I have quite a few spare 4-5 IV Adamant Larvitars w/ Stealth Rock + Pursuit that I'm sure some of you guys are interested in. All have 31 Atk and none have 31 SpA I have 2 that are flawless (apart from SpA) and for those I specifically want: - Timid Protean Froakie with 31/x/31/31/31/31 - Brave Honedge with 31/31/31/x/31/0 Or offer something else if you really want them. For the rest, all I really want are usable mons with 4+ IVs. Hidden abilities and rarer stuff would be wonderful but I'm not that fussed
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
Detailed list of what I have 2 x 31/31/31/x/31/31 4 x 31/31/31/31/31/x 3 x 31/31/31/x/31/x 3 x 31/31/31/x/x/31 3 x x/31/31/x/31/31 1 x 31/31/x/x/31/31 and then it gets to crapper stuff like 5 x 31/x/31/x/31/31
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
Marc 2165-5361-7076 (Shelgon, Druddigon, Fraxure)
Marc 2165-5361-7076 (Shelgon, Druddigon, Fraxure) Tue 29 Oct 2013 13:40:45 No. 15349082 Report >>15348634 I have a bunch of 3IV (All have attack) Marills. You want thoses?
Also I have a Japanese Modest Fennekin, a 31/31/*/*/*/31 Sassy Pichu with Volt Tackle and a */31/*/*/*/31 Quirky Guts Heracross
Tito 5472-7405-2341
I have Tyranitar Mega Stone if you want another one. other than that I don't have shit.
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
>>15349082 Any of those Marills female? I currently have a male one with a few 31s that I wouldn't mind breeding with it
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
>>15349206 I actually don't have a Tyranitar stone so I wouldn't mind one actually
Marc 2165-5361-7076 (Shelgon, Druddigon, Fraxure)
Marc 2165-5361-7076 (Shelgon, Druddigon, Fraxure) Tue 29 Oct 2013 13:52:35 No. 15349276 Report >>15349233 Yeah I got a few methinks.
We can trade now if you want.
Yolo 0576-4335-3855 (Aipom, Kelceon, Eevee)
Yolo 0576-4335-3855 (Aipom, Kelceon, Eevee) Tue 29 Oct 2013 13:55:02 No. 15349317 Report Care to trade 3IV adamant mawile for it...?
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar)
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar) Tue 29 Oct 2013 13:55:14 No. 15349318 Report >>15348634 I'm after a male Larvitar with stealth rock.
Have Fennekins (timid, 31/x/31/31/31/31, magician or blaze)
4IV Marills (adamant, belly drum, aqua jet, huge power)
Majora - 3625-9186-1034 | Poison, Seviper, Venomoth, ???
Majora - 3625-9186-1034 | Poison, Seviper, Venomoth, ??? Tue 29 Oct 2013 13:56:29 No. 15349338 Report You want a charizardite y?
4184 1954 8163
I have some 4 perfect IV adamant mawiles to share and 5 perfect IV joltiks if interested
Lucy - 2019-9770-5772
i'd like a 4 IV larvitar. are you interested in an adamant 4 IV gale wings fletchling?
>>15349247 Adding you now for trade.
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
>>15349276 Added
>>15349317 Already bred good Mawiles, sorry. Should have mentioned what I don't want but it's basically just Mawile/Noibat/Torchic I think
>>15349318 I'll gladly take one of those Fennekins
>>15349338 Already got one
Marc 2165-5361-7076 (Shelgon, Druddigon, Fraxure)
Marc 2165-5361-7076 (Shelgon, Druddigon, Fraxure) Tue 29 Oct 2013 13:59:12 No. 15349410 Report >>15349233 I checked; all female marrils are 2 31IVs sorry.
The latest one I got was 31 Attack and 31 Def. You want that one?
Quoted By:
>>15348634 4 IV Timid Evee ?
