Okay everyone you may remember me from a couple days ago when I was trading noibats with 1 or 2 max IV's and now I've got something better Right now in my effort to hatch a shiny 6 max iv's noibat I am sitting on 60 Timid infiltrator Noibats with 5 random max IV's on each of them moveset -tackle -wing attack -agility -air cutter Personal idea for battle moveset -roost -sub -hyper fang and if not going with Assult vest -Toxic if you are then its your choice 11 Timid infiltrator Noibats with 31/x/31/31/31/31 moveset -tackle -wing attack -agility -air cutter Perfect battle ready My advisort moveset -Hurricane -Boomburst -uturn -Draco meteor Item I like for it is life orb 1 Timid infiltrator Noibats with all 6 IV's maxed do whatever you want with it Please do me a favor and only offer fair trades for them thanks
Mex - 0877-1337-8837 [Grass]
Quoted By:
I'd suck dick for one, but I'm not really a breeder so I don't have anything good to offer in terms of IVs.
I should point out, as you seem unaware, that "status move" refers to any move under the "status" category. Which, far as I know, means any move that does not deal direct damage, including both sub and roost.
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
Quoted By:
>>15207972 Well, thanks for that information, looks like I'm changing that strategy
Zen(IGN: Jack) 1392-5273-6716
5 IV Mawile /W Egg moves Sucker Punch and Fire fang for a 5 IV one?
Navid 0877-1284-2219
Quoted By:
Do you want anything specific? Since I'm relatively new, I don't have any IV pokemon to offer
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15208065 sure, any chance I can get a matching set male and female?
Zen(IGN: Jack) 1392-5273-6716
>>15208113 Could I get the 6 IV one for two 5 IV then?
Quoted By:
>>15208065 Could I get any mawile with the egg moves?
Quoted By:
I got some Shellos, Relaxed Nature and at least 3/4 perfect IV's and Storm Drain if that interests you?
Jon [Steel] 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki)
Jon [Steel] 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki) Sat 26 Oct 2013 14:25:15 No. 15208194 Report I was going to offer a 5 IV Mawile but somebody already did. My friend is borrowing my main breeding ditto so I can't really offer much. I would really love a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Noibat though.
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
Quoted By:
>>15208148 Ill just take one then
Jon [Steel] 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki)
Jon [Steel] 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki) Sat 26 Oct 2013 14:26:37 No. 15208233 Report >>15208194 Actually I think these Honedges I have, have 3-4 decent IVs on them with a Brave nature, if you're interested... it's really all I have atm.
Quoted By:
>>15208194 Can I get that mawile? Does it have sucker punch? I got a 4 iv speed boost torchic
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15208233 What IV's are they? Any egg moves?
Ill have to pass on them if max speed IV's but egg moves are more of a bonus
Jon [Steel] 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki)
Jon [Steel] 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki) Sat 26 Oct 2013 14:30:51 No. 15208334 Report >>15208278 No egg moves. Just some stuff I was randomly breeding in hopes of a shiny.
Most seem to have Atk/Sp. Atk and/or Sp Def.
Mike 4227 0953 0470 [Crawdaunt, Liepard, Paniward]
Mike 4227 0953 0470 [Crawdaunt, Liepard, Paniward] Sat 26 Oct 2013 14:31:46 No. 15208362 Report I currently have some Froakies in the outstanding field with perfect IVs Attack/Speed/Special Def and Toxic Spikes as an egg move. I'm trying to get 5 IVs, but its been a bit of a struggle. I'm new to breeding. If you can spare a 5 IV Timid Noibat, I'd appreciate it a lot! Could you nickname it if so?
Quoted By:
I've got a female Protean Frogadier and male Rash Helioptile for one of those Noibats with random IVs. Will that suffice?
