Heya VP I have two different types of pokemon that I've been breeding. TLDR: Near Perfect Timid Froakies and Basically perfect Adamant Honedge What I'm interested are: Shinies, Near perfect IV pokemon that I don't have, Legendaries Details: First are Timid Protean Froakies with 31/x/31/31/31/31 All (Basically everything except Attack is Max IV) Ones for trade are Male I have one Female for trade however since the probability of getting one of these is very low I'm most likely not going to trade the female unless a really good offer is presented. I also have Adamant Honedges that are 31/31/31/x/31/31 (All except Sp. Attack) I have one Adamant Honedge that is 31/31/31/31/31/0 (All 31 IVs and zero for speed) Some people seem to like these although competitively it puts you at a disadvantage against commonly used pokemon like Tyranitar and a few others. List becomes greater if you use a sticky web set up. My Friend Code: 3625-8734-5550
Robby | 1332-7708-7919 [Jigglypuff, Togepi, Floette]
Robby | 1332-7708-7919 [Jigglypuff, Togepi, Floette] Mon 28 Oct 2013 04:15:24 No. 15292880 Report >>15291369 I've got 4 and 5 IV Adamant Marvel Scale Dratinis and Jolly Sand Veil Gibles if you're interested in any of those.
>>15292880 what IVs are the dratini? and does the gibbles have IVs as well?
Robby | 1332-7708-7919 [Jigglypuff, Togepi, Floette]
Robby | 1332-7708-7919 [Jigglypuff, Togepi, Floette] Mon 28 Oct 2013 04:19:59 No. 15293062 Report Quoted By:
>>15292960 31/31/31/xx/31/31 for both.
>>15291369 im interested in the 5 IV froakie, male is fine. ive got dragon dance adamant larvitars, gale wing fletchlings, careful shuckles. also which legendaries do you want?
Kuzuri 2552-0946-0561
>>15292880 Any chance I could get a 5IV of either for a 5IV (sans SpA) Adamant Aron with Stealth Rocks?
Robby | 1332-7708-7919 [Jigglypuff, Togepi, Floette]
Robby | 1332-7708-7919 [Jigglypuff, Togepi, Floette] Mon 28 Oct 2013 04:27:05 No. 15293314 Report >>15293222 You can have one of each, sure. All I ask is for one of those Arons to be female, if you don't mind.
Kuzuri 2552-0946-0561
Quoted By:
>>15293314 You bet. You want a 5IV Male and a 5IV female, correct? Could I get the same with either Dratini/Gible, whichever you have enough to spare?
Petehoven (sneasel, pawniard, ???)1375 8559 9197
Petehoven (sneasel, pawniard, ???)1375 8559 9197 Mon 28 Oct 2013 04:34:39 No. 15293572 Report >>15291369 I have a near perfect ferroseed up for grabs. 31/31/31/x/31/x
speed around 13-14 I BELIEVE as that's what both parents where around. it's a female too by the way. Would really like one of those froakie's if they're protean.
Would you trade one of those Honedges for an Impish Ryhorn with 31/31/31/X/31/31? Female, but sadly has Lightningrod as an ability
Rocket 3754 6751 7231
>>15291369 5 IV (no attack) squirtle modes torrent with aura sphere/ water pulse/ dragon pulse / rapid spin
for a honedge?
Petehoven (sneasel, pawniard, ???)1375 8559 9197
Petehoven (sneasel, pawniard, ???)1375 8559 9197 Mon 28 Oct 2013 04:39:14 No. 15293739 Report Quoted By:
>>15293572 forgot to mention, it's a relaxed nature.
I also have a shiny fearow, but i don't know if i want to let it go yet.
OP 3625-8734-5550
Quoted By:
>>15292880 sorry for delay I added your code i'd be interested in the dratini.
>>15293064 What's the ability on Larvitars and does it have IVs?
>>15293572 I have 4 IV protean froakies that I could trade for a 4 IV ferroseed
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15293626 not really interested in that ability sorry. Since it's female it'll pass it down e.e if you have a male one i mightg be interested in that
>>15293680 is the squirtle male or female? I'm interested in that
OP 3625-8734-5550
Quoted By:
>>15293064 oh and in terms of legendaries basically any for the most part so I can trade them for other legendaries the birds I don't have are articuno and Moltres.
