It really bothers me to find out that people are still in the "IF I USE METAGROSS, MIENSHAO, INFERNAPE," etc. mindset. Use Pokemon that you love to win battles. It's not about how high a Pokemon's stat gets. If you can't win with your favorite Pokemon, then you just suck. Stop overusing Pokemon just because they make it easy for you to win.
>>15329426 OP, I was debating all day to breed up a shiny Vulpix, but I have too many fire types already... Welp, guess I should go start. Ty.
>>15329426 Don't come crying to me when you loose a battle because your jumpluff couldn't stand up to a flying gem boosted acrobatics NERD
I love the pokemon that help me win. They're my favorites, so I don't see why you should complain when I use them.
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
I'd rather see my bro Marowak fight against Pokémon against whom he actually stands a chance. I wouldn't dare send him into a battle I know he can't possibly win, and only a monster would. Fuck you, Karen. Fuck you and your goddamn Umbreon. You know damn well that it isn't your favorite and you only use it for a speedy Confuse Ray/Sand Attack setup.
Richard 1091-8282-5543 Beautifly, Combee, and Vivillon
Richard 1091-8282-5543 Beautifly, Combee, and Vivillon Tue 29 Oct 2013 01:30:46 No. 15329990 Report Quoted By:
>>15329902 Do you have a win addiction? Does it compensate for your tiny cock?
No matter what Pokemon you use, you should train them to be the best they can be. Even if it isn't much.
>>15330233 OP here. That was kind of my point.
Meowstic's stats as mediocre, but I love it.
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>>15330022 >>>pol/20258606 Anonymous
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>>15330282 >loving the autism pokemon Is it because it's just like you?
>>15329905 >Confuse Ray/Sand Attack I'm afraid it's far worse than that. It's Confuse Ray/Double Team.
But Scizor is my favorite Pokemon
Then use the pokemon you love, OP. Some people just happen to love pokemon with better stats and movepools. I don't think Karen would hate on them for that. Strong pokemon, weak pokemon and all that.
>>15330413 >quads are now dubs Anonymous
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I have not touched pokemon showdown in a couple of months, but I managed to be ranked over 1800 in NU for half a year with a karenfag team. But I would never have used those pokemon in OU.
>>15330356 >all of these irrelevant insults Anonymous
>>15329999 wow.
very luck.
much nines.
so quad.
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>>15329426 but... Mienshao is one of my favorite pokemon. Volcarona is also on there because I adore moths. Just because a pokemon is good doesn't mean it isn't possible to love them for more than just their power.
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>>15330488 >avoiding the question Anonymous
>>15329426 >Metagross >Mienshao >Infernape >OU in Gen 6 pick one
they will all be UU at best
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>>15330400 >>15330433 >>15330488 kek'd
>>15330458 >implying quads aren't just the mega evolution of dubs Anonymous
But OP what if the pokemon I use are both my favorites and in OU? It just so happens that Scizor, Salamence, and Alakazam are my top three pokemon and are in OU.
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>>15330452 Yeah this.
Seems like a lot of the time people will get upset at other trainers using powerful pokemon as if they're trying too hard or something or they don't actually like those pokemon. I typically battle in OU, but I don't use pokemon that I don't have interest in using, that don't fit my style. Garchomp is always on a lot of my teams because I really like Garchomp.
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
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>>15330400 Oh damn. I must have repressed part of it.
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>getting mad that sometimes a person's favorite pokemon is in the OU tier
One of my favorite pokemon is Lucario. I think he's a pretty cool guy (also excuse my use of he, I've only ever had males). I don't like him because he's great competitively (he was low-tier OU in gen V iirc). I like him because he's a cool Jedi Jackal Ninja guy. Another one of my favorite Pokemon is Kingler. I had one in Gen I which hit HUGE with Hyper Beam. I still try to make him work for dat bigass Crabhammer. You can win with your favorites. I've won a good couple matches with Lucario's insane Close Combat, or Kingler's huge damage output. You can lose with your favorites, I steamrolled a guy with a team of NU barrel bottom pokemon. There is nothing wrong with liking competitively bad Pokemon. Just don't expect to win as much as if you were using competitively good Pokemon. There is no point in winning if you don't have fun. Some people have fun just by winning, but some only enjoy it if they use the pokemon they love the most.
