>>15258747 >>15258747 Friend your fellow trainers for more safari choices.
Submit suggestions/corrections
>Extended FAQ https://docs.google.com/document/d/13MvLYLFQq4YcOyMC49DWcOgqij1thEC_sDUKJ4I2Mk4/pub FAQs
People and Places:
>How do I get into the boutique/Hair styles? http://i.imgur.com/P0Wpe5x.jpg >How do I get past the punk in the Lost Hotel? You need to talk to and learn the skating tricks from the skaters in Lumiose city.
>Where do you spend Pokemiles? Lumiose Pokecenter, South Boulevard
>Where are the Move Relearner/Deleter? Dendemille Town
>I can't find _____ in Lumiose city! http://i.imgur.com/IzecHL3.png Items:
>Where do I find a Dusk stone? Complete the Super Training Secret Mode with the Aegislash Baloon, (Requires a fully EVd mon), talk to the Team Flare member (Post Game) or Terminus Cave
>..Shiny stone? Route 12 ride the Skiddo around.
>Where do I find the Mega stone for ______? http://serebii.net/xy/megaevolutions.shtml (You can only find Mega Stones between 8pm to 9pm game time after finishing one battle at the Maison and defeating your rival. You must then examine the giant sundial in Anistar and talk to Sycamore)
>Where do I find TM __? http://serebii.net/xy/tmhm.shtml >Movesets http://www.smogon.com/forums/forums/research.251/ Pokemon:
>Where do I find Eevee? Route 10
>How do I evolve it into Sylveon? Get two hearts on the affection meter in Amie and teach it a fairy type move (It learns charm as it levels up)
>Where do I find Ditto? Pokemon Village
>Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres keep running and I can't catch them, wat do? Keep chasing them till they stop at the Sea Spirit's Den, you can catch them there.
>How do I evolve Inkay/Skrelp/Clauncher Turn the 3DS upside-down after you hear the *ding* of it leveling up(Level 30)
Level 48 (No Camoflage has nothing to do with it
Level 37
>Does tipping increase shiny chance? That is only a rumor, no confirmation on that
>Coupons? POSSIBLE
Xeno (Zo) 4527-8342-1974
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Asked last thread, but want to make sure. . .are there any item maniacs in this game? Like, seriously?
What's the shiny chance? I thought it was 1/5000 for the 6th gen, but I read that people said it was 1/1000, but that feels way too much.
>>15268473 All you need to know is that it's rare. Knowing the probability won't change how you feel or stop you from trying.
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Why can't I buy stuff from Global Link at the moment?
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Are Gothitelles worth raising? I don't remember them being that good, but they have Shadow Tag and were on the ban list.
>>15268520 I'm just arguing with that guy. That's all.
Where exactly in Cyllage city is TM Rest?
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>>15268647 One of the ladies in the Hotel gives it to you.
What happened to starters evolving at different levels? What's up with this 16x36 mess?
>>15268948 Unova's were all 17->36.
The only other one where it was all 16->36 was Hoenn.
if i have a female eevee with wish and a ditto will the babies have wish?
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>>15269789 Nowadays, yes. They made it so you can breed off egg moves from the female.
What is a good way to know whether or not I have max style?
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>>15270323 You can buy hatching power and get only 10000 for stones
Usagi 2122 6037 9980
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What are good hoard encounter spots for EV training?
What level does Garchomp learn Outrage at? I don't see it anywhere, and I'm hoping to god it's not an egg move this gen.
Wim 4356 - 0158 - 2453 Poison [Serviper, Venomoth, Drapion]
Wim 4356 - 0158 - 2453 Poison [Serviper, Venomoth, Drapion] Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:25:36 No. 15270576 Report >>15270463 I'm sorry, I'm pretty sure it's an egg move. Crossbreed with a haxorus I believe? Haven't gotten around doing my gar yet but this is what I heard.
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My Inkay just hit 30 and I flipped the 3DS upside down... No evolution. What did I do wrong?
>>15270576 I'm been breeding. . .for 3 days. . .to get the perfect GC. . .Now you're telling me. . .that I have to breed. . .AGAIN for outrage?
*an heroes*
I always end up having 6 EV points left over after supposedly training 252/252. Does it have something to do with pokerus and points not filling in the gaps? I train until the game tells me the stat can't go any higher for both 252's and then for some reason I have 6 points left over for the third stat when it's supposed to be 4. What's going on?
Wim 4356 - 0158 - 2453 Poison [Serviper, Venomoth, Drapion]
Wim 4356 - 0158 - 2453 Poison [Serviper, Venomoth, Drapion] Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:34:20 No. 15271072 Report >>15270897 the last 2 points are always there but don't matter, it's just you have 2 evs left but because it's each 4 that count it doesn't matter where those last two end up, you need to do them for you pokémon to be considered fully trained though.
Usagi 2122 6037 9980
>>15270679 ;_; poor anon
Also, pokerus question.
Does the pokemon need to heal from pokerus before the effects kick in?
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>>15271072 Oh thank goodness.
Thought I was fucking up each time.
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As soon as you enter route 22 from the town, past the green fence is a race track.. How do you get there?
Can someone explain to me the best way to breed for 5 IV pokemon? I have a bunch of various perfect 2-3 IV Dittos and I have no idea what I'm doing.
Usagi 2122 6037 9980
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>>15271312 I used this guide
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For EV training, everyone talks about Pokerus hordes, but wouldn't juice shoppe be faster? Or is it that people EV train a full team all at the same time with hordes?