True (Water: Gyarados, Panpour, Frogadier) 4012 3743 7732
True (Water: Gyarados, Panpour, Frogadier) 4012 3743 7732 Mon 28 Oct 2013 05:00:07 No. 15294492 Report >>15291369 I have a crappy Kecleon I found in a friend safari.
It's not much, but the other thing I have, Jolly Outrage Gibles, is already taken.
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15294492 not interested in Kecleon sorry
True (Water: Gyarados, Panpour, Frogadier) 4012 3743 7732
True (Water: Gyarados, Panpour, Frogadier) 4012 3743 7732 Mon 28 Oct 2013 05:05:52 No. 15294682 Report Quoted By:
>>15294631 I figured. The shiny is barely any different and it's a shitty mon.
Stratos(IGN Serena) 3196-3681-9383
>>15294631 I can offer a 4 IV ralts and scraggy with Dragon dance and drain punch egg moves IV's are 2-3 maybe 4 I gotta check them.
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15294833 is the scraggy moxie and male?
Stratos(IGN Serena) 3196-3681-9383
>>15294951 I have only one with Moxie and it's female
Dragonrana 3110-4464-6584 (PSYCHIC: Duosion, Munna, Wobbuffet)
Dragonrana 3110-4464-6584 (PSYCHIC: Duosion, Munna, Wobbuffet) Mon 28 Oct 2013 05:15:47 No. 15295067 Report op, im trying to get a 5IV froakie without attack just like the one you have. Is it just luck? Just keep breeding till you get it?
Robby | 1332-7708-7919 [Jigglypuff, Togepi, Floette]
Robby | 1332-7708-7919 [Jigglypuff, Togepi, Floette] Mon 28 Oct 2013 05:16:42 No. 15295103 Report >>15294266 >>15294266 Added you back, I'll do a Dratini for a Honedge.
Robby | 1332-7708-7919 [Jigglypuff, Togepi, Floette]
Robby | 1332-7708-7919 [Jigglypuff, Togepi, Floette] Mon 28 Oct 2013 05:19:24 No. 15295227 Report Quoted By:
>>15293222 Sorry, adding you too D:
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15295067 Once you get some with perfect IVs you destiny knot, luck, and try breeding it with others. They lay eggs faster if its not a ditto unless its a traded ditto.
>>15295103 whats your trainer name?
Robby | 1332-7708-7919 [Jigglypuff, Togepi, Floette]
Robby | 1332-7708-7919 [Jigglypuff, Togepi, Floette] Mon 28 Oct 2013 05:22:24 No. 15295345 Report >>15295311 Robby, just like the tag.
Quoted By:
sorry to hijack thread, but if anyone cannot afford these A grade froakies
>>15294483 Dragonrana 3110-4464-6584 (PSYCHIC: Duosion, Munna, Wobbuffet)
Dragonrana 3110-4464-6584 (PSYCHIC: Duosion, Munna, Wobbuffet) Mon 28 Oct 2013 05:22:50 No. 15295360 Report >>15295311 Cool, that's what i've been doing. Just have to keep trying, thanks
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15295360 yeah I've noticed that destiny knot has some other RNG in it i've bred two perfect 6 IVs on both ends and for some reason, I'll get only 4 perfect IVs when its supposed to guarentee 5 IVs
>>15295345 Did you remember to reconnect after signing in? I just logged out and in twice dont see ya
Nyctores 5257-9473-4905
Quoted By:
I'll give you a 4 IV shellder for a froakie
Stratos(IGN Serena) 3196-3681-9383
Robby | 1332-7708-7919 [Jigglypuff, Togepi, Floette]
Robby | 1332-7708-7919 [Jigglypuff, Togepi, Floette] Mon 28 Oct 2013 05:31:51 No. 15295663 Report >>15295528 Weird :/ I'll try signing in again.
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15295028 sorry I missed your reply do you have one with dragon dance and 4 IVs with dragon dance? I wanna be able to breed it on a good one
Robby | 1332-7708-7919 [Jigglypuff, Togepi, Floette]
Robby | 1332-7708-7919 [Jigglypuff, Togepi, Floette] Mon 28 Oct 2013 05:35:59 No. 15295814 Report Quoted By:
>>15295747 Not with Dragon Dance, but I could breed one with it pretty quickly. Not sure of the IV's though.
