Mods, please fucking do something about all of these spammed Friend Safari threads/people derailing completely unrelated threads asking to be added because people refuse to take off their goddamn codes outside of those threads. This is getting to be ridiculous.
Looks like someone got a magikarp/feebas/luvdisc friend safari
The Mods.
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>>15354083 >implying it isn't fucking utter cancer Anonymous
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>>15354083 >they must be samefagging because they agree on something You do make me laugh
>>15353980 I don't think people having their codes up is an entirely bad thing. It very rarely influences any posters in a thread, but can be quite helpful if someone happens to have something you really need.
A quick "Hey man, can I add you?" isn't going to derail the thread, and can actually improve /vp/'s community.
HOWEVER, I am getting sick of fucking four threads dedicated to Friend Safari's at once. The mods need to crack down on that.
A sticky reminding people to search using the Catalog would be good.
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>>15354120 >>15354131 Go the fuck back to reddit where you came from before the leaks started.
I have to agree, seeing 4 to 5 threads on page 0 is fucking annoying. There is a catalog, USE IT.
>>15354153 Neither do I but fucking hell, even when I so much as admit I have
ditto in my friend safari, the whole thread begs me to add them and calls me a dick if I don't, I just say 'fuck you, I don't want to add 20 people and have them benefit from something I don't.'
>>15354153 Maybe it wouldn't be such an issue if there weren't already 6 threads on page 0 about it already, but it's annoying as fuck to see it in unrelated threads when it's already all over the board.
>>15354259 Yeah, dude, that shit is annoying as hell. It's also incredibly time consuming to do at that.
>>15354233 >seeing [stuff] on page 0 >There is a catalog, USE IT. Anonymous
>>15354369 What the fuck are you even trying to imply?
>>15354369 The catalogs main purpose is to find SPECIFIC threads on shit.
>>15354273 I think the actual problem here is the ridiculous amount of FS threads. People need to check the catalog. I agree with you. Having your code up is fine (Unless you have Ditto of course) but the people who make "Hey, I know there are four threads about this, but I REALLY need a Ditto" threads are the absolute worst.
>>15354259 Yeah, you have a blessing, but you also have a curse. It's probably best if you do stick to being anonymous outside of FS threads, because shit will get derailed with your Safari. Sorry.
>>15354416 >>15354389 So it really is true, you plebs browse page 0 instead of the catalog.
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>>15354448 No, I use the catalog, but it's still no less annoying to see countless friend safari threads. Fuck off.
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>>15354448 Stop being a retard, will ya?
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>>15354448 What the hell are you talking about?
>>15354448 When I'm on my phone I use a 4chan app that doesn't even have access to the catalog because mobile 4chan is fucking dogshit. It's fucking annoying to scroll through all of those threads.
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>>15354329 This is why i'm now keeping quiet on the matter, barring this thread of course but i'm not adding anyone anymore
>>15354417 Yup, i'm just not going to announce it anywhere unless the other person has a safari with something I like.
>>15353980 Why are you so childish and can't just hide the threads and skip on over. Or, better yet create some content AND CONTRIBUTE.
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>>15354551 Shut the fuck up, retard.
>>15354551 Yeah because these threads contribute SO MUCH.
they really should take off their names once they leave those adding threads. just sayin'
>>15354564 FS threads > your metashit thread
>>15354633 Sure. Now fuck off.
>>15354596 /vp/'s getting alot of kids and retards from other sites right now. Doubt any of them will listen.
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>>15353980 there has been something done, idiots just dont want to use the resource
> its been posting in many threads, yet people use it as a safari circlejerking general more than they sign up for it
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>>15354667 shitaku, reddit, facebook, etc are all here now. well, they've been lurking, but they finally came out once the party started
>>15354596 >muh anonymity Nah', I can understand why some people don't like it, but it really doesn't matter, or affect anyone. Having multiple threads about it does though, so we should address that >>15354667 This isn't true and you know it. We were popular for a while, because of the damn leakers, but everyone fucked off when the games came out.
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>>15354667 I think the main problem is that we don't have /q/ anymore to complain about this, so this, or de-railing an existing thread is really the only option to get the point accross
>moot reads his E-mails Anonymous
I don't think there needs to be threads like this. I've also seen friend code threads in other boards. In reality, all or most threads on a given board are useless and pointless. The only "cancer" on this board are threads about "waifus" or "Pokemon that I find attractive, and I have a mental disorder because of it" or "showdown" or "lets pretend we're marrilland" or "pseudo legendaries" or "if Pokemon was reality" or "furries" or "which pokegirl is sexy?" or "competitive battling" or "smogon" or "my favorite Pokemon is better than yours and my opinion matters on the internet". Really, I find most of the threads on /vp/ to be "cancer".
