TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:15:40 No. 15316725 Report Quoted By:
george 1848-3122-5800 flying [tropius,hoothoot,spearow]
george 1848-3122-5800 flying [tropius,hoothoot,spearow] Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:18:58 No. 15316855 Report Quoted By:
a 31/31/31/31/x/31 jolly Gible?
Ed 3625-9042-5349 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar)
Ed 3625-9042-5349 (Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar) Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:23:15 No. 15317019 Report >>15316556 I have some 3 IV (Attk, Def, Speed) Jolly and Impish Gligars with Immunity (Poison Heal on Evo). Interested in trading for one of your 4 IV?
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:25:50 No. 15317114 Report >>15317019 Yep, willing to trade for one of your Jolly Gligars :)
Lily 0490-5494-0232 (Oddish, Swadloon, Gogoat)
Lily 0490-5494-0232 (Oddish, Swadloon, Gogoat) Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:27:39 No. 15317187 Report >>15316556 How about a timid Noibat with 31/x/31/31/31/31? It has frisk, although I'm currently breeding for some with infiltrator.
inji , magmar, fletchinder, charmeleon, 3969-4890-3198
inji , magmar, fletchinder, charmeleon, 3969-4890-3198 Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:28:07 No. 15317205 Report >>15317114 i have 4iv adamant intimidate mawiles 31/31/31/x/31/x
also have 4iv impish immunity gligars
would love a 5iv tech scyther, but 4 is ok too
and 4
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:31:01 No. 15317308 Report >>15317205 I agree on 4IV adamant mawile for one of my tech 4IV Scythers :)
>>15317187 What chance is you could breed one with infiltrator for me?
Lily 0490-5494-0232 (Oddish, Swadloon, Gogoat)
Lily 0490-5494-0232 (Oddish, Swadloon, Gogoat) Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:33:25 No. 15317410 Report >>15317308 I should be close to getting a few. I need to breed for a female parent first, but after that I'll send one your way. If I can't get it to you now, I'll get it to you later. If you don't mind the possible wait, then add me.
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:34:53 No. 15317478 Report Quoted By:
>>15317410 I don't mind waiting a bit. Adding you right away.
Any interest in an impish male 5 IV (31/31/31/31/31/x) Furfrou?
James 2380-3644-1715
I'll got a Bold Eevee with 4 perfect IVs with Wish and Charm bred onto it. Sound good?
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:38:32 No. 15317635 Report Quoted By:
>>15317536 Sorry, not really :/
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:39:58 No. 15317689 Report >>15317614 Sorry, bred Eevees myself, I have quite perfect Sylveon and I do not wish for more Eevees, thanks for offer :) (Because I understand you wish to trade Eevee for 5IVs Scyther, if you meant 4IVs one then I'd trade gladly(
Riddel [0318-6563-0713] [delibird, bergmite, lapras]
Riddel [0318-6563-0713] [delibird, bergmite, lapras] Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:41:11 No. 15317736 Report >>15316556 Brave honedge with 5 perfect IVs
inji , magmar, fletchinder, charmeleon, 3969-4890-3198
inji , magmar, fletchinder, charmeleon, 3969-4890-3198 Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:41:31 No. 15317754 Report Quoted By:
>>15317614 if you have any extras of those i have
4iv gligars and mawiles
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:41:34 No. 15317758 Report >>15317536 Also, if you want, I can send you 4IVs Scyther for some crap, if you want Scyther badly :)
James 2380-3644-1715
>>15317689 I'll take a 4 IV Scyther with Technician if that's okay. Scizor was my bro in gen 3, been looking to get back into him. Also, just realized my Eevees don't have Charm for some reason. But they do have Wish.
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:42:51 No. 15317819 Report >>15317736 totally. I understand that IVs look like 31/31/31/31/31/0, right? If not, then which IVs?
Boxes 3797-7005-5482
Quoted By:
I'll give you a 31/31/31/x/31 Impish Immunity Gligar for a 5 IV Scyther.