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15295747 Male that is, otherwise it wont be able to pass down moves, even without moxie
Stratos(IGN Serena) 3196-3681-9383
>>15295862 Best one I have is male with 3 IV's in ATK/DEF/SP.DEF
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15295663 You said the IVs on the pokemon were
31/31/31/xx/31/31 not
oh well. . .
james 1435-4715-4706
to take some of the load off op, i also have some 4 and 5 IV timid protean Froakies. No female 5 IV ones yet
Benson 1247-0122-1521
>>15295862 Females can pass egg moves now
>>15296027 >>15295862 Either of you have females in dive balls?
Kuzuri 2552-0946-0561
Quoted By:
>>15295965 I got no 5 IVs as well :(
Rocket 3754 6751 7231
OP 3625-8734-5550
Quoted By:
>>15295947 Which did you want the protean froakies or the honedges?
For that i'll give you a 5 IVd honedge or a 4 IVd protean froakie
4 IVs can be either
HP /Sp.Atk /Sp. Def/Speed
HP /Def /Sp.Attack /Speed
HP /Def/ Sp.Atk/ Sp.Def
james 1435-4715-4706
Quoted By:
>>15296077 I have plenty of female 4 IVs, however none are in dive balls
Stratos(IGN Serena) 3196-3681-9383
>>15296027 What do you want for them?
james 1435-4715-4706
>>15296158 other 4/5 iv'd stuff, wanting to breed more good things. open to any offer though
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15296110 I'd be interested
>>15296077 are you sure females can pass egg moves now?
No Females in dive balls sorry.
>>15295028 If thats the case I'd rather take the female with.
Also if you're offering 4 IV'd pokemon I have 4 IV'd ones for trade as well
Rocket 3754 6751 7231
>>15296253 >>15296253 I've added you.
Also, I can confirmfemales can pass egg moves now, I'm doing it with charmanders right now.
Stratos(IGN Serena) 3196-3681-9383
>>15296200 Do you 5 IV's froakies have IV's in SP.ATK and Speed
james 1435-4715-4706
>>15296379 31/X/31/31/31/31
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15296307 is it with a ditto or just another of the species?
OP 3625-8734-5550
Quoted By:
>>15296307 i added you as well
james 1435-4715-4706
Quoted By:
>>15296405 can be with either. egg moves restrictions pretty much gone. hence why belly drum aquajet azumaril is now a thing
Rocket 3754 6751 7231
>>15296405 Either or. My breed chain right now is snorlax + charmander for outrage+DD+Belly Drum charmander. Then I bred that with charizard for flare blitz + the three previous. Then I bred that baby with ditto for a 4 eggmove baby with a good nature. Now I'm fixing IVs...
Worth a mention that only females pass their pokeball though. Dittos or males will never pass their pokeball. (if you care about this sort of thing)
Stratos(IGN Serena) 3196-3681-9383
>>15296403 How about this them for you're 5 IV'd froakie I can offer you a Shed skin scraggy XX/31/31/XX/31/31 Adamant and Egg moves Dragon dance and Drain punch and a Ralts with XX/31/31/XX/31/31 Modest. So 2 for 1.
james 1435-4715-4706
>>15296552 sure thing, adding you now
Stratos(IGN Serena) 3196-3681-9383
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15296496 Im not completely a master on passing egg moves but I was trying to pass water spout from squirtle onto froakie is there a method to determine whether or not it can be passed or not or is it just trial and error?
james 1435-4715-4706
Rocket 3754 6751 7231
Quoted By:
>>15296672 If it can be learned as an egg move then it will always pass if a parent knows it when the egg was created. However, I don't believe froakie can learn water spout as an egg move. egg move lists in general are pretty exclusive.
Stratos(IGN Serena) 3196-3681-9383
Forrest 0791-1694-5042 Ghost: Phantump Shuppet Golurk
Forrest 0791-1694-5042 Ghost: Phantump Shuppet Golurk Mon 28 Oct 2013 06:10:50 No. 15296857 Report Could I interest you in a 5 IV (all but Sp Att) Adamant Larvitar for a Froakie?