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15208334 sure Ill take one if youll take a random 5 iv'd noibat
>>15208362 If youll trade me a male and female Ill nickname them anything you want
Jon [Steel] 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki)
Jon [Steel] 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki) Sat 26 Oct 2013 14:34:32 No. 15208429 Report Quoted By:
>>15208408 That's fine, thank you. I'll add you now.
Mike 4227 0953 0470 [Crawdaunt, Liepard, Paniward]
Mike 4227 0953 0470 [Crawdaunt, Liepard, Paniward] Sat 26 Oct 2013 14:36:36 No. 15208488 Report >>15208408 Deal. Let me just breed another female.
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15208488 What names do you want?
Mike 4227 0953 0470 [Crawdaunt, Liepard, Paniward]
Mike 4227 0953 0470 [Crawdaunt, Liepard, Paniward] Sat 26 Oct 2013 14:38:13 No. 15208530 Report >>15208505 If you got a male, can you name him Bruce?
Damon 0216-2141-1624
>>15207876 Could I get either the full 6 timid or 5 with attack being awful for a 5 perfect mawile?
Jon [Steel] 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki)
Jon [Steel] 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki) Sat 26 Oct 2013 14:39:21 No. 15208565 Report Quoted By:
>>15208505 If you keep me added I'll be able to make you a 5 IV Honedge in a day or so.
Damon 0216-2141-1624
>>15208560 Or a shiny mawile for the full 6 IV if you wanted?
i could realy need one of the 31/x/31/31/31/31 noibats, i have a couple of gale wings adamant fletchlings with 4 perfect IVs and different gender
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15208530 Sure thing and the female?
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
Quoted By:
>>15208614 which 4 are they?
Tahiro 0662-3255-3154
noibat for 4 IV timid gastly (none in attack) or 5 random IV venipede? have both male and female
Aj 2380-2910-8543
I can offer a 5 iv Goomy 31/x/31/31/31/31 Modest with the hidden ability .
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
A modest gooey goomy with 5 perfect ivs for one of them? ; _ ;
Mike 4227 0953 0470 [Crawdaunt, Liepard, Paniward]
Mike 4227 0953 0470 [Crawdaunt, Liepard, Paniward] Sat 26 Oct 2013 14:46:07 No. 15208707 Report >>15208615 Working on a Female Froakie now. You can nickname the female Drazz
jk 0275 7614 3177 Bug Safari
Could I get a noibat? I have a 4iv adamant snorunt with icicle crash 31/31/31/x/31/x
Jacob 3926-5125-8745
Quoted By:
Eh, I've got nothing good to offer but I'd certainly appreciate a handout. Noibat is definitely a shiny target of mine, I'd love to have the ultimate parent to breed.
Aj 2380-2910-8543
>>15208699 Well I have like 5 perfect iv Goomy. 2 gooey Females so I have some to spare :p It'd be nice to not have to breed a noibat either
jk 0275 7614 3177 Bug Safari
Quoted By:
>>15208725 holy cocks I'm retarded. I meant SWINUB.
Quoted By:
actually i have a full box of fletchlings, just tell me the combo of the 4 IVs you want, except SAtk
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15208676 Yea
>>15208668 Gatsly please
>>15208707 sure thing bud
>>15208725 Yea why not
Pharen (Ponyta, Larvesta, ???) 2638-0709-8130
Pharen (Ponyta, Larvesta, ???) 2638-0709-8130 Sat 26 Oct 2013 14:49:05 No. 15208784 Report >>15207876 Would you accept Careful Shroomish with perfect 5 IVs?
Tahiro 0662-3255-3154
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
Definitely interested OP. Would you like a Friend safari adamant ditto?
Ryan (Dragon type) 0103-9422-0346 Anonymous Sat 26 Oct 2013 14:51:46 No. 15208842 Report Hey OP I have honedges here with 4 max iv's (HP, ATT, DEF and SPC DEF) You want one for one of your noibats?
Aj 2380-2910-8543
Quoted By:
>>15208814 I'll trade a Female Gooey Goomy with 5 perfect iv's for a Noibat.