Wim 4356 - 0158 - 2453 Poison [Serviper, Venomoth, Drapion]
Wim 4356 - 0158 - 2453 Poison [Serviper, Venomoth, Drapion] Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:44:54 No. 15271570 Report >>15271312 here's a big breeding one, I know this stuff by heart now but it's a good reference and real easy to learn from.
>>15271312 Here's the spreadsheet as well
alaska1203-9267-0599 dunsparce minccino eevee
alaska1203-9267-0599 dunsparce minccino eevee Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:47:55 No. 15271697 Report what are the rules for rated random singles online? i dont have a pokemon-gl account
Kind of a vague question but regarding type charts, do you use any mnemonics to remember the more uncommon interactions? Elemental ones are easy enough, but when it comes to things like Dark, Poison, Ghost, I always need to refer to a chart to know what resists what.
Is there any trick to getting hidden abilities on hatched pokemon? Also, somewhat related but as far as horde battles go where's the best spots to grind for various EVs?
>>15271756 Female pokemon pass it on easier.
Could someone explain to me why everyone says to choose Trace over Synchronize on Gardevoir? I thought reflecting a status back to their team would be better than maybe copying a good ability from them.
Is there a held item or some type of specific method to increase the likelihood that hatched babbys are a certain gender? I'm tired of hatching females when I want a male.
>>15271898 You're not going to be paralyzed, burned and so on left and right.
Can I use the item that changes abilities on a Pokemon that has a Hidden Ability to change it to a non-Hidden Ability? I know it doesn't work the other way around.
>>15271933 I don't think so.
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>>15271988 Lame. Alright then.
>>15271722 >Vs Dark Dark types lose to honorable fighers, tricky faeries and annoying bugs. Their underhanded ways break psychic concentration and disturb ghosts.
Faeries are weak to cold iron and toxins. They are clever enough to avoid dragons and outwit dark and fighting types.
You can't punch birds and it's difficult to defend against overhead attacks.
Just off the top of my head, some of my reasonings for things.
>>15271821 Ah. Well to be more specific I'm trying to get a female, gooey goomy to train to be a tank. But all I have is a male sap-sipper.
is Tyrantrum's M/F ratio 87.5/12.5?
Does the price in lumiose boutique go down if I get more stylish like with the stone place or is the only way to make it cheaper the mythical coupon
>>15271570 alright... what are perfect IVs?|
>>15271697 Lv50
No same pokémon
No same items
Some items are banned (Soul Dew etc)
Special pokémon are banned (not sure exactly which but Mewtwo is, bird trio isn't for instance)
Think that's about it.
>>15272092 it can be 0-31, 31 is perfect
all around perfect mon will have all 31's
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>>15272074 Anon, the price remains the same in the boutique. And the coupon is a one time thing only which only halves the price of an item.
Just work on getting cash. Unless you plan on actually wearing any of those expensive clothes, just move on.
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>>15272074 >Does the price in lumiose boutique go down if I get more stylish No. Bargain O-Power doesn't affect clothing prices either. And the coupon is a waste of time.
It's super easy to make tons of money in Cafe Le Wow and the Battle Chateau. Those are your best bets for boutique shopping.
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>>15272074 It never goes down unless you have that fabled coupon. Just go wreck some shit in the chateau and restaurant Le Wow until you have a good amount of money to spend.
Ok just got the holocast from the team flare leader telling everyone he was going to destroy the world and selena said to head to lumoise city. Where in lumoise am i going? I cant seem to find either one.
>>15272042 Do you have a pokemon with the hidden ability at all? Because if not I can add you. I have Sliggoo in my friend safari. I'd suggest hunting for females using a male pokemon with the ability cute charm.
Wim 4356 - 0158 - 2453 Poison [Serviper, Venomoth, Drapion]
Wim 4356 - 0158 - 2453 Poison [Serviper, Venomoth, Drapion] Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:59:33 No. 15272253 Report Quoted By:
>>15272092 Ivs have a value going from 0(shit) to 31(genetically perfect uberpokémensch), you can tell if your pokemon has those by going to the judge inside the pokécenter in kilode city. He will tell you about the best stats your pokémon have and if he says that they can't be beat it means they are at 31.
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>>15271948 Oh, I figured they'd be really prevalent in competitive. Thanks though.
>>15272216 Take a taxi to Lysander's cafe. It's the all-red cafe located between two sections of the city. I can'r remember the names atm.
>>15272225 That'd be awesome.
I have a dragon zone with Noibat, Gabite and Drudigon(that one red-faced dragon whose name I always screw up)
>>15272054 can anyone confirm?
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>>15272216 You go in the dark red cafe near the pokemon center near the eifle tower
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>>15272216 Fly to the central tower thing and walk to the closest Pokemon Center, the one by the aqueduct thing. Right across from it is a red cafe (Team Flare's hideout). Talk to the people inside.
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>>15272306 thank you anon-kun
>>15272328 Lemon 0516-7476-3667
I've been using a male Skitty with cute charm to search for female mons with hidden abilities and it works amazingly; even for low female spawn pokemon like the starters and eevee.
I just got a different angle for putting Pokemon in Nurse Joys hands and her healing them. Is there any way to trigger this?
>>15272480 Thanks. I think i actually have a skitty too so I'll get right on that.
>>15272610 Oh, it seems we're already friends, hah! Just wanted to let you know I caught a shiny Noibat in your friend safari earlier today.
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So while Wonder Trading off some Taillow with Brave Bird today I got a japanese Adamant Marill with Huge Power, Aqua Jet and somewhat decent IV's (can easily be bred for improvement). What can/should I do with it, short of breeding it as a chicken counter? Even though I don't really think I want Azumarill on my team. Also is Belly Drum another Egg move or does it learn that by itself?