Arveene (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) 0946 - 3672 - 6933
Arveene (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) 0946 - 3672 - 6933 Mon 28 Oct 2013 06:14:16 No. 15296938 Report >>15291369 I'm interested in one of your honedges. Ideally the 0 speed one, but the other kind is ok as well.
I have a 31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly Gible. I also have a 31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly female Cloyster with Rock Blast. (I evolved it too early)
Interested in any for a Honedge?
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15296857 i'm interested
>>15296938 Do you have a female one?
Arveene (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) 0946 - 3672 - 6933
Arveene (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) 0946 - 3672 - 6933 Mon 28 Oct 2013 06:18:53 No. 15297024 Report >>15296980 Gible? Best female I have is 31/x/31/31/x/31.
OP 3625-8734-5550
Quoted By:
>>15296938 I should have specified I meant a female jolly gibble.
Also out of curiosity does anyone have a tyrogue or hitmonchan with any IV?
Forrest 0791-1694-5042 Ghost: Phantump Shuppet Golurk
Forrest 0791-1694-5042 Ghost: Phantump Shuppet Golurk Mon 28 Oct 2013 06:19:50 No. 15297047 Report OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15297024 Also does it have sand veil or rough skin?
>>15291369 Do you have any Male Timid Proteans left with 5 perfect IVs?
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15297092 I have quite a few left actually
Arveene (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) 0946 - 3672 - 6933
Arveene (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) 0946 - 3672 - 6933 Mon 28 Oct 2013 06:23:26 No. 15297130 Report >>15297064 Sorry forgot to mention abilities. Gible has Sand Veil, Cloyster has Skill Link.
>>15297116 Wonderful. My brother just hatched an Adamant Intimidate Mawile 31/31/31/x/31/31
Would you be interested in that for one of them?
His FC is 3136-6594-4624
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15297130 give me whatever you want to give me, It'd be rude of me otherwise these froakies were because you were kind enough to add me before.
I'd prefer the cloyster if possible though (If your breeding these with extras)
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15297167 Definitly
>>15297047 I added you as well the 0 speed one I nicknamed to differentiate them in my perfect box I can nick name it to Aegislash so final evolved,
the other ones aren't nick named.
Arveene (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) 0946 - 3672 - 6933
Arveene (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) 0946 - 3672 - 6933 Mon 28 Oct 2013 06:29:19 No. 15297271 Report
>>15297267 Awesome. He's just adding you now.
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15297271 Insom-Chan
My Mii name is Uguu
Arveene (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) 0946 - 3672 - 6933
Arveene (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) 0946 - 3672 - 6933 Mon 28 Oct 2013 06:32:31 No. 15297367 Report >>15297312 I'll trade you one of the Gibles I have and the Cloyster.
Arveene (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) 0946 - 3672 - 6933
Arveene (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) 0946 - 3672 - 6933 Mon 28 Oct 2013 06:34:41 No. 15297426 Report >>15297312 >>15297367 I was looking to trade for one of the 31/31/31/x/31/31 Honedges or the 0 speed one.
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15297367 Did you want a honedge then as well?
>>15297305 added him
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15297426 Ah okay I got confused in the trade then, Did you want a froakie as well?
Forrest 0791-1694-5042 Ghost: Phantump Shuppet Golurk
Forrest 0791-1694-5042 Ghost: Phantump Shuppet Golurk Mon 28 Oct 2013 06:38:11 No. 15297528 Report >>15297429 Would you mind naming mine Winston?
Also, any name you'd like for the Larvitar?
Arveene (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) 0946 - 3672 - 6933
Arveene (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) 0946 - 3672 - 6933 Mon 28 Oct 2013 06:39:07 No. 15297552 Report >>15297507 Nah, no need for a Froakie. Just have some sort of crapmon to trade after we do the first one.
I'll wait for you to trade me since it seems you have some other people to trade with as well. Don't want to interrupt a trade in progress.
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15297528 Sure I'll nickname it now, I'd prefer no nickname
Forrest 0791-1694-5042 Ghost: Phantump Shuppet Golurk
Forrest 0791-1694-5042 Ghost: Phantump Shuppet Golurk Mon 28 Oct 2013 06:41:40 No. 15297624 Report Quoted By:
>>15297603 Alright, sounds good. Initiate trade whenever you're ready
OP 3625-8734-5550
Quoted By:
>>15297552 no worries I have a few random eggs I dont even remember whats in them lol
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15297552 if you ever want a froakie though just let me know.