OP here.>OU TIER >COMPETITIVE >SMOGON RULES >WOW WOW WOW HOW DARE U HATE OU POKES I don't. I'm saying that some people play ONLY to win. It's disgusting, and pretty much ruins the game for the rest of us who like to use the Pokemon we love. And yes, that includes those in OU, even though I don't view "tiers". It ruins the fun. If Pokemon was meant to have tiers, it would be in the game, not justified by a bunch of genwunners with a calculator.
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What if I began to like a Pokemon simply because of how well it worked for me in battle? Is that a Karenfag or Smogonfag mindset?
Vyro: 3523-2158-1800
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>>15329426 >IF I USE METAGROSS said no one ever
>>15330866 If you want to play pokemon for the pokemon you love, just fuck off to Amie or the battle maison or something. Leave the online to the big boys.
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>>15329655 Only cool people win using the cool OU pokemons smogon tell me to use :^)
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>>15330866 >genwunners nice buzz word
[spoiler} can we stop the fucking dubs [/spoiler:lit]
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>>15330866 >YOU'RE HAVING FUN THE WRONG WAY Anonymous
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>>15330866 >some people play football ONLY to win. it's disgusting Anonymous
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>>15330866 >I don't. I'm saying that some people play ONLY to win. It's disgusting, Some people have fun winning.
I actually think it's disgusting that you think that your way is the only way to play.
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>>15330949 >pokemon >big boys toppest of lels
Le Ruse Bird
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>>15330413 Dubs aren't hard to get.
R-right, 4chan?
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>>15330949 >the big boys No need to bring your weight into this, bub.
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>>15330866 Tiers are made so every Pokemon has a chance. If tiers weren't a thing, every team would be Mewtwo, Arceus, Xerneas, Kyogre, Rayquayquay and whatever else you want.
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>>15329905 I use a Specially Defensive Umbreon with Curse Payback Protect and Wish in OU and it works fine
Desudro 3480-2564-4719 (beartic, snover)
what if mega garchomp is my (new) fav :3
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There is a point when some of your favorites are just outclassed. I can't just send a pokemon out there to just lose.
But I love Garchomp. Am I not allowed to like it because it's good?
>>15331207 >mega garchomp >not hideous compared to its normal incarnation Anonymous
>Nobody actually likes pokemon who are even slightly useful in any tier above RU This is what Karenfags actually believe
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>>15331309 I'm going to kill myself now
I hate the way people use pokemon these days. Breeding with dittos and crossbreeding foul creatures as tools of war that they have no passion for. I hate the metagame so I vowed to break it using a fine balance of swag. I strip apart teams. It's what I do. I eat you alive. With pokemon you think are obsolete. But absolute, powerful intention separates the men from the boys. Heroes get remembered, but legends never die. So don't be a bitch. WAR UMBREON
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Feels good that almost all my favorites are top tier OU.
what's up with all the dubs here
>TFW your bro works well in OU tier despite being UU I've swept teams with the scarfed Moxiecross.
Sigurd 0963-0064-2950 (no clue safari)
One should always have a friend to play non competitive matches for the fun of it. Once you go competitive its hard to think outside the box. That said, my favorite pokemon are Dragonite, Scizor, Vileplume, Feraligatr, Alakazam, Shuckle, Marril, Gengar, Arcanine.. and many more but they were my bros waaay before I even learn how to pokemon.
Desudro 3480-2564-4719 (beartic, snover)
>>15331251 [spoilers]i like both[/spoilers]
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>>15331385 ur mum was here thats what
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>>15331333 Karenfags, like myself, believe that the majority of battlers on random match-ups and in tourneys are using their Pokemon simply because they're strong. We have no opposition to liking "OU" Pokemon.