Riddel [0318-6563-0713] [delibird, bergmite, lapras]
Riddel [0318-6563-0713] [delibird, bergmite, lapras] Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:43:58 No. 15317862 Report TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:44:10 No. 15317873 Report >>15317802 added, let's commence the trade :)
Lily 0490-5494-0232 (Oddish, Swadloon, Gogoat)
Lily 0490-5494-0232 (Oddish, Swadloon, Gogoat) Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:44:39 No. 15317894 Report >>15316556 Ok, so here's the deal. I just completed breeding a female, timid, 5 IV noibat with infiltrator, but I have a test at my university that I'm about to leave for. I'll add you now, and later tonight I'll get you the noibat you want. Tell me in a reply what gender and nickname you want.
Riddel [0318-6563-0713] [delibird, bergmite, lapras]
Riddel [0318-6563-0713] [delibird, bergmite, lapras] Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:46:09 No. 15317952 Report >>15317862 Think I could get the nickname "Guillotine" and do you want a specific name?
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:46:30 No. 15317965 Report >>15317894 Let it be girl, and about nickname - it's your noibat, so name it as you wish :)
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:48:31 No. 15318040 Report >>15317952 The same as in case of Lily's Noibat - since it's yours, name it however you wish (I mean Honedge). I will name your Scyther Guillotine then :)
Lily 0490-5494-0232 (Oddish, Swadloon, Gogoat)
Lily 0490-5494-0232 (Oddish, Swadloon, Gogoat) Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:48:47 No. 15318052 Report Quoted By:
>>15317965 Ok. See you on later tonight.
James 2380-3644-1715
Quoted By:
>>15317873 Thanks man, enjoy!
Riddel [0318-6563-0713] [delibird, bergmite, lapras]
Riddel [0318-6563-0713] [delibird, bergmite, lapras] Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:51:11 No. 15318152 Report >>15318040 Ok, I'm ready when you are.
tyren (Ground) Dugtio, palpatoad, phanfy 4785-5213-9385
tyren (Ground) Dugtio, palpatoad, phanfy 4785-5213-9385 Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:53:03 No. 15318234 Report if you have more with adamant/technician Ill be up for trading a 5 Iv adamant no guard machop with Thunder punch
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:53:45 No. 15318259 Report >>15318152 Many thanks for that trade, take care of Scyther!
Riddel [0318-6563-0713] [delibird, bergmite, lapras]
Riddel [0318-6563-0713] [delibird, bergmite, lapras] Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:54:47 No. 15318299 Report Quoted By:
>>15318259 Oooh, female as well. Awesome, thanks, same goes to you.
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:55:17 No. 15318319 Report >>15318234 nope, sorry, one 5IVs is traded already, the second one is reserved for other Anon.
I can try breeding some other 5IVs Scyther, if you're not interested in any of 4IVs ones ;p
tyren (Ground) Dugtio, palpatoad, phanfy 4785-5213-9385
tyren (Ground) Dugtio, palpatoad, phanfy 4785-5213-9385 Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:56:28 No. 15318363 Report >>15318319 if you do breed anymore 5 iv Scythers hit me up
Momo 1821-9775-3187 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Octillery)
Momo 1821-9775-3187 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Octillery) Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:58:40 No. 15318446 Report >>15316556 interested in a 4IV huge power adamant marill with belly drum and aqua jet for a 4IV technician scyther?
BINDL 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:58:54 No. 15318454 Report >>15318319 I have some 3 IV vulpix's that i can't fucking get any higher no matter what i do. It is driving me fucking nuts. I want my goddamn 5 iv vulpix. Any interest in a 3 IV, not even necessarily for a scyther, just whatever.
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 20:59:44 No. 15318494 Report Quoted By:
>>15318446 definitely. add me and let's trade :)
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:00:50 No. 15318531 Report Quoted By:
>>15318454 Naaah, will give you Scyther anyway. Have too many of them anyway :)
BINDL 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:03:12 No. 15318625 Report alright. Thank you for your charity >>
Laterias 0387-8855-6665 (Cacturne, Pawniard, Sableye)
Laterias 0387-8855-6665 (Cacturne, Pawniard, Sableye) Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:04:28 No. 15318668 Report >>15316556 Got Bulbasaur with Modest Nature and 31\x\31\31\31\31 IV's but w\o Hidden Ability.