>>15272672 Sweet. Glad to hear.
Honestly I had gotten a little embarassed that I haven't checked your zone yet Anonymous
>>15272600 It's random. Protip. Go into any pokemon center on your birthday and see what happens.
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So, quick question; I'm here on Route 16 looking for a Super-Size Pumpkaboo to use on my team. Everywhere says they are common, but I've not found a single one in the past hour or so. Am I missing something? Is it only at night?
>>15272810 Don't tease me with these interesting things when the effect is months away.
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>>15272807 No problem bro. I understand sometimes you get too many friends and it's hard to keep track.
Which pokemon is the best HM slave this gen?
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Anyone know where Lansat & Starf berries can be found? You can apparently mix them for rare soda but no mention of where to get them in the first place.
>>15272924 Nurse Joy wishes you happy birthday and special music plays there all day. Also there's a cake on the TV screen above her. Anonymous
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>>15272977 Nidorino and Lapras.
Usagi 2122 6037 9980
>>15271163 could I get this answered please?
Ror: 2509-2190-3496 (Shuppet, Pumpkin, Dusclops)
Ror: 2509-2190-3496 (Shuppet, Pumpkin, Dusclops) Sun 27 Oct 2013 20:15:51 No. 15273063 Report Question about breeding for IV's: If I want to get a 6 IV pokemon I do this, right? So far the best ones I have: Female Togepi x/31/x/31/31/31 Male Togepi 31/31/31/31/31/x I breed them until I get 31 in all of them right?
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>>15272977 Hawlucha has Strength, Cut, Rock Smash, Fly.
Linoone is still pretty good with Surf, Strength, Cut, Rock Smash, and the Pickup ability.
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>>15273059 >>15271163 No. The Pokerus bonuses take effect as soon as the Pokemon is infected.
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>>15273040 It's just so beautiful
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>>15272977 I hear Hawlucha and Diggersby are best slaves.
Alexa - 4124-6327-9765
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Can someone help me getting the dex enteries for Moltres and Articuno
Hareet 0688 6631 6818. (Fighting: Machoke, Sawk, and Riolu)
Hareet 0688 6631 6818. (Fighting: Machoke, Sawk, and Riolu) Sun 27 Oct 2013 20:19:07 No. 15273214 Report Whats a good set for lilligant? Like what ev's should I give and what should be its moveset?
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>>15273063 Yeah. You'll only get 5 perfect IVs at best from the destiny knot so you'll have to hope for a good roll on the last one.
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>>15268421 are type gems in the game yet?
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>>15273040 >>15272924 >mfw I have a Cake award in my profile and a medal saying I've received a happy birthday wishing through PSS >My brithday was months ago >Only the date was right (23rd) >3DS date is set correctly I didn't have any special effects in the pokécenter the day I got those so I have no idea why or how I got the two. Has it happened to anyone else?
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Any chance we will see Flying and Surfing Pikachu this gen?
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>>15273309 What's the problem, anon?
>>15273214 max speed and satk
timid nature
sleep powder and quiver dance are a must, everything else is up to you depending on what you're running
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i know this question has probably been asked a bunch of times already, but what's the chance that there actually are more than 69 pokemon for gen6? it's just that they're only available for events that haven't even been announced
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 (Corsola, Dwebble, Shuckle)
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 (Corsola, Dwebble, Shuckle) Sun 27 Oct 2013 20:26:34 No. 15273558 Report Quoted By:
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Can Togekiss get Defog in X/Y or will I need to wait for Poketransfer?
Hareet 0688 6631 6818. (Fighting: Machoke, Sawk, and Riolu)
Hareet 0688 6631 6818. (Fighting: Machoke, Sawk, and Riolu) Sun 27 Oct 2013 20:28:39 No. 15273658 Report >>15273464 sorry for the extra question but what ability should it have?
>>15273658 own tempo for regular team use
chlorophyll for sun team
Hareet 0688 6631 6818. (Fighting: Machoke, Sawk, and Riolu)
Hareet 0688 6631 6818. (Fighting: Machoke, Sawk, and Riolu) Sun 27 Oct 2013 20:31:43 No. 15273800 Report Quoted By:
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>>15273658 Depends on what you want to use. Leaf Guard/Clorophyll (Clorophyll is better) are good in sun teams, together with Solar Beam obviously.
Own Tempo otherwise together with Petal Dance usually. Last skill can be whatever but Teether Dance is always nice to piss off people with.
>>15273464 I'd like to point out something here, I agree to the sleep powder and quiver dance, but unless Gen VI gave her a more diverse moveset, petal dance is going to be the only move you will really use if you have Own Tempo, and solar beam if you're running Chlorophyll. I honestly can't think of a fourth move, back in Gen V I seriously had Dream Eater for lack of a movepool
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>>15273936 if healing wish were available that could be an option
hidden power is another option, but it's garbage now
So am I doing this right?>absol with 4 IVs and nature i want and an everstone >ditto with 2 IVs (one the absol already has and the one I want) and destiny knot If I breed these two I'll eventually get a 5 IV absol, right? this is confusing
Can somebody explain to a newbie why ditto safaris are so coveted?
>>15274215 >>15271688 Use this spreadsheet
>>15274311 IIRC, safari pokemon have superior IV and hidden abilities.
Not too much into breeding but impostor ditto are fun
Debating which Mega Charizard form is more competitive, X or Y. Any opinions?
>>15274215 Yes, but because one of the parents only has 2 of the desired IVs, it's going to take you a while. If you manage to make a 3~4 IV Absol while breeding for the 5th, then replace the Ditto with it, much higher chance of getting a 5IV pokemon.