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>>15330866 I'm a genwunner and I still play Pokemon only for fun, or use teams which I feel compliment each other. There are also no objectively hated Pokemon. There are forgettable ones, but never hated.
I want to lick Karen's feet.
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>favorites are vileplume, roserade, and most of the pokemon that fit in the monster egg group > a lot of them are OU suck it karenfags, get better taste
>>15331568 I don't see the letters "OU" used to define a Pokemon ANYWHERE in ANY Pokemon game.
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
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>>15331618 >There's your ubers. Anonymous
TenFold [IGN: Ben]~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~[Safari: Spearow/Swanna/Hawlucha]
TenFold [IGN: Ben]~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~[Safari: Spearow/Swanna/Hawlucha] Tue 29 Oct 2013 02:08:04 No. 15331725 Report Quoted By:
>Telling other people they are wrong because they have fun in a different way to you fuck off OP, go eat a bag of dicks.
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>>15330866 >not understanding that tiers are specifically made so that pokemon with mediocre stats/move pools/abilities can be used without being destroyed by mechanically superior pokemon Tiers are only permeable on the way up. You can still use mechanically lesser pokemon in the higher tiers if you have a strategy or just a want to use it there.
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>>15330583 I pick "OU in Gen 6", you fucking idiot.
Dan 1134-7913-9487 (Mightyena, Sandile, Absol)
Dan 1134-7913-9487 (Mightyena, Sandile, Absol) Tue 29 Oct 2013 02:30:59 No. 15332739 Report There's nothing stoping you from training and battling with your favorites, you're free to enjoy pokémon however you choose to do so, be it battling, derping with amie, breeding, etc. However, there's a key difference from doing what like for fun and doing the very same thing to compete. Imagine you're a recognized chef whose favorite "dish" is peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Well, there's absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying your sandwich, but you're not gonna win any cooking competition with it. That's how you look sending Farfetch'd against Noivern. Learn the difference.
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>Use all your less-viable bros on in-game gimmick runs >Use your more-viable bros to wreck shit online Why would I want to be a giant faggot like you when I can have fun both ways, OP?
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I value strength before other traits and find satisfaction in using the best.
>Terrakion is legitimately one of my favorite Pokemon and the second legendary I've ever used >that feel when people will think I'm some tierfag if I use my buddy online Incidentally the first legendary was Uxie
>>15332739 Actually, Farfetch'd can wreck shit in OU, providing that its set up.
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>>15334592 Who cares what they think? Just run them over.
>>15334592 Terrakion is pretty much indisputably the best of that four-Pokemon trio
>work to breed and EV train a team of my favorites that looks decent competitively too >go online >constant losses What the fuck am I doing wrong?
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>>15334804 I would go as far as to say it was the best legendary of that generation myself.
Though Genesect is a pretty cool guy.
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What if I like my favourite Pokemon because they're reliable, tried and true battlers?
>>15331667 I remember Fennekin a shit.
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>>15335196 "If 8, Chespin a god"
Jesus, yes.
>>15334866 What's your team?
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>>15335350 inb4 Sunkern, Magikarp, Metapod, Kakuna, Silcoon and
Arceus Anonymous
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>>15331379 toprekt
i probably would kek more if i knew where the "WAR ___" is from
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>>15331394 tangrowth a boss in OU with leaf guard in sun
Daily reminder that Overused, Underused and other tiers are exactly that. They're based on how often they're used. Making your archetypical Karenfag equivalent to a contrarian hipster. Search in your hearts, you know it to be true.
>tfw all your favorite pokemon are in different tiers so you can't participate in any specific tier
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>>15335957 as long as they're not ubers, all pokemon can participate in OU, even ones from lower tiers. just not the other way around
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>>15329632 yes try your best to run fire team in comp
sure its hard to pull off but this kind of stuff should be encouraged it will make the meta fun agian
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>>15331275 >Sunkern >not Hoppip pleb.