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar)
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar) Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:00:57 No. 15349439 Report >>15349396 oooh. Perfect joltik for perfect fennekin? have blaze and magician, timid
Yolo 0576-4335-3855 (Aipom, Kelceon, Eevee)
Yolo 0576-4335-3855 (Aipom, Kelceon, Eevee) Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:01:26 No. 15349445 Report Quoted By:
>>15349407 4iv gale wing fletchling?
Tito 5472-7405-2341
Quoted By:
Hey Daniel, I added you ready for the trade. I would like the 5IV Tyranitar.
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar)
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar) Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:02:01 No. 15349454 Report >>15349407 Great! Perfect fennekin for perfect male larvitar?
4184 1954 8163
>>15349439 I already have a perfect fennekin. do you have some megastones or so ? like pinsir or tyranitar ones ?
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar)
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar) Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:03:41 No. 15349489 Report >>15349466 I don't sorry :(
matt 0061-0839-9844
Quoted By:
ive got a brave honedge ?/31/31/?/31/31 add me if interested
4184 1954 8163
>>15349489 well then. don´t want to be a douche - I will give you a joltik then for some fennekin (gifting this one to a friend then)
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar)
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar) Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:06:34 No. 15349542 Report >>15349522 You're so wonderful! adding you now
Jon [Steel] 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki)
Jon [Steel] 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki) Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:06:40 No. 15349546 Report >>15348634 Would you want a 4 IV Adamant Kangaskhan for a 4 IV Larvitar?
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
>>15349400 Added
>>15349410 eh I dunno if I'd have much use for it since I have 2IV Dittos
>>15349399 Sure, will add
>>15349454 Saving the perfect ones for the Froakie/Honedge like I said, would one of the other ones be ok?
Romasanta 3754-7456-6280
>>15348634 Do you have any 31/31/31/x/31/31 left? I caan give you a 31/xx/31/31/31/31 female honedge, but she's quiet, so I don't know if that would be adequate.
If not, can you trade a 4-IV male with rock and pursuit for either a gastly, deino, or abra?
Leas (Fight: Pancham Meditite Tyrogue) 1177 7705 3794
Leas (Fight: Pancham Meditite Tyrogue) 1177 7705 3794 Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:08:59 No. 15349589 Report >>15348634 I have some brave honedge with 3 perfect ivs if you don't mind
Quoted By:
>>15348634 What do you breed pursuit from??
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar)
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar) Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:09:22 No. 15349600 Report >>15349548 Sure. as long as it has 4useful IVs and it male that's all sweet. did you want magician or blaze?
Tito 5472-7405-2341
Thanks Dan! Pleasure doing the trade!
Spleen (Dismay) 2423-2632-3895 [Machoke, Sawk, Riolu]
Spleen (Dismay) 2423-2632-3895 [Machoke, Sawk, Riolu] Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:12:52 No. 15349670 Report >>15348634 I have the Froakie you're after if you still need it.
Marc 2165-5361-7076 (Shelgon, Druddigon, Fraxure)
Marc 2165-5361-7076 (Shelgon, Druddigon, Fraxure) Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:12:59 No. 15349672 Report Quoted By:
>>15349546 oh hi
>>15349548 Well I have 3IV (All have attack, some have spDef, Def or Speed combinations) Male Marrils that all have Positive attack nature. You want those instead?
I also have a Spanish Fletchling, French Farfetch'd and a Quirky Moxie Heracross.
I'mma gonna be off for a long while, so when we're both online we can trade. Ingame name is Alex.
keifer 0087 3347 7638
>>15348645 I'll give you a calm wish eevee wi 31/x/31/31/31/31 for a good larvitar
4184 1954 8163
>>15349542 I hope you can breed with it . its one of the 5 perfect IVs but special attack is not perfect - anyway I hope you can breed with it
Sjur 3325-2044-4803
Quoted By:
>>15348634 I have some Protean Froakies with Naive nature for you, and i have a Brave Honedge with some good IV's.
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
>>15349546 Added
>>15349589 Any of those female ones would be great
>>15349600 Not really sure, which is better? I haven't seen Magician in use yet
>>15349639 No problem, thanks!