>>15274311 Ditto can breed with any Pokemon that has the ability to breed. Ditto in a Ditto Friend Safari has the ability impostor which is not only a useful Ditto ability, but it shows that the Ditto in question can have up to 3 max ivs.
People need those impostor Ditto to chain breed to make a perfect, powerful Pokemon in battle.
>>15274311 To get a good IV spread Ditto collection together with desired Natures.
Once you have a box full of the Dittos with the IVs and Natures you want, you easily cut down breeding time for anything by several hours.
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How do i get hidden abilities of Fossil Pokemon?
>>15274470 >>15274453 >>15274372 Ahhh I see so people aim to breed perfect dittos quickly that gives them practically a free pass to breeding perfect IV's on ANYTHING
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>>15274629 Yes. Competitive battling is serious business.
Though, if Pokemon were real, I honestly wouldn't care for IV's.
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>>15274629 You cannot breed dittos.
>>15274453 > not only a useful Ditto ability, but it shows that the Ditto in question can have up to 3 max ivs. how does imposter determine IVs?
/int/ told me there were grills here?
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So what's a good setup for a relaxed gooey goodra? Also for horde battles, which areas are good for getting EVs of different types. In particular special attack, defense, and special defense?
>>15274804 I believe the Pokemon with hidden abilities have the high IVs only. You have to get lucky to get the one with the IVs you really need. So, you'd honestly have to catch a lot of them.
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If I don't have a Ditto to breed my female Fennekin with, would a Lucario do?
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>>15274377 Any advice or suggestions for this?
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>>15274812 yes, in the waifu thread you will find many images of not-tomoko
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Can you get fossils in the friend safari?
Bubba/Trevor; 3110-5096-1580 [Gabite, Noibat, Druddigon]
Bubba/Trevor; 3110-5096-1580 [Gabite, Noibat, Druddigon] Sun 27 Oct 2013 21:03:14 No. 15275282 Report Quoted By:
Do traded pokemon level twice as fast in the daycare? Or is it equal?
What 4 moves should I give to Aegislash? Also MegaCharizard X or Y?
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Anyone got a female Charmander with Dragon Pulse and Outrage I can borrow?
>>15274882 The HA has nothing to do with the IV's in Friend Safari. Infact the 3 IV Dittos I have from GTS are regular ability Dittos while all my Imposter ones only have 2. Kinda sucks.
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>>15275411 Shadow Sneak, Kings Shield, Sacred Sword/Iron Head, Swords Dance
>>15275411 >King's Shield >Defensive switch move and lets you guage your opponent when you're unsure. Also unique move. >Sacred Sword >Disregard defensive buffs and helps deal with rock, ice, normal and steel types. >Night Slash >Fights Psychic and Ghost types. Covers a weakness. Crits often, if I'm not mistaken. >Sword Dance >Good to take advantage of Aegislash's defense to buff for a turn or two. Adds to its already monstrous attack potential.' my opinion at least
Rusty 4639-8951-2947
>>15268421 So I was wandering in Lumiose and I found a labyrinth of alleyways, and I encountered multiple trainers. When I fought them, each one vanished.
Has anyone come to a conclusion what this leads to? I do not believe I fought all of them yet.
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>>15275664 Get rid of Night Slash for Shadow Claw, same everything except Aegislash gets STAB off it
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>>15275484 I'm just saying that it's more common with HA. I've caught a bunch of plain with no IVs
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>>15275682 they reappear some gives you items like the destiny knot
Kuma/Alice 2895 - 7195 - 0773
does anyone have a ditto with max IVs in HP and SPDEF
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>>15272133 does rated online set everything to 50 or only reduce things above 50 to 50?
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Anyone got a female Charmander with Dragon Pulse and Outrage I can borrow?
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>>15274377 X is a solid dragon sweeper that would enjoy a spinner while Y is a special sweeper sun setting that needs a spinner. Whatever fits your team more, go with.
Is there a faster way to train than E4?
Saw no mention of this in the FAQ: How do I know which pokémon will contribute with the masuda effect through breeding? I've got a ditto with the GER icon next to its name so it's probably from germany while I'm not (norway), will that one work? Please tell
new to breeding here. i have two parents with 5 different perfect IVs what are the chances to get a baby with 6 perfect IVs. is it worth it and what items are best if i dont care about nature?
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>>15276413 3star restaurant rotation battle is way faster.
Venks 5429-7552-8275 (Bug-Beautifly,Ledyba,Pinsir)
Venks 5429-7552-8275 (Bug-Beautifly,Ledyba,Pinsir) Sun 27 Oct 2013 21:31:59 No. 15276645 Report Anyone know exactly how the Poke'mon Ability "Healer" works? I was thinking about using it to deal with pranksters who abuse thunder wave and swagger. Does Healer also cure confusion or would it only help with paralysis/burn/etc?
Please tell me what you're doing with the berry farming. I don't know what should be important for me to do with the berry farming. Reproducing EV reducing berries or something? I can't figure out anything useful in the berry farm.
>>15276645 confusion is automatically cured on swap out I thought
>>15276429 That GER tag is your key. As long as the two pokemon have different language tags there, you're MMing. Having no language tag is the same as having your native language tag.
>>15276495 >6 Why would you want 6?
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Someone got a link to the gen 6 shiny gallery?
>>15276697 I keep asking about berries in these threads but nobody seems to know, or care. Best I can figure out is making EV juice at the juice shoppe in Lumiose. 2 berries of the same color give 4-32 EVs.