Damon 0216-2141-1624
>>15208560 >>15208589 No to a shiny Mawile or the 5 perfect IV Mawile?
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
>>15208743 Oh, I see. Anything else you'd want? I really could use one of those ; _ ;
Would you take an Abra with 4 IV'S and Hidden Ability? I only need Male noibat that has 4 IV'S (And if one of those is the Special Defense, the better)
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15208829 What max IV's does it carry?
>>15208842 Yea Ill take that trade
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15208881 Yea Ill take it
>>15208877 no sorry its already been offered
x1lef 3110-5181-4960
Quoted By:
>>15207876 If you have some extras even with 2 or 3 max IV I'd like to have one. Please.
Ryan (Dragon type) 0103-9422-0346 Anonymous Sat 26 Oct 2013 14:55:23 No. 15208931 Report Quoted By:
>>15208883 Added. IGM is Ryan, Ds name is "Ki"
Aj 2380-2910-8543
>>15208880 hmmm idk what do you have to offer? Cause I am not nessecarily looking for specific things just good parents for future pokemon I might use.
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
>>15208883 Defense and attack
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
>>15208944 Hmm I have a foreign safarizone ditto, brave honedge with nice ivs, I have a lot of safarizone friends, so I could catch something you might want (a hidden ability or ivs you might want)? ; _ ;
Quoted By:
>>15208910 Thanks, adding you.
My name's Riicky in game (With double i's)
Damon 0216-2141-1624
Quoted By:
>>15208910 You don't want a shiny Mawile?
How about a 5 IV adamant Whirlipede?
Pharen (Ponyta, Larvesta, ???) 2638-0709-8130
Pharen (Ponyta, Larvesta, ???) 2638-0709-8130 Sat 26 Oct 2013 14:58:13 No. 15209000 Report Quoted By:
>>15208814 Added you back, tell me when you can trade
jk 0275 7614 3177 Bug Safari
Quoted By:
Oh shit my swinubs were in the wrong order. I accidentally offered one of the parents and didn't notice. Will you still trade?
Aj 2380-2910-8543
>>15208983 Well I do actually need a cacnea/cacturne if you have one of those in your friendzone safaris. And does the ditto have any good ivs?
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
>>15209047 the ditto has 2 perfect IVs, I believe. I'll see if I have cacnea/turn on my safari.
Aj 2380-2910-8543
>>15209080 Ok well I don't really care about the ditto then but if you can find cacnea/cacturne that'd be nice.
Pharen (Ponyta, Larvesta, ???) 2638-0709-8130
Pharen (Ponyta, Larvesta, ???) 2638-0709-8130 Sat 26 Oct 2013 15:05:33 No. 15209177 Report Quoted By:
>>15207876 Sry my internet is acting gay on me
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
>>15209142 Alright. I have a lot of unchecked grass/dark safaris on me, if you could wait a second for me to check them ; _ ;
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
Quoted By:
>>15209186 No problem thank you for the abra
Pharen it says youre trading right now
Aj 2380-2910-8543
>>15209178 Yeah I can wait
Shad 0602-6501-8253
OP, if you have any more, I'm willing to trade a shiny Pansear for one!
1160-9889-3016 [Espurr, Abra, ???]
>>15207876 What about an Eevee with Anticipation? I have access to a Friend Safari with Eevee, in case you need special conditions.
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
Empty 4012-4161-1176
Interested in imposter ditto OP?
Ryan (Dragon type) 0103-9422-0346 Anonymous Sat 26 Oct 2013 15:12:04 No. 15209334 Report Quoted By:
>>15209291 4 max IV battle reader honedge guy here. Just letting you know you are added.
Shad 0602-6501-8253
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15209249 yea sure
>>15209303 absolutely
>>15209290 What do the IV's look like?