>>15354743 There are a lot of new people coming in though. The way they post and e-mail field can point them out pretty easily. Hopefully they don't stick around too long after getting their safaris and shit to trade.
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>>15354796 Haha, that's almost all of /vp/ though.
>>15354796 Report every single one of them. It is that simple. Especially those showdown threads.
>>15354796 There doesn't need to be doesn't of fucking friend safari threads. Holy fuck. No one person is special enough to have their own individual fucking thread, and usually it's people that don't even know what's in their friend safari yet. People will gladly check for you in the fucking safari threads.
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>>15354902 >doesn't dozens*
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>>15354812 I've noticed those people, but I don't think that they are Redditors. In fact, I've called them out on it before, a few of them saying that they strongly dislike that website.
I think that those guys are mostly long time lurkers who only feel comfortable posting on 4chan now because it's on the Pokemon board, and everyone is chill playing the new games.
Sure, there may have been a few straddlers from Reddit who found interest in the community when the leaks happened, but people who say shit like "Urrgh /vp/ is full of redditors" or reply with
>>>/reddit/ are blowing shit way out of proportion, and are almost as annoying as the new guys themselves.
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Those and shiny threads are annoying the shit out of me too. Mods should do something to keep all shinies in shiny general.
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>>15354796 At least those other threads are kept to one fucking thread. It's retarded to have to continuously filter the goddamn FS threads, and there are new ones created constantly. It IS a problem. There is absolutely no reason that it can't be kept to one thread like everything else.
People who want to trade get redirected to WiFi general and whatnot, why is the goddamn friend safari ANY different?
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>>15354796 >Pokemon that I find attractive, and I have a mental disorder because of it Actually I think finding Pokemon attractive is a symptom of the mental disorder, not the cause.
Anyway... Showdown, Smogon, Genwar, Pokegirl, and similar threads are not cancer, they're /vp/ staples... It's like you think we aren't supposed to talk about battling Pokemon on a Pokemon board? Seriously? Do you even visit this board outside of new game release hype?
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>>15353980 Yeah it probably should just get one sticky..... /vp/ is no stranger to duplicate threads, but this is fucking ridiculous.
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:09:27 No. 15355096 Report >getting this mad over literally nothing
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>>15354984 They usually do on the weekends, but the shiny Generals throughout the week are fucking pointless, because there always seems to be a couple of retards who don't stick in them.
>>15355012 Huh', that's pretty interesting, I love stats. Although I must point out, the board's popularity always gets a MASSIVE boost when new games come out. A few weeks and it'll be back to normal.
I'm going to admit it's annoying seeing the thread get derailed because someone has to Namefag their 'Mons and Code in EVERY THREAD, but eventually this shit will die out as soon as Pokegen/Pokecheck and PokeBank come around. Then everyone can stop mongering for safaris and Trading in WFG becomes even more common.
>>15355096 Fuck off, faggot. You are the cancer.
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:11:13 No. 15355138 Report >>15355109 >cancer You really shouldn't use words if you don't know what they mean.
>>15355109 >falling for his ruse You both have disappointed me.
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:12:33 No. 15355174 Report >>15355144 Thanks!
>>15355157 no ruse here, I just think its ridiculous to get mad over something so miniscule.
>>15355138 Newfag detected.
>>15355096 Reminder to report useless namefags.
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>>15355100 speaking of which, I have a feeling that its the same moncode/namefags who are constantly throwing shit at pokegen users this month.
I mean, ofc pokegen users get some bashing, but its several magitudes worse now because of these white-knight redditfags
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:14:01 No. 15355215 Report >>15355175 Irony.
>>15355187 useless? I'm sorry, you must be mistaken.
>>15355174 Having half the front page littered in friend safari threads when you only need one or two is hardly minuscule.
>>15355215 >hurrr I was just trolling lel!!!!! xD Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:15:05 No. 15355242 Report >>15355217 wasn't talking about that in particular, Yes having more than one of the same thread is bad.
I was talking about how people are getting upset because people keep their friend codes and Mons in the name field.
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>>15353980 What's with Red's horrible demon face?