So what I'm doing is:
>Figure out which berries grow fastest, one for each color >Make rich mulch (3 different colored berries) >Plant one row of each color, check once in a while for weeding, etc. I still don't have Pokerus so right now, I can't tell if that's faster than horde EV-training. It's kind of tedious to be honest. There's also Starf and Lansat berries which together can make level-up juice but no one seems to know where those can be found.
Thaddeus 2595-0546-8675 (Bibarel - Wartortle - ????)
Thaddeus 2595-0546-8675 (Bibarel - Wartortle - ????) Sun 27 Oct 2013 21:41:56 No. 15277063 Report Quoted By:
Does each turn of Infestation proc Rattled?
When will Aegislash learn King's Shield?
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>>15276495 For the most, there's usually one stat that doesn't need to be perfect (Sp. Att on a physical attacker, speed on anything that needs to be slow). Nice or a Ditto for breeding, but it would be too tedious for almost everything else.
>>15276874 Mixed Sweeper Mienshao with Fake Out, Uturn, Hi Jump Kick, and Hidden P-oh
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If I want a Prankster Espurr/Meowstic, I have to catch it like that in the FS, right?
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Good, low-level hoard spots for ev-training? Anyone know of any?
>>15277064 Never. You need to use a heart scale and have it remember.
>>15277064 Use a heart scale
Venks 5429-7552-8275 (Bug-Beautifly,Ledyba,Pinsir)
Venks 5429-7552-8275 (Bug-Beautifly,Ledyba,Pinsir) Sun 27 Oct 2013 21:45:28 No. 15277223 Report Quoted By:
>>15276732 Well yeah, but that's a turn I could be attacking. If I switch out every time I'm confused against a Poke'mon with prankster I'll never get a chance to attack.
I just want to know if 'Healer' cures confusion or not.
>>15277199 >>15277150 >>15277209 I just evolved because I thought it learn it with evolution. On which level the preevo does learn it?
Mad Moai 3566-1544-9382 [Helioptile, Parichisu, Manectric]
Mad Moai 3566-1544-9382 [Helioptile, Parichisu, Manectric] Sun 27 Oct 2013 21:46:53 No. 15277292 Report Quoted By:
Is it possible to turn off the fucking nagging on the lower screen? Is it quicker to just breed a perfect pokemon with the selected skill/gender or to grind out an ability capsule?
Where can you get more honey? I'm trying to train my 6 underleveled mons for the e4
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>>15276963 Thanks for you response. I'll try that out.
>>15277440 >catch a combee >get honey >realize that it knows sweet scent and honey is stupid Anonymous
Whats the best place to level up a new team?
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Are gems in this game?
>>15277528 it wouldn't be as stupid if you could buy it somewhere
fuck I want to train 6 mons at once, not 5 mons and an oddish, then waste another half hour focusing on the one I left out
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>>15277266 The prevo doesnt
It's not a king
(OP) Anthony 5284-1582-6686
Okay can anyone help me with IV breeding? I followed that guide from here, I bred a shellder with the good nature, egg moves, bred it again with a ditto who had 3 perfect IVs holding destiny knot Now how do I get 5 perfect IVs for shellder? Do I keep breeding it until it happen randomly or do I have to do something else? P-please respond...
>>15277580 >Reach Grand Duke/Duchess in Battle Chateau >Activate Silver Writ, Gold Writ (optional) and Black Writ of Challenge >Bring a lv80+ mon with good type coverage in its moves >Enjoy fighting trainers endlessly Just prioritize the leaders and furisode girls and you'll be swimming in XP and even money.
>>15277659 >super training is easier and faster than regular training >anon finds out about hordes to make regular training even faster than super >anon still finds some way to complain about how fast he can train Anonymous
>>15277856 No see I want to stand still in victory road for an hour throwing honey at rocks so I can surf hordes of lickitungs until my team stops being hilariously underleveled
Anyone have a ballpark guess on the odds of a male pokemon passing down its hidden ability? Also, on the subject of hidden abilities, in friend safari's, does everything have a small chance of having it's hidden ability? Or are some pokemon in some safari's just set to have it all of the time?
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I'm surprised you can keep your Remoraid after you evolve Mantyke.
>>15278096 I'm probably wrong, but I thought only the mother could pass down a hidden ability.
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Is there any way to get Shellos/Gastrodon East in this game?
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>>15278273 They just changed it this gen so that the male parent has a chance to pass it down too except it's a smaller chance than the female.
What to I breed Blastoise with for him to get Aura Sphere and Dragon Pulse.
I feel like such a retard, but is it possible to buy or get a second rocky helmet in the games? I've never used the move fling before in a pokemon game and now while having my Greninja holding the item I've thrown the fucking helmet onto a slowpoke, not knowing it would disappear completely from the game. Shit it's not like I need the thing at all, but now that I've laughed about it I'd like to know if there's a chance to get it back.
>>15277145 better off running
mienshao@choice band
adamant regenerator 252hp/252atk
-hi jump kick
-stone edge
-poison jab
-knock off
i have been using mienshao since day one and recently redid it to better deal with fairies, poison jab seems to 1hit all of them if only all i have encountered, as an afterthought i put knock off in there and if you predict a switch to gengar, use it because that is also a 1hit ko. this set is amazing.
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>>15277753 breed until it gets those ivs and then get another ditto with perfect ivs you don't have and make them fuck.
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>>15278473 also, mienshao tends to scare people into switching to a ghost type if you send him out against something weak to fighting.
>>15278421 >I've thrown the fucking helmet onto a slowpoke Anonymous
>>15278421 Use trick and get it back
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>>15278096 With Ditto? Estimated % seems to be around 60%. If you are using the same type mother as male, most sources seem to say it's 0%. Gotta use that Ditto.
