hey guys. I have a lot of larvestas, ranging from 3-5 max IVs in every stat except attack. All modest natured. I'm looking to get my vivillion collection up. The only color I have is polar. let me know if you're interested. Also vivillion trading general. I have polar for whoever needs it.
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
Quoted By:
>I am a retarded newfag and cannot use the wifi general
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Sun 27 Oct 2013 18:51:11 No. 15268860 Report Quoted By:
i want a larvesta with 5 max IVs, can offer garden scatterbug
I have Garden and High Plains.
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
>>15268877 i'll give you a larvesta and a 3iv'd eevee, if that will work for you
>>15268963 Yeah, that's great! Ingame is "xy laphone".
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
>>15269011 let me jump online and get the right eevee
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
>>15268667 I have Elegant, I think.
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
Sympleasya 3952-7622-5947 --- Steel: Mawile, Klang, ???
Sympleasya 3952-7622-5947 --- Steel: Mawile, Klang, ??? Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:06:55 No. 15269594 Report Quoted By:
inji , magmar, fletchinder, charmeleon, 3969-4890-3198
inji , magmar, fletchinder, charmeleon, 3969-4890-3198 Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:07:12 No. 15269609 Report >>15268963 op i have elegant
Sympleasya 3952-7622-5947 --- Steel: Mawile, Klang, ???
Sympleasya 3952-7622-5947 --- Steel: Mawile, Klang, ??? Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:08:09 No. 15269657 Report Quoted By:
>>15269588 Okay, great. I'll add you now.
Kat 1693-0792-5608 (Noibat, Garbite, Druddigon)
Kat 1693-0792-5608 (Noibat, Garbite, Druddigon) Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:08:48 No. 15269690 Report I'll take one, OP. I have a vivilion that isn't polar but I'm not sure what it is as I don't have the chart in front of me.
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
>>15269609 well I actually am getting one now, but i'll still give you a larvesta if you'd like! I'm up to my eyeballs in them
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
inji , magmar, fletchinder, charmeleon, 3969-4890-3198
inji , magmar, fletchinder, charmeleon, 3969-4890-3198 Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:10:59 No. 15269795 Report >>15269692 sweet, it sucks i have 2 of the ones previously offered. but i want a larva to breed ivs.
Kat 1693-0792-5608 (Noibat, Garbite, Druddigon)
Kat 1693-0792-5608 (Noibat, Garbite, Druddigon) Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:11:39 No. 15269826 Report >>15269771 Ah, mine's modern.
Sympleasya 3952-7622-5947 --- Steel: Mawile, Klang, ???
Sympleasya 3952-7622-5947 --- Steel: Mawile, Klang, ??? Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:11:43 No. 15269830 Report >>15269692 Sorry, my wi-fi connection must have timed out. I'm online now under the name J.
Peter 2234-7686-3516 [Octillery, Frogadier, ???]
Peter 2234-7686-3516 [Octillery, Frogadier, ???] Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:12:18 No. 15269865 Report >>15268667 I'd like one of those larvestas. I have some scatterbugs in my box from wondertrade, ill let you know which vivillons they are in a moment when i evolve them. adding you for the time being
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
>>15269826 that's fine, i just got one but another can't hurt!
>>15269830 thanks!
>>15269795 yeah, i was in the same place as you once too! its no biggie!
>>15269865 sounds good!
Sympleasya 3952-7622-5947 --- Steel: Mawile, Klang, ???
Sympleasya 3952-7622-5947 --- Steel: Mawile, Klang, ??? Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:15:00 No. 15270003 Report Quoted By:
Thanks, OP. You saved me the hours I was just about to dedicate to breeding that.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:16:02 No. 15270050 Report Quoted By:
>>15269865 can i get at that frogadier safari?
Peter 2234-7686-3516 [Octillery, Frogadier, ???]
Peter 2234-7686-3516 [Octillery, Frogadier, ???] Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:16:48 No. 15270087 Report >>15269957 Alright well one turned out to be polar, the other elegant, both of which im assuming you already have
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
>>15270087 I do, but we can still trade if you want!
Kat 1693-0792-5608 (Noibat, Garbite, Druddigon)
Kat 1693-0792-5608 (Noibat, Garbite, Druddigon) Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:20:58 No. 15270315 Report >>15270133 Sorry I was trying to evolve my spewpa for you. Send me another invite when you get the chance.
>>15268667 I have Modren and Elegant if those interest you.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:23:57 No. 15270475 Report >>15270087 thnx for the add!
I also have modest larvestas if anyone is interested. Dont have much tho. Mine are Spe
and SpA IV
Peter 2234-7686-3516 [Octillery, Frogadier, ???]
Peter 2234-7686-3516 [Octillery, Frogadier, ???] Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:24:04 No. 15270486 Report Quoted By:
>>15270133 That'd be awesome, thanks a lot! guna throw pokerus onto it since im not giving you much of value
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
>>15270315 aww! okay, thanks!