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/Drifblim) 0946-2330-6291
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/Drifblim) 0946-2330-6291 Sat 26 Oct 2013 15:14:07 No. 15209386 Report >>15207876 Could I get a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Timid Infiltrator Noibat for a 4 IV Adamant Technician Scyther?
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
>>15209339 OP, do you want an adamant ditto with perfect Attack and defense IVs?
Empty 4012-4161-1176
>>15209339 He's called Replicant but I can take the nick off if you want.
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
Empty 4012-4161-1176
Quoted By:
>>15209424 Aight 2 minutes I needa find my 3DS
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/Drifblim) 0946-2330-6291
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/Drifblim) 0946-2330-6291 Sat 26 Oct 2013 15:16:31 No. 15209453 Report >>15209424 >Pass So you want it or not?
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
Quoted By:
>>15209214 Ah, shit, no cacnea/cacturne, gts was no help as well. Sorry ; _ ;
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15209453 Sorry I mean no thank you, I will pass on that offer
1160-9889-3016 [Espurr, Abra, ???]
>>15209339 One of them has perfect IVs in Attack and Defense.
Another one has perfect IVs in Defense and Special Attack.
And the last one has perfect IVs in Attack and Speed.
But like I told you, I can catch more until I get one with the IVs that you want.
Aj 2380-2910-8543
>>15209424 interest in either a shiny Druddigon or Shiny Dedenne for a 5 iv noibat?
Ryan (Dragon type) 0103-9422-0346 Anonymous Sat 26 Oct 2013 15:19:16 No. 15209519 Report Quoted By:
>>15209475 Thanks dude, caught me off guard there being a passerby.
Pharen (Ponyta, Larvesta, ???) 2638-0709-8130
Pharen (Ponyta, Larvesta, ???) 2638-0709-8130 Sat 26 Oct 2013 15:19:38 No. 15209531 Report Quoted By:
>>15207876 Sry dude, still having internet issues ill trade you when I get it fixed :/
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15209500 > googled shiny Dedenne I think im definitely going to have to take that offer.
>>15209490 Att and speed one please
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/Drifblim) 0946-2330-6291
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/Drifblim) 0946-2330-6291 Sat 26 Oct 2013 15:20:44 No. 15209551 Report Quoted By:
>>15209475 Okay, what are you looking for? I also have Safari Dittos, do you want an IV combination is particular?
Shad 0602-6501-8253
Quoted By:
>>15209339 Also, if you don't mind me being picky, could I get one with perfect IVs in Speed and Sp. Atk, please? That'd be very nice if you could.
Aj 2380-2910-8543
Quoted By:
>>15209542 Ok trade me whenever caught it in safair so it has 2 perfect ivs as well dunno which tho.
1160-9889-3016 [Espurr, Abra, ???]
Quoted By:
>>15209542 Okay, I already added you.
...Also, not to be picky, but can you trade me a Male Noibat?
Kantin (3480 - 3723 - 0449)
>>15207876 Got anymore Noibats?
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
Mike 4227 0953 0470 [Crawdaunt, Liepard, Paniward]
Mike 4227 0953 0470 [Crawdaunt, Liepard, Paniward] Sat 26 Oct 2013 15:25:58 No. 15209702 Report Got your Protean Toxic Spikes Froakies OP. The female one was stubborn but they're ready
Kantin (3480 - 3723 - 0449)
Quoted By:
>>15209671 I'll take one. Would you like anything specifically I don't have much.
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15209702 There we go Mike Ive got your two in their own box ready for the trade
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/Drifblim) 0946-2330-6291
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/Drifblim) 0946-2330-6291 Sat 26 Oct 2013 15:28:49 No. 15209773 Report >>15209671 How about any 4 IV (but those with 31 in Attack) Timid Noibat for a 4 IV Adamant Tech Scyther?
Mike 4227 0953 0470 [Crawdaunt, Liepard, Paniward]
Mike 4227 0953 0470 [Crawdaunt, Liepard, Paniward] Sat 26 Oct 2013 15:29:14 No. 15209787 Report >>15209738 Sweet. Just added you.