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>>15335915 >Making your archetypical Karenfag equivalent to a contrarian hipster. Uh, no shit. The whole "Karenfag" idiocy started off with vocal idiot snowflake hipsters that were violently insecure about liking shitty pokemon.
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>>15330630 its going to piss a lot of people, but if you genuinly like them its fine but if its just because of their being in OU then thats not really okay
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I decided to make a team with 1 from each gen, Kingler, Donphan, Camerupt, Tangrowth, Swoobat, and Slurpuff.
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I fucking hate goddamn karenfags
>like a lot of Pokemon >like seriously want to have 50-100+ of them to use >from OU to NU >mix, match, mad strategies There's 700 of these guys how do you guys get stuck agonizing over whether or not to use ten of them
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The most important Rule for any pokemon player in OU is use pokemon you like, have fun with it, you should try to make a competent team with a RU pokemon if you like them, just be fair with it if you know your pulling a dick move do the right thing and don't go over board also mix tier 1X OU (some pokemon are not allowed due to the fact UU and under can't actually beat them) 2X UU 3X RU and down is one of my favorite team building limitations it forces you to be smart in your picks while giving every pokemon a chance
I fucking love it when Karenfags reference smogon tiers and take pride in mixing up tiers without thinking. Instead of, ya know, IGNORING them? Karenfags are really a mystery of the human mind.
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>>15336402 I've really only agonized over pangoro. I really want to use him whenever I can, yet I don't want a load on the rest of the team in the higher tiers.
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What if I love all Pokemon equally? except Tympole, it can go eat a dick
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there's a bunch of pokemen in OU. how can you not like any of them at all
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>>15336698 I like it when people take pride in mixing tiers over just making a competent team.
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When I play with my friends we do custom rules like "You have to include your two favorite Pokemon" or "4 or your Pokemon must share the same type". It makes building teams a lot more fun than just focussing on the top of the metagame. It's all about who you play with. For example Smash Bros is a great game to play with friends of similar skill level, but I wouldn't play it if I was just playing alone in single player learning how to counter the top competitive threats
Toasty (Ign: Rayvul) 3394 4923 1164 Rock- Magcargo, Nosepass, Barabaracle
Toasty (Ign: Rayvul) 3394 4923 1164 Rock- Magcargo, Nosepass, Barabaracle Tue 29 Oct 2013 05:55:49 No. 15340836 Report Quoted By:
>6 generations in and I still haven't made my "bro team" I could never come up with 6 pokemon anyway. When I did, half of them were just pokemon I liked, but they weren't true bros.
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>>15330632 >Try my best to avoid psuedos >When I have used them, always ignored Garchomp >Playing X, need something fast that hits hard >Find Gible not 20 minutes after thinking this I don't want to, but dammit I'm falling love with the guy. He hasn't left my party since I caught him.
>BUT BUT BUT AMOONGUS IS SUCK HE NO OU Daily reminder that Smogon is disgusting and have no idea what they are talking about.
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
>>15341174 The fucking hell do you think over used means?
Hint: It fucking MEANS over used. If Amoongus was is as good as you think, he'd see a lot more use.
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But my favorites are Gengar Gliscor Skarmory Magnezone Blissey Porygon-2 Where does that place me OP?
>>15341225 >He basically won the VGC So bad!
And no, tiers don't exclusively have to do with how often something gets used.
Sam 2165 - 5274 - 4205 [Aipom|Kecleon]
>>15341280 No, but there's a correlation between how much something gets used and how "good" it is. If Amoongus was stronger, more people would use it. Simple.
It's really fucking hard to win with your favorites when you have to face off against Mega Mewtwo Y, Xerneas, and Yveltal online. I managed to win maybe once with my crobat, gliscor, and Ferrothorn though.