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar)
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar) Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:16:08 No. 15349744 Report Quoted By:
>>15349704 It's awesome. Thank you. I hope your friend likes the Fennekin.
Romasanta 3754-7456-6280
>>15349722 Oi, Op, any word on this
>>15349557 ?
Jon [Steel] 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki)
Jon [Steel] 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki) Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:16:28 No. 15349750 Report >>15349722 Just making sure, I can pass egg moves down with either gender now, right? I would like to continue breeding this Larvitar. Adding you now.
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
>>15349670 Yes please, just to make sure it has 5 IVs right?
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar)
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar) Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:17:20 No. 15349761 Report Quoted By:
>>15349722 I've heard people say magician is gimmicky. But I think it's a fun ability. More interesting than Blaze. Either way I have both abilities with timid. It's your call :)
Leas (Fight: Pancham Meditite Tyrogue) 1177 7705 3794
Leas (Fight: Pancham Meditite Tyrogue) 1177 7705 3794 Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:17:59 No. 15349773 Report Quoted By:
>>15349722 >would be great Added. I'm ok with a random one.
Romasanta 3754-7456-6280
Quoted By:
>>15349750 I'm reasonably certain that only males pass on egg moves.
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
>>15349747 Do the Gastly or Abra have good natures/IVs?
Spleen (Dismay) 2423-2632-3895 [Machoke, Sawk, Riolu]
Spleen (Dismay) 2423-2632-3895 [Machoke, Sawk, Riolu] Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:18:29 No. 15349783 Report >>15349758 Sure does, everything but attack, Timid nature, Protean ability.
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
Romasanta 3754-7456-6280
>>15349781 They're timid and have 4-5 IVs, no atk
I have a 31/x/31/x/31/31 adamant huge power female bunnelby, would that interest you at all?
Sjur 3325-2044-4803
>>15349805 What else are you looking for?
I am dying to get one of those Larvitars, i have a Marill with Aqua jet, Belly drum and Superpower with IV's in Attack and HP.
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
>>15349811 Will add you in a sec
>>15349842 Yeah, I'll give one of the 4IVs for that?
>>15349844 I haven't bred much yet so I'm open to offers, as long as they're at least semi-competitively viable
keifer 0087 3347 7638
jSlice (0688 - 5692 - 1502) Pidgey/Swanna/Tropius
jSlice (0688 - 5692 - 1502) Pidgey/Swanna/Tropius Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:27:12 No. 15349954 Report >>15349928 >middle one Yeah that will be awesome, here's my fc
Spleen (Dismay) 2423-2632-3895 [Machoke, Sawk, Riolu]
Spleen (Dismay) 2423-2632-3895 [Machoke, Sawk, Riolu] Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:28:02 No. 15349975 Report >>15349805 Got you back. Just send the trade req whenever, I'll be around for a little while.
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar)
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar) Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:30:15 No. 15350018 Report >>15349928 Also ready to trade that fennekin for 4 useful IV male larvitar.
Trade when you're ready
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
>>15349949 Any one you want in particular?
>>15349954 >middle one ?
Romasanta 3754-7456-6280
Quoted By:
>>15349928 Added you; send the trade request whenever
jSlice (0688 - 5692 - 1502) Pidgey/Swanna/Tropius
jSlice (0688 - 5692 - 1502) Pidgey/Swanna/Tropius Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:32:35 No. 15350085 Report >>15350054 meant that I was replying to the middle one in your post lol, didn't list my fc in the first post
keifer 0087 3347 7638
Quoted By:
>>15350054 If you have a 4 or 5 iv male that would be cool. Give me 25 min to get ready will respond
Jon [Steel] 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki)
Jon [Steel] 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki) Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:33:46 No. 15350115 Report Quoted By:
Ready to trade my Kangaskhan whenever. I'd prefer a 4IV male with Sp. Def, at least.