Now which parent should get the Knot if I wanna breed these to go for 6 IVs?
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15209787 Either, just make sure one holds knot one holds everstone and be prepared for a few eggs the last stat is all chance to be 31 IV's
>>15209773 okay lets trade
Benson 1247-0122-1521
>>15207876 1. 31/x/31/31/31/31 Bold Eevee (either ability)
2. 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant Gale Wings Fletchling in Repeat Balls
3. 31/x/31/31/31/31 Timid Magic Guard Abra in Premier Balls
Any for a 5 IV Male Noibat?
Mike 4227 0953 0470 [Crawdaunt, Liepard, Paniward]
Mike 4227 0953 0470 [Crawdaunt, Liepard, Paniward] Sat 26 Oct 2013 15:32:45 No. 15209876 Report Quoted By:
>>15209826 Alrighty. Thanks again.
1160-9889-3016 [Espurr, Abra, ???]
Quoted By:
>>15209826 Hey I added ya.
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
Quoted By:
>>15207876 OP, I think I found a cacturne safari here. Are you still interested?
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15209843 I would take all three, but if you're only interested in one Ill go with the Adamant Gale wings Fletchling
>>15207876 >1 Timid infiltrator Noibats with all 6 IV's maxed do whatever you want with it If you haven't sold this yet OP, I'm thinking Shiny Horsea
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15210037 What IV's does the horsea carry?
Vin 5343-8784-5240
>>15207876 good iv's timid/modest fennekin?
G - 4210-5348-3293
Quoted By:
I've got 3 female Shellos with 3/4 perfect IV's (all have perfect sp. def) with a relaxed nature and Storm Drain. I also have a shiny noibat. I'd want the timid 6 IV one in exchange for all 3 shellos +the shiny noibat or just the noibat. Unless you had a better idea. (also what gender is it.
Tino 1160-9889-3016 [Espurr, Abra, ???]
Quoted By:
>>15210091 Hey, thanks a lot!
Empty 4012-4161-1176
>>15209671 Okay, found my fuckin' DS.
Can I get a noivern with max speed? I'm not too fussed about the other stats, spA would be nice but your call. Male and nicknamed Zetsuen if possible. Jumping online now.
Replicant is a rash ditto with 31 in attack and spA, doesn't really matter since he's imposter but if you ever use him to breed!
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/Drifblim) 0946-2330-6291
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/Drifblim) 0946-2330-6291 Sat 26 Oct 2013 15:45:57 No. 15210272 Report >>15209826 Could I get a male one instead of possible?
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/Drifblim) 0946-2330-6291
Carlos (GHOST || Lampent/Phantump/Drifblim) 0946-2330-6291 Sat 26 Oct 2013 15:47:06 No. 15210307 Report Quoted By:
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15210272 yes
>>15210235 yes but im going to need a couple minutes to rename it
Benson 1247-0122-1521
Quoted By:
>>15209974 Sorry, was brushing my teeth. Adding.
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
>>15210368 hey, I managed to find a cacturne safari zone. I believe I have a couple synchronizers here, I think I have an adamant and modest. Would you have any specific nature in mind?
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15210401 I never requested cacturne, sorry you have me confused
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
Quoted By:
>>15210442 Shit, I was talking to the wrong person the whole time, I'm so sorry. I need to sleep.
>>15207876 Ive got a 5 IV, kelfki, helioptile, and pancham, all good natured (bold,modest, adamant respectively)
Will take one 31/x/31/31/31/31 infiltrator noibats for any combination of the 3.
Ennui 1220-7182-4141 (quallidan,tangela,ivysaur)
Ennui 1220-7182-4141 (quallidan,tangela,ivysaur) Sat 26 Oct 2013 15:54:35 No. 15210584 Report >>15210543 5 perfect IVs, just to clarify
Empty 4012-4161-1176
Quoted By:
>>15210368 Thanks man, this lil guy will kick some ass.