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:04:38 No. 15318679 Report Quoted By:
>>15318625 it's not about charity, it's about sharing and having fun together, right? :)
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:06:28 No. 15318754 Report Quoted By:
>>15318668 sorry, I have for now only 4 IVs Scythers, might try to breed some more 5 IVs if demand will be high :)
BINDL 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:10:04 No. 15318889 Report So, out of curiosity, i am following the instructions for breeding from various sources, im at my 3 iv, but am stuck at that, using destiny knot and everstone, but it just seems to not be taking i'vs the way it is supposed to be. female and male have different sets of iv's, one with 2 perfect. one with 3, do i just need to make a fucking load of eggs for it to work or am i doing something wrong?
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:10:38 No. 15318909 Report OKAY, SINCE IT'S GOING SLOWLY - I'M GIVING AWAY THE REST OF MY SCYTHERS, 5 WITH SWARM, THE REST WITH TECH, ALL 4 IVs ADAMANT. You want to take it for free? Trade some wimp. Want to share sth better with me? I will gladly accept it. Just reply and you shall have it.
MK Ultra 4785-5573-1994
>>15318909 if I could grab a tech scyther, that would be sweet.
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:13:13 No. 15319017 Report >>15318889 You see, that's the hardest way to do, you know. There is only one chance your baby will inherit all of the max IVs if one parent has 2 different and the other one has 3 other. The best way would be to find parent which would share at least one IV with the other, this way, you will have the higher chance to get baby with 4 IVs. Then, you're taking the one with 4IVs and you're breeding it with some other parent, preferably the one with 3 IVs.
Rook 1220-6760-8864 (Ghost)
Would you like a 4 IV larvesta for an Adamant Technician?
Dy 1650-2006-6945 Pidgey Swanna Tropius
>>15316556 I'd like one, only have wish eevees to offer tho....
Momo 1821-9775-3187 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Octillery)
Momo 1821-9775-3187 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Octillery) Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:14:08 No. 15319055 Report Quoted By:
>>15318889 as long as you have complete coverage on both parents, it's just a matter of RNG. you can slowly increase your odds by replacing parents with offspring that have better IVs
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:14:31 No. 15319072 Report >>15319009 >>15319019 adding both of you, let's trade! :)
A-and y-yes, L-larvesta please....
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:15:45 No. 15319129 Report >>15319023 You can offer Eevee then, dw worry, will take it and take care of it :)
BINDL 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:16:26 No. 15319156 Report >>15319017 hrm. ill try that.
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:17:57 No. 15319220 Report >>15319156 And if you'll get some 4IVs Vulpix you're not gonna use later, you can send it me over ^^
MK Ultra 4785-5573-1994
>>15319072 You are a scholar and a gentleman, and you have my thanks.
BINDL 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:19:38 No. 15319290 Report Quoted By:
>>15319220 definitely will. Ill end up just giving them out like i have been other vaguely nice things ive bred
Dy 1650-2006-6945 Pidgey Swanna Tropius
Quoted By:
>>15319129 Thanks, and now back to work!
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:21:10 No. 15319355 Report >>15319256 You're welcome, I hope it will be useful for you!
Dann (Marowak Phanpy Gastrodon) 2664-2235-0519
Dann (Marowak Phanpy Gastrodon) 2664-2235-0519 Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:24:10 No. 15319495 Report Quoted By:
>>15318909 If you have one of those Techs left I'll take one
Rook 1220-6760-8864 (Ghost)
>>15319355 Sorry was looking for a female with 31 in Sp.A
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:28:01 No. 15319651 Report >>15319546 sorry, but I wrote OP that none of them has Sp.Atk... They are made only for competitive play. Do you wish to trade back your Larvesta?
Dann (Marowak Phanpy Gastrodon) 2664-2235-0519
Dann (Marowak Phanpy Gastrodon) 2664-2235-0519 Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:28:47 No. 15319687 Report Thanks man!
Ryan [5386-8472-9786] [Pachirisu Helioptile Galvantula]
Ryan [5386-8472-9786] [Pachirisu Helioptile Galvantula] Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:30:52 No. 15319763 Report >>15318234 >>15318363 I have one Adamant Technician 31/31/31/x/31/31
you have good IV build for machop?
