I actually just came here to marvel over how common shinies are in X/Y.
I just landed a shiny remoraid without even trying. I was fishing for chinchou. This is my third shiny in the game, and I don't even have two hundred hours into it. The other two were a shiny Haunter at random in Terminus and a shiny Ledyba in someone's friend safari.
You know how many fucking shinies I've caught before this?
1. Red Gyarados, Silver Version (this pokemon is always shiny, for all you kids).
2. Shiny Wiscash, Platinum, while fishing for Feebas. My first real shiny ever.
3. Shiny Ponyta in Heart Gold.
4. Shiny Dratini given to you by Alder's grandson after beating the White Tree Hollow (also always shiny).
That's two real shinies and two freebies in fourteen years, and I'm already almost caught up to that without even trying.
I cannot wait for the crack to get into the right hands so we can see these new shiny rates, it must be an insane difference.