[17 / 5 / ?]
Here's one to rack your brains /vp/ I'm new to breeding for competitive use so I'm a little stumped myself. I'm trying to breed a Sableye with Recover, which I know is a egg move. The Sableye I currently have is male, bold natured and has the prankster ability. I want to retain all those traits in the process while also obtaining recover. How would I go about doing this?
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Everstone for nature, breed with Ditto until you get a female with the ability. Proceed to use this female to pass breed with the mon with the egg move.
Everstone for nature, breed with Ditto until you get a female with the ability. Proceed to use this female to breed with the mon with the egg move.
derek 0963-0361-5065
>>15339565 By any chance, OP, would you want to gift me a sableye egg or two? I'm not really interested in perfect IV's, but, I'd like to make sure it's a male (hence the two eggs). Reason being; I'm starting an egglocke run with 6 gifted pokemon and would love to use one of these cute bastards. I can offer some decent trades I got from a buddy of mine, but it's absolutely nothing amazing or probably saught after. I'm still just waiting at the first town to get this started..
Swisha 5343-8286-7889 (Drifblim, Pumpkaboo & Shuppet)
Swisha 5343-8286-7889 (Drifblim, Pumpkaboo & Shuppet) Tue 29 Oct 2013 05:39:51 No. 15340333 Report >>15339768 Thanks.
A little nitpicky now but would there be any way to have the finished Sableye in a quick ball? I like all of my pokemon to be in quick balls purely for aesthetics.
>>15340333 Catch a female in a quick ball.
Swisha 5343-8286-7889 (Drifblim, Pumpkaboo & Shuppet)
Swisha 5343-8286-7889 (Drifblim, Pumpkaboo & Shuppet) Tue 29 Oct 2013 05:44:54 No. 15340488 Report >>15340314 Yeah sure, I'll need to let one breed with a ditto a couple times first though , I have no eggs at the moment. I'll add you now.
Swisha 5343-8286-7889 (Drifblim, Pumpkaboo & Shuppet)
Swisha 5343-8286-7889 (Drifblim, Pumpkaboo & Shuppet) Tue 29 Oct 2013 05:47:34 No. 15340579 Report >>15340355 Won't the one produced from the male Sableye and Ditto be in a pokeball though? I thought the eggs ended up in a pokeball if the mothering pokemon was a Ditto?
derek 0963-0361-5065
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>>15340488 Thanks man, I'm adding you now as well.
>>15340579 Right, that's why you need to catch the female instead of getting one by breeding with Ditto.
Swisha 5343-8286-7889 (Drifblim, Pumpkaboo & Shuppet)
Swisha 5343-8286-7889 (Drifblim, Pumpkaboo & Shuppet) Tue 29 Oct 2013 05:54:06 No. 15340785 Report Quoted By:
>>15340748 Ah I see, my mistake. Thanks alot for the help.
derek 0963-0361-5065
>>15340488 oh my god man, what luck.. they were both female.. got any more??
Swisha 5343-8286-7889 (Drifblim, Pumpkaboo & Shuppet)
Swisha 5343-8286-7889 (Drifblim, Pumpkaboo & Shuppet) Tue 29 Oct 2013 06:46:27 No. 15342213 Report >>15342180 I'll breed another for you now.
derek 0963-0361-5065
>>15342180 that gold dude has pokerus, if you feel like getting me a few more eggs?
derek 0963-0361-5065
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>>15342213 thanks so much man, lol. I'm sorry, i'll give you that golbit with pokerus for your trouble..
>mfw I don't even know if that's a good thing Swisha 5343-8286-7889 (Drifblim, Pumpkaboo & Shuppet)
Swisha 5343-8286-7889 (Drifblim, Pumpkaboo & Shuppet) Tue 29 Oct 2013 06:48:41 No. 15342263 Report >>15342217 Yeah that'd be awesome. Stay online and I'll hit you up when I have 3 more eggs.
derek 0963-0361-5065
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>>15342263 ill be here man, thanks again