Gulpin (US, Calm)
Flabebe named o o (JP, Modest)
Magmar (JP, Serious) Dex success! Keeper!
Pansear (US, Rash)
Fetchling (GER, Brave)
Pancham (US, Relaxed)
Panpour (FR, Adamant)
Pansear (US, Gentle)
Bunnelby (US, Lax)
Squirtle (Traded a charmander for it, how funny) (JP, Relaxed) Dex success!
Charmander (US, Bashful)
Goomy (ITA, Docile)
Pikachu (JPN, Timid)
Chatot (US, Quirky)
Litleo named Flamepower (US, Relaxed)
Scatterbug named P.F.D.F. (GER, Shield Dust) Will evolve
Pansage (FR, Serious)
Panpour (US, Sassy)
Pikachu (JPN, Naughty)
Charmander (US, Bashful)
Mienfoo (US, Quirky)
Skorupi (
Heracross (US, Hardy) Dex success!
Luvdisc (JP, Jolly) Already have a shiny one, I can trade this for Steelix!
tfw I gave Jasmine a Luvdisc for her Steelix not because Luvdisc sucks, but because I Luv JasmineWatchog (JP, Careful)
Barbacle (JP, Jolly) Dex Sucess! Keeper!
Goomy (US, Jolly)
Skrelp (US, Naughty)
Flabebe (US, Quiet)
Dwebble and Rocky (US, Brave0
There's a special place in hell for those who sent me all these shitmons
>>15173462It is