Spleen (Dismay) 2423-2632-3895 [Machoke, Sawk, Riolu]
Spleen (Dismay) 2423-2632-3895 [Machoke, Sawk, Riolu] Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:36:03 No. 15350161 Report >>15349805 >>15349975 Cheers, guy. Hope you get some good use outta it, was a bit of a pain to breed.
Sjur 3325-2044-4803
>>15349928 I just need a Larvitar with Stealth rock, nature doesn't matter but it would be appreaciate if it had some good IV's.
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
>>15350085 Ah, added you
>>15350161 Much appreciated :)
>>15350176 They're all Adamant with 4+ IVs. Got anything besides Marill though?
Sjur 3325-2044-4803
>>15350266 Yeah, i have some Mawiles laying around, and timid/modest Larvestas, but not sure of the IV's on those. I also have adamant Scythers with Technician and Gale wing Fletchlings.
Jon [Steel] 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki)
Jon [Steel] 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki) Tue 29 Oct 2013 14:45:24 No. 15350340 Report Quoted By:
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
Thanks to all the trades, sorry this can get hard to keep track of. Who haven't I traded with yet that's waiting?
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
>>15350304 If the Larvestas or Scythers have at least 2 good IVs I can roll with that
Romasanta 3754-7456-6280
>>15350449 Didn't have any males left?
Sjur 3325-2044-4803
Quoted By:
>>15350470 Ok, thanks! i'm going to check them now.
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
>>15350503 Oh sorry didn't know you wanted male, I do
Romasanta 3754-7456-6280
Quoted By:
>>15350519 I thought I'd specified; my bad
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
>>15350018 Apparently I didn't add you before, woops. Ready now though
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar)
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar) Tue 29 Oct 2013 15:03:02 No. 15350694 Report Quoted By:
>>15350638 sweet. cheers man :)
Sjur 3325-2044-4803
>>15350470 I found a Scyther with 3 perfect IV's.
Can we trade now?
and thank you yet again.
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
>>15350821 Added, ready whenever
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
>>15350924 Are you ready to trade?
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
>>15351162 Need a male with IVs in speed and HP
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
>>15351185 Would a 31/x/31/x/31/31 one be ok? The only other good male one I have elft is my flawless one
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
>>15351217 I'll throw in a 4IV adamant shuppet with destiny bond and shadow force for that flawless one
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
>>15351241 Dunno if I want a Shuppet, I could breed a new batch and see if I get any luck if you're around for any longer
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
>>15351305 Alright much appreciated.
Brad 5343-9013-2971 (Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette)
Brad 5343-9013-2971 (Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette) Tue 29 Oct 2013 15:39:00 No. 15351379 Report You were offered a lot of Honedge already, but I have 31/31/31/x/31/0 Brave if you have a perfect Larvitar left and are interested. Thanks!
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
Quoted By:
>>15351379 Is it male by any chance?
Butts 5429-7406-2002
>>15348634 All I have are 4 IV Gibles with Sheer Force in Luxury Balls.
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
>>15351322 >>15351379 Wow I just bred 4 perfect 5IV Larvitars.. I'll take you up on those offers
>>15351748 Sounds good to me
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
Brad 5343-9013-2971 (Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette)
Brad 5343-9013-2971 (Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette) Tue 29 Oct 2013 16:06:56 No. 15352082 Report >>15351875 OK! Add me and I'll add you back shortly. I'm at my office right now but I'm about to take lunch.
Butts 5429-7406-2002
>>15351875 And it's Rough Skin, not Sheer Force, sorry. But yeah, added.
Daniel 3797-7034-3353
Brad 5343-9013-2971 (Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette)
Brad 5343-9013-2971 (Dedenne, Swirlix, Floette) Tue 29 Oct 2013 17:06:51 No. 15353497 Report Quoted By:
Thanks! Back to work ...
Mike 4227 0953 0470
Quoted By:
Is OP still here? I can offer a 4~5 Timid Infiltrator Noibat for one of those Larvitars