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15210543 >>15210584 I love the offer im trying to choose which one I want just give me a minute please
Vin 5343-8784-5240
Benson 1247-0122-1521
>>15210656 I need a male dude
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
Quoted By:
>>15210705 I figured when you cancelled trade sorry about that
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15210543 What are their abilities?
Ennui 1220-7182-4141 (quallidan,tangela,ivysaur)
Ennui 1220-7182-4141 (quallidan,tangela,ivysaur) Sat 26 Oct 2013 16:05:17 No. 15210914 Report Quoted By:
>>15210820 well klefki's are all prankster, because why would you need anything else, and i think i have helioptiles and panchams with both non hidden abilities
Ennui 1220-7182-4141 (quallidan,tangela,ivysaur)
Ennui 1220-7182-4141 (quallidan,tangela,ivysaur) Sat 26 Oct 2013 16:13:30 No. 15211188 Report >>15210820 also again, just for transparancey, while all these pokes have 5perfect IVs the missing IV, while not detremental to the set (like attack for pancham) isn't the most ideal missing IV either. For instance pancham is missing the speed IV but its base speed is insanely slow anyway. Since is the case for all 3, i am willing to offer ALL 3 pokes, in exchange for just one of the noiverns with already set IVs.
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15211188 oh then deal lol
Ennui 1220-7182-4141 (quallidan,tangela,ivysaur)
Ennui 1220-7182-4141 (quallidan,tangela,ivysaur) Sat 26 Oct 2013 16:24:16 No. 15211542 Report Quoted By:
>>15211482 whoops. adding you
Quoted By:
>>15207876 i'll take a noibat if you still have one. can offer an adamant max atk/spd IV honedge.
FC is: 3883-5984-7991
Danny 0189-9271-1680 Frogadier Quagsire Octillery
Danny 0189-9271-1680 Frogadier Quagsire Octillery Sat 26 Oct 2013 16:28:15 No. 15211685 Report Quoted By:
>>15207876 Would you take a 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant Speed Boost Venipede for a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Noibat?
>>15211394 dude, the noibat you gave me is one without a speed IV. Thats a pretty bad IV not to have. can we retrade?
Ennui 1220-7182-4141 (quallidan,tangela,ivysaur)
Ennui 1220-7182-4141 (quallidan,tangela,ivysaur) Sat 26 Oct 2013 16:32:23 No. 15211840 Report Quoted By:
>>15211800 thats me obviously
>>15207876 >Personal idea for battle moveset >-roost >-sub >-hyper fang >and if not going with Assult vest >-Toxic >if you are then its your choice What is this stupid shit idea?
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15211913 Well fuck you too, nigger this is all theory I havent started shit with actual battle plans
Ennui 1220-7182-4141 (quallidan,tangela,ivysaur)
Ennui 1220-7182-4141 (quallidan,tangela,ivysaur) Sat 26 Oct 2013 16:40:48 No. 15212140 Report Quoted By:
>>15212061 I thought the deal was 3 pokes for one of the noibat with the set 31/x/31/31/31/31 IVs
Quoted By:
can I have one OP? what are you looking for?
ミラ <JP-Y> (Dunsparce, Chansey, Audino) 4141-3056-2281
ミラ <JP-Y> (Dunsparce, Chansey, Audino) 4141-3056-2281 Sat 26 Oct 2013 16:59:31 No. 15212857 Report >>15207876 Are you interested in a shiny Shiny JP Sigilyph for a 31/x/31/31/31/31? it has a perfect IV in Def and SpA. Male or female is not important (but leaning towards female).