I'll have a well bred eevee for you!
>>15270368 I have both at this point but i'll still trade! :)
Gem 3539-9574-1083 (Tranquill, Farfetche'd, Fletchinder)
Gem 3539-9574-1083 (Tranquill, Farfetche'd, Fletchinder) Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:29:52 No. 15270825 Report >>15270639 Forgot FC before, and that's quite nice of you OP. I'll infect one with Pokerus for you.
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
Gem 3539-9574-1083 (Tranquill, Farfetche'd, Fletchinder)
Gem 3539-9574-1083 (Tranquill, Farfetche'd, Fletchinder) Sun 27 Oct 2013 19:36:10 No. 15271156 Report >>15270959 I apologize; the infection didn't spread in time. But it has an okay moveset. Thank you though.
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
Quoted By:
>>15271156 its all good, I have pokerus already anyways! Thanks!
>>15268667 Hey Op do you still need an elegant/tundra?
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
>>15271188 tundra for sure!
Quoted By:
>>15270475 add me plz
>>15271260 Let me get back to ya. just evolving this jap'mon and ill tell you if you are in luck!
>>15271354 >>15271260 Balls its elegant.
I know its of no benefit to you, but would you like to trade it for a larvestas?
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
>>15271448 sure, what's your FC?
Colin 1005-8906-4839
Hey OP, I have an Ocean for trade if you dont have one yet
Quoted By:
>>15271546 1762-2801-1123
Ill add ya
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
Quoted By:
>>15271597 yup, definitely need an ocean!
>>15271597 Would also like an oceon, do you need garden by any chance?
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
Quoted By:
>>15271546 Thanks man. enjoy your butterflies!
Colin 1005-8906-4839
>>15271690 Sorry I only have one, if i breed you a scatterbug will it evolve into an Ocean?
Quoted By:
>>15271869 Nope, your bred scatterbugs become your location
Colin 1005-8906-4839
Quoted By:
>>15271824 hey OP did you add me yet?
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
>>15271869 I can't find you in my friends list, so open trade whenever you're ready!
Shad 0602-6501-8253
>>15268667 I have a River Vivillion, if you want it. Can I have one of the 5 Max IVs in return, please?
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
>>15272067 if you give me a second to hatch these eggs, sure
3952-8428-5839 Josh Rock
>>15268667 I have a marine pattern, if you'd need it.
Colin 1005-8906-4839
>>15272019 doesn't show you on my friends list for some reason, whats wrong?
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
Quoted By:
>>15272190 weird because you're on my 3ds friends list
3952-8428-5839 Josh Rock
>>15272202 Alright, I've added you and can trade anytime~
Quoted By:
Might as well post this, I have a spare Modern up for trades, aswell.
Colin 1005-8906-4839
Quoted By:
Posting FC. Will add all replies. 0490-5761-1457
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
Shad 0602-6501-8253
>>15272114 Alrighty then. I went ahead and added you, so just request a trade when you're ready.
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
Quoted By:
>>15272515 Thanks!
>>15272345 and double thanks!
>>15272470 I am in desperate need of one. Don't have a vivillion, but I would appreciate an add and larvesta if you would. 0490-5761-1457
3952-8428-5839 Josh Rock
Jake 1693-1718-9796
I have a marine one and basically need any of the other versions.
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
Quoted By:
>>15272783 sure, let me add you
>>15272876 Want a garden for marine?
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
>>15272876 I'll take another maratine, and i'll give you a polar or the bred larvesta!
>>15272783 what's your IGN?
Jake 1693-1718-9796
>>15272940 I'll take it, yeah.
>>15272942 If you can wait a few minutes I could train another one.
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
>>15273001 a scatterbug is fine :)
>>15273001 Do you want them as vivillions or you cool with the prevolutions?
Also is posting slow for anyone else?
Jake 1693-1718-9796
>>15273044 Alright. Added you.
>>15273074 Nah, prevos are fine.
And yeah, site's loading pretty slow at the moment.
Quoted By:
>>15273118 Im pretty close to eloving it anyway, ill be there in 5
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
Swoop (rock FS) 0963 0099 9758
>>15273118 Okay, ready and waiting.
Also how do you search for someone with their ingame name?
Jake 1693-1718-9796
>>15273353 You're welcome.
>>15273379 No idea. I always have to take a lucky guess...
>>15273541 Alrighty then. Thanks for the butterfly anyway.
Your character looks cute :3 Jake 1693-1718-9796
>>15273797 Y-you too
Also, any chance you could check what my safari Pokémon are?
I'm really curious after all the threads on here.
Quoted By:
>>15273884 I dont have access to it yet.
As im too busy trading to complete the god damned game.
Sorry, i would if i could though.