>>15277145 Run a Suicide Lead Mienshao
Scope Lense
252Atk 252Speed
Swords Dance
HiJump Kick
Stone Edge
Fake Out/Baton Pass if you decide you dont want to die.
>>15278473 I've been raising a Mienfoo for my regular playthrough and it's learning nothing but fighting moves. I think I'll use this setup if I can find the proper TMs.
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>>15278806 Wide lens not scope.
So my moveset for Greninja is currently Extrasensory Substitute Surf Dark Pulse I may change Surf out for Scald, but any other recommendations? I'm considering trading Extrasensory for Grass Knot.
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>>15278899 if you have protean, see if he has a good hidden power
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>>15278899 >substitute >replacing extrasensory with grass knot chuy 1263-6762-8069 (ledyba, volbat, heracross)
chuy 1263-6762-8069 (ledyba, volbat, heracross) Sun 27 Oct 2013 22:27:54 No. 15279032 Report Quoted By:
Gene 3437-3165-2196 [Abra, Espurr, Duosion]
Gene 3437-3165-2196 [Abra, Espurr, Duosion] Sun 27 Oct 2013 22:28:07 No. 15279045 Report Quoted By:
What's the quickest way to level a Pokemon?
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>>15278835 stone edge and poison jab are tms, you need to breed off a hariyama or sableye for knockoff which are both easily obtainable ingame (or wait till december and get it off the bw2 move tutor)
So does Super training become more easier when you're higher level or when you have more EVs?
>>15279124 more EVs. i have super trained a bunch at lvl1.
>>15278899 hydro pump/surf
ice beam
grass knot
dark pulse/extrasensory/hp fire, poison or steel
keep in mind you need 30 speed ivs for hp fire
>>15278421 I once threw the exp share, I almost cryed.
>>15279249 >not using scald 087713145126
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how do i get the post game mega stones? i tried at 8:30pm after i beat sernia after the e4 and went to get aggron nite and nothing was there
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OP, you should add how to turn on street pass on the FAQ. It gives you pokemiles. I keep passing idiots who say "last game played: pokemon" but they don't give me the game info. And I saw a couple of people in threads around here who never even open the internet menu either.
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if you can share o-powers by clicking on friends then why don't people who are breeding all add each other so they can have constant hatching power?
>>15279327 >burning instead of sweeping Anonymous
>>15279476 What's the point in grassknot if you can just surf that bitch?
Is there a place to purchase berries if I don't want to deal with that farm?
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>>15279646 >using surf on water type pokemon >2152 >machines rule the earth Anonymous
What does a reset bag do, exactly?
>>15279805 Reset all your EVs.
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Does anyone have a list for what each of the music tracks available in multiplayer are?
>>15279207 I know Super Training stops you from Training a EV when you max it out, but does anyone know what the max out number is? Is it 252?
>>15279858 >>15279860 okay, but does it affect the current stats or does it allow for further training
Nemu X 1048-8582-7895
You think Everstones are easier to get from Gravelers or Roggenrola?
>>15277759 do you manipulate the clock for more battles?
>>15280155 Yes, it affects your current stats because those EVs are gone when you use it. You can use it to respec a Pokemon at level 100, though.
>>15280207 No there's no need for that with Silver+Gold+Black. They respawn/arrive faster than you can beat them
How does the Chateau work? How long does it take for new trainers to appear?
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Is Ludicolo still worth running with the nerf to weather effects?
>>15280209 Okay. In that case do you know a good place to train for special attack? Kind of screwed up my starter and I've got five of those things staring at me.
Toasty 3394 4923 1164 Nosepass, Magcargo, Barbaracle
Toasty 3394 4923 1164 Nosepass, Magcargo, Barbaracle Sun 27 Oct 2013 22:57:03 No. 15280417 Report Are there any ways to get a second leftover short of trading someone?
If i set my 3DS schedule to Tuesday, can I simply walk in and out of the Lost Hotel until I see a shaking trash can to get Rotom? I've gotten all of the skating moves. Also, where can I nickname my pokemon since I didn't do it when I caught/hatched them?
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>>15280376 Grab something with Sweet Scent and farm Vanillite hordes in Frost Cavern. Smoochum also gives Sp. Atk EVs if you run into them.
King 3566-2380-3191 (Sawsbuck, Pansage, Quilladin)
King 3566-2380-3191 (Sawsbuck, Pansage, Quilladin) Sun 27 Oct 2013 22:59:56 No. 15280547 Report Quoted By:
>>15277951 >honey >not using sweet scent Anonymous
>>15280417 I hear Pickup works. Fill your party with Linoones and hope for the best.
>>15280467 apparently if you change the date or time on the 3ds is resets all time related events for 3 days
i don't remember where the name rater is, just fly, it is in the city table of contents thingo.
>>15280417 Pickup with higher leveled Pokemon is your best bet.
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At the transportation building in Lumiose City, what does the garbage guy do? He just walked away after I talked to him.
Is it bad that my Talonflame keeps rolling around on the Pokemon Amie screen and getting stuck against the sides having a seizure?
>>15280575 >resets events for 3 days Yeah I'm going to need a source on that shit.
>>15280700 It's just happy as shit.
>>15280706 well fucking find one then faggot.
what is the coolest sounding place in the game i want to hatch my eggs there
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How much does Fairy aura/dark aura pump up attacks? 20%?
>>15280744 Ok, and the green musical notes means he wants to play right? You'd think they'd have given us a real manual for all these new features.
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What did you all name your femtrainers?
