>>15227439Now that I think about it, you're possibly extremely lucky I had that Pokémon Box in my possesion still.
Ever since I got it back in 2004, it has been in the same shelf pretty much, which was converted into my fathers work desk after a few years. My father hated games with a passion. When I was a kid, he took the cardboard boxes of my NES and SNES, you know, the things that acctually make the consoles VALUABLE, and burned them up because he considered them a waste of space.
That Pokémon Box was on the shelf of my fathers work desk for like 7 years, and I didn't care that it was there because I didn't care for it. It's amazing that he never got rid of it during all that time, even after I had moved out. When he then died, I strongly considered throwing the game away with many other things we didn't need, but relying on my better instinct to never throw away games or simply have them disappear, I decided to keep it.
So there, after 9 years it got to some use, which I'm glad for.