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15297552 that egg has a ghastly and it should be guarenteed 3-5 perfect IVs
Arveene (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) 0946 - 3672 - 6933
Arveene (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) 0946 - 3672 - 6933 Mon 28 Oct 2013 06:47:03 No. 15297753 Report Quoted By:
>>15297668 >>15297704 Awesome, I still needed a Ghastly. I already got some Froakies. I'm currently breeding some Dratinis, once I finish up I'll send you a swapnote or something and trade one to ya.
I know Im retarded and late to the party but how do I know if my pkmn has perfect IV?
Petehoven (sneasel, pawniard, ???)1375 8559 9197
Petehoven (sneasel, pawniard, ???)1375 8559 9197 Mon 28 Oct 2013 06:49:49 No. 15297826 Report >>15297668 hey you still have that protean froakie? I added your FC, still got my 4IV female ferro.
Arveene (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) 0946 - 3672 - 6933
Arveene (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) 0946 - 3672 - 6933 Mon 28 Oct 2013 06:50:39 No. 15297848 Report Quoted By:
>>15297792 Kiloude City, Pokemon Center. There's an NPC on the left, near the place where you go to change clothes. He'll rate your pokemon. He'll name off their best stats. If he says something along the lines of those stats... they can't be beaten, that means they have IVs of 31.
Petehoven (sneasel, pawniard, ???)1375 8559 9197
Petehoven (sneasel, pawniard, ???)1375 8559 9197 Mon 28 Oct 2013 06:51:06 No. 15297859 Report Quoted By:
>>15297792 kiloude city there is a guy that will judge your pokemon's IV's, but i highly doubt you'll have perfect IV's in anything unless you're breeding.
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15297826 I'll give you a 4 IV protean froakie for a 4 IV ferro
4 IVS Can be either:
HP /Sp.Atk /Sp. Def/Speed
HP /Def /Sp.Attack /Speed
HP /Def/ Sp.Atk/ Sp.Def
Quoted By:
>>15291369 >Adamant >31 Spe IVs I guess you could make some Jolly Honedges with Automize.
Petehoven (sneasel, pawniard, ???)1375 8559 9197
Petehoven (sneasel, pawniard, ???)1375 8559 9197 Mon 28 Oct 2013 06:56:27 No. 15298004 Report >>15297912 I'll take the HP sp atk sp def
is it female?
Petehoven (sneasel, pawniard, ???)1375 8559 9197
Petehoven (sneasel, pawniard, ???)1375 8559 9197 Mon 28 Oct 2013 06:58:08 No. 15298047 Report Quoted By:
>>15298004 HP/Sp.Atk/Sp.Def/Speed
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15298004 no, sorry
I added you if you're still interested
Petehoven (sneasel, pawniard, ???)1375 8559 9197
Petehoven (sneasel, pawniard, ???)1375 8559 9197 Mon 28 Oct 2013 07:00:59 No. 15298125 Report >>15298073 i am, are you known as drobeis in the game?
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15298125 Insom-Chan Trainer name
Uguu is my Mii name
Petehoven (sneasel, pawniard, ???)1375 8559 9197
Petehoven (sneasel, pawniard, ???)1375 8559 9197 Mon 28 Oct 2013 07:03:36 No. 15298179 Report Quoted By:
>>15298147 initiated trade
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15298125 it says you're in a trade
Petehoven (sneasel, pawniard, ???)1375 8559 9197
Petehoven (sneasel, pawniard, ???)1375 8559 9197 Mon 28 Oct 2013 07:06:13 No. 15298261 Report OP 3625-8734-5550
Quoted By:
>>15298305 Any chance I could get a Honedge that isnt perfect as a freebie? Can't seem to find any firend safari's with one.
hawaii nigga 5155 3433 1609 Manetric, ???, ???
hawaii nigga 5155 3433 1609 Manetric, ???, ??? Mon 28 Oct 2013 07:40:04 No. 15299062 Report Quoted By:
Instead of making my own thread I figured I'd just post here, not trying to hijack your thread though I have easily a box and a half of 3-4 IV Brave Honeedge's and another box and a half of Braves Honeedge's with 2-3 IV's and then I ALSO have about 8 5 IV'd Honeedge's, either 31/31/x/31/31/31 or 31/31/31/31/x/31 I've been trying so hard to get the defenses together but I couldn't so if anybody would like one hmu i'll trade all 80+ of them. I'd like offers on the 5 IV Honeedges for other near-flawless pokemon.