Rook 1220-6760-8864 (Ghost)
Quoted By:
>>15319651 Oh no, I took forever to find a larvesta with 31 is Sp Atk. I have 3 boxes full of the things.
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:33:33 No. 15319880 Report >>15319687 You're welcome, take care of Scyther!
I have 6 4IVs Adamant Tech, 5 4IVs Adamant Swarm and also 2 4IVs Adamant Tech on 31 lvl, they served for breeding purpose.
Swarm ones are males, so they are good for breeding purpose, since ability on man doesn't really matter.
tyren (Ground) Dugtio, palpatoad, phanfy 4785-5213-9385
tyren (Ground) Dugtio, palpatoad, phanfy 4785-5213-9385 Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:34:45 No. 15319943 Report >>15319763 yea 31 hp,attack,defense,special defense, and speed
Adamant with bred thunder punch
Ryan [5386-8472-9786] [Pachirisu Helioptile Galvantula]
Ryan [5386-8472-9786] [Pachirisu Helioptile Galvantula] Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:36:57 No. 15320039 Report >>15319943 okay cool add and trade :) in game name ryan
tyren (Ground) Dugtio, palpatoad, phanfy 4785-5213-9385
tyren (Ground) Dugtio, palpatoad, phanfy 4785-5213-9385 Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:42:58 No. 15320302 Report Quoted By:
>>15320039 thanks for the Scyther!
Alkhuza 2638-0222-7829 (Ditto, Dunsparce & Kecleon)
Alkhuza 2638-0222-7829 (Ditto, Dunsparce & Kecleon) Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:43:10 No. 15320313 Report >>15319880 Can I get Tech Scyther?
BINDL 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:43:14 No. 15320316 Report Quoted By:
Fuck. first time i tried breeding how you said, i got from 3 ivs to 4. should have one for you shortly
Alkhuza 2638-0222-7829 (Ditto, Dunsparce & Kecleon)
Alkhuza 2638-0222-7829 (Ditto, Dunsparce & Kecleon) Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:46:46 No. 15320464 Report >>15320313 Im breeding modest charmanders with S.Atk, you can have one with Solar Power when I have spare 4 IVs.
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:47:22 No. 15320499 Report Quoted By:
>>15320313 Added you, Give me your nick ingame or invite me to trade!
Chris 0989-1784-2821 [ICE]
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:48:54 No. 15320567 Report Quoted By:
>>15320464 Yep, I will gladly accept it!
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:50:02 No. 15320620 Report >>15320565 definitely not, add me and you shall get one :)
Chris 0989-1784-2821 [ICE]
Quoted By:
>>15320620 Adding!
Sorry I was afk for a little bit
Chris 0989-1784-2821 [ICE]
>>15317758 That would be very nice.
Define "crap" please. I really don't want to give too little. TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951
TehVanguard (slugma, magmar, ?) 3196-4165-3951 Mon 28 Oct 2013 22:12:28 No. 15321517 Report >>15321397 Give us much as you deem worth of that Scyther, that's all :)
Axel (Drowzee, Sigilyph and Girafarig) 0387-9010-1053
Axel (Drowzee, Sigilyph and Girafarig) 0387-9010-1053 Mon 28 Oct 2013 22:14:28 No. 15321599 Report Quoted By:
>>15320620 Too late? I would like one. A lot.
Quoted By:
>>15321517 Just hatched another 5IVs Furfrou that I don't particularly need.
Would that do for a 4IVs Scyther?
BINDL 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Mon 28 Oct 2013 22:35:52 No. 15322515 Report Quoted By:
bam. just hatched a five IV and a four IV. and since you have been a bro for all of these people i have elected to present you with my very first 5 IV Vulpix
BINDL 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Mon 28 Oct 2013 22:40:43 No. 15322702 Report Quoted By:
ia lready have one of your scythers!
Jaime (IGN:Nervarus) 5069-4911-6261 Water (Krabby, Floatzel, Frog-ninja)
Jaime (IGN:Nervarus) 5069-4911-6261 Water (Krabby, Floatzel, Frog-ninja) Mon 28 Oct 2013 23:34:24 No. 15325039 Report Quoted By:
>>15319880 Can you trade me an Adamant Scyther, I do not care much for the ability, but I need one.