Hey, I've got some more 4 and 5 perfect IV Heracross bugbros. If you're interested in trading, post here so we can add each other. Also, please specify exactly what you want. All the bugs are adamant, but there's a 50/50 split between having the Swarm ability and the Guts ability since some people are interested in new builds with Swarm. Guts bugs have been more popular, so I have more "perfect" swarm ability Heracrosses left.
RiderRed FC:0404-6746-9849
>>15271800 I would like a Heracross if you're still giving them away!
Swarm, MALE and also Can you name it
Bolin Char 1048-8543-1681
>>15272061 sure, adding in a sec
Sean 0576-4134-8880 [Electrode, Pikachu, Zebrastrika]
Sean 0576-4134-8880 [Electrode, Pikachu, Zebrastrika] Sun 27 Oct 2013 20:01:00 No. 15272338 Report >>15271800 I'll trade you a 5 IV mawille for a guts one
elmer 5000-2674-3492
Quoted By:
>>15271800 can i have a guts one with 5 IVs? i could give you a 4 IV larvesta or a 3 IV larvitar with pursuit.
Fetus 2535-5022-5696 [Cacturne, Vullaby, Absol]
Fetus 2535-5022-5696 [Cacturne, Vullaby, Absol] Sun 27 Oct 2013 20:08:33 No. 15272716 Report Quoted By:
>>15271800 You giving 'em away or looking for something in particular to trade?
RiderRed FC:0404-6746-9849
Char 1048-8543-1681
>>15272061 Dat Charmeleon -_- I keep hoping someone will have a clauncher
>>15272338 added
Alex / Elias | 3136-7646-2911 | Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon
Alex / Elias | 3136-7646-2911 | Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon Sun 27 Oct 2013 20:10:06 No. 15272796 Report >>15271800 I have 4-5 IV Honedge, Ralts and Joltik; can go for any male Heracross!
Char 1048-8543-1681
Quoted By:
>>15272338 male or female, what IVs do you want?
Colin 1005-8906-4839
Hi OP, can you hook me up with guts hera?
Clayton 2148-9041-4066
I'd love a male with swarm. I have timid protean froakies, but I get the feeling those aren't very uncommon.
RiderRed FC:0404-6746-9849
>>15272747 Hmmm would you like anything else? :c seems a connection error happened but feel free to request something.
elmer 5000-2674-3492
Quoted By:
Hey OP do you have a male guts one with 5 IVs? i could give you a 4 IV larvesta or a 3 IV larvitar with pursuit. if you dont have any more guts ones then i could take a swarm one.
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
Quoted By:
What are these swarm sets that you mention? I have 5 IV gligar to offer
RiderRed FC:0404-6746-9849
>>15272747 This Egg i'm going to send you is a Tyrunt with an adamant nature, fire ice and thunderfang. I hope this is a better trade for you!
Char 1048-8543-1681
Quoted By:
>>15273046 Yeah, that was weird. You still got your heracross, right?
>>15272904 sure, added
>>15272922 added
>>15272796 I'll take a 5 IV ralts or honedge, added
None with Moxie then? Damn, Pokemon Transporter can't come sooner. Need my Moxiecross.
Char 1048-8543-1681
>>15273246 Cool, thanks bro
RiderRed FC:0404-6746-9849
Quoted By:
>>15273246 No i didn't, I can also offer up the hatched one if you'd prefer but I promise it's a Tyrunt from a good line.
Hah umm.. i'd still like that heracross ;;
RiderRed FC:0404-6746-9849
>>15273431 There we go, Thanks OP really appreciate it. Sorry it fumbled a few times! Do you want that Ditto back?
Char 1048-8543-1681
Quoted By:
>>15273689 Don't worry about it
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue)
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue) Sun 27 Oct 2013 20:30:28 No. 15273739 Report Want a 5 iv honedge?
Char 1048-8543-1681
>>15273351 It's the hidden ability, and I don't have trace for it atm.
Colin 1005-8906-4839
Quoted By:
>>15273801 OP we still trading or what?
Colin 1005-8906-4839
Quoted By:
>>15273801 thank you much!
>>15272747 Have claunchers with 2-3 IVs, I don't IV train that far but if you'd like I could check them. They're all modest.
Char 1048-8543-1681
>>15273739 Sure, what do you want for it
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) 5472-7478-5328
Quoted By:
>>15273801 Can I get one? I have Charmanders w/Outrage and breeding atm Mawiles 31 atk w/Fire Fang and Sucker punch
bread 5370-0413-6553
>>15274084 hereI found some clauncher with 31 HP, special attack, and special defense. Interested? I'm looking for a male heracross with either ability.
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue)
Peter - 0490-5785-3295 (Mankey/Pancham/Tyrogue) Sun 27 Oct 2013 20:48:06 No. 15274569 Report Quoted By:
>>15274174 Perfect Heracross with swarm.
Char 1048-8543-1681
Quoted By:
>>15274468 Sure, I'll add you after this egg run
Char 1048-8543-1681
>>15272796 Just bred that one, it has perfect 5 IVs
Alex / Elias | 3136-7646-2911 | Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon
Alex / Elias | 3136-7646-2911 | Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon Sun 27 Oct 2013 21:08:50 No. 15275552 Report >>15275347 Thank you kindly!
Char 1048-8543-1681
>>15273739 Your honedge only has 3 IVs, dude. Not exactly as advertised...
>>15275552 No problem!
>>15274468 Enjoy your bug
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) 5472-7478-5328
>>15275820 Can I receive one too?