>>15280767 Fuck you, I'm not the one that answered the question with some made up bullshit.
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>>15280793 The Mystery Zone Hesufo 2793 1323 9742 (Magcargo, Ponyta, Ninetales)
Hesufo 2793 1323 9742 (Magcargo, Ponyta, Ninetales) Sun 27 Oct 2013 23:08:35 No. 15280975 Report Is Hidden Power Ghost a good one for Protean Greninja?
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>>15280906 no, you are the one who asked a question and then placed the burden of proving it on someone kind enough to answer. why don't you google it cunt, i really can't be fucked helping you.
I had asked this once before but didn't get to see the answer last time, so apologies in advance. How do I calculate star bonus from factors like ivs etc. Ex: Base stat of 100 + ivs + 10% nature bonus + evs How exactly is everything factored?
can 2 staryus breed with each other or dittos only?
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>>15280975 Hidden power is bad now, even with STAB it goes up to 90
Toasty 3394 4923 1164 Nosepass, Magcargo, Barbaracle
Toasty 3394 4923 1164 Nosepass, Magcargo, Barbaracle Sun 27 Oct 2013 23:10:38 No. 15281074 Report >>15280561 >>15280602 >Level 80+ Ugh. Cheers, Anons.
Does thief NOT steal fucking items any more? I've been trying to steal items from wild mons and I never get anything.
Mawile @ Mawilite Ability: Intimidate EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SDef Adamant Nature - Play Rough - Iron Head - Sucker Punch - Swords Dance Any suggestions?
>>15281107 Make sure your Thief doesn't hold an item. Other than that enjoy your RNG.
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>>15281038 genderless pokemon only breed with dittos, even if they're the same species
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Not specifically XY, but if I use perish song, and then on the turn my pokemon will die use protect, will I be protected?
>>15281014 Okay, get ready.
>(IVs+Base stat+EVs/8)xLevel+5 divided by 50 For HP, it's
>IVs+Base stat+EVs/8 +5)xLevel+10 divided by 50 Toasty 3394 4923 1164 Nosepass, Magcargo, Barbaracle
Toasty 3394 4923 1164 Nosepass, Magcargo, Barbaracle Sun 27 Oct 2013 23:15:02 No. 15281263 Report Quoted By:
>>15280417 >>15280561 >>15280602 >>15281074 >Catch Zigzagoon >Nickname Swifer, the picker-upper I like him already.
Usagi 2122 6037 9980
Best way to get a mon to a high enough level to EV train in hoard battles?
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>>15280308 >>15280308 >>15280308 >>15280308 please respond i've been waiting 2 hours and not a single new trainer and i've passed every writ
>>15281275 You don't need to if you just turn on EXP Share.
EXP grinding is easiest at Le Wow or at the Battle Chateau if you really need it.
>>15281275 just use exp share
Trev/or [4313-0528-5701] X
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Guys, I need a team. I want to use a Scrafty named Trayvon (it's the hoodlum pokemon) and try out Clawitzer. Any reccomendations?
Anyone can give me a guide JUST for the Iv training very detailed ? This is driving me nuts!
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>>15281113 pain split instead of swords dance, no atk investment (all in def or "sdef")
i prefer foul play to iron head as i find that aegislash can be a huge threat to my team and you can use it as soon as aegislash comes out (either he swords dances and you 1 hit him or he swaps form to attack you and you 1 hit him, if he uses kings shield, you just do it again because it doesn't lower your atk)
Usagi 2122 6037 9980
>>15281358 >>15281362 But previously, exp share also shares EVs.
Does EVs still get shared?
what pokemon makes a nice HM slave?
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Is there any way in the game to get a second soothe bell? Someone traded me a Yveltal with a soothe bell on it and I want to give it back.
>>15281414 Yes.
>>15281394 Would this one help?
Trev/or [4313-0528-5701] X
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>>15281433 Tropius, having fly makes it god tier
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I'm struggling to get a ditto safari, is there any alternative to friend safari to increase chances of finding wild pokemon with good IVs?
>>15281433 Personally I love Zigzagoon/Linoone
>Cut >Strength >Rock Smash and DAT PICKUP ABILITY
I always have a water pokemon to surf and waterfall anyway. And flying for fly.
>>15281466 That is only for EV, I need IV.
Remu 4871-4498-7869 (Ariados, Gloom, Toxicroak) !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 (Ariados, Gloom, Toxicroak) !!RIyKvtVAc9i Sun 27 Oct 2013 23:22:15 No. 15281577 Report Shiny charm, where is it.
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>>15281509 this, pickup is amazing. I've had a pachirisu in my party I only ever used for cut and on rare occasions for super fang, but just from exp share it got to level 80 and now I get heart scales and stones every few minutes
I have an important question... I just bred my 5 perfect IV Gastly and I'm about to start EV training, and I want to see the Super Training method. Does hitting the basic punching bag to anything at all, or do you have to just keep doing the mini-games? pls respond
What's a good EV spread for Dragon Dance Tyranitar? It's Adamant. 252 Atk 252 Spd 6 HP? Or should I take out some speed for HP?
Trev/or [4313-0528-5701] X
>>15281262 Let me try to get this straight:
>(IVs+Base stat+EVs/8)xLevel+5 divided by 50 [(31+100+252/8 + 5)x100+5]/50
How does nature play into that as well? +/-10% of the total?
>>15281648 The basic punching bag will only give you more, random punching bags to use. You need to hit those special punching bags or do the minigames to increase EVs.
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>>15281577 Most likely the same way as in B2/W2. Unavailable til Pokébank at the earliest.
