[14 / 1 / ?]
What's the current best moveset for this guy? My gen 5 moveset was: Toxic Moonlight Heal Bell Foul Play Since Heal Bell and Foul Play are tutor moves, what should I swap them for?>inb4 hurr durr wish over Moonlight I like Moonlight better, that and I didn't breed wish onto it.
Im running Leftovers Toxic Wish Protect Payback Payback is shit and I'm open to suggestions on replacing it. That said I lead with Umbreon and managed to take down Yveltal, Goodra, Megazard Y and Zygarde before he was taken out with this set. Guy was obviously a huge scrub but even so.
Kami - 4141-3022-6446 (Fraxure, Shelgon, Sliggo)
Kami - 4141-3022-6446 (Fraxure, Shelgon, Sliggo) Tue 29 Oct 2013 01:30:09 No. 15329962 Report >>15328864 Anyone?
Considering Toxic, Moonlight, Mean Look, and Payback
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>>15329889 Swap out Payback for Mean Look
Kami - 4141-3022-6446 (Fraxure, Shelgon, Sliggo)
Kami - 4141-3022-6446 (Fraxure, Shelgon, Sliggo) Tue 29 Oct 2013 01:31:33 No. 15330029 Report Quoted By:
>>15329962 >>15329889 Oh it didn't auto update, whoops.
wish, toxic, protect, foul play it will OHKO any physical threat that has booster their attack and you can stall and let other things die of poison
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>>15330051 Umbreon can't learn foul play anymore. Mean look will allow your toxic to take effect better and you might as well have it since without Foul Play Umbreon has no good directly offensive options.
Kami - 4141-3022-6446 (Fraxure, Shelgon, Sliggo)
Kami - 4141-3022-6446 (Fraxure, Shelgon, Sliggo) Tue 29 Oct 2013 01:33:24 No. 15330132 Report >>15330051 But foul play isn't obtainable anymore, isn't it?
>>15329889 swap protect out for curse. My friend used curse twice against me while also using wish, and it was the tankiest piece of shit I ever fought. couldnt even hurt it after it used leftovers each turn
>>15330132 its still on showdown, but I don't think I can take anymore bullshit this gen, if umbreon is losing foul play im done
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Using Toxic Moonlight last resort protect on mine also holding rocky helm worked so far.
Kami - 4141-3022-6446 (Fraxure, Shelgon, Sliggo)
Kami - 4141-3022-6446 (Fraxure, Shelgon, Sliggo) Tue 29 Oct 2013 01:36:31 No. 15330296 Report Quoted By:
>>15330205 He'll probably get it with the ineevitable Z tutor, but for right now I need a placeholder move. Can't have egg moves cause I have a shiny that I wanna use whipped up already
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>>15328864 >Since Heal Bell and Foul Play are tutor moves, what should I swap them for? Protect and Mean look
>I like Moonlight better, that and I didn't breed wish onto it. Then have something with Sunny day or Drought in your party.
>>15329889 >Payback is shit and I'm open to suggestions on replacing it. Mean Look
>>15330141 >swap protect out for curse Charm will get the job done faster, but Protect is better.
Bradley 3539-9565-6350 (Ice: Delibird, Sneasel, Piloswine)
Bradley 3539-9565-6350 (Ice: Delibird, Sneasel, Piloswine) Tue 29 Oct 2013 01:39:55 No. 15330453 Report Quoted By:
>>15330205 >its still on showdown I believe Showdown's current format assumes Pokébank transferability.