>>15353415Well, yeah, I assume he does the obvious info himself. I'm not too sure even about the Megastones though. It has been really strange how for a lot of information found by early players and "leakers" was on serebii a few moments later, only with more details. I really had the impression he sat on a vast amount of XY data and waited for others to discover it first for "prior art". It's probably a reaction to the BW where he just leaked stuff early and got into trouble for that.
It was like... dude somewhere on the web found an aggronite! Oh, serebii has just uploaded a picture of MegaAggron!
Of course, I trust he plays the game extensively and tests a lot of stuff, but a lot of information, but that's simply not how you get the bulk of relevant info. Dou you realize how much effort it takes to pin down one base stat for one Pokémon? Suddenly, we had the whole dex and it hasn't been proven wrong for weeks.
I'm just saying, for everything up to B2W2, the dex and a lot of background data were obvious and direct ROM dumps (just what every other pokémon site used!). For XY, who knows exactly? But everything points to serebii having an inside source that just gives him the "hot" information.