Quoted By:
>my fucking face when I just realized hatching o-power exists.
Mysarie 1478-4228-6497 (Eevee, Aipom, Audino)
Mysarie 1478-4228-6497 (Eevee, Aipom, Audino) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:49:03 No. 15156625 Report >>15156583 Female would be preferable. Unfortunately i only have male Larvitar's left but they are in normal pokeballs.
Adam (IGN: Ketara) 3737-9640-4175 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion)
Adam (IGN: Ketara) 3737-9640-4175 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:49:16 No. 15156632 Report >>15156553 Unfortunately, all my 4IV Eevees are male. That 12.5% female chance sucks sometimes. The closest I have is a female with maxed hp/sp.def/speed, which fits your request for a sp.def one, but, yeah, not 4IV'd.
Brandon 1118-0389-1607
>>15156569 >>15156434 Got a male. Just add me whenever if still interested
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:50:20 No. 15156644 Report >>15156569 Yeah, that would be great, just trying to speed up my scyther breeding! Any male would do, 3IVs and up.
>>15156568 >>15156513 Man, you guys are 2legit4me. I spent way too long trying to get that 31/31/31/x/31/0 setup to trade it away. I had literally every 5IV combination but that. Is there anyway to guarantee the 5IV setup you want without perfect mons? I've just been breeding with 3IV dittos until I had 4IV+ offspring to breed, then 5IV offspring and I spent all day trying to get my setup. Do power items help?
iMiDGiT 1907-9143-0972
>>15156625 Thank you very much!
>>15156644 40+ boxes of Honedges, trying to get a Shiny. That's why I have so much of these perfect ones. Just got lucky with one perfect and it grew from there.
Mysarie 1478-4228-6497 (Eevee, Aipom, Audino)
Mysarie 1478-4228-6497 (Eevee, Aipom, Audino) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:53:15 No. 15156697 Report >>15156662 Yo that Honedge has 0 in speed
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:53:22 No. 15156699 Report >>15156640 Okay, added you!
>>15156632 Jeez, I forgot about that 12.5% female chance, I think I'll take my chances with the 4IV and my 3IV ditto for now, thanks though, I'll trade you a 4IV one for a derp or practically anything else you've bred if you want though :)
>>15156697 its honedge. its meant to have 0 in speed
iMiDGiT 1907-9143-0972
>>15156697 Shit, wrong one. Trade me again.
Mysarie 1478-4228-6497 (Eevee, Aipom, Audino)
Mysarie 1478-4228-6497 (Eevee, Aipom, Audino) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:56:31 No. 15156762 Report >>15156644 Yeah thinking about it, its probably better to have 0 speed
>>15156730 Dont worry about it
iMiDGiT 1907-9143-0972
Quoted By:
>>15156762 Okay. I have a lot of 31/31/31/x/31/31 and 31/31/31/x/31/0 and they are all marked the same. That was pretty dumb of me.
I actually meant to tell you the 0 speed one, but I typed it wrong apparently. I thought you wanted 31 speed after you mentioned it though.
Adam (IGN: Ketara) 3737-9640-4175 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion)
Adam (IGN: Ketara) 3737-9640-4175 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:57:25 No. 15156785 Report >>15156699 That works for me. I'll give you one of my best bred Swinubs for it, seems like the most fair trade I can make. Added you.
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 08:59:21 No. 15156834 Report Quoted By:
>>15156729 Not necessarily, the autotomize set is perfectly viable, and you want speed for that. It's also a bit of a curveball since you see so many sword dancers online. Jolly nature, a proper EV spread (which I haven't figured out yet), and weakness policy means you can take a supereffective hit, get to plus two, and outspeed a ton of threats. It sometimes tries to do too much though. But, I dunno, mitebcool
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 09:01:17 No. 15156879 Report >>15156785 Cool, sounds great!
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 09:03:03 No. 15156921 Report Quoted By:
>>15156640 Thanks so much. Love me some goddamn scizor. What's consensus on M-Scizor, anyway? Just a side grade? Oh well. Anywho, thanks!