Edgar 4141-2155-8695
>>15207876 Can i have any noibat, I'll give you a heracross with rockblast. No dittos so i can't really IV breed that well yet ;(
ミラ <JP-Y> (Dunsparce, Chansey, Audino) 4141-3056-2281
ミラ <JP-Y> (Dunsparce, Chansey, Audino) 4141-3056-2281 Sat 26 Oct 2013 17:02:31 No. 15212981 Report Quoted By:
>>15212857 Forgot to mention it has Magic Guard (best imo) and I can Nickname it if you don't like the Japanes.
Edgar 4141-2155-8695
Quoted By:
>>15212933 They're all jolly btw
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15212933 You've got a deal
Ennui 1220-7182-4141 (quallidan,tangela,ivysaur)
Ennui 1220-7182-4141 (quallidan,tangela,ivysaur) Sat 26 Oct 2013 17:07:27 No. 15213199 Report >>15213082 seriously, my noibat was not the one i thought i was getting when i made the deal. Can we retade for the right one?
Edgar 4141-2155-8695
Quoted By:
>>15213082 sweet, i'm trying to catch a female charmeleon in the friend safari atm, i'll add you in a sec, caught as typing this
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15213199 Sure i'll retrade you again
Quoted By:
>>15213703 thanks dude, appreciate it. Just to make sure, im looking for one of the one's with the missing attack IV only.
Edgar 4141-2155-8695
Quoted By:
>>15213703 Thanks for the noibat, appreciate it!
1461 6356 0612
I don't have much to trade, but can I have one please? I could give you a dragalge or clauncher or a ditto
>>15213703 Perfect dude. I know ive been bugging you a lot, but if you're not busy i forgot to ask for a nickname. If you can't now, its fine but if you could name it "MindPolluter" for me if I trade it back, i would be eternally grateful.
Ennui 1220-7182-4141 (quallidan,tangela,ivysaur)
Ennui 1220-7182-4141 (quallidan,tangela,ivysaur) Sat 26 Oct 2013 17:28:13 No. 15214089 Report >>15214032 keep forgetting my name
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
David 3437-3451-3804
Ennui 1220-7182-4141 (quallidan,tangela,ivysaur)
Ennui 1220-7182-4141 (quallidan,tangela,ivysaur) Sat 26 Oct 2013 17:34:36 No. 15214355 Report Quoted By:
>>15214139 any idea how long it'll take you to trade it back to me?
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
Quoted By:
>>15214319 course whatcha looking for?
I'm looking for an infiltrator noibat. still got one available?
David 3437-3451-3804
>>15214319 the random iv timid I'd love one of those Serena 1134-7351-6457
OP, do you have any 31/x/31/31/31/31 Timid Infiltrator Noibats left?
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15214447 sure do, what do you have to offer?
>>15214519 What are you offering
>>15214534 Yes I do, they've actually been hatching with more frequency recently
>>15214576 Sorry, I don't exactly have much. I have a couple Pokemon with pokerus, a couple safari pokes, and a lot of torchics /froakies. Mostly Japanese.
1461 6356 0612
Quoted By:
>>15214576 >>15214002 can I have one please?
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
Quoted By:
>>15214809 Foreign or multiple max IV'd Ditto?
David 3437-3451-3804
>>15214576 uhh what do you need? Serena 1134-7351-6457
>>15214576 I'd love to have one. I'm sorry I don't have much to offer right now because I've been focusing on breeding one mon but I have modest Drifloons, Timid Fennekins, Adamant Mawiles with 4 random IVs, Adamant Honedge and I can breed Adamant GW Fletchlings.
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
>>15214917 If youve got dittos with multiple max IV's (more than 4)
foreign dittos
or a combination of the two
I would love to trade, otherwise I'm open to offers
>>15214948 Whats the one mon youve been focused on? The ones you have that interest me have already been offered sorry
Bronson 4339-2611-4807
Quoted By:
>>15215024 I mean 4 or more not more than 4 sorry
Serena 1134-7351-6457
Quoted By:
>>15215024 It was Fennekin since I've been Masuda-ing. I have boxes full of it and just a few of everything else. Understood though, no problem.