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>>15281749 Good, I just wanted to make sure that my Gastly wouldn't be automatically hitting the punching bag every minute and messing up his EV's. Thanks for your help.
Trev/or [4313-0528-5701] X
What's a really good wall that I CAN obtain in X
Why is the slogan "gotta catch 'em all" when there are so many event exclusive Pokemons you can never catch?
>>15281819 Ferroseed? Not sure if it's a Y exclusive or not though.
Trev/or [4313-0528-5701] X
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>>15281831 >not dedicating your life to obtaining them all You can get every pokemon, although some might be considered "illegitimate"
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>>15281859 It's not, it's just a semi-rare encounter in Glittering Cave.
>>15281748 I fucked up and gave you the stat calculation for Gen 1 so nature's not factored in Here's the right one for later gens. Not sure if Gen VI uses the same, so some of the numbers might be off.
>>15281954 speaking of gts etc, you could totally do a new style of nuzlocke where you can wondertrade each of your pokemon once
could be more fun than a randomized rom
Nemu X 1048-8582-7895
>>15280183 Do only certain Gravelers hold Everstones? I've been at this for fuckin hours.
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>>15282045 >End up with 3 bidoofs, tentacool and 2 bunnelbies No thank you.
Trev/or [4313-0528-5701] X
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>>15281859 I have a ferroseed actually, got a nature, ev spread, and moveset for me?
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>>15282045 Someone mentioned this once.
You play like a normal nuzlocke until you have 6 pokemon, but then when they die you wondertrade them for your new pokemon.
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>>15282130 Bring something with Compoundeyes like Vivillion to increase the chance of them holding something. Put it in your first slot, faint it and put something with Frisk in your second slot so you can see if they're holding something.
River 1762 4103 7368 poison kakuna venomooth and whirlipede
River 1762 4103 7368 poison kakuna venomooth and whirlipede Sun 27 Oct 2013 23:42:52 No. 15282515 Report Quoted By:
Can i out multiple egg moves on a pokemon.
>>15282038 Thank you very much!
Also had another question for the thread. When building a sweeper, is it more important to have a nature boosting speed or the attack / sp attack stat?
Specifically, I'm deciding on either modest or timid for a sweeping delphox.
How do I into competitive battling?
If I have a 4 perfect IV pokemon right now, what's the easiest way to passdown that 1 final IV? Attach a brace with a Ditto with that perfect IV and just breed for hours until I get 5 perfect IVs?
pokemon newfag, what's better for garchomp? Dragon Dance(does he even learn it as an egg move?), Dragon Claw or Dragon Claw? also when he goes mega, i heard that his speed actually goes down, is this true? if it does, then what does he actually get when he goes mega?
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whats a good build/nature and moveset for mega garchomp? if it matters ive already got tyranitar running earthquake
>>15282565 depends on what you are boosting
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Can i pass down egg moves from 2 different mon?
Anyone know the time split for Espeon/Umbreon evolving in gen VI?
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>>15282703 hory shit, sho shtupeed. what i meant on the 2nd dragon claw was dragon tail.
see newfag Anonymous
>>15282684 The brace will take priority over a destiny knot, so that IV will definitely get passed on but the others have a smaller chance of being passed on. Get that Ditto, attach a destiny knot onto one of your two Pokemon and just breed and hope for the best.
can you breed baby pokemon with ditto or do you have to evolve first?
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>>15282616 just remember that the only winning move is
not to play Anonymous
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>>15282797 I'm guessing Umbreon's starts around 8PM. Just a wild guess but that's when the light on the bicycle turns on, so I assume that's when "night" starts.
>>15282777 That's what I'm asking though. I don't really know if more speed or more damge is more important.
>>15282873 You can breed most newly-hatched Pokemon, but not baby Pokemon like Riolu or Togepi. They need to evolve first.
Need help, I want to evolve a Golbat to filling my dex. Anyone know if the hearts in Poke-Amie are bound with the happiness of the Pokemon ?
>>15282927 generally better to go with speed
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>>15283141 They are not.
Happiness evolutions work the same way they did in every other game.
>>15278650 >>15278709 >>15279324 I laughed with the exp share story, but I feel your pain. Is there no way to buy the thing in game, with BP or whatever? I'll try and trade mine from B2 when the bank's online, but hell my autism is going crazy with the permanent loss of one item I rarely use.
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>>15282981 damn, that adds some time on my cleffa breeding then
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>>15283141 dont think so. what i did was i gave golbat a soothe bell, activated befriending power lv. 3 and fought in restaurant le wow.
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Where the fuck if the backpacker that givers the souvenir? I found him yesterday blabbing about a battle facility but now I can't find him in any hotel.
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How do you get Stealth Rock on Forretres in Gen6? or do i have to wait untill December? If that fails, who are good Stealth Rock users in Gen6 that can fullfill Ferroseed/Forretres's roles?
>>15282853 wait so its a bad idea to use a brace and destiny knot if i dont care about nature?
>>15283350 yeah because it is the same as having the brace and no destiny knot
Remu 4871-4498-7869 (Ariados, Gloom, Toxicroak) !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 (Ariados, Gloom, Toxicroak) !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 28 Oct 2013 00:04:03 No. 15283424 Report Quoted By:
What's the best way of hatching shinys? Get 5 eggs and when one hatches box it Or Save first, get 5 eggs and hatch them all, if one isn't shiny SR.
Nemu X 1048-8582-7895
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yellow bike vs green bike
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Is there any way to get rid of this dang rain? I swear I'm going to run across it when I need rain.
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>>15283350 brace and destiny knot don't affect nature
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>>15283229 >bank Items can't be passed over the bank, yo. Only items.