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158 Sun 27 Oct 2013 21:28:02 No. 15276455 Report >>15271800 I'd appreciate a heracross if you don't mind. Do you know what this swarm ability new build is? I'm thinking guts would be good, I can offer 4-5 IV noibats, 4-5 IV claunchers and larvestas,
Char 1048-8543-1681
>>15276229 Sure, adding
>>15276455 I'd love a 5 IV clauncher, I can give you a perfect 5 IV guts heracross. The guy earlier gave me a clauncher with only 2 IVs, so I was kind of bummed on that front. adding
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158 Sun 27 Oct 2013 21:38:21 No. 15276904 Report >>15276760 Sure thing, got any preferences for gender or nicknames?
Char 1048-8543-1681
>>15276904 Does Hyaku Shiki fit?
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158 Sun 27 Oct 2013 21:44:41 No. 15277192 Report Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) 5472-7478-5328
>>15276760 Do you want a Mawile w/Fire fang or a Charmander w/Outrage?
I don't really know their IVs as I haven't finished it yet, but you can breed them better stats anyway. (The charmander can be crappy, but the Mawile should have at least 31 in Atk and some more)
I would want any gender/ability of the Heracross really.
Char 1048-8543-1681
>>15277192 Thanks a ton man, been looking for a clauncher and yours is perfect
Chippy 0619 2975 3550
If there are still some avaliable, interested in a 4 IV Tyrouge?
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158
Spacekataz (Flying: Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius) 2208-4451-7158 Sun 27 Oct 2013 21:58:50 No. 15277809 Report Quoted By:
>>15277651 No problem! Thanks much for the Heracross too, I absolutely adore the bashing bug. Enjoy your destruction cannon of a shrimp.
Char 1048-8543-1681
>>15277287 Already have 5 IV charmeleon and 5 IV mawile
>>15277761 Sure, I'll add in a sec
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) 5472-7478-5328
>>15278204 Well, then. whatever... Do you still have some bugs?
Char 1048-8543-1681
>>15278409 What kind of bug do you want?
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) 5472-7478-5328
Quoted By:
>>15278536 a Swarm one? if not one with Guts, I'm not picky.
Colton 4613-7472-1005 (Growlithe, Fletchinder, Charmeleon)
Colton 4613-7472-1005 (Growlithe, Fletchinder, Charmeleon) Sun 27 Oct 2013 22:19:00 No. 15278676 Report Hey Char, you still have your eyes set on a Clauncher? I have some 4-IV ones with Modest Nature in Great Balls, if you'd like one.
Tahiro 0662-3255-3154
5 IV aqua jet + belly drum marill for a 5 IV guts heracross?
Char 1048-8543-1681
>>15278676 Sorry, just got a modest IV one
>>15278871 not really interested in marill, but I'll give you one once I finish breeding some more
>>15271800 Could i get one?
i have protean froakies with 4 IV
Diegoywea (Dusclops, Phantump, Lampent) 3454-1078-9381
Diegoywea (Dusclops, Phantump, Lampent) 3454-1078-9381 Sun 27 Oct 2013 22:36:05 No. 15279431 Report >>15271800 5 IV's Impish Skarmory here, I want one Heracross with Guts.
Char 1048-8543-1681
Tahiro 0662-3255-3154
>>15279220 how about 4 IV bold wish eevee (regular abilites), 4 IV gastly, or a 5 IV protean froakie?
incase you need one of these
Sam 4957 2823 7726 (sawsbuck,sunkern,quilladin) Anonymous Sun 27 Oct 2013 22:38:48 No. 15279563 Report Quoted By:
>>15279435 forgot to add my fc on the other post.
i have males with hp,att,def,speed x 2
hp,att,def,sp def
att,def,sp att, sp def
Char 1048-8543-1681
Quoted By:
>>15279431 Added, sounds good
>>15279438 I could use the froakie, I already have a 5 iv gengar. Added
Char 1048-8543-1681
Quoted By:
>>15279431 Thanks man. Is attack preferred over sp attack on Skarmory? I've never had one before.
Char 1048-8543-1681
>>15279438 Still want to trade?
>>15281179 Hey OP, can spare a Heracross please? I don't have anything interesting but I would gladly acept any of those, Guts or Swarm.
Mokona 2535-3886-2731
Char 1048-8543-1681
>>15281666 Added. You owe me later :D
Mokona 2535-3886-2731
Quoted By:
>>15281860 Thanks a lot <3
Niall - 0044 2816 1712 (Gyarados, Panpour, Frogadier)
Niall - 0044 2816 1712 (Gyarados, Panpour, Frogadier) Mon 28 Oct 2013 01:07:50 No. 15285747 Report Quoted By:
>>15271800 Could I get one of these? I fucking love Heracross!
inji , magmar, fletchinder, charmeleon, 3969-4890-3198
inji , magmar, fletchinder, charmeleon, 3969-4890-3198 Mon 28 Oct 2013 01:11:46 No. 15285920 Report >>15281860 i have 4iv impish immunity gligars
would love a 4 or 5iv guts if you have any
Faded4Dayz (IGN: James) : 4871-3568-9550 (Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen)
Faded4Dayz (IGN: James) : 4871-3568-9550 (Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) Mon 28 Oct 2013 02:35:51 No. 15289221 Report Quoted By:
>>15285920 Not sure if you're still around, and I hate to be a pest, but would i be able to get one of those? The best I can offer is a 3IV Minccino, but i would really appreciate the Gligar...
Justice 5172 0501 8138 [Seviper, Ariados, ???]
Justice 5172 0501 8138 [Seviper, Ariados, ???] Mon 28 Oct 2013 02:41:19 No. 15289408 Report Quoted By:
Do you have any good IV Swarm Heracross left that are Male? Added also