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Mini-Trade Thread: Hunt for Froakie

!GqmSg277Uo No.15282020 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /vp/. Finally jumping on the hype train and am looking to breed my own Froakie. I'm looking specifically for a female Protean Froakie with 4-5 IVs (nature doesn't matter). In exchange I have the following:

- 4 IV Timid Larvesta w/Morning Sun (3)
- 5 IV Timid Larvesta w/Morning Sun (1)
- 4 IV Modest Clauncher (1)
- 4 IV Timid Helioptile [Sand Veil] (3)
- 4 IV Timid Helioptile [Dry Skin] (2)
- 4 IV Adamant Scyther [Technician] (4)

I'll take other offers as well, but I'm really looking for that 4-5 IV Female Protean Froake.