>>15341363 Why the fuck would people use it when the whole meta revolves around OU and most people wouldn't think of using anything below it because they think it sucks?
Because that is what is happening. That shit happens with every game with "tiers".
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>>15334630 Actually, [pokemon] can wreck shit in OU, providing that its set up.
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>>15341280 He only won because there wasn't sleep cause.
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>>15341407 >Power Herb Xerneas Absolutely horrible.
>dont use a professional baseball bat to hit balls just use your favorite whacking stick >dont use a car to drive to work just use your favorite horse >dont fight an army with those tryhard tanks and jets just use good spirited guys in wheelchairs with slingshots given to them by there dad Somehow Karenfags are consistently worse then smogonfags I gotta say thats a hard feat to accomplish
Sam 2165 - 5274 - 4205 [Aipom|Kecleon]
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>>15341427 There's a reason it's not in OU in the first place. Stop overcomplicating it.
Nine to Five Hero !xPOSER9PtU
>>15341280 I didn't say he's bad. He could be the best fucking Pokémon in the world, the fact is that he doesn't see much use.
Yes, believe it or not, tiers are based on how much the Pokémon is used. Hence why they have names like over USED, under USED, and never USED. Holy shit you are fucking retarded.
Are stronger Pokémon generally found in higher tiers? Yes! I'm sure you can figure that one out on your own.
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>>15341653 >tripfag >is also retarded Im also noticing a correlation here
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>>15334630 >Actually, Magikarp can wreck shit in OU, provided it was baton passed +6 in every stat That is definite proof that you just gotta win with your bro and the game is about friendship
I win
What the Hell is a tier? Like really. I just put together a balanced team of Pokémon I think are adorable or neat-looking and have at it. I took a Farfetch'd all the way to the Elite Four in SS because I loved the little fucker. And he did alright.
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>>15341543 >dont use a car to drive to work just use your favorite horse This one makes sense, pal.
I think, once again, a majority is being attacked because of a negative stereotype popularized by a vocal minority. Not all Karenfags care if you love OU shit/winning. If you truly like those pokemon, then by all means, use them. Just don't shit on someone else's parade because their favorite pokemon isn't in OU.
>there Anonymous
>all the fucks I give when my favourite Pokemon are Gengar, Starmie and Garchomp Sure is good being a Karenfag It's true though they really are my favourite
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I like Ghost types and I always have loved Gengar, even before I knew how much of a powerhouse. When I run Ghost Monotypes, Gengar is always my anchor, which helps keep the rest of the team from being a complete failure. I always have imagined my same Gengar going through the years, acquiring more ghostly friends as he progressed, leaving some behind as time passes, and training newbies to be the best they can be.
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Since Heracross moved down, my favorite Pokemon are now all UU/RU thankfully, except Breloom. I can run a team of some of my favorites and still have a fighting chance. I don't know if infiltrator's buff will move Crobat up a tier though. I don't mind too much if it does, anyways. My team has had decent success in OU, although it lacks the raw power to really get past some of the more popular walls in the tier. Pic related, my main nigga.
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>>15330722 Now tell us why you really like Lucario. Don't worry, /vp/ won't tell the missus.
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>>15342373 No one cares Lucifer.
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>>15342262 >What the Hell is a tier? Like really. A means of preventing the Pokemon equivalent of you taking your VW Rabbit to the local drag strip and the officials decide to put you up against a top fuel funny car because "What the Hell is a class? Like really."
I find it incredibly difficult to like any Pokemon that aren't OU. How can anybody like weak kiddy shit?
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Tue 29 Oct 2013 07:05:39 No. 15342643 Report Quoted By:
>>15342606 Say that next time you get swept by a sub/drum Poliwag.
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>>15342373 >Gengar >Garchomp >Starmie My nigger. Starmie isn't my bro, but I've got respect for them. I'm with you on the other two, however.
Squirtle and Vulpix will always be number 1 and 2 on my team, though.