>>15355242 How about you read the fucking thread. People agreed it wasn't much of an issue, but when the board is already littered with this shit it is TOO much.
I'd be willing to bet cash money most of the new people are from gamefaqs. It's a gamefaqs user who is the kind of person to create a superfluous thread, bump it a dozen times, and unironically overuse emoticons.
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:16:27 No. 15355291 Report Its funny to see everyone of you jealous.
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>>15355279 Holy fuck, the amount of emoticons being used lately is unreal.
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:16:56 No. 15355307 Report >>15355225 what on earth are you talking about?
>>15355264 I did read the thread and its full of people getting angry for no good reason.
>>15355291 top lel, how childish.
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:17:36 No. 15355323 Report Quoted By:
Ya'll fuckers just WISH you had a safari like mine. Cry more, faggots.
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:17:46 No. 15355327 Report Quoted By:
Look at me guys, add me to you FS plz!!! :))
>>15355242 Gonna try keep this calm unlike anyone else here, keeping it on where not needed will just cause distraction from the threads and when people outside the thread see the name with safarimon, it will draw them in without seeing the point of said thread and make them circlejerk their 'adding' posts.
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:19:35 No. 15355397 Report >>15355332 In some cases yes, however its easy for a person to forget to take off the name sometimes and it really isn't that persons fault if the person who sees that name automatically things its a safarimon thread.
as I stated before, its just ridiculous to get so upset about the whole situation.
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:19:56 No. 15355408 Report Quoted By:
>>15355307 Nice try, imposter. :^)
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>>15355397 It's less to do with that shit and more to do with the mass of new threads being posted.
>>15355397 There is literally no reason for you to have your name on right now. You are pure putrid cancer and deserve nothing but death.
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:21:40 No. 15355469 Report >>15355430 I kept it on to make a point.
a point that you've proven.
and a point you have yet to understand.
>>15355397 >keeps name on in irrelevant threads >acts like it's other peoples fault when they want to add him Anonymous
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>>15354131 haahahahahahhahahaahhahahahaahahhahh
>>15355469 You made no point
You whore for attention
And show your underage traits right now.
>all these emoticons >all these phrases from 2006 B/W wasn't this bad. What happened?
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:23:45 No. 15355528 Report >>15355485 nah, I posted in this thread earlier without my name on.
>>15355511 such a compelling argument you got there.
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:24:01 No. 15355536 Report Rused all you faggots. :^)
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>>15355517 We attracted new people when that one faggot got the game early.
>>15354259 You do realize you can add them for a few minutes, then remove them, and they'll still have your safari, right?
>>15355397 It helps to know when you see it to remove it unless in the sufficient place or else hell breaks loose, i'm just saying in a chilled manner to just keep it off where it isn't needed or else it causes a distraction, just direct them to the appropriate thread if needed. I don't overly care if you have it on, if you keep it going instead of stopping like people who beg, then that's why you get shit.
>>15355528 Jesus christ, dude, I get that other people are the ones who reply to YOU, but it still takes two to tango, you gigantic moron.
Not real name: 2629-2130-9001 (Fire: Larvesta/Magmar/Pyroar
Not real name: 2629-2130-9001 (Fire: Larvesta/Magmar/Pyroar Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:25:23 No. 15355583 Report Quoted By:
Check out my friend safari guys. That is totally my FC and not a fake.
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>>15355430 This. And I'm one of the people who'll leave there names up in the occasional thread, just in case
But having it in every thread, especially things like this.
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:25:55 No. 15355602 Report >>15355536 Quit impersonating me, its not funny
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>>15355517 Global release. Jap release before western made it possible for the more dedicated users (and japs) to establish trading conventions before idiots had a chance to fuck up.
-insert safari code here because I'm too stupid to hit delete on the name field-
-insert safari code here because I'm too stupid to hit delete on the name field- Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:27:18 No. 15355642 Report Quoted By:
>>15355517 B/W era was pretty much just existing /v/tards thrown into a new board
This is just an invasion of unending underage b& because of that one attention whoring leaker, and now the audience refuses to leave
>>15355545 So someone should have to go out of their way just to add a ton of people just because they want a Ditto? It's still very time consuming just to do the task itself and he gains nothing from doing it.
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) !zNYnBZY64s
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) !zNYnBZY64s Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:27:25 No. 15355649 Report >>15355602 >implying I'm the real Cody faggot. Guess I need a trip now, thanks faggots.