OP 3625-8734-5550
I'm probably going to be going to bed in the next 20 minutes so I figured Id do a last bump, I dont have any for freabies atm I stopped breeding them sorry the only ones remaining are 5 IV. also if anyone has a tyrogue or hitmon chan any IVs i'll trade for that as well
PK 2036-7230-4134
>>15299610 If you're still here I have 5IV ralts timid
Interested at all? I'll take anything with 5 IVs not ralts
Milan - 2723 9746 0688 (Mawile Forretress + Bronzong) Anonymous Mon 28 Oct 2013 08:13:23 No. 15299677 Report >>15299610 I have a tyrouge
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15299657 which do you want the froakie or the honedge?
>>15299677 I'll give a 4 IV protean timid froakie or a 5 IV adamant honedge
>>15299757 I just caught two Tyrouges, so if you want more than just 2 maxes IVs then both of those for Froakie + Honedge?
If not, just Froakie.
PK 2036-7230-4134
Quoted By:
>>15299757 surprise me. I can trade you male and female as long as I even get one
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15299770 only want one really, not caring about IVs at all. Preferred male, just want it to get a hitmonchan to get bullet punch for breeding purposes
Milan - 2723 9746 0688 (Mawile Forretress + Bronzong) Anonymous Mon 28 Oct 2013 08:22:53 No. 15299811 Report Quoted By:
>>15299797 Alright, trade me when you're ready
OP 3625-8734-5550
>>15299657 what's your trainer name in game?
Milan - 2723 9746 0688 (Mawile Forretress + Bronzong) Anonymous Mon 28 Oct 2013 08:28:26 No. 15299906 Report >>15299797 Thanks man, good luck with the hitmonchan
Quoted By:
I have timid female froakies with protean. Also shittons of timid male protean froakies most with 31 in spA and speed or attack I kinda just want an adamant ditto or scyther
OP 3625-8734-5550
PK 2036-7230-4134
Quoted By:
>>15299895 PK
black hat
blonde hair
Is there anymore Honedge?
Billy 4356-0185-5607 (togepi,swirlix,floette)
Billy 4356-0185-5607 (togepi,swirlix,floette) Mon 28 Oct 2013 08:46:46 No. 15300228 Report >>15300123 I have 5IV Brave Honedge
>>15300228 shit what you want for it brah?
Billy 4356-0185-5607 (togepi,swirlix,floette)
Billy 4356-0185-5607 (togepi,swirlix,floette) Mon 28 Oct 2013 08:48:44 No. 15300257 Report >>15300241 IV'd pokemon, whatchu got?
>>15300257 froakies
4 IV goomy
Billy 4356-0185-5607 (togepi,swirlix,floette)
Billy 4356-0185-5607 (togepi,swirlix,floette) Mon 28 Oct 2013 08:52:00 No. 15300325 Report >>15300291 I'll trade for the goomy if its gooey ability and has perfect hp and sp att ivs
>>15300325 it has perfect HP and spA but its sap sipper
gonna try and get gooey
Billy 4356-0185-5607 (togepi,swirlix,floette)
Billy 4356-0185-5607 (togepi,swirlix,floette) Mon 28 Oct 2013 08:54:44 No. 15300378 Report Quoted By:
>>15300346 ahh so close, I'll trade you a 4IV one for it, or a 4IV jolly Tyrunt with fang moves
Billy 4356-0185-5607 (togepi,swirlix,floette)
Billy 4356-0185-5607 (togepi,swirlix,floette) Mon 28 Oct 2013 08:57:57 No. 15300436 Report Quoted By:
>>15300346 or if you get that gooey one its a done deal
Quoted By:
I have a 4 IV careful Trevenent and 4 IV Adamant Kangaskhan if you're interested
PK 2036-7230-4134
Quoted By:
I'll trade 5 IV ralts with anyone else here for equal amount of IVs. also have 4 IVs randomly for even just heart scales