JAM - 0576 - 4530 - 4964
>>15156879 OP do you not want the Poliwag? I can take a 4IV one.
Adam (IGN: Ketara) 3737-9640-4175 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion)
Adam (IGN: Ketara) 3737-9640-4175 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillion) Fri 25 Oct 2013 09:07:20 No. 15156992 Report >>15156879 Sorry about that canceled trade. I forgot to set its name back to normal.
Thank you very much for the trade!
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 09:08:04 No. 15157017 Report Quoted By:
>>15156248 I'd still trade you that egg if you want it, otherwise I'm done for tonight. Thanks so much everyone!
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 09:09:58 No. 15157053 Report Quoted By:
>>15156950 Ah, yeah, sorry I'm just losing people in the thread, sorry for not responding. Sure I'll take that Poliwag!
>>15156762 I wouldn't be able to convince you to trade any leftover Goomies you've got would I? Any 2IV+ would help with breeding if you don't need them :)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 09:11:24 No. 15157086 Report Quoted By:
>>15156992 No problem, thank you for the fair trade, you could've traded just a derp but you didn't, so thanks!
JAM - 0576 - 4530 - 4964
Quoted By:
Thanks very much OP!
Danny 0189-9271-1680 Frogadier Quagsire Octillery
Danny 0189-9271-1680 Frogadier Quagsire Octillery Fri 25 Oct 2013 09:18:45 No. 15157221 Report Would you do a 31/31/31/x/31/0 Honedge for a 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant Speed Boost Venipede?
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 09:18:57 No. 15157224 Report Quoted By:
iMiDGiT 1907-9143-0972
>>15157221 If OP doesn't, I love to do that trade.
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 09:20:50 No. 15157262 Report Quoted By:
>>15157221 Really wish I could man, but I've only got one of those unfortunately, I am breeding for a shiny soon, and I'll probably make another thread like this at some point if I've got any of those to trade!
Danny 0189-9271-1680 Frogadier Quagsire Octillery
Danny 0189-9271-1680 Frogadier Quagsire Octillery Fri 25 Oct 2013 09:25:17 No. 15157348 Report >>15157249 well it looks like OP is all out. If you have the same kind of Honedge I'll add you and we can do the trade.
iMiDGiT 1907-9143-0972
>>15157348 Yes, I have the same. Both male and female, and in pokeball.
For your Venipede, do you have a female in a regular pokeball? If not, can I get a male?
Danny 0189-9271-1680 Frogadier Quagsire Octillery
Danny 0189-9271-1680 Frogadier Quagsire Octillery Fri 25 Oct 2013 09:29:22 No. 15157435 Report >>15157361 I currently only have perfect Males and they are in Quick Balls.
>>15155756 I've got a few leftover
Modest - Infiltrator - Noibats
If you're interested OP.
iMiDGiT 1907-9143-0972
Quoted By:
>>15157435 I'm fine with that too. Trade me when you're ready. IGN is iMiDGiT
iMiDGiT 1907-9143-0972
>>15157435 Thank you very much. Can you double check the IVs? Too many Honedges, so I might have made a mistake with the markings.
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio)
Oklys [2878-9759-1773] (Electabuzz, Electrode, Luxio) Fri 25 Oct 2013 09:36:52 No. 15157572 Report >>15157437 I would, but I just got fucked as both the scyther's I got in this thread had 0 Perfect IVs. Oh well. I probably won't make trades for anything above 4IVs anymore.
Danny 0189-9271-1680 Frogadier Quagsire Octillery
Danny 0189-9271-1680 Frogadier Quagsire Octillery Fri 25 Oct 2013 09:42:32 No. 15157657 Report Quoted By:
>>15157536 Got them checked. it all matches up.
Quoted By:
>>15157572 I can supply a picture for you time-stamped ofc.
Chris 3883-4731-9468
Quoted By:
I only have some 2 and 3 IV shuppets but I'd love to have one