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:27:40 No. 15355658 Report >>15355579 Looks like you are one of them too.
Not real name: 2629-2130-9001 (Fire: Larvesta/Magmar/Pyroar
Not real name: 2629-2130-9001 (Fire: Larvesta/Magmar/Pyroar Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:28:01 No. 15355668 Report >>15355579 No one is asking him to add them, which is his point. He's not derailing this thread, though it was derailed from the start.
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>>15355649 Bless you for you have given us an opportunity to report you on sight and hide you at the same time.
>>15355668 Another spawn from the hell to purge
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) !EfVwyVp5SE
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) !EfVwyVp5SE Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:28:47 No. 15355692 Report Anonymous
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>>15355658 Because I'm trying to counter your argument? Yes, that makes a lot of sense. I'm not sitting here trying to get you to add me or bitching about your code, I'm trying to get you to understand why having your code on in irrelevant threads will cause people to reply to you with unrelated bullshit. You can stop it from happening by merely removing your code, it's not that hard.
>>15355575 Right, I completely understand you.
but I'm just saying man, people get upset over the smallest things and its ridiculous.
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>filter the words friend safari PROBLEM SOLVED
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) !SmPI6cA8IY
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) !SmPI6cA8IY Tue 29 Oct 2013 18:29:28 No. 15355713 Report >>15355649 >>15355692 Ignore these faggots this is my actual trip
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>>15355644 Guy you're talking about here, you get my point and I respect that, do you have the same bad luck with goods in your safari?
>>15355668 >>15355575 These are the only two people in this thread that have a brain apparently.
>>15355713 >>15355713 >>15355692 >>15355649 Why don't you guys use a trip in the first place? This shit wouldn't happen
>>15355759 >they agree with my opinions so they have a brain Anonymous
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>>15355698 That's all I ask, my friend.
Remember this is /vp/ where almost everyone is on the same levels of whinging as a 13 year old
>>15355772 >opinion No, they can understand what I mean when I say its ridiculous for people to get upset over ridiculous things.
Just wait for Pokegen, Anon. The friend safari threads will vanish
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>>15355768 There is no need to have a name outside trade threads or friend safari threads.
>>15355795 And that's your fucking opinion.
>>15355759 And everyone bitching about friend codes agrees with them too. Put your damn names into the threads, contain everything in one fucking general and be there like the showdown retards.
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>All those deletions.
We had a thread about this the other day, where I emailed moot about the Safari thread problem (every time I check there's been upwards of thirty threads across all pages). I asked for a sticky stating to check the catalog before making a new thread. He hasn't replied back or made a sticky. Fuck you moot, liar, you don't read your emails.
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>>15355922 >guys I swear I read ALL of my emails!!!! Anonymous
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>>15355922 He probably did read it. He laughed at it.
Probably saying something like "But I thought you wanted to catch em all?" over the fact that some Pokemon can only be obtained by the Safari in Gen 6.
He just deleted it like any other mail.
>>15355922 I honestly think Moot just trolls everyone when he says he read all his e-mails.
I emailed him a long time ago about how shitty /vp/ was when the furfags and tripfags (germanfag, awesometomb, etc) were shitting the board up.
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>>15355797 Pokegen will also get rid of all those special snowflakes who keep making all those
>guys i'm giving away 30x of some generic breeding fodder everyone already has and does not care about >offers pls >no replies.png everyday I check the catalog and find a dozen of them or more
>>15355983 But he did come here. He made a sticky that got fucking huge asking us how to fix /vp/.
>>15356003 yea eventually he did, but it took a very very long time.
Longer than it should have.
>>15356020 Yeah well, he's one fucking guy, dude, give him a break.
>>15356061 One guy with an entire team of moderators and janitors that do almost nothing.
>>15356095 >moderators and janitors that do almost nothing wat
They have a thankless job moderating shitty autistic boards that they don't get paid for and all people do is bitch about them.
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>>15354863 enjoy your ban and/or the fact that you're wasting your number of reports for the day
>>15356190 Because the mods and janitors are doing such a good job with this board, right?
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>>15356271 61 boards.
Most janitors are probably assigned to /v/ and /vg/ due the amount of shit they produce.
>>15356190 That's why two nights ago a thread completely devoted to shitposting and furry porn was up with no problem until it hit the bump limit, right?
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>>15356387 Every time I've reported shit mods will deleted it. Report shit.