[40 / 1 / ?]
Hey /vp/ Due to an intense burst of autism, I now have a box full of Magician Fennekens. If any of you want one, go ahead and add me, I don't really ask for much, if you want to give me an even trade like bulletproof chespin or gooey goomy, cool, if not, thats also cool. point is to get rid of these fennekens
Shad 0602-6501-8253
If you've got a Timid and/or Female one, I would be very happy. I'll go ahead and add ya, and give ya a Gooey Gooey.
Shad 0602-6501-8253
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>>15267095 Gooey Goomy, I mean. Good lord, I can't type.
Melissa 4699-5716-9642
I'll gladly take one off your hands if you don't mind getting something shitty with Pokerus.I just finished the game so I haven't had the chance to breed anything good, sorry.
>>15267095 yea, i got a female, added
>>15267294 It's cool, adding
Shad 0602-6501-8253
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>>15267364 Sweet. Just lemme get the egg hatched and it's yours.
Melissa 4699-5716-9642
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>>15267364 Wonderful, thank you.
Drew 0963-0066-5613
>>15266786 Mind giving me one? I'll give you an adamant absol with good IVs.
Shad 0602-6501-8253
>>15267364 Actually... this may take a while, so I'm gonna trade you one of the eggs, if that's alright. Hopefully it's Gooey.
I would like one I added you OP
George: 1005-9627-6324
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>>15267546 Sure, adding you right now
>>15267548 I'm actually glad you gave me an egg, now i can nickname it
>>15267693 I'm adding you right now
George: 1005-9627-6324
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Also, it would be nice if you guys can tell me you in-game names so I know who to trade with instead of sitting and waiting for the requests
Jon - 2535-3895-8203 (Normal: Chansey, Aipom, Loudred)
Jon - 2535-3895-8203 (Normal: Chansey, Aipom, Loudred) Sun 27 Oct 2013 18:35:21 No. 15268133 Report >>15266786 Just added you. I'd love to take one of your hands if you still got some, but I'm afraid I don't have much to offer
George: 1005-9627-6324
>>15268133 It's cool, I just don't want to send these magician fenneken to wonder trade to some jap for a shitty pansage or something
Jon - 2535-3895-8203 (Normal: Chansey, Aipom, Loudred)
Jon - 2535-3895-8203 (Normal: Chansey, Aipom, Loudred) Sun 27 Oct 2013 18:38:31 No. 15268261 Report >>15268211 ha, yeah, that makes sense. Got a Jap Goomy, if you want?
George: 1005-9627-6324
George 4055-3582-5353
Hey, I'll trade you a Swift Swim Poliwag with Encore for one. It'll have a number nickname so I don't know if you want me to nickname it or not.
Jon - 2535-3895-8203 (Normal: Chansey, Aipom, Loudred)
Jon - 2535-3895-8203 (Normal: Chansey, Aipom, Loudred) Sun 27 Oct 2013 18:41:47 No. 15268423 Report Quoted By:
George: 1005-9627-6324
>>15268417 It's cool.
I'll just breed it with an everstone
George 4055-3582-5353
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>>15268498 Alright, ready when you are.
Ghost [Golurk, Lampent, Phantump] 3952-7585-2499
Ghost [Golurk, Lampent, Phantump] 3952-7585-2499 Sun 27 Oct 2013 18:45:29 No. 15268591 Report >>15266786 Mind if I grab one?
brad 4596-9655-6517
mind if i can get one i can give a protean froakie
George: 1005-9627-6324
George: 1005-9627-6324
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Well, it's about 3:00pm (15:00 for any foreigners) so i'm about to go eat lunch, when I come back i'll continue but anybody else feel free to post and add me
I'll give ye some random chespin egg that I completely forgot I had, for a female with either modest or quiet xD
>>15266786 I'll trade you a 4 iv brave honedge or gale wings fletchling for one please
>>15269013 >>15269008 >>15268909 online and back, adding all of you
George: 1005-9627-6324
brad 4596-9655-6517
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>>15270343 trades fer me plz?
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>>15270343 Ok My ign is Oscar FC 0946 2943 8878
George: 1005-9627-6324
>>15269013 you forgot your friend code and stuff
George: 1005-9627-6324
kev 0130-1871-8750
kev here, requesting trade for the female Fennekin w modest or quiet nature. sorry for canceling the trade, I was in the middle of something.
>>15271612 well, even though I managed to breed about a box and a half worth's of fennekens, I only had 3-5 female fennekens because of dat ratio, and they didn't have magician so i WT-ed them away.
I do have a modest male fenneken with magician though if you want it
kev 0130-1871-8750
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>>15270909 sending another
kev 0130-1871-8750
>>15271787 alright, thanks ;D
George: 1005-9627-6324
George: 1005-9627-6324
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>>15267548 I just hatched the egg.
I got a sap sipper goomy.
Back to the drawing board i guess